NEGenWeb Project - Dawes County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


in Nebraska



By E. P. Wilson

LetterEFORE the white men came to Dawes County, this county was the home of the Oglala and Brule Sioux. Here in the Pine Ridge region was an abundance of water, wood and shelter. Here were buffalo, bear, deer, elk, beaver and other animals that furnished furs and food. On every side was a vast expanse of prairie pasture where buffalo and antelope roamed at will. In later days the Oregon Trail was one of the greatest highways of emigration that the world has known. Trappers in the employ of the American Fur Company of St. Louis entered this area and established trading posts in Pine Ridge. From these trading posts furs were taken to Fort Pierre and other shipping points on the Missouri River and were sent to St. Louis, which was then a great emporium of fur traders from the great plains and the eastern Rocky Mountain region. Or they were sent overland in heavy freight wagons, drawn by mules or oxen. On the return trips the freighters brought blankets and other goods which were traded to the Indians for furs.
   One of these trading posts, whose manager was Chadrone, was located on what is now called Chadron creek about nine miles south of the site of Chadron. Two others were about three miles east of the site of Chadron on Big Bordeaux creek, one in charge of Bordeaux, the other of Bissonette.
   Few areas in the entire west are as rich in Indian history as Dawes County. Between the period when the fur traders were active and the coming of the cattlemen, the Pine Ridge country of northwest Nebraska became a stage on which were enacted scenes of striking interest in the great drama of the Sioux nation.
   In 1873, the Oglalas were transferred from their camp on the north side of the North Platte river, a few miles below Fort Laramie to a new camp located on the south side of White river just above the point where the clear waters of that stream emerge from the deep valley it has cut through beautiful Pine Ridge. There were about 9,000 of them with Red Cloud as their leader. During part of the time they were here a large number of Cheyennes were camped nearby. Although most of these Indians were friendly to the government, considerable numbers of them were hostile and occasionally violent.
   Because the presence of soldiers was necessary, Camp Robinson was established in 1874 on White river just above the Oglala camp whose center of life was Red Cloud agency. On account of its importance as a frontier military post its name was changed to Fort Robinson in 1876. During the period of the Sioux wars which closed in 1877 it was a place of outstanding prominence. In addition to its relationship to these military operations in Wyoming, Montana and Dakota, the large number of Indians in the Pine Ridge country made the presence of troops in the area necessary.
   In 1874 the Brules under Spotted Tall were camped on Big Beaver creek about fourteen miles northeast of Chadron in what is now Sheridan County.
   In rapid succession events of dramatic interest occurred. On Sept. 20, 1875, on the south side of White river about nine miles below Fort Robinson, there was held the first great council relative to the sale of the Black Hills. After Senator Allison, chairman of the government commission, had read his instructions, the chiefs and head men of the Indians asked for time for a consultation among themselves.
   Three days later on Chadron creek four miles west of the site of the city of Chadron the second council convened. The situation was tense. Twenty thousand Indians were camped in the White River valley nearby. They did not approve of the sale of the Black Hills. But they were afraid their chiefs and head men would agree to sell them. As the time for negotiations approached it seemed doubtful if the Indians could be restrained from violence. Chief Young-Man-Afraid-of-His-Horse a powerful personality and a friend of the whites intervened at the critical moment. No negotiations were carried on. It was not until the next year and in an entirely different way that the Black Hills treaty was signed.
   In the fall of 1876 Red Cloud and a large band of Oglalas were camped on Chadron creek about three miles southwest of the site of Chadron. It was feared they contemplated a dash for the Montana country where many hostile Indians were. At daylight on the morning of Oct. 23 they were captured by the Fourth cavalry under General Mackenzie and the celebrated Pawnee Scouts under the North Brothers.
   Early in May, 1877, Crazy Horse, one of the great Sioux war chiefs, came down from the north country with his half starved band of warriors and surrendered to the commanding officer at Fort Robinson. During the late spring and summer his village was located on the north side of White river




