HH# Surname First Name
274-274 Abner Clyde
274-274 Abner Lewis
274-274 Abner Maggie
196-196 Adams Alice
196-196 Adams Arvil
196-196 Adams Goldie
196-196 Adams Henderson
196-196 Adams James
196-196 Adams Minnie
196-196 Adams Thomas
196-196 Adams Wesley
42-42 Allen Alice Mae
42-42 Allen Anie
72-72 Allen Arch
72-72 Allen Caroline
42-42 Allen Elihue
72-72 Allen Eral
42-42 Allen Mamie
42-42 Allen Manhanie
42-42 Allen Roy
42-42 Allen Troy
73-73 Arnett Caroline
73-73 Arnett Elcy
73-73 Arnett Eli
73-73 Arnett Mae
203-203 Baker Alpha
202-202 Baker Amos
203-203 Baker Armina
14-14 Baker Barney
288-288 Baker Belle
290-290 Baker Ben
1910 110
269-269 Baker Bertha
54-54 Baker Bessie
267-267 Baker Bigie
8-8 Baker Boyd
14-14 Baker Brown
1910 166; 1900 96
288-288 Baker Buell
31-31 Baker Callie
288-288 Baker Carele
133-133 Baker Carlow
260-260 Baker Cecil
267-267 Baker Chloe
54-54 Baker Clarke
202-202 Baker Curs
203-203 Baker Daniel
1910 13
65-65 Baker Delphia
54-54 Baker Dessie
269-269 Baker Dewey
31-31 Baker Earnel
8-8 Baker Edna
117-117 Baker Elijah
267-267 Baker Elijah
264-264 Baker Elijah C.
1910 107; 1900 78; 1880 272
264-264 Baker Elza
202-202 Baker Ernie
203-203 Baker Eva
266-266 Baker Farmer
1910 107; 1900 78
290-290 Baker Finley
117-117 Baker Floyd
202-202 Baker Foster
203-203 Baker Green
269-269 Baker Green
227-227 Baker Herman
117-117 Baker Ira J.
1900 63; 1880 80
31-31 Baker Isbelle
8-8 Baker James 1910
166; 1900 96; 1880 41
267-267 Baker James
1910 106
260-260 Baker Jennie
8-8 Baker Jesse
269-269 Baker John
117-117 Baker John E.
264-264 Baker Josvina
267-267 Baker Josvina
265-265 Baker Kelly
290-290 Baker Kinsley
31-31 Baker Leaner
267-267 Baker Lula
117-117 Baker Maggie
65-65 Baker Margaret
14-14 Baker Marie
117-117 Baker Martha
266-266 Baker Martha
260-260 Baker Maryan
203-203 Baker Mattie
54-54 Baker May
117-117 Baker May
288-288 Baker May Lee
14-14 Baker Nancy
202-202 Baker Nancy
265-265 Baker Nancy
8-8 Baker Nancyan
202-202 Baker Opsy
202-202 Baker Ota
290-290 Baker Parlie
65-65 Baker Pearl
8-8 Baker Poca
117-117 Baker Rachel
290-290 Baker Rinda
220-220 Baker Robbin
265-265 Baker Robbin
1910 107; 1900 78
260-260 Baker Robert
1910 111; 1900 107
203-203 Baker Rubby
269-269 Baker Samuel
227-227 Baker Sarah
269-269 Baker Sarah
203-203 Baker Saul
269-269 Baker Saul
31-31 Baker Sherman
227-227 Baker Shilow
117-117 Baker Sinda
267-267 Baker Sotha
117-117 Baker Tug
202-202 Baker William
269-269 Baker William
1910 111; 1900 109; 1880 51
76-76 Barton Arther
76-76 Barton Ethel
91-91 Barton Frankie
76-76 Barton Jewell
76-76 Barton Lole
76-76 Barton Nettie
91-91 Barton Sallie
93-93 Barton William
218-218 Begley Custer
247-247 Begley Earl
247-247 Begley Jesse
1910 154
247-247 Begley John
247-247 Begley Kelly
218-218 Begley Lillie
247-247 Begley Mary
218-218 Begley Nancyan
218-218 Begley Rinda
247-247 Begley Willie
56-56 Belcher Jane
56-56 Belcher Jasper J.
56-56 Belcher Jesse
124-124 Bennett Lula
124-124 Bennett Martha
124-124 Bennett Robert
222-222 Blanton Howard
79-79 Blythe Clara F.
79-79 Blythe Jeam
79-79 Blythe Michal
79-79 Blythe Rachael
92-92 Bowling Anna C.
92-92 Bowling Fred F.
161-161 Bowling James
92-92 Bowling Robert E.
145-145 Brock Aaron
1910 17; 1900 98
145-145 Brock Chester
145-145 Brock Curt
121-121 Brock Eva
121-121 Brock Georgia
228-228 Brock Grover
1910 17; 1900 98
145-145 Brock Irlina
121-121 Brock Ivey
121-121 Brock Laura
121-121 Brock Lbe
121-121 Brock Levi B.
1910 40; 1900 64
228-228 Brock Nancy
228-228 Brock Orlina
145-145 Brock Robert
145-145 Brock Walter
98-98 Browning Beckie
98-98 Browning Bradley
98-98 Browning Creeda
98-98 Browning Oakley
138-138 Callie Henry
138-138 Callie Jake
138-138 Callie Samuel
138-138 Callie Serrena
6-6 Campbell Adam
231-231 Campbell Adam D.
232-232 Campbell Adam D.
232-232 Campbell Addie
61-61 Campbell Aginess
29-29 Campbell Alfred
33-33 Campbell Alice
29-29 Campbell Amanda
252-252 Campbell Amanda
252-252 Campbell Amus
176-176 Campbell Annouse
16-16 Campbell App
232-232 Campbell Arminie
248-248 Campbell Arthur
232-232 Campbell Beckey
90-90 Campbell Bertha
213-213 Campbell Bertha
29-29 Campbell Bertie
252-252 Campbell Bessie
116-116 Campbell Betsy
46-46 Campbell Bettie
229-229 Campbell Blaine
217-217 Campbell Burley
1900 119
46-46 Campbell Callie
166-166 Campbell Carry
29-29 Campbell Cassie
16-16 Campbell Charley
116-116 Campbell Charley
285-285 Campbell Charley
285-285 Campbell Chloe
6-6 Campbell Claud
35-35 Campbell Clint
28-28 Campbell Cloe
35-35 Campbell Clyd
118-118 Campbell Cora
152-152 Campbell Cora
248-248 Campbell Cora
6-6 Campbell Curran Pop
7-7 Campbell Curt
230-230 Campbell Debbie
206-206 Campbell Denver
30-30 Campbell Dock
127-127 Campbell Dock
16-16 Campbell Don C.
