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Published Monthly by the Nebraska State Historical Society
Associate Editors
The Staffs of the Nebraska State Historical Society and
Legislative Reference Bureau
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
q All sustaining members of the Nebraska State Historical
    Society receive Nebraska History without further payment.
q Application made at Lincoln. Nebraska. for admission to
   mails as second class matter, under act of July 16, 1894.


MARCH, 1918



  Sergeant Clyde Anderson, of the headquarters company of the 355th Infantry, at Camp Funston, has rendered a gracious and important service to Nebraska soldiers and to the State Historical Society by naming about fifty group photographs of soldiers taken either in Nebraska or at camp. Many or these groups are most interesting pictures of Nebraska's part in the world war. They will be mounted with other war photographic collections and will be eagerly studied in future years.


  In the first half century of Nebraska history the name or Edward Rosewater will always have a prominent place. From his brother, Frank, of New York City, the Historical Society has received a gift of his new book. The Coming Golden Age, with the inscription upon the fly leaf, "A Tribute to the faith which converted the Great American Desert into a garden land." The book is the work of an idealist having for its chief thesis an, ingenious device for the peaceful overthrow of capitalism by the use of what the author calls "Self money."


  It is well recognized now that the most adequate method of teaching patriotism to the youth is through the study of the history of their own country. American history is filled with the material to inspire a patriotism of the highest type. There are so many splendid examples of faith, fearlessness and sacrifice in the story of our country that when these are properly presented to children they cannot fail to respond. The war is proving that we need a more thorough and rapid Americanization of our various elements to be ready for a great crisis. Of the many legitimate methods for achieving this result none will be found more effective than the true teaching of American history in our common schools. This should be taught the child in the English language. It should not exalt war as the sole form of patriotism.


  It is an important suggestion which comes from Mr. N. P. Dodge. Jr.. regarding the pioneer stories and inspiring incidents of this commonwealth and their use in the schools. Five years ago the editor published the first volume designed to meet this need in Nebraska schools in his book, "History and Stories of Nebraska." Each year since then has seen a wider use of Nebraska history study in our schools. The suggestion that each county ought to make use of the best historical material connected with the history of that county is a good one. Where a well written county history exists, - such as the one of Antelope county by A. J. Leach, of Buffalo county by S. C. Bassett, or Dakota county by M. M. Warner, - a copy of it should be in every school district library. Some of the county histories published have been chiefly planned to get money for biographical and business "write-ups." It is to be hoped that each county in Nebraska may soon achieve the honor of a patriotic county history written by a competent person, long resident of the county, with the purpose of preserving the record of the early years in a truthful and inspiring form.


  Winning the war is the immediate question. To that all the gifts, and virtues and resources of the American nation are dedicated hence-forward until the end. But neither the nation nor the people can have justly in mind why we are in the war and what must be done when it ends unless there is a full understanding of its origin. Two years ago the editor read carefully through all the documents published by the different European countries giving their version of how the war started. He reached a very clear opinion on the case at that time. Within the last six months he has again gone over all the old and new evidence offered. The opinion is clearer and stronger. There is need of a brief pamphlet in popular language to summarize this evidence and the conclusion which it irresistibly indicates, viz: that it was planned and pushed upon the world by the Imperial Government at Berlin. In book form there is the volume "The Evidence in the Case" by Beck. But we have seen no brief, effective pamphlet.


  The history of Nebraska today centers about the World War. Twenty thousand Nebraskans are already in uniform. Before the war ends there may be a hundred thousand. All the home life is concentrated upon the issue. All that we think or say or do is colored by the war cloud. The history of Nebraska at the present time is the history of Nebraska's part in the great war. The people of twenty years from now or a hundred years from now will wish to know the true story of these present months more than anything else. It is the purpose of the Slate Historical Society to gather from every source the records which shall tell this story. Among them are the pictures of Nebraska soldiers in camp and at the front, the letters written home by men in the service, the newspapers and books and songs written by Nebraskans during these stirring times, the account of the organization of Nebraska for the production of food, the raising of money, the creation of popular sentiment to sustain the government. For each of these kinds of historical material the society has it purpose and a plan. To house them all in a noble Historical Memorial Building, for the instruction and inspiration of Nebraska through all future time, is part of that plan.


