Lee County Kentucky Marriages
Marriage Book 7
(1903 - 1906)
Transcribed from photocopies of Lee County Marriage Book 7 .  The records include the marriage affidavit (application) and the marriage return or certificate.
Even though a couple may have applied for a license in Lee County, they may have married elsewhere.
Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick.

Beverly ABNER & Edna KETCUM
Husband:  age: 26, born Clay Co KY, residence: Teges, Clay Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Levi Abner, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Rachel Allen, Clay Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Jerry Ketchum, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Mary Frances Botner, Lee Co KY
md:  17 Aug 1906 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Wm. Hager
witnesses:  S. B. Lutes & R. H. Hall
Remarks:  Brides Guardian appears given consent

Breck ABNER & Leler DAVIS
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  6 Jul 1904 at F. M. Lucas' Lee by H. J. Parson
witnesses:  J. C. Lucas & J. W. More & F. M. Lucas

Lewis ABNER & Cordelia NEWNAM
Husband:  age: 22, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, public works, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 14, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  31 May 1904 at Marilda Newman's, Lee by J. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses: Joseph Brandenburgh & Leslie Jones

Miles ABNER & Beckie J. RODGERS
Husband:  age: 23, born Powell Co, residence: Powell Co KY, railroader, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  19 May 1904 at Izach Rodgers', Lee Co by James Warner
witnesses:  Willie Abner & Newton Johnson

Husband:  age: 18, born Clay Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  9 Sep 1905 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  J. H. Hammons & L. D. Arnold
Remarks:  Father of Groom appeard

Amon B. AKERS & Armilda HOGAN
Husband:  age: 36, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, merchant, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  24 Nov 1904 at Jackson, Breathitt Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  H. C. Duff Jr., & Mr. W. B. Bradshaw

Theodore ALLEN & Amelia Belle PALMER
Husband:  age: 25, born Manchester, Clay Co KY, residence: White Ash, Lee Co KY, miner, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Richard Allen, Clay Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Susan Robinson, Clay Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Tellaga, Lee Co, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Palmer, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Rebecca Hurst
md:  29 Nov 1906 at Elias Palmer's Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  John P. Palmer & John Parson
Remarks:  order from Bride's father & Groom sworn & all legal question answered also states his wife is dead

Husband:  age: 21, born Estill Co KY, residence: Powell Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:  W. H. Amburgy - Letcher Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Mary E. Smith - Estill Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  F. M. Townsend - Estill Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Amanda E. Akers - Owsley Co KY
md:  9 Mar 1905 at Frankie Townsend's Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, M.M.P.C.
witnesses:  Jesse Amberger & Robt. L. Townsend

Geo. H. AMBROSE & Lucinda RADER
Husband:  age: 23, born Jackson Co KY, residence: Estill Co KY, farming, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  15 Sep 1905 at Clerk's Office Lee Co, by Wm. Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  G. W. Cann & H. T. Batty
Remarks:  Father of Bride appeared

Husband:  age: 22, born Estill Co KY, residence: Estill Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  13 Jul 1905 at William Stamper's Lee Co, by Jas Warner
witnesses:  Floid Stamper & Clevland Crawford

Husband:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, labor, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Lee Co
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Lee Co
md:  25 Dec 1903 at Ephram Angle's by Wm Robinson, Judge of Lee Co
witnesses:  Wm Bennett & Ephram Angle

Husband:  age: 28, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  4 Feb 1905 at the mouth of Ross Creek Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas M.G.
witnesses: ?Justice Ashcraft & John Thomas

Charley BAILEY & Nannie ABNER
Husband:  age: 22, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  18 May 1904 at Clerk's Office, Lee Co by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  J. F. Sutton & Sam Hurst

Everett S. BAILEY & Kate M. FLANERY
Husband:  age: 22, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Frankfort, KY, stenographer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 25, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  24 Dec 1904 at Monica, Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  John Hieronymus & James B. Hieronymus

Silas BANKS & Mandy VIRES
Husband:  age: 22, born KY, residence: Lee Co KY, tie maker, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  4 Jun 1905 at Coon Johnson's Breathitt Co, by Elisha Johnson, Minst. Babtist
witnesses:  John Johnson & Martha J. Johnson

Husband:  age: 58, born: Estil Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Jack Barker, Estil Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Jennie Barker, Estil Co KY
Wife:  age: 55, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Ephraim Angel
md:  5 Mar 1906 at Rilda Newnam's Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  Isaac Price & Stanley Newman
Remarks:  affidavit filed by Groom

William BARKER & Ella BALL
Husband:  age: 19, residence: Lee Co Ky, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  6 Jan 1904 at Z. Ball's by A. J. Bowman, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  A. C. Chambers & Z. Ball

Nathan BARNETT & Lourette PALMER
Husband:  age: 18, born Breathitt, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co, residence: Lee, 1st marriage
md:  18 Dec 1905 at Green Palmer's Lee Co, by A. J. Bowman, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  Green Palmer & W. T. Lucas

Jesse BARRET & Maggie PALMER
Husband:  age: 19, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
NOTE:  Affidavit states they will be married 21 Apr 1904 at Martha Palmer's.

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Groom's Father:   Wm Barret
Groom's Mother:   Mary Ann Barret
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
Bride's Father:   G. W. Treadway
Bride's Mother:   Eliza Treadway
md:  17 Mar 1904 at Wm Barret's, Owsley Co, by Eld. G. W. Miller
witnesses:  Wm Barret & wife, Patric Begley, etc.

Husband:  age: 22, residence: Lee Co KY, laborer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 22, residence: Menifee Co, 1st marriage
md:  25 Feb 1904 at the County Clerk's Office, Lee Co by Alex Patterson
witnesses: R. C. Hill, Sam Hurst & W. C. Lutes

Mansion BEGLEY & Nettie DURBIN
Husband:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, saw milling, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Albert Begley, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Mary Warren, Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born: Estel Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Hade Durbin, Estel Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Emily Webb, Estel Co KY
md:  7 Jun 1906 at Hade Durbin's Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  Hade Durbin & Harry L. White
Remarks:  Affidavits & certificates filed

Mathew BEGLEY & Sarah J. ESTES
Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  29 Jul 1905 at James Estes Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  James Estes & Allen Newton
Remarks:  Father of Bride appeard

Dock BEST & Marah HOWELL
Husband:  age: 28, born Estill Co, residence: Lee Co, minor, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  9 Nov 1905 at Chamber's House Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Jas. Williams & Elizabeth Williams

Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence:  Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:  Estill Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Lee Co VA
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Lee Co KY
md:  24 Dec 1903 at Mrs. Curry's by Jas. Warner
witnesses: John Curry & William Evans

W. T. BOOTH & Ellen HALL
Husband:  age: 40, born Wolf Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 24, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  16 Nov 1905 at W. Z. Booth's Lee Co, by A. J. Adams
witnesses:  Ellen W. Miller

Robert BOTNER & Albertte SMITH
Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  29 Oct 1905 at J. P. Smith's Lee Co, by S. Ward M.G.S.
witnesses: Sameul P. Farmer & J. P. Smith

Husband:  age: 17, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Hiedeburg, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Martin Brandenburgh, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Mandy Gabbard, Owsley  Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Hiedelburgh, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Millard Jones, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Francis Jones
md:  18 Jan 1906 at M. F. Jones Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  Millard F. Jones & Bascam Treadway
Remarks:   Brides father present gave his consent Granfath who raised groom gave his consent

Husband:  age: 29, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  3 Nov 1904 at Halls Chapel Church, Lee Co, by R. L. Baker
witnesses:  Hom Brandenburg & R. L. Brandenburg

Husband:  age: 25, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, labor, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  13 Oct 1904 at bride's residence, Lee Co by A. J. Marcum, Minister
witnesses:  Wm Gray & Scott Farmer
Remarks:  To Bro. appeared Geo Farmer & Arch Farmer

Husband:  age: 37, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Hiedelberg, KY, lumberman, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Owsley Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Lee Co VA
Wife:  age: 31, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Georgia
md:  8 Mar 1906 at Jessey Mahaffey's Owsley Co, by Eld. J. B. Rowlett Baptist Church
witnesses: Carter Mahaffey, M. C. Mahaffey, W. C. Hamilton, & Robt. Brandenburg

Husband:  age: 32, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, barber, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  9 Apr 1905 at D. B. Pendergrass' Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  G. B. Pendergrass & Carter Brandenburg

Husband:  age: 23, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  4 Mar 1905 at Bolen Judd's Lee Co, by J. M. Roberts
witnesses:  Sherman Cooper & Green Rose

Husband:  age: 23, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  26 Jul 1905 at Lee Co line, Lee Co, by G. B. Bowman, M.G.
witnesses:  Andy Brandenburg, W. M. Brandenburg & Millard Warner
Remarks:  Copy of Disvorse Filed in name of Maggie Burke

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  27 Oct 1904 at Wm Brandenburg's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Thomas Roach, Jr. & Keen Brandenburg
Remarks:  Mother of Bride appeared for licenes

Husband:  age: 24, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 17, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  14 Jan 1904 at Samson Curry's by Rev. John M. Smyth
witnesses:  E. J. Crabtree & E. M. Stapleton

John D. BROWN & Candis LAWSON
Husband:  age: 22, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, common laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   G. W. Brown, Clay Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Hester Ann Brown
Wife:  age: 17, born: Wolf Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   William Lawson, Wolf Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Mary J. Lawson, NC
md:  4 Jan 1906 at bride's home, Lee Co, by John C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  Joseph Lawson & Rosillie Lawson
Remarks:  Certificate sworn to by Joseph Lawson same filed here

Chas. B. BURKE & Provie HOOVER
Husband:  age: 24, born Lee Co, residence: Proctor, KY, book keeping, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Proctor, KY, 1st marriage
md:  28 Sept 1904 at Proctor, Lee Co by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  J. W. Daniel & wife
Remarks:  E. T. Newnam Granfather appeared

Thomas BURKHART & Carline ASHLEY
Husband:  age: 20, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 25, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  10 Feb 1904 at Isaac Barkhart's, Lee Co by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses: Isaac Barkhart & Lue Barkhart

Husband:  age: 19, born Knox Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, salesman, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Knox Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Knox Co KY
Wife:  age: 20, born Proctor, Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  1 Mar 1905 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Alex Patterson, Minister of the Gospel
witnesses:  Curtis D. Stamper & America Mora, & Lula Morgan

Brice BURNS & Ada Ann SMITH
Husband:  age: 57, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 45, born Owsley, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  22 Dec 1904 at Jack Smith's Lee Co, by James E. Dunagin
witnesses:  Mat Smith & Davy Goocy & family

John W. BURNS & Ethel H. BROWN
Husband:  age: 24, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, tie maker, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  23 Aug 1905 at Co. Clerks Office, Lee Co, by Wm. Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  J. N. Lutes & L. D. Arnold
Remarks:  Mother of Bride appeared for licenes

J. J. BURTON & Llewellyn EDWARDS
Husband:  age: 21, born NC, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  7 Jun 1904 at Simcoe, Lee Co by James Warner
witnesses:  Dan Riley & Evert Mullens

