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"Immigrant Issue" of
Lincoln State Journal
Sunday 5 June 1887, page 10
This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.
Towns on page 10: Grand Island - Naponee - Roca - Salem - Springfield - WilcoxTowns on page 11: Bartley - Ceresco - Holdrege - Indianola - North Platte - Verdon
----------------County Seat of Hall County - On the Union Pacific and Burlington & Missouri Railroads - Ninety-two Miles from Lincoln - Population 8,000
Grand Island is a centrally located city of about 8,000 inhabitants in Hall county. It is on the main line of the Union Pacific. The Omaha & Republican Valley branch of this road starts at Grand Island and runs to Ord and a sub-branch running around on the east bank of the Middle Loup river to Loup City. It is also the end of the St. Joseph & Grand Island railway, and the Grand Island & Wyoming railway. An extension of the Burlington & Missouri runs from Lincoln to Grand Island and into the coal fields of Wyoming. Besides these, several railways now in operation there is every prospect that the Missouri Pacific, Rock Island and perhaps one other line will reach this city within six months or a year. The shops of the Union Pacific at Grand Island are extensive and cost over $100,000, being built of solid stone with slate roofing, and when under full operation employs three to four hundred men. It will be thus seen that this city is already a railway center of no small importance. The sum of $220,000 is also paid out annually to railroad employes which is alone sufficient to support a very large town.
The last session of the legislature located at this place the state soldiers home, on which a $30,000 central building is under course of erection at present. Six hundred and forty acres of land near the city was donated by the people of Hall county, and the grounds are now being handsomely ornamented and improved. A branch of the street railway is running thereto, making it easy of access to the resident or visitor. Everything necessary to make this a pleasant and comfortable home for the veterans of the war will be done as much as possible the present year, but to which much will necessarily be added in the near future.
Hall County, one of the best for agricultural purposes in the state, is thickly populated and is a means of support for this city second only to her railways, manufactories and resorts. Hall county in every contest made and it has made several, at Nebraska state fairs, has won the premium for the most luxurious vegetable products. This comes of the sandy loam on clay subsoil, this combination being the very best for quick large and highly flavored vegetable products. The county is well watered by four streams, one, the Wood river, running within one-half mile of Grand Island.
This city has a fine system of waterworks, fed by thirty-six drive wells, sunk to a depth of fifty feet, where an abundance of pure soft water is reached. These are attached to two large steam pumps that force the water into a reservoir and into the seven miles of water mains now laid and that are soon to be extended to meet the wants of a rapidly growing city. Grand Island is supplied with the Sperry system of electric lighting and by two large gas works for gas illumination. One of these make gas from naptha, the other a first quality of coal gas, the latter being owned by the electrical light company. This latter the Grand Island Electric Light and Fuel company is putting in a $65,000 plant and supply gas and coal for fuel as well as illumination.
The business of the city is better shown by the freight receipts than otherwise and is given in totals as follows: Number of cars shipped in 1886 by the Union Pacific railway alone, 3,384; cars received by this company, 7,071; and the number of pounds in less than car lots, 32,968,845, and the number of passenger tickets sold, 42,911 (?). The Burlington & Missouri, a new line, received during 1886, 174 cars of coal, 180 cars of lumber, 35 cars of cattle, 1,115 miscellaneous, and forwarded from Grand Island, 201 cars of grain; 121 cars live stock and 1,139 miscellaneous. This, gives a total of 9,048 cars received and 6,056 forwarded and a total for the year of 15,704.
There are five leading dry goods stores with stocks of $20,000 to $50,000; and about twenty-five grocery stores; seven drug stores; fifteen saloons paying each $1,000 license; four harness stores; four restaurants; five hotels; three bakeries; three wholesale houses; four banks with a total capital of $400,000 and American Investment company, capital $500,000. There are also numerous other lines represented, such as tailors, clothers, milliners, book stores, five jewelry stores, numerous butchers, grain and stock dealers, real estate agents, attorneys and other avocations too numerous to mention. There is besides a good foundry, a planing mill, feed and flouring mills, etc. There is a fine opera house, Bartenbach's, with a seating capapcity of one thousand, and Prof. Berth's Academy of Music for places of amusement. Also Grand Army hall, K. of P. hall, Masonic hall and Leiderkranz hall.
There are Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, both English and German, and Catholic churches, all with able pastors and good congregations. There are also all the civic societies well represented, and an organization of the Woman's Christian Temperance union and Young Mens Christian association. The school facilities for Grand Island's 2,000 school children are not surpassed in the state. There are at present twenty-six departments under the supervision of the city school superintendent. The two large main buildings cost each $30,000 to #35,000 and are fine structures of brick. There are besides several ward schools and one of these is a fine brick of two rooms. Other ward schools will be built in the near future. Among the educational facilities is a business college that is turning out yearly numerous students fitted for any business avocation they may wish to follow.