  The Burt County Herald of March 22, 1918, has a beautiful illustration of the courthouse just completed, also a description of a memorial tablet placed on the courthouse by Niles R. Folsom, the only survivor of the little band of immigrants who came from Attica, New York, and settled in Burt county in the fall of 1854. This tablet records that the new courthouse stands on the site of the old blockhouse built in 1855. An attack by Indians on the settlement at Fontenelle, in the summer of 1855, led to the organization of a militia company at Tekamah soon after, of which Benjamin R. Folsom was chosen captain and his son, Niles R. Folsom, orderly sergeant. It was decided to erect a fort or blockhouse of logs, forty feet square and two stories high. After roll call and drill each morning, the men were detailed for work, some to cut logs in the timber east of Tekamah, others to transport the logs to the site, where they were hewn and the building was erected. This blockhouse was later fitted up as a hotel. Judge Eleazer Wakeley held the first term of court in Burt county just sixty-one years ago, in a hall on the second floor of this building.


  For many years, the Historical Society has wished to make a thorough historical survey of the older settled parts of the state. From time to time expeditions have been made by members of the office staff to the more important historical localities and valuable results have been secured. What has been most needed is a systematic survey which would secure important historical material from the homes and the memories of the early settlers; the collection of early documents, weapons, tools and implements for the Historical library and museum; the photographing and filming of historical sites and persons and the making of a record which would serve as a guide to all the important historical material in each county.
  Mr. Frank A. Harrison has been secured to begin such a survey in the southeastern section of the state during the present summer. Frank was "raised" there. He knows the names of all the dogs on the farms of Pawnee and Richardson during the early years. He knows the boyhood tricks and escapades of all the politicians whose careers began in that section. He knows whose girl they courted and whether she married the "other fellow" or not. He knows where the log schoolhouses and crossroads stores used to stand. He knows and loves the memories of those early years when we were all poor and



Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days

barefooted and neighborly. He will endeavor to visit every old settler and every keeper of historical documents and historical articles in that part of Nebraska. He is fully authorized to receive applications for membership in the Historical Society and to transact any other historical business for the success of his work.

Picture or sketch

(handwritten: See D387)


  The historic flagstaff of Fort Kearny, pictured above, is in the Historical Society museum where it has been for many years. Colonel W. 0. Dungan, of Minden, owner of the farm upon which the site of Fort Kearny is situated, writes the following to the editor regarding the history of this flagstaff:
  The best information I can gather from Major Talbot and Sergeant Holland is, the flagstaff was shipped down the Mississippi River and up the Missouri to Leavenworth and there hauled by ox team to the fort in the forties, right after the Mexican war. They thought it was 65 or 70 feet high. The flag could be seen for a distance of 20 miles around. It was in the ground about 12 feet and must have broken off just above the water's edge, and what you have there is it lower end. There was another red cedar staff. I thought that was the original flagstaff until we raised one at one of our reunions, and we found the one you have. I sent that with a section of the pontoon bridge with our Kearney county exhibits to the state fair and then turned it over to the Historical Society.


  When the Mexican war began, in 1846, there was no Nebraska; but the vast plain extending from the divide between the streams which flow directly into the Missouri River and those which flow into the Platte, on the north, to the divide between the Kansas and Arkansas rivers on the south, and from the Missouri River on the east to the Rocky Mountains on the west, was called "the Nebraska country" - because Nebraska was the first or Indian name of the principal river of that region. It is now called the Platte.
  At this time the Nebraska country was yet a part of a still greater territory which, by an act or congress passed in 1834, was set. apart as "Indian country," from which white settlers were interdicted. But in the meantime this country had become well known and important to white people on account of the extensive travel through it to Oregon and California. Emigration to Oregon was encouraged by the federal government on account of the rivalry between American and British interests for its possession.
  So as early as 1841 the secretary of war recommended the construction of a chain of military posts "from the Council Bluffs to the month of the Columbia," for the protection of the emigrants. By 1844 the emigration to Oregon had become so important and had so distinctly established the lower and permanent trail, via the Platte River,

