NEGenWeb Project - Richardson County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


in Nebraska



Lewis C. Edwards

ICHARDSON COUNTY, in the southeast corner of Nebraska, was named in honor of William A. Richardson of Illinois. It is said Richardson never set foot in the county that bears his name, nor did he see it except for whatever fleeting glimpse he may have had of it from the deck of a river steamboat that plowed its way northward in the surging waters of the Missouri from St. Joseph to Omaha. His presence as a passenger on the boat when it made this 150 mile trip was occasioned by his arrival at St. Joseph, then the western terminus of the railroad, enroute to take over his brief duties as the third governor of Nebraska Territory under appointment of President Pierce. His term as governor extended only from Jan. 12, 1858, to Dec. 5 of the same year.
   The county, one of original eight organized in 1854 by proclamation of acting territorial Governor Cuming, included what is now Nemaha, Johnson and Pawnee Counties, but was reduced in area the following year by act of the territorial assembly at Omaha. The present towns of the county are: Rulo, Preston, Falls City, Salem, Dawson, Humboldt, Verdon, Stella, Shubert and Barada, with Falls City as the county seat. Richardson County in area is about 545 square miles or 348,800 acres.
   The early settlers found outcroppings of coal of varying thickness at a number of places about the county. Such veins were discovered near Yancton, a small village north of Rulo, now extinct, south of Rulo and south of Humboldt, where a considerable amount of coal was mined for years and marketed.
   The region is drained principally by the Nemaba river and its tributaries. This river enters Humboldt township on the west and flows eastward. Its south fork rises in Kansas and flows northward to join the main stream near Salem. Another large stream is Muddy creek, which arises in Nemaha County, flows southward and joins the Nemaha east of Falls City.
   The many rivers and creeks account for the unusually large number of bridges and culverts necessary in Richardson County. Their maintenance cost has always been a major item of expense.
   It appears that to Maj. Stephen Story, a Vermont native and a hardy, picturesque plainsman, belongs the honor of being the first white man to make a home here. He came down the river in 1844 from the north, locating his camp on the west shore of the Missouri river in the northeast comer of the county. The site of his camp later became the village of St. Stephens, now extinct. He and Gen. F. Loan founded it. General Loan was a brother of Mrs. William R. Cain, later a well known pioneer. In 1846 Story married Elizabeth Roubidoux, a halfbreed member of the Iowa tribe, and Feron Roubidoux' widow, by whom he had several children. Story left the country for a time, joining Gen. A. V. Doniphan's command to enter the Mexican War. He was wounded at the battle of Monterey. Later he took part in the California gold rush. Story returned in 1851 to his Richardson County home near St. Stephens, and was operating the first Missouri river ferry there when the first pioneers came. In April, 1855, he brought over the first group of white settlers, among whom were Jesse Crook, William Goolsby, Faragus Pollard, Isaac Crook and James Goolsby, who with their families established homes in various parts of the county. Crook located northeast of Falls City, near what later became the town of Archer, the first county seat. These men all became permanent settlers and played leading roles in the pioneer development of a new country. Story operated his ferry for years together with his several farms, and then moved to Rulo, where he spent his declining years. John A. Singleton, William Roberts, and a man named Short came over from Missouri in 1854, taking claims along the Nemaha.
   Thus the first actual attempt at settlement of Richardson County was made when the territory was opened for homesteading in 1854, and settlement of the county proceeded fairly rapidly from that time onward. First arrivals found a hunters' paradise and following the streams, penetrated the eastern part of the county, while others from Kansas covered the western portions. Settlements were founded in both the east and west parts of the county at about the same time.
   Eleven votes were cast at the first election in 1854. Chosen at the election were Joseph L. Sharp, a resident of Iowa, and John A. Singleton, a local pioneer, to represent the county in the legislature at Omaha. The former was selected to head the upper branch, and soon distinguished himself there. His son, Neal J. Sharp, was later the first register of deeds of Richardson County. Christian Bobst was the first county judge. Returns of the first census in 1855 listed 299 white persons and 156 halfbreeds.



Who's Who

   Under a treaty concluded between Indian and government representatives at Prairie du Chien, Wis., in 1839, portions of Richardson and Nemaha Counties were set apart as an Indian reservation. At this conference William Clark, superintendent of Indian affairs, represented the Indians and Willoughby Morgan, U. S. army colonel, represented the government.
   The treaty made provisions for halfbreeds, the progeny of traders and trappers unable to qualify wholly either as Indians or whites. They were to be allotted lands on a modified form of reservation. The treaty bounded the tract north and south by the great and little Nemaha rivers; it extended about ten miles westward from the Missouri.
   Under the terms of the treaty the president was allowed to assign to any halfbreed a tract not to exceed 640 acres. The territory was surveyed in 1857 and the domain of the halfbreeds thus officially designated, but before the line connecting the two Nemahas was fairly run, it was condemned as incorrect and a new survey ordered.
   A new survey moved the line eastward about two miles in Richardson County and the changed position left Archer off the reservation, and thereby eligible for the county seat, but the change came too late to save Archer.
   The squabble over the location of the "halfbreed line" was not, as one would suppose, agitated by white settlers desirous of reducing the size of the reservation to be allotted the Indians, but was fostered by towns anxious to dispossess Archer of the county seat--pointing out it stood on lands reserved for the Indians.
   While the discussions had been going on and carried to Washington by petitions, Charles McDonald, prominent Salem advocate, actually accomplished removal of the county seat to Salem through legislative enactment.
   In the summer of 1855 E. H. Johnson, William Kenceleur, Charles Rouleau, Eli Bedard and Eli Plante, from the East, left Sioux City for the reservation in this county. The Johnson party found but three white inhabitants, Stephen Story, F. X. Dupuis, who was married to a widow of Chief White Cloud, and Charles Martin, a hunter, plainsman and trapper who had traversed the continent from New York and Quebec, and had lately arrived from California.
   Richardson County has had its share of defunct villages and towns. Among them were Arago, and St. Stephens on the Missouri river north of Rulo. St. Stephens was the first, and for a time had a population of about three hundred. Arago, founded by the German General Colonization society of Buffalo, N. Y., flourished for a number of years and had a population of about 1,500. It was served by steamboats on the Missouri river and was the principal market for the entire county but disappeared with the passing of the steamboats and many of its people came to Falls City. The little town of Archer was the county seat for a time, but vanished with the removal of the seat of government to Falls City.
   Falls City and Salem were started about the same time, in 1857, and were laid out on government land allotted for that purpose to townsite companies. Charles Rouleau and Eli Bedard, the founders of Rulo, came to that locality with their wives, each of whom had allotments on the halfbreed tract.
   Salem, built on the hills above the junction of the north and south forks of the great Nemaha was for a time the county seat, and in the early days was a busy place. J. C. Lincoln, a cousin of Abraham Lincoln, Charles McDonald and John W. Holt, later of Falls City, were active in its affairs, Humboldt, located in Humboldt township, was surveyed and platted at the instance of Oliver J. Tinker and his son, Edward P., in 1857, on lands owned by them. During the early days the father farmed, kept the postoffice, carried the mail from Brownsville, and was captain of the home guards during the Civil War. He kept a hotel after the town started, and resided in Humboldt until his death many years later.
   Dawson was surveyed in February, 1872. The village site was dedicated by William F. Draper, who owned the farm land on which it stands. It is in the center of an Irish settlement of people formerly from Connecticut. The name Dawson was in honor of Joshua Dawson who had erected a mill on the river south of the town in 1868, and for a time his residence was known as Dawsons Mill postoffice. The village of Stella, in West Muddy township on the Missouri Pacific railroad, was named after a daughter of John W. Clark, its founder and the owner of the land upon which it is located. It was founded in 1882 when the railroad was building northward through that section.
   Verdon is the first station of the Missouri Pacific railroad northwest of Falls City. The land upon which the village stands was owned by John A. Hall and it was he who founded the town in 1882. It is beautifully located on a hill overlooking the Muddy Creek valley, and is about centrally located in the county in one of the best farming sections. Shubert, about sixteen miles northwest of Falls City, is on the Nebraska City branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad. It was platted on land owned by Henry W. Shubert, and is one of the best small towns in the county. It is in one of the best orchard sections and is an important shipping point. Barada, a small inland village


in Nebraska


was named in honor of Antoine Barada, one of the first pioneers of the county. Antoine Barada was born in 1807, near Council Bluffs, Iowa, a son of Michael Barada, of Paris, France, and Laughing Buffalo, of the Omaha tribe.
   Michael Barada, 20, a polished French youth, fell in love with the beautiful Indian girl, Laughing Buffalo, 17, when she and other Omahas were taken to France so the people there might see aborigines of America, then under French flag, and the Indians in turn might spread tales in the New World of the wonders of France. The maiden is said to have thrown a bouquet of flowers from an upper story window of her apartment at the feet of young Barada one day as he passed. This act caught his fancy and the next day he tried to find her, but she had returned to America. He followed and sought for years to locate her. He finally found her with her people near the present site of Omaha, and they were married, first with the Indian ceremony and later by a priest in St. Louis.
   Barada became a member of the Omaha tribe of Indians and as a culmination of his romance there was, 150 years later, introduced in congress by Representative Edgar Howard a bill for an act supporting claims of descendants of Michael Barada. The report made by the committee on Indian affairs included 263 descendants of Michael Barada and is embellished by a recital of this love story. Michael Barada and Laughing Buffalo, with three children, made their home at St. Louis.
   The first county courthouse was built in 1863 at a cost of $3,000. It was occupied ten years and removed in 1874, when a new building to replace it was completed at a cost of $25,000 with a separate $3,500 stone jail. This in turn was replaced in 1920 by the new modern fireproof structure costing over $200,000 on the same site. A log structure had been occupied as a courthouse at Archer while the county seat was there.
   The first hotel at Falls City was built from reassembled parts of houses brought from the defunct town of Yancton, north of Rulo, and was the property of Jesse Crook.
   Richardson, like other counties of the state, had its problem of the location and construction of railroads. Finally, however, the Burlington was built in 1872, and the Missouri Pacific in 1882. Both still serve the county.
   In recent years highways have been greatly improved. Federal Highways Nos. 75 and 73 cross the county from north to south, and state highway No. 4 from east to west, with the eastern terminus using the new vehicular bridge costing over a half million dollars which spans the Missouri river at Rulo.
   The first newspaper in the county was the Rulo Western Guide, published at Rulo in 1858 and owned by Abel D. Kirk and F. M. Barrett. Kirk represented the district in the second territorial legislature at Omaha.
   About the same time the Falls City Broad Axe made its appearance, owned by John A. Burbank, with Sewell R. Jamison as editor. The Southern Nebraskan published at Arago was another early paper under the management of Jonathan J. Marvin. The Nemaha Valley Journal, at Brownville, managed by W. S. Blackburn was brought to Falls City in 1868, and is continued to the present day, now as the Falls City Journal. The Journal, Republican in politics until recent years, passed through the hands of W. S. Strech, A. R. Scott, W. T. Chadwick, Ed Howe, A. L. Rich, Frank Martin, A. R. Keim, Virgil Falloon, N. W. Todd, and Leo Nusbaum. All were able writers and have been a great influence in Richardson County. The Journal is now published as a daily.
   The Humboldt Sentinel, the first paper published by George P. Monagon, was later converted into the Humboldt Standard, and is still in existence. The Stella Press has been published for years under various managements. The Shubert Citizen, started years ago in that thriving little village, continues to represent that section of the county. The Falls City Press, an early paper in Falls City, appeared as a Democratic organ. It later was known as the Falls City News, under the able management of H. C. Davis at first, and later by his son, C. C. Davis. For years it was a leading paper in this section with a wide circle of readers who keenly regretted its passing.
   The first class to be graduated from Falls City schools was in 1880; Stella, Salem and Verdon in 1890; Humboldt, Dawson and Rulo, in 1884. The first public school in Falls City was organized in 1858 with Miss Barnum as teacher. The pupils were E. E. Dorrington, the five Buchanan children and Anna McIntyre. The school board then was Anderson Miller, David Dorrington and Thomas McIntyre. The city now has a new high school building and five other grade schools served by forty-seven teachers, with a total enrollment of 1,400 pupils. The Ursuline Convent and other parochial schools a large number of students.
   The rural schools of the county have an enrollment of 1,176 pupils of all ages, and are served by 203 teachers. Rural school property at this time bears a valuation of $170,282. The total enrollment in all schools of the county, at this time, is 4,402.
   The first effort for a public library was begun Oct. 16, 1885, at a meeting in the home of Mrs. Rebecca Wilson at Falls City. The organization perfected provided for a free reading room located in the second story of the Dorrington block. Later,



Who's Who

through donation of a site at the southeast comer of Eighteenth and Harlam Streets by Joseph H. Miles, and a gift of $10,000 by Lydia Brunn Woods, the present substantial library was begun.
   Richardson County has furnished Nebraska two governors in the persons of John H. Morehead and Arthur J. Weaver, and three members of congress for the first district: Archibald Jerard Weaver, father of Arthur J. Weaver, Frank Reavis and John H. Morehead.

