NEGenWeb Project
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OLLibrary, Journals
Vol. XIV
No. 2
Edited by RAYMOND E.
Nebraska Historical Library, Lincoln, Nebraska
This enumeration was signed, under oath,
October 8, 1855, by Jerome Schevenell. The residence is given as
Brownville although many of the settlers lived a considerable
distance from that place.
[p. 1] Dan Cogdill, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
Simon H. Clayton(a), b. in Ky., farmer; 2
m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
A. Harmon, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1
f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Alex Skeen(b) (c), b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21
up. 2 m. 16 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Jerome Hoover(b) (d), b. in 0., "M.D."; 3
m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.
John Mann, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Jerome Tann, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Henry Hoover(d) (e), b. in. 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
James Harwood, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Mrs. Moore, b. in 0., farmer; 2 m. und. 16; 3 f. 16 up.
(a) Listed in the Census of 1854 as living at
Brownville, i.e., in Nemaha CO. Nebraska and Midwest
Genealogical Record, Vol. XIII, pp. 17-18.
(b) Settled at Nemaha City, where a post office
was established, July 1, 1856.- Andreas, A. T. History of
Nebraska, pp. 1161, 1164.
(c) Alexander D. Skeen was born, 1815, in Sumner
Co., Tenn., and married in Jackson Co., Mo., Mary Blevins from
Green Co., Ky. He located in Nemaha Co. in Oct. 1854, but did not
bring his family to Nebraska until the next spring. - Same, p.
(d) Dr. Jerome Hoover, son of Henry Hoover, was
born in Virginia and married Ann Prill. He came from Ohio in 1854
and took up a claim in Nemaha County, bringing his family west the
next spring. He was a member of the Second Territorial
Legislature. He and his father owned the first gristmill in the
county, two miles west of Nemaha City. - Same, pp. 1136, 1138,
1156, 1164. Also Morton-Watkins, History of Nebraska, pp.
(e) Settled in or near Brownville by 1855. -
Andreas, pp. 1137-8.
Dan I Coubert, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2
m. und. 16; 2 f. und. 16.
Nathan G. Titus(b) (f), b. in Canada,
farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.
Robt. Hearn(b) (g), b. in Ill., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Willis Hill, b. in Ky., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16;
2 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Ames Stanley, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.;
3 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
S. A. Chambers(h) (i), b. in Md.,
farmer; 3 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Wm. Chambers(i), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Alfred Medley(i) (j), b. in Ind., farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. 16 up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
Asa Briles, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.;
1 f. und. 16.
Jackson Peters, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 3 m. 16 up.;
1 f. 16 up.
Mrs. Maria Walters, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16
up.; 4 f. und. 16.
Peter Nofsinger, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
16; 1 f. und. 16.
Thos. Heady, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 5 m. und. 16;
1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Wm. Teague, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Geo. Simpson(a), b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
[p. 2] Wm. Harmon, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21
James Tates, b. in Mo., blacksmith; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Allen Smith, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Beni. Carpenter, b. in Ill., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16
up.; 4 m. und. 16; 3 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16
Israel Cotton, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Christian Kinder(k), b. in Va., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.
Geo. Nuckolls, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.
James Colman(e) (l), b.
in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
Jos. Cherine, b. in France, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
up.; 1 f. und 16.
Robt McNeil, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
David Kimper, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Wm. Smith, b. in Vt., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 3
f. 16 up.
John Eaton(a), b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Absalom Eaton, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
(f) He located in the county
Feb. 1855, with his wife and four children and died the same year.
- Same, p. 1164.
(g) Probably Robert Herren, who took a claim in
Nemaha County in 1854 and brought his family the next year. -
Same, p. 1164.
(h) Samuel A. Chambers, b. about 1799, settled
first at Brownville, but soon removed to Peru. He served three
terms in the territorial legislature. - Watkins, History of
Nebraska, p. 322.
(i) Settled in the neighborhood of Peru by
1855. - Andreas, p. 1156.
