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One stormy autumn evening as we drew our chairs to the
fire our friend became particularly animated in his descriptions. "I
was born in 1809," he observed. "The brightest days of Nantucket
within my recollection were between the years 1820 and 1845. The busiest one
day that I remember was in November, 1827, when
seventy-two vessels passed Brant Point Light, outward bound, some to the
Pacific on a three-years’ whaling voyage, some to the coast of Chili for
seals, thence to China for teas, others oil-laden to London, to Havre, to
the Hague, and to almost every port on the Atlantic coast and West Indies.
You who see the port in its decadence can have little idea of the scene of
activity it then presented. A thousand workmen hurried down to the docks
of a morning. The sound of hammer and adze began at sunrise, and ceased
only at sunset. The multitudinous din of the docks continued often the
night through. I love to stand now on the wharves where the huge,
oil-blackened hulls of the whalers once swung, and recall the scene. Heavy
timbered three-storied warehouses filled the |
In Olde Massachusetts
heads of the wharves, beside which half a hundred
vessels would lie, discharging or taking in cargo. Overhead were the
sail-lofts, with the riggers and sailmakers busy sewing the white canvas
or shaping spars. Then there were the blacksmiths’ shops, where the
ironwork for the ships and the tools used in fishing were made; and the
coopers’ shops, that turned out their hundreds of butts and casks per
day, and the huge rope-walks, seven in number, where men spun, walking
to and fro, all the cordage used in ship-building and for repairs. It
was indeed a busy scene.
"We built our own ships, too, in those times.
Brant Point was. lined with ship-yards, and there were shipways, where
we took up ships for repairs. Some famous vessels we turned out stout,
oak-bowed whalers, clipper ships, and fleet schooners that would run
down to Havana and be back with a cargo of fruit in less than no time.
There was the Rose, built in 1803, one of the fastest sailers
afloat. Coming down the China Sea in one of her voyages (in charge of
the mate, the captain having died in China), she was taken by a British
frigate and carried to Mauritius, and afterwards used by John Bull for a
despatch boat, or in any capacity where speed was a requisite. Then came
the Charles Carroll, built by myself and partners, and our ship Lexington,
in 1836. Next the Nantucket, built by H. G. 0. Dunham, of
live oak and copper-fastened
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Ships and Sailors of Nantucket
— a crack ship, as was the Joseph
Starbuck, turned out of our yards in 1838.
"The Bedford, however, was Nantucket’s
bravest ship. I have the last receipt for her cabin work, given William
Rotch in 177g. She made several voyages and then went out of commission,
laid up by the war of the Revolution. Seven years she lay with her
bowsprit up in what is now J. B. Macy’s store. By and by, in 1782, the
Ship Maria, Captain Mooers, just off the stocks at Scituate, came
in to refit. As she did so, Mr. Rotch got news from London that the
preliminary articles of peace would soon be signed, and at the same time
learned that a cargo of oil delivered in London at that time would ‘make
a strike.’ The Maria wasn’t ready, so he hauled down the Bedford,
loaded her, put Captain Mooers in command, and she sailed for
London, and arrived there February 7, 1780, with 488 butts of oil in her
hold, as this manifest in my hand states. Well, the pith of the story
is, that this ship was the first to fly the American flag in England. It
appears by a letter from William Rotch, Jr., that she arrived in the
Downs February 23, the day of the signing of the preliminary treaty of
peace between the United States, France, and England, and hearing of
this displayed in London the first United States flag. The colors caused
the Admiralty no little vexation and debate as to whether she should be
admitted or not. In London the Bedford and her flag made the
sensation of the day, and
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In Olde Massachusetts
scores of people visited the ship to inspect the new
piece of bunting.
"The dim interiors of those old warehouses often
recur to me as I walk the wharves. Always fragrant, always mysterious
from the strange store of old-world treasures and commodities they held.
