Gage County, Nebraska


Business Directory for 1890-1891

Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co., in the
Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

This page was transcribed by Kathy Scott and formatted by Brenda Busing.
This page is for use as a reference only and may not be
reproduced or published by any method. All rights are reserved


Galbreath L - Beatrice          Gale G - Adams
Gale G H - Filley               Gallagher P - Cortland
Gallogly P - Barneston          Galloway G W - Adams
Galloway W H - Adams            Ganoung R W - Cortland
Gardner L - Wymore              Garn J - Beatrice
Garrison E H - Adams            Garrison I - Blue Springs
Garrison S J - Adams            Garvich A - Beatrice
Gascoigne P - Beatrice          Gast W - DeWitt
Gaston J - Odell                Gausemer P - Cortland
Gay, John - Wymore              Gaylord E S - Beatrice
Gaylord W A - Beatrice          Gear J M - Diller
Geil L - Adams                  George C W - Diller
Gerdes A J  Barneston           Gerdes H - Cortland
Gerdes J - Cortland             Gerdes J - Wymore
German R T - Beatrice           Gessell J - Odell
Gestring C - DeWitt             Gibbs J - Odell
Gibbs R - Odell                 Giddings H - Beatrice
Giddings S E - Filley           Gihart E - Holmesville
Gillaspie S G - Freeman         Gilmore F - Filley
Gilmore R G - Cortland          Gilson J - Blue Springs
Gimerson A J - ellis            Girl P - Rockford
Girl Wm - rockford              Gish J M - Wymore
Gish J W - Homesville           Givens S D - Cortland
Glasgow S E - Odell             Glass M S - Hoag
Glem M T - Odell                Glick N - Liberty
Gloss J E - Lanham              Glurtz J - Blue Springs
Godfrey F E - Wymore            Goehring A E - Beatrice
Goehring J - Barneston          Goering E C - Beatrice
Goin J K - Blue Springs         Goldenstein M - Beatrice
Goodall J C - Wymore            Goodbau J F - Cortland
Goodrean N - Liberty            Goodwin J W - Odell
Gooding G W - Wymore            Goosen A  - Hoag
Goosen J - DeWitt               Gordanier C - Ellis
Gordanier W N - Ellis           Gordan J A - Beatrice
Gouff S S - Wilber              Gould C D - Wymore
Gowdy W M - Filley              Grable J - Ellis
Grace T - Holmesville           Graff Aug - Beatrice
Graff David - Beatrice          Graff E S - Homesville
Graff F - Rockford              Graff G - Wymore
Graff J - Beatrice              Graff J E - Rockford
Graff P - Beatrice              Graham F M - Blue Springs
Graham L K - Rockford           Graham M B - Holmesville
Graham T W - Holmesville        Grant A - DeWitt
Grant A B - DeWitt              Grant J A - DeWitt
Graves E - Odell                Graves H - Lanham
Gray A L - Virginia             Gray F L - Blue Springs
Gray F W - Blue Springs         Gray H C - Blue Springs
Gray L D - Blue Springs         Green C H - Blue Springs
Green E E - Beatrice            Green G R - Beatrice
Green M L - Blue Springs        Green T - Blue Springs
Greenwald G - Beatrice          Greenwood B - Beatrice
