Gage County, Nebraska


Business Directory for 1890-1891

Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co., in the
Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

This page was transcribed by Kathy Scott and formatted by Brenda Busing.
This page is for use as a reference only and may not be
reproduced or published by any method. All rights are reserved


McAllister J P - Odell          McBride H M - Filley
McCall D - Liberty              McCallum A J - Pickrell
McCarthy B A - Blue Springs     McCartney D - Adams
McCaw A F - Liberty             McCay J H - Adams
McCleave C A - Wymore           McCleave H - Wymore
McCleave S - Wymore             McClun N - Adams
McClung A W - Virginia          McClung G - Odell
McClung J O - Filley            McClurg T J - Wymore
McCord C - Adams                McCormick A J - Virginia
McCoy J - Beatrice              McCullough C W - Beatrice
McCullough M - Odell            McCullough R M - Odell
McCune D - Virginia             McCune D P - Virginia
McCune E D - Breatrice          McCune F - Rockford
McCyne J A - Virginia           McDaniel C - Liberty
McFarland J F - Liberty         McFarland S - Barneston
McFarland W W - Beatrice        McGaffer F G - Virginia
McGee W M - Beatrice            McGee W T - Odell
McGirr F - Pickrell             McGlaughlin J B - Rockford
McGuire J - Liberty             McGuire J sr - Liberty
McGuire T - Liberty             McHugh D A - Blue Springs
McKay W J - Barneston           McKean W Z - Beatrice
McKeever J H - Wymore           McKennan M - Blue Springs
McKinley W R - Beatrice         McKinney J H - Beatrice
McKittrick E - Diller           McKittrick S - Diller
McKnight J P - Blue Springs     McLaryma R - Filley
McLaughlin R - Wymore           McMames T M - Lanham
McManis A P - Blue Springs      McMaster E C - Filley
McMichael T - Crab Orchard      McMichall W A - Liberty
McMuller W - Crab Orchard       McMurray J A - Liberty
McMurray L M - Liberty          McNultz J - Barneston
McNutt C - Blue Springs         McNutt J E - Blue Springs
McPherson J H - Rockford        McPherson J M - Rockford
McPherson H - Filley            McSherman S T - Beatrice
McVey J L - Filley              Mabary D - Barneston
Mackey J L - Pickrell           Madden F - Diller
Madden H - Diller               Madden J - Wymore
Maddox R H - Firth              Magna D - Blue Springs
Magna D C - Blue Springs        Magna Ed - Blue Springs
Maguire C - Liberty             Mahaffy D A - Holmesville
Mahlock W - Hoag                Maierald T A - Cortland
Main J W - Liberty              Major O - Firth
Makin W - Blue Springs          Mainburg J - Blue Springs
Malstead H - Beatrice           Man S D - Blue Springs
Mangus G - Blue Springs         Mangus W - Virginia
Manigold E - Blue Springs       Manning W M - Lanham
Mantx H J - Liberty             Manz S - Filley
Marke F C - Pickrell            Marple J - Crab Orchard
Marples G - Blue Springs        Marquart A - Blue Springs
Marsh E W - Holmesville         Marsh F - Cortland
Marsh J - Cortland              Marsh W - Cortland
Marshall L B - Beatrice         Marshman F - Cortland
Marshman H - Cortland           Martin J - Adams
Martin James - Blue Springs     Martin John - Blue Springs
Martin O - Adams                Martin S A - Pickrell
