Minutes of the 11th annual meeting of the
Silver Creek Cemetery Association in 1886,
published in the National Democrat newspaper in Jeffersonville, Indianaon May 21, 1886
Transcribed by James D. VanDerMark, April 1995
Proofread against the original by Jennifer Abbott, October1998
Republished in the Bicentennial History of Silver CreekBaptist Church (now known as Stony Point Christian Church), published November22, 1998
This is a continuation the previous year’saddress by Mr. McCoy to the Silver Creek Cemeterial Association. Thisarticle appeared on page 4 of the National Democrat – a newspaper publishedin Jeffersonville, Indiana on May 21, 1886.
The blackberry winter that set in early Saturdaymorning had a damaging effect on the size of the assemblage that annuallygathers at old Silver Creek church to perpetuate the memory of the deadwho are buried in the cemetery adjoining the church. The NEWS and NATIONALDEMOCRAT have several times described the place and mentioned fully thenames of the prominent persons there buried. We shall therefore confineourselves to the proceedings of Saturday:
The ceremonies were opened by reading 13thchapter, 1st Corinthians by Elder A. N. Littell, Dr. D. H. Coombs, presiding.
The minutes of last meetings were read andapproved.
The Secretary, Wm. H. McCoy of Franklin, Indiana,read THE ROLL CALL OF DEATH, which showed that eleven members of the Associationhad died since last meeting, as follows:
John D. Coombs, May 22, 1885.
Robert, son of John Tomlinson, May 30, 1885.
Mrs. Rose Smith, July --, 1885.
James Coombs, Jr., September 2, 1885.
William, son of John McCurdy, October 3, 1885.
Peter H. Bottorff, October 17, 1885.
Infant of Joel Coombs, February 4, 1886.
John P. Nicholson, February 6, 1886.
Joel Coombs, March 10, 1886.
Lincoln Coombs, March 20, 1886.
Rev. William McCoy, of Washington county, deliveredthe morning address. Mr. McCoy is one of the pioneers of Clark county.He assisted in digging the first grave in this ancient necropolis, andwas therefore peculiarly fitted to speak on this occasion. He said he hadbeen asked what good there was in attending these meetings. He answered,that it had an elevating and refining influence on our lives to meet atthe graves of our deceased loved ones, and show our affection by keepingthe graves in order. It elevated our moral nature to dwell on their goodnessof character, for it led us to wish to imitate them. Mr. McCoy dwelt atsome length on these thoughts, and received an attentive audience fromall present.
At the conclusion of Rev. McCoy’s address,Wm. H. McCoy, the secretary of the association, continued the history ofthe pioneer families of Clark county, which he commenced last year. Thehistorical sketch was highly interesting, especially to old citizens andtheir descendants, and was as follows:
The families and individuals of whom we shallgive a brief history in this the second chapter of our paper, are the Littells,Bowells, Nugents, Nathan Kelly, Thomas Broadstreet, Jeremiah Payne, Whites,Sellers, Peytons, Worrall, Harrods, Perrys, Bottorffs, Capt. John Norris,McCormicks, Listers, McCoys, Jonah Harris, Dr. Kellogg, and Kahls.
The Littell family is quite largely representedin our cemetery. Mr. Absalom Littell , Sr., was the father of this family,and he was of English descent. He came from New Jersey to Pennsylvania.In 1799 he moved to this Territory with his family. He settled on the farmwhich is known as Josiah Littell’s some four miles below here on SilverCreek. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian church, and lived and died inthat faith. His sons were Abraham, Amos, John, Thompson, Absalom, and Josiah.He also had two daughters, Anna and Margret. Anna was the wife of a Mr.Petijohn, and after the death of Mr. Petijohn, she married Samuel Tilford.
Margaret was the wife of Elder Moses Sellers.
Of Abraham Littell we can give but little history.He married and moved from this part of the State, and settled near Gosport,Ind.
Amos Littell was the first of this family tojoin the Silver Creek church, which was September 27th, 1813. He marriedMiss Lydia McCoy, daughter of Elder Wm. McCoy, Sr. His farm and home wasnear New Providence, where he died and is buried. His life was that ofa Christian. He was noted for his kindness and helpfulness to the sick.
John Thompson Littell joined Silver Creek churchon July 23rd, 1814. He was the father of Elder Wilbern Littell. He livedand died in Washington county, this State.
