NAME                                TOWN                  Issued  EDITOR AND PUBLISHER     Politics
   1 Adams Weekly Globe                  Adams                 W       E. M. Varner                    R
   2 Ainsworth Star-Journal              Ainsworth             W       John M. Cotton                  R
   3 Albion Weekly News                  Albion                W       A. W. Todd                      R
   4 Albion Argus                        Albion                W       D. J. & J. F. Poynter.          D
   5 Alexandria Argus                    Alexandria            W       L. H. Thornburg                 R
   6 Alliance Semi-Weekly Times          Alliance              S-W     Harvey J. Ellis                 R
   7 Harlan County Journal               Alma                  W       H. C. Furse                     D
   8 Chronicle-Citizen                   Ansley                W       A. H. Barks                     R
   9 Arcadia Champion                    Arcadia               W       J. A. Burgett                   R
  10 Ashland Gazette                     Ashland               W       W. N. Becker                    R
  11 Granger                             Auburn                W       J. H. Dundas & Son,             R
  12 Nemaha County Herald                Auburn                W       C. C. Cross                     D
  13 Nemaha County Republican            Auburn                W       John H. Kearnes                 R
  11 Aurora Republican                   Auburn                W       Frederick H. Abbott             R
  15 Appeal to Reason                    Girard, Kansas        W       J. A. Wayland                   Soc
  16 Hamilton County Register            Aurora                W       Geo. L. & A. L. Barr            D
  17 Bancroft Blade                      Bancroft              W       J. L. Phillips                  R
  18 Rock County Leader                  Bassett               W       M. L. Mead                      R
  19 Beaver Crossing Times               Beaver Crossing       W       Chas. C. Diers                  R
  20 Beemer Times                        Beemer                W       Howard Sechrist                 R
  21 Times-Tribune                       Beaver City           W       F. N. Merwin                    R
  22 Bellevue Gazette                    Bellevue              W       W. B. McDermut                  --
  23 Beatrice Weekly Times               Beatrice              W       W. S. Tilton                    R
  24 Weekly Express                      Beatrice              W       E. W. Huse                      R
  25 Gage County Democrat                Beatrice              W       G. P. Marvin .                  D
  26 Beatrice Daily Express              Beatrice              D       E. W. Huse                      R
  27 Benson Times .                      Benson                W       Lew W. Raber                    R
  28 News-Chronicle                      Benkelman .           W       C. L. Ketler                    R
  29 Independent Herald                  Bertrand .            W       L. E. Brown                     R
  30 Christian Reporter                  Bethany               W       DeForest Austin                 -
  31 Bismarck Weekly Tribune             Bismarck, No. Dak.    W       M. H. Jewell                    R



  32 Pilot                               Blair                 W       Don C. Vandeusen                R
  33 Blair Democrat and Courier          Blair                 W       Thos. T. Osterman               D
  34 Bladen Enterprise                   Bladen                W       Karl J. Spence                  R
  35 Bloomfield Monitor                  Bloomfield            W       W. H. Needham                   R
  36 Bloomington Advocate                Bloomington           W       H. M. Cram                      R
  37 Weekly Sentinel                     Blue Springs          W       Jos. H. Casebeer                R
  38 Brewster News                       Brewster              W       P. C. Erickson                  R
  39 Bradshaw Republican                 Bradshaw              W       John B. Dey                     R
  40 Bridgeport Blade                    Bridgeport            W       R. H. Willis & H. C. Mock       R
  41 Custer County Beacon                Broken Bow            W       Beal & Hollandsworth            D
  42 Custer County Chief                 Broken Bow            W       Purcell Bros                    R
  43 Custer County Republican            Broken Bow            W       D. M. Amsbury & C. K. Bassett   R
  44 Weekly Optic and Livestock Grower   East Las Vegas, N. M. W       M. M. Padgett                   R
  45 Butte Gazette                       Butte                 W       A. R. Armstrong                 R
  46 National Tribune                    Washington, D. C      W       John McElroy                    R
  47 Cairo Record                        Cairo                 W       Elliott Harrison                R
  48 Courier-Tribune                     Callaway              W       C. M. Anderson                  R
  49 Carroll Index                       Carroll               W       Richard Closson                 R
  50 Cedar Rapids Outlook                Cedar Rapids          W       W. H. Baker                     R
  51 Cedar Bluffs Standard               Cedar Bluffs          W       I. S. Boulier                   --
  52 Central City Republican             Central City          W       W. & J. Rice                    --
  53 Central City Record                 Central City          W       Fitch Bros                      --
  54 Central City Nonpareil              Central City          W       H. G. Taylor                    R
  55 Doane College News-Letter           Crete                 Mo      Doane College                   --
  56 Chappel Register                    Chappel               W       Babcock & Johnson               R
  57 Chester Herald                      Chester               W       F. H. Everts                    R
  58 Chadron journal                     Chadron               W       Geo. C. Snow                    R
  69 Sun                                 Clay Center           W       W. L. Palmer                    R
  60 Clay County Patriot                 Clay Center           W       J. G. Jessup                    R
  61 Chehalis Bee-Nugget                 Chehalis, Washington  W       C. Ellington                    R
  62 Carleton Leader                     Carleton              W       J. H. Bryant                    R
  63 Crete Democrat                      Crete                 W       C. J. Bowlby                    D
  64 Crete Vidette-Herald                Crete                 W       Goodwin & Wells                 R
  65 Cook Weekly Courier                 Cook                  W       R. B. Blythe                    R
  66 Columbus Journal                    Columbus              W       R. G., & F. K. Strother         R
  67 Columbus Telegram                   Columbus              W       Edgar Howard                    D




