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"Immigrant Issue" of

Lincoln State Journal

Sunday 5 June 1887, pages 27, 28, & 29


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.

Towns on page 27:  Hooper - Lincoln - Rulo

Towns on page 28:  Aurora - Chadron

Towns on page 29:  Emerson



Located in Dodge County - On the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad - Sixty-eight Miles From Lincoln - Population Five Hundred.

   Hooper is a flourishing town in Dodge county on the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad. It is especially favored in its location in the midst of a rich agricultural country specially adapted to the rising of corn and grasses, thus making it a desirable locality for cattle feeders. Good farm lands can be had in the vicinity at from $20 to $40 per acre. The town has an excellent graded school with three grades. The churches are Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterians and Catholics. As would be expected the shipments of live stock from this point are very heavy. The business interest are distributed among two banks, two lumber yards, three coal dealers, four general merchandise firms, one flouring mill, one furniture store, one newspaper and four agricultural implement dealers. The aggregate business done is estimated at $400,000.




The Capital City and Coming Metropolis of Nebraska


Some of the Unequaled Advantages She Offers to the Wholesale Dealer and Manufacturer - Her Numerous Public Institutions - The Capital City Has No Superior as a Place of Residence - A City of Schools and Churches.

   Of what Lincoln is the Capital city, this edition of THE JOURNAL gives some idea, although hardly a hint has been given compared with what might be said. With what credit to herself and the state she bears the honor of being the first city in the commonwealth need not be explained to the citizens of Nebraska. The wisdom and forethought in the choice of this site, and the laying out of the plan is now demonstrated in one of the most beautiful cities in the west. The map is searched in vain for a place more favored in what makes a pleasant home and a profitable place of business. The prediction that the village of Lancaster would one day be an important railroad and commercial center, is now realized in ten lines of railway and scores of substantial business blocks. Although not in the geographical center, no place in the state can compare with it in facilities for communication with every part. Not only has this fact proven a matter of convenience and economy in the administration of public affairs, but is destined to make her the chief commercial center and one of the most important manufacturing and distributing points west of the Mississippi. The seat of government can be located in a day, but commercial and financial interests are things of slow growth. The achievements of the past are marvelous when we remember that less than a quarter of a century ago the painted savage was "at home" on the spot where now stand spacious warehouses groaning with the weight of wares collected from every quarter of the globe; that the song of the coyote was the only music where now is heard the roar of the engine and the tramp of a myriad busy feet.
   Every particle of a material body is drawn toward its center of gravity. That mutual attraction which the customer has for the dealer is a no less constant and calculable element in the economy of the universe. This characteristic of the "trading animal" is invariably accompanied by a desire to make exchanges with all possible ease and dispatch. Means to facilitate this end are not only a convenience but have a financial value and are the foundation of commercial wealth. These elements furnish data by which the center of trade can be calculated with almost as much precision as the center of gravity of a solid. Anyone who doubts that, by such reasoning Lincoln is the natural trade center of the trans-Missouri country, the most casual examination of the maps and railroad time cards will serve to thoroughly convert.
   But not as a trade center alone does Lincoln offer inducements to those coming west. No pleasanter place for a home can be found in the broad land. A multitude of reasons conspire to make this so. A wise provision in the original plan of the city gives her broad streets, bordered by ample shade and well kept lawns, while a multitude of beautiful and many splendid residences testify to the prosperity and taste of the inhabitants. From the tops of her public buildings one looks out upon one of the finest pastoral landscapes in the world, and one which can justly take rank with the far famed San Gabriel and the valley of Mexico.
   Being the seat of government she is naturally the center of the political and social interests of the state. Besides this, Lincoln is characterized by unusual interest in educational matters, and has in the midst more prominent institutions of learning than any city of equal size in the union. Among them is the state university, recognized among the leading institution of the land; also the Wesleyan university, recently located and backed by a fund of energy, enterprise and cash which insures it a place in the front rank. It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the kind of citizens and society that such institutions attract. Supplemental to her educational facilities Lincoln is also a city of churches. They represent all the leading denominations and dwell in edifices which are models of architectural design and finish, and a source of pride to every honest citizen.
