Allen County Sections
of the
Volume XII, 1912

(Chicago, Ill. : R.L. Polk & Co., 1911)

(A work in progress... Carlyle, Humboldt, Iola & Savonburg up so far)

Contributed by Bill Sowers, email address:




Carlyle......... Population, 125. On the A., T. & S. Fe RR., in Carlyle township, Allen county, 5 miles n. of Iola, the county seat and banking point. Tel., W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co.

T. G. Green, postmaster

--Fraze Frank, restaurant.
--Hozahfhel John, drugs.
--Lumbermen's Cement & Brick Co.
--Portland Cement Co.
--Shultz J. W., hotel.
--Vesie Bros., grain.


Humboldt.........Population, 2,548 (U. S. Census 1910), Incorporated city on A. T. & S. Fe and M., K. & T. Rys. (depots 1 mile apart) and on the Neosho river, in Allen county, 9 miles south of Iola, the county seat, and 113 miles south of Kansas City. It is supported by a rich agricultural and stock-raising section and has an abundance of natural gas and oil for all purposes. There are churches of the Adventist, Catholic, Christian, German Evangelical, Holiness, Lutheran, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian denominations, modern and up-to-date public schools, 2 banks and 2 newspapers. The main pumping plant of the Standard Oil Co. for the Kansas-Oklahoma field is here. The city owns its own water works and is heated and lighted by natural gas. Tel, W. U. Exp., Am. and W., F. & Co.

W. Y. McElroy, postmaster.

--Allen County Herald (Daily), A. W. Cunningham, Publr.
--Amos George A, lawyer.
--Armel John H, real estate.
--Bailey William, restaurant.
--Barrackman Jordan, live stock.
--Bragg & Dildine, hardware.
--Braucher Hardware Co.
--Brett Oscar C, dry goods and clothing.
--Burtiss Hiram J, real estate.
--Campbell J. A., dentist.
--Capelin R. S, live stock.
--Citizen's State Bank (Capital $10,000), J. B. Flint Pres, J. V. Lintner Cashr.
--Cleveland Brick Co, C. H. Cleveland sec.
--Cline T. F, grocer.
--Cochran & Shellman, grocers.
--Cooksey F. A, drugs.
--Cope Benjamin, physician.
--Culver F. D, real estate.
--Dickinson Hay, Grain and Feed Co., elevator.
--Duncan Harry, dentist.
--Ernst Bert, restaurant.
--Faust J. A, photographer.
--Flynn James F, physician.
--Gloeckner Anton, tailor.
--Gray & Clay, clothing.
--Green G. R, livery.
--Hartzog F. N. & Son, livery.
--Hess Drug Co. (Charles A. and Wm A. Hess).
--Hindman Joseph H, physician.
--Hotel Gants, P. W. Parrott propr.
--Howe H. M. Mrs, millinery.
--Humboldt Brick Mfg Co, R. M. Works pres, J. J. Amos sec.
--Humboldt Gas Co, D. A. Evans mgr.
--Humboldt National Bank (Cap $30,000), W. S. Fallis Pres, R. M. Porter Cashier.
--Humboldt Refining Co.
--Humboldt Telephone Co, F. M. Campbell propr.
--Humboldt Union, W. T. McElroy publr.
--Lassman Wm C, cigar mnfr.
--Leitsback Edward H, furniture.
--McElroy W. T, Postmaster and Propr Humboldt Union.
--McGannon Thomas, grocer.
--McGraw W. P, flour mill.
--Manion Wm, grocer.
--Mathias G. V, real estate.
--Monarch Portland Cement Co, Wm Keith sec.
--Myer Edward, real estate.
--O'Brien J. M, department store.
--Orth A. F, transfer.
--Osborn John H. & Son, lumber.
--Payne O. C, physician.
--Perrenoud Louis, jeweler.
--Phoenix Oil and Gas Co, Charles Schaffner sec.
--Redmond Henry C, wagonmaker.
--Rhodes J. B. & Son Lumber Co.
--Roehl Marie, confectioner.
--Schaffner Charles A. & Son, real estate.
--Seymour & Son (Van and Ralph Seymour), grocers.
--Smith Bergen S, dry goods and clothing.
--Squire C. R, meats.
--Tholen John W, Mrs, restaurant.
--Thwaites Peter J, real estate.
--Trego E. W, hardware.
--Wakefield J. E, real estate.
--Webb H. M, physician.
--Wedin & Pickell, grocers.
--Wert E. N, real estate.
--Wilson John, physician.
--Wilson J Mrs., grocer.
--Wittak Edward, harness.
--Works Robert, live stock.