Greenwood J F - Beatrice        Gregg Wm - Lanham
Gregory D - Beatrice            Gregory I C - Odell      
Gregory J - Odell               Grieser L - Cortland
Grioffin D - Beatrice           Griffin E - DeWitt
Griffin J - Beatrice            Griffin N - Blue Springs
Griggs A E - Barneston          Griggs J C - Barneston
Griggs L T - Barneston          Grindle A A - Lanham
Grindle E W - Lanham            Groggins W - Cortland
Groves E - Firth                Groves H H - Firth
Grow D N - Adams                Grow M M - Adams
Grubb S - Adams                 Gumaer R L - Blue Springs
Gund F - Adams                  Gunter A - Cortland
Gustavison G - Blue Springs     Guthrod J - Liberty

Habbicht Wm - Odell             Habitzel C H - Wymore
Hackman C - Adms                Hadden I - Wymore
Haden S R - Filley              Hadley D - Homesville
Hadley J - Diller               Hadely J E - Holmesville
Hadley J M - Homesville         Hadley U - Diller
Haeffner C - Adams              Haeffner F - Adams
Haeffing A - Wymore             Haessler P - Hoag
Haferland C - Blue Springs      Hagans C - Liberty
Hagans F - Odell                Hagans J L - Odell
Hageman E L - Odell             Hageman G W - Wymore
Hageman J - Wymore              Hageman J B - Odell
Hageman J W - Odell             Hagemier F - DeWitt
Hager J - Blue Springs          Hagerman P M - Filley
Hagerman T C - Filley           Hahn F - Hoag
Hahn H - Hoag                   Halek F - Odell
Haines B - Beatrice             Hair G - Liberty
Hajek J A - Odell               Haley J - Virginia
Hall D C - Beatrice             Hall James - Blue Springs
Hall T A - Blue Springs         Hall W A M - Firth
Hall W M - Diller               Hamblin E - Beatrice
Hamblin E B - Beatrice          Hamilton C P - Filley
Hamilton C W - Ellis            Hamilton J J - Birginia
Hamilton J O - Beatrice         Hamm J - Beatrice
Hamm W - Hoag                   Hammond E - Blue Springs
Hammond H H - Blue Spgs.        Hanke W - Blue Springs
Hanna P - Blue Springs          Hans J - Wymore
Hansen J H - Filley             Hansen L - Pickrell
Hansen N - Filley               Hansen P - Wymore
Hansjiorgen H - Hoag            Hanson J - Adams
Hanson J - Cortland             Hansyurgen C - Pickrell
Hanver D R _ lanham             Harberts H H - Wymore
Harbison J S - Beatrice         Hardanbrook L D - Holmesville
Hardin H V - Blue Springs       Hardin J F - Blue Springs
Hardin W C - Wymore             Harding T - Pickrell
Hards E - Hoag                  Hardy D L - Cortland
Hardy F - Blue springs          Hardy I W - Blue Springs
Harer M - Pickrell              Hargis J - Odell
Harms J - Barneston             Harms E - Admas
Harms H - Cortland              Harms H E - Hanover
Harms M E - Hanover             Harms Z - Hanover
Harmas J W - Barneston          Harnas D - Filley
Harning G - Liverty             Harnley B W - Admas
Harnley E - Adams               Harnley M - Adams
Harper G J O - Adams            Harpster W A - Blue Springs
Harrington A B - Beatrice       Harrington A S =- Blue Spgs.