118-118 Campbell Doon
1910 39
216-216 Campbell Dora
213-213 Campbell Dortha
233-233 Campbell Doshia
116-116 Campbell Dug
118-118 Campbell Earel
214-214 Campbell Earel
233-233 Campbell Earl
16-16 Campbell Edna
112-112 Campbell Edna
229-229 Campbell Edna
18-18 Campbell Edward
230-230 Campbell Edward
118-118 Campbell Elbert
127-127 Campbell Elec
112-112 Campbell Elhanan
152-152 Campbell Elhanan
1910 81
282-282 Campbell Elhanan
1910 5
6-6 Campbell Elhanon D.
6-6 Campbell Eliza
232-232 Campbell Eliza
6-6 Campbell Elizabeth
112-112 Campbell Ella
214-214 Campbell Ellen
248-248 Campbell Elma
232-232 Campbell Emline
112-112 Campbell Emma
7-7 Campbell Enoch
61-61 Campbell Enos
225-225 Campbell Ernest
118-118 Campbell Ethel
28-28 Campbell Eva
112-112 Campbell Eva
112-112 Campbell Evertt
217-217 Campbell Fannie
231-231 Campbell Fannie
19-19 Campbell Fanny
213-213 Campbell Farmer
1910 136; 1900 119
151-151 Campbell Frank
1910 81
206-206 Campbell Freeda
216-216 Campbell Fronia
217-217 Campbell George
107-107 Campbell Georgia
16-16 Campbell Gertrude
107-107 Campbell Gracie
116-116 Campbell Gracie
84-84 Campbell Grant
1910 133
285-285 Campbell Green C.
1910 122
6-6 Campbell Green W.
1910 164; 1900 38
107-107 Campbell Gustavia
252-252 Campbell Harim
1910 126
285-285 Campbell Harim
216-216 Campbell Harritt
248-248 Campbell Henry
1910 125
214-214 Campbell Henry C.
1910 140; 1900 119; 1880 30
214-214 Campbell Herbert
116-116 Campbell Ida
46-46 Campbell Ida Mae
35-35 Campbell Isbelle
7-7 Campbell Ivory
229-229 Campbell James S.
33-33 Campbell Jane
1910 192; 1900 16; 1880 40
248-248 Campbell Janie
116-116 Campbell Jessie
166-166 Campbell Joe
241-241 Campbell Joe
1910 88; 1900 65
7-7 Campbell Joel 165
216-216 Campbell John B.
1900 119
116-116 Campbell John D.
90-90 Campbell John E.
176-176 Campbell John E.
19-19 Campbell John R.
211-211 Campbell John S.
1910 123; 1900 134
214-214 Campbell Kernie
214-214 Campbell Kiner
211-211 Campbell Leatheann
107-107 Campbell Lenarivers
16-16 Campbell Leonard
213-213 Campbell Lilliebell
229-229 Campbell Lizzie
285-285 Campbell Lizzie
229-229 Campbell Louisa
225-225 Campbell Malcom
29-29 Campbell Malhalie
61-61 Campbell Mallie
214-214 Campbell Mallie
285-285 Campbell Mallie
229-229 Campbell Maltie
282-282 Campbell Margrett
7-7 Campbell Marie
107-107 Campbell Marion
282-282 Campbell Marshell
16-16 Campbell Martha
232-232 Campbell Martha
248-248 Campbell Martha
231-231 Campbell Martha
46-46 Campbell Martian
107-107 Campbell Martin
46-46 Campbell Mary
118-118 Campbell Mary
225-225 Campbell Mary
107-107 Campbell Mary Belle
116-116 Campbell Mary Jane
217-217 Campbell Mason
7-7 Campbell Maultie
233-233 Campbell Miler
206-206 Campbell Mollie
206-206 Campbell Muriel
225-225 Campbell Muriell
282-282 Campbell Nammon
33-33 Campbell Nancy
1910 192
33-33 Campbell Nancy
1910 191
33-33 Campbell Nancy
1910 191
112-112 Campbell Nancy Jane
232-232 Campbell Naohr
107-107 Campbell Nebraska
176-176 Campbell Nora
46-46 Campbell Ollie
214-214 Campbell Oscar
248-248 Campbell Ottis
229-229 Campbell Paline
19-19 Campbell Paul
116-116 Campbell Pearl
248-248 Campbell Pearl
230-230 Campbell Peggy
33-33 Campbell Peter
1910 191; 1880 40
116-116 Campbell Polly
217-217 Campbell Polly
282-282 Campbell Polly
25-25 Campbell Quinlen
7-7 Campbell Rachel
25-25 Campbell Richard
1910 182; 1900 5
84-84 Campbell Rinda
241-241 Campbell Robert
61-61 Campbell Roda
61-61 Campbell Roxiemay
16-16 Campbell Roy
214-214 Campbell Roy
7-7 Campbell Ruby
232-232 Campbell Ruey
206-206 Campbell Rutherford
232-232 Campbell Sadie
29-29 Campbell Sallie
166-166 Campbell Sallyan
30-30 Campbell Sam
1910 192; 1900 16
33-33 Campbell Sam
229-229 Campbell Sammie
116-116 Campbell Samuel
33-33 Campbell Sarah
90-90 Campbell Saul
29-29 Campbell Sherman
35-35 Campbell Sherman
285-285 Campbell Sherman
206-206 Campbell Sherman
213-213 Campbell Shirley
61-61 Campbell Simmie O.
116-116 Campbell Sirena
285-285 Campbell Sual
248-248 Campbell Suda
61-61 Campbell Susan
151-151 Campbell Susan
285-285 Campbell Susie
33-33 Campbell Taylor
217-217 Campbell Taylor
241-241 Campbell Thomas
1910 88; 1880 14
118-118 Campbell Tilda
7-7 Campbell Troy
285-285 Campbell Vici
29-29 Campbell Vina
213-213 Campbell Viola
216-216 Campbell Virgie
28-28 Campbell Walter
1910 182; 1900 5
29-29 Campbell William
1910 193; 1900 5
33-33 Campbell William
232-232 Campbell William
233-233 Campbell William
16-16 Campbell William L.