     NAME                                Town                  Issued  EDITOR AND PUBLISHER     Politics
  68 Columbus Tribune                    Columbus              W       Richard Ramey                   R
  69 Coleridge Blade                     Coleridge             W       C. S. Harris                    R
  70 Cortland Sun                        Cortland              W       H. L. Gardner                   R
  71 Cody Cow Boy                        Cody                  W       El. L. Heath                    R
  72 Cozad Local                         Cozad.                W       C. F. & M. S. Kleinhans         D
  73 Cozad Tribune                       Cozad                 W       W. F. Glaser                    R
  74 Crawford Tribune                    Crawford              W       Wm. H. & Harry G. Ketcham       R
  75 Crab Orchard Herald                 Crab Orchard          W       O. J. Werner                    R
  76 Creston Statesman                   Creston               W       C. F. Wagner                    R
  77 Creighton News                      Creighton             W       W. I, Kirk                      R
  78 Nebraska Liberal                    Creighton             W       W. H. Green                     D
  79 Crofton journal                     Crofton               W       O. R. Robinson                  --
  80 Curtis Enterprise                   Curtis                W       B. K. Schaeffer                 --
  81 Curtis Courier                      Curtis                W       S. R. Razee                     R
  82 People's Banner                     David City            W       J. F. Albin                     R
  83 North Nebraska Eagle                Dakota City           W       G. L. Taylor & B. H. Brown      R.
  84 Danbury News                        Danbury               W       J. L. Newman                    R
  85 Decatur Herald                      Decatur               W       Geo. F. Morley                  --
  86 Dakota County Herald                Dakota City           W       John H. Ream                    --
  87 Diller Record                       Diller                W       Frank T. Pearce                 --
  88 Butler County Pre                   David City            W       E. A. Walrath                   D
  89 Dawson News Boy                     Dawson                W       Mame P. Fenton                  --
  90 Dodge Criterion                     Dodge                 W       J. J. McFarland                 --
  91 Our Homes and News Record           Dubois                Mo      A. Schick                       .--
  92 Edgar Post.                         Edgar                 S-W     Earl C. Rickel                  --
  93 Elgin Review                        Elgin                 W       B. W. McKeen                    R
  94 Elk Creek Herald                    Elk Creek             W       N. H. Libby                     R
  95 Elmwood Leader-Echo                 Elmwood               W       J. A. Clements                  R
  96 Emerson Enterprise                  Emerson               W       S. E. Cobb                      R
  97 Eustis News                         Eustis                W       Aubrey S. Pettit                R
  98 Exeter Enterprise                   Exeter                W       W. J. Waite                     --