Casper CABLE & Rosa May SMITH
Husband:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, merchant, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Sarah E. Hobbs
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   E. B. Smith
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Syller Smith
md:  20 Sep 1906 at E. B. Smith's Lee Co, by Harvey Johnson
witnesses:  J. F. Kincaid & D. S. Shackelford

Topsy CABLE & Cinda THOMAS
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  17 Jan 1905 at Henry Thomas' Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  friends and relatives, A. B. Akers & J. M. Thomas

Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  12 Aug 1905 at Pruder Tussill's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin, G. M.
witnesses:  James Ashcraft & Luretta Ashcraft

Alford CARMACK & Sarah M. SPICER
Husband:  age: 21, born Clay Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Groom's Father:   Jacob Carmack
Groom's Mother:   Elizabeth Carmack
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
Bride's Father:   William Spicer
Bride's Mother:   Manda Spicer
md:  17 Mar 1904 at J. H. Durbin's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin, G.M.
witnesses:  J. C. Durbin & Stirlen Stamper

Husband:  age: 22, born Breckenridge Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, Agt. Cin. Copr--- Co., 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Breckenridge Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Breckenridge Co KY
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Owsley Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Owsley Co KY
md:  3 Aug 1905 at John Farmer's Lee Co, by J. S. Ward, M.F.G.
witnesses:   J. W. Aldridge & Grant Farmer

Cicero CARTER & Victoria FIELDS
Husband:  age: 28, born: Hawkins Co TN, residence: Willow Shoal, KY, common laborer, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Hawkins Co TN
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Hawkins Co TN
Wife:  age: 20, born: Scot Co VA, residence: Willow Shoals, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   John Fields, Scot Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Manerva, Scot Co VA
md:  16 Feb 1906 Beattyville, Lee Co, by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses: B. J. Wolfinbarger, Lillie Spicer & George Pendergrass
Remarks:  Order Certificate from Brides Father under Notary Public seal

Husband:  age: 20, born Delventa, Lee Co KY, residence: Delventa, Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Samuel L. Cecil, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Emily Begley, Delventa, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born Banford, Lee Co KY, residence: Banford, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Major Brandenburg, Banford, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Emily Hamilton, Banford, Lee Co KY
md:  6 Dec 1906 at Major Brandenburg's Lee Co, by J. R. Dungan, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  Wilson Begley & Matt Hamilton, Algin Cecil & Chas. Marcum
Remarks:  Orders from both Bride & Groom's parents

Weeden CHAMBERS & Addie FOX
Husband:  age: 20, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  17 Dec 1904 at bride's mother's Lee Co, by J. M. Roberts
witnesses:  Keen Brandenburgh & William Moore

Elmer CHILDERS & Barthena PENCE
Husband:  age: 20, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Fillmore, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   W. J. Childers
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Sarah White
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Fillmore, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Felix Pence, Wolf Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Lema Deaton, Lee Co KY
md:  29 Sep 1906 at Dock Childers', Breathitt Co, by M. F. Stamper
witnesses:  John Miller & D. B. Childers
Remarks:  Two certificates for both Bride & Groom

Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Z. T. Cockerham, Wolf Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Margret Lutes, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Davis, VA
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Elle Lincus, Wolf Co KY
md:  30 Oct 1906 at Bride's house Lee Co, by ?R Moores
witnesses:  Friends & relatives, A. B. Davis & Willie Davis
Remarks:  Two certificate sworn to & filed

Husband:  age: 27, born: Breathitt Co KY, residence: Winchester, KY, traveling salesman, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Clifton Cockerell, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Cockerell, Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 21, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Milo Beatty, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Fannie Beatty, Breathitt Co KY
md:  30 Apr 1906 at Coomer house Lee Co, by J. F. Sutton, County Judge
witnesses:  John Rupart, M. F. Davis
Remarks:  Bride's father appears gives consent also

J. J. COLE & Gracie MILLER
Husband:  age: 27, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  4 Jan 1905 at John Miller's Lee Co, by A. J. Bowman, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  John Miller & Liddie Miller
Remarks:  Father of Bride Groom appeared

Gardner COLLINS & Birtha MANN
Husband:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, R.R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Remarks:  Father of Bride appeard
NOTE:  Affidavit states that marriage is to take place 1 Sep 1905 at Sid Mann's.

Andrew COMBS, Jr. & Ollie ESTES
Husband:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  27 Jul 1905 at Earnest Blackwell's Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, G.M.
witnesses:  G. B. Gross & Everett Blackwell
Remarks:  Earnest Blackwell appt. Guardian

Earnest COMBS & Sara LEWIS
Husband:  age: 22, born Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, R. R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Clay Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  16 Feb 1905 at M. C. Lewis' Lee Co, by G. W. Miller
witnesses:  Matt Toler & wife, M. C. Lewis & family

Husband:  age: 21, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, common laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Talt Combs, bride [sic] can't state when bride [sic] was an infant
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Amnia Combs
Wife:  age: 18, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   William Barrett, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   America Barrett, Owsley Co KY
md:  15 Feb 1906 at Wm Barrett's Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  Wm Barrett & James Begley
Remarks:  Brides father appears alsostate that Bride [sic] is over 21 year old to his personal knowledge

Husband:  age: 20, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Clay Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Oct 1904 at Millard Patrick's Lee Co, by P. R. Legg, M.G.
witnesses:  Jett Adams, Burthy Combs, Annie Combs, & Wheat Ratliff
Remarks:  see orders filed

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, steamster, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 24, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  4 Aug 1904 at J. M. Gilbert's Lee Co by Rev. John M. Smyth
witnesses:  Sylvester Whisman & Jerry Gilbert

Keen COMBS & Josie COMBS
Husband:  age: 26, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Elhanen Combs, Perry Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Manervia Gabbard, Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   W. D. Combs, Powell Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Phebie Belcher, Wolfe Co KY
md:  31 Jul 1906 at Woodford Back's, Breathitt Co, by Gardner Fletcher
witnesses: J. W. Back & N. H. Back
Remarks:  certificate properly signed affidavit attached

Husband:  age: 33, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, merchant, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Perry Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Jun 1904 at Beattyville, by Alex Patterson, St. Thomas Church
witnesses:  Nellie Davidson, Sarah Farley, Mary Farley & Malvia Davidson

Spencer COMBS & Catherine GENTRY
Husband:  age: 29, born: Perry Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Nicholas Combs, Perry Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Eliza Combs, Perry Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   J. K. Gentry, Lee Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Marriam Gentry, Owsley Co KY
md:  17 Apr 1906 at bride's father's Lee Co, by Rev. Alex Gentry
witnesses:  Rev. A. Gentry officiating, M. L. Gentry & Jim Cable
Remarks:  Certificate & Affidavit filed

Walter COMBS & Maggie ESTES
Husband:  age: 19, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  24 Dec 1903 at H. G. Crabtree's by Rev. John M. Smyth
witnesses:  E. J. Crabtree & H. G. Crabtree

Walter D. COMBS & Ida R. HOWELL
Husband:  age: 24, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, R.R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  27 Sep 1905 at Beattyville, Lee Co by Alex Patterson
witnesses:  Pad Hamilton, D. V. Howell, Ace Tincher & Gertrude Combs

Melvin CONKWRITE & Evelener SMITH
Husband:  age: 21, born Montgomery Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, public labor, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  10 Jun 1904 at John P. Smith's Lee Co by Rev. John M. Smith
witnesses:  John A. Smith & W. W. Willoughby

Husband:  age: 22, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  22 Dec 1903 at the bride's house, by J. R. Pendergrass,
witnesses:  J. C. Lucas, Frank Marshall, Wm Abner, Green Lucas & others

Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  15 Dec 1904 at Wm Estes' Lee Co, by A. J. Bowman, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  W. C. Duff & Wm Eastes

Benjamin COOMER & Jane COOMER
Husband:  age: 27, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 26, born KY, residence: Lee Co, 2nd marriage
md:  24 Dec 1905 at Bride's home, Lee Co, by R. L. Moores
witnesses:  family, Mary Ellen Coomer & John Thomas

Husband:  age: 20, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Athol, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Jack Coomer, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Annie Coomer, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born: Breathitt Co KY, residence: Athol, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Mullins, Estel Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Phebe Mullins, Laurence Co KY
md:  28 Feb 1906 at Ben Coomer's Lee Co, by Green Kilbourn, J.P.
witnesses:  Ben Coomer & Jane Coomer
Remarks:  Brides father appears leaves written consent Groom certificate from parents sworn to by himself & Joseph Fugit

Johnie COOMER & Malissie COLLIER
Husband:  age: 20, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Ammon Coomer, Adair Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Phebe Jones, Lawrence Co KY
Wife:  age: 20, born: Wolf Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Wm Collier, Wolf Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Mary Bailey, Wolf Co KY
md:  31 May 1906 Wm Collier's Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Grant Collier & Taylor Collier
Remarks:  Bride & Grooms fathers appears gave consent
NOTE:  Marriage certificate says they were married 31 June but other dates on the paperwork lists 31 May

Leander COOMER & Zannie BOWMAN
Husband:  age: 55, born Adair Co KY, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 30, born KY, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  26 Dec 1905 at Grundy, Owsley Co, by William Page, Minister
witnesses:  John Warner? & Wilburn Bowman

Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born VA, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  11 Aug 1904 at house of the bride, Lee Co by J. B. Pendergrass
witnesses: ?L. D. Coomer & Mirt Asher & others

Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, miner, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Oct 1904 at Tyler Coomer, Lee Co, by J. N. Smith, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  Thomas Roach & G. W. Zion
Remarks:  Guardians appeared for both  give consent

Husband:  age: 30, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Proctor, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Jackson Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Mary H. Cornelius,
Wife:  age: 22, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Kendrick, Lee Co KY
md:  11 Apr 1906 at her home, Lee Co, by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  Simmie Howell & wife
Remarks:  Affidavit filed by Groom

Albert COUCH & Amanda BARRETT
Husband:  age: 22, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  15 Jul 1904 at home of bride's father, Lee Co by J. M. Roberts
witnesses:  Pete Couch & wife

George COUCH & Ellice DUNAWAY
Husband:  age: 21, born Morgan Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  13 Oct 1904 at bride's father's, Lee Co by J. M. Roberts
witnesses:  Pete Couch & wife
Remarks:  James Dunaway appeard for licenes

James COUCH & Sallie B. SPICER
Husband:  age: 18, born Ows Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
NOTE:  Affidavit states marriage to take place 24 Nov 1904 at Nancy Couch's.