Who's Who

several miles below Fort Robinson, and he was killed at the fort Sept. 5. He was a daring and brilliant warrior and is still the idol of the Sioux nation.
   In the spring of 1877 a large number of Northern Cheyennes were placed on a reservation in the Indian territory. But they were unhappy there. The altitude was low, the climate moist and their death rate high. Since the government denied their requests to return to the north, a considerable number of them in the fall of 1878 broke away from their reservation and in an incredibly short time eluded all the troops sent to capture them and reached the Nebraska sandhills in the vicinity of the Niobrara river. Here they divided into two bands, one of which escaped into the sandhills. The other came north, entered the Pine Ridge country and established a camp on Chadron creek about six miles south of the site of Chadron. Here they dug in. Troops from Fort Robinson and from Camp Sheridan near Spotted Tail Agency about twenty miles to the northeast came and after a parley of several days, the Indians consented to go to Fort Robinson.
   Winter was now at hand. The government ordered the Indians to be returned to the Indian territory. They pleaded for permission to remain in the north, but the government refused to yield. The Indians said they would die rather than return. Jan. 9, 1879, they escaped from the guard house and struck out in a northwesterly direction. In the bitter winter weather a running fight ensued which lasted until Jan. 21 when the surviving members of the band were nearly all killed in a small canyon on the north side of Antelope creek in the northern part of what is now Sioux County.
   When the Oglalas and the Brules were located in the Pine Ridge country it was supposed they were in southwestern Dakota, which according to the terms of the treaty with the Sioux in 1868 was the Sioux reservation. But in 1874 Nebraska surveyors ran the north line of the state and found both Red Cloud agency and Spotted Tail agency were in Nebraska. In the fall of 1877 both of these powerful bands were moved to their reservation in Dakota.
   Great changes in northwest Nebraska came at once. On the great plains of Texas, following the Civil War, there were vast numbers of cattle, whose owners were anxious for a market. The Union Pacific railroad was rapidly pushing its way westward across plains and mountains to the Pacific coast. Other railroads were being extended to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Joseph, and other Missouri river towns. There was a market for beef in the more thickly populated part of the country, north of the Ohio river and farther east and northeast. This situation resulted in the great Texas cattle drives. Within the next twenty years millions of cattle were driven north, fattened on grass, and shipped to market. In 1878 the first cattle ranches in what is now Dawes County were established one by Edgar Beecher Bronson on Deadman's creek a few miles south of Fort Robinson, the other by Captain Powers on the Big Bordeaux, southeast of Chadron. Other ranches were started in quick succession. Thousands of cattle now subsisted on the rich wild grasses of what is now Dawes County and in the winter months enjoyed the protection afforded by the timber, the bluffs and canyons. Many were sold to the government for the Oglala Sioux--about 9,000 in number by this time--who were located in the Pine Ridge agency territory across the state line in Dakota. Others were driven to Ogallala for shipment east. In the early eighties as the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad, now the Northwestern, was being built west from Wisner, large numbers of cattle from this section were shipped east from Thacher and Valentine when these stations were the end of the line.
   But the day of the cattlemen was rapidly approaching its end. In 1884 homesteaders began coming and the cattlemen proceeded to move. Since the Dakota and the Wyoming range were constantly being taken by settlers, many herds from this section were driven to Montana. By 1885 the big range herds had gone. In the spring and early summer of that year the Northwestern railroad was being rapidly extended from Valentine to Chadron, and the country was flooded with homesteaders. According to the census of 1890, the population of the county was 9,722. After making due allowance for exaggerated census returns which it seems were common over the state that year, it is evident that the rapidity of settlement was phenomenal. Each homesteader, as a rule, settled on a quarter section of land. As is always the case in a new country, there was a great deal of sociability among these pioneers. They looked toward the future with hope and confidence and courage. They were willing to endure present hardships in order that they might live in comfort in the future. In the winter months of those early years literary and debating societies flourished. During the summer months, especially, there were many Sunday schools. There were also singing schools, rural school programs and entertainments, and various other diversions.
   Among the homesteaders were many men who had served in the Union army. For many years in those early days these men held an annual reunion in August in a beautiful grove on the Little Bordeaux creek near Bordeaux station on the Chicago and Northwestern railroad about twelve miles east of Chadron. These annual events lasted for several days and attracted great crowds. Fourth of July celebrations were frequently notable events. The Indians from Pine Ridge sometimes attended in great numbers and furnished a considerable part of the entertainment.
   Chadron was started in 1884 on the southeast side of White River near the present site of Dakota Junction on the Chicago and Northwestern railroad. This is about six miles northwest of the present location of Chadron. In the spring of 1885 as the