that the secretary of war, in his report for that year, not only recomended the appropriation "for erecting military posts from the Missouri River to the Rocky Mountains," but also the organization of the Nebraska country into a territory; and in 1845 President Polk recomended the establishing of posts along what had now become "the usual route" and that an adequate force of mounted riflemen be raised to garrison them.
  Accordingly, on May 19, 1846, the congress made the appropriation and on March 31, 1847, a call was made on the state of Missouri for a regiment of mounted volunteers, a part of which was to be attached to establish the posts along the Oregon Trail. But the whole regiment was sent to Mexico. A battalion of similar troops, styled Missouri Mounted Volunteers, was then organized. and after a sharp contest Dr. Ludlow E. Powell was elected to command the battalion by the men of the organization. The command, comprising five companies with 452 men and 25 officers arrived at Fort Leavenworth early in August, 1847. On September 5 it started for Table Creek, arriving there September 15. It was too late in the season to proceed at once to Grand Island where the new fort was to be established; so upwards of sixty log cabins were built at Table Creek in which the soldiers were housed until spring. On May 13, 1848, most of the original Command - 375 men and 18 officers - resumed the march to Grand Island, where it arrived June 1 and proceeded forthwith to establish New Fort Kearny.
  The first military post or Nebraska was established in 1819. It was situated on the Council Bluff of Lewis and Clark and was called Fort Atkinson. (Fort Leavenworth was substituted for it in 1827.) Fort Atkinson was established for the double purpose of protecting American traders from hostile Indians and the encroachments of British traders. By 1836 it was thought that a post was necessary farther up the river than Leavenworth, and accordingly the Congress passed an act authorizing its construction. In 1838 Colonel Stephen W. Kearney decided that Table Creek was the proper place for the new fort, but the specific site for it was not selected until May 23, 1846. The blockhouse, the first building, was erected in June. At that time Colonel Kearny thought that Table Creek would be the main starting point on the Missouri River for Oregon emigration: but it was soon decided that the location was too far north, and it was abandoned in a few months after it was actually occupied. The site was chosen for wintering Colonel Powell's command on its way to establish the new Fort Kearny because the blockhouse and two or three other rather unimportant buildings might be useful. The place began to be called Nebraska City in 1852.
  The following story, which I copied recently from the Daily Missouri Republican (St. Louis) of May 30, 1846, is very interesting in this relation.


  Col. Kearny, with one hundred and fifty dragoons, were taken on board the steamer Amaranth, at Fort Leavenworth, on her last trip up, and proceeded to Fort Kearny, on Table Creek, a new fort established about fifteen miles below Council Bluffs. Above Weston, on her way up, the boat struck a snag, which carried away the guard under the cook house, and the whole of its contents were lost in the river; which accident caused a great deal of inconvenience, as the cooking for the whole company on board had to be done with a small stove on the after deck.
  Col. Kearny returned on the Amaranth to Fort Leavenworth, where he first heard of the orders of the President for the expedition to New Mexico. The dragoons which Col. Kearny took up with him were left at the site of the new fort.
  General Brooke, commander of this division, went up to the site of the new fort, on the Amaranth, and returned to the city yesterday evening. We are unable to learn at what time Col. Kearny will move on the expedition to which he has been ordered by the Government.



  A Shingle Rive. Used by William Young, of Cass county, Nebrnska to split, shingles used on his cabin, built in 1855, on secttion 12, township 11. range 13. Presented by David A. Young of Murray, Nebraska, a son of William Young. Indian hoe found in 1855, grown into the forks of a tree in Cass county. Presented by David A. Young, of Murray, Nebraska.
  A Winnebago beaded pincushion presented by Mrs. Mary Baird (?) White. She received it from a cousin who had received it from a Winnebago Indian about seventy-five years ago.
  Two photographs of Company L, at Albion, Nebraska. Presented by Mrs. Al. M. Claflin of University Place.
  Photographs of Red Cross girls at Cook, Nebraska, presented by Harriet Wilson.
  Photograph of Seward Red Cross solicitors. Presented by Dr. C. F. Roth, captain M. R. C. U. S. A.
  Swiss watch works, found near Denver. Loaned by William Kline.
  From Mrs. Fred R. Kingsley, of Minden, an interesting collection of stationery, bearing advertisements of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, which was the Red Cross organization of Civil War time; also old-time state bank notes of the Towanda and Lancaster banks in Pennsylvania and the Bank of Tennessee in Nashville, dating from 1841.
  From Walter C. Kern, of Pawnee City, a collection of historical card posters, illustrating the first sixty years' history of Pawnee county - from 1854 to 1914. These historical cards are approximately 6 by 12 inches in size and are different in their plan from any other historical literature we have seen.