Robert COUCH & Catherine DEATON
Husband:  age: 21, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  23 Dec 1903 at Sherman Deaton's by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Sherman Deaton & J. W. Witt

Simp COUCH & Sarah FOX
Husband:  age: 25, born Owsley Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Groom's Father:   Peter Couch
Groom's Mother:  Margaret Couch
Wife:  age: ca 16, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
Bride's Father:   Isaac Fox
Bride's Mother:   Cinda Fox (dead)
NOTE:  Affidavit states to be married 24 Mar 1904 at Isaac Fox's, Lee Co

Husband:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  21 Aug 1905 at George Longworth's, Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, P.M.
witnesses:  E. J. Crabtree & H. G. Crabtree
Remarks:  Father of Bride Groom appeard

Husband:  age: 26, born Lee Co VA, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 3rd marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  22 Jan 1905 at house of J. D. Crabtree, Lee Co, John F. Wise, Minister Christian Church
witnesses:  Brack Combs & Clem Williams

Husband:  age: 29, born Breathitt, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  15 Jun 1904 at M. ?G. Stamper's, Lee Co by Zephariah Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Rollen Stone & John Bowman

Arthur CREECH & Loudeth FARMER
Husband:  age: 20, born Fayette Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  18 Nov 1905 at Loudeth Farmer's Lee Co, by G. B. Bowman, M.G.
witnesses:  D. S. Brandenburg, A. J. Creech & A. ? Gabbard

Clevland CREECH & Jane SPENCER
Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  24 Oct 1905 at bride's home Lee Co, by R. T. Moores
witnesses:  family & friends;  Creed Duff & Chester Abner

Husband:  age: 26, born: Lee Co, residence: Monica, farmer, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   VA
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Wolf Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, born: Wolf Co KY, residence: Fillmore, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Wolf Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   NC
md:  11 Jan 1906 at Joseph Barker's Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.D.
witnesses:  Joe Chambers & Walter Barker
Remarks:  certificate sworn to by Joe Chambers attest Walter Barker

Stephen CREECH & Callie DEATON
Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
NOTES:  Affidavit states marriage is to take place on 18 Oct 1904 at Green Deaton's.

Husband:  age: 28, born Proctor, KY, residence: Proctor, KY, saw milling, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Proctor, KY, residence: Proctor, KY, 1st marriage
md:  11 May 1904 at Proctor, Lee Co by Alex Patterson, St. Thomas Church
witnesses:  Arch Combs, Chas B. Burke & Provy Hoover

Elbert CUNDIFF & Maggie LUCAS
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 24, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  26 Nov 1905 at Wm Lucas' Lee Co, by G. W. Hieronymus
witnesses:  Green Lucas & Frank Marshall
Remarks:  Harrison Lucas sworn

Willie DAVIS & Amanda CREECH
Husband:  age: 22, born Primrose, Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   A. B. Davis, Primrose, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Mary Belle Tutt, Wolf Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born Monica, Lee Co KY, residence: Monica, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   John Creech, Monica, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Margrett Evans, Lee Co KY
md:  6 Dec 1906 at John Creech's Lee Co, by Harvey Johnson
witnesses:  Bob Marcum & Luther Davis
Remarks:  order from Bride's father & Groom's sworn & all legal questions answerd

George DEATON & Sarah HADDIX
Husband:  age: 29, born Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 26, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  17 Aug 1905 at George Deaton's Lee Co
witnesses:  Harve Lutes & Polly Deaton

Husband:  age: 21, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Fillmore, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Al Deaton, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Alwilda Deaton, Wolf Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Fillmore, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   J. D. Jameson, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sarah Jameson
md:  16 Mar 1906 at J. D. Jameson Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses: Sherman Deaton & Felix Pence
Remarks:  Cerificate & affidavit filed Brother of bride apps

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, merchan, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:  Wm Dickerson Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Lucy Sizemore Clay Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born Beattyville, KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  E. M. Pryse, Wales
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  M. E. Bowman, Lee Co KY
md:  5 Jun 1906 at the Pryse house, Lee Co by ?J. F. ?Sutton, County Judge
witnesses: Myria Pryse & Mary A. Sutton

Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Perry Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 3rd marriage
md:  11 Feb 1904 at widow Peggy Fields', Lee Co by M. T. Stamper, M.G.
witnesses:  G. W. Toler & Troy Marshall

Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, KY, R.R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Estill Co KY, residence: St. Helens, KY, 1st marriage
NOTE:  Affidavit states marriage is to take place 3 Aug 1904 at St. Helens, KY

Husband:  age: 22, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, Stationerer Enginere, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 14, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  6 Jun 1905 at Sam Napiers' Beattyville, by Alex Patterson
witnesses:  Sherman Napier & Athur Combs

William DUNAWAY & Stella COOMER
Husband:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence:  Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John Dunaway
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Polly Marshall, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Lee Coomer, Adair Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Ellen Marshal
md:  31 May 1906 at Lee Coomer's Lee Co, by H. J. Parson, M.G.
witnesses:  Lee Coomer & John W. Coomer
Remarks:  Bride's father appears

Husband:  age: 22, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Ewin Dunigan, IN
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Manda Dunigan, ?Gearge Co VA
Wife:  age: 20, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Thos Lynch, TN
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Nancy Lynch, Lee Co KY
md:  12 Apr 1906 at Thos Lynch's Lee Co, by J. R. Dunigan, J.P.
witnesses:  Charley Dunigan & wife and Jane Smith
Remarks:  Certificate & affidavit filed

Harlin DURBIN & Martha STAMPER
Husband:  age: 22, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer , 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Edward Durbin, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Vina Horn
Wife:  age: 21, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Thos Stamper, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Jane Mays, Breathitt Co KY
md:  19 Jul 1906 at Harlin Stamper's Lee Co, by R. M. Durbin
witnesses:  Harlin Stamper & John P. Durbin
Remarks:  Order of Circuit Court produced for Bride's divorce

John P. DURBIN & Nettie NEWTON
Husband:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Why Not, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Edward Durbin, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Davina Durbin, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 15, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Why Not, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Breathitt Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Breathitt Co KY
md:  8 Feb 1906 at Fleman Newton's Lee Co, by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  Butreace? Stamper & William Stamper
Remarks:  Certificates from B & G Parents properly signed & sworn to by Enoch Stamper

Luster DURBIN & Lizzie ROACH
Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, miner, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  10 Nov 1904 at Thomas Roach Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  George Roach & Richard Durbin

Husband:  age: 29, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  26 Aug 1905 at Court House Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Sam Hurst & James Sizemore

William DURBIN & Sindy STAMPER
Husband:  age: 15, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  7 Dec 1905 at J. H. Durbin's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin G.M.
witnesses:  Mat Durbin & Harlan Stamper

Husband:  age: 21, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  24 Mar 1904 at Henry Edwards, Lee Co, by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses: Henry Goforth & Katie Cornett

Husband:  age: 61, born: Estel Co KY, residence:  Estel Co KY,  farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Wm Elliott, Madison Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sallie Harris, Estel Co KY
Wife:  age: 55, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  27 Jul 1906 at Rhoda Davis' Lee Co, by J. F. Sutton, County Judge
witnesses:  Kate Reed & R. N. Lyons

Anthony ESTES & Sarah Catharine SPARKS
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co, farming, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:  Owsley Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born Jackson Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Jas. Sparks Jackson Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Louisa Sparks Estill Co KY
md:  8 Dec 1904 at George Reece's Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  William Estes & Pryse Brandenburg

Samuel D. EVERETT, Jr. & Thetis KINCAID
Husband:  age: 22, born: Montgomery Co KY, residence: Pryse, KY, R. R. roader, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   L. D. Everett, KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Bettie Everett, KY
Wife:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Dunelly, KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Lee Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Lee Co KY
md:  31 Jan 1906 at Wm S. Thacker's Lee Co, by R. M. Durbin
witnesses:  Wm S. Thacker & G. B. Kelly
Remarks:  Order from Brides Father written assurance by Mrs. Thacker, OK also ass. Jessie Smith OK & J. Howel

Curtis FARLEY & America JOHNSON
Husband:  age: 23, born: Perry Co KY, residence: Frankfort, KY, teacher, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John Farley, Perry Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Farley, Letcher Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Monica, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Wilburn Johnson, Wolf Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Serrilda Johnson, Breathitt Co KY
md:  21 Feb 1906 at Wilbourn Johnson, Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Riley Coomer &  S. W. Bowman
Remarks:  Brides Father & Mothers certificate sworn to by ?son ____ parties

John F. FARMER & Edna GRAY
Husband:  age: 21, born Jackson Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  28 Sep 1905 at Bride's residence, Lee Co, by A. J. Marcum
witnesses:  Wm Gray & Scott Farmer

Husband:  age: 24, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   VA
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: ca 27, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Owsley Co
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Owsley Co
md:  19 May 1906 at A. Grave Lee Co, by ?G. B. Bowman, M.G.
witnesses:  ?Wilson Brandenburg, Eligah Creech & Hence Fields

Husband:  age: 19, born Perry Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, rail roading, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born NC, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  11 Oct 1904 at John Will Coomer's Lee Co by Elder S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  W. B. Vanderpool & G. W. Toler

Husband:  age: 24, residence: Jackson, KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Laurel Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  21 Feb 1904 at Robert Riley's, Rocky Hill, Lee Co by Alex Patterson
witnesses: Rubin Riley & R. L. Turner

Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  5 Jul 1904 at Will Maloney's, Lee, by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses:  Wheeler Maloney & Steve Fraley

James FRISBEY & Mollie ESTES
Husband:  age: 19, born: Campbell Co TN, residence: Beattyville, KY, miner, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Robt Frisbey, OH
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Dora Elliott
Wife:  age: 16, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Berry Estes
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Margret Mays, Owsley Co KY
md:  9 Aug 1906 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Alex Patterson
witnesses:  ?Sara Lutes & ?S. B. Lutes, & Pearl Brandenburg
Remarks:  Bride & Groom's fathers both appear

James FULKS & Amelia Bell LUNSFORD
Husband:  age: 24, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee, railroading, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:  Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 20, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Clay Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Breathitt
md:  10 May 1905 at A. J. Bowman's Lee Co, by A. J. Bowman, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  Flem Holland & Andy Coomer

Simeon FULKS & Massie DEATON
Husband:  age: 28, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  29 Jun 1904 at John Deaton's, Lee by Zephariah Ball, M.G.
witnesses: W. H. Pence & Arch Gabbard

Charley GABBARD & Mandy NEWNAM
Husband:  age: 25, born Owsley, residence: Lee Co, R.R.L., 1st marriage
Wife:  born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 2nd marriage
md:  6 Dec 1905 at David Jewel's Lee Co, by H. J. Parsons M.G.
witnesses:  David Jewel & Breck Stacy
Remarks:  Sherman Napier sworn as to Brides authority

Jerry GIBBS & Sarah Marget SHOEMAKER
Husband:  age: 22, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Groom's Father:  Hezekiah GIBBS
Wife:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee, 2nd marriage
md:  4 Jul 1905 at Rachel Hill's Lee Co, by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses:  Wesley Jewell & John Gibbs

John GIBBS & Nannie THOMAS
Husband:  age: 20, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Harlan Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Perry Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Harlan Co KY
md:  14 Dec 1905 at W. M. Thomas' Lee Co, by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses:  Jerry Gibbs & Sarah M. Gibbs