in Nebraska


railroad was steadily approaching the White river valley, the present site of Chadron was fixed and stores and other. buildings were moved there from their first location on White river. The first passenger train arrived in Chadron Aug. 3. During the late summer and fall of that year, while Chadron was at the end of the railroad, a vast number of range cattle from the northwest were shipped out. The Chicago and Northwestern railway shops were located here. A large amount of freighting was done west and north. Chadron was the scene of a great deal of business activity.
   In 1886 the Chicago and Northwestern extended its rails to the west and north in the direction of the Black Hills. A station was located at Dawes City, fifteen miles southwest of Chadron, and the name of the place was changed to Whitney. Farther to the southwest on White river twenty-seven miles from Chadron the town of Crawford was started. Two years later, in 1888, the Billings line of the Burlington railroad was built through Dawes County. It crossed the Northwestern line at Crawford, thereby giving the new town an especially favorable commercial position.
   About two and a half miles southwest of Crawford on the north side of White river is Fort Robinson, where for many years after the Indian troubles a regiment of cavalry was stationed. From the standpoint of historical interest it is one of the most notable places in the West. With the completion of the Burlington railroad through the county Marsland and Belmont came into existence.
   While the events just mentioned were taking place, there was a corresponding development in the field of government. Sioux County, including what is now Dawes, was created by an act of the legislature in 1867, the year Nebraska was admitted to the union. It extended from the Wyoming line east to the western boundary of what is now Holt County and south to the forty-first degree of latitude, which is now the southern line of Sioux County. For a number of years it was attached to Cheyenne County on the south for administrative, judicial and taxation purposes. Following the coming of the homesteaders into the eastern part of Sioux County, new counties were formed. Finally in 1885 Dawes County was organized. In addition to its present area it included what is now Box Butte County. The new county was named in honor of James W. Dawes, then governor of the state.
   Construction of the Burlington railroad across the broad and fertile table land south of the Niobrara river and west of the sandhills made a division of the territory included in Dawes County necessary. This was accomplished in 1886, when the southern part of what had been Dawes County became Box Butte County. The northern portion retained the name, Dawes, with an area of 1,404 square miles. The coming of the homesteaders marked the beginning of settled and well-organized government.
   From the settlement of the county until about 1890 crops were generally good. Considering that the country was very new there was a reasonable degree of prosperity. But in the nineties there were several dry seasons. Many settlers learned a quarter section was not enough land for a farm or a ranch and the rural population decreased. Real estate prices dropped to a low level. Those who remained in the country were schooled in hardships and adversity. Naturally in many instances the size of land holdings in this period increased. It was during these trying years that many of those who remained laid the foundation for prosperity at a later time.
   Following the drouth period rainfall increased and until 1931 with very few exceptions excellent crops were raised. Alfalfa was introduced and proved successful. It grew well on the lower land, especially that which was subirrigated, until in a few years thousands of acres were producing it. This greatly stimulated the hog and dairy industries. On account of the climatic conditions in northwest Nebraska alfalfa seed produced here had unusual vitality and there was a widespread demand for it.
   It was during the first decade of the present century that diversified agriculture gradually became established in Dawes County. The second decade was its period of rapid development. Year after year crops of small grain were good. In a great many instances the yield per acre rivaled that of eastern Nebraska. The acreage of corn steadily increased. Through experimental work varieties were developed that were adapted to the altitude and the climatic conditions. The quality of the corn was excellent, it matured early and the yield per acre was good. During this period, the potato industry was developed, particularly the production of seed potatoes for the southern market. Many carloads were shipped south to Texas and Louisiana, where the price was usually good. This crop contributed much to the agricultural prosperity of the county until the late twenties.
   The demand for breeding stock by large cattle raisers resulted in the development in Dawes County during this century and early years of pure bred Hereford herds which became known far and wide in the Hereford world. In 1930 the first northwest Nebraska Hereford show was held in Chadron. This has become one of the most prominent of the smaller shows of its kind in the nation. It is managed by the Hereford breeders of this section and financial support is furnished by the Chadron Commercial Club and the American Hereford Association. This show, which is held in November, attracts Hereford breeders and producers of beef cattle from a wide area.
   The Dawes County fair was started in 1886 and during the years has made a creditable contribution to the advancement of all lines of agriculture in the county. Dawes was one of the first four counties in the state to organize a farm bureau.
   The initial steps were taken in 1913, and it has