230-230 Campbell William
86-86 Carter George
86-86 Carter Glenn
86-86 Carter Herman
86-86 Carter Jack
86-86 Carter Stella
86-86 Carter Willbert
185-185 Centers Benjiman
185-185 Centers Burnie
185-185 Centers Chrystopher
185-185 Centers Della
185-185 Centers Ernie
185-185 Centers Maudie
100-100 Cole Charley
177-177 Collins Alfred
26-26 Collins Anna
141-141 Collins Blige
275-275 Collins Boyd
177-177 Collins Charley
141-141 Collins Cordia
27-27 Collins Dewey
60-60 Collins Elsie
26-26 Collins Emly
1910 185; 1880 109
27-27 Collins Fred
60-60 Collins General L.
141-141 Collins Goldie
141-141 Collins Goldie
26-26 Collins Harden
1910 185; 1880 109
24-24 Collins Harvey
141-141 Collins Haywood
244-244 Collins Henry
26-26 Collins Irven
1910 185
244-244 Collins John
244-244 Collins Julian
27-27 Collins Lee
1910 183; 1900 12; 1880 109
27-27 Collins Lydamargret
24-24 Collins Martha Jane
141-141 Collins Mary
24-24 Collins Mattie
24-24 Collins Maudie
275-275 Collins Maudie
27-27 Collins Melda
60-60 Collins Nellie
27-27 Collins Orlena
60-60 Collins Pollyan
244-244 Collins Richard
275-275 Collins Richard
24-24 Collins Robert
275-275 Collins Roxie
60-60 Collins Saul
177-177 Collins Susan
27-27 Collins Vergie
27-27 Collins Zola
256-256 Colwell Adam D.
258-258 Colwell Alice
245-245 Colwell Amos
258-258 Colwell Arnold
272-272 Colwell Bendrue
245-245 Colwell Bessie
255-255 Colwell Callie
245-245 Colwell Caloway
80-80 Colwell Cassie
251-251 Colwell Chester
258-258 Colwell Chloe
255-255 Colwell Clarence
284-284 Colwell Cora
272-272 Colwell Cornelious
278-278 Colwell Curtis
245-245 Colwell Dewey
273-273 Colwell Dicie
120-120 Colwell Dora
191-191 Colwell Dug Earl
120-120 Colwell Elihue C.
278-278 Colwell Elijah
278-278 Colwell Esta May
258-258 Colwell Ethel
120-120 Colwell Evalee
284-284 Colwell Floyd
204-204 Colwell French
173-173 Colwell Garrett
C. 1910 149; 1900 3; 1880 26
191-191 Colwell George
255-255 Colwell Gertrude
120-120 Colwell Gorden
245-245 Colwell Gracie
259-259 Colwell Green
1900 102; 1880 55
273-273 Colwell Hence
1910 99; 1900 129; 1880 39
281-281 Colwell Hence
1910 93; 1880 150
258-258 Colwell Hence C.
120-120 Colwell Henderson
258-258 Colwell Herman
278-278 Colwell Herman
80-80 Colwell Hobert
258-258 Colwell Hurshel
191-191 Colwell James
231-231 Colwell James
256-256 Colwell James
259-259 Colwell Jane
204-204 Colwell Jesse
273-273 Colwell Jesse
245-245 Colwell Joe C.
1910 91; 1900 63; 1880 26
204-204 Colwell John
1910 149; 1900 3; 1880 26
284-284 Colwell John
204-204 Colwell June
245-245 Colwell Kelly
272-272 Colwell Kelly
258-258 Colwell Mallie
258-258 Colwell Mandie
272-272 Colwell March
1910 169; 1900 30; 1880 148
245-245 Colwell Margrett
204-204 Colwell Margrett
120-120 Colwell Marie
120-120 Colwell Martha
256-256 Colwell Martha 1910
115; 1900 113
284-284 Colwell Marybell
272-272 Colwell Matsan
173-173 Colwell Maud
173-173 Colwell Nancy
259-259 Colwell Nancy
191-191 Colwell Nora
273-273 Colwell Opha
245-245 Colwell Ottie
278-278 Colwell Parit
281-281 Colwell Polly
255-255 Colwell Rubin
120-120 Colwell Sally
204-204 Colwell Sally
272-272 Colwell Samuel
278-278 Colwell Samuel
204-204 Colwell Samuel C.
1910 143; 1900 333; 1880 26
245-245 Colwell Samuel C.
204-204 Colwell Samuel C.,
272-272 Colwell Sarah
281-281 Colwell Sarah Jane
272-272 Colwell Susan
273-273 Colwell Twenty
204-204 Colwell Vina
256-256 Colwell William
245-245 Colwell Wilson
191-191 Colwell Winnie
89-89 Combs Alma
257-257 Combs Amanda
163-163 Combs Asbery B.
1910 61; 1900 86
50-50 Combs Boyd
249-249 Combs Clayborn
1910 127
64-64 Combs David
257-257 Combs Dorothy
257-257 Combs Drue W.
81-81 Combs Edward
88-88 Combs Elmira
163-163 Combs Ermmie
93-93 Combs Ethel
163-163 Combs Floyd
163-163 Combs Frank
257-257 Combs Gardie
50-50 Combs Garrett
257-257 Combs Girdley
174-174 Combs Girdley C.
88-88 Combs Ida
257-257 Combs James
89-89 Combs Janie C.
81-81 Combs Jerry 111
88-88 Combs Joseph B.
1900 23
163-163 Combs Lee
93-93 Combs Louisa
163-163 Combs Louisa
163-163 Combs Lucy
163-163 Combs Mae
174-174 Combs Mae
174-174 Combs Mallie
81-81 Combs Margerine
249-249 Combs Nancy
64-64 Combs Nannie
89-89 Combs Nathaniel
163-163 Combs Polly
163-163 Combs Popie
257-257 Combs Rhoda
257-257 Combs Sadie
50-50 Combs Susa
81-81 Combs Taylor
89-89 Combs Washington
1910 12
81-81 Combs Willie
292-292 Cornett Alceyan
52-52 Cornett Daniel
292-292 Cornett Ira
292-292 Cornett James
55-55 Cornett Lee
292-292 Cornett Mary
292-292 Cornett Polly
52-52 Cornett Rhoda
55-55 Cornett Sallie
52-52 Cornett William
147-147 Couch Alfred
178-178 Couch Alfred
1910 79; 1900 33
1-1 Couch Allen
147-147 Couch America
23-23 Couch Anggie
106-106 Couch Arknes
1910 52; 1900 73
147-147 Couch Boyd
106-106 Couch Calvan
226-226 Couch Cornia
1910 78
277-277 Couch Daniel
209-209 Couch Della
197-197 Couch Dellia
239-239 Couch Edna
197-197 Couch Edward
147-147 Couch Elbert
106-106 Couch Elhanan
147-147 Couch Eli
197-197 Couch Elihue
160-160 Couch Elijah
1910 49
160-160 Couch Elizabeth
178-178 Couch Elizabeth
240-240 Couch Elizzie
160-160 Couch Emma
240-240 Couch Erenest
197-197 Couch Estell
197-197 Couch Ezikel
226-226 Couch Ezkel
23-23 Couch Farmer
157-157 Couch Garrett
157-157 Couch George
147-147 Couch Gracie
160-160 Couch Gracie
3-3 Couch Hairm
1910 109; 1900 72
226-226 Couch Hairm
147-147 Couch Harrison
239-239 Couch Harrison C.