This is to certify that My Son John Gibbs is at liberty to mary Nannie thomas
Given under my hand this the H.K. Gibbs

Husband:  age: 40, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 3rd marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  14 Jun 1905 at Sim Baker's Lee Co, by T. N. Jones, Elder
witnesses:  Sim Baker & Zack Gilbert

Robert C. GOE & Nettie WARNER
Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  8 Jun 1905 at James Warner's Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  P. D. White & Lester Warner

Husband:  age: 22, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Proctor, KY, common laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Wm Goforth, NC
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Margret Goforth, Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 26, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   VA
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Breathitt Co KY
md:  7 Feb 1906 at Clerk's office Lee Co, by J. F. Sutton, Judge Lee Co Court
witnesses:  J. N. Lutes & Wm Sturnburg
Remarks:  Bride a widow & Groom of full age

Husband:  age: 47, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, merchant, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   David Goocey
Wife:  age: 33, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Thos Sparks, Lee Co KY
md:  18 Feb 1906 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Rev. Wm. Punch
witnesses: George ?Combs & Ollie Sparks

Silus GRAY & Emily ADKINS
Husband:  age: 24, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sis Collins
Wife:  age: 16, born: Laurel Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Lee Adkins
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sally Ann Cain
md:  30 Jun 1906 at Clerk's Office, Lee Co, by J. C. Smallwood, M.G.
witnesses:  Prentice Beatty & R. T. Eager
Remarks:  Affidavit filed

Sylvester GRAY & Mary ISAACS
Husband:  age: 30, born Estill Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Estill Co
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Estill Co
Wife:  age: 26, born Estill Co, residence: Lee Co, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Estill Co
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Estill Co
md:  4 Nov 1905 at thier house, Lee Co by Eld. G. W. Miller
witnesses:  Oneal Johnson & Andy C. Smallwood

Green GREGORY  & Creasy MILLS
Husband:  age: 45, born Clay Co KY, residence: Breathitt Co KY, miner, 3rd marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Clay Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Clay Co KY
Wife:  age: 35, born Knox Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Knox Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Knox Co KY
md:  3 Nov 1905 at Green Gregory's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Minnie Gregory & Maggie Maddox

John GREY & Amanda PLOWMAN
Husband:  age: 53, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 3rd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Silas Grey, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Manervia Portwood, KY
Wife:  age: 30, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   J. L. Plowman, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sarilda Lee Co KY
md:  18 Sep 1906 at Everett McQueen's Lee Co, by Elisha Isaacs
witnesses:  John M> Moore & Henry Rader

Husband:  age: 21, born Clay Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Owsley Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  13 Dec 1905 at my house, Lee Co, by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses:  Wesley Jewel & Padie Gabbard
Remarks:  Griffen Sworn as to color

Samuel GROSS & Sarah B. MILLER
Husband:  age: '19, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  22 Dec 1904 at Joseph Miller's Lee Co, by Elder S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  Frank Johnson & D. B. Kincaid
Remarks:  Father of the Bride & Bridegroom appeared

William HADDIX & Emily BLEVINS
Husband:  age: 21, born: Breathitt co KY, residence: Elkatawa, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   James Haddix, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Nancy Haddix, Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 22, born: OH, residence: Whiteash, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   William Blevins, Harlin Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Martha Blevins, VA
md:  1 Apr 1906 at White Ash Lee Co, by Rev. Wm Hager
witnesses:  Sm Petit & J. H. Golmar?
Remarks:  Affidavit filed by Bride as to age

Grover Cleveland HALL & Mary Catherine ARNOLD
Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co, residence: Beattyville, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Lee Co
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Lee Co
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co, residence: Proctor, KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Lee Co VA
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Lee Co
md:  6 Sep 1906 at Pebworth, Lee Co, by C. T. Brookshire
witnesses:  Chas P. Hall & Henry Arnold

R. H. HALL & Abbie BROWN
Husband:  age: 24, born: Carter Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, miner, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   E. P. Hall, Boyd Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Elizabeth Hall, Ohio
Wife:  age: 14, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Chas Brown, Rowan Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Zellie Brown, Lee Co KY
md:  4 May 1906 at Zillie Brown's Lee Co, by J. F. Sutton, County Judge
witnesses:  Mrs. Harriett Lutes & Larra Lyons
Remarks:  Certificate signed  sworn to by two witnesses

Wilgus HALL & Edna ASBELL
Husband:  age: 24, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Harvy Hall, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Hall, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 21, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Sam Abell, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Mary Bowman
md:  10 Apr 1906 at Beattyville, Lee Co KY, by Rev. G. F. Brookshire
witnesses:  Ruth Ashcraft & Dema Asbell
Remarks:  Bride's brother appears states age of Bride

John P. HANDY & Mary Ann SPARKS
Husband:  age: 24, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Willow Shoal, KY, laboer, 2nd marriage - wife dead
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Lazerath Handy, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Becky Handy now Durbin McQueen
Wife:  age: 18, born: Jackson Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Jim Sarks, Jackson Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Louisa Sparks no Reece
md:  1 Mar 1906 at Geo Reece's Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses: Abraham Durbin & Joseph Reece
Remarks:  Brides stepfather appears with his consent & verbal consent of Bride's mother by him

Charles HARRIS & Catherine RACNER
Husband:  age: 40, born OH, residence: Madison Co KY, L.T., 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  25 Jul 1905 at J. H. Hammons' Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  J. H. Hammons & Alice Hammons

Joseph HERNDON & Mattie HALL
Husband:  age: 34, born: Owsley Co, residence: Booneville, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   George Herndon, Lee Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Jalah Herndon, Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Daniel Hall, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Emily Hall, Lee Co KY
md:  11 Jan 1906 at Beattyville Lee Co, by Rev. C. T. Brookshire
witnesses:  Mattie Brandenburg & Rhoda Brandenburg
Remarks:  Certificate files signedby parents, qualified by Wm Hall

Adam HOGAN & Polly J. GIPSON
Husband:  age:  58, born:  Jesamine Co KY, residence:  Lee Co KY, timber man, 3rd marriage
Wife:  age: 48, born: Breathitt Co, residence:  Lee Co KY, 3rd marriage
md:  30 Dec 1905 at Polly Gibson's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge
Witnesses:  Lewis Spicer & J. W. Newton

David HOGAN, Jr. & Della PARSON
Husband:  age: 17, born: Lee Co KY, residence: St. Hellens, common laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   David Hogan, Ohio
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Armilda Hogan, Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born: VA, residence: St. Hellens, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Harve Parsons, VA
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Mrs. Harve Parsons, VA
md:  20 Feb 1906 at Lenard Richarson's Lee Co, by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses: Henry Dunagin & Lenard Richardson
Remarks:  Certificates from Both Brides  Grooms fathers sworn to by Henry Dunagan

O. A. HORN & Ellen HOGAN
Husband:  age: 52, residence: Pulaski Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 37, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  4 Apr 1904 at A. F. Cox's, Lee Co by Rev. John M. Smyth
witnesses:  J. W. F. Williams & J. C. B. Combs

Void HORN & Sarah M. SPICER
Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Old Landing Lee Co KY, teamster, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Houston Horn, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Susan Ashcraft, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   William Spicer, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   McKinny
md:  24 Nov 1906 at Houston Horn's Lee Co, by J. S. Smallwood, J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  John M. Durbin & T___ Newton
Remarks:  consent of both parties by order & proof of Bride's divorce by J. M. Beatty & H. T. Beatty

Mitchell HOWELL & Ruth E. DURBIN
Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Old Landing, KY, 1st marriage
md:  17 Aug 1904 at Hatton Howell's Lee Co by Rev. Wm. T. ?Pruiet
witnesses:  M. L. Durbin & Sira Freeman

Hardin HURST & Pearl ABNER
Husband:  age: 21, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Lansaw, Wolf Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Jul 1904 at John Abner, Sr.'s, Lee Co by Rev. W. Tyler
witnesses:  J. H. Johnson & Roy Hurst

Husband:  age: 32, born Leslie Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  10 Aug 1905 at Phill Williams' Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  P. M. Williams & C. N. Sharp
Remarks:  P. of A. To P.M. Williams

Husband:  age: 26, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  31 Sept 1904 at Tom Brandenburg's by James C. Dunigan
witnesses:  Rachel Isaacs & David Isaacs

Husband:  age: 24, born Breathitt, residence: Lee Co, merchant, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co, residence: Lee, 1st marriage
md:  15 Dec 1905 Beattyville, Lee Co, by Rev. C. T. Brookshear
witnesses: Warren Burnett & Lula Sizemore

Husband:  age: 40, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   D. Jameson
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Spencer
Wife:  age: 38, born: Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2md marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   William Taulbee
md:  25 May 1906 at Mid Jameson's Lee Co, by G. W. Hieronymus
witnesses:  John & Nancy Deaton

Husband:  age:  22, born:  Breathitt Co KY, residence:  Athol, Breathitt Co KY, operator, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:  Marton Jett, Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 20, born: Lee Co KY, residence:  Monica, 1st marriage
md:  2 Jan 1906 at William Couch's Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
Witnesses:  William Couch & Henry Johnson
Remarks:  Father of bride appears gives his consent

Andy JOHNSON & Christia Ann Brandenburgh
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, public works, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  26 Aug 1905 at George Brandenburg's Lee Co, by J. M. Roberts
witnesses:  George Brandenburg & Henry Edwards, Jr.

Clay JOHNSON & Rosettie HORN
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, R.R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  3 Jul 1905 at David Gammons Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  David Gummons & Greenville Johnson

Henry JOHNSON & Cordilia LUCAS
Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Wiilburn Johnson, NC
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Rilda Bowman, Lee Co
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   W. T. Lucas, Lee Co
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Mary Ann Plummer
md:  31 Oct 1906 at W. T. Lucas' Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  John H. Plummer & Sam P. Lucas

James H. JOHNSON & Sarah Emmie Eveline CORNETT
Husband:  age: 26, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John Johnson
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Lucinda Sloan
Wife:  age: 32, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Elyroy Cornett, Grayson Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Hannah Hurley, TN
md:  19 Jul 1906 at White Ash, Lee Co, by Rev. Wm. Hayse
witnesses:  R. A. Steele & Joseph McGuire

Husband:  age: 35, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 32, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  15 Jun 1905 at A. B. Estes' Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Sherman Napier & Marrett Pitman

Leslie JONES & Dora CREECH
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  9 Sept 1904 at Court House Lee Co by Wm. Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  D. C. Bailey & William Wade

Hiram S. KELLY & Vashtie KENDRICK
Husband:  age: 26, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 17, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  31 Dec 1903 at the bride's by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  Thomas Smith & Allice Kelly

Husband:  age: 21, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 25, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  21 Mar 1904 at brides, Lee Co by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses: John Dunigan & Mary A. Kelly

Husband:  age: 20, born: Jackson Co KY, residence: Greeley, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Harrison Ketchum
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Louisa Combs
Wife:  age: 15, born: Estel Co KY, residence: Greeley, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Nathan Farthing, Estel Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Malisse Stuart, Estel Co KY
md:  13 Jul 1906 at John M. Smyth's Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, M.G.
witnesses:  ______ Ketchum & Cora Smyth
Remarks:  Bride's father & Groom's guardian appears