Absalom Littell joined Silver Creek church,Oct. 16th, 1816. He was licensed and ordained, by this church to preach.He was the accepted pastor of the church many years. He probably in hisday and time, baptized and married more persons than any other one minister.His home and farm was near Sellersburg where his son-in-law, Mr Crim, nowlives. He owned the land where the village of Hamburg is located; he laidout the town and gave it its name. Elder Absalom Littell was a man verymuch respected and possessed many sterling qualities. He died a few yearsago and is buried in the Cemetery West of the village of Hamburg. His firstwife and some of their children are buried in the Cemetery here.
Josiah Littell, the youngest son, lived anddied on the farm of his father. He and a number of his children are buriedhere. He was a good neighbor, zealous Christian and was known by his neighborsas “Uncle Josiah.” He was the father of Elder Absalom N. Littell, the VicePresident of our Association, and who has not failed to meet with us atany time since our organization. “Old Silver Creek Cemetery” is a sacredspot to the Littells.
Near by the burial spot of the Carr’s we seethe name of Bowell on a number of tombstones. This family was related tothe Carr’s. The family is of English and French extraction. They firstsettled in Maryland, then moved into Pennsylvania, and from there cameto this Territory soon after Col. Thomas Carr. Sr. came – which was in1806. John Bowell, the son of Bazel Bowell, Sr., was born in Fayette county,Pa., 1784. He married Betsy Carr, the eldest daughter of Col. Thomas Carr,Sr., in 1808. He joined Silver Creek church Oct. 26th, 1816. He was a memberof the building committee, which built the brick church in 1823-24, outof the bricks of which this church is made, in which we today are assembled.He was the father of “Aunt Amy Drummonds” the wife of James Drummonds,who both lately paid this neighborhood and vicinity a visit from theirhome in Laporte co., Ind. He lived on Sinking Fork until 1834, when hemoved to Laporte co., Ind. Here he died in 1866, aged 81 years. His wifedied the same year, aged 77 years.
Basil Bowell, a younger brother of John, cameto this Territory in 1811. He came all the way from Pennsylvania to carefor the wife and children of his bother-in-law, Mr. William Coombs, whowas drafted in the army. He was the father of Mr. George Bowell who nowlives in Memphis Ind. He died in 1834 and is buried in this cemetery.
Nathan Kelly, whose name appears on the churchroll, was the shoemaker of this neighborhood. He was an old soldier. Hisfeet were frozen while in the army. He was a man fond of joking. He especiallydelighted to tease and joke the young people. His daughter Betsy married“Jerry” Perry. He died some time in the forties. He is buried in the cemeteryat Sellersburg.
Thomas Broadstreet and Lurene Broadstreet wereof the first of the members of Silver Creek church. Thomas Broadstreetwas a preacher. He lived where Mr. George Deidrich now lives. He was fromCarolina. Many years ago he removed to the Northern part of this State.
Jeremiah Payne became a member of Silver Creekchurch June 1816. He married Miss Sallie McCoy, a daughter of Elder Wm.McCoy, Sr. He came from Kentucky in about 1810, and settled on SinkingFork on the farm now known as the White farm. He was a great friend ofthe Peyton family. They settled near each other. Mr. J. Payne moved toWashington co., Ind., in about the year 1822. His home and farm, in Washingtoncounty, was where Harristown is on the New Albany, Salem and Chicago RailRoad. Here he died some time in the fifties.
The names of John and Hannah White are foundhere upon two tombstones, marking their graves. John White was born inPennsylvania. He was the son of a sister of Col. Thomas Carr Sr., who diedin Pennsylvania. He and two sisters came from Pennsylvania with Col. ThomasCarr, Sr., who cared for them. Mr. White married Miss Hannah Carr, a daughterof Elisha Carr, Sr. He was a tanner by trade. He bought Mr. Jeremiah Payne’sfarm on Sinking Fork in 1822, where he lived until his death. C. C. White,his son, owned the same farm afterwards.
Mary White, John White’s sister, was the wifeof Jesse Coombs, the father of our President, Dr. D. H. Coombs.
