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"R" Surnames
Arrie Nettie Marcum REECELexington Herald-Leader (Lexington, KY)
Sunday, 21 May 1961Beattyville, May 20 -- Mrs. Arrie Reece, 73, wife of Dave Reece, died Friday at her home at Heidelberg after a long illness.
She was a member of the Heidelberg Church of God.
Other survivors are five daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, Mrs. Mayme Schlanger, Mrs. Lillian Johnson and Mrs. Nell Boy, Cincinnati, and Miss Bertha Reece, Heidelberg; four sons, Millard, Willard, Jim and Sam Reece, Cincinnati; a sister, Mrs. Harrison Abshear, Heidelberg; 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Heidelberg Baptist Church by the Rev. George Botner and the Rev. Bob Anderson. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The boyd was removed from the Newnam Funeral Home to the residence at Heidelberg.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 25 January 1962Dave Reece, 83, a retired farmer, died at 3:45 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 23 at Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington, after a short illness. He suffered a stroke here Saturday at the Clemma Smith rest home where he lived.
He was a member of the Church of God.
Survivors are four sons, Jim, Millard, Willard and Sam Reece, Cincinnati; five daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Scott, Mrs. Mayme Schlanger and Mrs. Lillian Johnson and Mrs. Nell Bay, all of Cincinnati, and Miss Bertha Reece, Lexington; four sisters, Mrs. Susie James, Nicholasville; Renny Reece, Heidelberg, Mrs. Aggie Brandenburg, and Mrs. Emmaline Begley, Cincinnati; 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Heidelberg Baptist Church by the Rev. George Botner and the Rev. Bob Anderson. Burial was in the church cemetery. The body was removed from the Newnam Funeral Home here to the Reece residence at Heidelberg.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday,18 September 1952John Reece, formerly of Lee county, died in Cincinnati, Ohio Monday, Sept. 8. At the time of his death, Mr. Reece was exactly 100 years and 7 months old.
Mr. Reece was born in what is now Lee county on February 8, 1852. In 1894, he was married to the former Miss Mary Mays who preceded him in death by several years. He had been a member of the Baptist Church for 46 years.
Funeral services were held for Mr. Reece by the Rev. George Botner and burial was in the New Zion Cemetery at New Zion, Ky.
He is survived by six daughters; Mrs. Emiline Begley, Mrs. Aggie Brandenburg, Mrs. Lucy Miller, all of Cincinnati; Mrs. Rena Reece of Heidelberg, Mrs. Judy Reece of Louisville, and Mrs. Suzie Jones of Indiana. Two sons survive. They are Dave Reece of Heidelberg and Jim Reece of Jackson county.
He is also survived by 40 great-grandchildren and a host of grandchildren.
NOTE: Census records have John born ca 1852-1864: 1860 2, 1870 11, 1880 22, 1900 39, 1910 53, 1920 56, 1930 74, 1940 84, 1950 98.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 3 July 1952Bobby Reed Jr., 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reed, was killed at 2 o'clock Sunday morning and his nephew, Charles Reed Jr., 20, was seriously injured when a truck in which they were riding left the highway on a curve near the Lee-Estill county line, crashed into a post marking a culvert, and then into a tree.
Bobby who had just recently been discharged from the army and his nephew were returning home from visiting relatives in Irvine when the accident occurrred.
In addition to his parents, Bobby is survived by two sisters, Miss Halline Reed and Mrs. Edwin Snowden, both of Beattyville, and a brother, Clyde Reed.
Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Pryse Church of God by the Rev. Bill Warner. Burial was in the Texola Cemetery with King Justice Funeral Home in charge.
The Winchester Sun (Winchester, KY)
Friday, 24 December 1937Mrs. Emma B. Reynolds, 76, mother of Charles J. Reynolds, 37 Winn avenue, died at three o'clock Friday morning at her home near Heidelberg, after an illness of several months.
Mrs. Reynolds was born and reared in Lee county, and was a member of the Christian church. She was the widow of the late Henry Reynolds.
Besides her son here, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Sam Welch, Irvine; another son, Beeler Reynolds, Indiana; a brother, Harry Brandenburg, Heidelberg, and two sisters, Miss Lucy Brandenburg, Richmond, and Mrs. Nannie Abshear, Booneville.