  Many letters of appreciation and information are received at the State Historical Society office. The stimulus which these give is so strong and genuine that the editor passes some of it along to the readers of Nebraska History.

  I received volume XVIII and have read it with great interest, and

Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days


I congratulate the Society on the efficiency of its work, and I am sure it will continue in its good endeavors.

John C. Cowin, Omaha.

  I have received Volume XVIII and congratulate you on its information and attractiveness.

John D. Haskell, Wakefield.

  I think your plan to make a volume of history regarding farmers organizations in Nebraska a good one. I came to Nebraska with my parents when a little boy almost forty- seven years ago, arriving in Pawnee county on May 12, 1871. I was raised on a, farm and knew something of the farmer's life and know that the history you are making will be very interesting to the farmers.

David W. Neill, Pawnee City.

  I enjoy the books and pamphlets from the Society immensely. I have a friend here who would like to become a member.

J. R. Swain, Greeley.

I am with you in your work

Josiah Miner, Friend.

Don't you think that in your history of farmers organizations that of the farm mortgage business should be taken up? The greatest economic question in all history is farming - food production. I think in the history you propose it should be asked and answered, "Why the tremendous farm mortgage indebtedness which is still increasing by leaps and bounds? What is the cause; what is the cure?"

William Stull, Omaha.

I find much that is interesting in Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days.

Francis E. White, Omaha.

  I send check for your monthly magazine. I do not know whether it is generally known that the Arikara are an off- shoot of the Pawnee tribe, as also the Pawnee Picts. Both these tribes visited the Pawnee here in the sixties.

E. A. Gerrard, Monroe.

  I am surely glad to see your new journal. We are beginning on the 1819 celebration at this point.

W. H. Woods, Fort Calhoun.

  Find check for subscription to Nebraska History. We will send you our Bohemian farm paper, Hospodar, and our Bohemian magazine, Kvety Americke.

Roso Roslcky, Omaha.

  I send my greetings to you and the many old and good friends of the Historical Society and have read with interest your magazine.

Henry B. Ward, Urbana, Ill.

  Enclosed find check. I am interested in the preservation of the state's history.

L. A. Berge, Walton.

  As Mr. Bryan is away I take the liberty of sending you his name as a sustaining member with enclosure.

Mary B. Bryan, Miami, Fla.

  I hand you herewith draft for my brother, John G. Maher, who is in the army and absent from the city.

Blake Matter, Lincoln.

  Find herewith check for $6.00 to pay sustaining membership in the Nebraska State Historical Society for John W. Groff, Fred H. Richards, L. D. Richards. Wishing you success.

L. D. Richards, Fremont.

  I am interested in your Nebraska History journal and in the volumes of the Society. With personal greetings and good wishes.

Melvin R. Gilmore, Bismarck, N. D.

  I am in receipt of No. 1 of Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days for which I thank you and enclose check for membership dues.

Albert Coolidge, North Platte.

  And from that rugged pioneer of the old freighting days comes the following generous western response:
  I enclose check on Merchants National Bank, Omaha for $10. Please accept same as a donation to help along in your good work.

John Bratt, North Platte.

  With a great pleasure I have received, just now, from you the 1917 report, where at three hundredth page I had the glad opportunity to see my name elected as a corresponding member. I thank you for this great honor and promise to do all I call in behalf of the institution.

Antonio Carlos Simoens da Silva, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  Many thanks for kind sending of volume XVIII, Publications of the Nebraska State Historical Society, containing my remarks before the meeting of January, 1910, as also memorial notice and portrait of our friend, Mr. Clarence S. Paine.
  In matter and in mechanical make-up the volume is a model, reflecting credit alike on the Society and on its able editor.
  Allow me again to urge the importance of minute local record and collection while you still have with you the pioneers, the Indians and the landmarks.
  With thanks, and with remembrance to friends, and best wishes of the season.

James Mooney, U. S. Ethnologist.

  E. F. Stephens writes all the way from Nampa, Idaho, to become a sustaining member of the Historical Society. No man has a better right to a place on Nebraska history than Mr. Stephens. The founder of the Crete nursery in 1871, he was for more than forty years one of the foremost orchardists in Nebraska, and thousands of people will be picking fruit from Nebraska trees during this century, all unconscious that they owe a debt to Mr. Stephens for the trees. Mr. Stephens' share of the Idaho apple crop of 1917 was 54,000 bushels. He is president of the Idaho State Board of Horticultural Inspectors.
  William E. Connelley, secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, writes to the editor:
  I have enjoyed looking over No. 1. of Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days. It is a valuable publication and we wish to file

every number of it. We have often thought of issuing such a publication, but there have been obstacles in the way which we have not thus far been able to overcome.

