Perry Co., Ky 

I'm Debi H. Kendrick, your host for this Perry County site.

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Perry County Clerk
Haven King
PO Box 150
Hazard, KY 41702-0150
Phone: (606) 436-4614
FAX: (606) 439-0557

Perry County Public Library
479 High St.
P.O. Box 928
Hazard, Ky. 41701
Phone: 606-436-2475
Fax: 606-436-0191


Perry County, Kentucky was established in 1820-1821 from Clay and Floyd Counties, KY:
"Jesse COMBS* and Elijah COMBS are bound to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the penal sum of 1,000 £, conditioned upon Jesse COMBS faithfully discharging his duties as Clerk Pro Tem of the county Court of Perry County. Dated: 16 April 1821.Witnessed by the court. Recorded by the Ky Court of Appeals 22 June 1822 (Extracted by Debi H. Kendrick from "Kentucky Court of Appeals Deed Books" compiled by Michael L. Cook and Bettie A. Cook. pg 277)
* Jesse COMBS was the son of the above Elijah COMBS (Sr.) and the court clerk of Perry County for 54 years, from its inception until his death 6 Jan 1874.

In 1839, Breathitt County was established from Clay, Estill and Perry Counties; and in 1842, Letcher was est. from Perry and Harlan Counties. In 1843, Perry gained land from Clay, primarily in the NW section of the county, adjacent also to the newly created Owsley County. In 1878, Leslie was est. from Clay, Harlan and Perry; and in 1884, Knott was established from Breathitt, Floyd and Perry. The town of Hazard is Perry's County Seat.


(Photo by Sue Chiles)

Site Established 21 Oct 1999

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