(j) Alfred M. Medley, a blacksmith, settled on
Honey Creek in 1855 and died in 1858. His wife was Mary Grieves. -
Same, p. 1161.
Probably Christopher Kinder, whose daughter
Sarah Jane married James M. Alderman in 1855. He accompanied his
son-in-law to Collins Co., Texas, in 1858. - Newport Republican
(Rock Co., Nebr.), Mar. 18, 1898.
(l) James Wilson Coleman, son of Joseph and Mary
Ann (Kelly) Coleman, b. in Knox Co., 0., June 26, 1827, m. Nancy
Jane Kennedy, daughter of Robert Wilson and Marion Maria (Hays)
Kennedy, Dec. 10, 1848, at Mansfield, 0. They settled near
Brownville in Mar., 1854. He was twice sheriff of Nemaha Co.,
First Lieut. in the Second Nebraska Cavalry during the Civil War,
died in 1869. - Watkins, I, pp. 460-2.
Danl Eaton, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.
Dan I Hackney, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Madison York(a), b. in Ill.,
farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
Thos. Jeffries, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16
Wm. Rail, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1
f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Wm. Hays(b) (m), b. in
Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
Wm. Harmon, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16;
2 f. 16 up.
Geo. Harmon, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.;
1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Stephen Harmon, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
up.; 1 f. und. 16.
L. G. Chastain, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Hugh Baker(n), b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
[p. 3] F. Tann, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
A. F. Sherfey, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Nathan Myers(a) (b), b. in Va., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Allen L. Cates(a) (b), b. in 0., farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
H. Russell(a) (b), b. in Ky., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Wm. Weddell(b), b. in Mo., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. und. 16.
Beni. Chapman(e), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
Barbara Willard, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. und. 16; 1 1. 16
Hiram Alderman(e), b. in Ill., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Archibald Henley, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 4 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.
Wm. Finney(e) (m), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Jos. Beard, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1
f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Thos. Entwittle [?], b. in England, farmer; 1 m. 21
Robt. Neff, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Nathan Biddlecome, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.; 5 f. und. 16.
G. W. Chastain, b. in Ill., farmer; 3 m. 21 up.; 2 m. 16
up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
James Harmon, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
16.; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Wm. Hocks, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2
f. 16 up.; 5 f. und. 16.
Wm. Handley, b. in Mo., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16;
1 f. 16 up.
Conrad Harmes, b. in Germany, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Saml. Steers(e) (o), b. in
Ill., carpenter; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Wm. Thurber(e), b. in N. Y., carpenter; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Chas. Ricketts, b. in Pa., carpenter; 1 m. 21 up.
[p. 4] R. A. Whitney(e), b. in N.
Y., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 3 m. und. 16;
(m) Listed in the 1854 Census as
living in Dist. No. 1, i.e., south of the Little Nemaha River. -
Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record, Vol. XIII, p.
(n) Hugh Baker, b. Sangamon Co., Ill. Sept.
15, 1831, d. Brownville, Aug. 16, 1912, m. first a Miss Moore,
secondly a Miss Rogers. During the gold rush he made two trips to
California, then settled at Brownville 1855. - Nemaha County
Herald (Auburn), Aug. 23, 1912.
(o) Samuel L. Stiers, b. 1831, Guernsey Co., 0.,
came to Brownville in Apr. 1855, working first as a carpenter on
Richard Brown's sawmill. He married, June 10, 1855, Miss Nancy
Swift. - Andreas, p. 1173.
1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
T. L. Ricketts, b. in Pa., carpenter; 1 m. 21 up.; 5 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
T. B. Edwards(a) (e), b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
Jas. Alderman(p), b. in Va., farmer; 2 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 3 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Wm. Alderman, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Henry Tharp(e) (q), b. in Mo., farmer; 1 m. 21
up. 1 f. 16 up.
Robt. Scott, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
J. M. Wood(a) (e), b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 2 m. und. 16; 3 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Rich Brown (a) (e), b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
Jno. T. Edwards, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 4 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.