Martin T - Blue Springs         Maschmier H - Beatrice
Masemann D - Pickrell           Mashmire C - Beatrice
Mason H O - Beatrice            Mast A - Holmesville
Mast S - Holmesville            Mathews C D - Liberty
Mathews E - Liberty             Mathews E E - Beatrice
Mathews H - Holmesville         Mattice G A - Pickrell
Maurer F - Beatrice             Maxwell E J - Beatrice
Maxwell J - Liberty             Maxwell M F - Blue Springs
Maxwell W M - Beatrice          May S - Beatrice
Maybern T - Lanham              Maylan M - Liberty
Mead J L - Blue Springs         Mead J L - Beatrice
Mechley J W - Hanover           Mechling J - Barneston
Mefford J - Virginia            Meintz A J - Hanover
Meintz B C - Hanover            Meintz C J - Hanover
Meintz H - Beatrice             Meintz H - Hanover
Meiwanger D - Pickrell          Menke P - DeWitt
Merrill A K P - Blue Spgs       Merritt B W - Odell
Meserve J N - Cortland          Metcalf C - Liberty
Metzley J N O - Adams           Metzley J W - Adams
Meyer J - Beatrice              Meyers H W - Pickrell
Meyers P J - Beatrice           Middleton G B - Rockford
Middleton J - Rockford          Middleton J C - Rockford
Miles E H - Filley              Miller A - Hanover
Miller A C - Filley             Miller A L - Barneston
Miller A M F - Pickrell         Miller C - DeWitt
Miller C A - Cortland           Miller E - Hanover
Miller E - Wymore               Miller E J - Adams
Miller F - Wilber               Miller F G - Hanover
Miller G - Beatrice             Miller H - Filley
Miller J - Rockford             Miller J B - Cortland
Miller J B - Odell              Miller J O - Wymore
Miller J H - Liberty            Miller L C - Cortland
Miller P D - Liberty            Miller R J - Blue Springs
Miller S R - Holmesville        Miller S T - Odell
Miller T C - Wymore             Miller W H - Filley
Miller W H - Firth              Miller W J - Holmesville
Milles G - Diller               Mills E - DeWitt
Mills G - Firth                 Miltonberger J - Cortland
Miltonberger W - Cortland       Minkle A - Diller
Mints J C -  Filley             Mitchel T S - Liberty
Mitchel W F - Liberty           Mitchell G - Liberty
Mitchell G T - Wymore           Mitchell M - Blue Springs
Mittan D C - Holmesville        Mittan I B - Holmesville
Mittan W L - Holmesville        Moelier C - Adams
Moffet J L - Lanham             Moflit J - Adams
Mohill M - Beatrice             Mohr Christ - Pickrell
Moller J - Filley               Money J - Filley
Monfelt H - Barneston           Montgomery J A - Pickrell
Montgomery J P - Pickrell       Montgomery L - Pickrell
Montgomery P - Pickrell         Montgomery T G - Wilber
Montony J - Odell               Mooner P - Blue Springs
Mooney D - Blue Springs         Moore - D J - Blue Springs
Moore E - Liberty               Moore G E - Filley
Moore H L - Pickrell            Moore J - Holmesville
Moore J M - Adams               Moore J W - Pickrell
Moore T - DeWitt        	Moore Wallace - Freeman
Morb T - Odell                  Moreland J - Diler
Morford J W - Pickrell          Morgan D L - Liberty
Moriarty A - Ellis              Morris A R - Blue Springs
Morris C L - Pickrell           Morris G W - Lanham
Morris J B - Rockford           Morris S - DeWitt