1910 77; 1900 56
106-106 Couch Icy
178-178 Couch Isbell
240-240 Couch James
226-226 Couch John
160-160 Couch John D.
1-1 Couch Josephine
239-239 Couch Lee
209-209 Couch Lucinda
197-197 Couch Lyda
197-197 Couch Mallie
157-157 Couch Martha
197-197 Couch Martha
1910 205; 1900 22
197-197 Couch Martha
1910 206; 1900 24; 1880 37
239-239 Couch Martha
242-242 Couch Martha
197-197 Couch Mary Jane
145-145 Couch Mary Margrett
157-157 Couch Marybell
277-277 Couch Maudie
197-197 Couch Myrtle
226-226 Couch Nancy Margette
1910 78
178-178 Couch Nancyan
157-157 Couch Nervie
239-239 Couch Ophe
277-277 Couch Paul
3-3 Couch Polly
178-178 Couch Polly
263-263 Couch Prudie
3-3 Couch Rachel
106-106 Couch Russ
160-160 Couch Sally
226-226 Couch Sally
106-106 Couch Samuel
147-147 Couch Samuel
1910 80
240-240 Couch Serenia
226-226 Couch Serenie
1910 78
23-23 Couch Susan
1910 194; 1900 13
209-209 Couch Susie
240-240 Couch Susie
209-209 Couch Telvis
157-157 Couch Thomas
1910 48
209-209 Couch Tyree W.
1910 130; 1900 125
197-197 Couch Victor
226-226 Couch Victoria
157-157 Couch Vinie
157-157 Couch Wiley
197-197 Couch Wiley
1910 205; 1900 22; 1880 37
226-226 Couch William
1910 78
242-242 Couch William
209-209 Couch Zola
241-241 Couch William
246-246 Crumbly Andy
246-246 Crumbly Maud
69-69 Cummings Pansy
138-138 Daniel Arnold
138-138 Daniel James
238-238 Davis John
238-238 Davis Martha
24-24 Day Nathan
53-53 Day Ollie C.
53-53 Day Rissie
93-93 Dixen Morris
93-93 Dixen Thomas
58-58 Duncan Andrew
58-58 Duncan Sylvia
132-132 Eldridge Abe
205-205 Eldridge Chester
1910 135
205-205 Eldridge Dollie
205-205 Eldridge Elmer
205-205 Eldridge Elsie
205-205 Eldridge Louisa
205-205 Eldridge Mae
132-132 Eldridge Ode
132-132 Eldridge Prudie
23-23 Engle Albert B.
1910 181; 1900 11l 1880 254
201-201 Engle Amanda
23-23 Engle Carel
201-201 Engle Curt
23-23 Engle Della
22-22 Engle Dink 1910 180;
1880 254
23-23 Engle Dora
23-23 Engle Emery
4-4 Engle Lula
22-22 Engle Mallie
201-201 Engle Oma
22-22 Engle Ople
23-23 Engle Price
23-23 Engle Prudie
201-201 Engle Rebecca
4-4 Engle Robert
22-22 Engle Shafter
23-23 Engle Stella
201-201 Engle Suasie
22-22 Engle Susie
22-22 Engle Vergle
23-23 Engle Vina
22-22 Engle Virgie
201-201 Engle William
1910 160
23-23 Engle Willie
201-201 Engle Zona
93-93 Evans John
192-192 Eversole Becky
192-192 Eversole Boyd
192-192 Eversole Callie
49-49 Eversole Ethel
192-192 Eversole Harrison
49-49 Eversole Irvin
1910 161; 1900 1
49-49 Eversole James
49-49 Eversole Jane
49-49 Eversole Lewie
49-49 Eversole Lewis
49-49 Eversole Meron
201-201 Eversole Nancy
192-192 Eversole Polly
192-192 Eversole Roy
165-165 Feltner Anna
198-198 Feltner Annie
181-181 Feltner Carter
5-5 Feltner Curtis
165-165 Feltner Earel
5-5 Feltner Elijah
1900 280
119-119 Feltner Eliza
199-199 Feltner Elizabeth
199-199 Feltner Emma
165-165 Feltner Garret
155-155 Feltner Gracie
199-199 Feltner Gracie
159-159 Feltner Hargis
198-198 Feltner Hazel
159-159 Feltner Henry
1910 84; 1900 83
165-165 Feltner Jackson
159-159 Feltner Jane
155-155 Feltner John
119-119 Feltner John L.
1910 84
200-200 Feltner Kindrick
1880 23
198-198 Feltner Lucy
5-5 Feltner Martha
165-165 Feltner Martha
198-198 Feltner Martha
165-165 Feltner Marthy
181-181 Feltner Marybell
199-199 Feltner May
181-181 Feltner Mose
199-199 Feltner Mose
1910 215
200-200 Feltner Nancy
209-209 Feltner Opal
155-155 Feltner Opsie
155-155 Feltner Pirce
155-155 Feltner Rexford
181-181 Feltner Rubby
199-199 Feltner Rufina
155-155 Feltner Sally
198-198 Feltner Sie
1910 212
159-159 Feltner Squire
200-200 Feltner Tessie
165-165 Feltner Wootson
17-17 Fields Alice
104-104 Fields Astor
9-9 Fields Bettie
131-131 Fields Bonnie
9-9 Fields Bud
137-137 Fields Carter
1910 20; 1900 68
136-136 Fields Crig
134-134 Fields Curtis
134-134 Fields Debbie
131-131 Fields Della
276-276 Fields Delpha
136-136 Fields Dicie
276-276 Fields Elbert
133-133 Fields Elhanan W.
1910 20; 1900 68; 1880 18
190-190 Fields Elijah
131-131 Fields Esquire W.
1910 21
131-131 Fields Flaura
190-190 Fields Floyd
133-133 Fields Gennie
134-134 Fields George W.