Funeral services will be conducted at Heidelberg probably Saturday.
Owsley County Courier (Booneville, KY)
Friday, 20 August, 1937Dillard P. Richardson, 45, World War veteran, was buried Monday afternoon in the home graveyard near Oil with the Rev. Luther Newnam preaching the funeral. Mr. Richardson died at 11:30 o'clock Saturday night of carcinoma of the face from which he had been suffering for nearly 20 years.
He was the son of James Mort and Lucinda Lynch Richardson and was born in Estill county Dec. 24, 1892. May 2, 1917, he was married to Miss Josephine Mitchell. He was stationed at Camp Meade, Md., during the World War, being a member of Company "C" 17th Infantry. For some time before his death he was a member of the Mt. Olive Christian Church.
Surviving members of his family include his widow, two sons and four daughters - Cecil, Douglas, Iola, Laura, Mildred, and Norma. Two brothers, James and Levi Richardson, survive him as well as four sisters - Mrs. Mary Lucy Gross, Mrs. Melissa Johnson, Mrs. Perdilia Couch and Mrs. Delilah Shoemaker.
Congleton Bros., Undertakers, were in charge of the funeral arrangements.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 18 December 1947Funeral services for James Richardson, 73, were held at the grave in the family cemetery near Hopewell Monday afternoon by the Rev. Sam Wilson. Death occurred in the Pattie A. Clay Infirmary Saturday as a result of a paralytic stroke.
Mr. Richardson is survived by three sons and four daughtersk Hobert, Albert and Orphie Richardson; Stella, Sylvia, Bethel and Beulah Richardson. He is also survived by a brother, Levi Richardson of Beattyville, and three sisters, Mrs. M. A. Johnson of Decatur, Ill.; Mrs. Delilah Shoemaker of Mt. Olive; and Mrs. Perdillie Couch of Frankfort, Ky.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 30 January 1964Levi Richardson, 79, retired farmer, died Wednesday, Jan. 22, at his home after a short illness.
He was native of Lee County and a member of the Christian Church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Carrie C. Richardson; a son, Stanley Richardson, Cincinnati; two stepsons, Walter and Marshal Crist, Muncie, Ind.; five daughters, Mrs. Daisy Hatfield, Germanton, Ohio; Mrs. Mary Sauters, Mrs. Geneva Fergueon, Mrs. Ica Dean and Mrs. Dorothy Jean Jones, Middletown, Ohio; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Minnie Ettell, Mrs. Elvira Zeigler and Mrs. Carrie Lee Carpenter, Muncie, Ind.; a sister, Mrs. Della Couch, Frankfort; 17 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Services were conducted at 2 p.m. Friday at the Newnam Funeral Home by the Rev. Luther C. Keeton. Burial was in the Richardson Cemetery.
The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, OH)
Friday, 3 December 1937Lexington - Daniel E. Riley, 65, Beattyville, died shortly before midnight last night at St. Joseph's Hospital, to which he had been admitted Saturday for treatment.
The body was removed today to Beattyville, where funeral services are to be conducted Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the residence. Burial is to be in a family burying ground.
Riley is survived by his widow, Mrs. Maggie Riley; four sons, Delbert, John, Jefferson, and Frank Riley, all of Beattyville, and five daughters, Mrs. Jeff Dunn, Lexington; Mrs. Cordie Pendergrass, Mrs. Ellis Carl, and Mrs. Betty Fauver, all of Hamilton, Ohio, and Miss Edna Riley, Beattyville.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 26 February 1953The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, OH)
Wednesday, 18 February 1953Mrs. Gladys Riley, Smith Road, Highland Heights, died yesterday at Booth Hospital. She was 22 years old.
Surviving are her husband, Samuel Riley; two sons, Donnie Gene and Kenneth Ray, both at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Riley, Booneville; five sisters, Mrs. Ruby Noble and Mrs. Edna Noble, Highland Heights; Mrs. Viola Langen, South Lebanon, Ohio, and Misses Lola Faye and Shirley Riley, Booneville; and four brothers, Edward Lee Riely, Highland Heights; Lawrence, James Jr., and Russell Riley, Booneville.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Booneville. Burial will be in Murrell Cemetery, Booneville. The Muchlenkamp funeral home is in charge of arrangements.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 17 December 1953Stanley Riley, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Riley, died of gun-shot wounds in Dayton, O., December 11.