A. J. Swangum, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Isham Edwards(r), b. in Va., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.
A. J. Benedict (a) (e), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f und. 16.
Benj. White, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Wm. Stout, b. in 0., carpenter; 1 m. 21 up.
E. B. Chinns, b. in Ind., salesman; 1 m. 21 up.
Wm. Hoblitzel(e), b. in 0., merchant; 1
m. 21 up.
Jno. Clark(s), b. in Va., carpenter; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Taulbird H. Edwards(e) (r), b. in Va., farmer; 2
m. 21 up.; 2 m. 16 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
H. Lake(e), b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21
0. Lake (e), b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21
A. J. Hughes, b. in III., painter; 1 m. 21 up.
Allen Clarke, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
[p. 5] Henry Emerson (e), b. in
Conn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Frank Bergiers, b. In France, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Clark Allen(a), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
Wm. Tremble, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 4 m. und. 16;
2 f. und. 16.
Wm. Gilmore, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 5
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Wm. Tate(i), b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 2 m. 16 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
R. Harm(t), b. in Ill., farmer; 2 m. 21
up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
J. Nofsinger, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1
f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
H. Jerrold, b. in 0., blacksmith; 1 m. 21 up.
J. Hill, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Wm. Couch, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Israel Cummings(a), b. in Conn., farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f.
(p) James Madison ("Matt")
Alderman was born in Virginia, Nov. 10, 1829, and died at Newport,
Nebr., May. 11, 1898. The family moved to Ohio and later to
Jackson Co., Mo., where the father died. In 1855 with his widowed
mother, two younger brothers and three sisters, he settled near
Brownville, and shortly afterward married Sarah Jane Kinder. In
1858 he removed to Collins Co.. Texas, where he served in the
confederate army. In 1870 he returned to Brownville. - Newport
Republican, Mar. 18, 1898.
(q) H. S. Thorp taught the first school in
Nemaha County at Brownville, July, 1855. - Nebraska Advertiser
(Brownville), July 20, 1876.
(r) Taulbird Edwards, son of Isham Edwards, b.
near Lynchburg, Va., 1808, accompanied by his father, located at
Brownville in the spring of 1854. - Andreas, p. 1160
(s) John C. Clark, son of William and Elizabeth
(Wood) Clark, was born in Pulaski Co., Ky., in 1826, his father
being from Amherst Co., Va., and his mother from Charlotte Co.,
Va. In 1850, he came to Holt Co., Mo., married Mary E. Noland, and
in Mar. 1855 settled at Brownville. He was a bricklayer. -
Andreas, p. 1149.
(t) This is probably Redick Horn, a Methodist
minister, who was an early settler near Peru. - Same, p.
16 up.
Eli Fishburn(e) (u), b. in 0.,
farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Andw. Spry, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Thos. Mosely(v), b. in England, farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Wm. Holroyd (v), b. in England, farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
James Cole(w), b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 3 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Jno. W. Mullis(a) (e), b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
C. H. Cook(x), b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
R. Gilmore(a), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Jas. McDaniel, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.;
2 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
E. Knight(y), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 5 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up; 1 f.
Jno. Bennett, b. in Del., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m.
16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Josiah V. Edwards(a) (e), b. in Va., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und.
[p. 6] Jas. N. Kelley(m), b. in
0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
J. Still, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
J. Mellick, b. in Penn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 f. 16 up.;
1 f. und. 16.
J. W. Hall(i), b. in Ky., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1
m. 16 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
J. H. Lyons, b. in Ill., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Thos. Collins, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Levi Johnson, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.;
2 f. und. 16.
John Long(e) (m), b. in Md., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 6 f. und. 16.
F. Swartz(e) (z), b. in Germany, farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 4 m. und. 16; 5 f. und. 16.
Wm. Evans(a), b. in Ky., farmer; 2 m. 21
up.; 2 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Jos. Counsel, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16;
1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
B. L. Baldwin, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16;
1 f. 16 up.; 3 m. und. 16.
