Gage County, Nebraska


Business Directory for 1890-1891

Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co., in the
Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

This page was transcribed by Kathy Scott and formatted by Brenda Busing.
This page is for use as a reference only and may not be
reproduced or published by any method. All rights are reserved


Saathoff G - Wymore             Sachtleben H - Firth
Saffell L - Odell               Sage A D - Beatrice
Salts Peter - Holmesville       Samietzhi J - Hoag
Sammletzkle l - Beatrice        Samsel J O - Odell
Samsel J W - Odell              Sandborn A V - Ellis
Sanders J M - Hanover           Sanders S S - Adams
Saneck F - Lanham               Sang B - Wymore
Sarling S R - Holmesville       Sausman J P - Cortland
Savage F M - DeWitt             Savage H J - DeWitt
Savage J O - DeWitt             Sawer N - Odell
Saxonberger F R - Virginia      Saylor I - Lanham
Schaeffer E - Hanover           Schafer P - Diller
Schauemaum G - Cortland         Schell R - Cortland
Schell J - Cortland             Schell R - Cortland
Scheumann E - Barneston         Scheve J - Beatrice
Schiake H - Hoag                Schlivitz L F - DeWitt
Schmalgemeyer A - Pickrell      Schmidt I - Hanover
Schmidt K A - Liberty           Schmidt M - Odell
Schobr F - Pickrell             Schock J D - Blue Springs
Schoder G H - Holmesville       Scholtz H - Lanham
Schone W B - Hanover            Schoueweis F - Hanover
Schramm G H - Wilber            Schramm H - Wilber
Schroder D - Pickrell           Schroder H - Pickrell
Schroder H - Cortland           Schroder W - Pickrell
Schuler C - Beatrice            Schultz F C - Holmesville
Schumann J - Barneston          Schuster F M - Hanover
Schuster H E - Pickrell         Schuster J H - Pickrell
Schuster J W - Freeman          Scott E H - Crab Orchard
Scott J - Wymore                Scott S M - Beatrice
Scott W D - Blue Springs        Scroggs L A - Odell
Seabury H - Filley              Search G W - Wymore
Search T - Wymore               Searcy J W - Liberty
Sears C T - Diller              Seefeld J - Wymore
Seidler E - Cortland            Seity I - Lanham
Selnester D - Hanover           Selvester F - Beatrice
Serrett G H - Wymore            Sestek F - Odell
Severence E M - Beatrice        Sexton G - Beatrice
Shadie G A - Lanham             Shafer D W - Liberty
Shaffer G C - Beatrice          Shaffer G H - Hanover
Shalia F - Odell                Shalia J - Odell
Shalla V - Odell                Shanley W - Crab Orchard
Shannon G D - Liberty           Sharp C - Liberty
Sharp I - Beatrice              Sharp J - Odell
Sharp J - Liberty               Sharp N - Liberty
Sharp N - Liberty               Sharp W R - Liberty
Sharpe J - Adams                Shaw B F - Holmesville
Shaw E - Adams                  Shaw H J - Holmesville
Shaw S A - Holmesville          Shaw W P - Adams
Suedd M A - Pickrell            Sheen L - DeWitt
Sheets M - Blue Springs         Shehan M - Odell
Sheidler J - Odell              Shellenbarger J F - Rockford
Shelly J W - Holmesville        Shelly T - Holmesville
Sheriden A - Barneston          Sheridan W D - Wymore
Sherling L - Diller             Sherman A J - Beatrice
Sherman S E - Beatrice          Sherman S M - Cortland
Sherrill J B - Beatrice         Sherrill S C - Beatrice
Sherwood A S - Filley           Sherwood F B - Barneston
Sherwood G J - Liberty          Sherwood J E - Beatrice
Sherwood W E - Banreston        Shick Jno - Holmesville
Shick W - Holmesville           Shindler A - Barneston
Shinn B H - Odell               Shipley J D - Holmesville
Shirley J W - Odell             Shoemaker J N - Beatrice
Shoers M F - Cortland           Shossa J L - Blue Springs
Shottenkirk W - Beatrice        Shriver J J - Wymore
Shrock J - Blue Springs         Shultz P - Hoag
Sibel F - Odell                 Sibel J - Odell
Sichley J - Wymore              Silkett G - Odell
Silkett P - Odell               Silvernail H M - Adms
Silvernail O F - Adams          Silvernail W W - Adams
Simes C - DeWitt                Simonds I H - Beatrice
Simons A - Holmesville          Simons J - Odell
Simons J - Hanover              Simpson N R - Virginia
Sinclair J - Odell              Sinclair R - Odell
Singleton J W - Odell           Sipes A - Diller
Sisco R - Lanham                Skillinger F - Wymore
Skinner A W - Firth             Skinner B A - Wymore
Skinner H D - Firth             Skinner J M - Wymore