Iola......... Population, 9,030 (U.S. Census, 1910). County seat of Allen county, is an incorporated city, on the A., T. & S. Fe, the M., K. & T. and M. P. Rys., and on the Neosho river, in the heart of one of the greatest natural gas fields in the country, 44 miles w. of Fort Scott, and 105 s. w. of Kansas City. It is a modern, well-paved, well watered city, with natural gas for domestic and commercial purposes and possessing all the conveniences to be furnished by electricity and water power. There are five graded school buildings and a high school; the church edifices are numerous and many of more than ordinary cost and beauty. Iola has four banks, an opera house, first class hotels, local and long distance telephone service, a hospital, public library, electric street railway, good sewerage, fire department, a daily newspaper, etc. The availability and minimum cost of gas for manufacturing purposes and the excellent transportation facilities of Iola have attracted immense manufactories employing thousands of men. This place is headquarters for 8 cement factories making 75,000 barrels of cement daily and employing over 3,000 men. The important industries embrace pearl button factory, overall and shirt factory, broom factory, brick and tile works, ice and cold storage plant, rug factory, iron works, foundry, planning mill, bottling works, candy and extract factory and creamery. An electric railway line connects Iola with La Harpe about 9 miles east passing through the town of Gas and with branches to Bassett and Concrete. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. and W. F. & Co.

Chas B. Spencer, postmaster.