  The following very interesting letter comes from D. A. Yonne, of Murray, Cass county:
  Enclosed find blanks filled out having just had copy of the Nebraska History. I am very much interested in Nebraska history. I came to Nebraska March 5. 1855, with my parents. My father was elected surveyor at the first election held in Cass county then later was commissioner. I own the old place yet that my father bought of the government at $1.25 per acre. I have some of his papers. I have a diploma given him for farm products in '58 or '59 at the county fair held at old Rock Bluffs, and I have an old Indian hoe that was found grown into the forks of a tree. It was found in 1855. If anything of this kind would be acceptable I would lend them to you to be taken care of, for the younger generation does not take the interest in back things now that older people do.

  From N. P. Dodge, Jr., Of Omaha, comes the following valued note:
  Let me express to you my appreciation of the honor of being elected one of the directors of this Society.
  I am wondering what conld be done to create a greater interest in this Society. Usually I have constructive ideas along these lines in other organizations, but I must confess that I haven't given sufficient thought to the matter to make any suggestions in this letter. When I burrow into the archives of pioneer days in this country, as shown in the letters and diaries of my uncle and father, and realize how little time I have had in my busy life to even edit some of their work, which they hoped would some day be of interest, I am fully aware that the average person has even less interest or time.
  Why couldn't we start with the new generation and get into every public school in the state pioneer history that would tell in attractive stories, incidents that would emulate the pioneers and their rugged character instead of the silly stories about "Frederick the Great" and "Kaiser Wilhelm" or the "Cherry Tree Story of George Washington." I do not mean any disregard to Washington, for I do not believe the story is true, and I do not believe in continuing false stories about great men if any true ones can be found. Every county could probably have a little historical book that could be utilized, and that would contain human interest stories, which would impress high principles upon the child mind. The older I get, the more I believe in establishing character before the child is fifteen years of age, and although I do not believe in delegating that duty to the school, the facts are that the school has the larger part of the burden."


  From Mrs. John C. Laughlin, of Pender, we have received a most interesting historical story of a woman's organization in that County, founded by her mother, Mrs. T. H. Graves. Slightly abridged, her story is as follows:
  By authority of an act of congress, passed August 7, 1882, a part of the Omaha Indian reservation was opened to settlers. Accordingly, on October 30, 1884, T. H. Graves and wife located in a prairie schooner on 160 acres of the rich land in that region. When their home was established, Mrs. Graves, ambitious and farsighted for her home surroundings, invited all the women within five miles of her, home to meet at her house. August 6, 1885. where they organized the Farmers Wives Society. The by-laws of the organization present an interesting view of the ideals of its founders. They are as follows:

  1. This society shall be called The Farmers Wives Society and shall meet once in four weeks at any place designated by the president. Its objects are to promote social intercourse, to profit by the experience of others, and to seek instruction in the duties of the farmer's wife.
  2. The officers shall consist of president. vice president, secretary and treasurer. Any woman may become a member by signing the constitution, all money bring raised by subscription.
  3. That the society may not be a burden or a care to any one person every woman shall bring from her store of eatables anything she may find convenient; the one receiving the society provides tea, butter, biscuits and other condiments.
  4. That this society shall not say bad while it aims to do good, a fine shall be imposed on any woman who speaks disparagingly of another.
  5. At every meeting some subject shall be presented for consideration at the next meeting. The subject shall relate to anything that pertains to the happiness or comfort of a farmer's wife.
  6. Lest we forget the object of our society, and make it an advertisement of the latest styles in fashionable attire, every woman is required to wear a plain home dress.
  7. Every woman may bring her own work unless some case of destitution shall be presented to this society, or some member through sickness or other domestic affliction needs assistance.
  8. While this society is designed for the farmer's wife, none are excluded and all are assured a cordial welcome.
  9. To give every woman a chance to do what she can to make the society a success there shall be a change of officers every year.
  10. Each member is taxed 10 cents a year, which shall be paid at the annual meeting for papers and other magazines.