The funeral was held at 2 p.m. on the 14th of Decemer at Spencer's Church, Meadow Creek, with Rev. Herbert Spencer officiating. Arrangements by the King Justice Funeral Home.
He is survived by his parents, brothers, Clarence, David, Junior and Melvin, all of Lerose, ans sisters Martha Jane Riley, Hazel Riley, Lillian Vincent, and Mary McKinney.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 3 May 1951Mrs. Cinda Risner, 66, passed away at her home on Sugar Creek in Owsley County about 10 o'clock last Friday night following an illness of several weeks.
Survivors include: three sons, Creed Eldridge and William Eldridge, both of Rousseau and Cebert Eldridge, Guage; and three daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Slusher, Rayland, and Mrs. Rosie Terry and Mrs. Rachel Bowman, both of Booneville.
Funeral services were held at Bays Cemetery at Rousseau conducted by the Rev. L. Hammons.
Arrangements were in charge of Pennington Funeral Home, Beattyville.
The Kokomo Morning Times (Kokomo, IN)
Wednesday, 6 October 1965Funeral services for Carl Edward Roach, 78, 818 E. Monroe, will be Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Ellers Funeral Chapel. Dr. John Newsom will officiate, and burial will be in Crown Point Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral chapel after 1 p.m. today.
Mr. Roach died in Jones Nursing Home at Marion Tuesday at 5:15 a.m. following an extended illness.
A Kokomo resident for 55 years, he was born in Beattyville, Ky. He was married in 1912 to Madge Hamilton. In 1942, he married Georgia Graham, and she survives.
He was a retired 45-year employee of the former Leach Ice and Coal Co. here.
Surviving with the widow are one daughter, Mrs. Karl (Leland) Klein, Kokomo; three sons, George and Stephen Roach, both of Kokomo, and Ronnie Roach, stationed in Long Beach, Calif., with the US Navy; two sisters, Mrs. Eulalie Jones, Beattyville; and Mrs. Nettie Bates, Dayton, Ohio.
One daughter, one sister and three brothers are deceased.
The Lexington Herald (Lexington, KY)
Wednesday, 13 March 1963Beattyville, March 12 - Mrs. Dorothy Roach, 40, wife of Earl Roach, died here at 7 a.m. today at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Dunaway.
Also surviving are five sons, Ewen Akers, James and Elmer Coomer, Calvin and Glenn Roach, Beattyville; two daughters, Miss Janice and Miss Lorella Roach, Beattyville; six brothers, James Dunaway, Ludlow; Fred, Walter and Thomas Dunaway, Beattyville; Orville and Roscoe Dunaway, Cincinnati; two sisters, Mrs. Jeanetta Handlon, Indianapolis, and Mrs. Alice Fay Roach, Cincinnati.
Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday at the residence of her mother by the Rev. Forrest Drake. Burial will be in the Akers Cemetery. The body is at the Dunaway residence.
The Journal News (Hamilton, OH)
Friday, 1 April 1977Harison Roah Sr., 74, 2025 Williams St., Williamsdale, died Thursday at 9:53 a.m., in Mercy Hospital.
He was born in Beattyville, Ky., a son of Harry and Georgella Noe Roach. Mr. Roach was educated in Beattyville schools. He married Hazel Baker July 24, 1954.
A welder, he had been employed by Chartels Machine Co., Middletown. Mr. Roach was a member of the New Miami Church of Christ.
Survivors include his wife, Hazel Roach; five sons, James Roach, Decatur, Ill., Harrison Roach Jr., Fairfield, Beuhl Roach and Eugene Roach, both of Hamilton, Orville Roach, Seven Mile; a daughter, Mrs. Mack (Betty) Reed, Gatlinburg, Tenn.; a foster daughter, Mary Ann Garrison, Somerville; three brothers, Chester Roach, Hamilton, Everett Roach, Middletown, Jessie Roach, Cincinnati; five sisters, Mrs. Carl (Maud) Mays, Mrs. Martha Cole, Mrs. Demi Cochran, all of Beattyville, Mrs. Mary Blount, Hamilton, Mrs. Grace Longworth, Middletown.
