Richard Smith Cemetery
(Donated by Mack & Dwight Holliday )

Cemetery  at  mouth of Pigeon Roost, just off 550 at Ary, Ky  in Perry Co. Ky beside the church - 5 miles west of Dwarf, Ky

Richard Smith is the oldest known grave here and the most known ancestors of all buried here.

Row one - Lots of space between some of the graves in this row
1. Combs, K. L.-- born 1879, died 1950
2.  Sandstone
3. Combs,Fanny--born 1876, died 1948

Row two  - lots of space between some of the graves in this row.
4. Higgins,D.--born Dec 17, 1916, died Aug 17, 1919
5. Smith, Donald--born Sept 19, 1926, died June 28, 1927, 

Row three - lots of space between some of the graves in this row 
6. Sandstone
7. Smith, Cassie---born March 12, 1914, Died March 13, 1914,  "Our Baby" engraved on it.
8. Smith, Estill--- born May 2, 1919, died May 2, 1919
9. Smith, Andrew--born April 26, 1916, died April 27, 1919, headstone fallen over on face
10. Smith, Evert--born May 10, 1917, died May 12, 1919
11. Smith, Mathew---born and died Sept 10, 1918
12.  Smith, James---born and died May 20, 1920

Row four
13.  McManamy, Grace S.--born Oct 24, 1913, died Oct 31, 1985
14.   Sandstone
15.   Sandstone
       room for 4 graves to next one below
16.  Grigsby, Wm---U. S. Navy and nothing else on it
      room for 4 graves to end of row

Row Five
17.  Stacy, Herman---born Mar 2, died Nov 11, 1962
room for one
18.  Smith, Peggy---born Feb 20, 1906, died Mar 2, 1906
19. Smith, Alus  S.---Born Nove 3, 1884, died April 20, 1906
20.  Sandstone---engraving eroded away and behind the above grave
21.  Lor. S. ---Probably Smith, rest eroded away, born July 18, 1905, died July 30, 1905
room for two
22. Brewer, Charlemon---born Oct 1, 1901, died Nov 15, 1904
sandstone behind the above
room for three
23.  Engle, Smith Lucinda---born 1901,  died 1928. 

Row 6.
24.  Patrick, Salvester---born Oct 9, 1898, died June 8, 1944,  under tree
25.  Smith, Roy Wayne---born May 25, 1942, died Dec 2, 1953, son of Roy & Agnes Smith
26.  Toppled over and frozened to ground,  will have to check it later.
27.  Toppled over also 

Row 7
28.  Patrick, Shena S.---born Feb 19, 1896, died Oct 11, 1933, daughter of H. B. Smith
29. Smith, Rebecca---Born Sept 26, 1900, died June 20. 1939
30. Patrick, Shena-- "At Rest" engraved and sunk in ground to much to read
    space for two
31.  Sandstone, engraved but unreadable     A    El      A   was readable
32.  Stacy, Mindias---born July 30, 1855, died Aug 16, 1926

Row 8
33.  Smith, Cassie H.---born Feb 10, 1894, died Dec 13, 1966   ossw below
34.  Smith, Samuel L,---born Jan 5, 1891, died July 17, 1961
35.  Smith, Myrtle Marie--born May 4, 1920 died Jan 17, 1922, daughter of Sam & Cassie
36.  Smith, Mary Magdelene--born Sept 23, 1907, died Sept 1911, daughter
37   Smith, Peggy--born May 3, 1870, died Feb 16,1938, Ossw below
38.  Smith, Hawey, B.--born Mar 11, 1870, died April 11, 1911
39.  Smith, Parette--born July 11, 1893, died Nov 11, 1900, daughter
40.  Smith, Jacob--born Feb 19, 1896,   son engraved on it
41.   Sandstone
42.  Sandstone
43.  Smith, Isaac---born Dec 18, 1820, died May 21, 1879
44  Sandstone