   ARENDT, DAN C: Clothier; b Elm Creek, Neb Nov 28, 1894; s of George Arendt-May Smith; ed Lincoln HS; U of N 1915-17; Kappa Sigma; m Frances Hunt May 1925 Sidney Ia; s Daniel Cornell; d Marjorie May, Barbara Jean; 1919-25 buyer for Mayer Brothers, Lincoln; 1925-26 owner & opr Dan C Arendt Clothing Co, Norfolk; 1926- owner & mgr Dan C Arendt Clothing Co, Falls City; during World War, 1917-19 served in med corps US army, O/S 1st sgt; Amer Leg, past vice-comm; Allied Clothiers Inc; C of C, dir, past VP; Falls City Country Club, dir; Lions, past pres; AF&AM: Scot Rite 32o; BPOE; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, golf, hunting, farming; off 1604 Stone; res 708 E 17th, Falls city.

   BOHRER, WILLIAM LEROY: Contractor; b Falls City, Neb June 27, 1894; s of C M Bohrer-Mattie Marmet; ed Falls City HS; U of Ill 1915-18: m Theressa Storla Feb 1921 Decorah Ia; s Storla Leroy; d Joan C; 1919- with father & uncle in contracting firm Bohrer Brothers, 1925- co-owner & gen mgr; specializes in construction of schs & pub bldgs in Neb & Kas; among contracts are Auburn HS 1939, Richardson Co Bank 1919, Hotel Weaver of Falls City 1924; during World War 1918-19 in Co C 2nd inf, US army, intelligence ofcr; ch mbr Amer Leg, past comm; org & mgr Jr drum corps; C of C, dir & past secy; Neb Crippled Children's Soc, secy for Richardson Co; Falls City Country Club; Lions, 1st VP; AF&AM; Presby Ch, past treas, secy-treas Man's Fellowship Soc; Indep; off 1705 Chase; res 2008 Chase, Falls City.

   BOWERS, HERSCHEL EWERT: Farmer; b Verdon, Neb Dec 3, 1896; s of Emerson L Bowers-Myrtle E Simmons; ed Verdon; Falls City HS; U of N 1915-19; Phi Delta Theta; m Marguerete Martin June 1925 Marshall Mo; s Daniel Emerson; 1919-32 with father oprd several farms near Verdon; 1919-33 cattle feeder; 1933- owns int in Bowers Orchard, one of two largest single plantings of orchards in Neb; Missouri River Apple Grower's Assn; Rotary; past mbr BPOE; IOOF; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Dem; family came to Richardson Co in 1860's, father pioneer farmer & stockman; res Verdon.

   BUCHHOLZ, FRANK WILLIAM: Bank Cashier; b Bigelow, Mo Dec 21, 1890; s of Charles F Buchholz-Mary Laukemper; ed Falls City HS; Falls City Bus Coll 1907-11; m Helen Kanaly Nov 27, 1913 Falls City; s Frank William Jr; d Jane (Mrs Harold J Schroff); 1911 with Zahner Mfg Co, Kansas City Mo; 1912-14 timekeeper MoP RR shops, Falls City; 1914-17 trainman timekeeper, MoP RR; 1918-20 farmer near Falls City; 1921- with First Natl Bank of Falls City, 1923-37 asst cash, 1937- cash; owner & mgr farm ints, Richardson Co; Richardson Co & Amer Bankers Assns; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn; C of C; BPOE, mbr 30 years, past treas, trustee; KC; Cath Ch; hobby, farming; off 1623 Stone; res 2102 Barada, Falls City.

   CAIN, JEAN BENSON: Attorney: b Falls City, Neb Nov 25, 1890; s of James Robert Cain-Nettie Jane Ingram; ed Falls City HS; U of N, LLB 1913; Phi Delta Theta: m Blanche Pike Sept 16, 1914 Goodland Kas; s James F; d Blanche; 1913 adm to Neb bar; 1913- prac law, Falls City; past Richardson Co judge; past city atty, Falls City; mbr city coun; pres dist sch bd; during World War capt 63rd (Pioneer) inf, US army, 1917-18; Amer Leg, past state comm; past pres Richardson Co Bar Assn; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Lions, past pres; C of C, dir; Falls City Country Club; BPOE, past exalted ruler; AF&AM; York Rite; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, farming; off 1622 Stone; res 1722 Nemaha Ave, Falls City.

   CHANEY, PAUL PATRICK: Attorney; b Deloit, Ia Nov 6, 1902; s of Nicodemus F Chaney-Nellie A Dore; ed Havelock HS; U of N, 1920-21; St John's U, Collegeville Minn 1922-23; Creighton U, LLB 1925; Sigma Chi; m Dorothy M Custard Oct 24, 1933 Falls City; d Jane Patricia, Sandra Susanna; 1925 adm to Neb bar; 1925- prac law, Falls City; 1926-28 Richardson Co dep atty; 1933-37 asst atty gen of Neb; mbr city coun; Richardson Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Lions, past state advocate; C of C; Falls City Country Club; KC, past grand knight, del to Supreme Conv, Boston 1930; Cath Ch; Dem; off 1622 Stone; res 2020 Lane, Falls City.

   CLARK, BAYARD TAYLOR: Attorney; b Reserve, Kas Mar 7, 1897; s of John W Clark-Elizabeth Taylor; ed Reserve Kas; Robinson Kas HS; Falls City HS; U of N, BA 1920, LLB 1922; Columbia U 1920-21; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Alpha Delta; m Clara Curley Feb 1926 Lincoln; d Mary Lou, Grace E; 1920 adm to Neb bar; 1922-24 tchr, Padonia Kas & Holdrege; 1924- prac law, Falls City; 1928- J P, Falls City; secy sch bd 12 years; during World War, in USN 1918; Amer Leg, past comm; Richardson Co & Neb St Bar Assns; org & past pres Richardson Co Truckers Assn; Lions, pres; Falls City Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, cabinet work, hunting; off 1611 Stone; res 2420 Crook, Falls City.

   COOPER, GUY LESTER SR: President Milling Co; b Humboldt, Neb July 3, 1880; s of Orrin A Cooper-Calista E Merrifield; ed Humboldt HS; U of N; Alpha Theta Chi; m Josephine L Brunn May 24, 1905 Humboldt; s Guy L Jr, Charles Albert, John R; d Calista (Mrs M N Hughes): 1900- with O A Cooper Co Inc, Humboldt flour mill, feed mixing plant, ice & cold storage plant, bulk oil dlr, 1900-18 ptr of father, 1918-23 VP, 1923- pres; grain dlr, with elevators at Humboldt, Barneston, Odell & Diller; owner farm ints, also cattle, hog & sheep dlr; mbr sch bd 20 years, pres; during World War, enl in OTC, US army 1918; Past pres Neb Millers Assn; Millers Natl Fedn; Neb Grain Dlrs Assn; Neb Indep Oil Dlrs Assn; Neb Assn of Ice Industries; C of C; IOOF; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; Chris Ch, trustee; Rep; off Cooper Milling Co; res Humboldt.

   CROOK, WILLIAM ALLEN: Hardware Dealer; b Falls City, Neb Feb 9. 1882; s of W H Crook-Lydia Worley; ed Falls City HS; m Marian Kachelries Dec 1903 Alma; 1900 in hdw bus with father, Falls City; 1903-26 co-owner & mgr W H Crook & Co, hdw, 1926- owner; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; C of C; Rotary, past pres; Falls City Country Club; AF&AM; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, canoe trips in north woods; off 1609 Stone; res 2304 Crook, Falls City.

   CUNNINGHAM, STEPHEN WASHINGTON: Farmer; b Rulo, Neb Feb 1, 1874; s of Benjamin F Cunningham- Mary Gemmill; ed Rulo; Lincoln Normal 1894-95; m Suzanna Plante June 1901 Rulo (dec 1937); d Mary Rosalie, Mildred, Alyce Irene; 1896-97 oprd livery barn, Rulo; 1897-98 owner & opr drug store with father, Rulo; 1898-1901 owner & opr gen store, Rulo; 1901- farmer, stockman; 1901-05 resided in Holt Co, Mo; owner farm ints in Kas, Mo, Neb; BPOE; Dem, mbr exec com Richardson Co Central Com; father estab first bank in Rulo 1885, wife's father, Eli Plante aided in platting town of Rulo in 1850's; res Rulo.

   CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM JOHN: Farmer, b Rulo, Neb Oct 20, 1896; s of Benjamin F Cunningham-Mary Gemmill; ed Rulo; m Abbie A Graham Oct 22, 1901 Rulo; d Alice Lucille (Mrs Clarence Ratekin); 1892-1900 bkkpr Bank of Rulo, 1900-34 cash; 1934- opr farms in Neb, Mo & Kas; past mbr 4th Regional Clearing House Assn; Nebraska Bankers Assn; BPOE; Dem; father & George Bowker estab Bank of Rulo 1885; res Rulo.

   DAGGETT, RUSSELL WINFRED: County Clerk; b Fredonia, Wis Mar 5 1876: s of Albert S Daggett-Emily J Montgomery; ed Fairbury HS; m Florence Spaulding June 1981 Omaha; s Winfred W, Floyd W; 1894-97 farmed near Fairbury; 1897-1900 with Dr G L Pritchett Drug Co, Fairbury; 1900-16 with father in milling bus, Salem; 1906 built first electric light plant at Salem; 1917-18 Richardson Co dep clk, 1919- clk, one of longest records for continuous service in Neb co offs; 1925- Richardson Co assessor: 1919-24 leader in planning & con. struction of Richardson Co Court


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house, completed without indebtedness 1925; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs, past secy; Natl Co Ofcrs Assn; Neb Co Assessors Assn, past secy-treas, pres; Rotary; IOOF; Rebekah, past noble grand; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbles, electricity, gardening; off Courthouse; res 516 W 20th, Falls City.

   DRAPER, IRA A: Retired; b Indianapolis, Ind May 21, 1849; s of Ira D Draper- ___; m Elsie Amelia Libbee Dec 1880 Dawson (dec 1903); 8 children, 1 (dec); 1885 family moved to Ia, aided anti-slavery movement; as a boy, carried food to runaway slaves, a bounty offered for father, dead or alive, in connection with these activities; 1866-71 held govt contract to carry mail by Pony Express from Falls City to Gallighers Inn, west of Pawnee City; 1871 homesteaded in Phillips Co, Kas; saw several years service in Indian Wars from Texas to Dakotas; 1882-1912 farmer near Dawson; 1912 ret; has made & repaired violins 30 years; hobby, poultry, violin mfg; res Dawson.

   EDWARDS, LEWIS CLIFFORD: Abstracter; b Glen Rock, Neb Sept 28, 1878; s of Andrew Jay Edwards-Elvira Belle Mullins; ed Humboldt HS; m Jessie Elvira Paxton Sept 28, 1909 Nebraska City; d Betty E (Mrs Frank E Miller); 1890-1900 appr & emp in off of Humboldt Standard; 1900-06 owner & mgr Humboldt Weekly Standard; 1906-15 register of deeds, Richardson Co; 1916 candidate for state sen; 1917-22 dep clk of dist court, Richardson Co; 1922-25 with Falls City News, later Falls City Journal; 1924- in gen abstract bus, Edwards & Goldsmith, Falls City; 1917 author of history of Richardson Co, & writer of Richardson Co history for Who's Who in Neb; Neb Title Assn; AF&AM; RAM; IOOF, past noble grand; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, study & writing of local history; off Courthouse; res 1602 Lane, Falls City.