  99 Fairbury Journal                     Fairbury              W       W. F. Cramb                     R
 100 Fairbury Gazette                     Fairbury              S-W     D. B. Cropsey & F. L. Kautzman  R
 101 Fairfield Herald                     Fairfield             W       F. C. Scott                     R
 102 Falls City Tribune                   Falls City            W       R. F. Sharts                    R
 103 Falls City News                      Falls City            W       Davis & Davis                   D
 104 Falls City Journal                   Falls City            W       Martin & Martin                 R
 105 Sentinel                             Franklin              W       Prank M. Richard                R
 106 Platte River Zeitung                 Fremont               W       C. R. Schaeffer                 --
 107 Fillmore Chronicle                   Fairmont              W       Lou W. Frazier                  R
 108 Fullerton Post                       Fullerton             W       Jno. R. Dopf                    R
 109 News-Journal                         Fullerton             W       J. W. Tanner                    D
 110 Fillmore County News                 Exeter                W       F. A. Robinson                  R
 111 Florence Items                       Florence              W       F. B. Nichols                   R
 112 Friend Telegraph                     Friend                W       E. Whitcomb                     R
 113 Fremont Evening Tribune              Fremont               D       Hammond Printing Co .           R
 114 Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune           Fremont               T-W     Hammond Printing Co .           R
 115 Fremont Daily Herald                 Fremont               D       Perkins-Howard Co               D
 116 Grand Island Daily Independent       Grand Island          D       Independent Publishing Co.      R
 117 Geneva Gazette                       Geneva                W       W. L. Martin                    D
 118 Nebraska Signal                      Geneva                W       Frank O. Edgecombe              R
 119 Genoa Times                          Genoa                 W       C. J. Stockwell                 R
 120 Gering Courier                       Gering                W       A. B. Wood                      R
 121 Gibbon Reporter                      Gibbon                W       R. A. St. John                  R
 122 Greeley Citizen                      Greeley               W       F. P. & R. E. Compton           R
 123 Gordon Journal                       Gordon                W       T. O. & G. F. Williams          R
 124 Gretna Breeze                        Gretna                W       H. R. Second                    D
 125 Garrison Argus                       Garrison              W       Geo. H. Gray, M. D              --
 126 Grand Island Democrat                Grand Island          W       Robt. I. Evans                  D
 127 Staats Anzeiger und Herald           Grand Island          W       Anzeiger Herald Pub. Co         --
 128 Hastings Tribune                     Hastings              W       Adam Breede                     R
 129 Adam, County  Democrat               Hastings              W       Wahlquist Bros                  D
 130 Loyal Mystic Legion                  Hastings              Mo      Geo. A. Wigton                  Fr
 131 Hastings Daily Republican            Hastings              D       F. A  & Ethel M. Watkins        R
 132 Times-Republican                     Hayes Center          W       C. A. Ready                     R
 133 Hardy Herald                         Hardy                 W       Ralph K. Hill                   R
 134 Banner County News                   Harrisburg            W       N. M. McKinnon                  R




        NAME                                 TOWN               Issued  EDITOR AND PUBLISHER      Politics
 135 Cedar County News                    Hartington            W       A. V. Parker                    D
 136 Harvard Courier                      Harvard               W       G. J. & H. G. Thomas            R
 137 Homer Free-Press                     Homer                 W       M. A. Bancroft                  R
 138 Hildreth Telescope                   Hildreth              W       J. Frank, Lantz                 R
 139 Humphrey Democrat                    Humphrey              W       F. J. Pratt                     D
 140 Hickman Enterprise                   Hickman               W       Cyrus Black                     R
 141 Hebron Register                      Hebron                W       Conoway Leedom                  D
 142 Hebron Champion                      Hebron                W       H. A. Brainerd                  R
 143 Hebron Journal                       Hebron                W       Mrs. E. M. Correli              R
 144 Grant County Tribune                 Hyannis               W       L. B. Unkefer                   R
 145 Holdrege Citizen                     Holdrege              W       F. H. Porter                    R
 146 Holdrege Progress                    Holdrege              W       C. Clinton Page                 --
 147 Hubbell Standard.                    Hubbell               W       T. M. Casad                     R
 148 Chase County Tribune                 Imperial              W       A. C. Clayburg                  D
 149 Johnson News                         Johnson               W       W. L. Stuck                     --
 150 Juniata Herald                       Juniata               W       I. H. Rickel.                   R.
 151 New Bra Standard                     Kearney.              W       W. L. Hand & John A. Rhone      --
 152 Kearney Democrat                     Kearney               W       F. L. Whedon                    --
 153 Kearney Daily Hub                    Kearney               D       M. A. Brown                     --
 154 Western Nebraska Observer            Kimball               W       H. D. Wilson                    R
 155 Commoner                             Lincoln               W       W. J. Bryan                     D
 156 Independent Farmer & Western         Lincoln               W       A. D. Burhans                   --
        Swine Breeder
 157 Nebraska Teacher                     Lincoln               Mo      Geo. L. Towne                   --
 158 Lincoln Herald                       Lincoln               W       Huckins & Huckins               D
 159 Lincoln Freie Presse                 Lincoln               W       H. Wehn                         --
 160 Deutsch Amerikanischer Farmer        Lincoln               W       Press Publishing Co             --
 161 Wageworker                           Lincoln               W       Will M. Maupin                  L
 162 Indian News                          Genoa                 MO      S. B. Davis, Supt               --
 163 Indian's Friend                      New York City         Mo      T. C. Marshall                  --
 164 Loup City Northwestern .             Loup City             W       J. W. Burleigh                  --
 165 Long Pine Journal                    Long Pine             W       C. H. Lyman                     R



