State of Kentucky
County of Owsley

In matter of Guardians pension Isabella COMBS Minor of Squire COMBS Decd  William PARKER Guardian, personally appeard before me the undersigned duly autherized to administer on the Preston HILL and Anderson TAYLOR persons whome I Certify to be reputable and entitled to credit:  who after first being duly sworn State in relation to the aforesaid Claim as follows vz:

Our ages are 67 and 28 years and our Post Office is Conkling, Kentucky, we was well acquainted with Squire COMBS and his wife America COMBS in their lifetimes.  America COMBS died on the __ day of November 1907, at her home on Wolf Creek in Owsley County __ was present & saw her as she lay a corps.  the Soldier died in the month of April 1907 before she died and was boath buried in the same burying Ground near each other.  They left surviving them one minor child Isabella COMBS, who is now under the care of her Guardian William PARKER.  the minor was not left sufficent property for support her in fact she has no income what ever out of which to get a sustainance & theres no one lawful bound for her support & she is compelled to labor for support, ___ the father was ___ left any life insurance or policy of any kind nor interest in any stock or bond out of which she could get support and the small amount left by the minors mother at her death goies to a large family of Brother and Sisters of the minor which means practically nothing to the minor at all.

We make the above statement from personal knowledge and intimate acquaintance living near neighbors to the minor and her  ___ __ them at the deaths as above state and also personally know the Guardian & Minor.  We bear no interest in this Claim and are not con------ in the presecution.

R.L. EVERSOLE                       Preston X HILL
Al WILSON                               Anderson TAYLOR

Subscribed & Sworn to before by Preston HILL and Anderson TAYLOR this 3 day of Jan _____
certify that the contents of the their affidavits ______ over the plan-d to ___ before the____ same two persons and that I bear no interest in the claim.

  H.C. COMBS Clerk C.O.C.
By Jess WILSON, D.C.

Act June 27, 1890
Minor Child Claim
William PARKER Guardian
Isabella COMBS, Claiimant
Squire COMBS, Soldier
Co. "D" 8th Ky Vol Infty

Affidavits of Preston HILL & Anderson TAYLOR, Conkling, Ky
Filed by W.B. BULLOCK, Booneville

State of Kentucky
County of Owsley

In ____ of Guardian Pension Claim of Isabella COMBS, Minor Squire COMBS, Decd late Co "D" 8th Ky Vol Infty "Oct 27 Jun 9

Personally appeard before me the undersigned duly authorized to administer said William PARKER the Guardian who after first being duly Sworn State in relation to the aforesaid claim as follows.

My age 34 years, Post office address is Conkling Owsley County Ky and __ the present Guardian of Minor Isabella COMBS daughter of the Soldier Squire COMBS being the only minor left of the family at his death.

He states that Solder Squire COMBS died on the 22 day of Aprile 1907 ---ing surviveing his widow America COMBS who soon thereafter applied for a pension for her self and her only surviving child Isabella COMBS.  Which child was born according to her family record on the 14th day of March 1874, and said pension was Granted the widow America COMBS under the act June 27th 1890 at $8.00 and also to the minor Isabella COMBS in addition $2-.00 per month to commence on the 2nd day of August 1907 said pension commencing on the 29th day of May 1907.  He further says that the continued to draw said pension for herself and the Minor Isabella up untill the 24th day of November 1907 when she died and her death occurred after the day Executed her quarterly voucher for the quarter ending November the 4th day and that her death occured on the 24th day of the month and before she had signed & endorced said check of $30.00 for payment and he says, he now held said $30.00 check unsigned or ____ which amount is due & payable to said Minor on the settlement of this claim.  He says that on the 9th day of December 1907, by appropriate order of the Owsley County Court, he was duly appointed Guardian of the Estate of the Minor child of Esquire COMBS and America COMBS, decd vz,  Isabella COMBS and that he Executed bond for the faithful discharge of said trust, which bond was approved by the court that he was sworn as law directs and Entered upon the duties as such Guardian and is now the Guardian of said Minor.  Copy of said order & bond is filed with this affidavit & made part hereof.  and he refers to the copy of marriage licens. proof concerning solders marriage to the mother of the minor and as to the amont of property left to and owned by the wdow America COMBS and also the property owned by the Solder in the case set up for the widows pension under No. 870476 and also as to the prooff of the birth of the minor child Isabella now ____ for, that was filed in same claim said claim being filed in the bureau of Pensions the 29th day of May 1907, and allowd to __ Widow and Minor on the 2nd day of August 1907 Certf 12020,290 and now asks that all proofs filed in the said Widows claim that is applicable to the Establishment of this Claim be so applied & is now refred to for that purpose.

He further Says that the minor was not left sufficient incom at the death of her Mother to support Educate & maintain her without her ___ labor and thus __ Due lawfully bound for her support.

William PARKER

{Pension Office  Jan 18, 1908}

Subscribed and Sworn to before me by William PARKER this 3 day Jan 1908 and I Certify that the Contents of the affidavit was read over and fully ____ the affavit be  __ in ___ same and I have no Interest in this Claim for Guardians pension.

   H.C. COMBS Clerk C.O.C.

Act June 27 1900

Minor Childs Claim

William PARKER Guardian
Isabella COMBS Claimant
Squire COMBS Soldier
Co "D" 8th Ky Vol Infty Service
Affidavit - Guardian, Conkling
Filed by W.B. BULLOCK, Booneville, Ky



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