   FALLOON, VIRGIL: Judge of District Court; b Falls City, Neb; s of Edwin Falloon-Emma V Stump: ed Falls City HS; Ohio U, BA 1913; Phi Delta Theta; m Mabel Traxler Dec 1921 Denver; s Virgil, Frank; d Marian; 1916 adm to Neb bar; 1916 prac law, Falls City; 1923-29 editor & publisher Falls City Journal; 1929- pres Falls City Journal Co; 1917-36 Richardson Co judge; 1937- judge of dist court, 1st judicial dist, past pres Neb Assn of Co Judges, Richardson Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Uni Club, Lincoln; C of C; Rotary, past pres; AF&AM, past master; York & Scot Rites; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF, past noble grand; BPOE, past exalted ruler; off Courthouse; res 24th & Schoenheit, Falls City.

   FALTER, JOHN WEBER: Merchant; b Plattsmouth, Neb Aug 16, 1893; s of Jacob P Falter-Mary Lutz; ed Plattsmouth HS; m Catherine Dovey June 1915 Plattsmouth; s John Charles; d Mary Louise; 1913-15 gen mgr Western Serum Co, Plattsmouth; 1914-22 opr dairy farm & 2 stock farms near Plattsmouth; 1922- co-owner & mgr George H Falter Clothing Store, Falls City; mbr sch bd, past pres; Rotary, past pres: C of C, past pres; Falls City Country Club; Episc Ch, vestryman; Dem; hobby, golf; off 1601 Stone; res 2402 Chase, Falls City.

   FELLERS, JOHN AUGUSTUS: Merchant & Funeral Director; b Pittston, Penn May 28, 1875; s of Augustus H Fellers-Mary Jane Banks; ed Humboldt HS; m Bertha A York Apr 1909 St Joseph, Mo; d Genevieve (Mrs B W Hawkins); 1896-1904 with Humboldt Tele Co; 1904-07 owner & opr meat market, Humboldt; 1907-09 with W J Ritter Hdw & Impl Co. Talmage; 1909 lic embalmer & funeral dir, Kas & Neb; 1909-10 with J W Scott, Norton Kas; 1910-19 owner J A Fellers Lbr Co, Elk Creek; 1919- mortician & furn dlr. Humboldt; 1919-30 ptr of father; past mbr sch bd & city coun; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; C of C: OES; Rebekah; AF&AM, past secy; RAM; KT; Sesostris Shrine; KP, past chancellor comm; IOOF, past noble grand; Chris Ch; Indep; res Humboldt.

   GRAHAM, FRED MARTIN: Lumber Dealer; b Stella, Neb Oct 22, 1887; s of Archie Graham-Nancy Martin; ed Falls City HS; U of Wis 1906-09; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Grace Lyford Nov 1911 Falls City; s Robert L, Frederick M, John V; d Sarah W; 1909-14 with father in lbr bus, Falls City; 1914 owner ranch at Buffalo Wyo, mgr until 1918; 1918- owner & gen mgr Graham Lbr Co. Falls City; 1918-24 mbr city coun; stockholder & past dir Richardson Co Bank, Falls City; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; C of C, dir; Rotary, past pres; Falls City Country Club; AF&AM; RAM; KT; past exalted ruler BPOE; hobbies, ranching, flowers; off 16th & Harlan; res 2220 Chase, Falls city.

   GREER, MRS EDITH S: County Superintendent of Schools; b Prague, Neb Feb 4, 1904; d of Thomas Simanek-Frances Bednar; ed Wahoo HS; New York City; Columbia U; U of N, BSc 1926; Alpha Omicron Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Mu Epsilon; Pi Lambda Theta; s William T, John T; 1926-28 & 1933-34 tchr, Humboldt; 1934- Richardson Co supt of schs, first woman to be elec to this off, first woman ofcr in co to be re-elec; pres, 1937-38 VP, Neb St Assn of Co Supts; past dist VP, NSTA; NEA; PEO, past secy; B&PW; Falls City Woman's Club; Arista; Presby Ch; Indep; off Courthouse; res 414 W 20th, Falls City.

   HARDING, MERRICK WASHINGTON: Retired; b Grassy Hill, Conn Apr 3, 1857; s of Christopher Harding- Miria Edison; ed South Belvidere HS Saybrook Conn, 1874; m Medora Luella Bridgeport Jan 14, 1880 Joy Ill; s Brooks B; d Grace, Edna (both dec); 1876-77 sch tchr, Ill; 1878-1908 farmer Richardson Co, raised purebred cattle; 1908-16 auctioneer & purebred cattle raiser, Humboldt; 1916- 33 owner & opr garage, Humboldt; 1933- ret; auctioneer 42 years; built several bldgs & promoted enterprises & bus in Humboldt; IOOF, past noble grand; Rep; hobbles, flowers, conversation; res Humboldt.

   HASKINS, ALMA EUNICE: Editor & Clubwoman; b Scioto Co, O Aug 16, 1875; d of George Haskins-Artemisia Daniels; ed Lawrence Kas; Stella HS; PSTC; 1894-1902 tchr in HS & rural schs, Richardson & Nemaha Cos; 1902- editor & co-publisher Stella Press; contributor hist articles to Neb daily newspapers; Stella Research Club; Neb Writer's Guild; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, hist writings; off & res Stella,

   HASKINS, CLYDE GEORGE: Editor & Publisher; b Richardson Co, Neb Sept 7, 1880; s of George Haskins- Artemisia Daniels; ed Stella; m Maude Sipe Dec 26, 1914 Dawson; d Camilla C; 1898- with Stella Press, 1902- owner, publisher & editor; NPA; AF&AM; Dem; off & res Stella.

   HEBENSTREIT, FRANK ANDREW: Attorney; b Shullsburg, Wis Apr 12, 1891; s of Andrew Hebenstreit- Catherine McCarten; ed Shullsburg Wis HS: U of Wis 1911-12; Creighton U, LLB 1916; Delta Theta Phi; m Irene H O'Neill Feb 1, 1918 Omaha; s John A, Frank A, Joseph O, James C; 1915 adm to Neb bar, prac in Omaha; 1916- prac law, Falls City, 1916-18 mbr law firm Phillips & Hebenstreit; 1918-20 mbr city coun, Falls City; 1920-34 city atty; 1930- promoter of jr league baseball, Falls City; Richardson Co Bar Assn, pres; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C, pres 1939; Rotary, VP; BSA, chmn Court of Honor; Falls City Country Club, treas; BPOE, past exalted ruler; KC, past advocate; hobbies, golf, fishing, baseball: off 201 Slocum Bldg; res 813 E 17th, Falls City..

   HEIM, HARLAN STABLER: Physician & Surgeon; b Dawson, Neb Sept 17, 1897; s of Henry William Heim-Regina Heim; ed Dawson HS; Western Union Coll, Le Mars Ia, BA 1920; Cornell U, MD 1924; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; m Golda Ellen Mountain June 1927 Dawson; d Betty Jean, Donna Marie; 1925-27 interne Bellevue Hosp, New York City; 1927-33 dir med dept Red Bird Settlement, Beverly Ky; 1933- obstetrician & pediatrician, Humboldt; 1921 ordained minister, Evang Ch; during World War enl in SATC, U of Ia 1918; Richardson Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; C of C; BSA, chmn sponsors com Humboldt troop; AF&AM, worshipful master; KP; Meth Ch, choir master; Rep; hobby, music; off & res Humboldt.

   HEIM, JACOB SAMUEL: Retired: b Lycoming Co, Penn July 16, 1866; s of John J Heim-Rosina Heim; ed Penn & Neb; m Rebecca Heim Mar 17, 1892 Richardson Co; d Verna R (Mrs A H Coons); Elma (Mrs Larimore); 1882-92 aided father, farmer & stockman, Richardson Co; 1892- farmer in Richardson Co; mbr dist 92 sch bd 19 years; rang the first ch bell in Dawson; Farmers Union: ch mbr Evang Ch; hobby, travel; res Dawson.

   HEIM, SAMUEL FRANKLIN: Farmer & Stockman; b Lycoming Co, Penn Nov 17, 1869; s of Jacob G Heim-Rechina Gross; ed Penn, Neb; m Elizabeth Heim Feb 14, 1889 Richardson Co; s Melvin J; Rev Richard R; d Luella (Mrs Clark Belden), Adah (Mrs Floyd James), Tillie (dec), Mary (Mrs C C Bilsing); 1880-86 aided father on farm; 1886-89 farmed rented land Richardson Co; 1889



Who's Who

owner & opr farm, Richardson Co; Farmers Union; Evang Ch, steward several years; Rep; hobbies, farming & stock raising; res Dawson.

   HENDERSON, ROBERT GILBERT: Physician & Surgeon; b Verdon, Neb Dec 12, 1871; s of Charles Henderson-Julia Wilkinson; ed Verdon HS: U of N 1894-95; St Louis Coll of Phys & Surg 1897-99; Uni Med Coll, Kansas City Mo, MD 1900; m Carrie L Staver June 1900 Salem; 1900-20 prac med, Rulo; 1920- prac med, Falls City; owner & mgr farm ints, Richardson Co; Richardson Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; C of C; BPOE; IOOF, past noble grand; Indep; hobby, travel; res 2009 Stone, Falls City.

   HUSTEAD, CHARLES LUKE: Physician & Surgeon; b Linn, Kas July 12, 1884; s of Silas H Hustead- Caroline Shepley; ed Belleville & Linn, Kas; Creighton U, MD 1912; grad work Wash U, U of N, New York Post Grad Med Sch & Johns Hopking U; m Rosa Louise Kretzschmar Feb 23, 1913 Omaha; s Charles L Jr; d Claire Louise; 1912 prac med, Rapid City S D; 1912- prac med, Falls city specializes in surgery & x-ray; owner & staff dir Falls City Hosp, 5th in Neb to be standardized under rules of ACS; past health ofcr Falls City & Richardson Co; dist Civil Service phys; US govt surg Missouri River construction; owner & mgr farm ints & herd of registered Milking Shorthorn cattle; during World War, med examiner Richardson Co draft bd; secy Richardson Co Med Soc 20 years; mbr fracture com Neb St Med Assn, Richardson Co del to state conv several times; AMA; Rotary; Falls City Country Club; IOOF; hobbies, horseback riding, golf, hunting; off Falls City Hospital res 2505 Lane, Falls City.

   HUSTON, RAYMOND B: Banker; b Martinsburg, O Aug 24, 1875; s of Robert Huston-Lydia Boyd; ed Salem HS; m Daisy Heskett Apr 22, 1902 Salem; s Harry H; 1895-1902 bkkpr, Falls City & Humboldt; 1902-10 asst cash Bank of Salem, 1910-18 cash, 1918- pres; mbr sch bd, dist 59; past mbr city coun, Salem; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; IOOF; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; off & res, Salem.

   HUTCHINSON, EDWARD: Clergyman: b New Seaham, Durham, England Oct 28, 1900; s of Edward Hutchinson-Mary Pratt; ed Lord Londonderry's Boys Sch & Bede Coll, Durham England; St Boniface Coll, Warminster; Ch Army Coll, London; certificate in mining engineering in England; appr & engr in England 4 years; leader Boy Scout movement, Durham, England & instr Durham sch during World War; 1926 came to US; 1927 ordained priest in Episc Ch, Davenport Ia; 1927-31 pastor St Paul's Ch, Creston Ia; 1931-38 asst priest, St John's Ch, Newport R I; 1938-37 pastor Ch of Blessed Sacrament, Green Bay Wis; 1937- pastor, St Thomas Ch, Falls City; Rotary; Falls City Country Club; AF&AM, RAM, R&SM, Creston Ia; BPOE, chaplain; Episc Ch; Indep; hobbies, basketball, football, music; res 210 E 16th, Falls City.