Husband:  age: 29, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, labour, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  12 Jul 1905 at Elisha Martin's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Elisha Martin & Nelson Smith

Jerry KING & Myrtle KING
Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born AL, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  17 Oct 1905 at W. E. King's Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses: W. E. King & W. H. King

Husband:  age: 20, born Estill Co KY, residence: Valee View, KY, public work, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  2 Apr 1905 at Buck Creech's Lee Co, by G. W. Hieronymus
witnesses:  Joseph Chambers & John Creech

Mort LAND & Laura THOMAS
Husband:  age: 24, born: Estel Co KY, residence:  Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   James Land, Estel Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Harriett Wright, KY
Wife:  age: 17, born: Harlin Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Wm Thomas, Perry Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Catherine Harris, Harlin Co KY
md:  21 Jun 1906 at my house, Lee Co, by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses:  Taylor Land & John Gibbs
Remarks:  Bride's father appears gave his consent

James David LANTER & Margret COLE
Husband:  age: 30, born Mtg. Co, residence: Wolf Co, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 33, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  20 Nov 1905 Beattyville, Lee Co, by James E. Thomas
witnesses:  Monroe McGuire & Minie Seals

Joseph LAWSON & Catty BOWMAN
Husband:  age: 24, born: Wolfe Co KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, common laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   William Lawson, Wolf Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Mary Jane Lawson, NC
Wife:  age: 29, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Alfred Bowman, SC
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Elizabeth Bowman, TN
md:  1 Mar 1906 at Joseph Bowman's Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  John D. Brown & Berry J. Slone

Rolen LEE & Maud KINCAID
Husband:  age: 22, born Estill Co, residence: Estill Co, teamster, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Powell, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  29 Nov 1905 at Silas Lee's Lee Co, by Robert M. Durbin
witnesses:  A. D. Beckeer & Geo. W. Patton
Remarks:  G. W. Patton Witness sworn

Husband:  age: 29, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Harlan Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  29 Jun 1905 at Susan Hall's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  D. H. McDonald & Margret Estes

Henry B. LUCAS & Elvinia STAPLETON
Husband:  age: 24, born Boyd Co KY, residence: Lee Co, laborer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Carter Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  J. W. Stapelton's Lee Co by Rev. John M. Smyth
witnesses:  Sylvester Whisman & Everett Blackwell

John LUCAS & Zillie LUCAS
Husband:  age: 20, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   W. B. Lucas, Lee Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Harriet Arnold, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Elex Lucas, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Elizabeth Fulks, Lee Co KY
md:  27 Jun 1906 at S. R. Lucas' Lee Co, by R. T. Moores
witnesses:  a few friends, W. D. Lucas & Elbert Cundiff
Remarks:  certificates for both Bride & groom filed certified by affidavits

Noah LUCAS & Ethie HOBBS
Husband:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  23 Aug 1905 at B. F. Hobbs' Lee Co, by R. T. Moons
witnesses:  Jobb Hobbs, John Martin, B. F. Hobbs, family & others, J. H. Hieronymus & Ada F. Hieronymus

Husband:  age: 18, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  18 Apr 1905 at Zack Butler's Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  William Lucas & Joe Toller

Husband:  age: 17, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, painter, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   W. C. Lutes, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Laura B. Lutes, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Louis Porter, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sadie Porter, Lee Co KY
md:  17 May 1906 at her house, Lee Co, by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  Willie Lyon & Lillie Porter
Remarks:  Mother of Groom consents verbal & Cerct from Bride's father affidavit filed

J. A. LUTES & Cordelia FARLEY
Husband:  age: 19, born Beattyville, Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Sam Lutes Union, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Harriet Beatty, Beattyville, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 21, born Pebworth, Owsley Co KY, residence: Pebworth, Owsley Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Sheridan Farley
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Patsey Pendergrass, Pebworth, Owsley Co KY
md:  5 Dec 1906 at Henry Brandenburg's Lee Co, by ? Sutton, County Judge
witnesses:   Henry Brandenburg & H. E. Fraley
Remarks:  order from Groom's father, Bride legal age

Millerd LUTES & Callie CHRISMAN
Husband:  age: 23, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, KY, farming, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   James Lutes
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Elly Lucas, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Primrose, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Wm Chrisman, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Louisa Hayse, Wolf Co KY
md:  6 Jun 1906 at William Chrisman Lee Co, by Harvey Johnson
witnesses:  Harvey Lutes & William Chrisman
Remarks:  Brides father appears

Husband:  age: 36, born Owsley, residence: Owsley Co, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Owsley, residence: Lee Co, 2nd marriage
md:  12 Dec 1905 at Ike Fox's Lee Co, by William P. Page, Minister
witnesses:  Lee Fox & Mat Fox
Remarks:  Father of Bride appeard

Thomas LYNCH & Ester DUNAWAY
Husband:  age: 20, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, frmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  4 Jul 1905 at Wm Dunaway's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses: Wm Dunaway & Henry Price

Husband:  age: 22, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Wife's mother:  Martha Hamilton
md:  10 Mar 1904 at bride's residence, Jno Hamilton's, Lee Co by A. J. Marcum
witnesses:  George Burk & A. B. Marcum

Willie LYONS & Lillie PORTER
Husband:  age: 21, born Proctor, KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, carpenter, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   R. N. Lyons, NC
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   L. D. Lyon, Lee Co
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  14 Sep 1906 at Pebworth, Lee Co, by C. T. Brookshire
witnesses:  Mable Lutes & H. L. Perkins

Husband:  age: 43, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, common laborer, 4th marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John Malaer, Paint Lick, KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Patsy Pendergrass, Lee Co VA
Wife:  age: 23, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Pierson, Owsley Co KY
md:  6 Jun 1906 at J> F. Sutton Lee Co, by J. F. Sutton, Co. Judge
witnesses:  Della Pearson & Mary A. Sutton

Husband:  age: 18, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, merchant, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  20 Dec 1905 at Sam Plummer's Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  J. B. Gum, Sam Plummer and others

Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, tie making, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  6 Jun 1905 by L. H. Wright, M.J.
witnesses:  James M. Richardson & Levi Richardson

Sid MANN & Maggie COUCH
Husband:  age: 41, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  15 Oct 1904 at Eli Couch's Lee Co by H. J. Parsons, M. J?
witnesses:  Lee Dunagin & Eli Couch
Remarks:  Eli Couch her uncle appeared and made oath of age & her consent

Husband:  age: 20, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  4 Feb 1904 at Robert Hamilton's, Lee Co by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  Walter Linch & Kattie Hamilton

Harvey MARCUM & Mary ALLEN
Husband:  age: 19, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Lat? Mayes
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Lucinda Marcum, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Joe Allen, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Francis Beard, VA
md:  8 Nov 1906 at Clerk's office Lee Co, by E. B. Bartlett
witnesses:  I. C. Brandenburg & Geo. Pendergrass
Remarks:  Affidavits by Joe Allen & Harvy Marcum

Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  21 Dec 1905 at Jack Norman's Lee Co, by Wm. Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Henry Norman & Robert Norman

Husband:  age: 23, born: Breathitt Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Dave Mason, TN
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Amy Little, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Dan Blevins, VA
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Easter Moore, Owsley Co KY
md:  18 May 1906 at White Ash, Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  Dan Blevins & David Mason
Remarks:  Bride's father appears Bride made oath to his age and as to being ____

George MATTOCKS & Mary Grace DOHERTY
Husband:  age: 23, born: Laurel Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, mining, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John Mattocks, PA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Mary Liz Alder, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 26, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Proctor, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Frank Doherty, Ireland
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Matishia Cole, Estel Co
md:  16 Jun 1906 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Rev. Wm Punch
witnesses:  J. B. Combs & Agnes Daniel
Remarks:  Certificate from both

Husband:  age: 21, born TN, residence: Lee Co KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  10 Mar 1905 at S. V. Ingram's Lee Co, by Rev. Wm Fox
witnesses:  Ely Curtis Durbin & John P. Ingram
Remarks:  Sylvister Ingram father appeard

Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Hiedelberg, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  25 Aug 1904 at Henry Jones, Lee Co by G. H. Thomas M.G.
witnesses:  Jesse Rowlett & Daniel Bowman
Remarks:  H. Jones her father appeared for license

Mathew MAYS & Alice DURBIN
Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, teamster, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  14 Dec 1905 at Harlan Durbin's Lee Co, by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  Harlan Durbin & Thomas Mays

Husband:  age:  35, born:  KY, residence:  Lee Co, farmer, 3rd marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born: Lee Co, residence:  Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  32 Dec 1905 at Lige Mays Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, C.M.
Witnesses:  Nettie Lee Richardson & Marthar Mayse

Thos MAYS & Sarah H. POWELL
Husband:  age: 32, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Greeley, KY, farmer, 3rd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   High Maes, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Joanna Maes, Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born: Powell Co KY, residence: Greeley, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   B. F. Powell, Powell Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sarah Ann Powell, Powell Co KY
md:  1 Mar 1906 at H. S. Rogers' Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, P.M.
witnesses:  El. M. Center & R. H. Childers
Remarks:  Certificate sworn to by H. S. Rogers Brother in law to bride

Whitley MAYS & Lillie FARMER
Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  22 Dec 1904 at J. C. Farmer's, bride's residence, Lee Co, by A. J. Marcum,  Minister
witnesses:  Wm Gray & J. H. Farmer

Ishmael W. MCGUIRE & Clarinda E. BLOUNT
Husband:  age:  27, residence:  Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born: Morgan Co KY, residence:  Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Owsley
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Morgan Co KY
md:  25 Dec 1905 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Rev. C. L. Brookshire
Witnesses:  Carry Smith & G. W. Blount

James B. MCGUIRE & Nettie C. WHEELER
Husband:  age: 27, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 26, residence: Lee Co KY & Wolfe Co, 1st marriage
md:  7 Dec 1903 at Delina McGuire's by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  Delina McGuire & Simson Horn

Husband:  age: 23, born Monica, Lee Co KY, residence: Monica, Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Taylor McGUIRE, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Sarilda White, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 15, born Monica, Lee Co KY, residence: Monica, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   John Martin, Powell Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sallie T. Hieronymus, Lee Co KY
md:  7 Dec 1906 at John Martin's Lee Co, by J. H. Hieronymus
witnesses:  Willie Davis & J. W. Jameson
Remarks:  order from bride's parents, Groom ans all legal questions

Sidney F. MCGUIRE & Amanda SAMPLES
Husband:  age: 31, residence: ???, section forman?, 3rd marriage
Wife:  age: 30, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  12 Jan 1905 at her home, Lee Co, by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  ?Dillard Estes & Nanie Rogers

