NEGenWeb Project
lip Eiche, secretary; Joseph Brockhaus, treasurer. It died several times and was resurrected several times, but has passed out of existence again after the last resuscitation by Fr. Berard Zehnle.
The frequent change of curates and the days of automobiles and wireless and moving picture shows are not very favorable to societies for young men or others.
The Young Ladies' Sodality, after one useless attempt to organize, were finally formed into a society on July 4, 1886, and like the young men society changed into a Sodality on May 31, 1903.
The present officers are: Miss Cyrilla Lohaus, president; Miss Esther Widhalm, vice president; Miss Helen Hittner, secretary; and Miss Margaret Zuerlein, treasurer.
Already at the dedication of the first church a few men had gotten together and formed a choir, among them being Jacob Fischer, Mr. H. Krenz, etc. Some of the members had been pushing the erection of a dance hall, and, therefore, the pastor excluded them from the choir. The choir was soon reorganized and new members admitted, who acquitted themselves very creditably, some of them remaining faithful for more than thirty years. In the jubilee year of 1908, the choir was composed of the following members:
Tenor: John Fuchs, Thos. Werner, John English, Aloys Schmitt, Adolph Groeger, Frank Pfeifer.
Bass: Frank Schmid, Joseph Brockhaus, John Weidner, Theodore Krueger, Francis Groeger.
Soprano: Catherine Eckholt, Dorothy Duesman, Eleanore Schueth, Agnes Zuerlein, Anna Classen, Margaret Fischer, Frances Olmer, Dorothy Zuerlein.
Alto: Anna Eckholt, Elizabeth Lubischer, Teresa Schneider, Valeria Schmid. Among these Mr. Francis Schmid and Miss Catherine Eckholt were given special credit by Fr. Florence for being zealous and able members from the very beginning.
The following Ven. Sisters of St. Francis acted as Organists: Sr. M. Andrea, 1884-1890; Sr. Romana; Sr. M. Constantia; Sr. Antonia; Sr. Caeciliana; Sr. Andrea, 1927; Sr. Basilia; Sr. Electa; Sr. Camilla.
This society was introduced into the parish in fall, 1894. The purpose is assisting the members in case of sickness and the family in case of death. In 1908 the society numbered 106 members with the following officers: Thos. Werner, chief ranger; John Weber, vice ranger; John Hugg, financial secretary; Gerald Graham, recording secretary; Joseph Lachnit, treasurer; Jacob Fischer and August Widhalm, marshalls. In 1930 there were 130 members.
The officers for 1931 are: B. Lohaus, chief ranger; August Widhalm, vice ranger; W E. Gehr, recording secretary; Chas. Pfeifer, financial secretary; Frank Schmid, treasurer; Frank Braun, J. J. Malone and Wm. Olmer, trustees.
The Ave Maria Council of the Knights of Columbus, No. 1794, was organized in the year 1915. A council existed at Columbus since 1905. P. Theobald being the first chaplain. Soon the Humphreyites, under such leaders as Mr. John F. Hugg and others, wished to have their own council, they went to work and got it. The first initiation of 67 members occurred on May 9, 1915. Solemn High Mass was celebrated and Rev. F. Muench of Madison preached. Soon after another initiation took place when 50 candidates were initiated. The sermon on this occasion was delivered by the Rt. Rev. Hy. Tihen, D. D., Bishop of Lincoln. At the initiation on June 17, 1917, Most Rev. J. J. Harty, Bishop of Omaha, who was here for administering confirmation, spoke at the banquet. The Council one time numbered 385 members.
The first officers were: (Vol. XI, p. 11) Chas, J. Thielen, Grand Knight; J. J. Malone, Deputy Grand Knight; Dr. A. Cauley, Chancellor; F. D. Hittner, Recording Secretary; O. A. Windolph, Financial Secretary; J. F. Hugg, Treasurer; Jos. McDonald, Lecturer and Advocate; Jos. Bender, Warden; Jos. Fangman, Inside Guard; Dr. S. B. Koory, Physician; and P. L. Kelly, A. Fangman and Michael Meyer, Trustees.