The Nugent’s whose name is found both on theSilver Creek church roll, and some of the tombstones here, are originallyfrom Maryland. From Maryland they came to Kentucky in an early day. Threebrothers came from Kentucky to Indiana, and settled at Springville. Theelder of these three brothers was a wheel-wright by trade, but he soondied. His brother, John R. then took possession of his shop, and continuedthe business for a number of years. John R, giving up the occupation ofwheel-wright, turned his attention to farming, and finally bought the farmwhere Mr. George Nugent, his son, now lives. Here he reared quite a largefamily, of whom are Conner, Thomas, Clayborn, Jefferson, George and Richard.
Bennett Nugent, one of the three brothers,settled on a farm where now is the village of Bennetsville. He laid outthis town, and it was named for him. He followed farming, trading, andmerchandising. He was the father of Andrew and Ross Nugent. Lydia Nugent,the wife of Bennett Nugent, appears on the church roll of Silver Creekchurch as early as 1816.
John R. Nugent and his wife are buried here.Bennett Nugent and his wife are buried near Bennetsville.
Robert Sellers and Sarah Sellers were membersof the old church at an early day.
We suppose Robert Sellers was the father ofElder Moses Sellers. This family was from Virginia. They settled in Kentuckybefore 1800. In about 1810 they came to this Territory.
Elder Moses Sellers joined Silver Creek church,April 26, 1817, by letter. His home and farm was where now is the townof Sellersburg. He laid out this town and it bears his name. He marriedMiss Margaret Littell. Eleven of their children are buried here. ElderMoses Sellers and his wife are buried in the Sellersburg cemetery.
John Peyton, Charlotte Peyton, Daniel Peyton,Terry Peyton and Micajah Peyton are names found on the roll of the oldchurch. This family came from Virginia to Kentucky and from Kentucky tothis Territory in about 1806. John and Daniel settled on land on SinkingFork near the White farm.
Micajah Peyton settled on land on the MuddyFork, near the village of Bridgeport.
John and Charlotte Peyton were the parentsof Daniel and Micajah Peyton. John and Charlotte Peyton joined Silver Creekchurch June 1806.
John Peyton, Jr., who died in 1882 was a sonof Daniel Peyton.
John Peyton, Sr., his wife, Daniel Peyton,his wife and John Peyton, Jr., are all buried in Silver Creek Cemetery.
The Worrall’s came here at an early day. JamesWorrall, Sr., was the father of this family. He came from Kentucky in about1797. His wife was a sister of John McDonald, Sr. He settled on the farmknown as the “Worrall farm,” which John Nicholson, Jr. now owns. Mr. Worrall’sfamily was large, namely: Isaac, James, John, Thomas, Clayborn, Alfredand Daniel. There were three daughters. One married Phillip Rogers Sr.,a second Henry Wilson, and a third, Madison Hodges.
James Worrell Sr., was an earnest member ofold Silver Creek church. He joined the church in 1816 by experience andbaptism.
Isaac Worrall was received into the churchApril 1816. He was an earnest preacher and a good man. He was the fatherof Rev’s. John and Moses Worrall. Rev. John is a pastor of a Presbyterianchurch in New York City, and Rev. Moses is the pastor of much success ofone of the leading Baptist churches in Detroit, Michigan.
James Worrall, Jr., joined Silver Creek churchApril 1817.
None of this family is buried here. Their placeof burying is at the Worrall grave yard, one mile east of this.
We see here also the name of Harrod. Williamand Samuel are the ancestors of this family. William Harrod, Sr., was amember and Elder of the old church as early as 1804. He lived in the vicinityof Memphis. Many years ago he moved to Bloomington, Ind., and died there.
Samuel Harrod was the father of Henry Harrodand Squire William Harrod. His daughters were Sarah, Katie and Mary. Thefirst was the first wife of Lewis Bottorff, a second married George Taft,and a third David Reed. Mr. Samuel Harrod, his wife, his son Henry, ex-clerkof the county, and many of the grandchildren are buried here.
The Perry family is of English nativity. Thegreat grand-father of Isaac M. Perry, who lives near Slate-Cut, was a soldierin the American Revolutionary War, and an officer of rank under GeneralWashington. He lived and died in Maryland. His son, Edward Perry, cameWest from Maryland to Kentucky, and settled on Bear Grass Creek, oppositeUtica. In 1798, he moved to this side of the Ohio river to the place whereWilliam Perry lived, about one mile from this place. His sons were William,John, Edward, and Joseph. All these sons were in the battle of Tippecanoe.The names of Amelia, Elizabeth, William and Jerry Perry appear on the churchroll.