Husband:  age: 20, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co, farming, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Breathitt Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 14, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Hardin Caudill, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Nannie Bell Roberts, Wolfe Co KY
md:  27 Apr 1905 at Henry Johnson's Breathitt Co, by James Johnson, J.P.B.C.
witnesses:  Oliver Gross & Wm Combs

Husband:  age: 35, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Lee Estille Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  27 May 1905 at J. H. Dubin's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin, G.M.
witnesses:  William Holt & Bell Durbin

Husband:  age: 27, born Estill Co KY, residence: Estill Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:  PA
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Powell Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Estill Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Estill Co KY
md:  21 Sep 1905 at W. E. Howell's Lee Co, by Robert M. Durbin
witnesses:  Camel? Rankins & C. R. Watson

Husband:  age: 28, born Estill, residence: Estill Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 24, born Powell Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  29 Nov 1905 at Silas Lee's Lee Co by Robert M. Durbin
witnesses:  Geo. W. Patton & A. D. Beckear
Remarks:  G. W. Patton sworn

Husband:  age: 21, born Glasgow, KY, residence: Brown, KY, operator, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   W. H. McQuown, Glasgow, KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Addie Bell Boles, Banksville, KY
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co KY, residence: Brown, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   M. Smith,  Floy Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sarah Lovelace, Breathitt Co KY
md:  30 Jul 1906 at Jas. Smith's, Lee Co, by H. J. Parson, M.G.
witnesses: B. C. McGuire & Dudley Snowden
Remarks:  Bride's father appears

Charlie MCQUINN & Viola SMYTH
Husband:  age: 20, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Estill Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  25 May 1905 at her father's Lee Co, by W. H. Darrell, Minst.
witnesses:  J. D. Smyth & G. H. Arnold
Remarks:  father of bride appeard

Clevland MEANS & Eppie ABNEY
Husband:  age: 21, born Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  5 Oct 1905 at Asa Abney's Lee Co, by G. T. Adams
witnesses:  Ada Abney

Alfred MILLER & Aleyfair ASHLEY
Husband:  age: 20, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, common laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   E. H. Miller, KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Florence Miller, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born: Wolf Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Can't state
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Rosany Campbell
md:  2 Feb 1906 at E. Miller's Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  C. C. Treadway & J. S. Miller
Remarks:  Brides stepfather appear Certificate from mother Certificate sworn to by Grooms father

Socrates MILLER & Lucinda BLEVENS
Husband:  age: 19, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: White Ash, Lee Co KY, coal miner, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   E. H. Miller, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Florence Ella Johnson, Powell Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, residence: White Ash, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Wm Blevens
md:  24 Nov 1906 at Jas Blevens Lee Co, by J. H. Hieronymus
witnesses: James Kincaid & ?Jas McGuire
Remarks:  Both Groom & Bride father gave consent in person

W. T. MYERS & Florence WILSON
Husband:  age: 25, born Montgomery Co KY, residence: Wolfe Co KY, saw milling, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:  Montgomery Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Estill Co KY
Wife:  age: 22, born Allen Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Allen Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Allen Co KY
md:  25 Dec 1903 at S. E. Wilson's by M. F. Stamper
witnesses:  J. G. Whisman & Topsy Cable

Arthur NEWNAM & Florence FRYE
Husband:  age: 23, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  7 Jan 1905 at Cross Roads, Owsley Co, by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  James Price & James Step

H. H. NEWNAM & Mary Jane STEP
Husband:  age: 29, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  29 Dec 1904 at Pebworth, Lee Co, by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  Arthur Newnam  Joney? Newnam

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, labour, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  21 Sep 1905 at Contrary Creek Lee Co, by Rev. Wm L. Punch
witnesses:  John Willie Durbin & ?Bury Newton

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, school teacher, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  25 Aug 1904 at home of bride, Lee Co by M. F. Stamper
witnesses:  David Wilson & Wm Gabbard

Husband:  age: 30, born Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Clay Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  29 Aug 1904 at Henry Banks' Lee Co, by J. E. Dunigan
witnesses:  Henry Banks, Alford Canter & wife, others
Remarks:  father came for licenes

Decatur NEWTON & Lottie RADER
Husband:  age: 62, born Owsley Co (now Lee) KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 3rd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Allen Newton
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Rachel Newton
Wife:  age: 27, born Jackson Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Geo Rader
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Betsey Rader
md:  24 Oct 1906 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by Alexander Patterson
witnesses:  John Ashcraft, G. A. Lyon, Jr. & Lewis Spicer

Husband:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  31 Aug 1905 at William Wiatt's Lee Co by J. H. Durbin, G.M.
witnesses:  Godfrey Newton & John Thacker

Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  4 May 1905 at Floyd Stamper's Lee Co, by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  Lucas Durbin & Lethe Stamper

Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  29 Nov 1905 at John Ashcraft's Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, M.P.

Husband:  age: 22, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  4 Feb 1904 at Mary Thompson's, Lee Co by G. W. Hieronymus
witnesses: Green Lucus & F. Thompson

Husband:  age: 13, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  21 Dec 1905 at G. W. Treadway's Lee Co, by Harvey Johnson
witnesses: E. B. Smyth, J. B. Gum, Alice Smyth & Dora Olinger

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  24 Dec 1903 at David Wilson's by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  D. C. Layne & Jeff White

George Washington PENDERGRASS & Margurite BARTLETT
Husband:  age: 18, born Levi, Owsley Co KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, typewriter, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:  D. B. Pendergrass, Lee Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Matt Bolden, Lee Co VA
Wife:  age: 18, born Garrard Co KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  E. B. Bartlett, Fleming Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Christia Rowland, Garrard Co KY
md:  20 Aug 1907 at house of bride, Lee Co, by E. B. Bartlett
witnesses:  ?T. M. Pendergrass & J. C. Brandenburg

James PERDUE & Lillie M. ANGEL
Husband:  age: 23, born Breathitt Co KY, residence: Breathitt Co KY, saw milling, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  14 Jun 1905 at A. J. Angel's Lee Co, by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses:  Adam Hogan & James P. Easley

Husband:  age: 20, born Williamsburg, KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, lumberman, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   G. T. Perkins, Whitley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Maggie Hall, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born Madison Co KY, residence: Beattyville, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   John E. Henseley, Madison Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   (blank)
md:  19 Dec 1906 at Roberts Hotel, Lee Co, by E. B. Bartlett
witnesses:  Omer Powell & R. T. Egon
Remarks:  Groom's father appeared & written consent from Bride's father

Clevland PHILLIPS & Bertha ROACH
Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, miner, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  21 Sept 1904 at Thomas Roach's Lee Co by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Thomas Roach & Bettie Roach

Husband:  age: 20, born: Wolfe Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY,  farmer,
1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John H. Phillips, Montgomery Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Elizabeth Little, Wolf Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Martin Oliner, Wolf Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Rebecca Frances, Breathitt Co KY
md:  26 Jul 1906 at Mart Olinger's, Lee Co, by P. R. Legg, M.G.
witnesses:  J. B. Treadway, Taylor Legg, & J. M. Shoemaker
Remarks:  Bride & Groom's fathers both appear

Jesse PITMAN & Lillie SCHULL
Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, miner, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  8 Nov 1904 at Jesse Pitman's, Lee Co, by J. N. Smith, Justice of Peace Lee Co
witnesses:  Nelson Smith & Clem Sloan
Remarks:  father appeared

Husband:  age: 30, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, mining, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  21 May 1904 at Dan Blevins, Lee by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Cleveland Noland & Jasper Howell

H. H. POLLEY & Catherine MCGUIRE
Husband:  age: 29, born MA, residence: Lee Co, KY, Tel. operator, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 28, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
NOTE:  Affidavit states that marriage is to take place 19 Nov 1903

James H. POWELL & Alice LANE
Husband:  age: 27, born Powell Co KY, residence: Powell Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Hibirt Powell, Powell Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Elizabeth Crabtree, Lee Co VA
Wife:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Melvin Lane
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Delina Smith, Lee Co KY
md:  28 Nov 1906 at J. D. Crabtree's Lee Co, by James Warner
witnesses:  J. D. Crabtree & J. F. Powell
Remarks:  Groom sworn ans all legal questions & gave bond & certi--- copy of bride's divorce

Husband:  age: 20, born: Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Ben Powell, Powell Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Powell, Powell Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born: Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Morton Powell
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Randy Powell
md:  8 Apr 1906 at Morton Powell's Lee co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, P.M.
witnesses:  E. M. Canters & J. H. Powell
Remarks:  Two certificates from Brides & Grooms parents ?and filed by affidavits of Thomas Mays & H. S. Rogers.  No Kin as they now of

Thomas PRICE & Lucinda DUNAWAY
Husband:  age: 28, born Lee Co KY, residence: Travelers Rest, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  22 Dec 1904 at Wm Dunaway's Lee Co, by Eld. G. W. Miller
witnesses: Crit Newnam & Mason Dunaway
Remarks:  Father appeared

William PRICE & Ellen PRICHARD
Husband:  age: 27, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Neson Price, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Margret Riley
Wife:  age: 17, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   J. P. Prichard, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Elizabeth Holinsworth, Owsley Co KY
md:  8 Jun 1906 at J. R. Prichards, Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  J. R. Prichard & Mahala Davidson
Remarks:  Brides father appears gives his consent

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  1 Jun 1904 at Beattyville by Rev. R. L. Baker
witnesses:  R. C. Hill & J. H. Hammons

Husband:  age: 20, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Radical, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Radical, KY, 1st marriage
md:  3 Aug 1904 at John M. Smyth's Lee Co by Rev. John M. Smyth
witnesses:  Clarence Townsend & J. E. Smyth

Husband:  age: 21, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Owsley Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   VA
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Breathitt Co KY
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Breathitt Co KY
md:  12 May 1904 at Jas. Warner's Lee Co by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  Flemon Newton & Nettie Warner

Joseph M. RADER & Amanda BOWLES
Husband:  age: 21, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  7 Apr 1904 at Court House, Lee Co by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  J. W. Newton & W. C. Lutes

Hiram REECE & Telitha SPARKS
Husband:  age: 21, born Estill Co, residence: Lee Co KY, logman, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  5 Oct 1905 at Ben Sparks' Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  E. C. Durbin & Will Lince?
Remarks:  Hiram Reece Sworn as to age

Lucian REECE & Sarah Jane TERRY
Husband:  age: 20, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  10 Dec 1903 at the house of the bride by William P. Page, Methodist
witnesses:  John McIntosh & Leonard Reece

William REECE & Sina MAYS
Husband:  age: 19, born IN, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  2 Mar 1905 at John Reece's Lee Co by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  William Ross & Morgan Mays
Remarks:  John Reece appeard for Wm Reece

Benjamin REED & Delilah WILLIAMS
Husband:  age:  25, born:  Estill Co, residence:  Estill Co, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born: Lee Co, residence:  Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  27 Dec 1905 at Harve Williams' Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, M.G.
Witnesses:  Lucian Shearer & Joe Williams

Husband:  age: 31, born Clay Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, saloon keeper, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
NOTES:  Affidavit states that marriage is to take place 22 Jan 1905 at S. P. Stamper's.