--Adams Howard B (Christian Scientist).
--Adams J A, insurance.
--Allen County Realty Co (H L Thompson, J W. Marker).
--Allen County State Bank (Capital $30,000), Thomas U Bowlus pres., J. F. Scott cashr.
--Altoona Vitrified Brick Co, George E. Nicholson pres, W S Goodin sec, F C Nicholson treas.
--Amerman Frank W, grocer.
--Anderson Anders G, shoes.
--Anderson W H, lawyer.
--Apt Charles H, lawyer.
--Arnett J D, loans.
--Atchison J B, lawyer.
--Auerback Wm, grocer. --Badgley Azburry, feed.
--Barclay-Shields Clothing Co, J H Barclay pres, E D Shields sec and mgr, clothing.
--Bartels Thomas M, hardware.
--Bartels Wm Z, plumber.
--Bass J S, physician.
--Beattie Frank S, vet surgeon.
--Beck Alfred W, furniture.
--Benjamin Bros (Edgar B and Ernest), feed.
--Bennett & Cullison (Rufus H Bennett, H. E. Cullison), lawyers.
--Bicycle Hospital The, A H Davis Propr, 115 W Madison.
--Bigus Samuel M, confectioner.
--Bixby Frank, whol fruits.
--Bolton John W, physician.
--Bonnell F S, 2d-hand goods.
--Bott Warren B, electrician.
--Brady James S, grocer.
--Bragg & Dildine, Wm S Palmer mngr, agri implts and buggies.
--Brigham Hardware Co, E P Brighalm manager.
--Brown Henry A, drugs and physician.
--Brownfield-Sifers Candy Co (Virgil M Brownfield, Samuel M Sifers), whol confectioners.
--Bryant Charles, restaurant.
--Burrell Samuel H, drugs.
--Bushfield Oscar H, dentist.
--Cain Bertha Mrs, post cards.
--Campbell & Goshorn (Altes H Campbell, John F Goshorn), lawyers.
--Canton-Newton Co, Carl B Newton mngr, water softener mfrs.
--Charles & Potter (A P Charles, Alfred S Potter), real estate.
--Chastain J Earl, dentist.
--Chicago Lumber & Coal Co, A C Thompson mngr.
--Christian Robert 0, phys and coroner.
--City Transfer & Storage Co, S A Olinger Mngr, Storage and Transfer, Household Goods Packed, Shipped and   Stored; Office and Store Room 116 W Madison av.
--Clifford Burton B, lawyer.
--Coffey James W, pawnbroker and furniture.
--Coffield J C & Son (J C and Fred C) marble works.
--Coffman Sylvester A, physician.
--Cole C M, dentist.
--Cole Robert M, hardware.
--Columbus Peter, confectioner.
--Concrete Construction & Engineering Co., Dan F Servey Genl Mngr, Designers and Builders of All Classes of Concrete Construction; Room 14 Northrup Bldg.
--Connet Printing Co (Fred M Connet), Fine Job Printing, Y M C A Bldg, 6 E Jackson.
--Core C B, physician.
--Corr & Franklin (Hugh W Corr, Thos Franklin), livery and bus line.
--Coutant Bert M, hardware.
--Cowan Chester L, grocer.
--Cox 0 L, physician.
--Crabb & Morris (Wm L Crabb, Clyde S Morris), drugs.
--Cunningham Reason M, insurance.
--Curtis Mildred, physician.
--Davis A. H, Propr The Bicycle Hospital, Dealer in Bicycles, Motor-Cycles, Phonographs, Musical Instruments, Sporting Goods, Typewriters and Supplies, 115 W Madison av.
--Davis, Harry, Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture, Guns, Watches, Cutlery, China and Glassware, Etc., 12 W Jackson.
--Dodge Herbert G, tailor. Doggett Millinery Co (Mrs Carrie Tholen).
--Drake Cab & Transfer Co (Ralph H Drake).
--Dresbach Harry V, physician.
--Dunham B M, 2d-hand goods.
--Eakin Ernest S, hardware.
--Edgar Merchants' Exchange (W K Edgar), credit reporting.
--Elliott Floyd, grocer and meats.
--Evans Bros (H T and W J), books and drugs.
--Ewing, Gard & Gard (Henry A Ewing, Saml A and G Rollin Gard), lawyers.
--Eyler Henry, shoes.
--Ferguson Harry B, dentist.
--Florence Albert F, lawyer.
--Forrest Frank H, lawyer.