Cassia and sandalwood, liquorice, spices of India and Ceylon, tea-chests
covered with strange hieroglyphics, puncheons of Jamaica, rare old
Madeira in butts, fabrics of Persia and India, boxes of pure white
spermaceti, Arabian coffee, bales of whalebone and cotton —
a boy might have learned of the products of the
whole earth by studying our world in miniature. And what a multitude of
clerks, factors, and stevedores was necessary to the handling of this
great body of merchandise —for
Nantucket was a great distributing as well as receiving port then —
the products that came to us in exchange for our
seal oil and bone being reshipped to all our domestic ports and also
abroad. The trade created a special model of swift and graceful vessels
called coasters, two or three of which were always to be seen lying in
the docks taking in cargo. But those old days are gone," concluded
my friend with a sigh. "This picture that we old people see as we
walk about the wharves will never be visible again to the outward
"I have some quaint fancies while looking into
my sea-coal fire," he observed on another occasion. "About
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ships, now — I
love to think of them as having an individuality like men. Some are
prosperous, you know, and some never earn their owners a penny. Some
achieve fame, others have it thrust upon them; some are continually
meeting squalls and hurricanes, and others float on as uneventfully as
some human lives.
"I have known many famous ships in my day, and
have heard gossip of others. One of General Grant’s gifts from the
people of San Francisco was a cane turned from the portion of the rudder
post of the old ship John Jay, which was dismantled and her hulk
burned in San Antonio creek some years since. This vessel is said to
have conveyed Franklin to France in 1776 as ambassador from the United
"At Monterey again one may see at low tide the
timbers of a sunken ship —the wreck of the brig Natalie, the
very ship on which Napoleon the Great made his escape from the Island of
Elba, just before the final collapse of his empire at Waterloo. The Natalie
brought to California in 1834 the colony of Huyas from their home in
Mexico, to be settled on the frontiers of Sonoma County. They grew
homesick, however, on arriving in sight of their new home, and forced
the Captain to return with them to Monterey, where the Natalie was
wrecked as she was entering the harbor.
"Within the Golden Gate at San Francisco, I saw
in the year 1852 a thousand ships, few of which ever
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In Olde Massachusetts
went to sea again. They were mostly
old vessels, chartered in the East to bring flour to hungry miners, and
were either condemned on arriving at San Francisco, or left to decay, or
to be broken up for firewood and old metal. Perhaps you will relish a
little gossip about them. There was the Cadmus brought Lafayette to this
country in 1824; the General Jackson and Balance, two ships taken by
James De Wolfe’s privateer, True-Blooded Yankee, in the war of 1814.
The latter ship was near 100 years old. Both were built in Calcutta of
teak timber, and the Balance had the same masts in her which were put in
in Calcutta almost a century before. There was, too, the celebrated Lady
Amherst, an English whaler of repute, belonging to Samuel Enderby &
Sons of London, which in six consecutive voyages, with an average time
of thirty-four months each, obtained 16,000 barrels of sperm oil —a
catch never equaled by any ship from our own ports. There also entered
the port Thomas H. Perkins’s splendid clipper Nile of Boston from
China, laden with silks, teas, and frankincense (sandalwood), seeking a
market first among the Peruvians. There were also the Martha, a London
packet from Nantucket in 1809; Montano, a French packet from New York in
1824; the Henry Astor, one of John Jacob Astor’s famed Northwest fur
traders to China; the Deucalion, Hibernian, and Ontario of the Liverpool
packets, the Niantic, Goodhue & Co.’s China ship from New York,
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Ships and Sailors of Nantucket
which was moved up into the center of the city, and
was for a long time a famous hotel; the Friendship of Salem, once
cut off by the Malays, to chastise whom our Government sent out the
frigate Potomac under Commodore Downes in 1832 the Morrison, one
of Stephen Girard’s famous tea ships; the Palladium, one of
Thorndike’s ships of Boston, with scores of others, thrown aside in
the scramble for gold.