Skrabal A - Diller              Skubal J - Virginia
Skykes G - Firth                Slater Z B - Beatrice
Slavin W - Diller               Slosson T D - Filley
Smallfoot A - Adams             Smane D O - Virginia
Smetherest W B - Odell          Smethwest J - Odell
Smiley G W - Wymore             Smith A J - Odell
Smithy A K - Blue Springs       Smith B - Beatrice
Smith B L - Blue Springs        Smith C A - Barneston
Smith C B - Pickrell            Smith C M - Freeman
Smith D - Filley                Smith D R - Beatrice
Smith E - Liberty               Smith E - Odell
Smith F - Blue Springs          Smith F W - Ellis
Smith G O - Blue Springs        Smith H W - Adams
Smith J - Odell                 Smith J - Wymore
Smith J E - Adams               Smith J K - Odell
Smith L J - Blue Springs        Smith M R - Beatrice
Smith N - Lanham                Smith S A - Blue Springs
Smith S A - Holmesville         Smith S R - Filley
Smith T L - Ellis               Smith W - Barneston
Smith W - Wynmore               Smith Wm - Lanham
Smithers P J - Lanham           Smithers S - Lanham
Snoboda J - Crab Orchard        Snyder C H - Adams
Snyder G W - Holmesville        Snyder G W - Wymore
Snyder J I - Blue Springs       Synder N J - Liberty
Snyder W A - Diller             Soeph F R - Barneston
Sollenberger M L - Pickrel      Soper E M - Hoag
Sorenson F - Filley             Sorenson M - Filley
Sorenson P - Adams              Soule E - Pickrell 
Sowers G - Cortland             Sowle E - Odell
Spahr J W - Lanham              Spang J H - Adams
Spang P - Adams                 Sparks J - Ellis
Sparks J J - Ellis              Sparks M A - Beatrice
Sparks S A - Ellis              Sparks W M - Ellis
Sparks W N - Ellis              Sparrow D - Odell
Spear W M - Liberty             Speer J - Liberty
Spellmeyer F - Cortland         Spencer W - Wymore
Spicer S S - Wymore             Spilher H J - Pickrell
Spilker C - DeWitt              Spilker E - DeWitt
Spilker F - DeWitt              Spilker H - DeWitt
Spilker W - DeWitt              Spire M L - Holmesville
Spoon D - Wymore                Sporing D - Barkey
Sporing - J - Barkley           Sprague W B - Cortland
Sprowls A - Liberty             Stahl W A - Liberty
Stalder J - Odell               Stambaugh J  Holmesville
Stanfield W H - Pickrell        Stanley H E - Cortland
Stanly M M - Cortland           Stanly P - Adams
Stark F - Cortland              Stark S - Holmesville
Steece G M - Beatrice           Steele E P - Holmesiville
Steele J N - Pickrell           Steflin W M - Ellis
Steiber J - Diller              Steiber Wm - Diller
Steinmeyer F - DeWitt           Steinmeyer Wm - DeWitt
Steivley J - Adams              Stephenson F - Wymore
Stephenson G T - Wymore         Stephenson J - Barneston
Stevens C A - Beatrice          Stevens E - Virginia
Stevens E - Adams               Stevens J S - Adams
Stevenson W G - Rockford        Stewart C E - Cortland
Stewart I N - Beatrice          Stewart J B - Liberty
Stewart W M - Beatrice          Stewart W M - Cortland
Stexens S L - Virginia          Stiehl P - Corltand
Stiles J M - DeWitt             Stine Wm - Cortland
Stocker G - Wilber              Stoll A F - Beatrice
Stoll C M - Beatrice            Stoll H A - Beatrice
Stoll H C - Beatrice            Stonebraker W J - Liberty
Stoner W H - Filley             Stranch F - Barneston
Strander A - Filley             Strawn D M - Barneston
Stroemer C B E - Barneston      Strommer J - Wymore
Stromer J H - Wymore            Studjoin L - Pickrell
Studyour N A - Pickrell         Stutzman J E - Virginia
Stutzman J S - Virginia         Sullivan D sr. - Barneston
Summers A - Liberty             Summers J W - DeWitt
Summer W C - Ellis              Sunderland A H - Wymore
Sunderland J L - Barneston      Sunderline J - Wymore
Sunderlin L - Wymore            Sutherland R - Liberty
Sutliff W B - Ellis             Sutter G - Barneston
Sutton F - Beatrice             Swain O - Filley
Swain R - FilleySwaney          J W - Cortland
Swansen A - Adams               Swansey J D - Cortland
Swarink M F - Firth             Swartz C - Pickrell
Swartz J W - Filley             Sweet E R - Firth
Sweetser G O - Beatrice         Swiler A H - Beatrice
Swiler J B - Blue Springs       Swoboda H J - Crab Orchard
Swoveriand P - Blue Springs     Sykes M B - Cortland
Synovac V - Barneston           Synovec H - Odell
Sypherd C - Barneston           Sypherd E L - Barneston