1910 47; 1900 68
137-137 Fields Gladius
9-9 Fields Goldie
276-276 Fields Goldie
133-133 Fields Green M.
137-137 Fields Harlan
180-180 Fields Harry
1900 44
136-136 Fields Ishmel
190-190 Fields Jake
136-136 Fields John J.
1910 22
9-9 Fields Johney
131-131 Fields Katie
136-136 Fields Kelly
133-133 Fields Kier
134-134 Fields Lavinie
137-137 Fields Lilly Belle
276-276 Fields Mahala
104-104 Fields Mallie
104-104 Fields Mason
136-136 Fields Nolia
137-137 Fields Norma
104-104 Fields Ollie
131-131 Fields Orga
110-110 Fields Polly
133-133 Fields Polly
134-134 Fields Ray
104-104 Fields Rebecca
190-190 Fields Samuel
104-104 Fields Sarah
190-190 Fields Sarah Jane
180-180 Fields Serania
104-104 Fields Simon
17-17 Fields Simon B. B.
190-190 Fields Sinda
134-134 Fields Sotha
9-9 Fields Squire
133-133 Fields Tabbitha
134-134 Fields Tabetha
276-276 Fields Taulbee
1910 170; 1900 21
276-276 Fields Tishie
190-190 Fields Troy
17-17 Fields Vadie
17-17 Fields Verdis
17-17 Fields Vernie
276-276 Fields Victor
104-104 Fields Wilkie
104-104 Fields William M.
1910 1
182-182 Fields Wilsen F.
9-9 Fields Zola
180-180 Fields Zola
45-45 Fugate Alamander
47-47 Fugate Amy
12-12 Fugate Annie
47-47 Fugate Arnold
43-43 Fugate Belle
62-62 Fugate Ben F.
1910 156; 1900 29; 1880 47
44-44 Fugate Bettie
43-43 Fugate Bitha
223-223 Fugate Brown
45-45 Fugate Caloway
11-11 Fugate Cecil
223-223 Fugate Chloe
221-221 Fugate Christina
12-12 Fugate Clarence
47-47 Fugate Damon
45-45 Fugate Dorothy
12-12 Fugate Effie
11-11 Fugate Elhanan
11-11 Fugate Elijah
223-223 Fugate Elijah C.
1910 159
13-13 Fugate Elizabeth
12-12 Fugate Erie
60-60 Fugate Eva
13-13 Fugate Farris
13-13 Fugate Francis
13-13 Fugate Fred
11-11 Fugate George
12-12 Fugate Green B.
1910 157
47-47 Fugate Harim J.
1910 195; 1900 19
44-44 Fugate Henry
13-13 Fugate Jack
1900 30
43-43 Fugate Jack
223-223 Fugate Jamie
47-47 Fugate Jane
45-45 Fugate Jeff
1910 198; 1900 19
221-221 Fugate Jerry
43-43 Fugate John
13-13 Fugate Karr
12-12 Fugate Katie
223-223 Fugate Kid
11-11 Fugate Kincley
221-221 Fugate Louisa
62-62 Fugate Mahala
32-32 Fugate Mallie
32-32 Fugate Martin
1910 196; 1900 19
43-43 Fugate Mary
12-12 Fugate Mason
11-11 Fugate May
13-13 Fugate Merda
11-11 Fugate Nannie
45-45 Fugate Nellie
223-223 Fugate Nora
32-32 Fugate Oral
47-47 Fugate Ordley
223-223 Fugate Ottie
43-43 Fugate Pollyan
13-13 Fugate Ray
11-11 Fugate Ruey
221-221 Fugate Rufeaner
11-11 Fugate Rufus
45-45 Fugate Sallie
43-43 Fugate Sallyan
13-13 Fugate Simmy
11-11 Fugate Sinda
13-13 Fugate Walker
44-44 Fugate William M.
1910 196; 1900 19
78-78 Gilpin Fred
78-78 Gilpin McKee
78-78 Gilpin Mealia
78-78 Gilpin Samuel
172-172 Godsy Sally
243-243 Gray Amos
235-235 Gray Charley
1910 151
235-235 Gray Eara
235-235 Gray Gladis
235-235 Gray Gordin
243-243 Gray Juett
235-235 Gray Laura
243-243 Gray Leanora
243-243 Gray Martha Jane
243-243 Gray Ruie
243-243 Gray Ruth
235-235 Gray Sotha
243-243 Gray Ulamay
235-235 Gray Woodrow W.
243-243 Gray Zack
100-100 Green Flossie
100-100 Green Will
20-20 Grigsby Anna
20-20 Grigsby Bertha M.
48-48 Grigsby Eliza
48-48 Grigsby Herman
20-20 Grigsby James
20-20 Grigsby John
48-48 Grigsby John S.
20-20 Grigsby Marybell
20-20 Grigsby Nancan
20-20 Grigsby Sallie
20-20 Grigsby Sam
1910 179; 1900 9
48-48 Grigsby Seyntha
74-74 Guesh Nick
63-63 Hall Annie
63-63 Hall Jennie
63-63 Hall Katie
63-63 Hall Levi
63-63 Hall Maggie
63-63 Hall Vallie
63-63 Hall William
63-63 Hall William
280-280 Hamblin Alwilda
280-280 Hamblin Harim
1910 7; 1900 51; 1880 58
280-280 Hamblin Henry
280-280 Hamblin James
280-280 Hamblin Sally
280-280 Hamblin Thomas
179-179 Hamilton Flynn
179-179 Hamilton Lynch
72-72 Harmon Stelle
93-93 Harper Clayton
292-292 Hensley Felix
147-147 Hensley Hummie
147-147 Hensley Levi
292-292 Hensley Malley
263-263 Henson Eliplay
263-263 Henson Ethel
263-263 Henson James
263-263 Henson Nancy
168-168 Hignite Bertha
168-168 Hignite Joe
224-224 Hignite Juda
168-168 Hignite Vicie
224-224 Hignite Willie
59-59 Hill William I.
162-162 Hoskins Abah
1910 85; 1900 81; 1880 8
108-108 Hoskins Ada
85-85 Hoskins Albert
1910 19; 1900 87
109-109 Hoskins Alpa
93-93 Hoskins Alta
172-172 Hoskins Arthur
110-110 Hoskins Beecher
169-169 Hoskins Bertha
283-283 Hoskins Bigie
108-108 Hoskins Bud H.
1900 57; 1880 27
108-108 Hoskins Carlie
169-169 Hoskins Cassie
114-114 Hoskins Charley
108-108 Hoskins Cora
110-110 Hoskins Disy
114-114 Hoskins Dovie
108-108 Hoskins Elijah
109-109 Hoskins Elijah M.