   IMLER, FRANK O: Merchant; b Nelson, Neb Mar 29, 1888; s of Eli W Imler-Elizabeth Ickes; ed Shubert HS; PSTC 1905-07; m Neva Cowel Sept 6, 1914 Stella; s Eugene C; 1907-12 with Colglazier & Son, Merc Co, Shubert; 1912 with Adams Merc Co, Adams; 1912- with Imler & Sons, gen merc store Shubert, 1912-17 ptr of father, 1914-39 ptr of brother J C, 1939- owner; 22 years treas Prairie Union Cemetery Assn Inc; mbr town bd, Shubert; 2 terms mbr Shubert sch bd; during World War mbr local food administration bd; past mbr IOOF, past noble grand; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; off & res Shubert.

   JAMES, CHARLES WASHINGTON: Secretary-Treasurer Creamery Co; b Richardson Co, Neb Feb 22, 1898; s of E E James-Elizabeth Lippold: ed Falls City HS; m Maude Ethel Reece May 6, 1920 Falls City; s Charles Robert, Donald Emmett; 1918-23 detail mgr, E E James Poultry Co: 1923-32 VP, secy, treas, James Poultry Co, Inc; 1932- VP & secy James Oil Co; 1926- secy-treas Falls City Creamery Co Inc, Falls City; backed construction of Falls City Auditorium & Rulo-Missouri River bridge; Neb dir Natl Poultry, Butter & Egg Assn; C of C, past dir & pres; Rotary; Falls City Country Club; BPOE; IOOF, past noble grand; AF&AM; RAM; R&SM; Sesostris Shrine; hobbies, fishing, travel; off 15th & Harlan; res 2416 Lane, Falls City.

   JAMES, EMMETT E: President Poultry Co; b Richardson Co, Neb June 28, 1873; s of Richard D James-Margaret Thiel; ed total of 23 mos schooling; m Elizabeth Lippold Apr 26, 1897 Falls City; s Charles W; d Ethel (Mrs C R Hatfield), Helen E Hayden; 1885-92 worked on farm, recd $5 per mo; 1892-1904 farmed, oprd threshing machine; 1904- owner & opr E E James Poultry Co, said to be largest individual shipper of live poultry in US, 1912-20 often shipped weekly trainload of poultry & eggs, 1920- inc, James Poultry Co, pres; 1926 an org Falls City Creamery Co; 1928 org petroleum bus, owner approximately 100 subsidiaries, 1937 renamed James Oil Co with hdqrs at Falls City; C of C, past pres; Falls City Country Club; IOOF; BPOE; Indep; hobby, travel; off 15th & Harlan; res 2221 Stone, Falls City.

   JENKINS, GLENN D: Bank Cashier; b Stella, Neb Oct 22, 1888; s of John L Jenkins-Melissa Barger; ed Stella HS; PSTC 1907-09; m Josephine C Risk Aug 1910 Omaha (dec 1922); s Glenn F, Robert T; d Rita E (Mrs Donald Beason); m E Juanita MeCaleb June 1924 Tarkio Mo; s Neal T; 1906-07 tchr, Stella; 1909-10 HS prin, Central City; 1910-18 asst cash, Natl Bank of Humboldt; 1913-15 with First Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1915- with Home State Bank, Humboldt, 1929- cash; lic real est agt; city treas 17 years; 1915- ptr of Otto Kotouc in Kotouc & Jenkins Ins Agcy; during World War, 4 min-man, mbr HG & active in fund drives; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn, past dir; Neb & Amer Bankers Assn; C of C, past pres; Richardson Co Agrl Soc, dir & treas; KC; KP, past master of ex-chequer; off Home State Bank; res Humboldt.

   JOHNSON, OSCAR CLARENCE: Theater Owner; b Hudson, S D Jan 6, 1903; s of Charles F Johnson-Sarah Torkelson; ed Hudson S D HS; m Bertice E Thompson July 1924 Sioux Falls S D; s Bernard J; d Shirley Lee; 1919-24 with First Natl Bank, Hudson S D; 1924-25 owner & opr theater, Spencer Ia; 1925-28 owner & opr theaters, Yankton S D & Estherville Ia; 1928-31 owner & mgr Atlantic & Strand Theaters, Atlantic Ia; 1931- owner & mgr Rivoli & Electric Theaters, Falls City; co-owner Grand Theater, Red Oak Ia; Motion Picture Theater Owners Assn of Neb & Western Ia; C of C, dir; dir Lions; BPOE; Falls City Country Club; Luth; Indep; hobbies, hunting, boating, fishing; off 1814 Stone; res 2016 Lane, Falls City.

   KEMIST, EDWARD A: Pharmacist; b Colchester, Ill Feb 27, 1883; s of William Kemist-Katherine ___ ; ed Colchester Ill HS; Highland Park Coll of Pharm, Des Moines Ia, PhG, 1908; m Birdine Smith Nov 1915 St Joseph Mo; s Terry Lynn; d Gwendolyn, Anna Maxine; 1908 became registered pharm in Neb; 1908 with Dr Barr in drug store, Hyannis; 1908-10 pharm, Morrisman Drug Store, Falls City; 1910 owner & opr Kemist Drug Co, Dawson; past mayor, Dawson 6 years; owner & mgr farms near Auburn & Dawson; Neb Pharm Assn; KP; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, farming; res Dawson.

   KETTER, WILLIAM DONALD: Physician & Surgeon; b Whiting. Kas Nov 12, 1908; s of Andrew Ketter- Bertha Huettner; ed Falls City HS: Creighton U, BSc 1931, MD 1933: Phi Rho Sigma; m Margaret Mary Russell Mar 30, 1933 Omaha; s Lawrence William; d Leah Rae: 1933-34 interne Mercy Hosp, Council Bluffs Ia; 1934-37 prac med, Dubois; 1937- prac med, Falls City; VP Richardson Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; BPOE; KP; Luth Ch; Indep; off 1600 Stone; reg 2019 Lane, Falls City.

   KINSEY, HARRY LLOYD: Merchant & Funeral Director; b Richardson Co, Neb Aug 14, 1889; s of Levi L Kinsey-Jessie E Buser; ed Salem HS; PSTC; LBC; m Ruby M Stouffer Nov 12, 1913 Salem; s Deryl Keith, William Cerry; d Margery Ann; 1909-27 with L L Kinsey & Sons, hdw, furn, & undertaking bus estab 1903 by father, Salem; 1927- ptr & mgr L L Kinsey & Sons, Shubert, co-owner at Stella & Dawson; mbr city coun many years at Dawson & Shubert; mbr sch bd; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Pub Service Club, past dir; IOOF, past noble grand; Evang Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Shubert.

   KOUTOUC, FRANK: Merchant; b Jitkov, Czechoslovakia Sept 20, 1875: s of Frank Kotouc-Marie Hon; ed Humboldt HS; 1882 came to U S; 1889-92 with Humboldt Standard; 1892 with Humboldt Enterprise; 1892-93 with R W Coleman Store; 1893-98 with E L Crane Jewelry Store; 1898-1906 co-owner Kotouc Brothers Store, DuBois; 1907-11 ptr in Famous Store, Humboldt; 1912- with brothers Lute B & Milton, co-owner Kotouc Brothers Store; C of C; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; Indep; hobbies fishing, hunting bowling, travel; res Humboldt.


in Nebraska


   KOTOUC, LUTE B: Merchant; b Jitkov, Czechoslovakia Sept 13, 1877; s of Frank Kotouc-Marie. Hon; ed Humboldt HS; m Emma Novak May 10, 1911 New Raymer Colo; d Sylvia M (Mrs Joseph W Clema); 1890-91 with Humboldt Standard; 1892 with J W Rousek Merc Co, Humboldt; 1892-98 with Albert Weinman Merc Co, Humboldt; 1898-1903 with Frank Kotouc in Kotouc Brothers, DuBois; 1903-07 salesman for Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods, St Louis Mo; 1907-12 co-owner Famous Store, Humboldt; 1912- co-owner Kotouc Bros Store, Humboldt; 1916-20 mgr branch store New Raymer Colo, also owner real est & founder of bank; C of C; AF&AM; KP; Indep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Humboldt.

   KOTOUC, MILTON: Merchant; b Humboldt, Neb Apr 20, 1883; s of Frank Kotouc-Marie Hon; ed Humboldt; m Nellie Holman Sept 22, 1926 Humboldt; s Eugene Milton; d Jane; 1895-98 with Albert Weinman Store, Humboldt; 1898-1900 with Solomon Nathan, Humboldt; 1900-02 with D F Bartlett & Son, Humboldt; 1902-06 with Kotouc Brothers, Du Bois; 1907-11 with Famous Store, Humboldt; 1912- co-owner Kotouc Brothers Store, Humboldt; Fedn of Neb Retailers, dir; C of C; Amer Rose Soc; AF&AM: RAM; KT; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF; Meth Ch; hobbies, rose gardening, history of Humboldt; res 9th & Central Ave, Humboldt.

   KOTOUC, OTTO: Banker; b Humboldt, Neb Apr 22, 1885; s of Frank Kotouc Sr-Marie Hon; ed Humboldt HS; U of N, BA 1908; Acacia; Phi Beta Kappa; m Camille Cernik Aug 1913, Ord; s Otto Kotouc, Jr; d Marie Louise; 1909-13 representative from 1st dist in Neb legislature; 1909-16 asst cash State Bank of Humboldt; 1915- with Home State Bank, 1915-25 cash, 1925- pres; past mbr sch bd; during World War, chmn Liberty Loan drives; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn, past pres; Neb Bankers Assn. past pres; Amer Bankers Assn; C of C, past pres; AF&AM, past master; RAM; KT, past comm at Humboldt; York Rite; Scot Rite, 32o; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF, past noble grand; KP; Meth Ch; Dem, mbr State Central Com, past chmn Richardson Co Com; hobbies, reading, travel; res Humboldt.

   LANG, OSCAR FREDERICK: Physician & Surgeon; b Faribault, Minn; s of John Nicholas Lang-Caroline H Thiede; ed Faribault Minn HS; Valparaiso Ind U; Northwestern U, BSc 1905, MD 1909; Omega Upsilon Phi; m June Washburn Sept 1909 Richfield Center O; s Dwight F, Donald W, Delmer T; 1909-12 Interne Chicago & Faribault Minn; has visited prominent hosps in US; 1912- prac med, Falls City, specializes in surgery & x-ray; during World War, vol in 1918, chief of surgical staff base hosp Camp Humphreys Va, 1918-19; Amer Leg, org & ch mbr; holder of decorations for rifle target-shooting in natl meets; maj ofcrs res corps US army past 20 years; Richardson Co cmn CMTC since orgn; mbr Minn NG 19 years; Richardson Co Med Soc, past pres; Neb St & AMA; AF&AM; RAM: KT; Sesostris Shrine; OES; IOOF; Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, deep-sea fishing, football; off Nebraska State Bank Bldg; res 2408 Lane, Falls City.

   LIONBERGER, CHRISTIAN: Farmer; b Humboldt, Neb June 16, 1870; s of Ulrich Lionberger-Magdalena Mesching; ed Richardson Co; m Rosa Schenk Feb 7, 1895 Humboldt; s Erwin A; d Gertrude M (Mrs Carl Schmidt); orphaned at 11 years of age, reared on farms near Humboldt; 1887- owner & opr farm near Humboldt; breeder of purebred Poland China hogs more than 45 years; claims record of having bred & owned 3 largest boars in world; St Charles, 1310 lbs; Big Lindy, 1400 lbs & Grossherr, 1110 lbs; sheep raiser 43 years, raised registered Shropshires 25 years; exhibitor at local & state fairs many years; mbr sch bd 45 years; Pawnee Co Drainage Dist, dir 5 years; Security Benefit Assn; Farm Bur; Standard Poland China Record Assn; Neb Shropshire Breeders Assn; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; 1854 parents came from Switzerland to Richardson Co, among a party of five; res RFD 3, Humboldt.