Henry Harmon, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Mr. Stillwell(m), b. in Ill., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 3 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
John Burleigh (v), b. in Ireland, farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
Geo. Pool, b. in England, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. 16 up.;
3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
(u) Eli Fishburn married,
Nov. 25, 1852, Sarah A. Spry, who was born in Knox Co., 0., Mar.
1, 1829. They settled near Brownville in 1855. - Brownville
Sun, Jan. 14, 1898.
(v) John Burley, b. in Ireland, came to New York
City in 1832, where he married Mary Shields. The family came from
Will Co., Ill., in a prairie schooner and settled at Brownville in
July 1855. Theodore Mosely and Wm. Holroyd were his nearest
neighbors. - Andreas, p. 1166.
(w) This is doubtless Jesse Cole, who settled in
Nemaha Co. in 1854. He was born, Dec. 15, 1805, in Franklin Co.,
Ky., and married, 1826, in Shelby Co., Ind., Alzalina Wheeler, who
was born, 1810, in Adair Co., Ky. - Same, p. 1149.
(x) Probably E. H. Cook.
(y) Either I. N. Knight or Amon L. Knight,
(z) Frederick Swartz was born, 1811, in
Wurtemburg, Germany, and came to America in 1832. He married in
Pennsylvania, Margaret Lobaugh, who died Apr. 10, 1855, while the
family was on its way to Nebraska. He died near Brownville, July
20, 1884. - Nemaha County Granger (Brownville), Aug. 1,
Contributed by Mrs. Nelson C. Phillips, Freeport,
These records are from a Bible owned by Charles
Norman Phillips, Freeport, Illinois. On the title-page is written,
"Dorcas Cook her Book." Dorcas Cook married Joshua Phillips*, and
was great great grandmother of the present owner. The order of
these records is as found in the Bible.
Joshua Phillips was Born ye 14 day of October Ad 1744 old Stile
died Jan. 10th 1829
Dorcas Phillips was Born June ye 26, Ad 1746 new Stile died
Nov. 20 1837
Wanton Phillips was Born April ye 28 Ad 1773
Martha Phillips was Born october ye 16 Ad 1774
Pearly Phillips was Born July 30 Day Ad 1776
Ephraim Phillips was Born Febry 20th Day 1778
Mary Phillips was Born August 18th Day 1780
Amos Phillips was Born June 23d Day 1782
Jereremiah [sic] Phillips Was Born May 25 day Ad 1784
Abigairl [sic] Phillips was Born march 1 Day Ad 1786
Dorcas Phillips was Born May the 22 Day AD 1793
Parley Phillips Jr. was Born March 22nd 1810
Hannah Morgan was Born Feb 22nd 1819
Morgan P. Phillips was Born Jan. 9th 1841
H. Susanny Phillips was Born Sept. 22nd 1845
H. Susanny Phillips died July 8th 1863
Norman Taylor Phillips was Born May 9th 1851
Dorcas Phillips(a) died October 13th 1820
Patience Phillips died April 10th 1822
Cornelia Ann Phillips died February 1836
Waitstill Phillips died, Sept. 24th 1854 - Cuba, Fulton Co.
Elizabeth E. Gardner died July 6th 1883 - aged 56 years -
Whitestown Oneida Co. N. Y.
Norman Phillips died at Damascus Stephenson Co. Ill. March 8th
1884 Aged 83 years.
Hannah Phillips(b) died Oct. 11th 1835
Parley Phillips (b) died Oct. 19th 1835
Desiah, second wife of Norman Phillips died 13th of Sep. 1854
Damascus Stephenson Co. Ill.
J. L. Gardner died Apr. 23rd 1880 - 58 years in June.
Jeremiah died at Hillsdale Michigan Dec. 9th 1879
Pamela P. Gardner died at Whitestown April 3rd 1881 aged 78 years
Whitestown Oneida Co. N. Y.