Services Saturday at 2 p.m. Webb Funeral Home, 240 Ross Ave. Burial Hickory Flat Cemetery. Visitation Friday 5 to 8 p.m.
The Tipton Daily Tribune (Tipton, IN)
Tuesday, 12 March 1940Funeral services were held Tuesday morning for James Roach, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lockridge of Tetersburg, who was killed instantly by a train in Kokomo, Sunday afternoon.
The services were held at the Ellers mortuary with burial in Crown Point cemetery.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 12 May 1983Mrs. Lucy Roach, age 81, of Star Route, Beattyville, Kentucky died Tuesday, May 3, 1983 at 3 p.m.
Born June 4, 1901 to Arch Snowden and Nan Duff, she was the widow of Ves Roach and a member of the Lee County Church of Christ.
Survived by three sons, A. J. Caudill, Beattyville; Otis Caudill, Pine Knott, Ky.; Marvin Caudill, Madisonville, Ky.; two daughters, Juanita Dearinger, Coleman, Alabama; Norma Jean Wiley, Dayton, Ohio; one brother, Ernest Snowden, Hopkinsville; one sister, Mary Snowden, Beattyville; 18 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were grandsons.
Funeral services were held Friday, May 6, 1983 at 10 a.m. at the Newnam Funeral Home Chapel with the Bro. Leo Taylor officiating. Burial followed in the Snowden Cemetery, Pinegrove Road. The Newnam Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 1 August 1940Thomas Roach, 66, was found dead in his room at the Hall Hotel in Beattyville at 9 p.m. Monday. A coroner's jury called the scene stated that he had been dead approximately one hour when found. Death, according to the jury was caused by a heart attack.
Mr. Roach, formerly owner of the hotel, was seen going to his room about 4:30 Monday afternoon and was found there a short time later.
Funeral services were held at the grave in Riverview Cemetery Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock by the Rev. Luther Newnam. Intermant was under the direction of Garrett Funeral Home, Beattyville.
Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. H. B. Jones, and Mrs. Mary Freeman, both of Beattyville and Mrs. Nellie Belle Crabtree, Ohio; and two brothers, Ed and Harry Roach, both of Beattyville.
William Harrison "Harry" ROACH
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 9 February 1956Funeral services for Harry Roach, 84, were held at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 8, at the Beattyville Christian Church by the Rev. Donald A. Nash.
Mr. Roach, the son of the late Stephen Richard Roach was born in Lee county, November 9, 1891 [sic] and died Sunday, February 5 in the St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington after a two weeks illness. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Christian Church.
Survivors include his wife, Georgella Roach, five sons, Robert Roach, of Cincinnati; Chester and Harrison Roach of Hamilton, Ohio; Everett Roach of Middletown, Ohio and Jessie Roach of Tampa, Fla., five daughters, Mrs. Mary Willie Blount of Hamilton, Ohio; Mrs. Gracie Longworth, Mrs. Maude Mays, Mrs. Martha Cole and Mrs. Deania Cockerham, all of Beattyville; one brother, Edd Roach of Kokomo, Ind., two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Belle Smith of Dayton, Ohio and Mrs. H. B. Jones of Beattyville, 43 grandchildren and 47 great-grandchildren.
Burial was in the Roach Cemetery at Congleton, with Congleton Brothers Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
Grandsons were casketbearers.
Owsley County Courier (Booneville, KY)Friday, 23 February 1934Beattyville, Feb. 20 - Mrs. J. K. Roberts was seriously burned at 7:30 o'clock this morning. Her clothing caught fire from a red hot stove and she ran for half a block before help reached her. Claud Yorke and Shelby Kincaid jerked off the burning dress and smothered out the flames with an overcoat.
Judge J.K. Roberts who was eating his breakfast at the time was not aware of Mrs. Roberts' danger and knew nothing of her narrow escape until she was brought back to the house. A physician dressed the burns within aa very minutes following the accident. He said that much of the skin was injured from the waist down and the underlying tissue burned.
Mrs. Roberts was just recovering from a recent illness which lasted for seven months and had only been out a few weeks. Many friends called during the day expressing their sympathy and wishing for her speddy recovery. She was taken to the St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington this afternoon.
