Nebraska Resource Center
On-Line Library - News

NSHS & NSGS NE State Newspaper Extraction Project

The pages in this data base are being republished as HTML pages (might take a while). 


If you have tried the search engine without positive results and want to "try harder" then ...

1. If you wish to "step through" all the extraction pages currently available and use your browser's "FIND" feature to seek a surname, the most efficient method will be to use the "List of extraction pages". Duplicate extracts were removed. There are occasional "near duplicates", usually such items differ only by page number or lack of one.

2. To limit your search to a particular town or county, use the "newspaper code lists". NOTE: While they are mostly ordered alphabetically by town name, there are some that were incorporated at a later date and are therefore NOT in alpha order. There are THREE newspaper code pages, use your "FIND" on all 3 "newspaper code pages" to be certain you have located all possibilities by town or county name. Be conscious of the NEWSPAPER CODE NUMBER, keep it in mind as you are searching.

Newspaper Codes #0-499
Newspaper Codes #500-999
Newspaper Codes #1000-9663

3. To "step through" all extracts for a newspaper code - A "HOT LINK" is provided to the FIRST PAGE OF EXTRACTS for each newspaper for which there are extracts. Click on it to go to that first page. CHANGE Use the "List of extraction pages" to view entire collection for that newspaper code. Select the next page from that list. REMEMBER - more than one newspaper code can appear on any page of extracts.The newspaper code of interest to you can end at any point on any page.

4. SEARCH ENGINE is available. Enter surname and you will get a list of hot linked pages - showing the FIRST entry on that page. Use the hot link. Next - use the "FIND" function of your browser. Up at the very top of your screen, is a bar with words such as "File", "View", "Edit", "Bookmarks". Under "Edit" (using Netscaper Communicator), pull down to select "Find ...". A small box will appear. Enter the surname in the box and click on the search. The proper line will appear on your screen, with the surname highlighted. If your browser includes "Find again..." use that to view additional entries on the same web page.

5. SOUNDEX CODE has been added for each extract - for the first word appearing in the extraction. That first word is not always a surname! It may be a business title or a town name - in which case it won't be of much use to you. However, most of the time each extract started with a surname. You will find many mis-spellings in the news, so we recommend using your browser's "Find" feature and the soundex code for each surname you are researching. Use the page provided by RootsWeb to calculate the soundex code.


There are newspaper codes that lead to only 1 or 2 extracts, others have over 1000! Because the data on the extract pages is simply in order by newspaper code - be careful about slipping into data with a different newspaper code number. (Page size was based on what can be downloaded fast & the limitations of WebTV. Each extract page is 30,000-40,000 bytes.)

Extracts are just that - limited, most to 80 characters or less. Be prepared to make notes if you want to secure copies of the full news article(s).

NSHS website: Reference by Mail
You must write to NSHS where a print will be made from the newspaper microfilm.

For copies of news articles -
Supply the location (town & county), NEWSPAPER NAME, date of publication, page & column number - along with the surname/full name being researched. (Ignore the "Call number", it won't help).
IF extract you want does NOT include a page & column number - the original will take more time for NSHS researcher to locate.
Send your request to NSHS, with your check or money order and SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope).

© 2000-2013  for the NEGenWeb Project by Ted & Carole Miller