   LOCKARD, GUY RUSSELL: Merchant; b Gallatin, Mo July 19, 1896; s of E F Lockard-Effie A Gotschall; ed Gallatin Mo; m Naomi J Christolear Mar 1920 Beloit Kas; s Duane K; d Phyllis E; 1912-14 with UP RR, Beloit Kas; 1915-17 & 1919-20 mgr shoe dept H C Annan Co, Beloit Kas; 1920-22 with J C Penney Co, Rice Lake Wis; 1926-29 asst mgr J B Byars Co, Inc at Ogallala, 1926-28 mgr at Geneva;, 1929 J B Byars Co merged with J C Penney Co; 1929-32 mgr J C Penney Co at Geneva, 1932-34 mgr at Crete, 1934- mgr, Falls City; during World War served 13 mos in USN transport duty; ch mbr Amer Leg; C of C, dir; pres, past secy Rotary; Falls City Country Club, pres 1939; AF&AM; RAM; KT, eminent comm; York Rite; Sesostris Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off 1716 Stone; res 905 E 14th, Falls City.

   LYON, GEORGE S: Bank Cashier: b Falls City, Neb Jan 31, 1886; s of Isaac N Lyon-Emma L Smith; ed Falls City HS; U of N 1904-06; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; 1909-19 with First Natl Bank, Falls City; 1919 helped org Neb St Bank of Falls City, 1919-36 asst cash; 1936- cash Richardson Co Bank, Falls City; 1928- mayor Falls City, instrumental in constructing municipal auditorium, during administration city built & paid for complete water & light plant; 1938-39 pres League of Neb Municipalities; past pres Richardson Co Bankers Assn; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn, past pres; mbr exec coun Neb Bankers Assn; Rotary, past pres: Falls City Country Club; C of C, treas, 1939; AF&AM; York Rite; Scot Rite; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; father born in Richardson Co 1860 & one of oldest living native residents: off 1624 Stone; res 2402 Harlan, Falls City.

   McARDLE, GEORGE MANGOLD: Physician & Surgeon; b Millard, Neb Feb 24, 1890; s of John F McArdle- Sarah C Mangold; ed Elk City HS; Creighton Prep; Fremont Normal; Creighton U, BSc 1910, MD 1914; m Evangeline A Roberts Jan 29, 1913 Waucoma Ia; s George Prentiss, Arneth Roberts; d Betty Jean; 1914-18 prac med, Campbell; 1918-20 first res phys Douglas Co Hosp, Omaha; 1920-22 health dept phys, Omaha; 1920-22 owner & opr Creighton Pharm, Omaha; 1922- prac med, Salem; past secy, past pres bd of edn; mbr town coun, past chmn; Richardson Co Med Soc, pres; Neb St Med Assn; IOOF, noble grand; Rebekah; Dem, mbr Richardson Co Central Com; hobbies, gardening, raising pets; res Salem.

   MARBURGER, MRS NELLIE EMMA: Merchant; b Humboldt, Neb Aug 30, 1882; d of Cosmus M Snoke- Emma Amelia Doolittle; ed Table Rock HS; PSTC: Neb Wes; m Louis F Marburger Aug 1914 Humboldt (dec 1918); step s Willard L, Lee F, Harold H; s Charles E; 1903-14 tchr, Table Rock, Humboldt & Nelson; 1914- homemaker; 1918- owner & mgr Marburger's Shoe Store, estab 1879, Humboldt; past pres lib bd; mbr Humboldt Cemetery Assn, acting chmn during improvement campaign; PEO, recording secy; RNA; Presby Ch; Rep; res Humboldt.

   MAUST, MRS BLANCHE NORRIS: Clubwoman; b Falls City, Neb Jan 27, 1871; d of Benjamin Franklin Norris-Mary Louise Whitmore; ed Falls City HS; Campbell U, Holton Kas; m Irvin C Maust May 18, 1892 Falls City; s Irvin C Jr; d June (Mrs Charles Novak); 1892- homemaker; 1931 org milk fund for undernourished sch children; dir Neb Tuberculosis Assn; Willing Workers Soc, treas 18 years; Delphian Soc: milk chmn of health dept, Woman's Club, past pres; DAR, past regent; Rebekah, past noble grand; OES, past worthy matron; Pythian Sisters; Chris Ch, mbr Women's Missionary Soc, treas 18 years; Rep; father settled on Sac-Fox reservation near Falls City, taught Indian sch & was in mdse bus; res 2204 Stone, Falls City.

   MAUST, IRVING CLAYTON: Retired; b Somerset Co, Penn May 15, 1868; s of Elias Abraham Maust-Savilia Miller; ed Falls City; m S Blanche Norris May 18, 1892 Falls City; s Irvin C Jr; d June (Mrs Charles Novak); 1890-1905 with father in firm E A Maust & Son, grain, coal & livestock dirs, estab by father 1871, still in family, one of longest bus records in state; 1905 at father's retirement became ptr of brother Albert in Maust Bros, 1926-34 owner & opr after brother's death; 1934- ret; former owner & mgr several thousand A land in Neb, Kas, Colo, Cal; BPOE; past mbr IOOF; AF&AM; Rep; res 2204 Stone, Falls City.

   MEDLAR, CLYDE A: Physician & Surgeon; b Fillmore Co, Neb March 12, 1879; s of Edgar F Medlar-Martha Jane Garrison; ed Ohiowa HS; Doane Coll 1899-1901; Northwestern U, MD 1905; m Louise F Nagle June 1923 Falls City (dec 1935); m Oleta Youngman French Aug 1936 Pawnee City; s Clyde A Jr; d Evelyn Jane; 1905-08 prac med, Carleton; 1908-17 prac med, Scranton Kas; 1917-20 prac med Brock; 1920- prac med at Verdon, specialist in internal med; mbr sch bd; past mayor; Richardson Co Med Soc, past pres; Neb St Med Assn; past pres C of C; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, games, hunting; res Verdon.

   MINER, HENRY RUFUS: Physician & Surgeon; b Yankton, S D Sept 27, 1869; s of Ephraim Miner-Amanda P Stoek; ed Yankton S D HS; Yankton



Who's Who

S D Coll; Chicago Homeopathic Med Coll, BSc 1891, MSc 1900, MD 1894; m Maude I Rathburn Oct 1899 Lincoln; s H Richard; d Dorothy, Jean; 1894-1900 prac med, Clay Co; 1900- prac med, Falls City, specializes in orthopedic surgery; med adviser Neb Soc for Crippled Children; past pres sch bd; during World War, capt & chief of orthopedics, 123rd base hosp US army in France 1918-19; maj, US ofcrs res corps; past pres Richardson Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; fellow of Med Editors & Authors Assn; FACS; Uni Club, Lincoln; Rotary, past pres & ch mbr; C of C; Falls City Country Club; AF&AM; Scot Rite; BPOE; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, trap shooting, golf, fishing; off 108 W 17th; res 1918 Stone, Falls City.

   MONTGOMERY, ASA WITTER: Physician & Surgeon; b Nemaha. Co, Neb Nov 1, 1872; s of Jasper N Montgomery-Sophia Allen; ed Stella HS; Rush Med Coll, MD 1896; m Nettie E Young June 15, 1904 Stella; 1896-97 prac med, Watson Mo; 1897-98 prac med, Pleasant Hill; 1898- prac med, Stella; 1937- owner & co-mgr Stella Drug Co; pres sch bd 16 years. instrumental in construction of HS; mayor, active in construction of water system, city hall & theater; past pres Richardson Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; C of C, past pres; MWA, mbr 40 years; AF&AM, past master; Luth Ch; Rep, past mbr Richardson Co Central Com; hobby, baseball; res Stella.

   MOREHEAD, EDWIN JOHN: Auto Dealer; b Barada, Neb Nov 4, 1896; s of John H Morehead-Minnie Weisenreider; ed Falls City HS; U of N 1915-17; Beta Theta Pi; m Anna M Gist Dec 1923 Holton Kas; s John H, Kenneth E; d Carol; 1919- owner & gen mgr E J Morehead Auto Co, Falls City; pres city coun; Omaha Zone Chevrolet Dlrs Assn, mbr factory dirs planning com; Amer Leg, past comm; Rotary, past pres; C of C, past dir; Falls City Country Club; Presby Ch; Dem, mbr Richardson Co central com; hobbies, hunting, fishing, trapshooting; off 116 E 18th; res 24th & Lane, Falls City.

   MOREHEAD, JOHN H: President Real Estate Co; b Lucas Co, Ia Dec 3, 1861; s of Andrew Morehead-Frances A Cooper; ed Ia; priv sch, Knoxville Ia; bus course Shenandoah Ia 1894; m Minnie Weisenreider 1886 Nemaha Co; s Edwin J; d Dorothy (dec 1920); past twp ofcr; Richardson Co treas 2 terms; past mayor, Falls City; past mbr state sen from 1st dist of Neb, pres pro-tem of sen; past lt gov; 1912-16 gov of Neb; 1922-34 representative from 1st dist to US congress; 1934- mgr priv bus ints, pres Miles, Morehead & Weaver, Inc, Falls City; C of C; AF&AM; RAM; R&SM; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF, past grand; First Presby Ch; Dem; res Falls City.

   MORRIS, EDWARD DAVID: County Commissioner; b Breckonshire, S Wales Sept 27, 1865; s of Evan Morris-Elizabeth Davies; ed Richardson Co; m Martha B Harvey Feb 1885 Richardson Co; s Edward E; d Anna (Mrs Earl C O'Roke); 1885-89 rancher, Osborne Co Kas; 1889-1924 farmer near Dawson, raised purebred Poland China hogs & Shorthorn cattle; 1925-28 mgr Farmers Union Elevator Co, Dawson; 1929- Richardson Co commr; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; Evang Ch; Rep; off Courthouse; res Dawson.

   MYERS, MERVIN FRANCIS: Pharmacist; b Hastings, Neb Oct 6 1895; s of George D Myers-Emma Mitchell; ed Creighton Prep; Creighton U, PhG; Kappa Psi; m Luella E Rawley Aug, 1919 Abilene Kas; s James M, J Rawley; 1920-21 with Greene's Pharm, Omaha; 1921- ptr of T M Rowley in Rawley-Myers Drug Co, Falls City; mbr city coun; capt, comm Co B 134th NNG, Falls City; during World War, 1st lt, US inf 1917-18; Amer Leg, comm, del-at-large to natl conv 13th dist, 1935; Lions; C of C, past pres; Cath Ch; Dem; off 1620 Stone; res 718 E 16th, Falls City.

   NEITZEL, ROBERT ALLEN: Merchant; b Falls City, Neb Sept 30, 1885; s of August Neitzel-Anna Lange; ed Falls City HS; Falls City Bus Coll 1904-06; m Meeker Sayre Cain July, 1908 Falls City; s Robert Stuart; 1906-10 Richardson Co asst dep treas; 1910-15 Richardson Co dep treas; 1915-17 with First Natl Bank, Falls City; 1917- owner & gen mgr Neitzel Stores Co, Falls City, 1921- store also at Tecumseh; past mbr city coun 2 terms; C of C, ch dir; Falls City Country Club, ch mbr & past pres; IOOF; Episc Ch; Dem, hobby, fishing; off 1619-21 Stone: res 2410 Harlan, Falls City.

   NOVAK, CHARLES EDWARD: Physician & Surgeon; b. Pawnee City, Neb Sept 25, 18801; s of Anton E Novak-Mary C Vrbycky; ed Humboldt HS: Rush Med Coll, MD 1903; m Ruth Boyd Sept 14, 1927 Falls City; s Charles E Jr; 1903-04 prac med, Chicago; 1904-08 prac med, DuBois; 1908 supt Maccabees Hosp, Chicago; 1909-39 prac med, Humboldt, ptr of Dr George Gandy many years; Richardson Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; KP; AF&AM, past mbr York & Scot Rites; Shrine; past prelate of KP; IOOF; Rebekah; ZCBJ; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, dogs, hunting, fishing; off & res Humboldt.

   1Died Apr 24, 1939.