Morris S L - DeWitt             Morris W H - Cortland
Morrison W A - Pickrell         Morrison W W - Beatrice
Morse F H - Holmesville         Morse L E - Diller
Morse W W - Beatrice            Morse W W - Hoag
Morton C F - Liberty            Morton W S - Liberty
Mosby C S - Adams               Mosby T D - Adams
Moschel D - Beatrice            Moschel L - Beatrice
Moseley F P - Odell             Moser E N - Beatrice
Moser R C - Diller              Moser S W - Odell
Moses J A - Ellis               Mossman B A - Barneston
Mossman S L - Barneston         Mount E - Liberty
Mount R - Liberty               Mouser J P - Barneston
Mowry C C - Odell               Mowry J C - Blue Springs
Mowry M - Blue Springs          Muathe J - Wymore
Mudge C M - Odell               Mudge S R - Odell
Mudge W E - Odell               Mueller H F - Lanham
Muhlansen E - Liberty           Muhlansen R H - Filley
Munlausen W M - Blue Spgs       Muller J - Barkey
Mumford C B - Freeman           Mumford E P - Freeman
Mumford F W - Freeman           Mumford G R - Freeman
Mumford J B - Freeman           Mumford J W - Freeman
Munster B - Beatrice            Murgatroyd J - Blue Springs
Murgatroyd R - Blue Springs     Murphy E - Barneston
Murphy I - Adams                Murphy J E - Odell
Morphy J G - Adams              Murphy S - Barneston
Murry C N - Beatrice            Musselman S - Virginia
Myer D H - Cortland             Myers H M - DeWitt
Myers V - Homesville        
Nance R - Pickrell              Nardharst D R - Wymore
Nash Phebe - Wymore             Naxon S S - Adams
Naylor A - Cortland             Naylor I - Cortland
Naylor J B - Cortland           Neff J - Wymore
Neher M G - Rockford            Neis W - Diller
Neilson N - Beatrice            Neil F L - Blue Springs
Nelson F - Wymore              	Nelson J - Liberty
Nelson L - Odell                Nelson M - Diller
Nelson P - Diller               Nesbit J D - Liberty
Netzley D K - Pickrell          Netzley H D - Pickrell
Netzley U J - Pickrell          Neutson G - Lanham
Nevitt J W - Pickrell           New J C - Holmesville
Newcomb G W - Pickrell          Newcomber O - Odell
Newman C J M - Wymore           Newman J - Wymore
Newman L - Wymore               Newman M C - Odell
Newman W - Hoag                 Newton F - Beatrice
Newton F C - Blue Springs       Newton G C - Betrice
Newton H - Beatrice             Neyhart E - Holmesville
Neyhart E B - Holmesville       Neyhart F C - Holmesville
Nicewanger A - Pickrell         Nicewanger W - Pickrell
Nickerson C J - Ellis           Nickolas F F - DeWitt
Nickolas R - Dewitt             Nickolls J B - Filley
Nickolls W J - Filley           Nickson A L - Ellis
Niebur J - Cortland             Niervadde H - Pickrell
Nies P - Ellis                  Nighbert J M - Cortland
Nines G - Beatrice              Nisley M H - Beatrice
Noakes C - Crab Orchard         Noakes F - Crab Orchard
Noakes W - Crab Orchard         Noe G - Wymore
Nolen N C - Barneston           Noll D H - Wymore
Noll E C - Wymore               Nookes T - Crab Orchard
Norred C J - Beatrice           Norris J P - Blue Springs
Norris N - Blue Springs         Norton M - Filley
Nortoney J - Diller             Nortoney Joseph - Diller
Novoting J - Virginia           Nuller J - Hanover