Asa ROSE & Carrie McGUIRE
Husband:  age: 22, residence: Wolfe Co KY, telegraph operator, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  4 Feb 1904 at Taylor McGuire's, Lee Co by Z. Ball M.G.
witnesses: Bluford Bowman & Patton Coomer

Husband:  age: 24, born Owsley, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  22 Oct 1904 at Jasper Brandenburg's Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses:  Jasper Brandenburg & George Ross

Husband:  age: 37, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John Rowland, Lee Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Rowland Perry Co KY
Wife:  age: 23, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Isaac Congleton, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Nanny Congleton, Lee Co KY
md:  15 Mar 1906 at the home of the bride Lee Co, by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses: Wilgus Steel & Frances Evans
Remarks:  Certificate of consent from bride and parents

Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  6 Dec 1905 at Delina McGuire's Lee Co, by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  Delina McGuire & Nettie McGuire
Remarks:  W. C. Scholl sworn as to age

Husband:  age: 26, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, school teacher, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  25 Jun 1905 at Sam Lutes' Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge, Lee Co
witnesses:  Sam Lutes & Millard Seale

Scott R. SEALE & Lillie SPICER
Husband:  age: 23, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, barber, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   W. H. C. Seale
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Mary Long
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Lewis Spicer
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Smith, Lee Co KY
md:  3 Oct 1906 at daughters fathers Lee Co, by E. B. Bartlett
witnesses:  Arch Spicer & J. E. Seale

Whitley SEALE & Sophia KILBOURN
Husband:  age: 30, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   John Seale, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Julia Brown, Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Simpson Brandenburg, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Laer Smith, Owsley Co KY
Remarks:  parties both well known to clerk
NOTES:  Affidavit states that marriage is to take place 6 Aug 1906 at Sam Brandenburg's

Crawford SHELTON & Lillie COLE
Husband:  age: 24, born Clay Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 14, born Lee Co, residence: Lee, 1st marriage
md:  14 Nov 1905 at H. J. Parsons" Lee Co, by H. J. Parsons, M.G.
witnesses:  Tice Shelton & Clifford Cole
Remarks:  S. C. Shelton sworn

Charley SHOEMAKER & Cordelia COMBS
Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, 1st marriage
md:  23 Jun 1904 at bride's mother's, Lee Co by Elder S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  friends and relatives

Husband:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 29, born Perry Co KY, residence: Fincastle, KY, 2nd marriage
md:  25 Aug 1904 at Sallie Stamper's Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Willson
witnesses:  Friends & relatives, Jams M. Olinger & Jamison Francis

Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  14 Jun 1905 at Mrs. Combs' Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Walter Day & Henry H. Thomas

Husband:  age: 33, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   WVA
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   NC
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  1 Mar 1904 at Moses Spencer's, Lee Co by G. W. Hieronymus
witnesses:  Breck Spencer & Robert Powell

Alex SHORT & Arzella WHITE
Husband:  age: 39, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 29, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  26 Jan 1904 at Alec Short's, Wolfe Co by P. R. Legg, M.G.
witnesses: Roy Smith & Wheeler Roberds

Husband:  age: 27, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, miner, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 27, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 3rd marriage
md:  9 Jul 1904 at Clem Sloan's, Lee Co by Wm. Robinson, Judge of Lee Co
witnesses:  Les Roach & M. D. Sloane

Husband:  age: 30, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 27?, born Knot Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  26 Jan 1905 at Pleas Cambell's Lee Co, by Eld S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  W. E. Kincaid & Thomas Slone & others

Dudley SMITH & Nannie WOOSLEY
Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  26 May 1905 at James Woosley's Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smith, P.
witnesses:  Lula Spradling & Minnie Whitaker

J. N. SMITH & Cordielia DICKISON
Husband:  age: 48, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Proctor, KY, merchant, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 28, born Lee Co KY, residence: Proctor, KY, 1st marriage
md:  27 Aug 1904 at Clerk's office, Lee Co by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  J. N. Lutes & Balty Martin

James SMITH & Rebecca ESTEP
Husband:  age: 29, born Whitley Co KY, residence: Whitley Co KY, corn man laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Louis Smith, Whitley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Marthy Smith, Whitley Co KY
Wife:  age: 15, born Estil Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   E. C. Estes, Madison Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Julia Tipton, Estel Co KY
md:  16 Nov 1906 at Cane Estess Lee Co, by James Warner
witnesses: Hardy Moore & G. W. Tate
Remarks:  Bride's father appeard

Jarvis J. SMITH/SMYTH & Spicy Caroline WILLIAMS
Husband:  age: 26, born: Whitley Co KY, residence:  Whitley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   James Smith, Whitley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    James Smith [sic] Whitley Co KY
Wife:  age: 16, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Harve Williams, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sarah Jones, Scott Co VA
md:  19 Jul 1906 at Harvey Williams' Lee Co, by James Warner
witnesses:  Harvey Williams & Cane Esters
Remarks:  Bride's father appears

Jas. R. SMITH & Carrieie GOOSEY
Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Proctor, KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  30 Apr 1905 at Wm Goosey's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  J. W. Martin & G. A. Dorman

Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Eveline, KY, operator, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   J. P. Smith, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Jane Hamilton, Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Hiedelburg, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   S. P. Brandenburg, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Mary C. Smith, Owsley Co KY
md:  6 Sep 1906 by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses: B. F. Newnam & Mary C. Brandenburg
Remarks:  Consent granted by mother Sept 1st 1906 to clerk

Husband:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  23 Jul 1904 at M. H. Smith's Lee Co. by G. A. Thomas M.G.
witnesses:  Russell B. Smith & Charley C. Smith

Husband:  age: 18, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Jul 1905 at Elisha Brandenburg's Lee Co, by James M. Roberts
witnesses:  Elisha Brandenburg & wife

Husband:  age: 25, born: Breathitt Co KY, residence: Jackson, KY, lineman, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Wm Smith, Breathitt Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Jane R___ , Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Talega, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   William Parsons, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Emily Palmer, Lee Co KY
md:  17 May 1906 at Emily Parsons' Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Mose Estes & F. M. Lucas
Remarks:  Certificate sworn to by John Parsons

Husband:  age: 26, born: Lee Co, residence: Lee Co KY, telegraph operator, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Owsley Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 19, born: Lee Co, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Jun 1906 at C. M. Drakes Lee Co, by H. J. Parson, M.G.
witnesses:  Sim Hill & Robert Thompson

William H. SPARKS & Sarah M. MORE
Husband:  age: 23, born Jackson Co KY, residence: Jackson Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Jun 1905 at Sylvester Croucher's Lee Co, by James W. Ball, Minister of the Baptist Church
witnesses:  Sylvester Croucher & Elijah A. Sparks
Remarks:  Father appeard for Bride

Husband:  age: 23, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  13 Oct 1904 at John M. Cornett's Lee Co KY by James E. Dunigan
witnesses:  Hall Mays & wife, James Spence, Barnet Bucker, Bill Tincher & others

J. S. SPENCE & Pricillar TOLER
Husband:  age: 34, born Bath Co KY, residence: Morgan Co KY, R.R., 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  17 Sep 1905 at J. C. Toler's Lee Co, by Wm Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Richard Toler & J. C. Toler
Remarks:  Father of Bride appeared

Lycurgus SPENCER & Ruthia CHILDERS
Husband:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  12 Apr 1905 at W. J. Childers Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Charley Childers & Lee Childers

Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  1 Feb 1905 at Isaac Spencer's Lee Co by A. J. Bowman J.P.L.C.
witnesses:  Isaac Spencer & Harrison Bowman

Garfield SPICER & Nannie WARNER
Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  14 Jul 1905 at James H. Warner's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin, G.M.
witnesses:  Asa Webb & Thomas Spicer

Husband:  age: 21, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Estill, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  15 Dec 1905 at Jessie Spicer's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin, S.M.
witnesses:  J. S. Smallwoods & William Durbin

Husband:  age: 20, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, R.R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Estille Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  25 May 1905 at B. F. Griffin's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin, M.
witnesses:  W. P. Hamilton & Asa Webb

Husband:  age: 22, born Hazelgreen, KY, residence: Ashland, KY, sawyer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  10 Aug 1905 at George W. Combs' Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, P.M.
witnesses: J. A. Curry & Richard Bailey

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, saw milling, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  11 May 1905 at Celan Richardson's Lee Co, by Jas. Warner
witnesses:  Josa Wilson & Mandy Rogers

Husband:  age: 24, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, teamster, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  13 Jul 1905 at Jessey M. Smith's Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smyth, P.M.
witnesses:  Jesse H. Smyths & Louannie St. John

Husband:  age: 49, born Breathitt, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 3rd marriage
Wife:  age: 44, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 3rd marriage
md:  24 Nov 1904 Lee Co by J. H. Durbin, G.M.
witnesses:  Lewis Beniger & Richard Stamper

Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  28 Jun 1905 at J. P. Durbin's Lee Co, by J. H. Durbin G.M.
witnesses: J. P. Durbin & Butis Stamper

Alfred STEPHENS & Rebecca REECE
Husband:  age: 22, born: Lee Co, residence: Estel Co, R.R., 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   V. W. Stephens
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sallie Stephens
Wife:  age: 18, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Geo Reece, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Frances Reece, Jackson Co KY
md:  22 Mar 1906 at George Reece's Lee Co, by G. H. Thomas, M.G.
witnesses: John Reece & Anthoney Estes
Remarks:  Bride's father appears

Husband:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 17, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  19 Aug 1905 at Nick Stamper's Lee Co, by W. A. Kindrick, Minister
witnesses:  John Barrett & Richard Littles

Husband:  age: 28, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, lumber inspector, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 32, born Owsley, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  19 Jun 1905 at Beattyville, Lee Co, by James Edward Thomas
witnesses:  friends.  Kate Reed & Ollie R. Harris

Husband:  age: 28, born Breathitt, residence: Breathitt, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 2 [sic], born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  3 Dec 1904 at Alex Strong's Lee Co, by Z. Ball M.G.
witnesses:  Alex Strong & Lon Strong

Robert H. TARVIN & Ruth TARVIN
Husband:  age: 37, residence: Beattyville, KY, bookeeping, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 34, residence: Beattyville, KY
md:  23 Dec 1903 at Beattyville, by Alex Patterson, Rector St. Thomas Church
witnesses: Tiny Cote & Lula Twyman

Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
Bride's Father:  Elisha BRANDENBURG
Bride's Mother:  Dema DUNAWAY
md:  22 Dec 1905 at Elisha Brandenburg's, by J. M. Roberts, Minister
witnesses:  Elisha Brandenburg & Logan Brandenburg

Husband:  age: 21, born: Estel Co KY, residence: Simco, KY, teamster, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   W. P. Thacker, Lee Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Julian Webb, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 26, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Old Landing, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Hudson Newton, Lee Co KY
md:  3 Jul 1906 at Hood Howell's, Lee Co, by W. H. Darrell, Minst.
witnesses:  J. H. Howell & Hood Howell
Remarks:  Certificate from bride