A leading new structure of imposing appearance is the new Palmer house, a four story hotel, sixty-six by one hundred and thirty-two feet, at the corner of Third and Sycamore streets, of one hundred and ten rooms. This new hotel will be furnished with sixteen thousand dollars worth of new furniture and be first-class in all particulars.
The improvements of 1886 of Grand Island netted $640,000 and will largely exceed that amount in 1887.
The city hospital, including building, fixtures, real estate, etc., is a property valued at about $45,000. It is a great boon to the sick and afflicted.
Grand Island Street Railway company is building this year three miles of road, and will increase this amount largely next year to keep up with requirements of travel. This is backed by a land syndicate and represents $100,000 invested capital paid in. This became a necesity (sic), as the city proper is now three miles long. This syndicate has six hundred acres of land within the city limits. that are being rapidly sold to actual settlers and many are the beautiful homes that are being added to this handsome city of the plains.
These is a good opening for a pork packing establishment at this place, as water is convenient and plenty, and ice is abundent of the finest quality, that is taken from seven artificial lakes of from four to ten acres and these can and will be increased in number as soon as required. It is also a good point for any other manufacturing enterprise that requires a large supply of water this is abundant and pure.
The growth of the values of the city for 1886 was about 25 per cent of those of 1885 and the increase of population about 60 per cent over that of 1885. As there is a school population of 2,000, reckoning from the same basis that is taken by many other cities of six to each person of school age, would give Grand Island a population of 12,000 inhabitants, but reckoning on the true basis it has about 8,000 and as the census of 1886 gave 5,000 population the present population of 8,000 would substantiate the percentage of increase given.
The stock business of Grand Island is one of the leading industries. Every year thousands of cattle are shipped down from Wyoming and western Nebraska for fattening at Grand Island ready for the Chicago market, making a most excellent market for corn and oats, affording many farmers excellent opportunity to buy and grain feed animals for the eastern markets thereby making a fine profit. This trade increases from year to year and is a permanent support of great importance.
Finally, those seeking a home in the west where they can enjoy nearly all, if not all, of the luxuries and comforts of the east, can not do better than come to this flourishing city of central Nebraska that is sure to be one of the principal cities of the state, and a leading distributing point for central and Northwestern Nebraska.--------------
-------------Situated in Franklin County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Two Hundred and Two Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Hundred
Naponee is situated on the main line of the Burlington & Missouri railroad in the western part of Franklin county, on Turkey creek, near where it empties into the Republican river. There are about 200 inhabitants, two general stores, one hardware, and agricultural implements, lumber yard, coal yard, hotel, livery and feed stable, blacksmith shop, grain elevator, roller grist mill, capacity seventy-five barrels per day, real estate and loan agent, Congregationalist church, school house 24x40 feet, to which an addition will be added soon. Turkey creek and the Republican river offer unsurpassale water privileges on either side of the town.
There was shipped during the past year sixty cars of stock, 23,000 bushels of corn. Twenty cars of small grain. The bulk of small grain is converted into flour and feed. There has been received sixty cars of lumber and coal.
The surrounding country is thickly settled by well-to-do farmers as is evidenced by the improvements being made. It is especially noticeable in this vicinity that neat frame houses and barns have superseded the dugout and sod building. There is a fine opening for a physician and druggist.--------------
--------Situated in Lancaster County, on the Atchison & Nebraska Railroad, Twelve Miles From Lincoln - Population Three Hundred and Twenty-five
Roca is an incorporated village of three hundred and twenty-five inhabitants, situated in central sourthern Lancaster county, twelve miles south of Lincoln. It has two railroads and room for more. About four thousand car loads were shipped from Roca during the past year, of which about thirty-six hundred were stone, one hundred stock, and three hundred grain, emigrant, etc. There are two firms doing a general merchandise business of not less than $50,000 per year. There is also in the town one drug store, one boot and shoe store, one hardware firm, one barber, one confectioner, one hotel and livery stable, one restaurant, one millinery store, a first class roller flouring mill, two firms dealing in stock and grain and one of the best stone quarries in the state. Roca has a fine location and has the best railroad facilities of any village to and from Lincoln, and we predict in the near future that she will be a sought for suburb.
------------Situated in Richardson County - On the Atchison & Nebraska Branch of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Eighty-five Miles From Lincoln - Population Seven Hundred
Salem is a thriving, picturesque town of 700 inhabitants, situated on a commanding bluff at the confluence of the north and south branches of the great Nemaha river, three miles from the geographical center of Richardson county, the oldest and one of the best counties in the state. Richardson county was organized in 1855 and is situated in the sourtheast corner of the state. It contains 550 square miles. The first settlement was made near Salem in 1854.
The county is well watered by the great Nemaha and Missouri rivers and their tributaries. The Nemaha flows generally easterly through the southern section of the county, while the Missouri washes its entire eastern border. The valley and bottom land, which is heavily timbered, comprise about fifteen per cent, while the remainder is rolling prairie with a very small per cent of bluffs. The soil of the uplands is rich and deep with but little waste.
