N e b r a s k a
F a c t s
Beet Sugar Factory at Gering, Nebr.
little valleys are really better for grazing and
hay purposes than for cultivation in agricultural crops.
However, stretching far into what is commonly known as
the "sandhills" are hundreds of thousands of acres of
land that to date have been devoted to grazing and hay
purposes, but which are capable of producing corn, wheat,
oats, rye, barley, alfalfa, potatoes, sugar beets, melons
and small fruits in abundance - equal, in fact, to the
high priced lands in the eastern part of the state. Such
land maybe found in Valley, Garfield, Wheeler, Holt, Rock
and Brown counties in north-central Nebraska, and in
Keith, Perkins, Deuel, Garden, Morrill, Kimball,
Cheyenne, Banner, Box Butte. Sheridan, Sioux and Dawes
counties in the western and northwestern section,
Scottsbluff, Morrill, Garden, Keith and Lincoln counties
in the west end, in addition to offering great
opportunities for "dry land farming," offer exceptional
opportunities for irrigation farming. The entire North
Platte Valley is rapidly becoming one vast irrigated
garden spot. Land not yet under irrigation, but which
will be in good time, may be purchased at from $20 to $35
per acre, with a small payment down and the balance on
long time. In many instances the land may be purchased
with a very small initial payment to insure good faith,
and the balance paid from an annual share of the crops
produced. Wherever the land is now without irrigation,
but will come under one of the government irrigation
projects, the perpetual water right will cost $60 per
acre, but the government allows twenty years in which to
pay it,