 166 Lodge Pole Express                   Lodge Pole            W       J. C. Wolfe                     R
 167 Clipper Citizen                      Lexington             W       M. & J. C. Holmes               --
 168 Dawson County Pioneer                Lexington             W       B. F. Krier                     R
 169 Laurel Advocate                      Laurel                W       Carey E. Nevin                  R
 170 Nebraska Dairyman                    Lincoln               W       A. R. Israel                    --
 171 Lincoln Trade Review                 Lincoln               W       H. M. Bushnell                  --
 172 Lyons Mirror                         Lyons                 W       M. M. Warner                    --
 173 Lyons Sun                            Lyons                 W       Chas. K. Ott                    R
 174 Nemaha County Teacher                Auburn                Mo      Geo. D. Carrington, Jr          --
 175 Country Merchant                     Lincoln.              W       A. R. Israel                    --
 176 McCook Tribune.                      McCook                W       F. M. Kimmell                   R
 177 McCook Republican                    McCook                W       Barnes & Mitchell               R
 178 Blue Valley Journal                  McCool Junction       W       E. C. Gilliland                 D
 179 Madison Chronicle                    Madison               W       S. C. Blackman.                 R
 180 Madison Star-Mail                    Madison               W       J. B. Donovan                   D
 181 Mead Advocate                        Mead                  W       C. H. Brocksome                 --
 182 Minden Courier                       Minden                W       G. J. & Ed. Richmond            D
 183 Minden News                          Minden                W       D. S. Efner                     R
 184 Milligan Times                       Milligan              W       E. J. Kotas                     R
 185 Mitchell Index                       Mitchell              W       G. E. Mark                      --
 186 Milford Nebraskan                    Milford               W       L. O. Howard                    R
 187 Looking Glass                        Monroe                W       F. A. Gerrard                   P
 188 Monroe Republican                    Monroe                W       R. G. Strother                  R
 189 Nebraska City News                   Nebraska City         S-W     News Publishing Co.             D
 190 Daily Tribune                        Nebraska City         D       Morton Printing Co              R
 191 Nebraska Daily Press                 Nebraska City         D       Bonwell & Olmstead              R
 192 Nebraska Staats Zeitung              Nebraska City         W       John Mattes, Jr                 --
 193 North Loup Loyalist                  North Loup            W       Walter G. Rood                  R
 194 Neligh Leader                        Neligh                W       E. T. & C. J. Best              R
 195 Neligh Register                      Neligh                W       Ernest  S. Schofield            D
 196 Nuckolls County Herald               Nelson                W       O. R. Ross                      R
 197 Nehawka Register                     Nehawka               W       T. J. O'Day                     R
 198 Nebraska Advertiser                  Nemaha                W       W. W. Sanders                   R
 199 Newport Republican                   Newport               W       C. P. Wiltse                    R
 200 Niobrara Tribune                     Niobrara              W       E. S. Kendall                   R
 201 Norfolk Times-Tribune                Norfolk               W       C. S. Evans                     --



