L. D. Combs Cemetery
(Donated by Mack & Dwight Holliday)

Located at Combs,  Ky near Hazard in Airport Gardens and behind Hospital on Meadow Brook Rd. turn right first lane & is on right on. The next  lane on right goes to another old cemetery to be read in future. 

Conly, Johney,1854,1855 
Conly, Ralph,1857,1857 
Combs, May,,
Combs, A.B.,Oct.21,1881,
Combs, Jancie,1836,1870
 Combs, Polly,1843,1895
Combs ,Lourenza D.,1843,1900

There are about 50 more tombs in here but none readable or just sandstones for a marker. 

Read by Mack Holliday, Aug 1996

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