To:  Dr. GRIFFIT, Medical Director                     Date:  May 23, 1945
From:  Director, Dependents of Claims Service       MBAB-6-7
Subject:  COMBS, Squire
                XC 3,917,047

  It is requested that James COMBS, alledged helpless child of the above named veteran, be given a complete physical examination with particular reference to his mental condition and with an expression of opinion as to his competency.

  Dr. H.L. HUNTER of Hamilton, Ohio should be excluded as examiner, since he has furnished a medical statement in the case.

  It is alleged that the child was bron April 28, 1881.

  There should also be made a Social Service and industrial survey covering the period from January 1, 1893 to this date with reference to the child's industrial and social adjustment.  Contact should be made with disinterested persons who have knowledge of such adjustment and information obtained as to the character of the work done by the child, and the periods of employment and any absences from work and the reasons therefor.  It should also be shown whether the persons contacted observed the child to manifest symptons or signs of illness, disease, injury, defect or abnormality, at any time and if so, a detailed account of the facts observed and dates of observation should be recorded.

  The purpose of this survey is to determine whether the child became insane, idiotic, or otherwise permanently incapable of self-support prior to attaining his sixteenth birrthday.

  Any leads disclosed in the course of this survey should be followed up and fully developed.

  The child is in custody of his brother, Samuel COMBS, Route 3, 329 Lagonda Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio.


Report of Physical Examination

Date of admission to hospital none            C-No. XC 3,917,047
Date of discharge from hospital none

1.  Claimant's name  COMBS, James  Address  329 Lagonda
2.  Rank and organization  none           Enlistment  none
           Discharge  none
3.  Birthplace  Owsley Co Ky    Age 60  Race W  Color of eyes  Blue  Color of hair gray
4.  Height  62 inches   Weight  114  Highest weight in past year  114
5.  Examined   Hamilton  11:30 a.m. to 12:30 Noon
6.  Permanent marks and scars other than described below   None
7.  Orgin and date of incurrence of disability as alleged by claimant:  None
8.  Brief medical and industry history:
      1. Never in military service.  No previous examination
      2. Never worked in his life.

9.  Present complaint   No complaints

Statement by Claimant.  My answers to questions 8 and 9 have been read to me, and I hereby certify that the medical and industrial history are correct and the complaints recorded are all that I am suffering from to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of claimant (or his mark)  X  (Patient does not read)

10.  Temperature 98.6  Respiratory rate:  Seated 40;  standing 22;  immediately after exercise 25;  3 minutes after exercise 40.   Pulse rate:  Seated 80;  standing 90;  immediately after exercise 95;  3 minutes after exercise 90   Any arrhythmia of pulse?  No     Systolic 130, diastolic  80
11.  General appearance (blank);  nutrition good;  muscualr development fair;  carriage (blank);  posture stooped;  gait slow shuffel
12.  Eyes:  External structures, each eye Normal
       Internal structures, each eys (if practicable)  Patient will not coop---
       Vision (Snellen chart)  Patient does ___  know the le____
13.  Ears:  Auditory/canals:  Normal    Discharge?  NO
14.  Nose, throat, sinuses:  Normal?  Yes
15.  Cardio-vascular system:  Normal?  Yes
16.  Respiratory system:  Normal? Yes
17.  Digestive system:  are mouth, teeth, gums, stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder and __ rectum normal? NO   teeth in poor condition.  Should be out otherwise Normal
18.  Spleen:  lymphatic glands:  Normal?  Yes
19.  Nervous system:  Are brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and mentality normal?  NO
Intilligence very poor:  Never went to school.  Memory poor for recent and remote events.  Not ___ as to time or place.  Retention poor.  Mental ___ flegbly.  Very semotional becomes very violently angry, attention poor.  Cooperation poor, ____ No Deep & Superficial reflexes normal.  No muscular atroplius, ___ disorders tremor or paralysis or contract---  No Eudocrun? disorders.  Imbecility.
20.  Genito-urinary system:  Kidneys, bladder, prostate, penis, testicles normal?  Normal
21.  Rheumatism:  Articular or muscular?  None
22.  Hernia:  Inguinal, femoral, ventral, umbilical? No
23.  Hydrocele? No  Varicocele?  No
24.  Varicose veins?  No
25.  Pes planus (flat or weak foot)? No
26.  Skin:  Normal
27.  Residuals of gunshot wounds or other injuries:  None
28.  Evidence of effects of past or present vicious habits (alcohol, narcotics, venereal infections) None
29.  Laboratory examinations:  None

Veterans Administraion
Medical Form 2680
Rev. July 1940

Report of Examination to Determine Need of Nurse or Attendant

July 30, 1945
Claim Number  XC 3,917, 047
Name of Beneficiary  James COMBS
Address of Beneficiary  329 Lagonda Ave. Hamilton, Ohio

1.  Inclusive dates of most recent hospitalization  none
2.  Reason for last discharge from hospital  none
3.  Is the beneficiary at his home?  checked
5.  Name and address of the institution.  none
6.  Will the beneficiary, or his guardian, accept government hospitalization? Yes
7.  Outline the actual duties, if any, being performed by the nurse or attendant:  none
8.  Name and relationship to beneficiary of nurse or attendant:  none
9.  Is the beneficiary able to:
   A. Travel?  Yes  Unassisted?  Yes
   B.  Walk? Yes  Unassisted? Yes
   C.  Care for the needs of nature?  Yes  Unassisted? Yes
   D.  Feed himself?  Yes
   E.  Dress himself?  Yes
   F.  Bathe himself?  Yes
   G.  Get out of bed?  Yes
   H.  Remain out of bed all day?  Yes
   I.  Get out of doors?  Yes
   J.  Take exercise?  Yes  To what extent?  Walks about
10.  Is the beneficiary bedridden?  No

November 23, 1945

Dayton, Ohio
                                                         COMBS, Squire

                                                        James COMBS, child
                                                        Samuel COMBS, custodian
                                                        Route 3,
                                                        329 Lagonda Ave.,
                                                        Hamilton, Ohio.

Dear Sir:

  On May 26, 1945 you were requested to make a general medical and special neuropsychiatric examinination of James COMBS, child of this deceased veteran with competency examination.  You were also requested to make a social and industrial study.  The report of physical examination dated July 30, 1945 is on file.

  However, report of social and industrial study has not been received.  May we ask that this report be expediated.

  The Honorable John M. ROBSION, House of Representatives, is interested in this development.

  Upon completion of the social and industrial study, report thereof should be forwarded to this office for the attention of the undersigned.

               For the Acting Surgeon General

                Hugh   -ELLA,
                Colonel, Medical Corps,
                Acting Executive Officer,
                Professional Services



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