Owsley County Courier (Booneville, KY)
Friday, 9 March 1934Maysville, Mar. 7 - Mrs. Lula Belle Roberts, 62 years of age, wife of Judge James K. Roberts, Beattyville, was buried here this afternoon. Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Roberts' sister, Mrs. E. L. Manchester, 438 Forest avenue, Maysville, at o'clock this afternoon.
Mrs. Roberts died in a Lexington hospital at 1:40 o'clock Monday morning as a result of burns received at her home February 20 when her dress caught fire from a red hot stove. The burns on her legs and about her body were considered serious and she was taken immediately to a hospital for treatment.
Mrs. Roberts was a member of the Beattyville Baptist Church and was a leader in social work in her home town.
Besides her husband, Judge Roberts, she is survived by one sons, Jamie H. Roberts, Jessamine county; four grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. E. L. Manchester, Maysville, and one brother, Fulton Redden, Maysville.
Serveral friends and relatives from Lee county attended the funeral.
Lexington Herald-Leader (Lexington, KY)
Monday, 9 July 1934Stanford, Ky., - The body of Mrs. W. M. Robinson, 67, who died Saturday at her home at Kings Mountain, was taken Sunday to Beattyville, her former home, for funeral services and burial.
Mrs. Robinson, who died after suffering a stroke of paraalysis, is survived by her husband and five children, Hugh Robinson, Cincinnati; Mrs. Vernon Singelton, Kings Mountain; W. M. Robinson, Jr., Irvine; Mrs. R. W. Beatty, Cleveland, and Mrs. J. W. Snowden, Beattyville.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 26 January 1950Willie Robinson, son of the late Johnny and Mary Jane Robinson, died Saturday in Richmond, Ind., from effects of cancer.
He is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Lockwood Beatty, Mrs. Grace Cook, Mrs. Ollie Lovelace and Mrs. Ena Faye Butts; also five brothers, Henry, Fred, Chester, Hubert, and Francis.
Burial was in Richmond.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 18 June 1953Mrs. Sudie Rogers, 75, who lived alone on a farm near Mt. Olive, was found dead in her rocking chair June 12. Mrs. Rogers had been ill for some time. When Henry Johnson, who had been looking after her, found her, she had been dead for three or four hours. Cause of death was said to be Mitral insufficiency.
She was the daughter of the late Hampton and Martha Turner and was born in Lee County on April 6, 1878.
Surviving her is one son, Isaac T. Rogers, of Middletown, Ohio.
Funeral services were conducted by Reverend R. B. Baker on June 15, in the Congleton Chapel. Burial was at the Ashcraft cemetery near Mt. Olive, Kentucky.
Congleton Bros. Funeral Home was in charge of the funeral arrangements.
John Breckenridge "Breck" ROSE
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 4 December 1952Funeral services for Breck Rose, a former resident of Owsley county, were held Tuesday in Lexington, and burial was in the Camp Nelson National Cemetery. Mr. Rose, who has many family connections to Lee, Owsley, and Breathitt counties was killed last Thursday by a hit and run driver on North Broadway in Lexington.
According to reports reaching here, Rose was crossing the street when he fell. As he was attempting to rise, he was hit by a fast moving vehicle. He was dragged about 75 feet by the car which struck him.
So far the driver of the death car has not been apprehended or for that matter, identified.
Rose was born in Owsley county, a son of the late Robert W. and Nancy Callahan Rose. He was a veteran of both World Wars and a member of the Central Bapist Church of Winchester. He was also a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. He was employed as a guard at the Lexington Signal Depot for the past six years.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Willie [sic] Rowland Rose, a daughter, Miss Ella Rose; three sons, Wallace C. and Ray B. Rose, Lexington, and Major Howard Rose, Korea; five brothers, Ed and Green Rose, both of Jackson; Sam Rose of Athol; Mack Rose, Campton, Ky., and Clair J. Rose of Harlan county.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 25 October 1951Funeral services were held Saturday for Mrs. Lula Rose, 59, who died in a Lexington Hospital on Thursday, Oct. 18, as a result of injuries sustained last week when she waas struck by an autonmobile near St. Helens.
According to a report from the sheriff's office, Mrs. Rose was hurt when she stepped from in front of a truck into the path of an oncoming car driven by Stanley Whisman of Fincastle. She was immediately taken to the hospital where she died the next day.