Row 9.
45.  Smith.  Edith---born Aug 13, 1930,                                          Ossw as belwo
46.  Smith, Perry Justus, born Dec 8, 1924, Died Mar 13, 1962
space for one
47.  Whitsett, Victoria Luze---b&d Nov 17, 1918, daughter of Harold and Mamie Whitsett
space for one
48.  Fugate, John--born Nov 15, 1870, died June 6, 1930,   father
49.  Smith, Frankie--born May 16,1838, died Mar 27, 1914
space for one
50.  Sandstone at foot 
51.  Sandstone, pointed top,    H.S       D C   Nov 11        60 was all that was readable
52.  Sandstone
53.  Smith, Elitia--born June 20, 1772, died Mar 11, 1858,   His wife--- Ossw as below
54.  Smith, Elder Richard---born Mar 5, 1771, died Nov 28, 1836, 
       2 sandstone markers behind it
55.  Sandstone
56.  Sandstone
57    Sandstone  at foot of cypt
58.  Fugate, Henley----Cypt---Stone leaned against it,  unreadable  Tabitha Ritchie, his wife buried in Cypt beside him inside.  never saw it but 
59.  Sandstone
60.  Sandstone
61.  Fugate, Isabell---born Jan 16, 1858, died Jan 6, 1969
62,   Sandstone  to left
63.  Brewer, Loyd, born June 18,1906, died Feb 11, 1926
64.  Sandstone---behind above
65.  Sandstone---behind  63 above and beside 64.

Row 10
66.  Fuget, Shade---born Feb 13, 1859, died Feb 13, 1931,  Ossw below
67.  Fuget, Seattie---Jan 1, 1859
68.  Smith, Canzalde--born Sept 30, 1886, died Dec 22, 1971, OSSw below
69.  Smith, Irvin---born May 23, 1874, died July 7, 1969
70.  Smith, Joe---born Nov 10, 1919, died May 18,1935
71.  Grigsby, Eliza---born May 3, 1871, died Dec 15, 1947
72.  Grigsby, H. C.---born Aug 13, 1866, died Oct 2, 1909
73.  Sandstone
74.  Sandstone
 space for one
75.  Sandstone
space for one
76.  Sandstone
space for lots of graves
77.  Sandstone
78.  Fugate,   Hen  b.  G   all that was readable

Row 11
79.  Williams, Gran---born Jan 19, 1881, died June 29, 1919
80.  Williams, Isabell--born Jan 14, 1910, died Nov 6, 1917
space for 6
81.  Sandstone
space for 2
82.  Sandstone---Ls  mas  Mar   19 5  was all that was readable
83.  Smith---n     N   C  D.    1870   was all that was readable 
84.  Sandstone
space for two
85.  Sandstone
86.  Stacy, Hulda---born June 1, 1849, died Mar 10, 1910
87.  Stacy, James---born Oct 5, 1830, died Feb 28, 1901
88.  Stacy, Nancy---born Nov 10, 1832, died Mar 25, 1857
space for one
89.  space for one
90.  Cabe        July       accs   was all that was readable
91.  Stacy, Nancy N.  born May 15, 1847, died Mar 8, 1920
92.  Stacy, Jos---  17th Ky Inf.   Co. K   and a shield engrave on it.  Round top.  no dates
93.  at foot of above a sharp pointed stone.  may be a footstone for above 
94.  Stacy, Syntha---born Mar 1, 1824, died Feb 3, 1892
95.  Stacy, John---born Oct 1824, died Mar 22, 1912

Row 12
96.  Francis, Rozitii---b&d Oct 10, 1887, daughter of Sam and Henly Francis
97.  Fugate, Martin--born and died Oct 27, 1881
98.  Francis, Lousa  born Nov 1, 1894, died Feb 1895, daughter of Sam and Henly
       above behind Rozitii Francis
99.  Fugate, Charly--born May 4, 1889, died May 5, 1889
100.  Sandstone  with D. C.        Oct         1886     all that is readable
101.  Sandstone behind above with G C C.   1876  all that is readable
space for one
102.  Sandstone
space for one
103.  Sandstone
104.  I T S on first row,  E T S on second.  b       1895  d     7 is all that is readable
105.  D. B. G. on first row.    B    N.      20 on second       D.    0-- Corner broken off
106.  Sizemore, N---was born Aug 20, 1905  D July 4,1906
107.  Sandstone
108.  W  R  S       A   S            typed the way it was engraved.  appears to be a one stone for 
        b J 27, 19      b- A  1918                   two infants.  Line was carved between the two
        d    9,1919    d   A.   16, 18
space for one
109.   D.  C
space for one
110.  Stacy, Adam---born March 29, 1922      OSSW as below
111.  Stacy, Isaacs---born March  12, 1922
112.  Sandstone.
two stones behind above