--Foster Oscar L, restaurant.
--Franklin Charles, oil burner mnfr.
--Frishman Myer J, dry goods.
--Fryer Bros (J Albert Fryer, John W Edwards), grocers and meats.
--Fulton Archibald J, physician.
--Garlingliouse Orestes L, physician.
--Gibson Arthur E, photographer.
--Globe Shoe & Clothing Co, Wm H Sparks mngr.
--Glynn Gilford C, physician.
--Goldman M L & Son (Mitchell L and Paul L), shoes.
--Goshorn H R, physician.
--Goshorn Jennie B Mrs, milliner.
--Goshorn Joseph B, lawyer.
--Grand Theater The.
--Grover & Campbell (Ellsworth G Grover, Leslie J Campbell), undertakers.
--Hall Herman D, live stock.
--Hamilton Bros (James H and Wm), real estate.
--Hanna's Jewelry & Wall Paper Co (Roland H and John A Hanna).
--Harder & Wiede (Frank Harder, Albert Wiede), bakers.
--Heigele Philip, harnessmaker.
--Heller Simon, cigars and billiards.
--Henderson Henry L, real estate.
--Henderson Realty Co (John H Henderson), real estate and ins.
--Hendricks Herschel L, physician.
--Hering Jacob, cigars.
--Herschkowitz I M, clothing.
--Heylmun Wm H, physician.
--Hicks D W & Son (David W and Harry H), jewelers.
--Hinze Otto, meats.
--Hoch George M, grocer.
--Honan Patrick J, tailor.
--Horwitz-Schoenbrun Merc Co, Marcus Schoenbrun sec, dry goods.
--Hotel Portland, J H Young propr.
--Howell J B, vet surgeon.
--Huffman Jacob B, photographer.
--Hull Lucy M, osteopath.
--International Correspondence Schools.
--Iola Abstract Co, Frank Wood mngr.
--Iola Airdome, Howard Wheaton mgr.
--Iola Booster Club, Paul Klein pros, L L Northrup vice-pres, Frank Wood sec, J H Campbell treas.
--Iola Business College, John T Tyler pres, Charles P Tyler sec.
--Iola Button Co, E B Becker mngr, pearl button mnfrs.
--Iola Creamery Co (Ellis W Johnson, George Sheeks).
--Iola Daily Register, Iola Register Publishing Co publrs.
--Iola Electric Railroad Co, L S Mitchell pres, Lee Massengale vice-pres and genl mngr, J A Robinson treas.
--Iola Fruit Co (Julian P and Robert W Copening), whol fruits. [note.... under Iola Steam Bottling Works appears the same surname spelled differently?]
--Iola Gas, Water & Electric Light Plants (city owner), V D Fry supt.
--Iola Hospital.
--Iola Ice, Cold Storage & Fuel Co The, Frank Riddle mngr.
--Iola Land Co (Claude D Stewart, Charles M Funk), real estate.
--Iola Laundry, C E Newton propr. Iola Portland Cement Co, George E Nicholson pres, F H Bissell vice pres, L S Mitchell sec and treas.
--Iola Public Library, Hattie Osborne Iibrarian.
--Iola Register Publishing Co, Charles F Scott pres, Leigh Hunt vice-pres, F W Brewster mngr, publrs The Iola Daily Register.
--Iola Rug Factory, Wm C Faust propr.
--Iola Sanitarium, Dr John S Sutcliffe propr.
--Iola State Bank (cap $25,000), L E Horville pros, A W Beck vice-pres, J H Campbell cashr.
--Iola Steam Bottling Works, John M Copning propr. [note.... under Iola Fruit Co appears the same surname spelled differently?]
--Iola Wholesale Grocery Co, B H Achter pres and treas, W H Cook vicepres, Wm H Achter sec.
--Jameson J F, vet surgeon.
--Jeck John, grocer.
--Joyce Tony A, meats.
--K C Plumbing & Supply Co (A S, A E and C J Balliet), plumbers.
--Kelley, Ira D,, Propr The Kelley and Pennsylvania Hotels, 209-217 S Washington av.
--Kelley The, Ira D Kelley Propr,
--Iola's New Hotel, All Rooms Have Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat and Telephone; Located in the Heart of the Business District, Rates $2 to $4 Per Day, 209-217 S Washington av.
