Lee County Kentucky Wills
(Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick)

Will of Charles D. Tyler



I, Charles D. TYLER, of Lee County Kentucky, being of sound Mind and disposing memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, Revoking all other Wills by me at any time previously made.

First.  I direct that all my just debts be first paid, including the Necessary funeral expenses.

Second.  It is my Will and desire that my beloved daughter Abbie TYLER BANNAHAN should she survive me, have control of all my properties of every kind, both real, personal, and mixed, during her natural life, to be used and controlled by her for her own use and support.

Third.  I also give, bequeath and devise to my beloved daughter, Abbie TYLER BANAHAN, one half of the Farm whereon I now live which half is more particularly described as follows:  Lying on the Sourth side of the Middle Fork of the Kentucky River, in Lee County Kentucky, and Bounded as follows:  Beginning at a marked white oak on the _____ of the hill and near The line fence between C. B. HIERONYMUS and Charles D. TYLER, running westwardly with a marked line to the foot of the hill and in the same direction across the bottom to the river Thence up said river with its meanders to a sycamore stump, the beginning corner between C. B. HIERONYMUS and Charlis D. TYLER:  Thence eastwardly with said line to the begining said? boundry.  To contain one half of the number of acres of said farm and including all the improvements thereon and being one half of the Land conveyed to said Charles D. TYLER by L. M. DAY and wife by deed dated the 15th day of Aug. 1893 and of record in the office of the Clerk of the Lee County Court in Deed Book No. 7, at page 383.

Fourth.  It is my will and desirethat my beloved daughter Abbie TYLER BRANAHAN, provide all the Necessary Sustunances, Comforts and Conveniences of life for (her mother) Mary E. TYLER my devoted wife during her entire life, exclusively out of her own estate herein bequeathed.

Fifth:  I give, devise and bequeath to my grand children that is the Children of my deceased daughter Cora L. CANN, namely - C. B. CANN, ?Labina CANN, James CANN, Nessie CANN, Mark CANN, Thomas H. CANN and Ralph CANN, equally, the rest and residue of my home farm whereon I now live, sometimes called the L. M. Day Farm, and it is my will and desire that my said grand children do not sell or transfer their respective parts or interests except to each other, until the youngest living child becomes twenty one years of age.

Sixth, I hereby appoint my daughter Abbie TYLER BANAHAN, executrix of this, my Last Will and Testament, and direct that no surety be required of her by the Court and that no inventory of my estate be made for the purpose of filing once in Court.

Witness my hand this, the 15th day of Decembert 1920.

Chas. D. TYLER

Witnessed by.

State of Kentucky
County of Lee
I, W. O. BRADLEY, Clerk of the Lee County Court Certify that the foregoing Will and Testament of Charles D. TYLER, deceased was filed in the office of the County Court Clerk on the 13th day of Decembert 1921 by J. B. HIERONYMUS then Clerk, it being at the Regular TERM of said Court, and at the Regular 8th day of May Term 1922 was ordered to record with is now done accordingly in will Book No. 1 page 182 and 183.
Given under my hand this the 10th day of May 1922

W. O. BRADLEY, Clerk


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