   Tributery to Lincoln is the finest stock raising country on the globe. Important packing and stock handling interests have been the natural outgrowth of this advantage. The interest is located in West Lincoln, which is destined to be the principal manufacturing suburb of the Capital city. Up to the present time the Nebraska Stock Yards company have erected two immense pork packing houses. Packing house No. 1 has a capacity of 1,500 or 2,000 hogs per day. It is as complete as a house of this capacity can be made and including one of the most perfect ice making and cooling machines in the country.
   Packing house No. 2 was not completed until the middle of last December. It is said to be the most conveniently arranged and the most completely equipped house in the United States. Large houses there are in many places, but none have a greater capacity for the size of the building or the amount of money invested. Three thousand hogs can be cared for every day, and the apparatus is so complete that, this large amount of business can be done without confusion and without the slightest friction. The work of these few months has been of the most encouraging nature for the enterprising men who put the stock yards project on its feet. The difficulties of establishing a new market have been overcome, and in the future all will be plain sailing. It is gratifying to note that the stock of the company is rapidly rising in value, and that practically there is none on the market. Additional packing firms are preparing to enter West Lincoln, and the business that will thus be brought to the yards will make them the most profitable property in the city.
   Up to the present time very little attention has been paid to manufacturing in Nebraska. Our people have been occupied with the engrossing work of opening up the raw prairie and building new cities and towns, and have not yet felt the need of beginning this important branch of industry. As the state grows older factories will spring up in every part, and nearly all of the articles needed by our coming agricultural population of 2,000,000 will be manufactured at home. Indeed it seems that the era of manufacturings is now beginning. Important changes are making in the railroad situation all over the country. It is the opinion of well posted men that in the near future rates will be adjusted, on a basis that will hamper the long transportation for each community to be as nearly as possible independent of all others for food and for articles of utility. Certain lines of manufacturing can be carried on in Nebraska as advantageously as in any part of the country, and it is reasonable to expect that under the new order of things a large class of wage workers can be supported here. The coal fields of Iowa, Kansas and the Rocky mountains are easy of access. In twenty years we will have timber in abundance, and of the best quality. The mineral wealth of the west is at our doors. Once established on a permanent basis, the manufacturing of Nebraska will grow to proportions that at the present time seems impossible.
   The center of the industries that the state will support will naturally be Lincoln. Other things being equal manufacturers will locate at the chief railroad center, and that will always be the Capital city.
   Already a fair beginning has been made. The factories of the city are at present but modest beginnings, but they are without exception flourishing and growing rapidly. The year just closed has seen the inauguration of several new enterprises of the greatest importance, and steps are now being taken to more than double the business of this kind in the coming year.
   The extensive salt deposits near the city are destined to be the scene of important manufacturing operations. Under the provision of the state government a well is being sunk to the depth of 2,000 feet to test the brine at different depths, and learn the nature of the underlying formations. A fine quality of salt, very strong, is the result of the test. Eastern capitalists, recognizing the value of the resources here awaiting development, have accepted the provisions of a state lease and will soon put in an extensive plant.
   As probably in no capital city in the union is collected a larger number of public buildings and institutions than at Lincoln. First among these should be mentioned the state capital. It is finely situated and, when wholly completed, will be a splendid piece of architecture. The principal material used is white limestones. The style, while by no means elaborate, is strong and bold, and makes a home for the government of the state to which every citizen can point with pride.