     NAME                                TOWN                  Issued  EDITOR AND PUBLISHER      Politics
 202 Norfolk Weekly News-Journal         Norfolk               W       W. N. & N. A. Huse              R
 203 Norfolk Daily News                  Norfolk               D       W. N. & N. A. Huse              R
 204 North Bead Eagle                    North Bend            W       J. C. Newsom                    --
 205 Osveta Amerika                      Omaha                 W       National Printing Cc            --
 206 Acker und Gartenbau Zeitung         Milwaukee, Wis        W       W. W. Coleman                   --
 207 Pokrok Zapadu                       Omaha                 W       Pokrok Publishing Co            --
 208 Farmer's Advocate                   Topeka, Kansas        W       Advocate Pub. Co. .             --
 209 Twentieth Century Farmer            Omaha                 W       Bee Publishing Co .             --
 210 Observer                            Lincoln               W       Elmer E. Brown                  --
 211 Omaha Excelsior                     Omaha                 W       Chase Publishing Co             --
 212 Examiner                            Omaha                 W       Alfred Sorenson                 --
 213 Hospodar                            Omaha                 W       National Printing Co            --
 214 Nebraska Mute Journal               Omaha                 Bi-Mo   Nebraska School for the Deaf .  --
 215 Sovereign Visitor                   Omaha                 Mo      Woodmen of the World            F
 216 Oak News                            Oak                   W       F. W. Hollingworth              R
 217 Weekly Wave                         Odell                 W       Mrs. C. R. Kerr                 R
 218 Keith County News                   Ogalalla              W       F. P. Morgan & F. A Rasmussen   R
 219 Omaha Posten                        Omaha                 W       Omaha-Posten Publishing Cc .    --
 220 Omaha Druggist                      Omaha                 Mo      C. F. Weller.                   --
 221 Oakdale Sentinel                    Oakdale               W       Chas. H. Frady                  R
 222 Oakland Independent & Republican    Oakland               W       Eric Morell                     R
 223 Ord Quiz                            Ord                   W       W. W. Haskell & IV. C. Parsons  R
 221 Ord Weekly journal                  Ord                   W       Horace M. Davis                 D
 225 Holt County Independent             O'Neill               W       Geo. A. Miles                   --
 226 Frontier                            O'Neill               W       D. H. Cronin                    R
 227 Polk County Democrat                Osceola               W       F. A. Walrath                   Pop
 228 Osmund Republican                   Osmund                W       B. S. Leedom & Son              R
 229 Overton Herald                      Overton               W       J. W. & R. M. Dunaway           --
 230 Vorwarts                            New York City         W       Socialistic Co-opera'e Pub. Co. Soc
 231 Den Danske Pioneer                  Omaha                 W       Sophus F. Neble Pub. Co         --
 232 Orleans Chronicle                   Orleans               W       Harry McCoy .                   R   



 233 Peru Pointer                        Peru                  W       S. W. Hacker & Co.               R
 234 Papillion Times                     Papillion             W       The Papillon Times Print. Co.    D
 235 Pawnee Chief                        Pawnee City           W       Ovenden Bros                     --
 236 Pawnee Press                        Pawnee City           W       J. W. Paine                      --
 237 Evening News                        Plattsmouth           D       Geo. L. Parley                   R
 238 Pender Times                        Pender                W       Mark W. Murray                   D
 239 Pender, Republican                  Pender                W       Charles S. Hughes                R
 240 Pierce County Call                  Pierce                W       A. L. Brande                     R
 241 Plymouth News                       Plymouth              W       Plymouth Printing Co .           R
 242 Northern Nebraska                   Ponca                 W       Chas. E. Jones                   R
 243 Webster County Argus                Red Cloud             W       L. E. Tait                       R
 244 Red Cloud Nation                    Red Cloud             W       J. P. Hale                       D
 245 Red Cloud Chief                     Red Cloud             W       Geo. Newhouse                    R
 246 Harlan County Ranger                Republican City       W       Thomas & Nora Kelly              --
 247 Rising City Independent             Rising City           W       Albert J. T. Kaempfer            --
 248 Rushville Recorder                  Rushville             W       G. M. G. Cooper                  R
 249 Rushville Standard                  Rushville             W       C. L. Mayes                      D
 250 St. Edward Sun                      St Edward             W       H. Gordon Cross                  R
 251 St. Paul Republican                 St. Paul                      Perkins & Perkins                R
 252 Phonograph-Press                    St. Paul              W       C. B. Manuel.                    D
 253 Quill                               Schuyler              W       Alex. Schlegel                   D
 254 Schuyler Sun                        Schuyler              W       Fred L. Wertz.                   R
 255 Scribner Rustler                    Scribner              W       Henry M. Kidder                  R
 256 Scribner News                       Scribner              W       Win. Warneke                     D
 257 Seward Independent-Democrat         Seward                W       Win. H. Smith                    D
 258 Blue Valley Blade                   Seward                W       E. E. Betzer                     R
 259 Shelby Sun                          Shelby                W       Cornish & Son.                   D
 260 Shelton Clipper                     Shelton               W       F. D. Reed                       R
 261 Sidney Telegraph                    Sidney                W       F. A. Gapen                      R
 262 Stanton Weekly Picket               Stanton               W       W. D. Percival                   R
 263 Stanton Register                    Stanton               W       Alfred Pont                      D
 264 Steinauer Star                      Steinauer             W       W. F. Huff.                      R
 265 Sterling Sun                        Sterling              S-W     L. A. Varner & W. A. Borlland    R
 266 Springfield Monitor                 Springfield           W       J. C. Miller                     D
 267 Stromsburg Weekly News..            Stromsburg            W       Frank T. Robeck                  R
 268 Headlight                           Stromsburg            W       J. H., Ada M., & Chattie Coleman D



