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Resource Center, News
Newspapers of Washington County, Nebraska
on microfilm at NSHS Library, Lincoln
On other pages - | On this page - |
Arlington | Cuming City The Nebraska Pioneer. The Cuming City Star. |
Blair | Desoto Nebraska Enquirer. De Soto Pilot. |
Herman The Herman Advertiser. The Herman Cyclone. The Herman News. The Herman Record. The Herman Weekly Review. |
Kennard The Enterprise. |
Rolls of microfilm are for rent from Nebraska State Historical Society.
Research at NSHS can be arranged by mail.
Alternative for rental of microfilm: Nebraska State Genealogical Society (members only).
filmS CUMING CITY, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 C91p The Nebraska Pioneer. Cuming City, NE Est. Feb. , 1857 - Jan. 1O, 1858 // Weekly. "Followed by The Cuming City Star". EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Dimmick, (pub.), Feb. , 1857 - L.M. Kline, (ed. & pub.), Dec. 24, 1857 REFERENCES: Jan. 10, 1858 is an Extra on the Bill for the removal of the Capital from Omaha. The early day press...(The Pilot-Tribune Apr. 18, 1929, 4:2). Andreas, A.T. History of the State of Nebraska, 1882, page 1490. Nebraska Pioneer... A new paper at Cuming City... (The Nebraska Advertiser Mar. 5, 1857, 3:3). Buss, William H. & Osterman, Thomas T. History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, and their people... 1921, page 353. Morton, Julius Sterling... Illustrated history of Nebraska 1907, Vol. 2, page 366. Cuming City had papers...(The Pilot-Tribune Blair, NE, Apr. 28, 1949 Sec. 4, 8:1-4). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: 1 film strip spliced on Roll #2, Item #11 filmS Dec. 24, 1857 (v.l, #25) approx. Jan. 7, 1858 (v.l, #26) sic 2 ft. Jan. 1O, 1858 (v._,#_)
filmS CUMING CITY, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 C91s The Cuming City Star. Cuming City, NE Est. March 2O, 1858 - Sept. 28, 1858 // Weekly. "Preceded by Nebraska Pioneer" EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Merrick & Maguire, (pub.), June 19, 1858 - Sept. 28, 1858. (Albert W. Merrick) (H. Nell Maguire) REFERENCES: Cuming City had papers... (The Pilot-Tribune Blair, NE, Apr. 28, 1949, Sec. 4,8:1-4). The early day press ...(The Pilot Tribune, Apr.l 8, 1929, 4:2). Andreas, A.T. History of the State of Nebraska, 1882, page 1470. Returning papers... request to unite the old "Pioneer" subscription list of the new names obtained on the Star... (The Cuming City Star June 19, 1858, 2:3). Buss, William H. & Osterman, Thomas T... History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, and their people...1921, page 353. Morton, Julius Sterling... Illustrated history of Nebraska 1907, Volume 1, page 366. McMurtrie, Douglas C. Pioneer printing in Nebraska...(Turner, M.M Newspaper History - Nebraska. Volume 1, page 17). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: 1 film strip spliced on Roll #2, Item #28 films June 19, 1858 (v.1, #14) approx. Sept. 7, 1858 (v.1, #25) 2 ft. Sept. 28, 1858 (v.1, #28)
