Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co., in the
Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.
This page was transcribed by Kathy Scott and formatted by Brenda Busing.
This page is for use as a reference only and may not be
reproduced or published by any method. All rights are reserved
Ackerman A - Adams Ackerman J - Filley Ackerman J - Freeman Ackerman H H - Adams Acton C M - Wymore Acton J L - Odell Adam E - Lanham Adams G O - Adams Adams M - Adams Aden B - Hanover Aden H H - Hanover Aden M - Wymore Acorn E R - Virginia Alkin M P - Liberty Aksamit A J - Wilber Albers R B - Beatrice Albers T - Beatrice Albert E - Holmesville Albert E - Wilber Albert G - Cortland Albert H - Wilber Albert J B - Courtland Albert J H - Cortland Albright A C - Odell Albright H - Hoag Allen F - Beatrice Allen H - Odell Allen J D - Symore Allen P - Filley Allender J - Blue Springs Alexander B - Liberty Alexander S A - Liberty Allington O B - Beatrice Allison E C - Beatrice Allison H M - Beatrice Allison M C - Beatrice Allsup F - Harneston Aloord F - Cortland Aloord H M - Cortland Aloord W H - Cortland Alpers J - Wilber Anable J - Adams Annable O E - Adams Anderson C - Crab Orchard Anderson C - Filley Anderson E - Adams Anderson F - Diller Anderson G M - Blue Springs Anderson H - Filley Anderson J A - Liberty Anderson M - Filley Anderson N - Filley Anderson W - Adams Anderson W M - Odell Andreas J - Beatrice Andrews F - Filley Andrews G R - Rockford Andrews H - Holmesville Andrews J - Virginia Andrews W - Beatrice Applebee J - Adams Appleford G S - Beatrice Archerd L H - Odell Archu G L - Barkey Archu Wm - Barkey Armstrong A - DeWitt Armstrong A C - Odell Armstrong C - Odell Armstrong J L - Beatrice Armstrong W - Odell Armstrong W W - Barneston Arndt C Cortland Arnold G - Wymore Ashcraft C B - Adams Aukeny W J - Beatrice Aukes E E - Cortland Aukland J - Beatrice Ault A - Virginia Ault A J - Holmesville Ault F A - Holmesville Ault I J - Holmesville Auperle R F - Holmesville Auperlee A - Wymore Auplee J F - Wymore Auplee J F - Wymore Austin L E - Pickrell Austin W - Beatrice Auston L S - Wymore Averhalsen W O - Barneston Avey C M - Odell Avey J O - Blue Springs Avery C M - Odell Avison G - Blue Springs Ayers G - Liberty Ayers G - Wymore Ayers H F - Liberty Bachle F - Beatrice Bachle J - Ellis Bacon M - Crab Orchard Bacon P - Odell Bafs J H - Adams Bailey H - Cortland Bailey W J - Cortland Baker G - Diller Baker G W - Blue Springs Baker G W - Pickrell Baker G W - Beatrice Baker J - Blue Springs Balderson A - Cortland Balderson G - Cortland Balderson G W - Pickrell Balderson J E - Cortland Ball A - DeWitt Ball W - Beatrice Bangham C W - Blue Springs Bardwell L H - Odell Bare M - Rockford Bare N L - Rockford Barkey E - Cortland Barkey J H - Cortland Barkey Z - Barkey Barmore F M - Admas Barnard A G - Virginia Barnard J A - Filley Barnard W C - Filley Barnes E - Beatrice Barnes G W - Beatrice Barnes M J - Barneston Barnes P - Cortland Barnett F - Beatrice Barnett W W - Barneston Barnhart J - Holmesville Barnhouse J - Pickrell Barnhouse W - Pickrell Barnum H S - Blue Springs Barr J H - Adams Barr M - Beatrice Barratt J - DeWitt Barry D S - Barneston Barry T - Odell Bartast F - Odell Bartells C - Hoag Bartlette E - Beatrice Barto J - Holmesville Bartram H - Beatrice Bashor B F - Blue Springs Bashor D - Lanham Basore W W - Blue Springs Bateman G - Beatrice Bateman W - rockford Bates Fred - Blue Springs Bats W - Adams Bauchee J F - Odell Baum H - Adams Bauman E - Pickrell Baumback W - Hoag Baumfaulk D H - Pickrell Baumfalk H - Beatrice Baumfalk W - Pickrell Baumgartner W F - Holmesville Baumgartner W W - Wymore Bay J B - Beatrice Beal J - Liberty Bealer J - Odell Beales H T - Beatrice Beam A - Lanham Beamish E T - Wymore Bear T F - Wymore Beardsley E M - Liberty Beaty O E - Harneston Beck A - Wilber Beck F - Odell Beck H - Blue Springs Beck J E - Blue Springs Beck J H - Barneston Beck W H - Blue Springs Beckner F - Blue Springs Beckman H O - Wymore Bedner A - Wymore Beeghly G - Holmesville Beeghly J - Holmesville Becker W - Beatrice Beeler J A - Liberty Beer G - Wymore Beer J T - Wymore Behrends H W - Barneston Bell C - Beatrice Bell C B - Wymore Bell F A - Filley Bell G H - Liberty Bell T J - Filley Bel W - Beatrice Bender J B - Wymore Benjamin E H - Hoag Benson C A - Liberty Benson P - Odell Bentley M A - Beatrice Bentley U G - Beatrice Bentley W - Beatrice Benton M A - Wymore Berg J - Wymore Berg S L - DeWitt Berg W H - DeWitt Berger M - DeWitt Bergmeyer H - DeWitt Bergmier F - Pickrell Bergmier J H - DeWitt Berkett B C - Lanham Berry J H - Liberty Berry L F - Virginia Bertrom W - Beatrice Betz L W - Beatrice Beven J F - Holmesville Bevens J - Odel Bevens R - Odell Bhorer F S - Beatrice Bickell C - Wymore Bickell G D - Wymore Biekel P D - Wymore Bickett H A - Odell Bickett H R - Odell Bickett J - Liberty Bier G - Filley Biggs T - Beatrice Bigley J - Filley Bigley T - Filley Bigony A F - Pickrell Bilderback H B - Beatrice Billings W - Rockford Billoy J S - Adams Bilsby J S - Adams Bindermagle P - Beatrice Binty J - Cortland Bishop F - Beatrice Bishop W B - Holmesville Bishops M - Cortland Bitner E B - Pickrell Bivens S - DeWitt Bivens W - Odell Bixler H - Odell Black T P - Beatrice Blachert W B - Adams Blackburn J F - Blue Spings Blackwood M - Odell Blake M C - Barneston Blakely M - Beatrice Blakely W - Beatrice Blakesly F A - Cortland Blaku J - Barneston Blevins J J - Blue Springs Blickenstaff E C - Barneston Blickenstaff J E - Holmesville Blickenstaff U - Holmesville Blinn C - Barneston Blobaum H - Pickrell Blodgett R L - Rockford Bloodgood L E - Hoag Bloomfield J - Lanham Blubaker P - Beatrice Blunt D - Wymore Blythe B F - Diller Blythe C - Diller Blythe M A - Diller Blythe S M - Holmesville Bnard G - Pickrell Boehler C - Beatrice Boersman H - Pickrell Bogert D - Wymore Bogert G - Wymore Boggs J W - DeWitt Boggs L B - Filley Boillot E - Diller Biollot P - diller Bokelheide H - Cortland Bokenkwagen F - Pickrell Boller Henry - Cortland Bolinger P - Barneston Bollinger P - Liberty Bolmstedt T - Pickrell Bonebright J - Cortland Bonner W H - Cortland Booher M - Virginia Bookwalter E - Liberty Boomer J - Beatrice Borak M - Lanbam Bosak J A - Wilber Boshor D C - Virginia Bostick J - Virginia Boston J V - Adams Boward U P - Filley Bowen R - Beatrice Bowers J - Lanham Bowers S - Ellis Bowers W A - Pickrell Bowhay J - Barneston Bowker H - Blue Springs Bowman R - Pickrell Bowman W H - Beatrice Boyd C E - Wymore Boyd J - Cortland Boyd J - Rockford Boyd J W - Wymore Boyd O - Rockford Boydston J L - Filley Boyeen B C - Odell Boyer A L - Virginia Bozarth J C - Beatrice Brace A - Beatrice Brace D A - Beatrice Brace O J - Odell Bradford D R - Barneston Bradley C D - Pickrell Braly B F - Barneston Bramblet J D - Filley Brandt C - Diller Brandt J H - Diller Brantigan M A - Blue Springs Bratton G W - Beatrice Brazil H - Blue Springs Breitung F - Ellis Breston W H - Beatrice Breunsback H - Liberty Breunsback J W - Liberty Brewster A - Rockford Brewster G H - Rockford Brickzer Z C - Pickrell Bridenthal D K - Wymore Bridenthal J W - Wymore Bridges H C - Beatrice Bridges J J - Cortland Bringewartt F - DeWitt Brinkmeyer Wm - Wilber Briston E J - Odell Briston J H - Odell Bristor E J - Odell Bristor J H - Odell Bristor J H - Odell Bristor J J - Odell Brooks G - Odell Brooks J - Odell Brooks M - Diller Brooks R C - Wymore Brooks R E - Odell Brouse J - Wilber Brown A - Adams Brown A J - Odell Brown C T - Cortland Brown E P - Diller Brown J - Odell Brown J - Virginia Brown J C - Filley Brown J E - Pickrell Brown J G - Holmesville Brown J H - Adams Brown J L - Adams Brown L H - Virginia Brown L P - Adams Brown M - Adams Brown O H - Beatrice Brown S J - Liberty Brown W S - Odell Brown W T - Beatrice Brownawell P - Wymore Browniwag J - Barneston Brubaker B A - Blue Springs Brubaker P - holmesville Brucker B - Courtland Brucks Wm - Adams Brumsback D - Liberty Brutt N - Cortland Bryant C A - Liberty Bryant C N - Liberty Bryant J E - Pickrell Brant R W - Blue Springs Bryant S M - Liberty Bryson S - Adams Bryson S Y - Adams Buchanan S W - Blue Springs Buck C - Wymore Buckingham J W - Blue Spgs Buckley L M - Liberty Rude F - Cortland Buhr H M - Pickrell Buhr Jno J - Hanover Bulger J - Cortland Bull S - Beatrice Bumer W J - Wymore Bunch D E - Hanover Bunnell O P - Odell Bunte H - Cortland Bures F - Odell Burg G S - Liberty Burger G F - DeWitt Burger J L - DeWitt Burgess A - DeWitt Burgess J - Filley Burgess N E - DeWitt Burgess W J - DeWitt Burk H - Hanover Burke B P - Pickrell Burke J C - Beatrice Burke M - Pickrell Burke W - Beatrice Burket A O - Lanham Burkhalter C - Wymore Burnell G - Beatrice Burnett F - Coutland Burns F M - Pickrell Burroughs C S - Filley Burrows F E - Filley Burrows G C - Adams Burrows J - Filley Burton H - Blue Springs Burton L E - Blue Springs Busey H E - Blue Springs Busey O S - Beatrice Bush A S - Diller Buss C - DeWitt Buss G - DeWitt Buss H J - Hoag Buster J A - Wymore Bute A - DeWitt Bute E - DeWitt Butler C H - Odell Butte J - Diller Byers H - Wymore Byson M E - Adams Cacek J - Odell Cain J S - Liberty Cain N D - Liberty Calwell J - Odell Caley V C - Filley Callan J W - Lanham Calland H F - Cortland Callen T R - Odell Cally J S - Diller Cambridge G - Beatrice Camp G D - Wymore Camp R - Beatrice Camp- W H - Wymore Campbell G - Wymore Campbell H - Rockford Campbell H B - Wymore Canning J F - Pickrell Canover J F - Blue Springs Cantrell W - DeWitt Capper A W - Liberty Carbby O D - Cortland Carey A - DeWitt Carl F - Wilber Carmichal H - Cortland Carmichal J - Cortland Carmichal R F - Courtland Carns J L - Cortland Carpenter J - Pickrell Carpenter M L - Beatrice Carpenter T - Beatrice Carre D - Beatrice Carrither J A - Odell Carrithers W B - Blue Spgs Carson C A - Blue Springs Barstens G - Pickrell Carstens J - Cortland Carstens T G - Cortland Carswell Geo - Beatrice Carter E - Liberty Case M D - Odell Cashen P - Cortland Cashens D - Cortland Caster H - Liberty Castor J M - Liberty Cathcart J - Liberty Catton J - Blue Springs Cauthens J - Cortland Cavett R - Holmesville Cawley H - DeWitt Chamberlin G C - Liberty Chamberlin E E - Blue Springs Chamberlin F L - Wymore Chambers G - Diller Chambers T - Diller Chaney J - Barneston Chaney V - Barneston Chaney W R - Adams Chapman A - Wyomre Chapman C Y - Odell Chapman I - Wymore Chapman L - Blue Springs Chapman O H - Beatrice Chapman