   NUSBAUM, LEO F: Business Manager; b Atchison, Kas Oct 13, 1902; s of Leo Nusbaum-Gertrude Nusbaum; ed St Benedict's Prep Sch, Atchison Kas; St Benedict's Coll, Atchison, BA 1924; m Evelyn Gertrude Kanaly Sept 9, 1933 Falls City; 1924-25 emp by Wichita Beacon, Wichita Kas; 1925-29 with Globe, Atchison Kas; 1929- bus mgr newspaper, Falls City; dir Falls City C of C; Cath Ch; Dem; res 1912 Stone, Falls City.

   PECK, CLEON: County Commissioner; b Richardson Co, Neb Oct 2, 1881; s of George W Peck-Sarah Maust; ed Richardson Co; McPherson Kas Coil, 1900-01; m Ella Way Jan 1908 Davenport; s Glenn S, Eugene W, Richard C, Gerald L; 1901- farmer on home place N of Falls City; farm in possession of family since 1864; 1936- Richardson Co commr, 1937- chmn of bd; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; U B Ch; Rep, mbr Richardson Co Central com; off Courthouse; res RFD 2, Falls City.

   PENCE, HARRY AUDLEY: Florist; b Douglas Co, Ill Aug 7, 1869; s of James M Pence-Cornelia Coy Kendall; ed Falls City HS; m Jennie F Simanton June 1899 Falls City; s Harry S, Eugene E; 1890-1901 engr Amalgamated Copper Co, Butte Mont; 1901- ptr of J R Simanton in greenhouse, one of oldest in Neb, Falls City; past mbr city coun; Neb St Florists Soc; FTDA; Soc of Amer Florists & Ornamental Horticulturists; C of C; Falls City Country Club; IOOF, past noble grand; Rep; res 1014 E, Falls City.

   PIERCE, HAROLD RALPH: Superintendent of Schools, b Butte, Neb; s of P P Pierce-Jennie M Carmichael; ed Butte HS; WSTC; U of N, BA 1932; m Doris Hunter Aug 1925 Gregory S D: s Harold George, Edward Gary; 1922-23 tchr, Boyd Co; 1923-24 instr & coach, Fairfax S D; 1925-26 prin rural HS, Coleridge; 1926-29 HS tchr & coach, Wausa; 1929-34 HS coach & tchr, Oakdale; 1934-38 coach & tchr, Hooper; 1938- supt of schs, Stella; NSTA; NEA; C of C; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, paleontology, industrial arts; off & res Stella.

   POWER, FRANK: Farmer; b Humboldt, Neb Dec 10, 1884; s of John A Power-Elnorah Lockard; ed Humboldt HS; m Lena Ray Cope Mar 1908 Humboldt; m Helen Scott June 1930 Lincoln; s Emmett W; 1908-10 farmed near Humboldt; 1910-28 oprd ranch near Eldorado Kas, sheep & cattle raiser; 1928- ptr of Lloyd W Stalder, in Power Bros Sheep Co, Humboldt; past mbr sch bd, Eldorado Kas; Midwest Woolgrower's Marketing Assn; C of C; Dem;. hobby, fishing; res Humboldt.

   PRICHARD, WILBUR JOSEPH: Auto Dealer; b Falls City, Neb Feb 4, 1898; s of H J Prichard-Ada Kimmel; ed Falls City HS; PSTC; U of N 1918-19; Phi Gamma Delta; m Madelleine Dillie Aug 1929 Glenwood Ia; d Sara Jane; 1919- ptr of father in H J Prichard & Son, auto bus at Falls City, 1930- gen mgr; 1928-32 mbr city coun; chmn of com for construction of Prichard Memorial Auditorium; ch mbr Amer Leg post 102; Neb Auto Dirs Assn; Lions, dir; C of C, dir; Falls City Country Club; BPOE, past exalted ruler; AF&AM; RAM; KT; U B Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing: off 17th & Chase; res 2003 Crook, Falls City.

   REAVIS, DAVID DORRINGTON: Merchant; b Falls City, Neb Dec 19, 1867; s of Isham Reavis-Annie M Dorrington; ed Falls City US; m Grace G Yutzy Mar 4, 1891 Falls City; s David D Jr, Joseph c; d Grace (Mrs Findley Graham), Anna (Mrs Clarence Poteet), Nellie (Mrs D R McCleery); 1887- in merc & furn bus, Falls City; owner & mgr farm ints, Richardson Co past 50 years; Richardson Co & Neb St Bar Assns; BPOE; AF&AM; KT; Shrine; grand prin Sojourners 1920; KP; res 1416 Chase, Falls City.

   REAVIS, JOSEPH CARROLL: Attorney; b Falls City, Neb Aug 15, 1899; s of David D Reavis-Grace G Yutzy; ed Falls City HS; U of N, LLB 1925; Phi Delta Phi; Phi Delta Theta; m Florence Tyler Apr 25, 1925 Marysville Kas; s Joseph T; d Virginia; 1925- law prac, Falls City; 1936- city atty; 1939 pres legal section League of Neb Municipalities;1938- mbr from 1st dist in Neb unicameral leg-


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islature; Richardson Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Amer Leg; Uni Club, Lincoln; Lions; Falls City Country Club; AF&AM; BPOE; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, outdoor sports; off Richardson Co Bank Bldg; res 1409 Chase, Falls City.

   RIGGS, GEORGE BURTON: Farmer; b Shubert, Neb Aug 31, 1891; s of Ernest C Riggs-Florence M Lewis; ed Shubert HS; U of N, Coll of Agr 1908-10; m Donna M Albin Mar 27, 1912 Shubert (dec 1938); s Harold Burton, Ralph Albin; 1912- farmer, 1912-14 with father, 1919- owner & opr home place; with Citizen's Bank, Shubert; 20 years mbr dist sch bd; Farm Bur; IOOF, past noble grand; Dem, several times mbr Richardson Co Central Com; hobby, comm work; res RFD, Shubert.

   RILEY, ANNE RUSH: Homemaker & Author; b Omaha, Neb Feb 18, 1877; d of John Rush-Annie Ferry; ed Mercy Convent, Omaha 1894; m Dan J Riley Nov 1911 Omaha; s Aloysius; d Nan; 1911 homemaker; 1924 gov Neb Ch, Internatl Fedn of Cath Alumni; 1928 publisher Chronicles of the Mercy Order, Omaha; 20 years author of newspaper articles, under nom-de-plume, Dame Durden; active in Dawson musical & literary circles also Lincoln Diocesan Coun of Cath Women; Women's Cath Order of Forresters; past & ch mbr Tuesday Literary Club; NS&D of Neb; Rep; hobbies, music, giving book reviews, sketches & light verse memorializing home town & characters, addresses many literary groups, gives radio programs; father (dec) educator, speaker & philanthropist; res Dawson.

   RILEY, DAN J: Banker; b Dawson, Neb July 7, 1875; s of Michael Riley-Bridget Ryan; ed Dawson HS; St Mary's Coll, St Marys, Kas, BA 1896; U of N, LLB 1900; Phi Delta Phi; m Anne Rush Nov 1911 Omaha; s Aloysius; d Nan; 1897 P M, Dawson; 1900 adm to Neb bar; 1900-09 ptr of Jacob Fawcett in law firm Fawcett & Riley, Omaha; 1909- owner & pres Dawson Bank, estab by father 1887; prof in criminal law, Creighton U many years; 1910- prac law, specializing in probate work, Dawson; during World War active in fund drives, 1917-19 Richardson Co chmn YWCA drive; Neb Bankers Assn, past pres; 1921- chmn legislative com, 4th Regional Clearing House Assn, ch pres; past pres U of N Alumni Assn; KC; Cath Ch; Rep; hobbies, Bankers' Assn activities; off & res Dawson.

   RIST, FRANK J SR: Manufacturer & Stockman; b Humboldt, Neb Feb 4, 1883; s of Christian Rist-Emma Hunzeker; ed Humboldt HS; U of N, 1903-06; capt Coll of Agr baseball team 1905-06; pres YMCA; m Jennie R Gravette Apr 1907 Humboldt; s Frank O; d Rita R; 1907- owner Plainview Hog, Feed & Seed Farm, raises purebred Poland China hogs, several years said to have largest Poland China mail order bus in US, also exhibited prize winning hogs in leading livestock shows many years; bred sire of natl grand champion herd 1938; 1920- mfr Rists Hog Mineral & other products, has one of largest firms of kind west of Missouri River, Humboldt; 1908 judge Natl Corn Show, Omaha; 1933 com chmn Richardson Co Corn-Hog Program; 1934 mbr Richardson Go Farm Security Bd; past assoc editor Indep Farmer at Lincoln also Breeders Gazette, Chicago; pres Richardson Co Fair bd 8 years; owned KGDW radio station many years, Humboldt; secy-treas Amer Fedn of Agrl Students; pres Neb Pure Seed Growers Assn; pres Humboldt Comm Men's Chorus; Chris Ch, clk 30 years, mbr ch bd 30 years, elder 20 years, family name originally Reist; grandfather Christian Rist born in Surnmerwaldt Switzerland 1827, shoemaker in Switzerland; married Catherine Hug, Swiss mountain girl & cheese maker, Mar 30, 1848; came to Amer 1864 settled in St Joseph Mo, 1855 came to Neb; took claim before homestead law was enacted, first settled near Dry Branch Reformed Ch, Richardson Co; sold farm for $125.00 & moved to permanent home; 1864 homesteaded land in Pawnee Co, raised corn; family included 6 sons & 3 daughters, all families live within 6 miles of homestead; res Humboldt.

   ROSE, WALTER AARON: Register of Deeds; b Richardson Co, Neb Oct 22, 1886; s of Bradley A Rose-Clara E Cook; ed Salem HS; Falls City Bus Coll 1904-05; m Stella Champlin Feb 1908 Nebraska City; s Aaron Bradley; 1906 learned barber trade, oprd shops in Nebraska City & Falls City; 1910-11 inspector in cereal mill Nebraska City; 1917-18 record clk for Penn Rubber Co, Kansas City; 1920-22 cash, Colo-Utah Coal Co, Mt Harris Colo; 1923- Richardson Co register of deeds; 1928 candidate for secy of state; during World War, signed in first draft; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; IOOF, trustee, past noble grand; BPOE, past exalted ruler; Rep; hobby, fishing; off Courthouse; res 2122 Harlan, Falls city.

   ROSS, CHARLES M: Editor; b Richmond, Va Mar 17, 1884; ed Lexington Ky; Louisville Ky HS; Queens U, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; McGill U, Montreal, med course; m Gertrude Galbraith July 6, 1922 Hiawatha Kas; prior to 1922 journeyman printer & owner of several small papers; has worked in every state in union, except N H, also Canada, Mexico & England; 1926- owner Dawson Herald; past village clk several years; AF&AM; WOW; hobbies, fancy Cochin Bantams, experimental printing; prior to 1922 wife proof reader & bkkpr, emp by Daily World & Hiawatha Democrat several years; assists in off, writes locals, is bkkpr & proof reader for Dawson Herald; off & res Dawson.

   SANDROCK, KENNETH GEORGE: Baker; b Navarre, Kas Mar 6, 1910; s of George Sandrock-Goldie Fisher; ed Falls City I-IS; U of N, 1927-29; Uni Comml Club; Delta Sigma PI; m Irene J Redwood May 26, 1934 Aubum; 1916 came to Falls City; 1929-33 bkkpr Neb St Bank of Falls City; 1933- with Falls City State Bank, 1935- asst cash, 1937- dir; 1936-38 city treas; 1936-38 treas sch dist 56; 1936- treas Richardson Co ARC; C of C, treas 1936-38, secy 1939; Lions; IOOF; Meth Ch; Rep; off State Bank Bldg; res 2314 Chase, Falls City.

   SCHAIBLE, ALBERT FRANK: Bank President; b Falls City, Neb Oct 4, 1876; s of John Schaible-Catherine ___; ed Falls City HS; Neb Wes 1894-96; Everett; m Magnolia Ewalt Oct 4, 1905 Falls City; d Jane E; 1896 with Richardson Co Bank, 1900-18 asst cash, 1918-31 cash, 1931-37 VP, 1937- pres; owner farm ints & city properties, Richardson Co; 1903-04 in lbr bus, Kansas City Mo; past city treas; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn, past pres; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; Lions, treas; C of C; Falls City Country Club; AF&AM; IOOF, past noble grand; off 1624 Stone; res 2303 Stone, Falls City.

