NEGenWeb Project
Resource Center
OLLibrary, Journals
Vol. XIX
No. 3-4
Edited by RAYMOND E.
Nebraska Historical Library, Lincoln, Nebraska
[Continued from Vol. XIX, p. 20.1
[p. 25] Wm. Buchanan(a),
38, 0.; wife, Nancy D. Buchanan, 33, 0.; children, Samuel R.,
12, 0.; James J., 8,
Neb.; John W., 6, Neb.; Charles F., 2, Neb.
Daniel Lafler, 36, 0.; wife, Sarah Lafler, 35, New
Brunswick; child, Sarah, 1, Neb.
J. W. Foster (a), 47, Pa.; Lutherian M.,
15, Pa.; F. Marion (M), 11, Ia.; Kitty R., 9, Neb.
R. A. James, 47, Ky.; wife, Allison James, 40,
George Smith, 51, England; wife, Sophia Smith, 33,
Joseph Taylor (a), 40, Mo.; wife, Cloe
Taylor, 28, Mo.; children, Melvina J., 12, Ia.; Isaac, 10,
William, 7, Neb.; Joseph L, 3, Neb.; Columbus,
1, Neb.
A. Tuxberry, 55, Vt.; H. M. Tuxberry (F), 57, N.
H.; Hellen M., 26, N. H.; Harriet M., 22, Vt.
[p. 26] Robert Kirkham (a), 46,
Ind.; wife, Tryphena Kirkham, 36, Tenn.
Ella Northup, 11, M. [?], colored.
Wm. Drain, 64, Ky.; wife, Elizabeth Drain,
62, Ky.; children, Robert, 28, Ky.; Wm., 18, Ill.
John J. Drain, 46, Ky.; Elizabeth, 34, Ky.,
S. W. Carson (a), 47, La.; wife, Minerva
Carson, 38, Ill.; children, James W., 21, Ia.; Franklin, 17,
George E., 15, Ia.; Elizabeth J., 5, Neb.;
Charles W., 4, Neb.; Mary E., 4 mo., Neb.
(a) Otoe Co. census, 1856.-
Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record, July-Oct.,
James H. Masters (a), 45, Ky.;
wife, Susan M. Masters(b), 34, 0.; children, Josephine, 15, Ill.;
James W.,
9, Neb.; Alice, 5, Neb.; Charles, 1, Neb.;
living with family, Rachel Cramer, 14, 0.; Douty C. Beyet, 8,
John Brod, 26, Germany; wife, Elizabeth Brod, 18,
Ind.; child, Laura E., 1, Neb.
Samuel Scott, 17, Ia.
F. Thompson, 46, Ireland; wife, Jane Thompson, 43,
Pa.; [p. 27] child, Robert J., 2, Neb.
Alexander Frances, 10, Canada.
Cabourne Boothe, 39, Va.; wife, Elizabeth Boothe,
30, Ind.; children, John W., 13, Mo.; Samuel, 10, Ia.;
Abijah, 8, Ia.; Ada Bell, 6, Ia.; James R., 4,
Ia.; Coriath (F), 2, Ia.; Nancy A., 1, Neb.
J. Doughman, 45, 0.; wife, Matilda Doughman, 39,
0.; children, Lewis, 16, 0.; Francis M. (M), 13, Ill.;
Effemma (F), 11, Ill.; Mary J., 9, Ill.; Rachel,
6, Neb.; George R. McClellan, 2, Neb.
James 0 Rook, 45, Ireland; wife, Mary, 38, Ireland;
children, Michael, 13, Ireland; Dominic, 12, Ireland;
Mary, 8, Ky.; Eliza, 3, Neb.
Jno. Nash (a), 45, England; wife, Mary
Nash, 45, England; children, John, 17, England; Thomas, 13,
Mary, 10, Mo.; [p. 28] Maria, 6,
Ellen Dacen, 21, 0.
S. H. Parker, 33, 0.; wife, Hannah Parker, 32,
Ind.; children, Benjamin L., 13, Ind.; Silas C., 10, Mich.;
Mary, 8, Ind.; James, 6, Neb.