R A - Blue Springs Chapman S - Blue Srpings Chapman V - Blue Springs Chapman W - Blue Springs Charies J - Beatrice Chase H J - Beatrice Cheney J M - Liberty Cherry J - DwWitt Cherry J D - DeWitt Cherry W C - DeWitt Childress E P - Blue Springs Childress J H - Blue Springs Childs B E - Cortland Chimnock F - DeWitt Chittenden W E - Barkey Christenson C - Filley Christenson W - Adams Christopher J B - Beatrice Christopher M E - Beatrice Cinley L - Pickrell Claassen J - Beatrice Claassen J J - Pickrell Clacy J J - Odell Clancy E E - Barneston Clark F A - Liberty Clark J E - Diller Clark J O - Blue Springs Clark L - Adams Clark T J - Wymore Clark W - Wymore Clark W S - Blue Springs Clarke R H - Beatrice Classen J E - Beatrice Clate M H - Odell Clauson S - Pickrell Claussen G B - Beatrice Claussen H - Beatrice Claussen I - Beatrice Clawson A - Blue Springs Clayes J - Beatrice Clayton F - Blue Springs Clayton I R - Wymore Clement J W - Barkey Clements E R - Beatrice Clements P M - Beatrice Clemments L - Beatrice Clemmers S - Beatrice Clepon W E - Cortland Click H H - Cortland Click J S - Beatrice Click P W - Cortland Clifford S F - Liberty Cline A E - Virginia Clinton E W - Odell Clinton W J - Cortland Clopper E E - Liberty Clopper H W - Liberty Close J - DeWitt Closs E H - Wymore Cloud J - Beatrice Cloud W - Beatrice Clough H P - Barkey Clough L B - Rockford Clough W W - Barkey Coady J P - Barneston Coburn E M - Beatrice Coburn L A - Beatrice Coburn M H - Beatrice Cochran S A - Filley Coffman G C - Adams Coffman H - Liberty Cohen E C - Holmesville Colt K A - Beatrice Colby L W - Beatrice Cole E E - Beatrice Cole F - Wymore Cole J W - Beatrice Cole L M - Beatrice Cole S C - Wymore Cole W - Beatrice Cole W H - Beatrice Coleman C C - Beatrice Coleman J A - Wymore Coleman J H - Holmesville Coleman T M - Holmesville Coler F - Filley Colgrove F - Wymore Collett G W - Pickrell Collett J - Beatrice Collins C F - Firth Collins J E - Odell Collins J R - Blue Springs Collins R - Odell Colsten J - Blue Springs Compsheide H - Cortland Conine A - Beatrice Conine E - Beatrice Confer D - Barkey Confer E M - Cortland Conley G W - Blue Springs Conley J W - Blue Springs Conley O G - Pickrell Conely S H - Beatrice Conner G L - Pickrell Conner J - Cortlnd Conner T R - Odell Conniff J J - Diller Connolly R B - Hoag Conover G - Wymore Conover R - Blue Springs Conrad D - Filley Cook A - Odell Cook D F - Adams Cook F - Odell Cook G - Odell Cook H - Barkey Cook H F - Beatrice Cook H L - Beatrice Cook J E - Adams Cook J S - Liberty Cook L W - Liberty Cook W M - Odell Cook Wm - Cortland Coolen J H - Beatrice Cooper A C - Cortland Cooper G P - Cortland Cooper H H - Blue Springs Cooper O - Cortland Cooper S - Blue Springs Cooper T D - Blue Springs Cooyine C C - Wymore Copeland D W - Blue Spgs Copper J W - Blue Springs Corbin J J - Odell Corkhill E F - Cortland Corkhill R E - Cortland Cornelia E - Filley Coulter R - Betrice Cowell D A - Beatrice Cowen H H - Filley Cox E B - Odell Cox W H - Blue Springs Craig J H - Beatrice Cramer G - Filley Cramer J A - Filley Crample B E - Adams Crandle W F - Holmesville Crawford A - Pickrell Crawford J - Wymore Crawford J H - Pickrell Cremer E - Cortland Cripe A - Holmesville Cripe H M - Holmesville Crocker H P - Filley Crofoot H - Odell Crook R T - Virginia Cropper J D - Odell Crosby D D - Pickrell Crosby M A - Cortland Crosby T - Pickrell Crosen E M - Virginia Croser F V - Virginia Crum G - Diller Cruse C - Barneston