Who's Who

been an influential factor in Dawes County agriculture since that time. Soon afterward there was inaugurated in Chadron the northwest Nebraska Farmers Congress, a three day meeting with a comprehensive program. This institution was followed by the present arrangement, under which University of Nebraska Agricultural College covers the Nebraska panhandle each fall with a series of farm meetings held in convenient centers.
   The Whitney irrigation system is one of the most notable achievements in the history of Dawes County agriculture. The irrigated area is on the north side of White river in the north central part of the county. Construction work was begun in the spring of 1923 and was completed two years later. In the season of 1924 about 1,500 acres were irrigated and in 1925 about 2,500. The irrigated area has steadily increased until now it amounts to approximately 6,000 acres, with plans under way for a still greater extension. Wheat and other small grains are grown here with great success, as are alfalfa, prairie hay and the various sorghums. The district includes about 9,840 acres.
   The educational history of Dawes County has been outstanding. On Oct. 2, 1889 Chadron Academy began its twenty-one years of existence as a unit in the educational work of the Congregational Church. It was the western outpost of the New England educational spirit and was designed to give the young people of a wide area opportunities for scholarship and culture. One of the academy principals was Hon. Edward R. Burke, since a Representative in Congress and a United States Senator. Another principal was George C. Snow, who left the academy to become editor and publisher of the Chadron Journal, a post he has held for more than a generation.
   In the 1909 legislative session action was taken providing for a normal school in western Nebraska. The school was located in Chadron by the State Normal board early in 1910 and the eighty acre academy campus was purchased by the citizens of Chadron and presented to the state. The first term of the institution began in June, 1911. Since that time 9,059 have enrolled as students.
   One of the most notable places in Dawes County is the Chadron State Park, located nine miles south of Chadron. This 800 acre park was established by an act of the legislature in 1919. Its surface is rugged, with deep ravines, high buttes and many acres of beautiful pine timber; Chadron creek runs through the northeast part of it. The park has swimming pool, many cottages, ample picnic grounds, an auditorium, several miles of well-graded drives, trails for hiking and horseback riding.
   Dawes County is now well started on the second half century of its existence. In common with the other panhandle counties Dawes has fallen heir to a rich heritage of achievement on the part of the pioneers and is now in the process of meeting the challenges which have come with changing conditions.

   ADAMS, JOHN J: Hardware & Furniture Dealer; b Tekamah, Neb March 22, 1878; s of John J Adams-Clara Kerr; ed Crawford; m Elsie L Henry July 4, 1928 Crawford; 1894-1915 ptr of brother in dry goods, groc & lbr bus, Crawford; 1915-23 P M, Crawford; 1923- hdw & furn dlr; mbr city coun 8 years; C of C; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, purebred cattle; res Crawford.

   ANDREWS, LYLE VERNON: Teacher; b Presho S D March 17, 1906 s of Frank I Andrews-Florence Sprague; ed Valentine HS 1922; CSTC, BA 1926; U of Ia 1930; U of N PhD 1932; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; m Esther Schafer Aug 23, 1930 Lincoln; d Elaine Marie; 1924-26 laboratory asst in chemistry, 1927 tchr of chemistry & physics, CSTC; 1928-29 held teaching fellowship U of N; 1931-32 research chemist; 1932- chemistry & physics tchr CSTC; contributor to Journal of Amer Chemical Soc & Journal of Physical Chemistry; Amer Chemical Soc; Meth Ch; hobby, improving soil fertility; res 503 Morehead, Chadron.

   AUGUSTINE, THOMAS BENTON: Farmer & Rancher; b Somerset Co, Penn May 18, 1863; s of John Henry Augustine-Emily Jane Turney; ed Albion Ia; Albion Ia Seminary; m Wilda A Kleeman June 8, 1908 Dawes Co; s John Henry, Alfred P; d Emily Jane, Martha Pearl; 1884- homesteader, farmer & rancher in Dawes Co; 1890-1915 raised purebred Shorthorn cattle; 1915-39 raised comml herd of Herefords; 1885-1900 constable; past mbr of sch bd; AF&AM 158; Scot Rite 32o; German Luth Ch; hobbies, reading, travel; res Chadron.