Members of the Perry family belonging to thefirst, second and third generation are buried in Silver Creek Cemetery.
The Bottorffs are Pennsylvania Germans. Theycame from Pennsylvania to Kentucky sometime between 1790 and 1800. SimonBottorff Sr., was the father of this the most numerous family in Clarkcounty. He had eight sons, viz: Henry, John, Peter, Jacob, Samuel, Lewis,William, and George. His only daughter was the wife of John Ganote, Sr.Mr. Simon Bottorff Sr., was a minister of the United Brethren faith. Henever came to Indiana Territory. He died in Kentucky.
All the sons of Simon Bottorff, Sr. settledin this Territory. None of this name ever connected with Silver Creek church.They were Methodists. Peter and Samuel were Methodist preachers.
Benjamin and William, sons of old Uncle HenryBottorff, are buried here, and also his daughter, Mrs. Nancy Harrod anda number of others of the same name and family.
John Norris, or “Captain Norris” as he wasfamiliarly called, was a leading member of Silver Creek church. He joinedthe church in 1814. He was Captain of a company of men in the battle ofTippecanoe. He lived in the vicinity of Bethany church. He was a preacherand frequently exercised his gifts in this particular.
The McCoy family came to this vicinity as earlyas 1800. The family is of Scotch origin.
Elder Wm. McCoy came to Kentucky from Pennsylvaniain 1790. He had four sons and two daughters. The names of the sons wereJames, John, Isaac and Royse. Those of the daughters, Sarah and Lydia.Elder Wm. McCoy did not move to this Territory until 1811. He was a Baptistpreacher. He often came from his home in Kentucky to Silver Creek to preach,at times preaching at the houses of either Elisha Carr or William Coombs,in the Grove or at the church. When he came to this Territory, he settledwhere my father (Collins McCoy) lived. He and his wife were received intoSilver Creek church, April 27, 1811. He died in Charlestown in 1813. Hiswife survived him until 1834.
On his tombstone are the following expressivelines:
“Pause here one moment, thou that readestthis;
He still would point thee to eternalbliss.
His life was peaceful, and his faithwas true;
And what he taught, he taught from whathe knew.”
James McCoy came to this Territory in 1800.He settled on the farm now owned by Baumgartle near the Anson farm. Mr.James McCoy was received into the Silver Creek church by experience andbaptism, October 1801, and the next month he was chosen church clerk, whichhe held until October 1816, when he and his wife took letters, and withtheir family moved to Washington county, Indiana. James McCoy, was thefirst white man to drive a four horse team across the “Flower Gap Knob.”He was a school teacher and preacher. His teaching and preaching was veryacceptable to the people. He was father of John R. McCoy who preached herefor a year or more some fifteen years ago, and now lives at Clear Springin Jackson county, Ind. Rev. James McCoy and his wife died of cholera inSalem, Ind., in 1833.
John McCoy, my grandfather, came here in 1804.He raised his first crop of corn in the field just west of the WorrallCemetery, on the farm of old Uncle William Coombs, Sr. In 1806 he settledon land of his own on the Muddy Fork where Speed’s Cement Mills are located.In 1810 he removed to the east side of Silver Creek, settling first wherehis son Lewis afterwards lived, and last where my father lived.
John McCoy had a family of ten children. Sixsons and four daughters; of these, seven are dead and four of the deadare buried here, namely, Mahala, who died when eleven years old, Collins,Lewis, and Lydia. He was chairman of the building committee which builtthe brick church in 1823-24. He joined the church October 1824, and wasbaptized by Absalom Littell. He died in 1859. Both he and his wife areburied here.
Rev. Isaac McCoy was born in Fayette county,Pa., 1784. He married Miss Kitty Polk, a distant relative of PresidentPolk. He came from Kentucky to this Territory in 1806 and settled on landnear the Zebulon Colling {Collins} settlement. He and his wife joined SilverCreek church by letter in 1806. In 1807 he began to preach, and, in afteryears, he became an Indian Missionary. Of him it has been said, “that whatJudson was to Burmah, Isaac McCoy has been to America.”
He labored for thirty years teaching and preachingamong the Indians. He made as many as twenty two trips, on horse-back toWashington City, to communicate to Congress facts and plans concerningthe Indians and their final removal and settlement west of the Mississippiriver. He preached the first sermon preached in Chicago in 1825.