David F. Kountz, 40, Switzerland; wife, Hellen
Kountz, 29, Switzerland; children, Alice M., 8, Ill.; Ada, 6,
Ill.; Clara, 3, Neb.; Olordon, 1, Neb.
John Kenneda, 46, Ireland; wife, Mary Kenneda, 46,
Ireland; child, Wineford (F), 10, Ill.
S. F. Day, 33, Pa.
E. C. Owen, 50, Ky.; wife, Milissa J. Owen, 25,
Mo.; children, Mary E., 20, Mo.; John M., 13, Mo.;
Eliza J., 11, Mo.; Alvesdic (F), 1, Neb.
J. W. Stephanson, 55, N. C.; wife, Anna D.
Stephanson, 41, 0.; children, Pertiett, 20, Ind.; Olive J.,
Ind.; Selia, 14, Ind.; Charles W., 8, Ind.;
[p. 29] Dellia, 1, Neb.
Edward Frazier, 41, 0.; wife, Mary Frazier, 31,
Pa.; child, Jennie, 1, Pa.
John Yout, 27, Pa.
Peter S[ch]mitz, 48, Germany; wife,
Wilhelmenia Schmitz, 46, Germany; children, Gustave, 23,
Charles, 16, Germany; William, 12, Gemany;
Bertha, 9, Germany; Ernest, 1, Neb.
Hamilton D. Kent, 40, 0.; wife, Elizabeth A. Kent,
35, Ind.; children, Thomas, 10, Mo.; Dora, 8, Kans.;
Clara, 3, Mo.
Horace Monroe, 31, N. H.; wife, Alice E. Monroe,
28, 0.; child, Nellie, 1, Neb.
Thomas Lorton, 30, Ill.
John J. Maston, 61, N. Y.; wife, Sarah Maston, 55,
Wesley Spurlock(c), 52, Va.; wife, Mary
A. Spurlock, 50, Va.; children, Nancy, 27, Va.; Harrison, 24,
Ezra, 19, Ia.; Sanders, 17, Ia.; Mary A., 14
Ia.; [p. 30] Wesley, 11, Ia.
Joseph W. Anderson (a), 44, Ind.; wife,
Harriet Anderson, 38, Ind.; children, James M., 16, Ind.;
D., 14, Ind.; Laura J., 8, Neb.; Joanna, 6,
Neb.; Solomon M., 2, Neb.
(b) Susan M. (Cramer) Masters was the
third wife of James Harris Masters, whom he married June 3, 1863.
Doughty C. Beyette was her son by a former marriage. - Portrait
and Biographical Album of Cass and Otoe counties, Nebraska,
(Chapman Bros., Chicago, 1889), pp. 371-3.
(c) Wesley Spurlock. b. Jan. 15. 1813, Cabell Co.,
(West) Virginia, was the son of Stephen and Nancy (Amos) Spurlock.
He married, Aug. 9, 1832, Miss Mary A. Barton and in 1837 moved to
Knox Co., Ill. He lived at several places in Iowa, and in 1857
moved to Plattsmouth. After two years he returned to Iowa, later
settling at Nebraska City. - Ibid, pp. 3534.
William D. Weir, 47, Ky.; Ann, 26, Ky.; Laura A.,
10, Ia.; apparently living in family, Anga Witty, 8, Ia.
J. M. McCormick, 45, Ky.; wife, Mary E. McCormick, 38, Ky.;
apparently living in family, Elizabeth J.
Scott, 7, Mo.
George Clinton, 45, Vt.; Margaret, 34, Tenn.;
apparently living in family, Ann E. Sackenby, 9, Mo.;
Alvin Sackenby, 7, Mo.; Ada Sackenby, 5, Mo.;
Alice Sackenby, 3, Neb.
Samuel Sprangle, 27, 0.
C. W. Willson, 30, N. Y.; wife, Jane Willson, 22,
Mo.; child, John, 1, Neb.
