Act of June 27, 1890

Declaration For Children Under Sixteen Years of Age

State of Kentucky
County of Owsley

  On this 9th day of December, A.D. one thousand 9 hundred and Seven 1907, personally appeared before me, a clerk of the Co Ct.  In and for the County and State aforesaid, William PARKER, aged 34 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension provided by act of Congress approved June 27, 1890;  That he is the legal guardian of Isabella COMBS, legitimate child of Squire COMBS, who enlisted under the name of Squire COMBS, at Lebanon, Ky, on the 24th day of Sept, 1861, in Co "D" 8th Ky Vol Infty and served at least ninety days in the War of the Rebellion, in the service of the United States;  who was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Louisville, Ky May 3d 1864 and died 22nd od April 1907.  That soldier was not employed in the U.S. Military or Naval service otherwise than as stated above.  That he left a widow surviving him who died November 24th 1907.  That the names and dates of birth of all the surviving children of the soldier under sixteen years of age are as follows:

Isabella COMBS, born March 14th, 1894

That the father was married under the name of Squire COMBS to America ANDERSON, there being no legal barrier to such marriage.

  He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, W.B. BULLOCK of Booneville, Ky his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim.  That his post-office address is Conkling, County of Owsley, State of Kentucky

         William PARKER

Attest:  John GILBERT
            Lewis ABNER

Also personally appeared John GILBERT, residing at Doorway, Ky and Lewis ABNER, residing at Mistletoe, Ky persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, say that they were present and saw William PARKER, the claimant, sign his name (or make [blank] mark) to  the foregoing declaration;  that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him for 20 years and 20 years, respectivly, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be;  and that they have no Interest in the prosecution of this claim.

     John GILBERT
     Lewis ABNER

  Sworn to and subscribed before me the 10th day of December A.D. 1907, and I hereby certify that the above declaration, etc, were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words [blank] erased, and the words [blank] added;  and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

Clk Owsley Co Ct

The act of June 27, 1890, requires that in minor children's cases:
1.  That the soldier served at least ninety days in the War of the Rebellion and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED.
2.  Proof of soldier's death [cause need not have been due to Army service], his marriage to mother, and proof of her death or divestment of title.

Declaration and power of attorney valid.
S.A. CUDDY, Chief, Law Division

Wid C# 630290
___ C# 41874
no minor

Act of June 27, 1890
Minor Child's Claim
William PARKER, Guardian Minor
Claimants. Isabella COMBS
Soldier  Squire COMBS
Service Co "D" 8th Ky Vol Infty
Filed by W.B. BULLOCK, Booneville, Ky

{Law Office Received Jan 14, 1908}
{Record Division Jan 16, 1908}

Department of the Interior
Louisville, Ky Agency
May 14th, 1908

Washington, D.C.


  I have the honor to report in the case of Minor of SQUIRE COMBS, ACT JUNE 27th, 1890, Certificate No. 640,178, that William PARKER, of Conkling, Ky., was on December 2d, 1907, appointed as guardian by the County Court of Owsley County, State of Kentucky, as shown by Certificate of Court as to Guardianship on back of voucher for first payment under Original issue of March 20th, 1908.

Very respectfully,

U.S. Pension Agent.

For Finance Division

{Pension Office, May 16, 1908}

No. 883039

Act of June 27, 1890
Original Pension of Minor Children.

Children, Isabella COMBS
Guardian, William PARKER
P.O. Conkling
County, Owsley
State, Kentucky
Soldier, Squire COMBS
Rank, Private
Company, D
Regiment, 8 Ky Vol Inf

Rate, $8 per month, commencing January 13, 1908, and $2 a month additional for each child as follows:
Isabella COMBS born March 14, 1894
Sixteen March 13, 1910
Commencing January 13, 1908

Recognized Attorney
Post office, Booneville, Ky
Fee, $10, Agent to pay.

Submitted for Admission March 13, 1908 J. M. GREEN, Examiner
Approved for Admission
Pay Guardian as above
March 17, 1908 S.C. BENJAMIN, Legal Reviewer  March 19, 1908 T.M. RIFFEL Res. Reviewer

Important Dates.
Enlistment, September 24, 1861
Discharge, May 3, 1864
Other service none
Death, April 22, 1907
Invalid claim filed, September 19, 1864
Invalid paid to February 4, 1907
Widow's claim filed May 29, 1907
Widow paid to November 4, 1907
Minor's claim filed January 13, 1908
Guardian appointed, December 2, 1907
Former marriage of soldier, none
Death or divorce of former wife,    -
Last marriage of soldier, September 20, 1868
Death of widow, November 24, 1907



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