  To say that the organization wits a success puts it too mildly. It grew in membership until something like 150 members were enrolled. Each meeting was more interesting than its predecessor. It was maintained continually nearly until the death of its founder, August 4. 1913 .
  When the first farmers institute was held in Thurston county, in February, 1896, the Farmers Wives Society joined in the meeting. It had already created in the homes of the neighborhood an atmosphere which welcomed the farmers institute and every other movement to make life better and brighter.
  When the membership of the Farmers Wives Society became so large that it could no longer be accommodated at any one home, it divided into a number of smaller clubs, among which are the Pender Woman's Club, the Kensington Club, north of Pender, the Mothers Club, east of Pender, and the Woman's Country Club, south of Pender. All of these have large membership and are progressive societies,


Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days

Picture or sketch

(handwritten: See C1495)


  This flag is a gift to the Nebraska State Historical Society from the Nebraska House of Representatives in special session, March, 1918. The three large upper stars represent three members of the House in the United States military service, the fifteen small stars represent sons of members in the United States military service. The list of members and sons follows:
  Members in service: FRANK C. RADKE, JOHN H. HOPKINS and CHASE BURROWS.
  Tile following members of the House of Representatives of the Nebraska legislature have sons in the United States military service:
  Andersen, Crist, (Boyd) - Two sons, Jacob P. Anderson, Rudolf Dewey Andersen.
  Cronin, Dennis H., (Holt) - One son, Julius D. Cronin.
  Dau, Will. G. J., (Dodge) - One son, Peter J. Dau.
  Gormly, William, (Kearney) - Two sons, W. R. Gormly, Glen Gormly.
  Harris, J. E., (Buffalo) - One son, Oliver Ben Harris.
  Hoffmeister, Fred, (Chase) - Two sons, Geo. W. Hoffmeister, Chas. Hoffmeister.
  Jackson, George, speaker, (Nuckolls) - One son, Earl Jackson.
  Neff, P. B., (Knox) - One son, Everett Neff.
  Nesbit, John F., (Burt) - One son, Andrew Nesbit.
  Schneider, R. A., (Douglas) - One son, Hammond Lloyd Schneider.
  Tracewell, G. E.. (Cherry) - One son, Roy Tracewell.
  Waite, George G., (Lancaster) - One son, M. S. Waite.


  The forty-seventh annual reunion of the Soldiers Free Homestead colony which made settlement in the vicinity of Gibbon, Buffalo county, Nebraska, on April 7. 1871, was held in the parlors of the Presbyterian church on April 6. Seventeen members of the original colony responded to roll call. Including descendants, eighty were in attendance.
  Both dinner and supper were served. There was a brief program of music and recitations, the time being largely given to visiting and renewing oldtime friendships.
  Ten members of the colony association have died within the year, eight of the number being members of the original colony, namely. Mrs. Lora Davis-Thatcher, Mrs. Eva Putnam-Vanduzer, Mrs. Cora La Barre-White, Mrs. Mary Brady-Traut, Mrs. Carrie Gilmore-Marsh, Harry A. Lee, George Lowell, and Robert H. Hick; also Ruth and Sadie Thatcher, daughters of Mrs. Lora Davis-Thatcher.
  The original colony comprised 140 families. The officers for the ensuing year are Mrs. L. W. Bailey, president; Mrs. Stephen Stonebarger, secretary; Miss June Bassett, treasurer. - S. C. B.


  The following is only a partial list of the various names by which the Platte River was known in the past.

Spanish Names.

  1541 - Rio Quivira, (Skidi-ra), River of the Wolf or Skidi nation. Coronado.
  1541 - Rio San Pedro Y San Pablo, St. Peter and St. Paul's. Coronado.

  1686 - Rio Grande, The Grand or Great River. Father Posada, OFM
  1720 - Rio Jesus Y Morin, River of Jesus and Mary. Captain Velasur.
  1720 - Rio San Lorenzo, River St. Lawrence (South Platte). Captain Velasur.
  1795 - Rio Chato, The Flat or Shallow River. J. B. Truteau and James Mackay.

French Names.