1910 24; 1900 55; 1880 27
158-158 Hoskins Elizabeth
164-164 Hoskins Elizabeth
169-169 Hoskins Enos
109-109 Hoskins Ernest
93-93 Hoskins Ezkill C.
170-170 Hoskins Ezrel
114-114 Hoskins Fannie
162-162 Hoskins Flaura
114-114 Hoskins Fred
175-175 Hoskins Hansford
175-175 Hoskins Hattie
169-169 Hoskins Henry
175-175 Hoskins Herbert
169-169 Hoskins Herman
175-175 Hoskins Hester
85-85 Hoskins Hobert
114-114 Hoskins Hobert
110-110 Hoskins Hommer
162-162 Hoskins Ida
158-158 Hoskins Jasper
158-158 Hoskins Jeff
1910 96; 1880 8
114-114 Hoskins Jefferson
158-158 Hoskins Jenovia
110-110 Hoskins Joe
162-162 Hoskins John
171-171 Hoskins John D.
1910 86; 1880 8
114-114 Hoskins John M.
1910 67
109-109 Hoskins Kelly
172-172 Hoskins Kelly
158-158 Hoskins Kendrick
108-108 Hoskins Lee
283-283 Hoskins Leona
108-108 Hoskins Lillie
164-164 Hoskins Lloyd
85-85 Hoskins Logan
93-93 Hoskins Mallie
169-169 Hoskins Manuel C.
1910 14; 1900 84; 1880 8
110-110 Hoskins Marshell
D. 1910 58; 1900 87
110-110 Hoskins Marshell
108-108 Hoskins Marybell
283-283 Hoskins Michel
175-175 Hoskins Minnie
169-169 Hoskins Minter
170-170 Hoskins Monroe
1910 86
162-162 Hoskins Nancy
170-170 Hoskins Nancyan
171-171 Hoskins Nancyan
85-85 Hoskins Nettie
158-158 Hoskins Oma
110-110 Hoskins Ophia
85-85 Hoskins Oscar
175-175 Hoskins Ottis
157-157 Hoskins Paralie
283-283 Hoskins Polly Jane
108-108 Hoskins Price
171-171 Hoskins Raymond
85-85 Hoskins Rebecca
124-124 Hoskins Rebecca
180-180 Hoskins Rebecca
175-175 Hoskins Robert
1910 25
169-169 Hoskins Rubby
171-171 Hoskins Rubby
171-171 Hoskins Ruia
169-169 Hoskins Rusha
283-283 Hoskins Sally Margrett
114-114 Hoskins Sarah Jane
164-164 Hoskins Scott
169-169 Hoskins Siller
162-162 Hoskins Stella
85-85 Hoskins Susan
108-108 Hoskins Susan
158-158 Hoskins Susan
110-110 Hoskins Susie
172-172 Hoskins Syntha
164-164 Hoskins Taylor
158-158 Hoskins Thomas
164-164 Hoskins Thomas M.
1910 15; 1900 54
114-114 Hoskins Vina
162-162 Hoskins Vinie
109-109 Hoskins William
114-114 Hoskins William
64-64 Howard Janis
64-64 Howard John
64-64 Howard Lee Davis
64-64 Howard Sarah
281-281 Huff Adam D.
281-281 Huff George
281-281 Huff Sillar
183-183 Jameson Brownlow
183-183 Jameson Bruce
184-184 Jameson Curt
1910 2
183-183 Jameson Ellen
183-183 Jameson Florence
184-184 Jameson Francis
184-184 Jameson Jasper
184-184 Jameson Margaret
183-183 Jameson Marybell
183-183 Jameson Rena
183-183 Jameson Walter
183-183 Jameson William
K. 1910 2; 1880 62
74-74 Jimme Nick
101-101 Jones Bennie
101-101 Jones Claudis
101-101 Jones Elijah
101-101 Jones Oakley
101-101 Jones Rebecca
101-101 Jones Robert B.
101-101 Jones Walter
21-21 Joseph Mary
21-21 Joseph Rosco
21-21 Joseph Solomon
21-21 Joseph Willie
76-76 Kelly Willie
59-59 King Bertielalen
59-59 King Burrel
59-59 King Chaley
59-59 King Kennis
59-59 King Madlean
59-59 King Nora
59-59 King Syble
59-59 King Walter
96-96 Kirby Juanita
96-96 Kirby Martha
96-96 Kirby Thomas M.
94-94 Laiton Bridie M.
94-94 Laiton Lacey
93-93 Lucas Elic
219-219 Lucas Elmer
219-219 Lucas Erenerst
222-222 Lucas Martha Jane
219-219 Lucas Namon
219-219 Lucas Olma
219-219 Lucas Sadie
222-222 Lucas Willis
168-168 Mackinmore Elizajane
103-103 McIntosh Adam
103-103 McIntosh Docia
195-195 McIntosh Elijah
103-103 McIntosh Elijah
195-195 McIntosh Ethel
103-103 McIntosh Irena
195-195 McIntosh John
120-120 McIntosh John E.
103-103 McIntosh May
195-195 McIntosh Nancy
18-18 McIntosh Ora
18-18 McIntosh Richard
195-195 McIntosh Rodrick
195-195 McIntosh Sally
18-18 McIntosh Susa
195-195 McIntosh Vina
103-103 McIntosh Viola
195-195 McIntosh William
103-103 McIntosh Willie
93-93 McLean John
128-128 Melton Bartle
128-128 Melton Gladis
128-128 Melton Maude
254-254 Milam Adam D.
154-154 Milam Amanda
1910 59; 1900 60
154-154 Milam Amy
254-254 Milam Carl
154-154 Milam Clarabell
154-154 Milam Clarence
153-153 Milam Corbia
122-122 Milam Della
122-122 Milam Dewey
126-126 Milam Felix
154-154 Milam Fronia
254-254 Milam Hargis
126-126 Milam Henry B.
254-254 Milam Larence
154-154 Milam Lerence
153-153 Milam Lewis
126-126 Milam Mallie
153-153 Milam Marinda
254-254 Milam Nancy Ellen
154-154 Milam Nannie
126-126 Milam Nola
154-154 Milam Ruth
254-254 Milam Sadia
126-126 Milam Sallie
153-153 Milam Thomas
1910 82; 1900 59
254-254 Milam Victora
153-153 Milam Willie
113-113 Minyard Bently
113-113 Minyard Callie
113-113 Minyard Cardie
113-113 Minyard Cloe
113-113 Minyard Dicy
113-113 Minyard Elijah
113-113 Minyard Johny B.
