
Lee County Kentucky Biographies

If you'd like to submit a biography on a person who was born, raised or later lived in
Lee County contact me, Debi Houser Kendrick


Capt. Harlan T. Beatty
(Submitted by Debi Kendrick)


One of Our Ablest Lawyers, Ex-Commissioned Army Officers and Candidate for County Attorney.

Capt. Harlan T. BEATTY, of whom it is now proposed to speak, comes of an honored ancestry, who have played no small part in the history and development of this section of Eastern Kentucky.  He was born in Lee county, May 3, 1869 and climaxed his literary education at Kentucky State College, Lexington, graduating in the class of '89.  Deciding to adopt the legal professionship of his father, Capt. J. M. BEATTY, and was admitted to the bar in August, 1893, since which time he has practiced with distinction and success, with the exception of the period in which he was in the Spanish-American war.  When the hour came in which his country called for his service to do battle with a foreign nation he at once offered his life as a sacrifice - enlisting in the late Col. David G. COLSON's 4th Ky, Vol. Inf, regiment, and was made Captain of Co. C.  In 1899 Capt. BEATTY was an unsuccessful canidate for the Republican nomination for Secretary of State against Caleb POWERS, and is today's canidate for the office of Deputy Attorney for which he is making a vigorous canvass.  Retracing to July, 1904, he was appointed Mayor of Beattyville ______ the unexpired term of D___  _____nald by Judge Wm R____  but upon entering his present contest, fulfilled what he considered his moral duty by resigning.

Capt. BEATTY has on more than one occasion demonstrated the fact that in choosing law for a profession, he selected as his life's work that for which nature has best endowed him.  Logical and forcible in argument before the court and jury, and of a congenial personality, he has many friends who are deeply interested in his present and future success.  Capt. BEATTY deals in real estate, and otherwise takes a warm interest in Masonic, K. of P. and J. O. U. A. M. secret order work, of which fraternities he is a member in good standing.

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