   Among the largest and finest of the many state institutions is the hospital for the insane, located on the southwestern edge of the city, about four miles from the government square. The grounds around the building are beautifully laid out into drives, walks, grass plats and flower beds, presenting an attractive appearance. The building was erected partially in 1871, and completed in 1882. It is 330 feet in length and four and five stories high. The foundation and basement are of cut limestone, the upper stories of brick with limestone copings and ornamentation. Each floor of each wing constitutes a yard complete, - dining room, attendants' rooms, patients' rooms and other necessary apartments. The central part, five stories in height, is devoted to offices, chapel, rooms for employes (sic), accommodations for familles, etc. The entire building is heated by steam, lighted by gas and supplied with water from waterworks built for the use of this building exclusively. While over 350 patients can be accommodated in this institution, to have all receive the best of care not over 300 should be received at any time.
   The location of the state university at this place has been before mentioned. The campus is pleasantly situated in the heart of the city and is at present adorned with two buildings. An appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of an industrial college was made by the last legislature, and the building will probably be ready for occupancy by the coming fall. The buildings are all constructed upon the most approved plan for the work to which they are devoted, and are furnished throughout with the best of appointments.
   The postoffice, which is one of the most imposing buildings west of the Mississippi river, should not be omitted from the list. The building is modern Gothic in style of architecture, and is constructed of fossil limestone from the La Platte quarries in Sarpy county. It is ninety by sixty-one feet; four stories in height, and cost $214,000. Besides the postoffice departments, which occupies the first floor, the building is used for the United States court and government offices. It is constructed with every convenience for carrying on the business to which it is devoted,and with its admirable location is one of the most attractive features of the city.
   The state penitentiary is situated one and a half miles south of the city limits. The buildings are of magnesian limestone and the walls 22 feet in heighth and enclosing a space 700x350 feet. An extensive manufacturing plant is among its equipments.
   Lincoln is also the location of the home for the friendless, a charitable institution receiving aid from the state in the matter of buildings, but supported entirely by the Home for the Friendless society, a state organization of women.
   Considerable might be said, regarding the municipal improvements, which are extensive and are growing every day. The subject must, however, be dismissed with the mere mention of the city's excellent system of water works, which now include thirteen miles of mains, traversing every part of the city. By a special election held May 30 it was determined to make material extentions (sic) to the plant. A system of sewers is in course of construction. Contracts have also been let and the coming fall will see a number of the city's streets paved in the most approved manner.
   By the returns of the special election of May 30, it was also settled that the county immediately build a new court house. This structure is to cost $200,000 and will have one of the most favorable locations in the city.
   The city enjoys the unqualified confidence of every business man and inhabitant. Material evidence of this spirit is to be found in the liberal manner in which they contribute to all enterprises for the public good. The growth of the city has been marvelous. It has boomed after the most approved manner, but there has been no falling back; it has been a continual and substantial growth, which is not destined to abate if the signs of the times form any indication. There is nothing strange or inflated in this development, when we consider the wonderful growth of the state and Lincoln's relationship thereto. In 1870 there was in Lincoln a population of 1,000. Ten years later this number had increased to 13,000. In 1885 it was 20,000 and careful estimates now made on the basis of the school census, and by the compiler of the city directory, puts the population at not less than 40,000. Statistics regarding the volume of business would be even more striking.
   Rapid as has been the growth of the capital city, it has never reached or approached the limits of its possibilities. There has never been a time when the demand has not exceeded her resources, and much more business might have been done had capital and experience been at hand. The present sees no change in this respect. The phenomenal successes of the past are as sure to be duplicated as time is to hold out. The reward awaits the enterprising dealer or manufacturer who recognizes the fact. The west is covered with cities and towns which are clamoring for the attention of the representatives of capital, trade and manufacture, and vying with each other in assertion of superior advantages. All that Lincoln asks is a fair, impartial and unprejudiced examination of her claims, confident that with such consideration the most sanguine expectations for her future will be realized.

