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"O" Surnames
Hervey OWENS Jr.The Lexington Herald (Lexington, KY)
Monday, 1 January 1951Hervey Owens Jr., 33, of 260 Clay avenue, died at 10:35 o'clock yesterday morning at Good Samaritan hospital where he was admitted Saturday.
He was born in Fayette county, and was a son of Hervey and Maude Webb Owens, Lexington. Mr. Owens was an employee of the Gulf Refining Company for 10 years, and was a member of the Oxford Christian church.
Besides his parents, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elsie Gross Owens; two daughtes, Pattie Frances and Carol Jean Owens; two brothes, Millard Owens, Lexington, and J. T. Owens, Georgetown, and a sister, Mrs. Clell Johnson, Fayette county.
The body was removed to Kerr Brothers funeral home. Funeral services will be held at the funeral home at 11 a.m. Tuesday, the Rev. C. L. Pyatt officiating. Interment will be in the Mt. Perrian cemetery in Lee county.
Casket bearers will be Arthur Gray, J. D. Dennis, George Pryse, Albert Carroll, Harry Carroll and James F. Dennis.
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