Row 13  - Last row and nothing in line at all
113.  Combs, Biram---born Mar 25, 1856, died Oct 8, 1935     OSSW behow
114.  Combs, Sally---born Mar 25, 1865
two footstones 
two field boulders
115.  Sandstone with footstone
116.  Sandstone behind above
more huge field boulders
117.  Fugate, Samuel---born Mar 18, 1865, died Dec 14, 1936
118.  Fugate, Anna--- born Oct 10, 1862, died July 18,1921
119.  Sandstone at Anna's foot
space for two
The next four below was painted white in a line with each other.
120.  Smith, Billy---b 1956   ---rest unreadable  cross on it
121.  Smith, Allie---b FEb 20 unreadable,  died     27, 197   unreadable.    infant
122.  Smith, Eva---nothing else on it.----long like a adult
123.  Lanson, Kenny--- June, 1956 ---infant
124.  Sizemore, Asberry---born Feb 15, 1882, died Oct 30, 1929---in front of above

Plott beside church under tree.

Row 1
125.  Smith, Bessie--Painted---infant
126.  Smith, Steve---Long like an adult
127.  Smith, Charley---born Jan 28, 1919, died Aug 11, 1919
128.  Smith, Eliza---born Dec 29, 1887, died Mar 2 1919
129,  Miller, Linda Sue---born FEb 9, 1944, died June 6, 1977--picture of her on headstone
130.  Smith, Jorden---died 1-32
131.  Couch, Virgil--born June 1, 1902, died May 21, 1980

Row 2
132.  Smith, Wanda Lee---born July 11, 1964, died Dec 15, 1978
133.  Smith, Jenny Marie--born Jan 31, 1966, died Dec 15, 1978
134.  Smith, Susie Ann---born Sept 5, 1968, died Dec 15, 1978--same date as above on death
135.  Smith, Callie---born Sept 3, 1931, died May 29, 1978
136.  Smith, Shade---Born 21,1905, died Aug 2, 1939
137.  Sandstone
138.  Burns, Sidney---born Jan 25,1876, died Feb 28, 1955

Row 3 - last row
139.  Combs, Dan---born Feb 12, 1873, died Mar 30, 1945
140.  McLemore, Biram---born June 1,1909, died Dec 17,1973
141.  McLemore, Shirley---born and died Nov 15, 1952
142.  Mclemore, James Henry---born April 24, 1950, died Oct 5, 1950

First Chain Link Fenced in Area

Row 1
143.  Agnes, Basso Smith-- Born Nov 29, 1922, died Jan 19, 1992
144.  Basso, John---born Sept 11, 1886, died Jun 7, 1979---OSSW as below
145.  Basso, Sussie---born DEc 22, 1900, died FEb 17, 1976
146.  Smith, Roy B.---born Oct 5, 1915, died Mar 26, 1971---father
147.  Smith, Isaac---born May 5, 1911, died May 12, 1973---OSSW as below
148.  Smith, Zola---born Oct 11, 1921
149.  Smith, Janes Manuel---born July 19, 1960, died Nov 17, 1960
150.  Smith, Charley D.---born Feb 7, 1958, died Oct 1, 1982

Row 2
Smith, Curtis---born May 23, 1946, died Dec 8, 1980  OSSW as next one
151.  Smith, Sandra K---born Feb 20, 1950
152.  Smith, Dewey---born July 17,1939, died Jan 12, 1967
two stones laying on ground unengraved 

Second Chain Link fenced in Area under Pine trees

153.  Smith, Noeman---born Jan 7, 1918, died Oct 8, 1977---OSSW as below
154.  Smith, Geneva---born Oct 14, 1923
         married Aug 14, 1946 engrave on it also
In front of above and beside a big tree is a stone with something unreadable carved on it.

Leander Smith married Joshua Ritchie buried in here somewhere. Had a store bought stone but it cannot be found now. Died abt 1897 .---Catherine Holliday Conway



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