County Court - Dec. Term - Dec the 2nd 1907

This day the Court doth appoint William PARKER Guardian of Isabella COMBS, a minor under the age of 14 years, orphan of Squire COMBS and America COMBS decd.

Whereupon the said William PARKER took the oath prescribed by law & ?together with C.W. HOGG and E.V. TAYLOR his surety Entered into and Acknowledged bond to the Comweath of Kentucky.  Conditioned according to law which was approved by the Court.

State of Kentucky Owsley County. SS.

  I H.C. COMBS Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid Certify that the foregoing order is a true and correct Copy of same as appears of record in my office.  Given under my hand & seal of office this the 7th day of Jany 1908
H.C. COMBS Clerk
Owsley Co. Ct.

{Pension Office - Jan 13 1908}

Commonweath of Kentucky

  Whereas William PARKER has been appointed by the County Court of Owsley and has qualified as guardian to Isabella COMBS a minor.

  Now we William PARKER as principal and C.W. HOGG and E.V. TAYLOR his sureties as hereby Covenant to and with the commonwealth of Kentucky, that the said William PARKER will faithfully discharge the trust of Guardian of said minor in all respects as required by law.
Signed this the 2nd day of Dec 1907.

     William PARKER
     C.W. HOGG
     E.V. TAYLOR

     H.C. COMBS Clk Owsly Co Ct.

State of Kentucky Owsley County SS.

I H.C. COMBS clerk of the Owsley County Court do Certify that the foregoing bond is a true & correct Copy of same as appears of record in my office Given under my hand and seal of office this January 7th 1908.
  H.C. COMBS Clerk Owsley Co. Ct.

State of Kentucky
County of Owsley

  I H.C. COMBS Clerk of the County Court for the County and State aforesaid do certify that following is a true & Correct list of both real & personal property listed by America COMBS for taxation in Owsly Co Ky for the Tax year 1908 as returned in to my Said office by the assessor of Owsley Co. for said year & supervised by the Board of Super---- of said Co for said year 1908 vz.
Real Estate  $796
Personal property $296
  Given under my hand and seal of office this January the 9th 1908

       H.C. COMBS Clrk

{Pension Office  Jan, 13, 1908}



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