Bayard Taylor, in speaking of this section of Nebraska, said "The country is the most beautiful I ever saw." Prof. Samuel Aughey, state geologist of the Hayden survey, ranks the soil of the section as equal to that of the ever-famous plains of Burgundy and the valley of the Nile, the composition being exactly identical. The Nemaha valley cannot be excelled by any in the state for its beauty. Its average width is three miles.
Salem is the junction of the Salem branch of the Burlington & Missouri River railroad with the Atchison and Nebraska division of the same road. The business men are energetic and substantial and are doing business on their own capital. The following lines are represented: Four general merchandise stores, one millinery and general notion store, one hardware, three implement firms, a bank with $50,000 capital, two drug stores, three physicians, one furniture store, two meat markets, two hotels, two restaruants and bakeries, one harness shop, one flour and feed store; one newspaper, the Salem Index, one of the brightest, newsiest county papers in the state published by J. W. Hammond; one lumber yard which handled last year thirty-five cars of pine and native lumber, two blacksmith shops, two carpenter shops, one barber shop, a combined wire and picket fence manufactory, two wagon & wood repair shops, two livery stables, two brick yards, one stream saw mill, two enterprising live stock dealers whose shipments of hogs and cattle for the past year aggregate 198 cars for which they paid $150,000. The two elevators together handled 97 cars of corn, 32 cars of wheat, 13 cars of rye, 11 cars of oats.
A little over a year ago Salem had the misfortune to lose her flouring mills by fire, leaving the owners, Valentine & Reppy, financially unable to rebuild. The water power is now for sale at a reasonably low figure to any one who erect a first class mill on the site. The citizens of Salem will also liberaly (sic) aid any one taking hold of the enterprise. There is no better water power to be found in southeastern Nebraska and no better location for a first class roller mill.
Salem is enjoying a steady permanent growth, and her improvements are substantial and lasting. The citizens are of the highest standing financially, socially and morally. The five churches represented are Presbyterian, Missionary Baptist, Christian, Free Will Baptist and German Baptist. The union graded schools under the management of Prof. P. W. Grinstead, are among the best in the county, having three graded departments. A class of five will graduate at the close of the present term.--------------
----------------Located in Sarpy County - On the Missouri Pacific Railroad - Fifty-one Miles from Lincoln - Population Five Hundred and Fifty
The city of Springield is situated in Sarpy county, about three and a half miles in a southwesterly direction from the geographical center. It is the successor of and substitute for Sarpy Center, which was once a formidable rival of Papillion for the county seat. J. D. Spearman is the Romulus who founded both cities, thus beating that ancient character by one. The immediate cause of transferring the building and population to the new site was the building of the Mission Pacific railroad up the valley of East Buffalo. It required no process of reasoning to come to the conclusion that a place situated on or near the railraod would be much more favorable for trade than one three or four miles distant. The work of building on the new site was commenced in the fall of 1882 and was carried on with great vigor for two years, during which time most of the buildings now seen were put up. What's in a name? The manner of christening was thus: J. D. Spearman and L. A. Bates were around viewing the new location, and noticed a stream of water flowing from quite an extensive basin, in which there is a mammoth spring, whose waters boil up from unknown depths and is an object of great interest. Where the city now stands was then a cornfield. So they componded the words spring and field, and hence the name. The city is built partly on the low, level ground, but principally on the hillside rising towards the east. There are about ninety residences and four or five other building, that are partly occupied by families. the population is about 550. There are four stores of general merchandise where almost anything can be obtained that is necessary for sustenance or for raiment. There is probably $75,000 or $100.000 worth of goods handled at these stores annually. There are three drug stores, one good flouring mill with an energetic owner, one harness shop, one bakery, two hotels, besides one or two boarding houses; one hardware store, which does quite an extensive business; two places for the sale of agricultural implements, at each of which the sales amount to twelve or fifteen thousand in course of a year, one bank managed by that genial and capable man, S. O. Salsbury. There will soon be another bank owned by J. D. Spearman and compnay; one lumber yard, the sales of which amount to from fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars a month; two elevators handling two hundred thousand bushels of grain a year, and three blacksmith shops. Besides, there is shoemaking, tailoring and dressmaking carried on. But the greatest business of all is the handling of stock. There had been shipped from this place on an average one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars worth yearly for a number of years.
There are two churches, Congregational and Methodist which are built on elevated ground; and whose spires reach far upward to greet the first rays of the morning, and reflect the last light of the departing day. In these temples the truths of the Bible are proclaimed from Sabbath to Sabbath by veteran ministers. There are three doctors of medicine, two of them publish the Springfield Monitor, furnishing news and medicine with equal alacrity. There is a fine school building of ample proportions. It is built of brick, is two stories high with interior arrangements after the modern style. Outwardly improvements have been made by painting, numerous trees of different varieties which ere long will spread wide their branches and furnish inviting shade.