Oates E - Barneston             Oates T - Barneston
Obeman F H - Cortland           O'Brien P C - Blue Springs
Ocks F - Ellis                  Odell H - Beatrice
Odell J M - Barneston           Ojers C H - Beatrice
Ojers J A - DeWitt              Ojers R N - DeWitt
Olds F M - Wymore               Olels J V - Wymore
Oliver J - Odell                Oliver R - Odell
Olmstead E R - Liberty          Olmstead H J - Liberty
Olson A - Barneston             Oltman A - Cortland
Oltman O - Cortland             Ommen G - Hanvoer
Ommen J - Hanvoer               Openheimer L - Crab Orchard
Openheimer M - Crab Orchard     Ororke J - Cortland
Orr B F - Blue Springs          Orr W - Cortland
Ortgeisen G - Hanover           Ortman J - Beatrice
Osbaugh J - Ellis               Otte H - Pickrell
Ottmans D jr - Hanover          Ottmans D sr - Hanover
Overbeck F - DeWitt             Overbeck H - Pickrell
Overheiser E W - Cortland       Overlee P S - Holmesville
Overt F F - Filley              Overt H - Adams
Overt J C - Filley              Owens G - Diller
Owens R - Liberty               Owens R - Wymore
Ozman T P - Wymore

Packer H - Diller               Packer J - Diller
Page Jennie - Blue Springs      Paine L - Pickrell
Paine L G - Pickrell            Pair W H - Blue Springs
Palmer C H - Liberty            Palmer C M - Liberty
Palmer G W - Freeman            Palmer J - Liberty
Palmer J A - Odell              Palmer S R - Filley
Pape H - Cortland               Parde H - Hanpover
Parde P - Hanover               Parde W - Beatrice
Parker G G - Lanham             Parker C J - Diller
Parmner W - Liberty             Parry O - Barneston
Parry W W - Barneston           Patberg L - Adams
Patto A R - Blue Springs        Paul A J - Blue Springs
Paul F G - Blue Springs         Paul J A - Blue Springs
Paul J G - Blue Springs         Payne L C - Odell
Payson J A - Cortland           Pearl F - Wymore
Pearl W L - Wymore              Pearson P - Barneston
Pease J A - Rockford            Peck H E - Libery
Peckee J - Odell                Peimamm H - Wilber
Pell J N - Pickrell             Pelton A - Beatrice
Pelton O H - Pickrell           Pelton P - Pickrell
Pence E - Freeman               Pence G W - Freeman
Pence J - Beatrice              Pence J H - Freeman
Penn S E - Holmesville          Penner G - Beatrice
Penner G - Hoag                 Penner H - Beatrice
Penner H - Boag                 Penner J - Hoag
Penner John - Beatrice          Penner P - Beatrice
Penner W - Hoag                 Penner W A - Beatrcie
Pervine J - Odell               Peters A - Holmesville
Peters O - Rockford             Peterson C - Filley
Peterson C - Wymore             Peterson F - Virginia
Peterson G - Hanover            Pethoud A J - Pickrell
Pethoud F M - Beatrice          Pethoud F M jr - Beatrice
Pethoud J K - Beatrice          Pethoud J S - Cortland
Pethoud J T - Hanover           Pethoud P C - Beatrice
Pethoud W R - Pickrell          Petit A - Beatrice
Petty J - Wymore                Petty J J - Wymore
Petz A -  Adams                 Petz C - Pickrell
Philbrick C P - Wymore          Phillips G W - Odell
Phillips H B - Adams            Phillips S C - Lanham
Phipps D - Holmesville          Picher C O - Rockford
Pickett B - Barneston           Pickett J - Barneston
Pickett P - Barneston           Pierce A A - Pickrell
Pifer D - Filley                Pifer J - Adams 
Pifer  S - Adams                Pike C - DeWitt
Pinkava J - Crab Orchard        Pinneo F - Blue Springs
Piper H F - DeWitt              Pitcherd J - Filley
Pitman J - Filley               Pitt D - Beatrice
Pitts G - Diller                Pittenger H F - Beatrice
Pittenger G M - Beatrice        Plasters J - Blue Springs
Plasters W F - Blue Springs     Piebuck J F - Beatrice
Piebuck M - Beatrice            Plough Jo - Beatrice
Plucknett Jas - DeWitt          Plucknett John - DeWitt
Plucknett W - DeWitt            Poe T - Odell
Pohlman F - DeWitt              Pohlman H - DeWitt
Pointer T C - Rockford          Polak A - Barneston
Pope D - Pickrell               Pope W H - Pickrell
Porterfield J E - Liberty       Portlock E F - Adams
Postlewait F M - Odell          Potter W - Liberty
Potts C - Cortland              Potts S - Ellis
Powell J - Barneston            Powell J E - Firth
Prebel Mitt - Wymore            Prentice G - Odell
Preston J L - DeWitt            Price C H - Beatrice
Price F - Beatrice              Price S J - Adams
Priebe F J - Beatrice           Prieskons G - Beatrice
Priest J - Wymore               Prosser B F - Wymore
Prosser Wm - Wymore             Pursell S B - Ellis
Pyfer S L - Odel                Pyle G W - Liberty
Pyle H E - Liberty              Pyle S L - Wymore

Quackenbush A P - Beatrice      Quackenbush D C - DeWitt
Quackenbush E B - DeWitt        Quackenbush M - DeWitt

