Congressional Section

January 27, 1923

Honorable John W. LANGLEY,
House of Representives

My dear Mr. LANGLEY:

       In re:  Minor of Squire COMBS
                 Min. C. 640178

  In response to your request for a copy of the soldier's pension certificate in this case you are advised that there is no copy of such certificate on file with the papers in the case.  The facts, however are as follows:

  The soldier, while in the service, received a wound through the temple causing the loss of sight of both eyes.  He was discharged on account of such wound, and was pensioned therefor at the rate provided for total blindness from time to time, from the date of his discharge to that of his death, which does not appear to have been in any way due to his military service.

  After his death, his widow filed an application for pension under the act of June 27, 1890, and was pensioned thereunder until her death, and was paid the accrued invalid pension from the date to which the soldier was last paid to the date of his death.

  After the death of the widow, the accrued widow's pension was paid to the guardian of Isabella COMBS, a minor child of the soldier, and minor's pension was granted and paid until such minor reached  the age of sixteen years.

  There is nothing pending in the case and no person can possibly have title to any further pension on account of service and death of this soldier under existing laws.

Very Truly yours,



State of Kentucky
County of Jackson

  On this 2nd. day of March A.D. 1923, personly appeared before me a Notory Public, within and for the county and State aforesaid Nancy HILL, who being by me duly sworn, says her age is 49 years, and reside at Conkling P.O. Owsley County Kentucky.  And makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension provided by act of Congress approved June 27th, 1890, and amendments thereto.

  That she is the legal Guardian of James COMBS, an Idiot, which disability to her best knowledge and belief, is permanent, that he has been suffering with said disability ever since his birth.

  That said James COMBS is the legitimate child of Squire COMBS, who was enlisted under the name of Squire COMBS in Co. "D" 8th. Regt. Kentucky Infantry Vol. on the 24th. day of September 1861, in the Civil War.   And was honorably discharged at Louisville Ky. May 3rd. 1864.  And died at his home near Conkling, Ky. April 22nd. 1907.  That he left a widow America COMBS, who died November 3rd. 1907.  That said child was born April 16th. 1881;  that the father (Squire COMBS) was married under the name of Squire COMBS to American ANDERSON, there being no legal barrier to said marriage.

  That no applicants has heretofore been made for pension for said Idiot.  That said Idiiot is her brother, and the above named soldier Squire COMBS was her Father.  That her said father was receiving a pension at the rate of $100. per Month at the time of his death, and no applications has ever been made for a pension for said Idiot that I have any knowledge or information of.

  Claimant further states that said Idiot resides with her, and that she provideds and cares for him.

  That her Post Office address is Conkling, Owsley County Ky.

Attest  Delbert WILLAMS       Nancy X HILL
           Chester HILL                          mark

Also personally appeared Delbert WILLIAMS Residing at Mildred, Ky. and Chester HILL residing at Mildred, Ky. persons who I believe to be reputable and entitled to credit, who being duly sworn, say they were present and saw Nancy HILL the claimant make her mark to the foregoing declaration, that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant, and their acquaintance with her of 15 years and 20 years respectively that she is the identical person she represents herself to be, And that they have no personal interest in this claim.

Chester HILL

  Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of March 1923, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c was read and fully explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words "or committee" added.  And that I have no interest direct, or indirect in the prosecution of this claim.
My commission expires Jan. 9th. 1926.    E. PENNINGTON  N.P.J.C.

{Widow Division Files Mar 14, 1923  U.S. Bureau of Pensions}
{Finance Group Received Mar 8, 1923}
{Finance Division Group 2,  Mar 7, 1923, Bureau of Pensions}

reply refer to __ C. 640178
Nancy HILL
Squire COMBS
Co D, 8 Ky Inf

April 28, 1923

Mrs. Nancy HILL,
Conkling, Kentucky


  Referring to your purported declaration for pension, filed in this Bureau March 5, 1923, I have to advise you that it is dismissed on the ground that it is void, for the reason that the allegations contained therein, if established, would not entitle the minor child to pension under any existing law as said child has never been borne on the rolls as a pensioner as the minor child of the soldier and there is no provision of law whereby the child of a soldier who was over 16 years of age at the date of the father's death may be pensioned whether helpless or not.

  Said document is not regarded as a valid claim for any purpose whatever.


Washington GARDNER




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