John Needham Sebastian, M.D.

For over a quarter of a century Dr. John N. Sebastian has continuously followed his profession in Louisville, becoming well known as a physician and surgeon, and he is also developing the mineral resources of the state through his oil operations. He was born August 4, 1874, in Booneville, Owsley county, Kentucky, and is one of the four surviving children of James M. and Deborah Adeline (Needham) Sebastian. The others are: James G., a prominent lawyer of Los Angeles, California; Mrs. N. W. Hale, also a resident of that city; and Mrs. Daisy D. Rose, whose home is in New Albany, Indiana. The mother is a native of Whitley county, Kentucky, and the father was born in Breathitt county, this state. He attained high standing in the legal profession and at the time of his death was serving as judge of the circuit court of Owsley county. Dr. Sebastian's grandmother was Lucinda Needham and his great-grandmother was Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, who was closely related to Jefferson Davis and a cousin of Daniel Boone. Judge James M. Sebastian was of English stock and the Doctor's ancestors in both the paternal and maternal lines were early settlers of Virginia.  Several were Methodist ministers and filled pastorates throughout North Carolina. 

Dr. Sebastian attended the public schools of Booneville and in 1896 was graduated from Centre College. He then entered the University of Louisville, from which he received the M. D. degree in 1899, and has since maintained an office in this city. Experience and study have increased his professional knowledge and skill and he now enjoys a large practice. Dr. Sebastian is also assistant city physician and renders important public service in this connection, performing his duties with thoroughness and efficiency. He is a member of the Louisville Medical Society and keeps in close touch with the progress of medical and surgical science. Dr. Sebastian has also found time for research work along other lines. He is thoroughly conversant with geological conditions in Owsley county and this knowledge has enabled him to make a very profitable investment. He is the owner of a one-eighth interest in an oil well secured through a lease of three hundred and twenty acres on Island creek. The "pay" was struck at a depth of seven hundred and eighty-five feet and the well gushed forty thousand barrels of crude petroleum before it could be capped. This is one of the richest finds in eastern Kentucky and it is estimated that the well will yield several hundred barrels of oil daily. A sixteen hundred barrel tank is being erected on the property, which is nine miles from a pipe line. Dr. Sebastian is a loyal Kentuckian, thoroughly appreciative of the advantages and resources of his state, and combines in his character all of the qualities of a useful and desirable citizen. 



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