Culbertson S H - Hoag Cullen H - Wymore Cullen J - Wymore Cullen J A - Holmesville Cullen J K - Holmesville Cullen J W - Holmesville Cully C T - Diller Cully J A - Diller Cully J P - Diller Cully R J - Diller Cully W S - Diller Cummings W F - Wymore Cummins T A - Hoag Cumpston A - Barneston Curry G W - Beatrice Curtis B - Wymore Curtis T - Wymore Cutshall J W - Wymore Cuttler J - Crab Orchard Dagger D C - Liberty Dahlen F - Cortland Daklem J - Wilber Dalton J - Diller Daly H - Liberty Daly J - Liberty Damer C J - Liberty Damer H H - Liberty Damkregen F - Pickrell Damkroger H - Pickrell Damkroger J F - De Witt Damrow E - Adams Damrow F - Adams Damrow, Herman - Firth Damrow M - Firth Daniels F M - Holmesville Darn H - Freeman Darn T - Hanover Dart F W - Pickrell Darwin G E - Virginia Daubendick H - DeWitt Daucer H - Cortland Davenport T - Odell Davis A K - Filley Davis D B - Wymore Davis E - Filley Davis G M - Beatrice Davis H T F - Diller Davis J - Beatrice Davis J - Wymore Davis J J - DeWitt Davis J W - Wymore Davis L - Beatrice Davis L M - Wymore Davis M L - Crab Orchard Davis S H - Pickrel Davis T L - Adams Davis T T - Filley Dawning J - Hoag Dawning W - Hoag Dawson C M - Holmesville Dawson J L - Wymore Day C - Beatrice Day H - Freeman Day H E - Cortland Day J B - Adams Day N - Odell Day, Thomas - Beatrice Day Thomas - Pickrell Day W - Beatrice Day W T - Wymore Dearborn F V - Beatrice Dearborn J O - Freeman Deardorrf A - Filley Deardorff A B - Rockford Deats W F - Cortland De Boex E - Adams De Boex M - Adams Deck W H - Liberty Decker E H - Barneston Decker H - Adams Deeke C - DeWitt Degener W - Pickrel Dehman J - Rockford De Land D A - Wymore Delcamp G F - Cortland Dell I - Holmesville Dell J C - Holmesville Delpe W E - Filley Deming E C - cortland Deming O R - Cortland Demott J - Wymore Deniston Z C - Firth Denne W - Adams Denny L E - Freeman Desart J - Virginia Determin H L - Beatrice Detrich J - Diller De Vries E K - Pickrell Dewey C E - Liberty Dewey T G - Barneston Dewey W F - Liberty De Wolf H W - Beatrice De Wolf L - Beatrice Dewring H - Cortland Deyle J E - Liberty Diamond J - Cortland Dick D S - Cortland Dickson M M - Adams Dickson W H - Adams Discuss H - Adams Dibble H - Beatrice Dibble R - Beatrice Diehm F - Adams Dierking H - Beatrice Dietz F - Firth Dike C - Wymore Dillon B R - Adams Dimon J - Liberty Dishger P J - Adams Dixen G - Filley Diyeek A - Beatrice Dobbs F F - Rockford Dobbs F H - Rockford Dobbs J A - Holmesville Dobbs R L - Holmesville Dobbs W J - Holmesville Dolen E - Beatrice Dolen J - Beatrice Dorn T H - Hanover Dorning J A - Firth Doty H A - Beatrice Douze T - Diller Dower, Chas - Blue Springs Drake A F - Odell Draper W L - Blue Springs Drewing D - Cortland Dryden D - Odell Dueck J - Hoag Duncan F J - Filley Duncan J - Odell Duncan J K - Wymore Dunce A - Ellis Dunlapp A - Liberty Dunn J - Liberty Dunn J P - Dewitt Dunn T J - Dewitt Dunn W B - Liberty Durfee A A - Pickrell Eamhart W - Liberty Early L W - Wymore Earnhart H - Barneston Eavey J - Lanham Eberhart G W - Blue Springs Eberhart J C - Blue Springs Eby W M - Lanham Eckel A - Cortland Eckel B - Ellis Eckel C - DeWitt Eckert J - Barneston Eckhart A - Beatrice Eckie A - Barkey Edam Wm - Barneston Edmunds C - Pickrell Edwards E H - Diller Edwell J H - Wymore Ehinon H - Hanover Ehinon W - Hanover Ehlers G - Barneston Ehrhart J - Diller Eick G T - Diller Eick W M - Diller Eiler F - Filley Eitze H - Lanham Elerbeck J - Holmesville Elerbeck J F - Beatrice