Tabor D - Filley                Tabor L B - Filley
Talmon C W - Odell              Talmon D - Odell
Tangnier G - Pickrell           Tanner A - Beatrice
Tanner J - Beatrice             Tanner W - Beatrice
Tatge E - Hoag                  Tatman G W - Wymore
Taylor A - Wymore               Taylor A L - Wymore
Taylor C - Odell                Taylor J - Wymore
Taylor J H - Wymore             Taylor S - Wymore
Taylor S - Liberty              Teagardon T P - Odell
Tebrink D J - Firth             Tebrink R - Firth
Tegier _ - Cortland             Teisman H - Pickrell
Teismeyer H - Wilber            Temple O M - Blue Springs
Temple W E - Blue Springs       Tenbrink P T - Beatrice
Terry S D - Beatrice            Thayer C H - Rockford
Thimm H - Hoag                  Thimm J - Hoag
Thom C - Holmesville            Thom P - Holmesville
Thoman W J - Blue Springs       Thomas D F - Liberty
Thomas N D - Adams              Thomas S E - Wymore
Thomas S G - DeWitt             Thomas W P - Adams
Thompson D - Hoag               Thompson J M - Filley
Thompson L W - Beatrice         Thompson N W - Pickrell
Thompson O L - Beatrice         Thompson R N - Liberty
Thompson W - Lanham             Thornberry R - Beatrice
Thornburg A L - Beatrice        Thornburg E A - Beatrice
Thornburg J D - Beatrice        Thurman G - Wilber
Tiahart C - Hoag                Tiabart F - Hoag
Tibbetts J J - Holmesville      Tichnor L L - Beatrice
Tieman H - DwWitt               Tiemann F W - DeWitt
tilton A C - Filley             Tilton A M - Filley
Tilton H - Odell                Tinkham A L - Beatrice
Tinkham D A - Beatrice          Tinklepaugh F L - Filley
Titkmeyer F - Wilber            Titkmeyer W - Wilber
Toboben D - DwWitt              Tobyne S E - Blue Springs
Tobynn S N - Blue Springs       Tombaugh A - Holmesville
Tombaugh E E - Holmesville      Tombaugh G W - Holmesville
Tombaugh L L - Holmesville      Tomlison H C - Blue Springs
Tomlison R - Blue Springs       Townsend D - Pickrell
Townsend W M - Pickrell         Tramblin J - Cortland
Tranernicht J - Wymore          Tranernicht J T - Wymore
Tranernicht M - Wymore          Tranernicht P - Hanover
Transen M - Filley              Trantwein J - Blue Springs
Travis C H - Rockford           Trekell F S - Cortland
Trekell G H - Cortland          Trekell J K - Cortland
Triede A J - Cortland           Triggs T M - Barneston
Trimmer A - Liberty             Trimmer T - Liberty
Tripp S - Lanham                Tripple G - DeWitt
Trowbridge J M - Wymore         Troyer Isaiah - Holmesville
Trump L - Wymore                Truxaw F - Odell
Turner J H -Blue Springs        Turner R S - Blue Springs
Tusse R J - DeWitt              Tuttle W H - Beatrice

Ubering F - DeWitt              Ulrich C G - DeWitt
Ulrich F - Cortland             Unangst W J - Holmesville
Underhill H Y - Barneston       Underwood W - Wilber
Unterkircher Z - Beatrice       Upliner J - Cortland
Upson R E - Odell               Upson W A - Odell
Upton J - Filley                Upton I - Crab Orchard