   BABCOCK, GEORGE THOMAS HISCOX: Attorney; b London, Ontario, Canada Jan 24, 1868; s of Harvey W Babcock-Olive Jane Layng; ed East Saginaw Mich; law sch, London Canada; m. Mary Elizabeth Wright Sept 27, 1899 Chadron; s George Wright; d Catherine Jane (Mrs ___ Nelson); 1889 came to Neb; adm to bar 1890; 1890- prac law in Chadron; 1900-06 US commr dist of Neb; 1908-35 city atty; 1935- US conciliation commr under Frazier-Lemke bankruptcy act; dean of Dawes Co Bar Assn; ch mbr Kiwanis; past master AF&AM; first exalted ruler BPOE, 1933 dist dep exalted ruler; hobbles, golf & reading; off & res 225 Main, Chadron.

   BABCOCK, GEORGE WRIGHT: Insurance & Real Estate Dealer; b Chadron, Neb Aug 4, 1904; s of G T H Babcock-Mary E Wright; ed CSTC 1922; U of N 1923-25; Sigma Nu; m Cornelia Ford Jones June 14, 1930 Wilmette Ill; s George Wright Jr; 1922-23 worked in oil fields Wyo; 1925-28 traveling salesman; 1929- opr real est & ins bus; 1931-33 mbr city coun; Country Club; C of C; secy Rotary, sr consular UCT; exalted ruler BPOE; Episc Ch; hobbies, golf, fishing. hunting; off 219 Main; res 910 Main, Chadron.

   BARNES, WALTER O: Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Water Commissioner; b Jesup, Ia Sept 17, 1872; s of James Barnes-Lena Otto; ed Ia; Shenandoah Ia Bus Coll; m Jeanette M Spalding Oct 6, 1899 Chicago; s Homer D, Earl W, Jack; d Dorothy (Mrs J M Morison); 1917-29 owner & opr garage, Crawford; 1900-17 in jewelry store, Alliance; 1899-1900 emp in George P Washburn jewelry store, Chadron; 1891-99 watchmaker, Chicago; mayor of Alliance 1906, succeeded in obtaining illumination of Alliance streets; instrumental in bldg FOE lodge, BPOE & Masonic Temple, Alliance; mbr bd of edn & city coun, Crawford; secy Tri-State Fair 8 years; mbr advisory bd Neb Safety Coun; Crawford water commr 8 years; during Sp-Amer War vol Nov 1898 Co D, 2nd Ill Inf, disch 1899; past master AF&AM 181, secy 8 years, represented grand lodge of Neb at conv in Puerto Rico; past comm KT 26; past high priest RAM 54; past mbr OES; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, woodwork, hunting; off city hall; res 1114 2nd, Crawford.

   BARRETT, HOWARD: Auto Dealer; b Chicago, Ill Feb 9, 1884; s of Jacob H Barrett-Sara Hayward; ed Omaha HS 1902; U of N Sch of Agr, 1910, 1902-05 emp by UP RR; 1905-33 farmer & rancher, Dawes Co; 1933- auto dlr; mbr Chadron coun KC; secy BPOE; off 246 W 2nd; res Chadron.


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   BARTHOLME, OSCAR M: Furniture & Hardware Dealer; b New York City, N Y June 15, 1889; s of Adam J Bartholme-Barbara M Duggan; ed New York City HS; m Alice E Sims June 1, 1913 Manville Wyo; s John B, Ray B; m Mildred Wallin Jan 15, 1920 Lander Wyo; d Gwen; 1910-22 hdw dlr, Manville Wyo; 1922- hdw & furn dlr, Crawford; mbr C of C past 37 years, secy Manville 7 years, mbr & past pres Crawford 4 terms, past VP; city clk Manville 9 years; mbr bd of edn Crawford 9 years; Rotary; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, piano playing; res 227 Paddock, Crawford.

   BRADDOCK, HARVEY T: Rancher & Stock Raiser; b Marshall Co, Ia May 29, 1867; s of Morton Braddock-Delilah Lepley; ed Marshall Co Ia; m Nora A McKelvie Mar 24, 1892 Marshall Co Ia; s George D, Vincent; d Bertha, Elizabeth, Helen Marie (Mrs Herbert Place); came to Gage Co in 1889 then to Dawes Co, rancher & cattle raiser; 1919- raiser of purebred Herefords; mbr Neb Stockgrowers Assn; past mbr of sch bd; past Dawes commr 1 term; Kiwanis; MWA; AF&AM 158; OES; Dem; hobbies, fishing, purebred cattle; res 307 Shelton, Chadron.

