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Welcome to Washington Co., IN! If you have any questions about
this site, please feel free to contact me, Dee Pavey, at PCMom@aol.com.
Many of you may already know Dee through her site, Kentuckiana
Genealogy. Drop by there and take a look around!If you would like to host an Indiana county, please
contact Denise Wells, Indiana State Coordinator, at email
address SCIndianaGenWeb@gmail.com |
 USGenWeb |
This site last updated 16AUG2012
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Washington Co., now has a Facebook!
A short bio: Dee's maternal side of the family is in Washington County including surnames
Brown, Isgrigg, Sweeney and
others. Dee's great-grandparents, Robert and Mary (Sweeney) Brown, lived on a farm just outside of Salem. They ran the Sunnyside Grocery on Hwy 135. It was actually the front room of their house and they had a gas pump right out front. Dee can remember playing out front around the gas pumps. It was usually *base* during hide 'n' seek and tag. She enjoyed many times going to their farm and seeing the cows, chickens,
pigs and many cats.
Bible Records in Washington County
Blacks in Washington County
Family Pages
Genealogical Societies
Historical Information
Indiana Links
The Leader Publishing
Co., P.O. Box 509, Salem, IN 47167, TX 812-883-3281 publishes The Leader,
(formerly the Republican Leader), the Salem Democrat, [subscription papers],
and the Ad-vantage.
Green Banner Publications Inc., 490 E. St. Rd. 60, Pekin, IN 47165 - 812-967-3176,
publishes the Banner-Gazette, The Washington County Edition, and the
Giveaway. www.gbpnews.com to visit their site.
Non-Genealogy Washington County Websites
Washington County Links
US Links
What's New Please note: I *always* forget to update this section. Please check back more often than this shows. :-)
- January 2011 - History section - this is from old books I have at my home. I will be adding to this weekly so keep checking back!
- Also updated site search. I couldn't get the previous to find some things.
- January 2010 - Updated Links, removed broken, added new. Repaired images, added new images.
- January 2008 - This What's New Section, Mounts Obits
- July 2008 - Repairs, New photograph section with photo (send your photos!)
- October 2008 - Biographies.
- November 2008 - Repairs. I'm currently working on a few photos...if you have photos of Washington County people or places please send them to me!
©2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Dee Pavey This site
may be freely linked to, but not duplicated in any fashion without our consent.
If we give permission, this copyright statement must remain with the document.