


If you'd like to donate information to this site
contact county coordinator Debi Kendrick


 Need help identifying these women. Click here and take a look and see if you can help out.

Breck Angel & Lulera Spencer
Brian Angel
Clarence E. Angel
Brian Angel
Clyde & Elvira Angel
Cleveland R. Angel
Clyde Angel
Cleveland R. Angel
Bailey's Gap Church Gathering
Helen Hahn
Sherry Frazier
James Baker & Greenberry Moore
Sherry Frazier
James W. & Addie Bowman Baker
Sherry Frazier
Maurenice Baker's Headstone Rev. R.B. Baker & Family
Sherry Frazier
Beattyville's First Drug Store
Ralph Sherman
John Best
George Best & Nancy Petrilla
John Best Homeplace
George Best & Nancy Petrilla
John Best Headstone
George Best & Nancy Petrilla
Marie Watkins Best
George Best & Nancy Petrilla
Cora F. Botner & Minnie F. Peercy
Lind a Fox Gabbard
Della Shouse Brandenburg
Cleveland R. Angel
G.C. Brandenburg
Cleveland R. Angel
 James Edw. Brandenburg
Teresa L. Davis Edwards
Jr. Brewer
Tom Barrett
John Caudill Family
Jim Combs
Church Visit
Tim Brandenburg
William & Martica Crawford Cole
Maxine Cole Coldiron/Vivian Moon
William B. & Barbara E. Cole
Patricia Newton Brown
Marilyn McGuire
Andrew & Elvira Gross Combs
Vivian Moon
Sketch of Andrew Combs Home
Vivian Moon
Jerry & Mary Peters Combs Headstone
Debbie Rose
Nick Combs Headstone
Lynda Combs Gipson
Olney Combs -1943
Vivian Moon
Spencer Combs Home
Larry Combs
Daniel & Lelia Stamper Coomer
Debbie Scott
Conley School, Old Landing
Patricia Newton Brown
Mila Jean Flinchum Coomer
Gloria Flinchum
Andrew F Cox
Winfred Tipton
Andrew F. Cox Home
Winfred Tipton
Andrew F. & Carrie Hogan Cox
Winfred Tipton
Elisha R.W. Cox
Winfred Tipton
Crabtree, Combs, Crabree & Blackwell
Vivian Moon
Crystal, Ky
Winfred Tipton
Deaton Children
Tim Brandenburg
John A. Dennis Headstone
Winfred Tipton
Donnelly School Bell
Winfred Tipton
Donnelly Class 1941
Winfred Tipton
Donnelly School
Winfred Tipton
John P. & Nettie Durbin
Patricia Newton Brown
Nettie Durbin & Lucy Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Charle Estes
Patricia Newton Brown
Isabelle Newton Estes
Patricia Newton Brown
Nancy Newton Estes
Patricia Newton Brown
 Fixer ca 1919
Harlan Sloan
Fixer Store & Post Office
Vivian Moon
First Church of God, Fixer, Ky
Harlan Sloan
 Mary J. Newton Flinchum
Gloria Flinchum
Robert Flinchum
Gloria Flinchum
 Robert & Floyd Flinchum
Gloria Flinchum
Harrison Ford & Virgie Raines
Vivian Moon
 Fox Family
Linda Fox Gabbard
Clifton Henry Fox
Linda Fox Gabbard
J. Hurshell & Ruth Turner Fox
Linda Fox Gabbard
John H. & Sarah Johnson Fox
Linda Fox Gabbard
William Logan Fox
Linda Fox Gabbard
Frank & Nannie Thomas Fraley
Larry W. Gregory
Helen Fraley & Amanda Sparks
Larry W. Gregory
Robert Fay & Beckham Fraley
Larry W. Gregory
Robert Owen Fraley
Larry W. Gregory
Robert O. & Emily Stamper  Fraley
Larry W. Gregory
Robt O., Emily, Nannie Fraley & Lloyd Sparks
Larry W. Gregory
Stephen Fraley Children
Larry W. Gregory
Stephen & Helen France Fraley Family
Larry W. Gregory
David B. Goosey
Regnia Egbers
Haney McIntosh Gross
Vivian Moon
Beatrice Hall
Vivian Moon
Anderson  Hamilton Funeral Receipt
Marilyn McGuire
Ida May Heidelberg Road
offsite link
Manerva J. Radar Harris
Lisa Hinkle Siders
David Hogan's Headstone
Sherry Frazier
David Hogan & family
Sherry Frazier
Elbridge & Kate Horn
Patricia Newton Brown
Roy & Mary Robert Horn
Patricia Newton Brown
The Johnson Brothers
Vivian Moon
Anderson D. Johnson
Dennis Johnson
Joseph L. Johnson
Vivian Moon
Lee & Esther Johnson
Vivian Moon
Lee & Esther Johnson Home
Vivian Moon
Mary Alice Hall Johnson
Vivian Moon
Keller Clan
Coral Babb
Alcy M. Shouse Keller
Coral Babb
