W.T. Cole to Mary Hall Johnson
Lee County, Kentucky Mariage Records

Register of Marriage

Full names of parties, Husband W. T. Cole
Wife Mary Johnson
Age of Husband 64 years; Condition divorced
Age of Wife 56 years; Condition widow
Race white
Husband’s Place of Birth Lee County VA  Residence Crystal, Ky.
Wife’s Place of Birth Breathitt Co. Ky.
Names of Parents of Husband Harry? Cole and Lucy Vaughn
Names of Parents of Wife William Hall and _______Screetch
Occupation of Husband Farmer
date of License 18th day of June 1927
Subscribed and sworn to before me by W. T. Cole this 18th day of June 1927
By S. M. Estes Clerk


I, M. L. Cole a Minister of the Church of God Church or relogious order of that name, do certify that on the 18th day of June 1927, at Mary Johnson’s, Lee Co. Kentucky , under 
authority of the above license, I united in Marriage W. T. Cole and Mary Johnson the persons named and described therein,
in the presence of Simon Shuler and Anderson Gross
I qualified and gave bond, according to law, authorizing me to celebrate the rites of Marriage in the County of Irvine, Estill Co. State of Kentucky.
Given under my hand, this 18th day of June 1927
M. L. Cole
A Copy, Attest:  S. M. Estes
By   E. C. Beatty



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