What the future of the city may be cannot be definitely known. What railroads may be built to intersect or run parallel with the present one - what manufactories may be located that might give an impetus to the place is only matter of conjecture. The probability is that the growth of the city will keep pace with the increase of population in the surrounding country. The soil is fertile and with proper culture might support a dense population. But whether the growth of the city is rapid or slow, it is here to stay, and will continue to be a dwelling place for thrifty people.------------------
Situated in Kearney County on the Burlington Missouri Railroad, One Hundred and Fifty-three Miles from Lincoln - Population Four Hundred and Eighty
Wilcox, situated in the southwest corner of Kearney county on the Nebraska & Colorado railroad was laid out in the spring of 1886. It has a population of 480. The Kansas City & Omaha railroad has been surveyed from Fairfield to Alma, through Wilcox, and work commenced on the same, which is to be completed by July 1.
The following trades are represented: Two agricultural implement houses, two boarding houses, one bank, one bakery, two blacksmith shops, one barber shop, two churches, Methodist Episcopal and Congregational, the Methodist Episcopal having a very fine building 32x48 feet nearly complete; two contractors, two doctors, two drug stores, one dry goods store, two elevators, three groceries, two general stores, one hotel, one harness shop, two hardware stores, two livery and feed stables, three lumber yards, one millinery store, one newspaper, the Wilcox Beacon, one restaurant, a graded school of two departments, and one shoe maker.
The town has been supplied with railroad accommodations only since January 1, 1887, yet 158 cars of grain, thirteen cars of hogs, four cars of broom corn and two cars of cattle have been shipped away and 111 cars of lumber, five of brick, eighteen of stone, sixteen of coal, two of wire, two of salt, one of stoneware, two of flour, five of ice and five of lime have been shipped in. Sixty thousand dollars worth of merchandise has been sold since the town was started, exclusive of lumber, building material and heavy articles. The town has a good hall 24x60 feet, a good steam mill fitted for grinding corn and feed only at present, a brick yard, several secret societies, Sunday schools and other organizations conducive to the welfare of the community.
Wilcox is enjoying a boom in prospect of the Kansas City & Omaha railroad, which is building to the place. It is surrounded by a fine agricultural country, settled up by industrious farmers, and bids fair to make a town second to none in the southwestern part of the state.
"Immigrant Issue" of
Lincoln State Journal
Sunday 5 June 1887, page 11
---------Located in Red Willow County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Two Hundred and Eleven Miles From Lincoln - Population Four Hundred
Bartley is a rapidly growing and prosperous town, beautifully located in the east part of Red Willow county on the main line of the Burlington & Missouri railroad.
Visitors are delighted with the location and surrounding country. Being a new town it is not on older maps. Lots were first offered for sale June 9, 1886, and there are now about 400 inhabitants. Nearly all the dwellings have four, five or six rooms and are neat and substantial. Twelve buildings are in process of erection. Two two story brick blocks 50x60 feet are occupied.
There are three general stores, two hardware, two lumber yards, two hotels, two restaurants, two drug stores, two doctors, two loan and real estate firms, two blacksmiths, one bank, one printing office, one furniture store, two dressmakers, one milliner, one barber, one bakery, one meat shop, one livery stable, and one brick yard. There is a good opening for a tailor and shoemaker with families desiring good educational facilities. An excellent public school commenced January 10. A cheese factory is in prospect.
Rev. A. Bartley has given two-thirds of the proceeds of 2,000 acreas to erect a university building and aid in supporting the faculty. The town site includes 960 acres, the industrial farm and small tracts the remainder.
The university was opened September 30, 1886, with a strong faculty. One hundred and fifty students have been enrolled. There is in connection with it a two story boarding hall and dormitory, 25x50 ft. The university now occupies pleasant rooms in the second stories of the brick blocks before mentioned. Work will soon begin on the college building which is to cost about $30,000. It will stand in the center of a beautiful campus of fifty-two acres, which is surrounded by an avenue 130 feet wide other streets are 100 feet. There is an excellent bridge across the Republican river which bounds the college farm on the south. In the deeds gambling and saloons are prohibited. It is an educational, temperance town; and with its healthy, beautiful location has attracted a superior class of citizens who aim to make it the gem among the beautiful towns of the Republican valley. It is certainly a most desirable place for a pleasant home. The citizens and university are arranging to commemorate June 9, the first annual anniversary of the opening of the town site, with special and appropriate ceremonies. They expect one or more of the Methodist bishops and other distinguished guests to be present.
A Methodist church was organized soon after the town began and now has one hundred and twenty members, Rev. W. S. Wheeler, pastor. They worship in University hall. Other denominations will organize churches at an early day. The Masons and Odd Fellows are arranging to organize lodges. There is an excellent band, of which Dana E. Graves is leader.