David M. Goodwin, 26, Ind.; wife, Mollie Goodwin,
17, Mo.; dau., Claudie, 2 mo., Neb.
[p. 31] John Wright, 27, Germany; wife,
Hannah F. Wright, 24, Mo.
David O'Brion(d), 30, Ireland; wife, Katherine
O'Brion, 26, Ireland; children, Daniel, 2, Neb.; Edward,
6 mo., Neb.
James Lathrop, 39, N. Y.; Ellen J., 13, Ind.; Ida
M., 7, Ind.
John A. Goodlet, 32, Ind.; wife, Anna J. Goodlett,
30, Ind.; children, Edgar, 3, Neb.; Eleanor, 1, Neb.;
apparently living in this family, Henry Bullitt,
16, Ind.; Rebecca Weaver, 12, Pa.
A Bowen (a), 48, Vt.; wife, A. F. Bowen,
48, Vt.; children, Marcellus, 18, Vt.; Abner F., 16, Vt.; Mary
11, N. Y.
Frances Kingman (F), 23, N. Y.
E. S. Hawley(e), 32, N. Y.; wife,
Henrietta Hawley, 27, N. Y.; child, Sheldon, 2, Neb.
Emma Olker, 16, Germany.
Edward Sheldon, 24, N. Y.
J. G. Childes, 18, N. Y.
[p. 32] J. J. Imhoff, 29, Pa.; wife, Mary
E. Imhoff, 21, 0.; child, Charles H., 6 mo., Neb.
Joseph Imhoff, 75, Pa.; Josephine B., 18, Pa.
Philis [?] Horseman, 18, Ind.
J. C. Potts, 27, Pa.
Fred Beyschlag(f), 33, Germany; wife,
Minnie Beyschlag, 30, Germany; child, Emma, 3, Neb.
Charles Schneider, 33, Germany; wife, Margaret Schneider,
30, Germany; children, Margaret, 7, Ia.;
Charles P., 4, Neb.; Caroline E., 2, Neb.
Charlotte Deuser, 22, Germany.
Wm. Steinnets, 40, Germany.
Christian Oelke, 20, Germany.
Daniel Schaaf, 44, Germany.
Louise Stotlander, 18, Germany.
Phillip Huen, 23, Germany.
Henry Remnitz, 40, Germany; wife, Anna Remnitz, 30,
Germany; children, Bernard, 6, Mo.; Louise, 4,
Neb.; Richard, 6 mo., Neb.
Martha Karns, 20, Ind.
George Schmidt, 40, Germany.
[p. 33] J. C Campbell(a), 50,
Ky.; wife, Sarah P. Campbell, 40, Pa.; children, John J., 14, Ia.;
Edward H.,
11, Ia.; Wm. H., 6, Neb.; Henrietta, 2, Neb.;
Ezra T., 8 mo., Neb.
Lucind Loomas (F), 26, Mich.; Hellen Loomas, 20,
(d) David O'Brien came to Nebraska
City in 1856 and was a stone mason and grading contractor. -
Nebraska City News, 1897 Aug. 27, p. 3 (3).
(e) Ezra S. Hawley, b. at Deposit, N. Y., son of
William and Esther (Benedict) Hawley, married Miss Henrietta
Sheldon in 1859 and settled at Nebraska City, where he was a
merchant. - Chapman, pp. 646-8.
(f) Fred Beyschlag, b. May 31, 1832, in Bavaria, came
to America in 1854. He came to Nebraska City for a short time in
1855. He returned in 1858 and started a brewery. He was a member
of the constitutional convention of 1864. - Andreas, A. T.,
History of Nebraska, p. 1216.
D. B. McMechan(g), 27, 0.; John
H., 25, 0.
I. B. Compton, 48, 0.; wife, Sarah A Compton, 43, 0.;
children, Elisha, 23, Ind., cripple; Arthur, 21, Ind.;
Sarah J., 19, Ind.; Mary A., 17, Ind.; Frank P.,
12, Ind.; Netta, 7, Ia.
C. B. Heges, 45, 0.
Frederick Case, 30, 0.