The Ave Maria Council gave $75 to the author of this book to help defray the expenses. Many thanks--P. E. H.
The officers for 1931 are: J. A. White, Grand Knight; Matt. Brockhaus, Deputy Grand Knight; John Bordewig, Recording Secretary; Victor Zavadil, Financial Secretary; Mark Eisenmenger, Chancellor; Frank Haferland, Treasurer; George Schure, Warden; Pat. Kelley, Andrew Magsamen and John Van Ockeren, Trustees; Joseph Wemhoff and Richard Lubischer, Inside Guards; Lawrence Dollerschell and Tony Heiden. Membership: 220.
The Knights of Columbus meet every second Tuesday of the month. They have frequent picture shows and entertainments for their ladies.
Rev. Theodore Arentz, Pastor Superior of the Monastery, July, 1833; Rev. James Nolte, August, 1883-1892; Rev. Rudolph Horstmann, March, 1892-1896; Rev. Angelus Bill, July, 1896-December 28, 1898; Rev. Florentius Kurzer, January, 1899-August, 1909; Rev. Hildebrand Fuchs, August, 1909-January, 1911; Rev. Florentius Kurzer, January 5, 1911July, 1918; Rev. Andrew Butzkueben, July, 1918-1921; Rev. Josaphat Kraus, July, 1921August, 1927; Rev. Benvenute Mueller, August, 1927-Now.
Guardian: Rev. Eugene Hagedorn, August, 1927-January 4, 1929; Guardian: Rev. Athanase Steck, January 4, 1929-Now.
Rev. Servatius Rasche, July, 1886-November, 1887; Rev. Anthony Moll, November, 18871888; Rev. Suitbert Albersman, Aug., 1888-July, 1891; Rev. Marcelline Kollmeyer, July, 1890-September, 1894; Rev. Patrick Degraa, July, 1891-July, 1892; Rev. Valentine Dorenkemper, July, 1892-August, 1895; Rev. Jerome Hellhake, September, 1894-August, 1899; Rev. Salvator Lehman, October, 1894-August, 1895; Rev. Rembert. Stanowski, August, 1895-August, 1896; Rev. Bartholomew Feldman, August, 1897-August, 1902; Rev. Hildebrand Fuchs, August, 1902-1911; Rev. Severinus Westhoff, August, 1895-July, 1896; Rev. Maternus Puetz, October, 1895; Rev. Edmund Roediger, July, 1896-August, 1899; Rev. Ladislaus Czech, August, 1896-January, 1904; Rev. Desiderius Von Frentz, September, 1903-November 5, 1905; Rev. Dennis Czech, 19041913; Rev. Stanislaus Riemann, September, 1900-June, 1901; Rev. Thomas Wilgenbusch, August, 1902; Rev. Louis Doering, June, 1901; Rev. Adolph Rockel, in 1908; Rev. Romuald Rheindorff, September, 1903-August, 1909; Rev. Marian Glahn, July, 1907; Rev. Stanislaus Riemann, August, 1909-Summer, 1916; Rev. Pamphilus Stahl, August, 1909; Rev. Columban Valentine, fall, 1909-October, 1910; Rev. Edwin Hudson, July, 1908-August, 1909; Rev. Aemilian Zumkeller, January 6, 1911-August, 1911; Rev. Simeon Freitag, July, 19111916; Rev. Ferdinand Gruen, August, 1911-1912; Rev; Benno Franzen, August, 1912-Five Weeks; Rev. Ladislaus Czech, March, 1913-July, 1913; Rev. Guido Knepper, March, 1913August 21, 1913; Rev. Knute Lobinski, 1913-1924, Rev. Laurentius Pauly, Summer, 1916August, 1927; Rev. Maurus