113-113 Minyard Lizzie
113-113 Minyard Oakland
113-113 Minyard Rufus
113-113 Minyard William
66-66 Mitchel Scott
187-187 Morgan Debbie
135-135 Morgan Della
135-135 Morgan Elhanan
189-189 Morgan Elijah
1910 5; 1900 49
189-189 Morgan Ethel
87-87 Morgan Eureka
105-105 Morgan Evey
135-135 Morgan Fred
87-87 Morgan George W.
1910 5; 1900 49; 1880 17
105-105 Morgan Georgia
105-105 Morgan Harim
105-105 Morgan Hazel
135-135 Morgan Henry B.
1910 4; 1900 50; 1880 17
187-187 Morgan John W.
1910 5; 1900 49; 1880 17
135-135 Morgan Lanie
135-135 Morgan Logan
105-105 Morgan Mack C.
1910 65; 1900 49; 1880 17
189-189 Morgan Mallie
189-189 Morgan Mary
135-135 Morgan Mary Jane
105-105 Morgan Orlena
87-87 Morgan Prudie
189-189 Morgan Richard
135-135 Morgan Rinda
105-105 Morgan Roy
135-135 Morgan Tad
234-234 Morris Arlie
234-234 Morris Beecher
208-208 Morris Enoch
10-10 Morris Georga
212-212 Morris Gracie
10-10 Morris Green B.
234-234 Morris Harim
1910 119
212-212 Morris Laura
10-10 Morris Maggie
212-212 Morris Malcom
220-220 Morris Marie
220-220 Morris Marion D.
10-10 Morris Mart
234-234 Morris Orlina
208-208 Morris Robert
212-212 Morris Rubby
208-208 Morris Sally
220-220 Morris Sarah
123-123 Napier Ashford
123-123 Napier Dora
123-123 Napier Effie
123-123 Napier Evalee
236-236 Napier Herman
236-236 Napier Homer
123-123 Napier Lula
236-236 Napier Martha
123-123 Napier Matthew
236-236 Napier Orga
236-236 Napier Orpa
123-123 Napier Polly
123-123 Napier Saul
236-236 Napier Stephen
271-271 Neace Ida
271-271 Neace Lillie May
271-271 Neace Robert
1910 169
93-93 Nelson Erenest
186-186 Noble Henry
186-186 Noble Lou
270-270 Oliver Alfred
1910 112; 1900 124; 1880 223
261-261 Oliver Armilda
1880 6
261-261 Oliver Basle
291-291 Oliver Bell
270-270 Oliver Bessie
270-270 Oliver Brownlow
270-270 Oliver Callie
261-261 Oliver Daniel
1910 105
270-270 Oliver Dicie
262-262 Oliver Eva
262-262 Oliver Hobert
262-262 Oliver James N.
262-262 Oliver Johney
1910 104; 1880 6
261-261 Oliver Lucy Jane
262-262 Oliver Margrett
262-262 Oliver Nora
270-270 Oliver Sillar
270-270 Oliver Sis
270-270 Oliver Willie
261-261 Oliver Wilson
69-69 Parker Charles M.
68-68 Parker Eli
68-68 Parker Elijah
69-69 Parker Lela
69-69 Parker Louelie
69-69 Parker Margarett
68-68 Parker Martha
69-69 Parker Matilda
69-69 Parker Pearl
68-68 Parker Rosa
68-68 Parker Sallian
70-70 Patrick Creasa
70-70 Patrick Dainah
70-70 Patrick Walter
186-186 Perkins Golda
143-143 Phillips Addie W.
188-188 Phillips Dosy
143-143 Phillips George
143-143 Phillips George
143-143 Phillips James E.
143-143 Phillips Maggie
143-143 Phillips Mollie
143-143 Phillips Nancy Jane
143-143 Phillips Susie
77-77 Poline Arie
77-77 Poline Gracie
77-77 Poline Joe
182-182 Pop Emily
182-182 Pop John
182-182 Pop Mollie
76-76 Potter Ada
76-76 Potter Dora
76-76 Potter Ollie
76-76 Potter William M.
75-75 Powell Agness
75-75 Powell Bertha
75-75 Powell James W.
75-75 Powell Lancie F.
75-75 Powell Milton W.
75-75 Powell Paline
75-75 Powell Walter
140-140 Rader Amy
148-148 Rader Andrew
142-142 Rader Ellen
148-148 Rader Hester
142-142 Rader Joe C.
140-140 Rader John R.
148-148 Rader Nannie
148-148 Rader Nathan
140-140 Rader Robert G.
2-2 Richie Andy
2-2 Richie Arthur
2-2 Richie Della
2-2 Richie Eli
2-2 Richie Gertrude
2-2 Richie Nelson
2-2 Richie Ruasina
2-2 Richie Sallie
2-2 Richie Samuel
2-2 Richie Samuel
69-69 Robbins Bertha
69-69 Robbins Glenn
69-69 Robbins Richard
69-69 Robbins Vergil
164-164 Russell Alice
164-164 Russell Easter
130-130 Sandlin Elijah
130-130 Sandlin Eliza
130-130 Sandlin Etta J.
67-67 Scott John
67-67 Scott John
67-67 Scott Lydia
67-67 Scott Norine
71-71 Simpson Berry
71-71 Simpson Evalyn
71-71 Simpson Harvey
71-71 Simpson Hellen
71-71 Simpson Jess
71-71 Simpson Lula
250-250 Sizemore Cralola
287-287 Sizemore Della
250-250 Sizemore Earl
52-52 Sizemore Edna
287-287 Sizemore Elijah
279-279 Sizemore Jackson
279-279 Sizemore Jana
287-287 Sizemore John
287-287 Sizemore Lizzie
279-279 Sizemore Loulie
279-279 Sizemore Marion
250-250 Sizemore Peral
287-287 Sizemore Phine
250-250 Sizemore Rhoda
279-279 Sizemore Rhoda
279-279 Sizemore Rhoda
287-287 Sizemore Robert
279-279 Sizemore Thomas
1910 102
250-250 Sizemore William
69-69 Smith Bevie
99-99 Smith Dellie
40-40 Smith Herman
40-40 Smith Orelina
99-99 Smith William
95-95 Spencer Acie
94-94 Spencer Elizabeth
95-95 Spencer Jeff
94-94 Spencer Laura
94-94 Spencer Maurine
95-95 Spencer Opal
95-95 Spencer Pheba
94-94 Spencer Thomas C.