   SHILDNECK, WILLIAM PHILLIP: Hardware Dealer; b Polo, Ill Sept 29, 1869; s of Hiram Shildneck-Mary Frances Hamman; ed Ill & Neb; m Nellie May Long Aug 1896 Richardson Co; s Carl H, Lloyd P, Jesse W, Paul R, Bruce E (dec); 1887-89 worked on farina in Richardson Co; 1889-1903 station agt for CB&Q RR in Neb, Wyo & S D; 1903- ptr of brother in hdw bus, Salem; mbr sch bd 7 years; mbr village bd 20 years; helped org 2nd Chautauqua in Neb; WOW, secy 10 years; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, mechanical units; res Salem.

   SHOOK, WILLIAM EDWARD: Physician & Surgeon; b Nemaha Co, Neb Nov 28, 1872; s of John H Shook-Eleanor Pike; ed Nemaha & Auburn HS; LBC; Cotner Coll; Omaha Med Coll; U of Ill, MD 1901; m Elizabeth B Shurtleff June 1902 Humboldt; d Mildred D, Eleanor (Mrs I E Turner); 1892-94 emp in law off of John S Stull, Auburn; 1895 steno in off of chief clk of Neb house of representatives; 1896-97 court reporter, 1st judicial dist of Neb; 1901-03 prac med, South Auburn; 1903- prac med, Shubert, 1918-30 ptr of Dr George W Eggermayer; owner & mgr farm ints near Shubert; past chmn sch bd; mbr town bd; Richardson Co Med Soc, twice pres, past secy; Neb St Med Assn, councilor, past pres 3rd dist, twice state VP; AMA; AF&AM; KT; Shrine; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, farming; father, Civil War veteran came to Richardson Co 1859; res Shubert.

   SHRIMPTON, JESSE THOMAS: Miller; b De Kalb, Ill July 9, 1872; s of George Shrimpton-Ann Freeman; ed Neb; m Minnie Jennings Oct 17, 1905 Salem; 1890-1900 with father in Shrimpton Mill, Salem; 1900-18 with Fremont Milling Co; 1918- ptr of F W Shrimpton & B F Shrimpton in Shrimpton Milling Co, Salem & Ainsworth; past mbr village bd; mbr sch bd 6 years; Neb Millers Assn; BPOE, past trustee; Congl Ch, trustee 12 years; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Salem.

   SHROYER, JOHN OSCAR: Farmer; b Dayton, O Nov 12, 1863; s of Jacob Shroyer-Leah Kunkle; ed Ill; Elliotts Bus Coll, Burlington Ia: m Sadie Hanna Jan 27, 1886 Maysville Mo; s Jacob L, Melvin W, Glen K; 1880-83 tchr, Richardson Co; 1883- farmer, Richardson Co; mbr sch bd Bratton Union, first consolidated sch in Neb, chmn 42 years; past assessor; U of N comm speaker, has spoken in all Neb co; author of articles of farm problems, economic, social, religious & legislative; has made several trips to Washington D C for Neb farmers; Farmers Union; Pleasant View Ch, elder, SS supt 20 years; Dem, hobby, writing; res Humboldt.



Who's Who

   SHUBERT, J FRANK: Bank President; b Shubert, Neb Nov 4, 1870; s of Henry W Shubert-Mary Griffin; ed Richardson Co; m Leona Athey Mar 12, 1896 Shubert; d Nina M (Mrs Dearle Baker); 1896-1902 farmer near Shubert; 1902-06 salesman at Shubert for McCormick Harvester Co; 1908-31 org & cash Citizens Bank of Shubert, 1931- pres; 1912- one of largest applegrowers in Neb; 1912-30 ptr of brother in Shubert Bros Co; 1907 representative from Richardson Co in Neb legislature: during World War, org HG of 70 rifles, Shubert; apptd capt US army res, 1924; 1934 elec mbr Hall of Agrl Achievement, Lincoln; pres Neb St Fair bd; Neb St Horticultural Soc, past pres; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn; Neb Bankers Assn; WOW; AF&AM: RAM; KT; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF, past grand master, twice grand lodge representative; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, state fair work; father came to Richardson Co in 1865, town named for him; off Citizens Bank; res Shubert,

   SIMANTON, JOHN ROBERT: Florist; b Falls City, Neb Sept 5, 1874; s of Brevet Simanton-Helen Baldwin; ed Falls City HS; m Ethel Minnick June 1901 Falls City; d Ruth Lee (Mrs William Buthman), Sara Helen (Mrs Ray Loucks); 1892-1901 with father in greenhouse at Falls City, 1901- ptr of Harry Pence in Simanton & Pence: past mbr sch bd; Soc of Amer Florists & Ornamental Horticulturists; Neb St Florists Soc, pres; FTDA; C of C; Falls City Country Club; IOOF, past noble grand; Rep; hobby, music; father came to Falls City 1869, estab present floral bus; res 1014 E 14th, Falls City.

   SIMON, CLARENCE A: Wholesale Grocer; b Rulo, Neb Aug 19, 1882; s of Frank Simon-Adele Gagnon; ed Rulo HS; m Louise Jarrott Apr 24, 1907 Paolo Kas; s Clarence Francis Jr, Charles Harold; 1907-09 with Nave-McCord Mdse Co of St Joseph Mo, 1909-19 traveled in NW Mo; 1919-24 traveling salesman for Falls City Whol & Supply Co; 1924 with father estab Falls City Mdse Co, 1924- co-owner & mgr, 1924-39 traveled over northern Kas & SE Neb; financial chmn Falls City BSA several years; C of C; TPA, past state pres, state dir, past secy; Falls City Country Club; BPOE, past exalted ruler; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, farming; off 7th & Morton; res 2121 Lane, Falls City.

   SLAMA, LEWIS: Auto Dealer; b Kadof, Moravia Mar 7, 1873; s of Alois Slama-Clementine Sinn; ed Pawnee Co; m Emma Karas Sept 1899 Pawnee City; 1891-92 with Penton Jewelry, Wymore; 1892-1910 owner & opr Slama Jewelry Co, Humboldt; 1910 owner & opr Slama Auto Co, Humboldt; among oldest auto dlrs in state, sold first cars 1904, oldest man in bus continuously in Humboldt vicinity; 1904-06 inventor & promoter of Slama tire-protector, made by Slama Tire Protector Co, Inc; 1900-01 built 4 1/2 horsepower steam auto, first auto in oprn in Richardson Co; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; C of C; Maccabees; ZCBJ; Dem; res Humboldt.

   SMITH, JOHN GOUGH: Merchant; b Dawson, Neb Mar 2, 1874; s of George Smith-Mary Jane Gough; ed Dawson; m Iva Buser Oct 14, 1903 Dawson; d Sibyl B; 1896-98 & 1900-03 tchr, Dawson Co; 1898-1900 traveled in west & in Canada; 1903-05 with Internatl Harvester Co, Dawson & Canada: 1905 owner & gen mgr Smith & Smith Gen Mdse, Dawson; 1905-08 opr Smith-Buser Co; chmn city coun many years; mbr sch bd; during World War 9 mos YMCA secy at Gen Pershing's hdqrs, Chaumont, France; Security Benefit Assn; IOOF, past noble grand; Evang Ch, SS supt & choir leader; past pres Richardson Co SS orgn; born in dugout on last homestead taken in Richardson Co; Rep; res Dawson.

   SNETHEN, FRANK: Insurance & Real Estate Agent; b Humboldt, Neb June 1, 1868; s of Joseph S Snethen-Mary A Fudge; ed Humboldt HS; Omaha Comml Coll 1886-88; m Rose C Cornell Aug 1894 Tecumseh; d Hazel (Mrs Jay H Vance), Esther (Mrs Paul E Van Pelt); 1888-92 with First Natl Bank, Humboldt; 1892-1903 ptr of father in Elk Creek State Bank; 1903-08 VP First Natl Bank of Humboldt; 1908 in farm loan bus & gen agt for Conn Mutual Ins Co, also real est agt, Humboldt; owner farm ints & city properties; C of C; AF&AM 321, past master; RAM; KT; Sesostris Shrine; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, motoring, travel; res Humboldt.

   STALDER, LLOYD WALTER: Farmer; b Humboldt, Neb Feb 28, 1888; s of Albert E Stalder-Christina Oberly; ed Humboldt HS; U of N 1906-09; m Louise Power Jan 1913 Humboldt; 1909-12 homesteaded near Havre Mont; 1913- owner & opr farm ints near Humboldt; 1913- with Power Bros Sheep Co, feeders & grain dlrs at Humboldt, 1928- ptr of Frank Power; mbr city coun, past pres; dir Richardson Co Agrl Assn; Midwest Woolgrowers Marketing Assn; Neb Farm Bur; past pres C of C; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; Chris Ch, chmn of bd: Dem; hobby, travel; father came to Richardson Co 1858; res Humboldt.

   STARNS, HOWARD: Veterinarian; b Sabetha, Kas Aug 28, 1880: s of James Finley Starns-Sarah E Eakens; ed Sabetha Kas; Kansas City Mo Veterinary Coll 1909-10; St Joseph Mo Veterinary Coll, DVS 1911, m Grace Lockridge Apr 8, 1903 Sabetha, Kas; s Lester (dec); 1911- veterinarian, Humboldt; 1937- owner & opr Starns Drug Store, Humboldt; Neb St Veterinary Med Assn; C of C; AF&AM; KP; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, sports, baseball; res Humboldt.

   TIEHEN, LEO S: Oil Dealer; b Dawson, Neb Oct 25, 1898: s of Alexander Tiehen-Mary Koelzer; ed Dawson HS; m Marguerite Riley Oct 1920 Dawson; s Martin J; d Rosemary C, Dolores Ann; 1915 owner & mgr farm near Dawson; 1917- in gen trucking bus; 1924 estab first bulk oil bus in Dawson; 1927- in retail gas & oil bus, owner of Dawson Oil Co; 1933- in gen gas transport bus; mbr city coun; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, farming; father came from Germany to Neb via New Orleans in early 1850's; freighted from Nebraska City to Denver, later settled in Dawson; off & res Dawson.

   TODD, NEWELL WEBSTER: Editor; b St Joseph, Mo Oct 28, 1903; s of Luther A Todd-Ruth Hetherington; ed Shattuck Mil Acad, Faribault Minn; St Benedict's Coll, Atchison Kas; m Florence Brown Byram May 12, 1926 Atchison Kas; s Newell Webster Todd Jr: d Alice Byram; Rotary; BPOE; off 110 East 16th; res 2414 Harlan, Falls City.

   TOWLE, EDWIN HERMAN: Executive; b Falls City, Neb Sept 19, 1869; s of Edwin Sargent Towle-Kittie L Dorrington; ed Falls City HS; Northwestern U, BSc 1892; m Lillian Farrington Dec 9, 1897 Falls City; s Edwin Sargent Jr; d Mary (Mrs H B Bedwell); 1895 set out orchard near Falls City, now int in 500 A orchard; 1901- owner & mgr Towle Lbr Co; 1906- secy, mgr, prin owner Southeastern Neb Tele Co, Falls City; secy Falls City Hotel Realty Co; owner Weaver Hotel, Falls City; secy Weaver-Towle Orchard Co, opr 480 A orchard, Richardson Co; pres, chief stockholder First Natl Bank; dir Omaha Steel Works; secy-treas Steele Cemetery Assn, prin of burial ground; as young man was police judge & J P, also city engr; under his jurisdiction first paving in bus portion of town was completed; secy & treas Towle Realty Co, owner real est; C of C; BPOE, AF&AM; RAM, past high priest; Meth Ch: Rep; father came to Falls City 1862 while a student in Annapolis, quartered 1 year at Newport R I on frigate Constitution, served under Gov Furnas in 1st Neb regiment, served in Indian wars in Minn; mbr Neb constitutional conv 1871, participated in all debates; mbr house of representatives 1873-75, speaker of house 1875-77; 1877 retd to Falls City, bought & sold Richardson Co land, active in bldg Falls City bus dist; first mayor, Falls City; maternal grandfather, David Darrington, came to Falls City when town was surveyed 1857, became first permanent resident, pur lots now heart of bus dist, still owned by family; awarded early US mail contract, supvr mail delivery from Rulo to Topeka Kas, Beatrice & Kearney; with John Brown aided negroes to escape; off First National Bank; res 1410 Chase, Falls City.