The funeral of Mrs. Rose was held at the St. Helens Church of Christ under the direction of Rev. A. J. Bishop. Burial was in the Gilliam Cemetery in Breathitt county with the King Justice Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements.
Mrs. Rose is survived by three sons and four daughters. The sons include Elmer Rose and Junior Rose of Franklin, Ohio. The surviving daughters are Mrs. Velma Thomas, Mrs. Callie Moore and Mrs. Irene Moore, all of St. Helens, and Mrs. Ida Sally of Franklin, Ohio.
Three sisters and two brothers also survive Mrs. Rose. They are Monroe and Tommy Young of Jackson, Ky. The sisters are Mrs. Gletha Smith of Hazard, Mrs. Lucinda Hounshell of Wolverine, and Vina Hensley of Sewell, Ky.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 10 April 1952Robert W. Rose, son of Ezekial and Scynthia Jett Rose was born at Lerose, Kentucky, on January 30, 1865. He was a member of the Methodist church at Boonesville, Kentucky, and died in a Lexington hospital Thursday, March 27, 1952, at the age or 87. He was a prominent farmer of Owsley county.
He was united in marriage to Nancy Callahan, daughter of Jackson and Elizabeth Spicer Callahan, of Crockettsville, Ky., on March 7, 1895. To this union was bron seven sons, Breck Rose of 1214 North Limstone, Lexington; E. C. Rose, of Jackson; Sam B. Rose of Athol; Mack Rose, of Campton; Green Rose, of Jackson, Woodrow Rose, deceased in 1931, and Jack Rose, of Jackson.
Nancy Callahan Rose preceded him in death on March 12, 1934.
Mr. Rose later married to Cendus Short Johnson, of Jett's Creek, Kentucky, who survives him. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Julia Rose Evans of Booneville. He is also survived by 16 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
The body lay in state at the home of E. C. Rose until time for the funeral at the First Methodist Church, Booneville, at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 30 where services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Burton. Interment followed in the Shepherd cemetery at Booneville.
Active pallbearers were Jim Shepherd, Chester Seale, Dr. W. E. Becknell, Alex Strong, Cecil Brandenburg, Charlie Rose, Harlan Strong and M. B. Farmer. Honorary pallbearers were all friends and family.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 22 February 1951Funeral services for Mr. Grant Levi Ross, age 78, were held Thursday afternoon, February 15, at 2 o'clock in the Idamay School House conducted by the Rev. Everett Ross.
Mr. Ross, the son of the late Harve and Eliza Overbee Ross, was born August 8, 1873 and died on Tuesday, February 15 in a Lexington hospital following an illness which extended over several months.
Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Lennie Spencer, Ajax; Mrs. Lillie Groves and Mrs. Lucille Mitchell, both of Beattyville; four sons, Chester Ross, Sand Gap; Merl Ross and Ralp Ross, both of Idamay.
Burial was at the Dameral Cemetery near Idamay and arrangements were made by Pennington Funeral Home, Beattyville.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 31 July 1952Hamp Ross, who had been an invalid for more than 18 years and seriously ill for over three months passed away at the home of his son, Virgil, at Hazard July 16. He was 81 at the time of his death.
Included among the survivors are three daughters and two sons. The daughters are Mrs. Sam Rasner, Booneville; Mrs. W. L. Rowland, Connersville, Indiana; and Mrs. Kenneth Burch, Sturgeon. The sons are Ballard and Virgil Ross of Hazard.
Mr. Ross is also survived by three brothers and four sisters. The brothers are George Ross of Pebworth, John Ross of Lexington and Wm. Ross of Brooksville, Ind. The sisters are Mrs. Dora Mayse, Pebworth, Mrs. Susie McGuire, Pebworth, Mrs. Nettie Rowland, Laurel, Indiana, and Mrs. Nell Hughes of Levi.
Mr. Ross was buried at Levi with Rev. Everett Ross and Rev. Deaton of Hazard in charge of the services.
Mr. Ross was a good Christian and was ready to go at the time of his passing.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 21 August 1952Mrs. Haley Ross, 85, and wife of Levi Ross passed away Sunday, August 17, after a very short illness.
According to King Justice who was quoting members of the Ross family, Mrs. Ross went out to milk late Saturday afternoon and while completing this chore, was strickend and died somtiem later that night.