Ellermaider A - Filley Ellinger J - Pickrell Ellinger L - Pickrell Ellinger T - Pickrell Ellinger W jr - Pickrell Ellinger W sr - Pickrell Elliott C - Beatrice Elliott M - Beatrice Elliott M A - Beatrice Ellis A - Firth Ellis E - Beatrice Ellis E - Odell Ellis F H - Adams Ellis F O - Adams Ellis J - DeWitt Ellis, Jermiah - Firth Ellis M V - Odell Ellis W A - Odell Ellison J S - Liberty Ellison R H - Liberty Elwood F M - Beatrice Ellwood G - Beatrice Ely J - Wymore Emal S - Beatrice Emery H - Diller Emery J P - Diller Endelman G - Ellis Endelman H - Diller Enderlied J F - DeWitt Endler J - DeWitt Engel B - Beatrice England E - Wymore Engle J B - Odell Englehart D - Cortland Englert M J - Wymore Epard L W - Beatrice Epp A - Hoag Erickson P - Virginia Ernold E - Odell Eschew H - Adams Essam H - Beatrice Essam J - Beatrice Essex O - Cortland Essex T B - Rockford Ettans J H - Cortland Evans F A - Liberty Evans G - Wymore Evans J - Barneston Evans M - Beatrice Evans R C - Wynmore Evers H - Hanover Ewait A - Beatrice Fachta A - Odell Faelix J - Cortland Falwell J M - Blue Spriings Fanvar W F - Beatrice Fasnacht H P - Diller Fast J A - Beatrice Fast W - Beatrice Faulder D S - Hanover Faulder S - Hanover Fauver J - Wymore Faxon G - Lanham Feese J - Odell Feight F J - Wymore Fellers W - DeWitt Fellwoek L DL - Beatrice Fenk L - Wymore Fenley J D - Beatrice Fenton J - Blue Springs Fenton R - Blue Springs Ferguson Wm - Lanham Ferrier A M - Liberty Fetler J - Ellis Field J E - Odell Fierke W - Wymore Figgins S D - DeWitt Fink H M - Holmesville Fink L - wymore Fink O L - Wymore Fink W H - Virginia Firoved M L - Beatrice Fischer F - DeWitt Fishback H - Beatrice Fishback H - Odell Fisher C - Barneston Fisher F - Barneston Fisher F - Odell Fisher, Frank - Wymore Fisher G - Wyompore Fisher J D - Liberty Fisher J F - Pickrell Fisher S - Liberty Fisher W - Adams Fisher W - Odell Fisk G - Virginia Fitzwater J W - Blue Springs Fix W P - Wilber Flaws J - Filley Fletcher A - Odell Fletcher J - Odell Fletcher V - Odell Flippo L - Wymore Flora J - Filley Floss H - Adams Flowers D F - Cortland Flowers F M - Pickrell Flowers J H - Pickrell Floyd F M - Blue Springs Focken H - Cortland Fonts S - Liberty Force S S - Virginia Ford O B - Liberty Foreman W A - Freeman Fosler J - Hanover Fosler J jr - Hanover Foster A W - Beatrice Foster J J - Beatrice Foster W C - Adams Francis J - Blue Springs Francis A R - Beatrice Francis E - Beatrice Francis O - Beatrice Frankan F - Barneston Frantz D - Holmesville Frantz I J - Beatrice Frantz J - Holmesville Franz J - Hoag Franzen H - Hanover Frederick A - Beatrice Fredreckson A F - Barneston Fredreickon J - Adams Fredricson C - Filley Freed C W - Blue Springs Freel M H - Liberty Freel O - Blue Springs Freeman D - Beatrice Freeze J - Freeman French A L - Liberty French B - Liberty Frericks F - Adams Frerichs H W - Beatrice Frerichs L W - Beatrice Frerichs W W - Beatrice Frisbie W C - Diller Fritts A H - Blue Springs Fritts J A - Blue Springs Fritz F - Adams Fritz O - Beatrice Fritzen J - Beatrice Fritzen L - Beatrice Frost E - Wymore Fry C F - Virginia Fryatt M Y - wymore Fryrear W - DeWitt Fulene M H - Barneston Fulkerson W M - Beatrice Fuller D B - Holmesville Fuller E W - Odell Fuller G W - Adams Fuller I A - Holmesville Fuller J R - Adams Fulton W M - Liberty Funk L - Pickrell Funk W H - Pickrell Furgeson W B - Cortland Furguson C - Odell Furguson J - Odell Furhuson H - Adma Furman S - Hoag Fye, Wm J - Barneston