188-188 Stacy Alfred
1910 29
161-161 Stacy Claydia
125-125 Stacy Cloa
125-125 Stacy Cora
125-125 Stacy Elijah
156-156 Stacy Elizabeth
83-83 Stacy Elmer
125-125 Stacy Farmer
83-83 Stacy Farmer S.
1910 151
193-193 Stacy Flarence
156-156 Stacy Gran
1910 53
193-193 Stacy Henry
83-83 Stacy Ida
193-193 Stacy James
188-188 Stacy John
161-161 Stacy John D.
161-161 Stacy John L.
188-188 Stacy Karr
156-156 Stacy Kneelies
156-156 Stacy Malie
188-188 Stacy Martha
193-193 Stacy Martha
193-193 Stacy Martha
161-161 Stacy Minnie
83-83 Stacy Nora
156-156 Stacy Oadie
161-161 Stacy Orlina
193-193 Stacy Otha
9-9 Stacy Polly
188-188 Stacy Rachel
83-83 Stacy Rebecca
193-193 Stacy Rousia
161-161 Stacy Sallie
193-193 Stacy Uylus
193-193 Stacy William
253-253 Stallings Arnold
253-253 Stallings Elbert
253-253 Stallings Elizabeth
253-253 Stallings Floyd
253-253 Stallings Hazel
253-253 Stallings Sarah
127-127 Standfer Eliza
111-111 Standfer Fred
104-104 Standfer Georgie
127-127 Standfer Grace
139-139 Standfer Howard
139-139 Standfer Isbelle
139-139 Standfer James B.
1910 83; 1880 12
111-111 Standfer Josie
139-139 Standfer Mallana
111-111 Standfer Marie
139-139 Standfer Nellie
127-127 Standfer Sallie
139-139 Standfer Taylor
127-127 Standfer William
288-288 Stidham Alice
150-150 Stidham Candy
1880 222
215-215 Stidham Charles
288-288 Stidham Della
289-289 Stidham Denniss
150-150 Stidham Dulcenia
178-178 Stidham Elizabeth
215-215 Stidham Esty
289-289 Stidham Ethel
289-289 Stidham Fannie
150-150 Stidham Filmore
178-178 Stidham Harrison
149-149 Stidham James
289-289 Stidham Lucy
288-288 Stidham Martha
288-288 Stidham Mary Jane
178-178 Stidham Pearlie
149-149 Stidham Salliean
289-289 Stidham Steve
1910 98
288-288 Stidham Walter
215-215 Stidham Zola
1910 140
115-115 Strong Dave
115-115 Strong Edward
115-115 Strong Goldie
115-115 Strong Nancy
115-115 Strong Pearl
57-57 Strunk Bessie
57-57 Strunk Joe
57-57 Strunk Leonard
102-102 Susnick Mallie
102-102 Susnick Maude
102-102 Susnick Melda
102-102 Susnick Nickles
102-102 Susnick Paline
66-66 Thomas Corvin
66-66 Thomas Mallie
66-66 Thomas Sam
91-91 Tuggle Ellen
91-91 Tuggle Evertt
91-91 Tuggle Grover C.
146-146 Turner Andrew
146-146 Turner Arnold
146-146 Turner Curtis
146-146 Turner Felix G.
146-146 Turner Ollie
146-146 Turner Tilda
146-146 Turner Viva
146-146 Turner Walter
97-97 Vancleve Bertha
97-97 Vancleve Ernest
97-97 Vancleve Isaick
97-97 Vancleve Norvil
97-97 Vancleve Sotha
199-199 Watts Leanner
119-119 West Viney
119-119 West William
268-268 White Adell
51-51 White Elbert B.
286-286 White Elijah
268-268 White Eliplay
179-179 White James W.
268-268 White Kittie
51-51 White Lottie
2-2 White Martha
286-286 White Mary
268-268 White Middie
51-51 White Nella V.
264-264 White Polly
2-2 White Ruasina
264-264 White Samie
254-254 Whitehead Nora
39-39 Williams Adam
291-291 Williams Asbel
39-39 Williams Bai Jane
38-38 Williams Bessie
63-63 Williams Charles
36-36 Williams Corbin
129-129 Williams Elbert
39-39 Williams Ella
34-34 Williams Ernest
39-39 Williams Eva
37-37 Williams Evallee
37-37 Williams Ezalla
38-38 Williams Frankie
36-36 Williams Gorda
144-144 Williams Harrison
38-38 Williams Harry
41-41 Williams Harvey
1910 62; 1900 95
37-37 Williams Irvin
36-36 Williams Jason
129-129 Williams Joe
34-34 Williams John
38-38 Williams John
1910 188
39-39 Williams John W.
129-129 Williams Larence
144-144 Williams Levi
1910 76; 1880 17
39-39 Williams Martian
39-39 Williams Mary Magline
38-38 Williams Melda
39-39 Williams Melda
41-41 Williams Nancy
144-144 Williams Nancyan
34-34 Williams Ora
34-34 Williams Ottis
36-36 Williams Paralie
34-34 Williams Polly
36-36 Williams Polly
38-38 Williams Polly
37-37 Williams Poppie
129-129 Williams Sallie
41-41 Williams Samuel
129-129 Williams Silvana
167-167 Williston Albert
167-167 Williston Annabell
82-82 Williston Beatrice
82-82 Williston Cassie
167-167 Williston Elizabeth
82-82 Williston Elliott
1910 18
82-82 Williston Georgia
82-82 Williston Hermit
167-167 Williston Janie
82-82 Williston Laura
82-82 Williston Nora
167-167 Williston Raymond
167-167 Williston William
R. 1910 68
194-194 Wilson Joe
273-273 Wood Adie
273-273 Wood Ople
273-273 Wood Osbourne
251-251 Wooton Asble
251-251 Wooton Becky
207-207 Wooton Boyd
207-207 Wooton Frank
1910 68
237-237 Wooton George
237-237 Wooton James
210-210 Wooton John
237-237 Wooton Johney
207-207 Wooton Laura
237-237 Wooton Lizzie
207-207 Wooton Louisa
207-207 Wooton Malahal
210-210 Wooton Martha Jane
207-207 Wooton Maudie
207-207 Wooton Mich
251-251 Wooton Michel
237-237 Wooton Nancy
207-207 Wooton Sherman H.
237-237 Wooton Sillar
237-237 Wooton Willis
15-15 Young Benny
15-15 Young Hampton
15-15 Young Harlen
15-15 Young Henry
15-15 Young Isaac
15-15 Young Jesse
15-15 Young Johny
15-15 Young Lizzie
15-15 Young Nancy
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