Harris F - Barneston            Harris G S - Wymore
Harris R J - Barneston          Harris W J - Blue Springs
Harrison C - Virginia           Harrod J T - Cortland
Harter E - Odell                Hartman J - Rockford
Hartman A M - Diller            Hartman F C - Odell
Hartman M - Virginia            Hartzell E E - Beatrice
Hartzell J L - Blue Springs     Harzbecker R H - Hanover
Hasenohr A - Pickrell           Hasmann H - Wymore
Hatch A C - Odell               Hatch C T - Wymore
Hault J A - Liberty             Haun A L - Rockford
Hauver Wm - Diller              Havn H - Diller
Hayle Z T - Beatrice            Hayseed R P - Cortland
Hazelton G W - Wymore           Hazen S M - Blue Springs
Headings J - Blue Springs       Headley E E - Filley
Headley F F - Filley            Headley H - Beatrice
Headley L H - Beatrice          Headrick R K - Liberty
Heaston A A - Holmesville       Heaston E - Rockford
Heaston J - Liberty             Heaston L - Holmesville
Hebbe J jr. - Odell             Hebbe M - Odell
Heck J - Blue Springs           Heffelinger B H - Beatrice
Heffner G - Adams               Hefling M M - Virginia
Heller E - Cortland             Heller H - DeWitt
Heller W - Wilber               Helmer C - Wymore
Helmer H A - Wymore             Helmke H - Wilber
Helmke John - Barkey            Helmrichs T - Wymore
Hemphill R B - Beatrice         Hemphill R C - Beatrice
Henderson R T - Cortland        Hendrickson P - Filley
Henkel J - Cortland             Hentges A - Pickrell
Hentges N - Beatrice            Hensley C B - Blue Springs
Herbert J W - Rockford          Hereth J - Cortland
Herink J - Barneston            Herink R - Barneston
Herman J - Lanham               Herres J - Wymore
Herrick A H - Wymore            Herrrick C A - Virginia
Hesse C - Virginia              Hethrington J C - Beatrice
Hevelone S - Blue Springs       Hiatt C J - Odell
Hiatt L J - Lanham              Hiatt P - Beatrice
Hibbert T E - Adams             Higgen M K - Diller
Higgenbottom P P - Adams        Higgins C K - Beatrice
Higgins J - Blue Springs        Higgins I - Beatrice
Higgins Jno sr - Blue Spgs      Higgins J R - DeWitt
Higgins P - Wymnore             Higgins R - Liberty
Highland F - Beatrice           Highland S M - Beatrice
Hilchmaun F - DeWitt            Hilder J - Wymore
Hill C - Odell                  Hill E - Barneston
Hill J L - Lanham               Hill M F - Beatrice
Hill R - Eliis                  Hillard S - Virginia
Hillis H - Cortland             Hillman E - Adams
Hillman J F - Adams             Hillman S - Adams
Hillmare C R - Adams            Hils M - Wilber
Hilton G B - Beatrice           Himmel F - Pickrell
Hines J - Blue Springs          Hinman A - Wymore
Hinmman E F - Wymore            Hinman L - Barneston
Hinrichs G - Hanover            Hiskett A L - Wymore
Hiskett G - Wymore              Hitt A C - Odell
Hitt G B - Odell               	Hixon J A - Holmesville
Hixon S - Holmesville           Hnizda B F - Virginia
Hobelman F - Wilber             Hobelman H - Wilber
Hobelman J F - Wilber           Hobson C F - Beatrice
Hodge C W - Cortland            Hodge F - Barneston
Hodges F S - Adams              Hodges W - Adams
Hoetling J G - Beatrice         Hoff S - Adams
Hoffman A - Adams               Hoffman S - Adams
Hohn R - Liberty                Holden O - Liberty
Hollenback G W - Odell          Hollenback J H - Blue Springs
Hollenback W A - Wymore         Holliday H B - Blue Springs
Hollingworth A J-Holmesville    Hollingworth C H - Holmesville
Hollingworth F S-Holmesville    Hollingworth J - Rockford
Hollingworth J H-Holmesville    Hollingworth J S - Holmesville
