Social Summary For Central Office

COMBS, Squire
XC 3917 047


    A social study report in the case of James COMBS, child of deceased veteran, requested by Central Office in a letter of November 23, 1945


    A.  Mr. and Mrs. Samuel COMBS, 392 Lagonda Ave., Hamilton, Ohio, interviewed on 4-2-46.  Both appeared to be simple, sincere persons who were willing to continue supporting and caring for James regardless of whether or not he received a pension as a deceased veteran's dependent.

    B.  Mr. Ben RICE, 216 Star Ave., Hamilton, Ohio, who was interviewed on 4-2-46 at his home.  He appeared to give all information readily and sincerely.  Mr. RICE, who is a few years younger than James, has known James all his life both in the home community and in Hamilton, Ohio.

    C.  Dr. Herman L. HUNTER, 448 S. Front St., Hamilton, Ohio, interviewed by telephone on 4-2-46.
    D.  Dr. W. A. DAVIN, 2617 Pleasant Ave., Hamilton, Ohio, interviewed by telephone 4-2-46.


    James would appear to be of low-grade intelligence according to statements by informants, unable to care for his simplest needs, without constant supervision.  He does not talk coherently on the simplest of subjects, has little judgement, soils himself, needs constant close supervision, and cannot be left alone in the house.  At present he is in the home of his brother, Samuel, and his wife and their children.


    James has always been of low-grade intelligence unable to care for his needs according to brother Samuel, his sister-in-law, and Mr. RICE.


    Samuel thought that James was two or three years younger than himself;  it is his belief that James is approximately sixty-five years of age.  Samuel did not go into great detail regarding early development except to say that it was normal physically.  James never attended school nor has he ever worked and has always been dependent on his parents and siblings for support.  James was raised in a rural community near Boonesville, Owlsey County, Kentucky, where he lived continuously until two years ago.  After parents d__  James lived with each sibling until his sibling, Nancy HILL, agreed to keep him.  James remained with her for twenty-four years, when unknown to other siblings, she and her family moved from the community, leaving James to ___ for himself.  During the period in which James lived with his siblings, ___ sent money to them including Nancy HILL.  Neighbors in the community, of Nancy HILL left James, brought food to him and took care of his simple needs.  When Samuel learned of James' plight, through neighbors migrating to Hamilton, Samuel went to Boonesville to determine the facts for himself and brought back to Hamilton.

  Immediately upon coming to Hamilton, Samuel took James to the family physican, Dr. HUNTER, who examined James and advised Samuel that James is in good physcial condition.  Dr. HUNTER advised over the telephone that he classified James as an imbecile who has to have constant direction and supervision.  James talks incoherently and has no initiative.  James continued under Dr. HUNTER's care for two years, occasionally seeing him when Samuel would bring him in.  Dr. DAVIN advised that he has no record of James although Mrs. Samuel COMBS advised that James and had been taken to Dr. DAVIN.

  Samuel and his wife both commented on the fact that veteran ___ to be told everything.  Wife preferred to do things for herself for whenever James did anything for her she was sure to have to do it over again as ___ as clean up the dirt and mess that he would leave about.  James cannot be trusted to remain in the home alone and is "more care than a three year old child".  Mrs. COMBS believes that his mental level is that of a three year old child without the interests that a three year old child may have as it learns.  She allows James to go to her daughter's home, a matter of two or three blocks distance.  Once he got lost and it was after some hours ____ they found him out since then he has never been lost.  However, he always carries identifying information in his pocket.  Samuel mentioned _____ that he has never remembered veteran any other way and bothe he and his wife commented that James cannot carry on a coherent conversation, rambling  ___ from one subject to another without any reference to the previous subject.  James spends his time sitting around the back of the house or taking short walks in the immediate vicinity or if the weather is extremely cold sitting by the fire and just looking.

 Mr. RICE's statements were very similar to those given by Samuel and his wife.  Mr. RICE has lived in the immediate vicinity of the COMBS home near Boonesville and consequently saw James quite a bit.  He believed that eight or ten years would be placing James on a high level of intelligence.  He stated that he had always felt that James was "not all there".  He didn't think James was psychotic but felt that there had been not much mental development.  He cited an example of James' poor judgement as one of many incidents to show that James was "not all there".  The father had given James a horse when James was about nineteen years of age.  The hourse broke away from James and ran across the pasture and everytime James tried to catch it it would run away from him.  Finally James caught the horse and gave it such a punch in the side that the horse later had to be killed.  Mr. RICE still sees James quite often rambling through or sleeping in the woods. James has a "bad disposition", and cusses a great deal.  he cannot talk coherently on any subject.

  An attempt was made to talk with James by the worker, unsuccessfully.  The worker was impressed with his surliness.


  James' parents both died many years ago, cause of death unknown.  Father was a Civil War veteran who farmed in Kentucky after his return from service.  Samuel could not give too much family history as he stated he has not kept in touch with his family and that they have never been "much to write".  In fact, he has lost track of one or two siblings.  Samuel himself has been employed at the Champion Paper Co. of Hamilton, Ohio, for twenty-three years.  At the present time he is sixty-nine years of age.  His wife is approximately sixty five or sisty six years of age.  Samuel feels that he has quite a bit of responsibility toward James because "blood is thicker than water and James is my kinfolk".  He realized that there were places that James could have been sent out prefers to assume the responsibility himself.


  This is sixty-five year old child of a deceased Civil War veteran, who, according to various statements, has always been of low-grade intelligence.  He is unable to care for his simplest needs, requires constant and close supervision, soils himself, is unable to talk coherently on any subjefct, is of rather "mean disposition", and is a person who leads a rather animal existence.  At this late date it would not appear possible to do any type of rehabilitation if that were indicated.  It  would appear that nothing could be done for this son because of his low-grade mentality.


  This is a sixty five year old man who has always been dependent upon others for help since he has been classified as having achieved an approximately three year old mental level according to family and the family physician.  A neighbor also gives somewhat the same statement adding to the personality picture the statement that this man has always been of ___ mean disposition.  Informants state that he has always needed close supervision and has been unable to care for his simplest needs.  When he was left on his own, he became a community responsibility in that neighbors cared for him and took care of his simpliest needs.  He has never been to school nor has he ever worked, and it is doubtful whether he could __ do so.

Psychiatric Social Worker

Chief, Social Service

Mr. Samuel COMBS
329 Lagonda Avenue Route #3
Hamilton, Ohio

COMBS, Squire
XC 3 917 047

Dear Sir:

  It has been determined that James COMBS, incompetent of the above names veteran, is entitled to an award of death pension at the following rate or rates:

  Monthly Rate                       Commencing Date           Ending Date
      $36.00                                    4-16-1945

  The appropriate field office of the Veterans Administration is being requested to take the action necessary to permit release of payments as promptly as possible.

  All correspondence relative to this case should include the name of the veteran and the XC-number shown above.


Director, Dependants and  Beneficiaries Claims Service.



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