A corporation has bought forty acres adjacent to the town to fit up grounds for campmeetings and a western Chautauqua Sunday school assembly: President, Rev. P. C. Johnson, Indianola; secretary, C. W. Beck. When you visit the west make it a point to see Bartley.
Beautiful town lots or tracts of one to five acres are sold at reasonable rates. Wells of excellent water are from twenty to thirty feet deep. A good stone quarry about two miles distant. Near the town the Republican river will furnish strong water power for milling purposes. For miles around the land is excellent and ranges from $5 to $15 an acre, according to the improvements and distance from town.
Course of study practical and prepares for A.
Acting Chancellor, REV. WM. PECK, A. M.
Superior Normal Department
In which students are led to observe, think, talk
the point and stop. Instructor, WM. SMITH, A. M.
Practical Business Department
Giving the best instruction in the best manner,
awakens an interest in business. Tuition very low.
Instructor, R. B. ANDRUS, M. Acc'ts.
Excellent Instruction in Art and Instru-
mental Music.
BAKER, A. M., M. D. is giving an excellent prac-
tical course of lectures on
All expenses are very low, and gentlemen may
work on the
Industrial Farm
Or in beautifying the grounds for part or all of their
expenses. The University is managed by the M. E.
church, but is not sectarian and invites patronage
from all who wish a thorough, practical education.
The following business men are well acquainted with
the town and surrounding country, and will cheer-
fully give any desired information.Rev. Allen Bartley, after whome the town was named.
Rev. P. C. Johson, president of University Board of Trustees.
M. N. Eakey, dealer in drugs, books, etc.
J. H. Harrison, dealer in general merchandise.
Sibbitt and Green, general merchants.
H. H. Hines & Co., general merchants.
J. W. Malkan, general hardware.
J. S. Kikendall, contractor and builder.
F. A. Leap, feed and sale stable.
J. E. Hathorn, M. D., practicing physician.
J. B. Dann and D. F. Graves, contractors and builders.
Sibbit & Crabtree, Bartley brick yard.
F. O. Cimer, editor of Bartley Inter-Ocean.
C. W. BECK & Co., Real Estate, Insurance,Loan and Collecting Agents.
Sole agents for lots in Bartley. Now is the time to
secure bargains in losts and land. Don't delay. In-
vestments for capitalists carefully made. Corre-
spondence solicited.
B. F. THOMPSONDeals in
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
And gives careful and prompt attention to busi-
ness and correspondence.
Bank of BartleyJ.W. DOLAN, President D. E. MOORE, Cashier
Incorporated Jan. 13, '87. Capital, $20,000.
----------Situated in Saunders County - On the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad - Eighteen Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Hundred and Fifty.
Ceresco is situated in Saunders county, within one mile of the Lancaster county line and is eighteen miles from Lincoln, twelve from Wahoo, fourteen from Greenwood and thirteen from Valparaiso. The town was laid out last October, and is now about six months old. We have 250 inhabitants, with a prospect of 1,000 within two years. There is a large scope of good country naturally tributary and with live business men. Ceresco is bound to make the second best town in Saunders county.
The town is incorporated and contains three general stores, two drug stores, two restaurants, two meat markets, two implement houses, two hardware stores, one harness shop, two fine elevators, two lumber yards, two blacksmith shops, one sash and door factory, two physicians, one attorney and a printing office.
Mr. F. A. Mason will issue the first number of the Ceresco Times in a few days. The shipments of grain from this place have averaged something over a hundred cars a month since December last. There is a fine opening here for a bank, a furniture store, a hoemaker and several other lines of business not yet represented. Lots are selling from $100 to $250. We also need a good hotel. In fact anybody seeking investments should not fail to see Ceresco.
---------The County Seat of Phelps County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railraod - One Hundred and Fifty-one Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Thousand Five Hundred.
The rapid growth of towns and cities is so common an occurrence in Nebraska among its old residents it awakens no surprise and astonishment, but the marvellous growth of Holdrege, the "Magic City of Nebraska," surpasses even what is usual in this respect. The first building was erected on the present townsite in October, 1883, only a little over three years ago, and today Holdrege is a town of 2,5000 inhabitants, with as fine, substantial and imposing brick blocks as are to be found in any city in the state. Some of the banks and stores in size, costliness and elegance of finish equal if not surpass anything of their kind in the state outside of Omaha and Lincoln.
Six costly and substantial brick blocks grace its business streets; one block containing the First National bank and F. Johnson & Co's dry goods store, costing over $18,000, and another block containing the State Commercial bank and Ledlie & Rea's dry goods store, costing $25,000; besides large and roomy stores, built of wood. A $13,000 brick school house has just been completed. The private residences are noted and admired by every vistor for their elegance and architectural beauty, showing that men of means have made their homes here, and intend to remain permanently.