Hollingworth L J-Holmesville    Hollow is G A - Beatrice
Holmbeck A P - Pickrell         Holmes T H - Beatrice
Holsng H - DeWitt               Holz A - Adams
Holz B - Adams                  Honeycntt R S - Wymore
Hood J C - Diller               Hood M - Diller
Hooker W A - Adams              Hooper C - Pickrell
Hooper I S - Odell              Hooten L E - Adams
Horsky F - Barnston             Horton F - Lanham
Horton J D - Beatrice           Houton E - Holmesville
Houghton C - Holmesville        Houpt J - Cortland
Houser R - Blue Springs         Howard J L - Hoag
Howard W H - Blue Springs       Howe C R - Liberty
Howe J M - Liberty              Howell A - Wymore
Howland H - Filley              Howland H J - Adams
Hoyle W - Beatrice              Hroch F - Barnston
Hrock J - Wymore                Hubbell A A - Wymore
Hubka A - Birginia              Hubka F - Virginia
Huetson H D - Adams             Huff J H - Beatrice
Huges C - Filley                Huges E - Filley
Huges G S - Pickrell            Huges M - Filley
Hughes W - Beatrice             Hughs R - Wymore
Hull R - Firth                  Huls J - Filley
Humes F H - Ellis               Humphreys R E - Wymore
Humphreys T J - Barneston       Hurd W H - Adams
Hurn J M - Holmesville          Hursh J M - Barneston
Hurtz P - Wymore                Husa F - Barneston
Husa J - Barneston              Hutchison C L - Odell
Hutts R - Filley                Huyimeyer H - Hoag
Hyde R - Wymore                 Hysell J - Pickrell

Iddings Wm - Odell              Ingersoll F - Wymore
Ingmain C - Pickrell            Ingman H - Wymore
Ingman M - Wymore               Irvin G - Beatrice
Irvin S jr - Holmesville        Irvin S sr - Holmesville
Irving W E - Holmesville        Isley C M - cortland
Isley J W C - Cortland          Isley M C - Adams
Isley W - Blue Springs          Istey J - Pickrell
Ives P - Blue Springs

Jackson G - Pickrell            Jackson G - Lanham
Jackson J - Wymore              Jackson J B - OdellJackson
J L - Cortland                  Jackson M - cortland
Jackson S - Beatrice            Jacobs E C - Bearneston
Jacobs H W - ortland            Jacobs J T - Cortland
Jacobs M - Barneston            James C B - Wymore
James I - Wymore                James J St - Barneston
James P H - Cortland            James S - Barneston
James W H - Pickrell            Jamison A - Beatrice
Jamison J A - Diller            Jansen H - Beatrice
Jansen N - Filley               Jansen O - Hanover
Jansen O - Filley               Janssen A C - Barneston
Janssen H - Hanover             Janssen J - Hanover
Jantzen A - Beatrice            Jantzen J - Beatrice
Japsen M - Beatrice             Jeffers G - Lanham
Jeffreys A L - filly            Jeffreys J A - Filley
Jeffreys R S - Ellis            Jelken G - Hanover
Jelsam Z - Zorgland             Jemison M - Odell
Jennings R P - Liberty          Jensen T - Crab Orchard 
Jeperson J - Hanover            Jepsen J - Breatrice
Jewell G W - DeWitt             Jewell S V - DeWitt
Jewell W H - Adams              Jimerson A D - Liberty
Jimerson J H - Liberty          Jobman J - Beatrice
Jobman P - Hanover              John J - Hoag
Johnson A - Odell               Johnson B W - Lanham
Johnson C - Pickrell            Johnson E - Virginin
Johnson E W - Wymore            Johnson G R - Blue Springs
Johnson H - Beatrice            Johnson J - Cortland
Johnson J L - Dewitt            Johnson J L - Pickrell
Johnson L - Lanham              Johnson M E - Beatrice
Johnson R - Filley              Johnson R M - Blue Springs
Johnson S - cortland            Johnson S A - Virginia