   TOWLE, EDWIN SARGENT: Real Estate Agent; b Falls City, Neb June 16, 1908; s of Edwin Herman Towle-Lillian Farrington; ed Falls City HS; Mo Sch of Mines, Rolla 1925-26; U of the South, Sewanee Tenn, BSc 1930; Phi Gamma Delta; m Arleen Heck Jan 18, 1932 Marysville Kas; 1932- real est agt, Falls City, VP & gen mgr Towle Realty Co; 1935- owner & mgr Missouri Valley Poster & Advertising Co; 1933- dir First Natl Bank; dir Natl Mutual Plate Glass Ins Co; 1932 dir Southeastern Neb Tele Co; 1937- pres Gen Loan Corp; treas Outdoor Advertising Assn of Neb; Lions; dir C of C, past secy; dir Falls City Country Club; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; off 1613 Chase; res 2209 Lane, Falls City.

   TYNAN, ROBERT ANDREW: Bank President; b Peru, Neb Sept 5, 1876; s of Andrew Tynan-Jennie Richardson; ed Richardson Co; U of N, BSc 1922; m Della Harden May 1902 Verdon; s Robert Andrew, Eugene Harden; d Catherine (Mrs Clarence Nutter); 1899-1901 with P J Brophy Whol Groc Co, Butte Mont; 1901- farmer, opr father's homestead, ext cattle feeder; breeder purebred cat-


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tle, Morgan horses, Berkshire hogs; 1918- pres State Bank of Stella, estab 1886 by J R Cain; 1917-34 secy-treas of drainage dist 3, Stella, reclaimed 4,000 A in Richardson Co; 26 years mbr Richardson Co sch bds; 2 terms mayor; chmn Stella Cemetery Assn; 4th Regional Clearing House Assn; Neb Bankers Assn; C of C; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; OES; MWA, ch mbr Butte Mont 1899; hobbies, farming, horseback riding; Dem; father came from Ireland to Neb 1857, settled SE of Stella 1859 land still possessed by family; off State Bank of Stella; res Stella.

   UHRI, EDWARD: Farmer; b Humboldt, Neb May 14, 1864; s of Matthias Uhri-Barbara Lutz; edn consisted of meager schooling & home study; m Mary Bartz Jan 1887 Humboldt (dec 1923): d Mae (Mrs Ralph Tjaden); m Josephine Mae Boap Nov 24, 1927 Lincoln; 1885- farmer on father's homestead near Humboldt; 1907-15 auto dlr, Humboldt; 1920-23 radio dlr; owner & opr Nemaha Valley ranch; 1898-1933 founder & pres of Humboldt, Speiser Rural Tele Co Inc, first rural tele co in Neb; owner of first farm auto in Richardson Co, made one of earliest auto trips thru Yellowstone Park 1915; 1916 org Home State Bank, dir until 1925; 1914-34 instrumental in orgn Richardson Co Drainage Dist 4, secy-treas; promoted oil investigation in Richardson Co, instrumental in drilling three test wells, responsible for leasing campaign in Forest City Basin; C of C; IOOF; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, oil promotion, travel; father homesteaded in Richardson Co 1861; res RFD, Humboldt.

   ULMER, NORMAN MARTIN: Farmer & Stockman; b Richardson Co, Neb May 25, 1885; s of Emanuel Ulmer-Sarah Elizabeth Heim; ed Dawson HS 1904; U of N 1906; m Meredeth Miller Apr 24, 1912 Winterset Ia; m Pearl Wachtler Dec 24, 1932 Le Mars Ia; 1906-10 emp by father on farm, Richardson Co; 1910- farmer, Richardson Co; Farmers Union Co-op Assn, secy; Farmers Union, mbr 25 years, Richardson Co pres 10 years; Evang Ch; Dem: hobby, travel; res Dawson.

   VERTISKA, RUDOLPH: Pharmacist; b Humboldt, Neb Oct 1, 1877; s of, Rudolph Vertiska-Fannie Eis; ed Humboldt HS; m Mary Bernhardt Aug 1907 Humboldt; s Rudolph Jr; d Joan Lee; 1892-93 with Humboldt Standard; 1893-94 with Schneider-Lung Merc Co; 1894-97 with Schurtz & Schaeffer Merc Co, later with William Paul Merc Co; 1898-1900 with Beery & Carter Merc Co; 1900-02 with Slama Tire Protector Co; 1903-13 bkkpr & tinner Skalak Hdw Co; 1913- ptr of Charles Watzek in Vertiska & Watzek Drug Store; 9 years mbr sch bd dist 37; mbr city coun 9 years; mbr vol fire dept, chief 1906-36; Neb Pharm Assn; C of C; Royal Highlanders, past secy; AF&AM 32o; RAM: KT; Sesostris Shrine, life mbr; IOOF, past noble grand; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; mother came to US in 1863; res Humboldt.

   WAGGENER, JOHN A: Physician & Surgeon; b Burksville, Ky Oct 6, 1852; s of Louis A Waggener-Sarah E Alexander; ed Cumberland Co KY; Louisville Ky Coll of Med, MD 1876; m Anna Grinstead Mar 1878, Humboldt; s Dr Hewett Allen, Dr William R, Dr John Todd; d Lillith; 1878 came to Neb; 1876-78 prac med, Burksville Ky; 1879-1902 prac med, Dawson; 1902- prac med, Humboldt; 1896-1900 Richardson Co coroner; 1915-16 chief phys, Soldiers & Sailors Home, Grand Island; one of oldest prac phys in Neb; author of hist sketches on med profession in Richardson Co, co-founder one of earliest co med socs in Neb; during World War served in med res corps; Richardson Co Med Soc, past pres; Neb St Med Assn, past councilor, life mbr; AMA; KP, past ofcr; IOOF, past noble grand; Dem; hobby, farming; celebrated 61st wedding anniversary 1939; res Humboldt.

   WEAVER, ARCHIBALD JACKSON: Attorney; b Falls City, Neb Dec 8, 1906; s of Paul B Weaver-Anna L Crook; ed Falls City HS; U of N, BA 1927; U of Mich, JD 1929; Phi Alpha Delta; m Marguerite Cadwallader Dec 1933 Kansas City Mo; s Archibald J Jr, David R; 1929 adm to bar in Neb & Mo; 1929-32 mbr law firm, Winger, Reeder, Barker, Gumbiner & Hazard at Kansas City Mo: 1932-38 mbr Weaver & Weaver law firm, Falls City; 1938- priv law prac, Falls City; Richardson Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Uni Club, Lincoln; IOOF, past noble grand; Meth Ch; Rep, 1938-40 chmn Richardson Co Central Com; off State Bank Bldg; res 2116 Crook, Falls City.

   WEAVER, ARTHUR J: Ex-Governor; b Falls City, Neb Nov 18, 1873; s of Archibald J Weaver-Martha Myers; ed Falls City; U of N, BA 1895, LLB 1896; m Maude E Hart Sept 2, 1908 White Pigeon Mich; s Arthur Jr, Phillip Hart; d Maude Harriet, Dorothy Jane, Ruth Jean, Josephine Miranda; prac law 8 years; fruit grower; farmer; stockman; pres Weaver & Towle Orchard Co; pres Falls City Hotel Realty Co; 1899-1901 Falls City atty; 1901-03 Richardson Co atty; 1915 mayor Falls City; mbr 1st Neb St park bd; 1920 pres Neb Constitutional Conv; 1920 chmn Neb Electoral Coll; 1899 mbr Neb house of representatives; 1929-30 gov of Neb; 1930- farmer, Falls City; VP Neb St bd of agr; 1925 endorsed by US sen & house delegation from Neb for US secy of agr, also endorsed by gov of Neb & both branches of Neb legislature; mbr advisory bd to Secy of War & to the Secy of Commerce on Inland Waterways Corp; one of 3 mbrs of special com authorized by congress on Panama Canal tolls & vessel measurements; pres Falls City Whol & Supply Co; secy Falls City Theater Realty Co; VP Miles, Morehead & Weaver Inc; past agrl dir & past chmn Omaha branch of Fed Res Bank of Kansas City; pres Missouri River Navigation Assn; pres Mississippi Valley Assn; past pres Neb St Horticultural Soc; pres Neb St Hist Soc; past pres NS&D of Neb; Rep, chmn state conv 1924, Neb del-at-large & chmn of Neb delegation at natl conv 1932; res Falls City.

   WEBER, DANIEL HARRY: High School Superintendent; b Beattie, Kas Feb 12, 1887; s of Daniel H Weber- Priscilla Wolfgang; ed Barnston HS; Neb Wes; PSTC; U of N, BA 1924, MA 1930; Phi Beta Kappa; m Lillian Hiatt Dec 1912 Shubert; s Robert R; d Dorothy Jane; 1905-09 tchr, Gage Co; 1910-15 supt of schs, Shubert; 1915-22 Richardson Co supt; 1922-23 prin Jr HS, Falls City; 1923-25 supt of schs, Shubert; 1925-27 supt of schs, Sterling; 1927- supt of schs, Humboldt; 10 terms summer sch instr PSTC, Cotner Coll, U of N; NSTA, past dist VP; C of C; AF&AM; OES; IOOF, past noble grand; MWA; Meth Ch; Indep; res Humboldt.

   WILTSE, JOHN HAROLD: County Attorney; b Falls City, Neb Sept 6, 1906: s of John Wiltse Sr-Elsie Peck: ed Falls City HS; Neb Wes 1924-25; U of N, LLB 1929; Phi Alpha Delta; m Elma R Wittwer Aug 9, 1931 Richardson Co; d Barbara Jo, Sarol Mae; 1929 adm to Neb bar: 1929- mbr law firm Wiltse & Wiltse at Falls City, 1932-39 also law prac at Humboldt; 1934-37 US conciliation commr for Richardson Co; 1936 investigator for US treasury dept, bur of internal revenue, Omaha; 1938 Richardson Co atty; Richardson Co Bar Assn; 1st Judicial Dist Bar Assn, chmn grievance com; Neb St Bar Assn; Rotary, secy; C of C; IOOF, past noble .grand; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, shooting; off Courthouse; res 818 E 16th, Falls City.

   WINDLE, JOE EARL: Owner Grain Elevator; b Richardson Co, Neb Oct 25, 1888; s of Joseph Windle-Annabell Price; ed Salem HS 1904; Falls City Bus Coll; m Lena Pfann Apr 21, 1916 Nebraska City; s Richard K, Robert J; d Carolyn L; 1905-14 with father in grain elevator & stockraising, Salem; 1914-16 owner & opr grain elevator, Dawson; 1916-26 owner & opr lbr yard, Salem; 1918-35 ptr of brother in elevator, farm & stock bus at Salem, 1935- owner & opr: mbr village bd several years; mbr sch bd, past pres; Richardson Co Agrl Assn; Richardson Co Drainage Dist 1; IOOF, past noble grand; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Salem.

   YODER, BLAINE LEONARD: Owner Cleaning Establishment; b Morrill, Kas May 20, 1899; s of E L Yoder-Annie Forney; ed Falls City HS; U of N 1929-30; m Freda Pfann Feb 1924 Falls City; d Sally Ann, Betsy Jane; 1911-17 & 1919-29 switchman MoP RR, Falls City; 1929-31 Neb St purchasing agt; 1931- owner & mgr Falls City Cleaners; mbr city coun, promoted installation of Diesel power plant, Falls City; past pres bd of edn; during World War, vol 6th Neb inf, promoted to 1st lt, commd ofcr hdqrs Co 109th engrs, O/S 10 mos; Amer Leg, past comm; C of C, dir. past pres, past secy; Falls City Country Club; Lions; secy ARC 8 years; BPOE, past exalted ruler, past dist dep; AF&AM; off 1601 Stone; res 2002 Chase, Falls City.