  1658 - Riviere la Fourche, The Forked River, Radisson and Groselliers.
  1700 - Riviere des Panis, Pawnee River, Le Senor.
  1710 - Riviere des Missouris, Missouri River. Mall or Senex.
  1739 - La Platte, the Flat or Shallow river. Mallet, Brothers.
  1739 - Riviere des Padocas, the Padouca or Comanche River, (North. Platte). Mallet Brothers.
  1742 - Belle Riviere. the Beautiful River. Laverendrye.
  1757 - Riviere a la Graisee, Greasy River (South Platte). Bougainville.
  1757 - Riviere a la Coquille, Shell River (North Platte). Bougainville.
  1840 - Riviere au Cerf, Deer River. Father De Smet.

Indian Names.

  1739 - Padocas, Padouca or Comanche River (North Platte). Mallet Brothers; Lewis and Clark.
  1757 - Wabiek, Shell River (North Platte). Bougainville.
  1757 - Ouonaradeba, Fat or Greasy River (South Platte). Bougainville.
    Kitzkatus, Flat or Shallow River. Skidi Pawnee name.
  Nebrathka (Nebraska), Flat or Shallow Water. Omaha name.

  K'odalfaton, Necklace-shell River (North Platte.) Kiowa name. James Mooney, (17th Report, Bureau of American Ethnology. p. 411.)

  K'olalpäkcia pa, Sioux River (North Platte) Kiowa name. (17th Bureau of American Ethnology Report, p. 411.)
  K'o dalp K'i a p'a, Sioux River. (North Platte.) Kiowa name. James Mooney. (17th Report, Bureau or American Ethnology, p. 411.)
  Panheska Wapka, Shell River (North Pork). Sioux name
  Don p'at, or Goose River (South Pork). Kiowa name.

American Names.

  1840 - The Nebraska River. Father De Smet.
  1840 - The Deer River. Father De Smet.
  1840 - The Bighorn River. Father De Smet.
  1840 - The Platte River. Father Do Smet.
  1876 - The Shell River (North Platte Fork.) Captain Jas. H. Cook.

(Rev.) Michael A. Shine.


  The Douglas County Association of Nebraska Pioneers was organized February 1, 1906. It has today over twelve hundred members. It is one of the strong social institutions of the great city of Omaha. It has numbered among its presidents such well-known men in Nebraska history as George B. Lake, B. E. B. Kennedy, Martin Dunham, Joseph Redman, Thomas Swift, Frank X. Dellone, Absalom N. Yost, Martin J. Feenan, August Locknar, Jonathan Edwards, and William R. Kierstead. The present president is David H. Mercer, ex- congressman. At his invitation the editor hereof addressed the members of the association March 14 on the subject of Nebraska history and what the State Historical Society is doing for its recognition.
  Some of the things the Douglas county pioneers are doing ought to be told for the example and inspiration of others. First of all,their democracy. In a state as rich as Nebraska amd in a city as big as Omaha caste groups begin to show. Some have more money than their neighbors and are trying to let the fact be known. Social "sets" appear. Beginnings of class hostility are visible. Now your genuine old settler has no use for anything of the sort. One of them may have a million dollars and the other a humble cottage - they are still Bill and Hannah and Joe and Mary to each other. They wish their children to have the same outlook. So, of all the democracies I have found in fifty years of Nebraska life, the old settler democracy is among the truest and kindest, and the Douglas county pioneers are among the chief in that respect.
  One of the finest touches of this democracy was the report upon sick members and their visitation by the flower committee. This report was joined in by a number of members; and it was perfectly plain that, no matter how humble or, infirm, each member of this Douglas county democracy was made to feel the tender personal interest of his fellow members.
  The association meets regularly once a month. It has social festivals and feast days besides. It publishes a little booklet with the names of all its members, living and dead, the date when they came to Nebraska and, if departed, the date of their long journey hence. Long life to the pioneers and may their children revere their memory and imitate their virtues!


  The Old Settlers Historical Society of Howard county met in annual meeting at St. Paul on April 13 and reelected the old officers for the ensuing year, towit:

     J. N. Paul, president
     Paul Anderson, first vice president.
     Z. T. Leftwich, Second vice president
     Robert Harvey, secretary
     N. J. Paul, treasurer

  The meeting was largely attended by the pioneers of the county, and considerable business of importance was transacted.
  One of the important features of the meeting was the appointment of the Clerk of the district Court to act as custodian to receive, number, register and preserve the photographs of all Howard county men already in the service, now being called, and hereafter to be called to the colors, as an honor roll of the men making the great sacrifice of their lives for their country.

Robert. Harvey

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