Johnson S D - Wilber            Johnson S P - Cortland
Johnson Thos - Blue Springs     Johnson W - Beatrice
Jones A S - Wymore              Jones C E - Beatrice
Jones D H - Wymore              Jones E E - Blue Springs
Jones G H - cortland            Jones G U - Wymore
Jones H D - Hanover             Jones H H - Cortland
Jones J E - Wymore              Jones J F - Beatrice
Jones J M - Homesville          Jones J P - Wymore
Jones J R - Barneston           Jones J T - Wymore
Jones J W - Wymore              Jones M - Adams
Jones M - Wymore                Jones M E - Barneston
Jones O - Wymore                Jones O C - Holmesville
Jones R E - Wymnore             Jones R H - Wymore
Jones S P - Beatrice            Jones T E - Wymore
Jones T H - Wymore              Jones W R - Beatrice
Joseph C M - Liberty            Joseph M - Barneston
Joseph W H - Liberty            Jurgens H - Hanover
Jurgens Hiemke - Hanover        Jurgens H T - Hanover
Jurgens J - Freeman             Jurgens W - Hanover

Kamp, D - Adams                 Karschaker P  Beatrice
Kaska J - Lanham                Kasper M - Adams
Kassing F W - DeWitt            Kauffman W A - Adams
Kees J F - Filley               Kees J H - Liberty
Keck E D - Liberty              Keck S - Barneston
Keckely M - Blue Springs        Keckley M - Lanham
Keckly C H - Odell              Kelly J E - Wymore
Kelly - N J - Wymore            Kempel I - Beatrice
Kendrick J - Odell              Kennedy G D - Wymore
Kent O L - Dewitt               Kenton P - Hanover
Kenyon G F - Adams              Kenyon J - Hoag
Kenyon R A - Adams              Kenyon W - Adams
Kenyon W E - Filley             Keoneke G - Odell
Kepple J - Wymore               Kerby M - Odell
Kerr J - Filley                 Kerr J A - Beatrice
Kersey I - Diller               Kesler W H - Adams
Ketlering J T - Beatrice        Khuen P - Rockford
Kies J A - Wymore               Kiel R - Blue Springs
Kiess L L - Wymore              Kile B F - Wymore
Kiler I - Liberty               Kimberling F H - Odell
Kinery J J - Odell              King C W - Filley
King J - Holmesville            King S - Filley
Kinnaman J J - Wymore           Kinney S A - Blue Springs
Kinzie J - DeWitt               Kinzie J D - DeWitt
Kinzie W - DeWitt               Kipper J - Wilber
Kirby R H - Liberty             Kirkaid F L - Beatrice
Kirdendall M - Wymore           Kittering H - Beatrice
Kivet M - Libert                Kivet N - Liberty
Koch H H - Wymore               Koch J - Wymore
Koenig T - Hoag                 Kohl M - Beatrice
Kohlmeyer H - Odell             Kolling H - DeWitt
Koogler G T - Odell             Kook G - Cortland
Klaassen A - Boag               Klein M - Adams
Klepper J M - Holmesville       Klepper W H - Virginia
Klipper F - Wilber              Klipper H - Wilber
Klipperd L - DeWitt             Klostermeyer H - Wilber
Kludos F - Virginia             Klyn A J - Adams
Knauff P - Lanham               Knoche C - Ellis
Knoche K O - Ellis              Knochle M - Beatrice
Knochle W - Beatrice            Knoles W M - Wymore
Knose W B - Liberty             Knowles R G - Wymore
Kracke C - Adams                Kracke F - DeWitt
Kracke H - DeWitt               Kramer C - Adams
Kramer W - Firth                Krapp C F - Cortland
Krapp J - Cortland              Krapp J B - Cortland
Krauter C G - Wilber            Krauter E - Wilber
Krauter F - Wilber              Krauter G T - Wilber
Krauter W - DeWitt              Krauss A H - Blue Springs
Krause W - Adams                Kretzger J - Firth
Kriter D - Odell                Kroner Nelson - Blue Spgs.