Eberle, 1913-1917; Rev. Lambert Brinkmoeller, November, 1913-February, 1914; Rev. Mark Schludeker, 1914-1916; Rev. Humilis Zwiesler, 1920-1924, Rev. Lucian Trouy, August, 1921; Rev. Eusebius Helle, August, 1916-July 12, 1917; Rev. Romuald Rheindorff, July, 1916; Rev. Casper Thoennessen, July, 1918; Rev. Innocent Schlueter, January, 1918; Rev. Servatius Rasche, September, 1918; Rev. Hildebrand Fuchs, January, 1905-January, 1911; Rev. Hilarion Duerk, August, 1922-August, 1927; Rev. Remy Behrendt, May, 1923; Rev. Berard Zehnle, August, 1924; Rev. Dennis Czech, July, 1924; Rev. Floribert Jasper, June, 1925; Rev. Othmar Berthiaume, August, 1927; Rev. Max Klotzbucher, June, 1927-January, 1930; Rev. Raynerius Dickneite, September, 1899; Rev. Mark Schludecker, July, 1914-Summer, 1916; Rev. Herman Jos. Fister, 1919-1920; Rev. Jos. D. Erkens, 1918; Rev. Romanus Hassenstab, December, 1930; Rev. Erwin Huntscha, January, 1930; Rev. Titus Braun, July, 1916; Rev. Simeon Reistag, fall 1916; Rev. Andrew Butzkueben, October 12, 1917.
Bro. Damian Bueschgens | Oct. 1885-April 15, 1887 |
Bro. Vincent Bohnert, first cook | Aug. 18, 1886 |
Bro. Adolph Rockel, Fertiary | late in fall 1886-March 4, 1888 |
Bro. Ildephonse Lethert | 1893 |
Bro. Natalis Klausmeyer | March, 1888 |
Bro. Xystus Trillmann | 1891 |
Bro. Demetrius | Sept. 1891 |
Bro. Godfrey Memel | July,1892 |
Bro. Benignus Pender | Oct., 1892 |
Bro. Turibius Heck | June,1893 |
Bro. Ferd. Fuerstenberg | April, 1906 |
Bro. Sylvanus Hoffmann | Aug., 1897 |
Bro. Oswald Restle | Jan., 1910 |
Bro. Hilary Jaskoiski | March, 1898 |
Bro. Pamphilys Schmitz | Aug., 1893 |
Bro. Cyprian Janson | July,1908 |
Bro. Amandus Heinsmann | Aug., 1910 |
Bro. Benno Driessen | July,1908 |
Bro. Casimir Sus | Aug.,1912 |
Bro. Joseph Worm | Oct.,1909 |
Bro. Simplicius Waschbusch | Nov., 1910 |
Bro. Basil Ibrom | Sept.1907 |
Bro. Raphael Hottinger | Oct., 1918 |
Bro. Firmus Eichenseet | May,1918 |
Bro. Christopher Hugenschmidt | Febr., 1919 |
Bro. Cyprian Janson | July, 1919 |
Bro. Reinhold Rieschel | 191__ |
Bro. Oswald Restle | Oct., 1922 |
Bro. Gottlieb Koehier | Oct. 9, 1923 |
Bro. Jucundus Eichenauer | Oct., 1925-'29 |
Bro. Raphael Dominikowski | 19--- |
Roch. Kordeic | 192- |
Reinhold Riesche | 1928 |
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration of Lafayette. Ind.
Following is given: First, family and baptismal name; second, name in religion; and third, parents:Elsenmenger, Lidwina; Sr. M. Petrona; Peter and Catherine nee Magsamen.
Eisenmenger, Mildred; Sr. M. Paulina; Peter and Catherine nee Magsamen.
Eisenmenger, Alfarette; Sr. M. Cecilia; George and Anna nee Fischer.
Fuchs, Clara; Sr. M. Conradia; Conrad and Cecilia nee Froemel.
Fuchs, Veronica; Sr. M. Abundia; Conrad and Cecilia nee Froemel.
Groeger, Julia; Sr. M. Willebrorda; Frank and Teresa nee Neich.