Valentine A D - Rockford        Valentine C F - Diller
Valentine J - Rockford          Valentine L H - Diller
VanBeck H - Adams               VanBurgh A P - Filley
VanBuskirk L - Beatrice         Vance J J - Wymore
VanDalsen H - Liberty           Vandewige J - Firth
VanDyke A - Beatrice            VanDyke J G - Rockford
VanDyke N A - Beatrice          Vanliew M E - Beatrice
VanPelt C E - Virginia          Vansweringer W - Lanham
Vanzant W E - Wymore            Vasey D - Holmesville
Vasey G - Blue Springs          Vasey J - Holmesville
Vasey T - Rockford              Vaughn R - Rockford
Veach J M - Filley              Vertrees S D - Beatrice
Vieths F A - Diller             Viney H - Blue Springs
Vitosh J - Odell                Voellehu L - Blue Springs
Vogle J - Barneston             Vogt H - DeWitt
Vogt W - Hoag                   Vonasek F - Odell
Vonasek T - Crab Orchard        Vonderfecht A - DeWitt
Vonderfecht H - Cortland        Voorhees B F - Virginia
Voorhees M B - Virginia         Vreeland J G - Odell
Vrooman A K - Ellis

Waddell T B - Odell             Waddell W S - Odell
Wafham W - Beatrice             Wagner H - Beatrice
Wagner J W - Beatrice           Wagner R W - Blue Springs
Wagner W A - Beatrice           Wagoner A M - Adams
Waight W - Pickrell             Wakennight J T - Pickrell
Walden J - Odell                Waldon S E - Odell
W_____ H - Hanover              Walken J - Hanover
Walker A - Cortland             Walker C - Lanham
Walker E D - Blue Springs       Walker F - Odell
Walker F T - Cortland           Walker G W - Blue Springs
Walker G H - Lanham             Walker G - Blue Springs
Walker H - Freeman              Walker I - Cortland
Walker J - Adams                Walker J - Liberty
Walker J F - Beatrice           Walker P C - Freeman
Walker R C - Holmesville        Walker W E - Blue Springs
Walker Wm - Odell               Wallace A C - Pickrell
Wallace J - Beatrice            Wallen J H - Rockford
Wallenburg W - Hoag             Wallmann E - Hanover
Walsh M B - Blue Springs        Wamstead J - Beatrice
Wander__ J - Blue Springs       Ward D B - Ellis
Ward W T - Diller               Wardel A - DeWitt
Wardel W - DeWitt               Wardlaw J M - Pickrell
Ware J G - Liberty              Warford L M - Rockford
Warren C G - Firth              Warren F A - Blue Springs
Warren H - Liberty              Warren J - Beatrice
Wartham W P - Lanham            Warthen J B - Pickrell
Wartman J - Cortland            Wasson F E - Ellis
Watson H - Diller               Watson T - Pickrell
Watson W C - Adams              Way A C - Odell
Waymann H - DeWitt              Weaver A - Holmesville
Weber F - Pickrell              Webster E W - Beatrice
Weddeman H - Cortland           Weddle J R - Wymore
Wegner H - Wilber               Wehnes H - Barkey
Weibe J G jr - Beatrice         Weiner R - Wymore
Weise C - DeWitt                Weiser S A - Cortland
Weiser S W - Cortland           Welch A L - Crab Orchard
Welch J - Barneston             Wenrick G - Holmesville
Wenrick P - Holmesville         Wentzel J - Cortland
Wenzel A - Barkey               Wenzel J - Barkey
Werner Lewis - Beatrice         Wesiman F L - Virginia
West I - Blue Springs           West J jr - Beatrice
West J sr - Beatrice            West J C - Blue Spirngs
West S A - Blue Springs         West W H - Beatrice
West W M - Wymore               Weston M F - Wymore
Weston W - Holmesville          Wetness J - Wymore
Weyer P - Barneston             Whalen J - Pickrell
Whalen J T - Pickrell           Whalen M P - Pickrell
Wheeler G W - Beatrice          Wheeler J M - Pickrell
Wheeler S P - Beatrice          Wheeler T G - DeWitt
Wheeler W J - Blue Springs      Wheelock A B - Blue Springs
Whipkey J - Pickrell            Whitcomb F - Beatrice
White G B - Odell               White J D - Pickrell
White J W - Wymore              Whited J F - Liberty
Whitenesh E - Blue Springs      Whitmarsh D - Holmesville
Whittaker H - Odell             Whittaker W B - DeWitt
Whittemore V S - Beatrice       Whitton R - Wymore
Whorton W M - Wymore            Whyman O H - Adams
Whyman V M - Adams              Wians B - Beatrice
Wibb R - Diller                 Wick A - Blue Springs
Wick H L - Blue Springs         Wick W W - Blue Springs
Wickersham N H - Adams          Widener C - Wymore
Wiebe H J - Beatrice            Wiebe J - Beatrice