Holdrege is the county seat of Phelps county, one of the best agricultural counties in the state on the famous divide between the Platte and Republican rivers at the crossing of the Burlington & Missouri main line to Denver and the Nebraska & Colorado railroad to Wyoming. Its inhabitants are emigrants from the eastern states, with a very large percentage of Scandinavians and their descendants, a people noted for their industry, thrift and enterprise.
The religious and educational interest have not been neglected, but keep abreast with its material growth. Four commodious church edifices, viz.: The Methodist, Evangelical and Swedish Lutheran point their spires heavenward, and the Congregationalist and Presbyterians have each organized societies and will in the near future erect houses of worship. An excellent high school with one of the best educators in the state as professor, and an efficient corps of teachers, is the pride and boast of Holdrege.
The town has a live and wide awake board of trade that watch and guard the business interests of the town. A flourishing Building Loan and Savings association furnish safe and profitable investments and aid for building homes to men of limited means.
The town has three baks, the First national, the Commercial State bank, and the Holdrege bank, embracing a paid up capital of $250.000. The Sourth Platte Loan and Trust Co., with a cash capital of $50,000, is an Holdrege institution; besides a dozen real estate and personal property loan firms. The Empire roller mills with a capacity of 100 barrels per diem is doing a profitable business. The Holdrege foundry and windmill manufactory gives steady employment to nine mechanics.
The business houses are represented as follows: Three firms dealing in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots and shoes; one firm dealing in dry goods, boots and shoes and groceries; one firm dealing in clothing and boots and shoes; two firms exclusively in groceries, provisions and queensware; two fims in groceries and boots and shoes; one firm in groceries, medicines and drugs; three firms in drugs and medicines; two firms in furniture and undertaking; three firms dealing in agricultural implements; four firms dealing in hardware, stoves and tinware; two merchant tailor establishments; two harness shops; five livery stables and barns; four restaurants; three saloons; three lumber yards; three firms dealing in hogs and cattle; three grain firms; one granite and marble works; three jewelry stores; two in books and stationery; one in books and music; one in wallper, decorations and paints; two meat markets; three barber shops; two photograph galleries; five blacksmith shops; four coal dealers; one notion and millinery store; two millinery stores; two billiard halls, four hotels; three newspaper and job printing offices.
Of professional men the town has five practicing physicians, representing several schools of medicine, eleven lawyers, six real estate agencies and one dentist.
At no time in its history has Holdrege gown as rapidly or gained more in population than the present spring. Real estate has advanced fully 30 per cent over and above what it was a year ago. Several new lines of railroads are pointing in this direction, and reasonable assurances that more than one new line will be built into Holdrege before the snow flies. Plans are perfected for a perfect system of water works. The Burlington & Missouri railroad will, without doubt, make this a division station, and build repair shops here for their extensive railroad system in this part of the state. Every thing indicates that Holdrege will be the great city of southwest Nebraska, and that it will contain a population of 10.000 within the next ten years.
Real Estate, Farm Loans and Insurance
Reference by permission, 1st Nat'l Bank, Holdrege.
Guaranteed loans made for eastern investors.
Insurance Agent.
C. O. Charlston & Co.
Real Estate Agents.
Agents for Kansas U. P. R. R.
land and school land
in Colorado and Kansas on 30 years time at 6 per cent
Attorney-at-Law and County Attorney.
-----------The County Seat for Red Willow County, on the Bulington and Missouri River Railroad - Two Hundred and Sixteen Miles from Lincoln - Population Twelve Hundred.
Indianola, the county seat of Red Willow county, located near the junction of the Republican river, and Coon creek can boast of natural advantages possessed by but few towns in western Nebraska. The natural scenery around Indianola is very fine. Located as the town is on the second bottom of the Republican river, and rising gradually to the north until it reaches the plateau or upland, gives it advantages not easily unsurpassed.
The country surrounding Indianola is very rich, agricultural land, and is well populated and tilled by well-to-do farmers from all parts of the United States. One half mile sourth of Indianola an inexhaustible supply of fine building and limestone is to be found in the bluffs on the south bank of the Republican, accessible and easily quarried. Clay for the manufacture of brick abounds in unlimited quantity, and is being utilized by a large brick manufactory, turning out annually 1,000,000 brick of the very best quality.
The growth of Indianola has been steady, year by year as the country surrounding it has developed and settled up. From the advent of the Burlington & Missouri railroad in 1881 she has grown from the small outpost to the vigorous, healthy and prosperous young city of today. The business standing of our city with the commercial world is the pride of our citizens, as all our business men are quoted above par, as careful and conservative dealers.
The town now has a population of 1,200. The children of school age number 268. The city has one of the best regulated graded schools in the state and a corps of teachers second to none. Church denominations are represented by the Congregational, Methodist, German Reform and Catholic, with a good fair membership in each society and all in a prosperous condition.