Groeger, Dora; Sr. M. Charitina; Frank and Teresa nee Neich.
Haschke, Mary; Sr. M. Rega; Fred and Teresa nee Schulz.
Haschke, Emma; Sr. M. Helen; Fred and Teresa nee Schulz.
Haschke, Elizabeth; Sr. M. Rolendis; Fred and Teresa nee Schulz.
Froemel, Clara; Sr. M. Carmelita; Joseph and Cecilia nee Schriebel.
Heesacker, M. Anna; Sr. M. Victoria; Cornelius and Johanna nee Menten.
Ottis, Clara; Sr. M. Colette; Thomas and Honora nee Murphy.
Ottis, Ellen; Sr. M. Pauline; Thomas and Honora nee Murphy.
Preister, Julia; Sr. M. Virginia; Henry and Margaret Weimers nee Kirch.
Preister, Mary; Sr. M. Oda; Henry and Margaret Weimers nee Kirch.
Schmidt, Mary; Sr. M. Symphoriana; Frank and Caroline nee Zimmerman.
Schneider; Sr. M. Ottilia; Eberhard and-.
Veick, Anna; Sr. M. Hyacintha; Frank and Cecilia nee ____.
Sueper, Frances; Sr. M. Engratia; Joseph and Teresa nee Kroene.
Wegener, Christina; Sr. M. Arminia; Herman and Christina nee Dohmen.
Wegener, Anna; Sr. M. Herman Joseph; Herman and Christina nee Dohmen.
Widhalm, Agatha; Sr. M. Agnetis; Joseph and Anna nee Lohaus.
Widhalm, Bertha; Sr. M. Helen Francis; August and Helen nee Lohaus.
Widhalm, Teresa; Sr. M. Germain; and Anna nee Lohaus.
Zuerlein, Anna; Sr. M. Dolorita; George and Ottilia nee Klein.
Brockhaus, Anna; Sr. M. Helen; Frank and Johanna nee Fuchs.
Fangman, Cecilia; Sr. Frederica May; Fred and Mary nee Ennings.
Ottis, Honora; Sr. M. James; Thomas and Honora nee Murphy.
Miss Honora Ottis was the first novice to enter the Order of the Blessed Sacrament in the year-. She was afterwards assistant to the foundress, Mother Katherine Drexel. The Mother House is at Cornwell Heights, near Philadelphia.
Abler, Jos. | Klassen, John N. |
Braun, Jos. F. | King, Herbert G. |
Benham, Ralph | Krolichi, Clem |
Bunker, Walter | Lewis, Irwin |
Bering, Walter | Lewis, Vern |
Bahm, Peter | Ludwig, John |
Batlinger, Francis | Lemar, Dr. F. A. |
Bering, Fred. | Lachnit, Arnold |
Billings, H. C. | Leenerts, Dr. G. H. |
Dohmen, Jos. | Lewis, Earl |
Duesman, Victor | Lewis, Carl |
Fischer, Frank | Meyers, Fred |
Fehringer, Bernard A. | Mostek, Mike |
Fox, Leo | Magsamen, Walter |
Folliott, Squire | Melcher, George |
Fuchs, Emil | Marsueen, Walter |
Fox, Hy. | Niemeyer, Mike |
Foltz, Corporal Max. J. | Onkels, John |
Fox, Clarence | Otterpohl, Hy. |
Fischer, Tony | Placzek, Florian |
Fox, Geo. | Pfeifer, Herman |
Feik, August | Schuhmacher, Hy. |
Foltz, Edward | Simonek, Frank |
Fangman, Richard | Schuhmacher, Herman |
German, Edward F. | Smith, Jos. W. |
Graham, Edward | Stemberg, Fred. |
Graves, Emerald | Schueth, Albert |
Graves, Berchtold | Stemberg, Hy. |
Gribble, Harry | Streblow, George |
Groeger, Lawrence | Sweeny, James |
Groeger, Louis | Trossman, J. H. |
Hastreiter, Anton | Thomassen, N. W. |
Haverland, Frank | Thompson, Lester |
Hockenschneider, John | Vonbergen, Joann |
Hackstock, Matt. | Ward, George |
Jarosz, John M. | Weidner, Julius |
Korth, Frank | Weber, Edward |
Kaus, Frank | Weber, Frank |
Karthaus, Everett | Weidner, Leo |
Karthaus, Casper | Wendt, William K. |
Karthaus, Jerome | Zavadil, Leo |
Krebs, Jos. C. | Zuerlein, Ferdinand |
Zuerlein, Michael | Zuerlein, Hy. B. |
Zuerlein, Herman |
Braun, Miss Nellie | Lubischer, Miss Eliza |
Keller, Miss Theresa | Braun, Miss Josephine |
The Crucifixion Group at the Cemetery in Humphrey was donated by Miss Nora Condon at a cost of about one thousand dollars.