Parley Phillips was Born July 30th 1776
Hannah Phillips(c) was Born July 13, 1781
Norman Phillips Born Oct. 15th 1801
Pamela Phillips Born June 8th 1803
Waitstill Phillips Born December 19th 1804
Dorcas Phillips Born August 19th 1806
Patience Phillips Born April 25th 1808
*Joshua Phillips, born at
Smithfield, R. I., was the son of Jeremiah and Martha Phillips. -
See Vital Records.
(a) She
was the daughter of Parley and Hannah Phillips.
(b) Parley Phillips, son of Joshua, and his
wife, formerly Hannah Crumb, both died of smallpox at about the
same time.
(c) She was the wife of Parley Phillips,
formerly Hannah Crumb.
Parley Phillips Jr. Born March 22nd 1810
Jeremiah Phillips Born Jan 5th 1812
Hannah Phillips Jr. Born February 4th 1814
Fidelia A. Phillips Born Oct. 23rd 1816
Cornelia A. Phillips Born October 31 1818
Ambrose S. Phillips Born Novembr 7th 1822
Elizabeth E. Phillips Born June 24th 1827
Parley Phillips and Hannah Crumb Were married Nov. 27th 1800
Norman Phillips and Phebe Ann Martin were
married September 1st 1833
Jeremiah Phillips and Mary E. Spaulding Bede(d) were
married at Boston September 15th. 1835 & sailed for Orissa
Sept. 22d
Parley Phillips Jr. and Hannah Morgan were married March 26th
Rev. L. G. Gardner and Pemelia Phillips were married January 1st
The following items on the Fairfield family are on
a separate page in the handwriting of Dorcas Cook Phillips. They
were probably related to her rather than to the Phillips
Stephen Fairfield was born December ye 2 [or 12 ?] new
Stile Ano domini 1759
Mary Fairfield was born March Ye 20 A. D. 1761
Jonathan Fairfield was born May Ye 29 A.D. 1763
Lucretia Fairfield was born July ye 26 A.D. 1765
Anne Fairfield was born. January ye 31 A. D. 1768
Sarah Fairfield was born June ye 21 A. D. 1770
The following records are in the handwriting of the
impractical poetic Waitstill Phillips, who includes data on the
Burdick family, his wife's kindred.
Parley Phillips born 7/30 1776 married 11/27 1800 died 10/19
1835 y 59 m 3 d 19
Hannah Crumb his wife born 7/13 1781 died 10/11, 1835 Aet. y 54 m
2 d. 27
Norman Phillips born 10/15 1801 married 9/1 1833
Pamelia Phillips born 6/8 1803
Waitstill Phillips born 12/19 1804 married 7/26 1838
Dorcas Phillips born 8/19 and died 10/13 1820 y 14 in 9 d 4
Patience Phillips born 4/25 1808 and died 4/10 1822 y 13 in 11 d
Parley Phillips born 3/22 1810
Jeremiah Phillips born 1/5 1812 married 9/15 1835
Hannah Phillips born 3/14 1814 and died 1/5 1839
Fidelia A. Phillips born 10/23 1816
Cornelia Ann Phillips born 10/31, 1818 and died 2/18 1836 y 17 m 5
Ambrose S. Phillips born 11/7 1822
Elizabeth E. Phillips born 6/24 1827
Amos Burdick born 4/9 1762 married 1/7 1790 died 1Y17 1839
Phebe Covey his wife 11/2 1766 died 5/27 1849
Nancy Burdick 10/23 1790 married 1/3 1811
Lois Burdick 11/21 1793 married 10/3 1812
Cyrene Burdick 10/22 1795 Married 3/19 1819 Died 1/30 1828
Phebe Burdick 2/12 1798 Married 9/1, 1823
Freeman Burdick 1/6 1800 died 3/ 1813
David Burdick 10/18 1802 Married 12/23 1824
Daniel Burdick 10/18 1802 died 8/27 1829
Marilla Burdick 7/30 1807 married 7/26 1838
Waitstill Phillips was born Wednesday December nineteenth A. D.
(d) They were Free
Baptist missionaries to Bengal-Orissa.
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