He died June 1846 in Louisville, Ky., and isburied in one of the cemeteries of that city.
Rev. Royce McCoy was the youngest son of ElderWm. McCoy, Sr. He was received into Silver Creek church in 1810. He livedin Charlestown, and was a wheel-wright by trade. He married Miss MalindaPound near Charlestown. He was the church clerk for two years, 1816 to1818. The church licensed him to preach. He was a man of warm earnest sympathy.In 1818 he removed to Washington county, Ind. He died near the villageof Livonia, near which both he and his wife are buried.
The McCoy’s have been connected with SilverCreek from almost the very first, and there are those of the name belongingto the first, second, third, fourth and fifth generation buried in thiscemetery.
The Lister family came from England. John Listercame to America in 1817. He stopped first at Zanesville, Ohio, for twoyears. He then came to Indiana, making the trip from Ohio on horseback.In 1820 his wife, two children, father, mother, two brothers, William andJoseph, and cousin, Lister Stockwell came from England to this country.On their way the father sickened and died, and was buried at Marietta,Ohio.
John Leister {sic} settled on the farm wherehis son John D. now lives. The brother Joseph, settled on the Kellogg orTalbot farm. In 1832 Joseph Lister sold his farm to Dr. A. S. Kellogg;moved to Covington, Ky., and took charge of a Cotton Mill. He after a timebought a farm near Cincinnati, where he lived and died.
William Lister was never married. He made hishome with his brother John. William died in 1858. John Lister died in 1851and his wife in 1867. Some ten or more of this name and family are buriedin our Cemetery.
The McCormick’s came from Virginia to thisState in 1824. Hudson McCormick was the father of this family. He settledon the “Cleghorn” farm which John Ganote, Jr. lately owned. He was brother-in-lawof old “Uncle Billy” Crawford. His sons, Thomas and John, each marrieddaughters of John McCoy, Sr., and his son Samuel married a daughter of“Uncle Henry Bottorff.”
Thomas McCormick and wife and others of thename are buried here.
Dr. A. S. Kellogg came to Indiana from oneof the Eastern States. He bought Joseph Lister’s farm in 1832, where helived until 1851, at which date he sold his farm to Dr. Talbot, and removedto Iowa, where he died. His first wife is buried in this Cemetery.
Dr. Kellogg was a good neighbor, frequentlypreached, worked in the Sabbath school and encouraged morality in the community.
John G. Kahl, the father of friend Wm. Kahl,came from Germany in 1855 with his wife and five sons. He was a citizenof the Province of Nassau. He settled near here on a small tract of land,which his son William now ownes {sic}. He died in 1856, and his wife in1864. Both are buried here. These two German people were of sterling qualitiesand character. All their sons are of our best citizens.
James Kirkpatrick was of Irish nativity. Hecame to this State from Lexington, Ky. He was president of the meetingwhen our Association was organized. He took a great interest in our Cemeteryand annual meetings. As long as he lived he never failed to meet with usand say something encouraging and good. He was born in 1814 and died in1880. He and a daughter are buried here.
Jonah Harris settled here in 1822. He was bornin Kentucky in 1793. He bought the farm of Elisha Carr, Sr. where Wm. Kahlnow lives. Both he and his wife joined Silver Creek by letter 1823. Mr.Jonah Harris was the third member of the building committee of which JohnBowell and John McCoy were members, and built the church house in 1823-24.His wife died of cholera in 1833, and is buried here. Mr. Harris died inCharlestown about four years ago, aged nearly ninety.
There are others of whom it is our duty tomake honorable mention, whose history we do not know, but they were connectedwith either Silver Creek church or the Cemetery at an early day, and whoalso contributed very much towards establishing the good character of thiscommunity. We cannot pass their names in silence. They are Thomas Downs,James Downs, Mrs. Priscilla Downs, William E. Collins, Zebulon Collins,Spencer Collins, David Gray, Mrs. Polly Gray and Mrs. Jane Gray, John Griffith,Ben Brewer, John Jackson and Jeremiah Jackson.
An adjournment of an hour for dinner intervenedbetween the morning and afternoon exercises.
For additional information on Silver Creek Cemetery (includingan on-line index of known burials at this site), see the Silver Creek Cemeterywebsite on the Internet at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/5881/silvercreekcem1.html.