     NAME                                TOWN                  Issued  EDITOR AND PUBLISHER      Politics
 269 Sutton News                         Sutton                W       S. A. Fischer                   R
 270 Nebraska Daily Democrat             South Omaha           D       J. M. Tanner                    D
 271 Superior journal                    Superior              W       A. S. Berry                     R
 272 Syracuse Democrat                   Syracuse              W       H. E. Baker                     D
 273 Springview Herald                   Springview            W.      L. A. Wilson                    R
 274 Stamford Post                       Stamford              W       S. W. McCoy                     R
 275 Burt  County Herald.                Tekamah               W       J. R. Sutherland                R
 276 Tekamah Journal                     Tekamah               W       J. W. Tamplin                   R
 277 Johnson County Tribunal             Tecumseh              W       C. W. Pool                      --
 278 Trenton Register                    Trenton               W       O. W. DeWald                    --
 279 Taylor Clarion                      Taylor                W       E. Andrews .                    R
 280 Table Rock Argus                    Table Rock.           W       F. H. Taylor                    R
 281 Tecumseh Chieftain                  Tecumseh              W       Brundage & Thurber              R
 282 Otoe Union                          Unadilla              W       Mrs. M. A. Faker                --
 283 Valentine Democrat                  Valentine             W       I. M. Rice                      D
 284 Republican                          Valentine             W       W. S. Barker                    R
 285 Valley Enterprise                   Valley                W       C. E. Byars                     R
 286 Walthill Times                      Walthill              W       Cecil R. Boughn                 R
 287 Waterloo Gazette                    Waterloo              W       James H. Riggs                  R
 288 Wahoo Wasp                          Wahoo                 W       T. J. Pickett & Co .            R
 289 Western Wave                        Western               W       G. W. Pike                      R
 290 Wilber Republican                   Wilber                W       J. A. Wild                      R
 291 Saline County Democrat              Wilber                W       John Knight                     D
 292 Wilcox Herald                       Wilcox                W       D. C. Shetler & J. B. Lane      R
 293 Wauneta Breeze                      Wauneta               W       John W. Hann                    R
 294 Wayne Herald                        Wayne                 W       R. Philleo & E. R. Lundburg.    R
 295 Weekly Gazette                      Wausa                 W       C. A. Anderson                  R
 296 Weeping Water Republican            Weeping Water         W       F. R. Bricka                    R
 297 West Point Publics                  West Point            W       J. C. Elliott                   R
 298 Wilsonville Review                  Wilsonville           W       A. E. Weaver                    R
 299 Weekly Arbor State                  Wymore                W       J. W. Ellingham                 --