"A great many old ships went to form the stone
blockade of Charleston, S. C., in 1862 when the Anglo-rebel privateers
made fearful havoc. Among the interesting old ships was the Barclay, built
in 1794 for William Rotch & Sons by George Claghorn, the same who
built the frigate Constitution. The Barclay was gallantly
cut out of Callao from under the guns of the Spanish fortifications in
1813 by Commodore David Porter, then commanding the frigate Essex, with
our famous Farragut at that time a midshipman under him. After an
eventful career she was broken up at New Bedford in 1864. Also the ship Canada,
famous in her day when in the Liverpool trade for making her passage
from New York to Liverpool in from thirteen to sixteen days, and
delivering General Jackson’s messages in Liverpool as promptly as
steamers do others in these days. This ship was seized by the Brazilian
Government while ashore near Pernambuco in 1856, and has since been paid
for, costing that Government $100,000.
"Among ships none were fleeter or more graceful
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Ships and Sailors of Nantucket
than the American clippers. With their sharp trim
hulls and top-hamper spread and swelling to the breeze, they were the
most beautiful of ocean racers, the pride and joy of the merchant’s
heart. The clippers originated in Baltimore in the war of 1812 having
been constructed first as privateers. After the war they were put in the
Rio Janeiro and Valparaiso trade from that city. The ships Corinthian
and Ann McKim were the most famous of this fleet, the latter once making
the passage from Valparaiso to Baltimore in fifty-eight days. The
Corinthian was broken up at Stonington, Conn., in 1847, and the McKim at
San Francisco in 1853. In 1842 Warren Delano came from China and
built the ship Memnon in Smith &
Diamond’s yard, New York, who were famous shipbuilders in that day.
She was the best ship I ever saw in every particular, and after sailing
the sea for twelve years was lost in 1854 with a cargo of 2,0O0,0OO
pounds of tea for London, for which she was to have had $70,000 freight.
"Very soon the English began to
build clippers, and then there was international rivalry and racing.
Large space in the newspapers of the day was devoted to accounts of the
voyages of the splendid clippers that plied between New York and London,
New York and San Francisco, New York and China, and England and China.
The Sea Witch, Capt. Robert Waterman, made the shortest China passage
seventy-four days
— from Hong Kong to New York,
beating his own
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Ships and Sailors of Nantucket
previous time in the ship Natchez by four
days. The Flying Cloud, built by Donald McKay, at East Boston in
1851, made the passage from Sandy Hook light to San Francisco in
eighty-nine days twenty-one hours —the
shortest on record. On his return, however, Captain Cressy beat his own
record, reaching San Francisco in eighty-nine days nineteen hours.
"In May, 1856, five English clippers
started from China for a race to London. The affair excited great
interest on both sides of the Atlantic. The ships engaged were the Ariel,
853 tons, the Fiery Cross, 689 tons, the Taeping, 767
tons, the Taitsing, 815 tons, and the Sirica, 708 tons.
They were laden with the first of the season’s teas, and an additional
freight of ten shillings per ton was promised the first ship arriving in
dock, hence the competition.
"The Sirica, Ariel, and Tae
ping passed Foochow Bar
for London on the same day, May 30. The Fiery Cross
sailed the day before, and the Taitsing the
day after. The next heard of them was at Angier, Straits of Sunda, as
follows: ‘Fiery Cross passed
through on the 19th of June, the others on the 22d all within a few
hours of each other, running the distance from Foochow —
2,780 miles —
in twenty-three days.’ The next was this bit of
ship news from London: ‘Yesterday, September 21, 1856, Lloyd’s agent
telegraphed the arrival of three of the ships in the Downs. They are
expected at Blackwell to-day. Up to late
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In Olde Massachusetts
last evening no news had been received of the Fiery
Cross or the Taitsing.’
The distance, 14,060 miles, was run in ninety-nine days, an average
of 141 miles a day, and the vessels ran almost neck and neck the whole
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