film DESOTO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 D46e Nebraska Enquirer. Est. July 22, 1859 - , 1872// Weekly. Followed the DeSoto Pilot. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Merrick & Winegar (eds. & props.), Aug. 18, 1859 - Sept. 15, 1859. Albert W. Merrick (ed. & prop.), Oct. 6, 1859 - Hugh McNeely (ed. & prop.), May 3, 1860 - Feb. 28, 1861. A.W. Merrick (pub.& prop.), July 16, 1861 - Sept. 24, 1861. Description of 2 issues of Nebraska Enquirer published at DeSoto, vol. 1, no. 35 and 38. REFERENCES: Newspapers (of Washington County) (Blair Tribune Nov. 15, 1923). Buss William, H. & Osterman, Thomas T. History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska and their people. 1921, pg.353. Nebraska Enguirer, pg.3, May 3, 1860. It will be seen by reference to our Editorial head that the connection of Mr. Merrick with this, paper has ceased... (Nebraska Enquirer, May 3, 1860, 3:1). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 Aug. 18, 1859 (v.1, #5) - Sept. 15, 1859(v.1, #9) 120 Oct. 6, 1859 (v.1, #12) Expos. Nov. 3, 1859 (v.1, #16) #9355 Nov. 17, 1859 (v.1, #18) Dec. 15, 1859 (v.1, #21) Jan. 5, 1860 (v.1, #24) Jan. 19, 1860 (v.1, #31) - Feb. 9, 1860 (v.1, #29) Feb. 23, 1860 (v.1, #31) - May 31, 1860 (v.1, #45) June 28, 186O (v.1, #48) - July 5, 186O (v.1, #49) July 19, 1860 (v.1, #51) - Aug. 16, 1860 (v.2, #2) Aug. 30, l860 (v.2, #4) - Sept. 2O, 186O (v.2, #7) Oct. 4, l86O (v.2, #9) Oct. 18, 1860 (v.2, #11) Jan. 17, 1861 (v.2, #17) Feb. 14, l861(v.2, #20) Feb. 28, 1861 (v.2, #22) July 16, 1861 (v.2, #33) - Aug. 13, 1861 (v.2, #37) Sept. 3, 1861 (v.2, #40) Sept. 24, 1861 (v.2, #43) NOTE: Poor print throughout reel.
film De SOTO 071 D46p De Soto Pilot. De Soto, N.T. Est. 1857-58 Weekly. Periodically published twice a month. Filmed by the Library of Congress. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: John E. Parrish, May - August ? 1857 Z. Jackson (ed.), Sept. , 1857 - May ?, 1858 REFERENCES: McMurtie, Douglas G. Pioneer Printing in Nebraska p. 17. In Turner, M.M. Newspaper History-Nebraska.) NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 May 30, 1857 (v.1, #7) #952 June 13, 1857 (v.1, #9) - Aug. 26, 1857 (v.1, #16) Sept. 12, 1857 (v.1, #18) - Oct. 27, 1857 (v.1, #22) Nov. 17, 1857 (v.1, #24) - Feb. 2, 1858 (v.1, #34) Feb. 16, 1858 (v.1, #36) - Feb. 23, 1858 (v.1, #37) Mar. 9, 1858 (v.1, #39) - May 4, 1858 (v.1, #47) Reel 1 positive rec'd. Feb. 16, 1966. Note: Not published: June 20, 1857; Aug. 8-22, 1857; Oct. 10-24, 1857; Nov. 24, 1857
filmS HERMAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 H42a The Herman Advertiser. Herman, NE Est. Oct. 13, 1899 - // Weekly. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: B.A. Brewster, (pub.), Oct. 13, 1899 REFERENCES: THE HERMAN ADVERTISER...We this week launch another paper upon the journalistic sea at Herman... (The Herman Advertiser Oct. 13, 1899, 1:4). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Located on Roll #11 filmstrips FilmS Oct. 13, 1899 (v.1, #l1) 071 Oct. 27, 1899 (v.1, #3) - Nov. 3, 1899 (v.1, #4) H42a Nov. 17, 1899 (v.1, #6) - Dec. 1, 1899 (v.1, #8)
film HERMAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 H42c The Herman Cyclone. Herman, NE Est. Mar. , 1906 - Apr. 4, 1907 // Weekly. Published simultaneously at Herman and Blair. EDITORS & PUBLiSHERS: Don C. Van Deusen, (ed. & pub.), , 1906 - Apr. 4, 1907. REFERENCES: Nebraska State Gazetteer, 1907 (Blair). Announcement... This will be the last issue of The Herman Cyclone... Don C. Van Deusen. (The Herman Cyclone Apr. 4, 1907, 1:4). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 Apr. 26, 1906 (v.1, #8) - Apr. 4, 1907(v.2, #4) 111 Expos. #18,098
film HERMAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 H42n The Herman News. Herman, NE Est. , 1892 - // Weekly. Published simultaneously at Herman and Blair. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Herbert Wells (ed.), , 1892- J.W. Selden (pub.), Mar. 15, 1894 - Dec. 13, 1894. B.C. Maynard (pub.), Dec. 20, 1894 - S.M. Fitch (pub.), Faye Fitch (ed.), , 1894 - Wallace R. Williams , 1907 - REFERENCES: Nebraska State Gazetteer, 1894-95, 1907. Herbert Wells, editor of the Herman News... (The New Era Wahoo, NE, Aug. 29, 1891, 8:4). Selden, J.W. To Our Patrons. Beginning with this issue... Change of management. (The Herman News Dec. 20, 1894, 4:1). Assumes publication of the News. Maynard, B.C. (The Herman News, Dec. 20, 1894, 4:1-2). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 Dec. 29, 1892 (v.1, #17) 140 Mar. 15, 1894 (v.2, #28) - Mar. 22, 1894 (v.2, #29) Expos. May 24, 1894 (v.2, #38) - June 14, 1894 (v.2, #41) #18,053 June 28, 1894 (v.2, #43) Aug. 2, 1894 (v.2, #48) - Oct. 11, 1894 (v.3, #5) Oct. 25, 1894 (v.3, #7) - Nov. 1, 1894 (v.3, #8) Nov. 15, 1894 (v.3, #10) - Jan.31, 1895 (v.3, #21)
film HERMAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 H42r The Herman Record, Herman, NE Est. Oct. 14, 1908 - Nov. 28, 1946 // Weekly. Absorbed by the Pilot-Tribune Blair, NE Dec. 5, 1946. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: S.E. Bishop & Son (pubs.), , 1909 - Jw. H. Jones (pub.), , 1911 - Fred L. Fassett (pub.), , 1913 - , 1915. Paul E. Hubbell (pub.), , 1917 - Harry L. Swan (ed.) - Nov. 4, 1926. Harry L. Swan (ed.) & Harry L. Swan, Jr. (mgr.), Nov. 11, 1926 - Nov. 29, 1928. Harry L. Swan (ed.) & Robert V. Swan (mgr.) Dec. 6, 1928 - Sept. 14, 1933. Harry L. Swan (ed.), Mrs. Emma Swan (ed.), Sept. 21, 1933 Sept.27, 1934, and Robert Swan (mgr.). Alfred 0. Sick (pub.) & Cedil H. Lewis (ed.), Oct. 11, 1934 - Sept. 5, 1935. Alfred 0. Sick (pub.), Sept. 12, 1935 - Nov. 28, 1946. REFERENCES:' Buss, William H. and Osterman Thomas T. History of Dodge and Washington Counties Nebraska and their people 1921, pg. 352: Nebraska State Gazetteer, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917. Village of Herman to lose local newspaper... The mailing list has been turned over to the Pilot-Tribune of Blair... (The Herman Record Sept.27, 1934, 1:4). Notice to correspondents. As this is the last issue of the Herman Record to be published by the Swan Publishing Co... (The Herman Record Sept. 27, 1934, 1:3). To Patrons of the Herman Record. It is with a feeling of regret that the Herman Record is being discontinued .... Alfred O. Sick (pub.) (The Herman Record Nov. 28, 1946, 1:5). County Papers Quit... Pilot-Tribune will serve the Records's Reader list. (The Herman Record Nov. 28, 1946, 1:4). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 Jan. 1, 1920 (v.12, #12) - Jan.8, 192O (v.12, #13) 564 Jan. 22, 1920 (v.12, #15) - July 22, 1920 (v.12, #41) Expos. Aug. 5, 192O (v.12, #43) - Sept. 7, l922 (v.14, #48) #14,312 Reel 2 Sept. 14, 1922 (v.14, #49) - Dec. 27, 1923 (v.16, #1) 692 Jan. 7, 1926 (v.18, #1) - Nov.17, 1927 (v.19, #46) Expos. NOTE: #14,313 The years 1924 and 1925 were not available.
film HERMAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 H42r The Herman Record. (cont.) Reel 3 Nov. 24, 1927 (v.19, #47) - Dec. 25, 1930 (v.22, #52) 698 NOTE: Expos. Many supplements in 1930 were filmed out of #14,314 sequence, usually in the following week after published. Reel 4 Jan. 1, 193l (v._ , #1) - Jan. 25, 1934 (v._, #4) 663 NOTE: Expos. Pages incorrectly numbered in some issues. #14,315 Reel 5 Feb. 1, 1934 (v._ , #5) - Sept. 27, 1934 (v.26, #39) 692 Oct. 11, 1934 (v.26, #41) - Aug. 15, 1935(v.27, #33) Expos. Aug. 29, 1935 (v.27, #35) - July 29, 1937(v.29, #3O) #14,316 Reel 6 Aug. 5, 1937 (v.29, #31) - Oct. 17, 1940 (v.32, #42) 687 Expos. #14,317 Reel 7 Oct. 24, 1940 (v.32, #43) - July 1, 1943(v.35, #27) 571 Expos. #14,318 Reel 8 July 8, 1943 (v.35, #28) - Nov. 28, 1946 (v.37, #48) 712 NOTE: Expos. This paper suspended with Nov. 28, 1946 issue. #14,319 References are on pages 1:4 - merged with the Pilot-Tribune
Inventory Supplement 071 Herman, Washington County, Nebraska H42r Herman Record NOTES: Reel Number: 46 Control Number: 0028574 Filmstrip Type: 5/18/1910 through 0/0/0
Note Filmstrips are not shelved in town and title order Please ask a staff member for assistance
Update Wednesday, April 04, 2001
film HERMAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 H42wr The Herman Weekly Review. Herman, NE Est. July 23, 1896 - // Weekly. TITLE CHANCES: The Herman Review July 23, 1896 - July 9, 1897. The Herman Weekly Review July 16, 1897 - EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Chas. A. Robertson, (ed.), , 1896 - Jan. 29, 1897. George A. Byrne, (ed. & pub.), Feb. 1, 1897 - Oct. , 1897. The Review Publishing Co., Oct. , 1897 - L.P. McClarren, (pub.), Oct. , 1897 - REFERENCES: To Our Readers.. Owing to a recent change in management of the Review, George A. Byrne succeeds to the control of the paper February 1st... The Former Publisher (Chas,. A. Robertson) extends his most grateful thanks ...(The Herman Review Feb.5, 1897, 2:2). To Patrons of the Review.. .have observed a change in the editorship... We have come to Herman hoping to become a "permanent fixture". (The Herman Review Oct. 23, 1897, 1:2). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 Sept. 7, 1896 (v.1, #9) - Jan. 8, 1897 (v.1, #25) #18,085 Jan. 22, 1897 (v.1, #27) - Aug. 13, 1897(v.2, #4) Aug. 26, 1897 (v.2, #6) - Oct. 7, 1897 (v.2, #12) Oct. 23, 1897 (v.2, #14) - Nov. 20, 1897 (v.2, #18) Dec. 4, 1897 (v.2, #20) - Dec. 11, 1897(v.2, #21) Dec. 25, 1897 (v.3, #23) - Jan. 29, 1898 (v.2, #28) NOTE: Title changed to The Herman Weekly Review, July 16, 1897.
film KENNARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 B57e The Enterprise. Kennard, Nebraska, Est. November 21, 1896 - Weekly. "Published at Kennard", Nov. 2l, 1896 - Aug. 22, 1913. Removed to Blair, Nebraska, Sept. 19, 1913 - NOTE: For detailed film record, see Blair, 071 B57e TITLE CHANGES: The Kennard Enterprise Nov. 21, 1896 - Jan. 17, 1913. The Enterprise, January 24, 1913 -
Inventory Supplement
071 Kennard, Washington County, Nebraska
K36w Kennard News
Reel Number: 46 Control Number: 0028574 Filmstrip Type:
6/27/1917 through 0/0/0
10/29/1924 through 0/0/0
Note Filmstrips are not shelved in town and title order
Please ask a staff member for assistance Update Wednesday, April 04, 2001
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