Husband:  age: 23, born Harland Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 19, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  15 Oct 1905 at A. Vanderpool's Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  A. Vanderpool & Jess Lucas

Henry H. THOMAS & Susan Ellen FRALEY (nee Gumm)
Husband:  age: 64, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, farmer, 2nd marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Madison Co
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Lee Co
Wife:  age: 52, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   don't know
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   don't know
md:  6 Sep 1906 at Clerk's office, Lee Co, by Eld. S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  J. P. Thomas & Geo. Pendergrass
Remarks:  Brides & Grooms husband & wife dead

Husband:  age: 21, born Harland Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, R.R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Apr 1905 at Milton Ashley's Lee Co, by Eld S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  Wm Thomas, Allice Ashley & others

Husband:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Heidelberg, Lee Co KY, railroading, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Lee Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   TN
Wife:  age: 14, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Lee Co KY
md:  18 Oct 1906 at C. Smith's Lee Co, by W. A. Kendrick, M.G.
witnesses: G. H. Thomas & Martha Smith

Husband:  age: 24, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Owsley Co KY
Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  3 Aug 1905 at Wm Thomas' Lee Co, by W. A. Kindrick, Minister
witnesses:   Emaline Kindrick & Nettie Kindrick

Husband:  age: 22, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Monica, farming, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Will Thompson, Lee Co VA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Lucas, Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 17, born: Lee Co KY, residence: St. Helens, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Signal Snowden, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   George Ella Collins, Lee Co KY
md:  12 Jul 1906 at David Comers' Lee Co, by H. J. Parson, M.G.
witnesses:  John Arnold & Cam Lucas
Remarks:  Guardian appears

Robert THOMPSON & Mary Price TYLER
Husband:  age: 21, born: Lee Co KY, residence: St. Hellens, KY, telegraph operator, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Sylvanus Thompson, VA
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah E. Thompson, VA
Wife:  age: 23, born: Lee Co KY, residence: St. Hellens, KY, 1st marriage
md:  5 May 1906 at C. D. Tyler's Lee Co, by J. J. Parsons, M.G.
witnesses:  D. B. Hobbs & C. D. Tyler

Husband:  age: 29, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 28, born Lee, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  22 May 1904 at Cross Roads, Lee Co by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  Henry Tincher & Susan Howell

Charles F. TIPTON & Emily OLINGER
Husband:  age: 23, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 32, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  11 Apr 1904 at County Clerk's Office, Lee Co by J. B. Pendergrass
witnesses:  W. C. Lutes, Charles Powell, V. S. Beatty & others

Husband:  age: 22, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co, labor, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:  Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:  Lee Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:  Larl (Laurel?) Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:  Breathitt Co KY
md:  24 Dec 1903 at Losson Miller by L. H. Wright, M.G.
witnesses:  J. W. Toler & Rich Toler

Husband:  age: 53, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, public works & farming, 2nd marriage
Wife:  age: 30, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  5 Sep 1905 at T. J. Treadway's Lee Co, by Elder S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  Satira Hall & Shelby Barrett

Albert TYRA & Mary L. CARTER
Husband:  age: 28, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, carpenter, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 24, born Lee Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  19 Dec 1905 at Pine Grove, Lee Co, by Rev. C. T. Brookshear
witnesses:  R. L. Turner & Mamie Turner

Husband:  age: 29, born Lee Co KY, residence: Brown, KY, rail roader, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 26, born Lee Co KY, residence: Brown, KY, 2nd marriage
md:  2 Jul 1904 at bride's home, Lee by Elder S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  A. Vanderpool & Bell Combs

Husband:  age: 21, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Owsley Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  6 Aug 1904 at Proctor, Lee Co by J. N. Smith
witnesses:  Eliga Isaac & Sam Mays

Husband:  age: 21, born: Breathitt Co KY, residence: Oakdale, common laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Randall Viers
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Sarah Jane Viers, Breathitt Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born: Lee Co KY, residence: St. Hellen, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Dunaway, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sarah Ann Dunaway, Owsley Co KY
md:  18 Jan 1906 at my home Lee Co, by H. J. Parsons. M.G.
witnesses:   Randel Viers & William Cole
Remarks:  Groom & Brides father both present orders License issued

Millard WADE & Margret TINCHER
Husband:  age: 21, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  13 Oct 1904 at Pebworth, Lee Co by J. C. Smallwood, Minister
witnesses:  A. D. Smallwood & Robert Smallwood

William WADE & George Ann FIKE
Husband:  age: 26, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 3rd marriage
md:  25 Aug 1904 at the Fox School, Lee Co by Wm. Robinson, Judge Lee Co
witnesses:  Brownlow Fike & Hugh Robinson

Henry WARD & Rebecca DEATON
Husband:  age: 23, born: Lee Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, laborer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Ell Tincher & Nancy Ward, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:
Wife:  age: 22, born: Breathitt Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 2nd marriage
md:  31 Mar 1906 at Adam Hogan's Lee Co, by J. F. Sutton, County Judge
witnesses:  J. W. Martin & Sam Darch

George WASSON & Pauline CROW
Husband:  age: 49, born: Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   William Wasson, Powell Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Catharine Wasson, Powell Co KY
Wife:  age: 25, born: Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Ira Crow, Estel Co
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Rachel Crow, Powell Co KY
md:  7 May 1906 at J. D. Crabtree's Lee Co, by James Warner
witnesses:  J. D. Crabtree & Lester Warner
Remarks:  Groom state first wife dead

Husband:  age: 33, born: Anderson Co KY, residence: Versailles, R.R. Engineer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   David E. Watts, Woodford Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Kate Watts, Anderson Co KY
Wife:  age: 18, born: Wolfe Co KY, residence: Beattyville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   James Allen Spencer, Wolf Co KY
md:  22 Feb 1906 at the Coomer Hotel Lee Co, by E. B. Bartlett, Minister
witnesses: D. A Minton, Patton Coomer, & Chas Reeves

John WEAVER & Blanch WELCH
Husband:  age:  25, born:  Poulaska Co, residence:  Lee Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born: Rockcastle, residence:  Lee Co, 1st marriage
NOTE:  Affidavit states that marriage is to take place at the clerk's office on 26 Dec 1905.

Sidney L. WEBB & Bessie FARMER
Husband:  age:23 , born Wagesville, Estill Co KY, residence: Earnestville, KY, , 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Wagesville, Estill Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Estill Co KY
Wife:  age: 14, born Earnestville, residence: Earnestville, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Harlin Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Owsley Co
md:  19 Sep 1906 at bride's residence Lee Co, by A. J. Marcum
witnesses:  D. I. Brandenburg & Elizabeth Garnett

Harry WEBER & Louvena GILLY
Husband:  age: 40, residence: Estill Co, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Wolf Co, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  27 Nov 1905 at Louis Gilly's Lee Co, by A. J. Adams
witnesses:  A. T. Knox & M. L. Knox
Remarks:  J. M. Gilley appeard for his daughter Louvine

Millard WHISMAN & Lillian MANN
Husband:  age: 23, born: Powell Co KY, residence: St. Hellens, farmer, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Mose Whisman, Lee Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Gillian Stamper, Wolf Co KY
Wife:  age: 15, born: Lee Co KY, residence: St. Hellens, KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Sidney Mann, Lee Co KY
md:  20 Jun 1906 at Sid Mann's Lee Co, by J. J. Parson, M.G.
witnesses: John Hieronymus & Robert Thompson
Remarks:  Certificate from Bride's father attested also telegram both filed

Husband:  age: 23, born Lee Co KY, residence: Wolf Co KY, R.R., 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  20 Apr 1905 at Bill Wilson's Lee Co, P. R. Legg, M.G.
witnesses:  Evalain Hogan, James Bush, Carlius Booth & A. J. Legg

Husband:  age: 25, born Bath Co KY, residence: Estill Co KY, public work, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 16, born Powell Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  30 Mar 1905 at Jet Dennis Lee Co by Rev. John M. Smith
witnesses:  Jett Adams & Lula Russell

Husband:  age: 18, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 15, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  3 Aug 1905 at Zachariah, Lee Co, by A. J. Adams
witnesses:  Millie Bush & Jeff Bush

Husband:  age: 25, born Lee Co KY, residence: Flat, Wolf Co KY, school teacher, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Noah Williams
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:   Liza Hobbs
Wife:  age: 19, born Lee Co KY, residence: Fincastle, Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Edward Kincaid
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Mother:   Sarrah Carroll
md:  29 Nov 1906 at W. E. Kincaid's Lee Co, by Harvey Johnson
witnesses:  Frank Johnson & J. S. Kincaid
Remarks:  Bride's Father gave consent

Husband:  age: 38, born Perry Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 3rd marriage
Wife:  age: 22, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  24 Dec 1904 at Henry Shoemaker's Lee Co, by Elder S. E. Wilson
witnesses:  H. T. Shoemaker & Evaline Shoemaker

Husband:  age: 21, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 20, born Lee, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  8 Oct 1904 at George Faulkner Lee Co by Levi H. McCullough
witnesses:  Grant Beatty & Jas. H. Freeman
Remarks:  Geo Faulkner appeared in person & gave consent

Husband:  age: 20, born Lee Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 14, born Wolf Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  3 Aug 1905 at J. D. Creech's by A. J. Adams
witnesses:  Millie Creech & Jeff Bush

Husband:  age: 21, born Montgomery Co KY, residence: Montgomery Co KY, farmer, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 18, born Montgomery, residence: Lee Co KY, 1st marriage
md:  5 Nov 1904 at William Willoby's Lee Co, by Rev. John M. Smith
witnesses:  J. H. Stiltman & J. P. Louge

Alford H. WILSON & Nancy ROBERTS
Husband:  age: 38, born: Owsley Co KY, residence: Owsley Co KY, farmer, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Father:   Alford Wilson, Owsley Co KY
Name & Birthplace of Groom's Mother:    Debie Wilson, Owsley Co KY
Wife:  age: 29, born: KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
Name & Birthplace of Bride's Father:   Wm Caudell
md:  15 Mar 1906 at Ben Caudell's Lee Co, by Z. Ball, M.G.
witnesses:  Calvin Ball & J. E. Caudell
Remarks:  Bride can't give birth place of Groom's father & not her nor mothers name

Husband:  age: 29, born Estill Co KY, residence: Estill Co KY, farming, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 39, born Estill Co KY, residence: Lee Co KY, 2nd marriage
md:  27 Jul 1904 at Asa Abner's, Lee Co by John Wise, Minister Christian Church
witnesses:  John Liarsson & James Puckett

Samuel M. YOUNG & Adda WHITE
Husband:  age: 25, born Lincoln Co., KY, residence: Lee Co, lbr. inspector, 1st marriage
Wife:  age: 23, born Ohio, residence: Lee Co, 1st marriage
md:  20 Apr 1904 at Ed White's, Lee Co by Elder J. B. Rowlett, Bapt.
witnesses:  Scot McGuire & H. H. Fields & H. L. White


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