The following articles were purchased since the last chapter, 1918:
1. A statue of St. Roch. It was donated at the time of the influenza. It cost $75.00.
2. The statue of St. Barbara, partly paid by donations and partly by the Young Ladies' Sodality.
3. A new Christmas Crib (the figures were on hand) paid by donations of special benefactors.
4. Two pedestals for the statues of St. Roch and St. Barbara. Price $60.
5. Since the organ in the church often refused to work and could not be used, Father Floribert, O. F. M., ordered a new harmonium from the Estey Company (cost $275).
Interior of St. Francis' Church, Humphrey |
![]() Miss Anna Brockhaus, Sr. M. Helen, Poor Clare |
Sr. M. Sylvia VanDyke, O. S. F. |
A. D. 1920. In this year the Christina Mothers' Society donated two white chasubles for every day use. They came from Fraefel and cost $70.
May, 1921. The best altar cloths for the high altar and the altars of B. V. M. and St. Joseph are a gift of Mrs. J. Hugg. They were donated for the Golden jubilee, May 25, 1921. They are imported from Germany. The parents of Mrs. Hugg (Mr. and Mrs. Hunker), bought them in Duesseldorf, Prussia.
On June 22, 1884, the following children of St.
Francis congregation made their first Holy Communion in St. Mary's Church, Grand Prairie Township:
Francis Ottis, Anna Osterhoff, Elizabeth Pelle, Catherine Wilde.-P. Theodore Arentz, O. S. F.
On July 12, 1885, the following received for the first time Holy Communion at Humphrey in St. Francis Church:
Charles Imhoff (14 1-2 years), John Steffes (15 years), Ferdinand Steiner (13 3-4 years), Anthony Strotmann (13 3-4 years) Josephine Brent (13 1-2 years), C. Marie Dauwen (13 12 years), Marie Dittrich (14 1-2 years), Louise Dittrich (14 1-2 years), Anna Schmid (13 3-4 years), Marie Rollman (17 1-2 years)--P. Theodore Arentz, O. S. F.
Confirmation was administered for the first time on June 30, 1884, and a class of 34 received the Sacrament of the Holy Ghost.