Our young city contains about ninety-five houses of the different firms, trades and occupations. We have two banking institutions, three general stores, one boot, shoe and clothing store, boot and shoes, exclusively, one; two meat markets, two bakerys (sic), four exclusive grocery stores, three drug stores, one dental office, four city drays, two first class hotels, two harness stores, three blacksmiths and wagon shops, two barber shops, three carpenter and contractor firms, five boarding houses and restaurants, two confectionery, notion etc., eight law firms, one opera house, five painter firms, two commision (sic) merchants, two first class newspapers, three physicians, four agricultural implement firms, two millinery stores, two lumber yards, one nursery, one dairy, one laundry, two livery barns, ten land and loan associations, one photograph gallery, one brick manufactory, one steam grist mill, full roller process with capacity of severy-five barrels of flour per day. This mill, being under the bery best management, is doing a business to the amount of $150,000 to $200,000 per year.
The total amount of business transacted in the town during the past year was not less than $5,206,000. These figures are gathered from an actual canvass among the business men and from their books. The car load receipts of freight at Indianola from April 1, 1886 to April 1, 1887 show a total of 478. The number of cars forwarded from this place foot up 1,356, of which thirty-two were cattle, ten lumber, twenty-seven hogs, twenty wheat and balance miscellaneous.
The building and improvements of the town for the last year will approximate $100,000 to $120,000. A great many very nice and substantial brick buildings and residences were built and the prospect for a large increase in the building and improvement line for the coming year is good. The increase in population the coming year will greatly outnumber any preceeding year and the trade outlook was never better. The town council have decided upon a system of street grading and general improvement, and a system of street lighting will no doubt be adopted and inforce in a short time. The water works question is being very strongly agitated, which will be kept up until a complete water works system in in operation.
Land and Loan Co.
Choice Land for Sale.
Deeded land from $4 to $11 per
acre. Claims from
$200 to $1300? per quarter section. City property for
sale cheap. Money to loan on real estate and ???
security. Taxes paid for non-residents. Collections
Oman and Hutchinson. --------
---------------County Seat of Lincoln County, on Union Pacific Railroad - Two Hundred and Thirty-two Miles From Lincoln - Population Three Thousand Five Hundred.
This county seat of Lincoln county is situated at the confluence of the North and South Platte rivers, which is spanned by two excellent wagon bridges; is the end of a division of the Union Pacific railroad; is 232 miles west of Lincoln, and contains the shops, roundhouse and other large railroad buildings, and employs over 500 men, the company disbursing $50,000 per month. It is a city of 3,500 inhabitants, and is rapidly increasing. The county contains seventy-two townships, six miles square, and capable of maintaining a population of a million.
The Chicago & Northwestern and Burlington & Missouri River railroads have been surveyed to points beyond and will pass through the city. Work will soon commence on the Sioux City & Denver Air Line, passing though this point. The Union Pacific branch to the northwest starts from North Platte, thereby giving it control of all the teritory along the line; right of way has been bought and grading partly completed. Other lines are projected. North Platte is without doubt destined to become one of the great railraod centers of the state. A good system of water works will be erected during the year 1887. Packing houses are now being talked of with good prospects of successful termination. Individual wealth of the residents of North Platte amounts to $5,000,000.
The city contains seven churches, all having large congregations; one high school and six graded, and employ fifteen teachers, the attendance of scholars being about 700. There is one national and two private banks, with ample capital, five hardware and implement stores, four dry goods houses, five clothing and gent's furnishing establishments, eight grocery and feed stores; three coal and four lumber dealers, four meat markets, four drug stores, two jewelry and fancy goods stores, and six millinery and dressmaking establishments; four weekly papers, the Telegraph, Tribune, Nebraskan and People's Government; seven hotels, two restaurants, nine livery, sale and feed stables and a daily stage line to Gandy, Logan county, Cottonwood Springs and other towns throughout the county. There is in course of erection a grist mill with a capacity of 100 barrels per day. The city is lighted by electricity and assumes a metropolitan aspect.
The soil of the surrounding country is of a dark, rich alluvial clay and sandy loam, and is very fertile and productive, anything that can be grown in the semi-tropical portion of the United States can be raised here. The climate is unsurpassed, a delightful medium between the rigorous north and the hot and enervating south, the winters are clear, mild and pleasant, with occasional storms, the mean elevation being 2,000 feet above the sea.