Charles Chute, 28, 0.; wife, Viola Chute, 28, Ind.
Carls Morgan (F), 32, N. Y.; Jane A. Morgan, 27, Mo.
W. V. Dunanvant, 54, Va.; Katherine, 37, Ill.;
Minie, 16, Mo.; John M., 11, Mo.; Julia M., 3, Ill.; [p.
Lydia, 2, Neb.; Luther V., 1, Neb.
William McDonald, 45, Ky.; wife, Harriet, 35, Mo.;
children, Candis (F), 13, Mo.; Sophia S., 9, Mo.; Jane,
5, Mo.
Matilda Brod, 49, Germany; Eliza, 23, Germany;
Matilda, 20, Pa.; Anna, 17, Pa.; Amanda, 14, Pa.;
Christiana, 11, Pa.; Isabella, 9, Mo.
Frederick A. Brod, 28, Germany.
Charles Gerber, 28, France; wife, Katherine Gerber,
30, Germany; children, Charles, 6, Neb.; Lydia, 1, Neb.
Martin Shackler, 35, 0.; wife, Anna Shackler, 24, Ky.;
children, Charlie, 5, Neb.; Jonnie, 1, Neb.
Wm. M. Smith, 40, 0.; wife, Rachel J. Smith, 38,
Va.; children, Mary H., 12, 0.; Lizzie A., 10, 0.;
Wm. C. W., 7, Neb.; Jennie G., 6, Neb.; Ella, 4,
Neb.; [p. 35] James A. M., 4 mo., Neb.
Wm. P. Birchfield(a), 47, Mo.; wife, Mary
A. Birchfield, 40, Mo.; children, 18, Mo.; Sarah A., 16, Mo.;
John, 14, Mo., cripple; Rachel, 12, Mo.; James,
7, Neb.; Richard P., 4, Neb.
Jacob Fevebough, 58, Va.; wife, Narcissa E.
Fevebough, 35, Mo.; children, Mary M., 24, Ky.; H. Clay, 19,
Mo.; Lucinda A., 18, Mo.; Sarah A., 17, Mo.;
Alice J., 13, Mo.; Joseph A., 11, Mo.; Edwin, 9, Mo.;
Thomas, 6, Mo.; Pattie, 1, Mo.
F. P. Case, 27, 0.
Daniel Casey, 25, Canada.
F. J. Boon, 25, Mo.
Napoleon Worl, 25, Ind.; wife, Harriet Worl, 22,
Ind.; children, Rosela, 5, Mo.; James, 3, Mo.
Franklin Youtz, 19, Mo.
E. F. Duncan, 31, Mo.; wife, Charity Duncan, 26,
Mo.; [p. 36] children, Almilda, 8, Mo.; Amanda, 5,
Mo.; Wm. E., 2, Mo.
Wm. Duncan, 27, Mo.
Harrison Hunt, 24, Mo.
David Beasley(h), 47, 0.; wife,
Elizabeth M. Beasley, 44, Va.; children, Amanda J., 20, Ind.;
Thomas, 17, Ind.;
Wm., 16, Ind.; Susan K., 13, Ind.; John S., 8,
Ind., twin; Margaret, 8, Ind., twin; Lewis, 5, Ind.
Enoch Shelly, 30, Ind.; wife, Harriet Shelly, 25,
Ind.; child, Laura A., 1, Ind.
Peter Ferguson, 25, Ind.; wife, Eliza A. Ferguson,
19, Ind.; children, Richard F., 3, Ind.; Lillie M., 2 mo.,
A. N. Martin, 27, Mo.; Thomas J., 4, Mo.
L. A. Seymore, 48, Mass.
Joseph Carlton, 49, England; wife, Mary Carlton, 39,
England; children, John F., 9, 0.; Albert E., 6, Neb.;
Franklin T., 3, Neb.; Edwin, 6 mo., Neb.
[p. 37] Richard Dale, 48, England; Lucy,
50, England.