Con- |
1st |
Deaths |
Year | Bapt. |
verts |
Comm |
Marr. |
Child. |
Adults |
. |
1883 | 14 |
- |
- |
2 |
1 |
- |
1884 | 39 |
1 |
4 |
5 |
9 |
2 |
1885 | 41 |
- |
10 |
4 |
9 |
1 |
1886 | 40 |
- |
17 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
1887 | 43 |
2 |
13 |
8 |
11 |
3 |
1888 | 49 |
1 |
19 |
9 |
6 |
2 |
1889 | 49 |
1 |
29 |
7 |
10 |
6 |
1890 | 57 |
- |
21 |
7 |
8 |
3 |
1891 | 59 |
2 |
27 |
6 |
26 |
5 |
1892 | 51 |
- |
19 |
2 |
12 |
2 |
1893 | 56 |
1 |
28 |
5 |
10 |
6 |
1894 | 52 |
- |
18 |
4 |
6 |
7 |
1895 | 50 |
1 |
32 |
7 |
5 |
5 |
1896 | 46 |
- |
26 |
6 |
10 |
2 |
1897 | 35 |
- |
34 |
8 |
7 |
3 |
1898 | 46 |
1 |
34 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
1899 | 42 |
4 |
44 |
6 |
9 |
5 |
1900 | 41 |
2 |
47 |
13 |
7 |
5 |
1901 | 34 |
- |
32 |
6 |
7 |
3 |
1902 | 44 |
3 |
39 |
12 |
7 |
9 |
1903 | 45 |
1 |
30 |
7 |
5 |
7 |
1904 | 41 |
- |
44 |
8 |
3 |
5 |
1905 | 35 |
- |
38 |
7 |
6 |
1 |
1906 | 36 |
1 |
44 |
17 |
5 |
7 |
1907 | 44 |
1 |
39 |
14 |
8 |
6 |
1908 | 35 |
2 |
43 |
15 |
2 |
9 |
1909 | 41 |
1 |
23 |
11 |
2 |
11 |
1910 | 46 |
- |
42 |
14 |
5 |
6 |
1911 | 52 |
- |
166 |
9 |
2 |
5 |
1912 | 32 |
- |
47 |
5 |
1 |
5 |
1913 | 36 |
4 |
33 |
16 |
1 |
13 |
1914 | 40 |
2 |
24 |
9 |
1 |
10 |
1915 | 39 |
3 |
48 |
11 |
3 |
10 |
1916 | 48 |
1 |
24 |
14 |
6 |
7 |
1917 | 46 |
2 |
40 |
10 |
1 |
9 |
1918 | 41 |
1 |
56 |
3 |
5 |
11 |
1919 | 42 |
1 |
50 |
7 |
0 |
10 |
1920 | 50 |
1 |
29 |
11 |
4 |
9 |
1921 | 38 |
- |
40 |
7 |
4 |
10 |
1922 | 48 |
- |
36 |
12 |
5 |
8 |
1923 | 49 |
1 |
35 |
7 |
3 |
10 |
1924 | 40 |
- |
43 |
4 |
5 |
10 |
1925 | 40 |
- |
65 |
7 |
4 |
5 |
1926 | 43 |
- |
34 |
5 |
4 |
7 |
1927 | 34 |
- |
- |
8 |
0 |
16 |
1928 | 41 |
1 |
32 |
7 |
3 |
10 |
1929 | 45 |
- |
40 |
5 |
4 |
12 |
1930 | 36 |
4 |
39 |
9 |
- |
17 |
1884-June 30th--Rt. Rev. J. O'Connor: 34.
1887-Oct. 13--Rt. Rev. Bp. O'Connor: 45.
1896-June 3--Bp. Scannell: 113.
1901-May 23--Bp. Scannell: 177.
1904-May 5--Bp. Scannell: 108.
190-May 10--Bp. Scannell: 153.
1912-Sept. 26--Bp. Tihen: 229.
Rev. Eugene Hagedorn, O. F. M.
1917-June 17--Bp. Harty: 150.
1921-Oct. 16--Bp. Harty: 156.
1928-April 24--Bp. Beckman: 182.
1. November 23-3--, 1884, P. Augustine McClory, O. F. M., and Symphorian Forstman, O. F. M.
2. November 22-29, 1891, P. Victor Aertker, O. F. M.
3. November 1-10, 1901, P. Daniel Finkemhoefer and Titus Hugger, O. F. M.
4. September 25-October 4, 1910, P.. P. Muehlsiepen & Hecker, C. SS. R.
5. September --. 1921, P. Titus Hugger and Joseph Calesanctius.
6. October 5-12, 1930, P. Theophilus Riesinger, O. M. Cap.. and P. Gilbert Heuel, O. F. Cap.
St. Francis' School, Humphrey, and Rev. Florence Kurzer, O. F. M.
The Nicholas Van Dyke Family, Humphrey.