The amount of merchandise sold in North Platte during the year 1886 summarizes as follows:
Lumber to the value of .................. $169,000
Brick home manufacture $8.00 per M ..... 1,700
Building stone ................................ 4,000
Lime .......................................... 21,000
Furniture, sashes, window glass, etc. .... 29,000
Building materials ........................... 27,000
Groceries and feed ......................... 203,000
Meals .......................................... 59,000
Hardware ..................................... 47,000
Agricultural implements ..................... 42,000
Drugs, oils and paints ....................... 36,000
Clothing ....................................... 79,000
Watches and jewelry ......................... 40,700
Dry goods ................................... 154,000
Crockery and glassware ...................... 9,000
Fancy goods .................................. 16,000
Miscellaneous ................................. 12,000
Total ............................... $1,064,500
Real estate tranfers in North Platte in 1886 amounted to $1,435,000. The exports of Lincoln county, of which North Platte is the chief shipping point, are as follows:
Cattle to the value of .... $300,000
Horses ....................... 17,000
Sheep .......................... 8,000
Hay ........................... 19,000
The surplus corn raised in the county is fed to cattle by the stock growers who are now largely engaged in corn-feeding cattle in place of allowing them to range at large, as has been the practice in the past. Hay is now fed to all cattle wintered in this portion of the state. One company, who have their office in North Platte, put up 25,000 tons in 1886 on their ranches in the northwest part of the county.
All classes of business men are prospering. This being a land office town the amount of business transacted here before the United States land office very materially assists the town through the numerous real estate and land agents who are all doing a thriving business. Land and prospective railroads are the leading theme for discussion.
North Platte also seems destined to become the leading financial center of this portion of Nebraska. The banks are all established on firm foundations. Amoung the leading money dealing institutions in the city is a loan and trust company with a capital stock of $500,000, and also a building association with a ???? not to exceed $400,000. Quite a number of private loan agents are here who obtain a good income from loans on real estate. The rates of interest range from 9 to 12 per cent on real estate to 1 1/2 on chattel property. At its present rate of growth North Platte will be a city of 10,000 inhabitants with six years.
For Bargains in Real Estate
I. A. FORT & CO.
For ?????? investments in cheap
lands that will
double in value in two or three years, call at the of-
fice of I. A. Fort & Co., who are the oldest and most
Real Estate Agents
In North Platte. They have for sale all classes
improved and unimproved real estate, stock ranches,
improved farms, town and city property in Lincoln,
Keith and adjoining counties. Their lands vary in
price from $1.50 to $10 per acre. Give them a
LAND OFFICE BLOCK. ---------------
--------Situated in Richardson County - On the Burlington & Missouri and Missouri Pacific Railroads - One Hundre and Three Miles from Lincoln - Population Three Hundred.
Verdon is situated almost exactly in the geographical center of Richardson county, on the junction of the Missouri Pacific and Burlington & Missouri River railroads, and is surrounded by a fine agricultural country. The farms are all well improved with handsome houses and spacious barns. The town has about 300 inhabitants. The town offers splendid church and school facilities there being three church buildings, Congregational, Evangelical and Christian. The latter is just completed and is the finest in the place.
The educational advantages of Verdon are among the best. A new house, situated upon a beautiful site, has recently been built, and all the patrons are taking a lively and growing interest in the welfare of the school, as is indicated by the fact that the scholars and patrons turned out on Arbor day and sat out two hundred and fifty native forest trees and fenced the grounds. The school has three departments and is under the management of Prof. J. R. McCreary, one of the best educators in the state and until recently one of the editors and proprietors of the Nebraska Teacher. The school report for the last year shows the whole number of pupils enrolled to be 125. One hundred and twenty-five dollars was expended for school apparatus during the year.
The hotel accommodations of Verdon are good, there being two large houses and a restaurant. The town also has one newspaper, the Verdon Vidette, published by W. H. Stowell, which is independent in politics and has a good circulation. During the past year three firms dealing in general merchandise have done a business of from $20,000 to $25,000, but one of them has just retired from business. The hardware business represents a yearly trade of about $12,000. The two drug stores each do a business of from $2,500 to $3,000 per annum. The business of the lumber merchant is estimated at about $10,000 per year. The furniture business represents about $6,000 yearly.
The following is a complete business directory of Verdon:
Verdon as a shipping point, for grain and stock is hard to excel for a town of its size. An examintaion of the freight records for the year ending May 1 show that there was shipped from this place forty-six car loads of cattle, 136 of hogs, three of horses, 209 of corn, seven of wheat, five of oats, one of potatoes, two of rye. During the same period there has been shipped into the town in car load lots cattle twenty-nine, lumber twenty-six, coal eighteen, stone four, lime three, salt two, hogs one, agricultural implements one. Besides the forty-six cars of cattle already shipped there are twenty cars more that will be shipped from here during the next month.
The citizens of Verdon and immediate vicinity have a great deal of faith in the future growth and prosperity of their town, as is manifested by the new buildings going up.
On the 17th of January last, fire swept out two drug stores, a furniture and a hardware store. Since that time, six new buildings have been erected. The foundations are laid and the contracts let for a brick hardware, general merchandise and drug stores, each to be two stories. The A. O. U. W. lodge are to build themselve fine lodge rooms over the hardware.
Verdon is a good business point and there is an opening at present for a number of new firms, especially is a bank needed, for the draft business alone would amount to between $4,000 and $5,000 per month. Manufactories of various kinds would find this a good point, as there are already two railroads and as good a prospect for another an any town can have until the cars are running.--------------- Please use your return button.
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