Eliza J. Seaton, 23, England, "Idiot made so by
(g) David B. McMechan, son of John and
Mary (Ballentine) McMechan, opened a hardware stare at Nebraska
City in 1857. John H. McMechan was his brother - Chapman, pp.
(h) David Beasley, b. Dec. 29, 1817, Greenfield, 0.,
was the son of Isaac and Susanna Beasley, natives of Ky. He
married, Mar. 22, 1839, Elizabeth Johnson, b. in Md. near Harper's
Ferry. dau. of Thomas Johnson. They settled in Otoe Co. in 1864. -
Ibid, pp. 281-282.
Zedekiah Kirk, 30, England.
James Kennedy, 33, Ireland; wife, Barbara Kennedy, 28,
Ireland; child, John, 1, Neb.
Murty Kelly, 37, Ireland; wife, Margaret Kelly, 37,
Ireland; children, Michael, 11, Ill.; John, 7, Ia.;
Daniel, 6, Ia.; Margaret, 2, Ia.
Martin Ryran, 30, Ireland.
Job Kerney, 39, Pa.; wife, Elizabeth Kerney, 38,
Mo.; children, Dudley H., 10, Mo.; Francis (M), 6, Mo.;
Flora, 3, Mo.
S. H. Calhoun(i), 28, Mass.; wife,
Matilda Calhoun, 28, Mo.
James Sweet(j), 36, N. Y.; wife,
Clementine P. E. Sweet, 32, N. Y.; children, Carlos E., 4,
Arthur C., 2, N. Y.
Loveza Hiltebrand, 18, Germany.
Alfred Loomis, 15, Mich.
John Cook, 31, S. C.; wife, Almira Cook, 24, 0.;
child, Theodore, 4, Neb.
[p. 38] J. B. Weston(k), 34,
Me.; wife, Helen Weston, 20, N. Y.; child, Ralf, 3, Neb.
Arthur W. Smith, 24, Pa.
Charles Pierce(l), 38, N. Y.
Susan Talley(m), 69, N. Y.; Julia, 25,
Mo.; Samuella, 22, Mo.; Calvin M., 17, Mo.
A. L. Moliring(a)
(n), 33, Prussia; Mary J. Mollring, 27,
Germany; children, William, 8, Neb.; Edward, 6,
Neb.; Frederick, 4, Neb.; George, 1 mo.,
Sarah Briggs, 18, Ia.
Herman H. Pebring, 40, Germany; wife, Katrena
Pebring, 34, Germany; children, Eliza, 13, Mo.; Julia,
10, Mo.; Clara, 8, Neb.; Lorena, 6, Neb.;
Nellie, 3, Neb.; Henry, 1 mo., Neb.
Henry Newman, 34, Pa.; wife, Mary Newman, 31, N.
Y.; children, Lizzie, 10, Ia.; Willard, 8, Ia.; Ada, 6,
Neb.; Edwin, 4, Neb.; [p. 39] Albert, 2,
J. A. Ware(o), 34, Ky.; wife, Ellen H.
Ware, 24, 0.; child, Florence, 1, Neb.
May Kinney, 12, Utah, colored; apparently servant
in Ware family.
P. S. Wilson, 20, Mo.
John Golden, 31, Pa.; wife, Nancy Golden, 22, 0.;
children, Ira, 6, Ia.; Eldorah, 6 mo., Neb.
J. B. Golden, 33, Pa.; Francis B., 12, Ill.; Lancy,
10, Ill.; Charles, 7, Neb.
Isaac Frankenburger, 26, Germany.
F. H. Brown, 24, Tenn.
(i) S. H. Calhoun, b. May 27, 1836,
Boston, Mass., graduated from Williams college 1857 and took up
the study of law at Harvard. He came to Nebraska City in 1858 to
join his uncle, John Calhoun, who was surveyor general of the
Territory. He married, Aug. 23, 1864, at Nebraska City, Matilda
McMechan, a native of Mo., daughter of one of the earliest Otoe
Co. settlers. He was a member of the constitutional convention of
1875. - Andreas, p. 1217.