--Kelley W B & Son (Wm B and Levi), transfer.
--King Walter E, real estate.
--Klaumann Herman, insurance.
--Klein Paul, lumber.
--Krause Wm F E, hotel and restaurant.
--Kress S H & Co, A J Schaffer mngr, notions.
--La Grange 0 T, dentist.
--Lamer J Marshall, lawyer.
--Leavell Frederic B L, dentist.
--Leffier G Alvin, jeweler.
--Litwin David, 2d hand goods.
--Livingston John, contractor.
--Long Will A, tailor.
--Luccock C Carroll, contractor.
--McClain Baxter D, lawyer.
--McClain Elmer C, clothing and shoes.
--McDowell Wm H, physician.
--McFarland & Frye (Scott McFarland, Hattie Frye), restaurant.
--McIntyre Uriah B, vet surgeon.
--McKinney Mont, meats.
--McKinney Robert C, feed.
--McLain H C, clothing.
--McMillen H N, physician.
--McMurray Joseph H, planing mill.
--McNeil Bros (Bert L and Walter S), jewelers.
--Manhattan Hotel, John C Keim propr.
--Manley J B, drugs and physician.
--Marion Bros (Charles and John), restr.
--Marr August, baker.
--Martin Frank H, physician.
--Melvin D M, grocer.
--Merchant John V, jeweler and optician
--Miller Ice Co (Mrs Sadie V Miller).
--Miller W G, Ice Cream & Bottling Co, Wm G Miller mngr.
--Mills James, restaurant.
--Milne Thomas A, tailor.
--Missouri & Kansas Telephone Co, Bert J Roha manager.
--Mitchell Asa N, real estate.
--Mitchell Paul S, physician.
--Mittelbach John G, shoes and clothing.
--Morrison Arthur, tailor.
--Morrison C H, grocer.
--Morse Travis, city attorney.
--Morse & Pees (Travis Morse, Guy F Pees), lawyers.
--Mundis John D, drugs.
--Myler Emberson W. lawyer.
--Newsome Levi J, physician.
--Newton Milling and Elevator Co, G F Morris agt.
--Northrup Lumber Co (Mary F, F A, D P and L L Northrup), lumber dlrs.
--Northrup National Bank (cap $50,000), L L Northrup pres, Melvin Frank cashier.
--Odell Eber E, sign painter.
--Olinger S A, Mngr City Transfer and Storage Co, 116 W Madison av.
--Osborne Hattie, librarian Public Library.
--Oyler F J, lawyer.
--Palace Garage, Frank M Green propr.
--Pancoast Benjamin F, watchmaker.
--Pefly Mrs Ella, milliner.
--Penniman Mrs Laura, hair dresser.
--Pennsylvania Hotel (European) Ira D Kelley Propr, 210-212 S Washington av.
--Pepper John H, dentist.
--Perham Clyde F, clothing and shoes.
--Peterson Abstract Co The, Carl J Peterson Mngr, Bonded Abstracters; Old Court House Bldg cor Jefferson and Madison av.
--Peterson Carol J, Attorney-at-Law, Mngr The Peterson Land Co and Mngr The Peterson Abstract Co, Old Court House Bldg, cor Jefferson and Madison av.
--Peterson Land Company The, Carl J Peterson Mngr, Choice Kansas Farms, Old Court House Bldg, cor Jefferson and Madison ave.
--Porter Wm P, dentist
--Poston Harry C, clothes cleaner.
--Powell John E, real estate.
--Primmer J W, florist.
--Ramsay Bros Dry Goods Co, H L Palmer mngr.
--Ray Smith D, flour and feed.
--Reid & Reid Drs (David W and James T), physicians.
--Reno & Osborne (Wm 0 Reno, Charles A Osborne), rug mnfrs.
--Reynolds Drug Store (Eduard C and Carrie D Reynolds).
--Reynolds Eduard C, physician. Richardson James, dry goods.
--Ritter Chris S, lawyer.
--Roberts John V, pianos.
--Root Wm H, plumber.
--Rose John M, confectioner.
--Rush Chauncey, house mover.
--Russell Christopher, Propr The Russell House, 315 N Jefferson.
--Russell House The, Christopher Russell Propr, Rates $1 and $1.25 Per Day, near M, K & T and Mo Pac Rys, 315 N Jefferson.
--St John's Hospital.
--Schuck Michael A, auto garage.
--Schomerus D S, grocer.
--Schutte 3 H, grocer.
--Seitz John H, general store.