 300 Weekly Wymorean                     Wymore                W       E. M. Burnham                   R
 301 Wood River Interests                Wood River            W       O. M. Quackenbush               R
 302 Wisner Free Press                   Wisner                W       S. W. Kelly .                   R
 303 York Republican                     York                  W       W. E. Dayton & Son              R
 304 York Democrat                       York                  W       D. T. Corcoran                  D
 305 York Times                          York                  W       T. E. Sedgwick, Sr. & Jr.       R
 306 Teller                              York                  W       Cliff Frank                     D
 307 Consumers' Commercial Cyclone       Yutan                 W       R. W. Parmenter                 R
 308 Primitive Christianity              Wichita, Kansas       W       W. F. Parmiter                  --
 309 Nebraska State journal              Lincoln               D       Will Owen Jones                 R
 310 Lincoln Evening News                Lincoln               D       Harry T. Dobbins                R
 311 Lincoln Daily Star                  Lincoln               D       C. B. Edgar                     R
 312 Omaha Daily News                    Omaha                 D       Joseph Poleax                   R
 313 Omaha Daily Bee                     Omaha                 D       Victor Rosewater                R
 314 Morning World-Herald                Omaha                 D       Gilbert M. Hitchcock            D
 315 Sioux City Journal                  Sioux City            D       Perkins Bros. Co., Pub .        R
 316 St. Louis Globe-Democrat            St. Louis, Mo         D       Globe Co., Pub                  D
 317 Kansas City Star                    Kansas City, Me       D       Wm. R. Nelson                   R
 318 Kansas City Times                   Kansas City, Mo       D       Wm. R. Nelson                   R
 319 Brown County Democrat               Ainsworth             W       E. E. Humphreys                 D
 320 Shaffer's Alma Record               Alma                  W       Arthur V. Shaffer               --
 321 Arapahoe Pioneer                    Arapahoe              W       J. H. Mooney                    --
 322 Atkinson Graphic                    Atkinson              W       F. F. Mende                     R
 323 Benedict News-Herald                Benedict              W       Edith Lett                      --
 324 Bennington Herald                   Bennington            W       Cortes J. Wilcox                --
 325 Sions Vaktäre                       College View          W       International Publishing Ass'n  --
 326 Nebraska Biene                      Columbus              W       J.  H. Johannes                 --
 327 Cowles Enterprise                   Cowles                W       Karl L. Spence                  --
 328 Cozad Herald                        Cozad                 W       W. F. Glaser                    --
 329 Culbertson Banner                   Culbertson            W       J. H. Corrick                   R
 330 Dorchester Star                     Dorchester            W                                       --
 331 Fairfield Independent               Fairfield             W       I. W. Evans,                    --
 332 Perkins County News                 Grant                 W       M. E. & Cyrus Carver            --




     NAME                                TOWN                  Issued   EDITOR AND PUBLISHER      Politics
 333 Leader Independent                  Greeley               W        Thos. P. Hardesty               D
 334 Guide Rock Signal                   Guide Rock            W        Harry Vaughan                   --
 335 Cedar County Wächter                Harrington            W        Chas. Weiss                     --
 336 Howells Journal                     Howells               W        H. E. Phelps                    D
 337 Indianola Reporter                  Indianola             W        E. S. Byfield                   --
 338 University journal                  Lincoln               Mo       University of Nebraska          --
 339 Mason City Star                     Mason City            W        W. A. Anderson                  --
 340 Oconto Register                     Oconto                W        Fred. M. Bryner                 --
 341 Omaha Trade Exhibit                 Omaha                 W        O. H. McCune                    --
 342 Orchard News                        Orchard               W        A. R. Dennis                    --
 343 Sarpy County Republican             Papillion             W        Ernest G. Johnson               R
 344 Pawnee Republican                   Pawnee                W        J. N. Hassler                   R
 345 Riverton Review                     Riverton              W        C. R. Glick                     --
 346 Scotts Bluff Republican             Scotts Bluff          W        E. T. Westervelt                R
 347 Deutsch Farmer-Zeitung              Seward                W        Joseph Tagwerkor                --
 348 Silver Creek Sand                   Silver Creek .        W        Sand Printing Company           --
 349 Snyder Banner                       Snyder                W        Gus. H. Weber                   --
 350 Spalding Enterprise                 Spalding              W        John E. Kavanaugh               --
 351 Spencer Advocate                    Spencer               W        C. A. Manville & Son.           R
 352 Boone County Advance                St. Edward            W        S. J. Kennedy                   R
 353 Tamora Register                     Tamora                W        R. E. & Della Marshal           --
 354 Tobias Express                      Tobias                W        R. W. Mastin                    --
 355 Republican Leader                   Trenton               W        A. L. Taylor                    R
:356 Union Ledger                        Union                 W        Chas. L. Graves                 --
 357 Nebraska News                       University Place      W        Jason F. Claflin                P
 358 Wahoo Democrat                      Wahoo                 W        Nelson J. Ludi                  --
 359 Wakefield Republican                Wakefield .           W        F. L. Shoop                     R
 360 Nebraska VolksbIatt                 West Point            W        E. M. Von Seggern               --
 361 Winside Tribune                     Winside               W        Nina B. Ecker                   --  

Note - R Republican, D Democrat; Soc Socialist; F Fraternal; 

Compiled by

         L Labor; P Prohibition; Pop Populist.


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© 2000, 2001 Pam Rietsch, T&C Miller