(j) James Sweet, b. July 1828, Otsego Co., N. Y.,
married, 1855, Utica, N. Y., Ellen Wood, who died 13 months later,
leaving a son, Everett W. Sweet. He married, secondly, June 1859,
Springville, N. Y., Clemintine P. Emmons. He settled at Nebraska
City May 1857 and engaged in banking. He served one term as state
treasurer. - Ibid, p. 1229.
(k) Jefferson B. Weston, b. Mar. 23, 1831, Bremen,
Me., graduated from Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., 1856. He
came to Nebraska in 1857 and was one of the founders of Beatrice.
He engaged in freighting, mining and trading with the Indians and
from 1873 to 1879 was state auditor. He married Miss Helen Towle.
- Nebraska City News, 1905 Sept. 19, p. 3
(l) Listed in the Otoe Co. census 1855. - Nebraska
and Midwest Genealogical Record, July-Oct. 1836.
(m) Perhaps the widow of Benjamin Talley. - Ibid, Vol.
XVI, p. 28.
(n) A. L. Mollring married in St. Louis and settled at
Nebraska City in 1855. He became an important merchant and
perfected a machine for measuring cloth disposing of the patent
for a large sum. In 1856 he was instrumental in organizing a
bucket brigade and was connected with the fire department many
years. - Nebraska City News, 1905 Jan. 17, p. 1 (4).
(o) Jasper A. Ware, b. Mar. 5, 1834, Todd Co., Ky.,
son of Edmund and Laura V. (Anderson) Ware, came to Nebraska City
in 1857 and engaged in the banking business, 1859 to 1871. He
married, Oct. 10, 1861, Miss Ellen H. Kinney. - Chapman, pp.
A. L. Huston, 25, Ky.
Henry Sheets, 29, Germany.
Chancey Reffle, 27, 0.
John Pfeasler, 49, Switzerland.
D. Whitinger(a), 42, Ind.; wife, Leah F.
Whitinger, 36, 0.; children, Chas. S., 10, Ind.; Nettie, 8,
also Lizzie Whitinger, 16, 0.
Caroline Sawyers, 28, Mo.; Caroline, 2, Ia.
B. P. R. Mean, 21, Ky.
[p. 40] D. W. Hunt, 24, Mo.
G. W. Mallonay, 24, Mo.
Geo. W. Ballerton, 27, Mo.
Joseph Damron, 20, Va.
M. J. Hawley, 30, Ireland; wife, Eliza B. Hawley, 23, 0.;
children, Annie E., 5, Neb.; Ida B., 3, Neb.;
Robert E., 6 mo., Neb.
John Carter, 45, Ky., colored.
C. C. Morris, 34, Ky.; wife, Amanda M. Morris, 30,
Mo.; children, Francis (F), 11, Mo.; James H., 7,
Ia.; Orville E., 5, Ia.; John E., 6 mo.,
Miles Holiday, 23, Ia.
Wm. Hart. 46, Ireland: wife, Margeret Hart, 30,
Ireland, children, Edward, 7, Neb.; Mary, 5, Neb.; Wm.,
3, Neb.; Ellen, 1, Neb.
F. C. Crenshaw, 26, Va.
Asa Strain, 39, Ind.: wife, Lydia Strain, 39, Ind.;
children, Robert, 17, Ind.; Loisa, 14, Ind.; Elizabeth, 11,
Ind.; Wm., 7, Mo.; [p. 41] Thos., 4,
Mo.; Mollie, 2 mo., Neb.
S. T. Hill, 38, Tenn.; wife, Mary R. Hill, 37, Tenn.
James J. Minor, 43, Mo.; wife, Ruth Minor, 38, Mo.; child,
Edward, 6, Mo.
Victoria A. Blue, 17, Mo.
Joel Draper(a), 51, Mass.; wife, Sarah
P. Draper, 47, Mass.
E. J. G. Christy, 24, Germany; wife, Flora E.
Christy, 19, 111.
Mary Osborne, 25, Ind.