Rable G - Adams                 Rachel M - Liberty
Rackley G L - Blue Springs      Rahe Henry - Pickrell
Railsback T H - Liberty         Rains F - Beatrice
Rains M - Beatrice              Rains M H - Odell
Rains W E - Odell               Ralston O P - Ellis
Ramsey J H - Filley             Randall H J - Beatrice
Randall O T - Beatrice          Rasch F - Beatrice
Rasey S - Lanham                Rathborn C - Odell
Rathbun C E - Ellis             Rathburn F - Odell
Rathburn Jas - Odell            Rathburn Jno - Odell
Rathburn L - Odell              Ratliff S S - Barneston
Rawley D sr - Wymore            Rawley T - Wymore
Rawlston Wm - Lanham            Ray A - Beatrice
Ray C - Odell                   Ray C - Virginia
Ray H - Liberty                 Ray J T - Beatrice
Ray T - Beatrice                Ray T A - Liberty
Reed A J - Wymore               Reed C L - Wymore
Reed D W - Wymore               Reed E H - Filley
Reed J - Beatrice               Reed J M - Beatrice
Reed J M - DeWitt               Reel A C - Ellis
Rees E B - Wymore               Reeves G - Blue Springs
Rehm W - DeWitt                 Reid G W - DeWitt
Reid I N - Blue Springs         Reid J C - Blue Springs
Reid J T - Blue Springs         Reid W C - Blue Springs
Reiff A S - Holmesville         Reiff J - Holmesville
Reiff J H - Holmesville         Reimer A - Beatrice
Reimer B - Beatrice             Reimer P - Beatrice
Relmund A B - Beatrice          Reimund H - Beatrice
Reimund W O - Beatrice          Reints H - Beatrice
Reis C - Barneston              Reis J - Liberty
Reise C - Lanham                Reisen J V - Hoag
Reitz C J - Barnesville         Remley J H - Filley
Remmers J E - Firth             Remmers J K - Wymore
Remmers T - Hanover             Renard J B - Oddell
Retchies W - Liberty            Reynolds G B - Ellis
Reynolds J - Adams              Reynolds M F - Barnesville
Rhea W R - Wilber               Rhodes J L - Beatrice
Rice C E - Blue Springs         Rice H - Odell
Rice J - Odell                  Richards G F - Odell
Richards M - Blue Springs       Richards S - Blue Springs
Richardson J - Filley           Richardson F - Blue Springs
Richardson H - DeWitt           Richardson H N - Beatrice
Richardson J - Blue Spirngs     Richardson P - Filley
Richardson W M - Filley         Richel E - Blue Springs
Rickard D - DeWitt              Rickard D H - DeWitt
Rickard F M - Beatrice          Rickard J - DeWitt
Rickard L B - DeWitt            Ried G D - Odell
Ried J - Odell                  Ried W J - Odell
Ried Wm - Odell                 Riffey H - Holmesville
Rile F J - Blue Springs         Riley J - Blue Springs
Riley W L - Blue Springs        Ringsby B S - Adams
Ringlsy M M - Adams             Rinker S E - Pickrell
Ripley C A - Liberty            Ripley J L - Adams
Riston F - Cortland             Ritchey J - Barneston
Ritchey M F - Barneston         Ritter R - Crab Orchard
Ritter S A - Filley             Robb J E - Barkey
Robb R - Blue Springs           Robb W G - Cortland
Roberts E - Barneston           Roberts J - Wymore
Roberts J L L - Wymore          Roberts J W - Wymore
Roberts O H - Wymore            Roberts W H - Wymore
Robertson M - Odell             Robeson E L - Beatrice
Robinson J - Blue Springs       Robinson M - Blue Springs
Rochelle P - Diller             Rockhold L N - Wymore
Rodebaugh R - Beatrice          Rodmaker F R - Cortland
Roderick G - Blue Springs       Roderick L F - Beatrice
Rods M - Adams                  Roe J B - Hoag
Roelfs B F - Cortland           Roelfs M - Cortland
Roelfs S F - Cortland           Roelfs T - Cortland
Rofs M - Diller                 Roger D W - Pickrell
Rogers J - Pickrell             Rogers O C - Blue Springs
Rogers O M - Holmesville        Rogers S V - Holmesville
Rogers W L - Hoag               Rogman J - Adams
Rohe H - Cortland               Rohe H F - Pickrell
Root W - Holmesville            Rosborough J W - Blue Springs
Ross A O - Firth                Rose G D - Liberty
Rose H M - Diller               Rose J - Liberty
Roseman F - Odell               Roseman G C - Lanham
Ross John - Filley              Ross M A - Firth
Rossell J - Freeman             Rossiter R - Dewitt
Roush C B - Freeman             Rough J - Freeman
Roush S - Freeman               Rowland W - Barneston
Royal F - Beatrice              Ruby R H - Cortland
Rudder G - Freeman              Rudder L - Freeman
Ruhl J - Cortland               Ruhl W - Cortland
Rumbaugh H F - Blue Springs     Rumbaugh J K - Blue Springs
Rumbaugh S S - Holmesville      Rupprecht F - Ellis
Rupprecht G - Cortland          Rusk F - Hoag
Russel G O - Wymore             Russell J - DeWitt
Russell S A - Blue Springs      Rutland B - Odell
Rutland W N - Odell             Rutter C H - Pickrell
Rutter J W - Pickrell           Ruyle L L - Virginia
Ruyl W H - Rockford             Ruzeick J - Odell
Ryan J F - Barneston            Ryan - P B - Barneston 	

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