Kronze A - Wymore               Kronze C H - Wymore
Kroos B - Beatrice              Krotz J J - Lanham
Krueger G - Cortland            Krueger W - Cortland
Krues J - Pickrell              Kuhl J - Beatrice
Kuhus F M - Adams               Kuhus J A - Adams
Kurtzer C W - Cortland          Kurz O - Lanham
Kaser W J - virginia            Kyd R - Barneston
Kyle S - Liberty

Lacy B F - Wymore
Lacy H - Wymore                 Ladd J G - Beatrice
Lagawegw W V - Odell            Laisure J R - Homesville
Lall J - Liverty                Lamb I - Beatrice
Lamb J - Cortland               Lamb J L - Beatrice
Lamb J W - Beatrice             Lamb M E - Holmesville
Lamker H - Dewitt               Lampton G W - Adams
Lamwitz C - Ellis               Lanber G - Wilber
Lancaster E - Holmesville       Lancaster W F - Pickrell
Laue A T - Blue Springs         Lane C J - Wymore
Langley G L - Pickrell          Langworth W O - Beatrice
Langworthy L O - Beatrice       Lankwitz G - Beatrice
Larrison J - Odell              Lash G O - Filley
Lash J - Beatrice               Lashen D - Filley
Lashen J R - Filley             Lashen R J - Filley
Latshaw J - Barkey              Latshaw S G - Cortland
Lauderback M - Adma             Laughman D - Odell
Lave D C - Liberty              Lawrence C H - Barkey
Lawshe E - Beatrice             Lawson J W - Cortland
Layton A J - Odell              Layton F M - Odell
Layton H C - Odell              Leach O W - Beatrice
Lee E M - Blue Springs          Lee H M - Blue Springs
Lefever F - Wymore              Legate C K - Blue Springs
Legott J - Odell                Leiby B F - Blue Spriangds
Leigh E C - Beatrice            Leighton W W - Beatrice
Leming I - Holmesville          Leming J jr. - Holmesville
Leming J sr. - Holmesville      Lempe O - Hanover
Leners J - Hanover              Leners R - Hanover
Lenger H H - Beatrice           Lents G H - Odell
Leonard E - Ellis               Leopold W J - Cortland
LePaiddin J - Odell             LePoidvin J - Beatrice
LePoidvin T - Beatrice          Lervis C L - Blue Springs
Levett L M - Blue Springs       Lewis C M - Blue Springs
Lewis H H - Hoag                Lewis J - Pickrell
Lewis J - Wymore                Lewis J B - Aasms
Kewis J K - Hoag                Lewis J W - Blue Springs
Lewis J W -Cortland             Lewis N - Beatrice
Lewis R - Pickrell              Lewis T - Wymore
Lewis W R - Cortland            Lienemann H - Hanover
Lillick G - Beatrice            Lillie E W - Virginia
Lillu W F - Holmesville         Limberger C - Cortland
Linscott J M - Filley           Linton W - Wymore
Liscott J - Blue Springs        List C M - Wymore
Litkemer A - Barkey             Little G F - Odell
Littlejohn D - Adams            Littlejohn M A - Adams
Littlejohn R - Adams            Littlejohn W - Adams
Livingood C W - Blue Spgs.      Lockard A H -- Odell
Lockard E - Odell               Locke W S - Beatrice
Locke J L - Beatrice            Lockhart J - Wyomre
Loeper A - Diller               Loeper F - Diller
Loeper W T - Diller             Logan J H - Barneston
Lohmeyer H - Wilber             Lohmeyer L H - Lanham
Lolbie J - Blue Springs         London W - Odell
Long J - Odell                  Long J B - Adams
Long, John - Diller             Long J W - Adams
Long S A - Liberty              Look J L - Adams
Look T - Cortland               Loomax L O - Firth
Losey W - Virginia              Losey W O - Liberty
Lowe E Lowe - Barneton          Lowe J - Virginia
Lucore A H - Adams              Luederr H - Barkey
Luken A H - Filley              Lumbeck L S - Beatrice
Lumkwitz E - Ellis              Lundferg J E - Wymore
Lutz J F - Barneston            Lynch A J - Adams
Lynch E W - Filley              Lynch J B - Liberty
Lynch J C - Blue Springs        Lynch M - Ellis
Lynch N J - Liberty             Lynch W - Liberty
Lyndes O J - Lanham             Lynk Z W - Filley
Lynk Z W - Virginia             Lytle J N - Liberty
Lytton C E - Odell              Lytton R A - Odell   	

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