Burial was on the following Monday in the family cemetery near Bald Rock with Rev. Everett Dalrymple officiating and King Justice Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Ross's survivors include her husband, Levi Ross; five sons, Leonard of Bear Track, Charlie and Green of Beattyville, Tom of Franklin, Ohio, and Boss of Middletown, Ohio. Daughters are Mrs. Grace Jones of Bardstown and Miss Nannie Ross at Home.
A brother and sister also survive. They are Tennessee Freeman of Cincinnati and Mrs. Sarah Barret of Lynams Creek.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Thursday, 30 October 1952According to a verdict returned by a coroner's jury presided over by Herb Twyman, Levi Ross, an 87-year-old retired Lee county farmer, came to his death by suicide late Tuesday afternoon of last week. Mr. Ross was found swinging from a limb in his yard by Green Ross, a son of the dead man.
Mr. Ross lived by himself in the Hopewell Community and the son, Green Ross, was quoted as saying that he had been with his father about 5:00 p.m. on the incident occurred. He said he went to a nearby store to buy some groceries and when he returned about a half hour later, he found his father hanging from the tree with a black cloth over his face.
Green said he untied the rope and let his father down and when he did so, he gasped a time or two for breath but all efforts to revive him were unsuccessful.
The coroner's jury reconstructing the incident came to the conclusion that Mr. Ross had climbed into a chair, tied the rope around his neck with what appeared to be a regulation hangman's knot, and stepped into space. His hat and shoes were found beside the tree.
Member of the family told Mr. Twyman that they knew of no reason why Mr. Ross hanged himself.
He was a native of Owsley county but had lived in Lee for the past 50 years. His wife preceded him in death only a few months ago.
Other than Green Ross, five other sons and two daughters survive. They include Leonard and Charlie Ross of Beattyville; Tom and Boss Ross of Dayton, and Arch Ross of Busy, Ky. The two daughters are Mrs. Gracie Jones of Bardstown and Nannie Ross of Beattyville.
Funeral services were conducted last Wednesday afternoon at the Hopewell Church of God by Rev. C. E. Dalrymple. Burial was in the family cemetery near Bald Rock with Congleton Bros. Funeral Home in charge.
Beattyville Enterprise, Thursday, 30 June 1960
Mrs. Elsie Rowland Dies Thursday
Mrs. Elsie Ann Roland, 83, of Evelyn, died Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nettie Radar at Morning Sun, Ohio. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church.
Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Allie Estes, Mrs. Lont McGuffey, Mrs. Morton McKinney, all of Ohio; Mrs. Anna Cotton, Arizona; two sons, Tom and Clarence Rowland, Ohio; a brother, Sid Thomas, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Ida Brandenburg, Arizona; Mrs. Martha Newnam, Beattyville, and Mrs. Mary Campbell, Booneville; 34 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted Sunday at the Lewis Funeral Home by the Rev. Graydon Fige. Burial was in the Double Oaks cemetery on Barnes Mountain.
The Beattyville Enterprise (Beattyville, KY)
Wednesday, 11 October 1995Esther Lutes Runyan, 94, died Monday, October 9, 1995 at her home in Lexington, Kentucky.
She was born and raised on a farm in Lee County, Kentucky. The daughter of Thomas J. and Emma Stamper Lutes.
She was a retired school teacher and author. She attended Valparaiso University, Eastern Teachers College, Bowling Green College of Commerce (B.A.) and the University of Kentucky (M.A.) where she was a member of the Delta Pi Epsilon Nu Chapter. She taught in a number of cities in the southeastern United States, the last being Bardstown High School, Bardstown, Kentucky. She was a member of the Richmond Christian Church, Richmond, Kentucky.
She is survived by her daughter, Deanna Runyan Spencer and her husband Vernon, Lexington, Kentucky. One granddaughter, Jeanena Spencer, Lexington, Kentucky. One sister, Nettye Clark, Trotwood, Ohio and a niece Helen Clark, Trotwood, Ohio.
Funeral services will be held at Newnam Funeral Home, Beattyville on Wednesday at 1 p.m. with Rev. Steve Rich officiating. Burial in the Tom Lutes Cemetery, Vada, Kentucky. Visitations after 12 noon Wednesday.
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