--Servey, Dan F, Genl Mngr Concrete Construction and Engineering Co, Room 14 Northrup Bldg.
--Shadwick George W, physician.
--Shannon T B, hardware.
--Shields Shoe Co (Clem H Shields).
--Singer Sewing Machine Co; J W Rhodes mngr.
--Sleeper Co (Harry and Allen H Sleeper), undertakers.
--Sleeper L & Son (Lyman and Allen H), furniture and undertakers.
--Slough E S, lawyer.
--Smeltzer D B D (Smeltzer & Co), Police Judge, Real Estate and Pension Attorney, 17 1/2 W Madison av.
--Smeltzer & Co (D B D and G D Smeltzer), Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Lands, 17 1/2 W Madison avenue.
--Smith H E & Co, grocers.
--Smith Joel H, 2d-hand goods.
--Smith & Travis (Frank E Smith, Frank L Travis), insurance.
--Spencer C B & Co, C B Spencer mngr, drugs.
--Standard Oil Co.
--Stanfleld Edward W, broker.
--Starks Wm E, real estate.
--State Savings Bank (cap $25,000), J D Arnett pres, Harmon Hobart cashr.
--Stewart Edward, grocer.
--Steyer Henry W, grocer.
--Stover Luke P, civil engineer.
--Stover Tindall S, abstracts.
--Sutcliffe John S, phys and propr Iola Sanitarium.
--Taylor James S, county attorney.
--Taylor & Taylor (James S and Thomas C jr), lawyers.
--Teats W C Realty Co (Walter C Teats).
--Templin Harry W, photographer.
--Thompson Frank M, household specialties.
--Thrasher W C, real estate.
--Tozer L, physician.
--Travis Transfer and Storage Co (Henry F Travis).
--Trine James A, saw mill.
--Turner Melissa F Mrs, milliner.
--Turner T F, grocer.
--Twadell A B, osteopath.
--Tyler Ralph C, grocer.
--Union Brick Co, George E Nicholson pres, W S Goodin sec, F C Nicholson treas.
--Union Pacific Tea Co, L B Gladfelder manager.
--United Iron Works Co, D C Morrow manager.
--United Kansas Portland Cement Co, George E Nicholson pres. H L, Henderson vice pres, W S Goodin sec, L L Northrup treas.
--Vanatta & Benjamin (Lewis E Vanatta, Edgar B Benjamin), real est.
--Varner John F, real estate.
--Vena Ben, baker.
--Vogel F A, cigar mnfr.
--Walker Joseph G, physician.
--Warner Claude J, printer.
--Waugh P E, dentist.
--Wheeler, Motter Mercantile Co, J B Kersey mngr, overall mnfrs.
--Whitaker & Donnell (C L Whitaker, W H Donnell), real estate.
--Wiener Lee, clothing.
--Williams Marble and Granite Works, C E Williams propr.
--Wilson Edgar T, cigars and news.
--Wilson L F, grocer.
--Wirt Fred C, Osteopath.
--Wood John T, live stock.
--Wright E J, transfer.
--Y M C A, E V Berry sec.



Savonburg.......... Population, 257 (U. S. Census, 1910). On the M., K. & T. Ry., in Elsmore township, Allen county, 26 miles s. e. of Iola, the county seat. Has Christian and Mehodist Episcopal churches, a bank and a weekly newspaper. Tel, W. U. Exp., Am. C. A.

C. A. Reynolds, postmaster

--Bragg P. A., hardware
--Burgner-Bowman Lumber Co.
--Elliott & Lake, livery.
--Ellis Mrs. Annie, restaurant.
--Holmquist & Co., hardware.
--Huss A., grocer.
--Huss E. E., jeweler
--King C. A., hotel
--Larson Hazel, milliner
--Little & Son, meats.
--Nyman John, insurance.
--Olson Sons, General store.
--Pendarvis G. E., dentist.
--Rannells C. S., physician.
--Reynolds C. A., Publr The Savonburg Record.
--Richardson Bros., flour mill.
--Roberts W. H., elevator.
--Savonburg Record The, C. A. Reynolds Publisher.
--Savonburg State Bank The (Capital $16,000), O. H. Stewart Pres, O. D. Courtney cashr.
--Smith F. E., general store.
--Tomlinson L. F., implts and vehicles.
--Winters Wm, drugs.

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