Clyde Chester Keller
Coral Babb
Clyde Chester Keller
Coral Babb
John & Alcy Keller
Coral Babb
Daniel & Georgeann Kendrick
Brenda Craft
Samuel Kendrick
Brenda Craft
Lillie King
Larry W. Gregory
John & Matilda Combs Lane
Brenda Carman
John & Matilda Combs Lane Family
Brenda Carman
Old Lee County Courthouse
Debi Kendrick
Lock # 14 Heidelberg
Sharon Angel
Logue Cemetery
Vivian Moon
Delina Hamilton McGuire& children
Marilyn McGuire
Delina Hamilton McGuire
Marilyn McGuire
James B. & Nettie Wheeler McGuire
Marilyn McGuire
James B.  McGuire Pilot License
Marilyn McGuire
Nettie Wheeler McGuire
Marilyn McGuire
Ike & Della McIntosh
Cleveland R. Angel
Newton Home
Patricia Newton Brown
Allen B. Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Charles Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Conley Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Decatur & Lucy Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Decatur & Lucy Newton Headstone
Patricia Newton Brown
Decatur Newton, I
Patricia Newton Brown
Decatur Newton, II
Patricia Newton Brown
Fleming Newton in CCC Camp
Patricia Newton Brown
Fleming Newton, II
Patricia Newton Brown
Fleming Newton, II
Patricia Newton Brown
Fleming Newton & children
Patricia Newton Brown
Fleming & Dickie G. Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Fleming & Rowena Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
James Arthur Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Lucy Warner Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Virgil & Dorothy Newton
Patricia Newton Brown
Oil  Boom at  Fixer
Larry W. Gregory
Old Landing Post Office
Patricia Newton Brown
 Alexander Patterson
Vivian Moon
Patterson Friendly Farm
Vivian Moon
Pine Grove Road
offsite link
Pryse Drug Store Token
Tom Beatty
Cansas Baker Townsend Raines
Vivian Moon
E. Bon & Matt Raines
Vivian Moon
J.F. Raines Home
Vivian Moon
James F. Raines
Vivian Moon
James F. Raines & Dora Frost
Vivian Moon
Sarah Howell Raines
Vivian Moon
Virgie & Gladys Raines
Vivian Moon
Elijah & Sarah Ricardson Reece
Regnia Egbers
Callie Combs Reynolds
Vivian Moon
 Sarah Goosey Reynolds
Regnia Egbers
Effie Williams Roberts
Patricia Newton Brown
Opal Raines Ross
Vivian Moon
Rowland Children
Teresa L. Davis Edwards
 Morris & Sarah Johnson Sauers
Vivian Moon
School No. 6, Fixer
Harlan Sloan
Gertrude Coomer Scott
Debbie Scott
Charles T. Shoemaker Headstone
Debbie Rose
Cordelia Shoemaker Headstone
Debbie Rose
John Peter Shouse
Cleveland R. Angel
 Mary J. Keller Shouse
Cleveland R. Angel
Preston Sloan
Patricia Newton Brown & Harlan Sloan
Nancy Baker St. John
Vivian Moon
Joel Stamper
Larry W. Gregory
John Stamper & Elizabeth Spencer
Larry W. Gregory
Martha Ratliff Stamper
Larry W. Gregory
Bill & Nevlyn Baker Taylor
Sherry Frazier
Frank & Elizabeth Wilson Taylor
Sherry Frazier
Rosco Tyler's Store
Harold Profitt
Frank Taylor & Willie Seale
Sherry Frazier
Wm Thacker & Emily Cole
Winfred Tipton
Aaron Warner
Patricia Newton Brown
Bethenia Sloan Warner
Patricia Newton Brown
Bethenia Sloan Warner Headstone
Patricia Newton Brown
Gertrude Watson
Vivian Moon
Herbert & Nannie S. Raines Watson
Vivian Moon
Stanley J. & Hazel White
Vivian Moon
Unidentified    link fixed
offsite link 
White Ash Cemetery
George Best & Nancy Petrilla
John Calvin White
Vivian Moon
George & Lizzie Stamper Wilder & Family
Larry W. Gregory
Elisha Wilson Family ca 1914
WPA workers cleaning after flood  link fixed
offsite link
WPA Warehouse in Beattyville  link fixed
offsite link
Elizabeth, Nannie & Mary Wright
Brenda Craft
 Zoe School  link fixed
offsite link



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©2002-2025 Debi Houser Kendrick