H. K. Raymond(p), 51, N. Y.
E. W. Lewis, 39, N. Y., clergyman; wife, L. Maria
Lewis, 31, N. Y.; children, James P., 7, Wis.; Francis
B. (M), 5, Wis.
John McFerren, 72, Pa.; wife, Elizabeth McFerren,
68, Pa.
Peter Fifer, 36, 0.; wife, Elizaber Fifer, 29, 0.;
children, John W., 8, Ind.; Lydia, 3, Ind.; Mary M., 1, Ind.
John McFerren 24, Ind.; wife, Mary A. McFerren, 21, Ind.;
children, Loiza, 3, Ind.; Harriet, 1, Ind., also,
[p. 42] Elizabeth McFerren, 13, Ind.
J. D. Brown, 41, Tenn.; wife, Phoebe Brown, 36,
Mo.; children, Thomas B., 19, Mo.; Jeremiah, 17, Mo.;
Mary, 16, Mo.; Wm. C., 13, Mo., crippled, broken
leg; Kansas E. (F), 11, Mo.; Joseph, 9, Mo.; Frances
E. (F), 7, Mo.; James C., 6, Mo.; John H., 4,
Mo.; George, 2, Mo.; Ellen K., 1, Mo.
John E. Willson, 26, Ky.; George C., 10 Mo.; Mary
M., 7, Mo.; Charles K., 6, Mo.; also Felix A. Willson,
19, Ky.
Mary Morgan, 48, England.
Elizabeth Morris, 82, England.
John C. Watkins, 23, Mo.; wife, Ella F. Watkins,
24, Ill.; child, Ada, 2, Ill.; also Sarah A. Watkins, 17, Mo.
Wm. J. Ford, 33, Mo.; wife, Roda Ford, 33, Ky.;
children, Malvina, 8, Mo.; Alexander, 4, Mo.; Wm. P., 2,
[p. 43] Doyl Montgomery, 36, 0.; wife,
Maria Montgomery, 31, 0.; children, Sarah Z., 11, Mo.;
Alice A., 9, Mo.; Florence V., 6, Mo.; David H.,
4, Mo.; Mary W., 1, Mo.; probably living in family,
Margarite Doyl, 11, Mo.
Wm. Scott, 52, N. Y.; wife, Elizabeth Scott,
46, Ky.; children, Wm., 9, Mo.; Winfield, 6, Kansas.
(p) H. K. Raymond taught school in
Otoe Co. as early as 1858 and was county superintendent of
schools, 1860 to 1874. - Andreas, pp. 1196, 1205.
E. H. Love, 47, N. Y.; wife, Nancy Love,
35, 0.; children, James W., 9, Ia.; Phoebe, 8, Ia.; E. Henry,
Ia.; Hannah M., 4, Neb.
P. R. Christian, 45, Tenn.; wife, A. Jane
Christian, 45, Va.; children, Mary A., 18, Mo.; Elizabeth, 17,
Julia Ka, 14, Mo.; Thomas W., 12, Mo.; Emily J.,
9, Mo.
Robert A. Runtree, 21, Mo.
Royal Buck(a), 45, Pa.; wife, Thankful
P. Buck, 35, N. Y.; children, Ella A., 16, Wis.; Flora E., 11,
[p. 44] Ada P., 7, Wis.; Amos R., 2,
M. E. Whitmore, 23, Pa.
D. J. Dunn, 20, 0.
Michael Mantel(a), 40, Germany; wife, Julia
Mantel, 30, Ind.; children, Albert, 12, 0.; Emma, 10, Ind.;
Edward, 4, Neb.; Walter, 6 mo., Neb.
Allen McClintock, 25, Ind.
W. T Buchanan, 21, 0.
C. E. Woodward, 44, Tenn.; wife, Levina Woodward, 37,
Ind.; William R., 22, Ia.; Mary E., 18, Ia.;
Pryor C., 14, Ia.; Lydia J., 12, Ia.; Joshua C.,
10, Ia.; Francis M. (M), 7, Ia.; Dempsie E., 5, Neb.;
Elsie P., 2, Neb.
