Acts of June 27, 1890 and May 9, 1900
Declaration for Widow's Pension

State of Kentucky, County of Owsley,  SS:

  On the 17th day of May, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and seven 1907, personally appeared before me, a Depty Co Clk, within and for the County and State aforesaid, America COMBS, aged 56 years, a resident of near Conkling County of Owsley, State of Kentucky who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Squire COMBS, who enlisted under the name of Squire COMBS, on the 24th day of September, A.D. 1861, as a private in Company D, in the 8th Regiment of Kentucky Infty Volunteers, and served at least ninety days in the late War of the Rebellion, in the service of the United States, who was HONORABLY DISCHARGED Mary 3rd 1864, and died 22nd day of April 1907.  That he was never employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above never had any other Service in the army or navy of the U.S.  That he was never employed in the military or naval service of the United States after the 3rd day of May, 1864.  That she was married under the name of America ANDERSON to said Squire COMBS, on the 20th day of September A.D. 1868 by Esq. J.W. BAKER at James WILLAMS home there being no legal barrier to such marriage;  that she had not been previously married;  that her said husband had not been previously married. (4) neither had had a former marriage.  That she has not remarried since the death of the said Squire COMBS.  That she is without other means of support than her daily labor and an actual net income not exceeding $230 per year.  That the names and dates of birth of all the children of the soldier, now living, and under sixteen years of age, are as follows:
Isabella, born Mar 14th , 1894
That she has not abandoned the support of any one of her children, but that they are still under her care or maintenance.  That no prior application for pension has been filed by herself or the soldier.  The solder was drawing on pension @100.00 per Mo.  Cert No. 41874.  That she makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension-roll of the Unites States, under provisions of the acts of June 27, 1890, and May 9, 1900.  She hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation,

W.B. BULLOCK of Booneville, Ky
her true and lawful attorney to prosecute her claim, the fee to be TEN DOLLARS, payable as prescribed by law.  That her POST OFFICE ADDRESS is Conkling, County of Owsley, State of Kentucky

Attest                                                                           her
Sherman ANDERSON                                America X COMBS
Bell COMBS                                                             mark

Also personally appeared Sherman ANDERSON, residing at Conkling, Ky, and Bell COMBS, residing at Conkling, Ky, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw America COMBS, claimant, sign her name (or make her mark) to the foregoing declaration;  that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her of 25 years and 15 years respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be;  and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.

Declarition and power of attorney valid.                      Sherman ANDERSON
S.A. CUDDY, Chief, Law Division                             Bell COMBS

  Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of May, A.D. 190-(blank) and I hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing declaration and affidavit were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words

(blank) erased, and the words (blank) added;  and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

                                                       H.C. COMBS Clk
                                           By Jess WILSON D.C. O.C.C.

                                               Validity accepted
                                               S.A. CUDDY, Chief, Law Division


Claimant:   America COMBS
Soldier:  Squire COMBS
Service:  Co. "D" 8th Ky Vol Infty
Address:  Conkling, Ky  Owsley Co.

W.B. BULLOCK, Booneville, Ky
Date of Execution  May 17, 1907



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