Wier J - Adams                  Wierman P M - Odell
Wieshohn J - Hoag               Wiggin J A - Pickrell
Wignail B F - Liberty           Wignail J - Liberty
Wignail J W - Liberty           Wilkinson A - Beatrice
Wilkinson G A - Beatrice        Wilkinson G C - Blue Springs
Wilkinson J M - Beatrice        Wilkinson T - Beatrice
Willard I F - Odell             Willet H - Firth
Willex E - Crab Orchard         Willhalm C - Adams
Williams D - Blue Springs       Williams F T - Adams
Williams J W - Filley           Williams S J - Pickrell
Williams S M - Wymore           Williams T - Beatrice
Williams T - Freeman            Williams T - Blue Springs
Williams W E - Freeman          Williams W T - Pickrell
Williamson G - Lanham           Williamson H - Lanham
Willis H L - Virginia           Willis J W - Rockford
Willis M A - Holmesville        Willy L - Liberty
Wilson C F - Adams              Wilson D H - Wymore
Wilson G H - cortland           Wilson J - Beatrice
Wilson J A - Blue Springs       Wilson J L - Adam
Wilson J T - Adams              Wilson O M - Adams
Wilson R - Beatrice             Wilson R - Liberty
Wilson S A - Adams              Wilson S E - Odell
Wilson S S - Blue Springs       Wilson W - Blue Springs
Wilson W B - Holmesville        Wilson W C - Wymore
Winch L - Adams                 Winchell B F - Filley
Winchell C - Filley             Windbigler V M - Cortland
Windle E - Holmesville          Windle G - Cortland
Windle J M - Cortland           Windle R W - Rockford
Windle S E - Cortland           Wingard U M - Wymore
Winkle J C - Beatrice           Winrick D - Rockford
Winter Wm - Cortland            Wintermutte C - Firth
Wintz M - Ellis                 Wireman N E - Odell
Wireman W A - Odell             Wirges P - Holmesville
Wisdom M S - Blue Springs       Wise J - Cortland
With J - Wymore                 With J H - Wymore
With W G W - Wymore             Withers G A - Liberty
Witnep F - Wymore               Witzenberg J - Blue Springs
Wolf A - Odell                  Wolf C - Odell
Wolf F - Hoag                   Wolf T J - Odell
Wolfe E - Beatrice              Wolfe J - Wymore
Wolif W F - Rockford            Wolken M E - Barneston
Wonasek J - Virginia            Wonder G - Blue Springs
Wonderly A D - Cortland         Wonderly D W - Cortland
Wood A C - Diller               Wood G B - Blue Springs
Wood P - Liberty                Woodburn P L - Odell
Woodburn Wm - Odell             Woodlock M - Odell
Woods G - Beatrice              Woods J H - Beatrice
Woolsey W - Beatrice            Woolsey W M - Pickrell
Woodward J C - Liberty          Woodworth R G - Wymore
Workman J - Adams               Works W F - Filley
Worthen R - Odell               Woten W I - Adams
Wright A B - Diller             Wright A L - Virginia
Wright C H - Odell              Wright F U - Blue Springs
Wright G - Liberty              Wright J - Liberty
Wright J E - Liberty            Wright J H - Virginia
Wright M - Blue Springs         Wright W S - Liberty
Wrightman N - Holmesville       Wyatt W P - Barneston
Wyatt W P - Beatrice            Wykoff J A - Wymore
Wykoff L E - Wymore             Wykoff W H - Whomre
Wymore C S - Liberty            Wymore G - Odell
Wymore G B - Wynore             Wymore J L - Odell
Wymore L H - Liberty            Wymore Wm - Odell

Yack W J - Adams                Yager J E - Odell
Yates H - Wymore                Yates S - Crab Orchard
Yelsma J - Adams                Yelsma L - Adams
Yelsma O - Adams                Yepsen P - Filley
Yoble F - Barneston             Yockey J W - Adams
Yoder G W - DeWitt              Yohe J - Crab Orchard
Yohe W R - Crab Orchard         York N Y - Barneston
Yother Danl - Blue Springs      Yother David - Blue Springs
Yother I N - Liberty            Young G - Wymore
Young J H - Wymore              Young S A - Liberty
Yule W P - DeWitt               Zachrison J - Blue Springs
Zahlten A - Liberty             Zarebricky F - Blue Springs
Zeigenhain C - Ellis            Zeller J - Homesville
Zimmerman A - Adams             Zimmerman C - Hanover
Zimmerman J - Freeman           Zimmerman J A - Beatrice
Zimmerman J H - Beatrice        Zimmerman M - Beatrice
Zimmerman P J - Ellis           Zimmerman R - Wymore
Zimmerman T - Freeman           Zimmerman W F - Adams
Zuber J - Barneston             Zuver G W - Adams	

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