LINCOLN.    p 18




Frank L. Hathaway,

1601 M. St.,   Lincoln, Neb.

Pigs of prize winning strains for sale at
reasonable prices. Correspondence invited.

LINCOLN.    p 19

Real Estate and Loan Agents,
927 O. St, Opp. P. O.

  Have money to loan on Farms and City property at
lowest rates of interest and with best privileges of
  Lot 50 x 143, cor. 12th and A. Good house
of 8 rooms, barn and good water; $3,000.

House and lot F st. bet. 9th & 10th  $2,500
  do       do    M & 19th                 $2,300
  do       do    M near 9th                $4,000
  do       do    E and 9th                  $4,250
  do       do    S and 25d                 $3,300
Fine lots in East and South Lincoln.
  do             C and 2d                      $400
Good farms for sale or rent.



Made by calling on



131 No. 11th St.,       Lincoln, Neb.

LINCOLN.    p 27

Upwards of 1,000 Bargains in Real Estate

Exclusive Agents

For Belmont and Riverside additions.


Additions in the city. Located on the Rapid Transit railway. Careful and prompt attention given to Eastern correspondence. Call on or address

Moseley & Stephenson,

Room 8, Richards' Block,                  Lincoln, Neb.


Real Estate, Loans & Insurance

Room 26, Richards' Block.

   Exclusive Agents for Homewood Park, Central Park and Gould's additions to the city of Lincoln.

   Rents collected and taxes paid for non-residents. Loans Negotiated. Correspondence solicited.



Located in Richardson County - On the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Ninety-Nine Miles From Lincoln - Population One Thousand Five Hundred.

   Rulo is situated on the Missouri river at the mouth of the great Nemaha river in the southeast corner of Nebraska and on the main line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad from Chicago to Denver. A town was lad out here in an early day by the French, on account of the beautiful location and its natural advantages caused by a junction of the two rivers where the land rises gradually back for a mile to level table land. After lying dormant for nearly twenty years it has again started on a career of growth and prosperity and will in a very short time be one of the principal cities of the Missouri valley. Rulo has in the past year doubled its population, and thribbled (sic) its business interests while prices of city property steadily advanced. Its people see the advantage of their situation, being forty miles from St. Joseph, forty-five miles from Atchison, 110 miles Omaha, ninety-nine miles from Lincoln and ninety miles from Kansas City. They have already four lines of railroad - the B. & M. for Denver, Lincoln, and Omaha; The a. & N. for Atchison, the C. B. & Q. for Chicago and St. Louis, the K. C. St. Joe & C. B. for St. Joseph and Kansas City, and a new corporation being organized to build a road to Topeka to connect there with the A. F. & S. F. and the U. P. to be known as the Rulo, Hiawatha & Topeka railroad.
   Rulo is organized as city of the second class, having a population of 1,500. An active board of trade has recently been organized, with a membership of about forty, in which all of the business interests of Rulo are represented. The board of trade have decided upon the building of a $15,000 hotel, work to be commenced at once; $100,000 pork packing house to be in operation by December 1, and the establishment of an interstate fair. The school district has commenced the erection of a $25,000 school house. Rulo basted of one of the finest mills and elevators in the state until destroyed by fire, and it is hoped it will be rebuilt soon, as steps are being taken in that direction.
   The building boom has already commenced in earnest and there is a good opening for another lumber yard, hardware and agricultural implement house.
   The Lincoln Land company and the B. & M. railroad owns about one-fourth of the vacant property of the town. Since the commencement of work on the Rulo bridge town property has advanced steadily, but is still held at reasonable figures.
   We are surrounded by the best agricultural country in the state, a regular average crop of corn being fifty to sixty bushels to the acre, and all the cereal crops are equally productive. This section grows the finest apples, peaches and grapes in the world, as is evidenced by the premiums taken at various international exhibits. An orchard of twenty acres of apples near here was sold last year on the trees for $5,000 cash in hand. Our grapes make the most delicately flavored wine and is shipped to market in large quantities.
   Our building and manufacturing resources are inexhaustible and of the very best. Walnut, oak, cottonwood, elm and sycamore timber has reached a growth to supply the demand for many years for all kinds of lumber. Several large quarries of the best quality of building stone are opened adjoining Rulo and very little expense is attended in getting it ready for use. Our local fuel supply is principally wood, but much coal, taken from our surface veins, is used for manufacturing purposes. An organization is being perfected for the development of our coal interest, and a contract to bore 1,000 feet will be let in the near future.
   It has been carfully (sic) estimated that the mercantile business transacted at Rulo was $725,000 for the past year. There has been 120 car loads of stock shipped from here during the past year and 300 car loads of grain for the corresponding time. There have been in the last year 48,000 cars of freight crossed the Missouri river at Rulo on the steam transfer boat.
   A joint stock company less than sixty days ago issued the first edition of the Rulo Times, which is acknowledged now to be the leading paper of Richardson county. It is newsy, ably edited and well managed, with the brightest of prospects for the future.
   The Rulo steel bridge, now in course of construction, which will connect our various lines of railroad, will be ready for trains to run over about September 1 next. The piers are all completed except one, which will be done in about thirty days, and the main span is finished ready to swing. The piers are of gray Minnesota granite. There is a large amount of work to be accomplished on the approaches, which will not all be completed until after the trains are running. The present pay roll for labor is about $18,000 per month. Mr. George S. Morrison is chief engineer and architect of the structure and Mr. B. L Crosby resident engineer at Rulo.