T. Munhall, 30, 0.; wife, Cynthia A., 23, Ind.;
child, Mary, 2, Neb.
Richard Justice(r), 52, Tenn.; wife,
Abigail Justice, 52, Tenn.; children, John, 28, Ind.; Emeline, 22,
Mary, 19, Ind. (Rest of family p. 47 of
[p. 45] Harvey Keith, 49, Ky.; wife, Sarah
E. Keith, 44, Ind.; children, Amanda J., 13, Ind.; Jonathan, 11,
Samuel F. McMahan, 33, Mo., wife, Ellen McMahan,
19, Ind.; child, Elizabeth, 1, Neb.
Nelson McReynolds(s), 57, Va.; Martha
McReynolds, 40, Ky.; children, George, 13, Mo.; Charles, 10,
Mollie, 7, Mo.; Allen, 1, Mo.
G. B. Hare(a), 31, N. Y.; wife, Julia
Hare, 26, 0.; child, Mary, 1, Neb.; probably living with family,
Hare, 15, N. Y.
Jane Marchbank, 26, Tenn.
Isaac Coe(t), 48, Conn.; wife, Sarah L.
Coe, 36, Conn.; child, Frank, 4, Neb.
Huldah Montgomery, 20, Ia.
Chas. Cook, 18, Wis.
W. P. Hicklin, 51, Ky.; Katherine, 27, Ind.; John
B., 14, Mo.; Ella, 5, Mo.; Lula, 4, Mo.; Jennie, 1, Mo.
[p. 46] W. J. Armstrong(u), 46,
0.; Isabel, "daughter," 20, 0.; Peter, 18, 0.; Melville, 16, 0.;
Albert, 12,
0.; Mary, 10, 0.
Isaiah Shellenberger, 22, Pa.; Susan Shellenberger,
60, Pa.; Mary, 30, Pa., "Right foot off"; Abram, 16, Pa.
(q) Royal Buck, b. May 2, 1820,
Susequehanna Co., Pa., was the son of William and Philina
(Trowbridge) Buck and grandson of lchabod Buck. He taught school
and in 1845 moved to Madison, Wis., where he married, May 1848,
Miss Eveline M. Wyman, daughter of William H. Wyman, an early
pioneer of Omaha. His wife died Sept. 1852. He moved to Fond du
Lac, where he married, Sept. 1853, Miss Thankful P. Reed. In 1860
they settled on a claim 30 miles west of Nebraska City. In June
1861 he became Register of the Land office at Nebraska City. Mr.
Buck was editor of several newspapers. - Edmunds, A. C., Pen
Sketches of Nebraskans, pp. 280-233.
(r) Mrs. Richard Justice, b. May 12, 1811, Greene Co.,
Tenn., settled in Otoe Co. with her husband in 1856. - Nebraska
City News, 1906 Apr. 17, p. 1 (5).
(s) Nelson McReynolds, b. June 8, 1808, Washington
Co., Va., son of John and Sarah (Scott) McReynolds, lived in Tenn.
and Mo., before coming to Neb. in 1865. After a few months in
Nebraska City he settled in Cass Co. He married, first, Saline
Co., Mo., Anna Cregg; secondly, Carroll Co., Mo., Mrs. Martha
(Henderson) Brinker Chapman, pp. 898-9.
(t) Isaac Coe, b. May 15, 1816, Middleton, Conn.,
married 1846 Sarah L., daughter of Ebenezer Bacon of Middleton.
For a number of years be lived in Butler Co., Ala., settling at
Nebraska City in 1858. He engaged in real estate and freighting. -
Ibid, pp. 696-7. See also Andreas. p. 1218.
(u) William J. Armstrong, b. July 26, 1819, Warren
Co., 0., son of James and Isabella (Liggett) Armstrong, married
1842 Miss Mary Hall of Warren Co., 0., who died in 1858. He
married, secondly, Aug. 22, 1867, Warren Co., 0., Miss Ann E.
Stitt. He took his claim in Otoe Co. in 1857 and brought his
family to the county the next year. - Chapman, pp.
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