"Immigrant Issue" of

Lincoln State Journal

Sunday 5 June 1887, page 28


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.



The County Seat of Hamilton County on the Burlington & Missouri Railroad - Seventy-four Miles From Lincoln - Population Two Thousand Five Hundred

   Aurora is handsomely located near the geographical center of the county, and is an important station on the Burlington and Missouri railroad. it is tastily and regularly laid out with a fine public square in the center, planted with rapidly growing forest tress, in the center of which stands the court house and county jail, and around it on all sides are the various business houses compactly and substantially built. The town was located in March, 1871. The court house is a handsome frame structure, and was presented to the county by the citizens of Aurora.
   The county is one of the best for agricultural purposes in the state. In point of schools it has nearly 100 districts and ninety-three school buildings. There are also twenty churches in the county, seven of which are in Aurora, representing as many denominations.
   The shipments of freight last year amounted to 1,000 car loads, while the receipts amounted to 800 cars. The business of the city is represented by four banks, four dry goods stores, five boot and shoe firms, three hotels, two lumber yards, two coal dealers, three general merchandise firms, one mill, a cheese factory and creamery, two furniture stores, two newspapers and three agricultural implement dealers. There is also a foundry, machinery and repair shop and three blacksmith shops. The aggregate amount of business done is fixed at $6,000,000.




The County Seat of Dawes County - On the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad - 458 Miles From Lincoln - Population Twenty-five Hundred 

    Chadron is one of the growing towns of northwestern Nebraska. It is situated in the extreme northwestern corner of the state on the F. E. & M. V. railroad. It has about 2,500 inhabitants who are characterized by their push and enterprise, and their implicit faith in the city of their adoption. The moral and educational welfare of the community is carefully looked after. The former by seven churches, four of which have substantial edifices. The schools are ably conducted and now have one building, with another to cost $20,000 contracted.
   This is destined to be an important distributing point and now offers an excellent opening for a few good wholesale firms, especially a wholesale grocery.
   The shipments of live stock for the last year amounted to 4,000 carloads. No grain has as yet been shipped, all being required for home consumption. The receipts of freight were not less than 7,000 cars. The business of the place is represented by four banks, eight dry goods, ten groceries, four hardwares, three clothing stores, four drug stores, two boot and shoe dealers, ten hotels, three lumber yards, three coal dealers, eight general merchandise firms, three factories, two furniture stores, two newspapers and four agricultural implement dealers. The aggregate business done is estimated at $35,000,000.



"Immigrant Issue" of

Lincoln State Journal

Sunday 5 June 1887, page 29


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.



Situated in Dakota County - On the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad - One Hundred and Sixty-Seven Miles from Lincoln - Population Four Hundred.

    This thrifty little town of more than four hundred inhabitants has been in existence three years, and is located at the Norfolk junction of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railroad, and occupies one of the most salubrious and sightly places for a town between Sioux City and Omaha. One of the most commodious school buildings in this part of the state is to be found here, while two spacious churches - a Catholic and Presbyterian = adorn, the two most eminent corners in town, and the Methodists and Lutherans contemplate building places of worship this season. But little grain is shipped from here, since most people know that it pays better to feed it, but the shipment of live stock runs well in the hundreds. There is one lumber yard, which does a lucrative business and is owned by M. L. Rossiter & Co. The town has two general stores, both doing well, and one drugstore. There are three hotels, all doing remarkably well, and one good furniture store, one good bank, owned and managed by T. E. Kuhn; one first class blacksmith shop, three dealers in agricultural implements, and one paper - the Era  - which receives and merits a good patronage. The G. A. R. has a strong organization here. There is a good opening at this place for a flouring mill, a boot and shoe shop and a harness shop.
   The surrounding country is gently undulating and well watered; the soil is a dark, rich loam and land can be purchased at from $4 to $15 per acre. Those in quest of new locations cannot do better than look this situation over. The town is located partly in Dixon and partly in Dakota county. The Winnebago reservation adjoining the town on the south is soon to be opened for settlement. An era of great prosperity and development is at our front door and he is wise who takes it by the foretop.
   Any further information will be cheerfully given by J. J. McCarthy, general land and town lot agent.


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