   BREWER, JOHN MARR: Grocer; b Cairo, Neb Nov 19, 1905; s of Charles Edward Brewer-May Walker; ed Lusk Wyo HS, 1924; m Hildred Harris Nov 9, 1929 Chadron; s Jack Roger; 1924-28 with father in groc bus, Chadron; 1928- owner & opr groc; C of C; Chadron Country Club; AF&AM 158; Indep, hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; off 239 Main; res 342 Shelton, Chadron.

   BRIGHT, ANNA B: Homemaker; b Fulton, N Y Feb 23, 1868; d of George J Byrne-Mary Ward; ed Mt St Marys Acad, Leavenworth Kas; Neb Normal Coll BSc; U of Chicago; U of Mich; m Charles H Bright Aug 18, 1898 Omaha; 1891-96, 1901-05 tchr Neb Normal Coll; 1905-08 tchr Philippine HS, San Isidro P I; 1910-17 librarian WSTC; 1925-86 librarian CSTC; PEO; OES; pres Womans Club; mbr Chadron Culture Club; hobby, travel; res Brighton Place. Chadron.

   BRIGHT, CHARLES HANSON: Retired; b Cayuga, Ind Nov 15, 1869; s of James E Bright-Melinda Cartwright; ed WSTC, BSc & BA; m Anna Byrne Aug 18, 1898 Omaha; 1884 came to Neb; 1894-97 tchr in Neb; 1897-1902 supt Winside public schs; 1902-05 Wayne Co supt; 1905-08 prin Wright Inst, San Isidro P I; 1908-17 mbr faculty WSTC; 1917-18 Smith Hughes, tchr vocational agr, U of Cal; 1918-34 mbr faculty CSTC; 1934- farmer, Chadron; Kiwanis; AF &AM, life mbr Tangier Shrine; York Rite, Scot Rite; hobby, travel; res Brighton Place, Chadron.

   BRUER, JOHN HERMAN: Implement Dealer; b Crawford, Neb Oct 26, 1891; s of John N Bruer-Minnie Reich; ed Crawford; m Anna Pearl Dolen March 28, 1916 Omaha; s John Bernard, James Edwin; d Mariellen (Mrs J M Soester); 1906-09 livestock dlr; 1909-10 in comml ice bus; 1910-11 traveled in Africa, Europe & South America; 1911-15 worked at various occupations; 1915- impl dlr; Neb Impl Dlrs Assn; 1929-31 mbr city coun; 1926-32 mbr Tri-State Fair bd; 1908-31 vol fireman, chief 2 years; C of C; Rotary; hobbies, cabin & fishing pond; off 132 Elm; res 129 Elm, Crawford.

   BUFFINGTON, CLYDE: Rancher & Stock Raiser; b Mills Co, Ia June 15, 1890; s of John C Buffington-Laura Ellen Reasoner; ed Mills Co Ia; Ia St Coll 2 years; m Grace Churchill Oct 29, 1911 Malvern Ia; s James Marion; d Betty Frances (dec), Barbars, Ellen (Mrs Girard Putnam), Mary Grace; 1911 rancher Dawes Co; 1912- raiser of Herefords, has about 200 purebreds; org Crawford Hereford Breeders Assn; ch mbr NW Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; Amer Hereford Assn; mbr sch bd; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, purebred cattle, showing cattle; res Crawford.

   BUMP, LEO: County Clerk; b Lineville, Ia Nov 28, 1899; s of William Pitt Bump-Emma Ives; ed Whitman HS 1924; CSTC 2 years; LaSalle U, extension course in accounting; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha; m Anna Lund Jan 17, 1925 Hot Springs S D; s Bevin B; d Phyllis J; 1925-27 bkkpr First Natl Bank of Chadron; 1927-30 bkkpr Chadron Motor Co; 1930- Dawes Co clk, ex-officio register of deeds & co assessor; during World War enl June 5, 1918 71st field arty, disch Feb 1919; Amer Leg; AF&AM 158; RAM 48, R&SM 27, order of high priesthood of Neb; C of C; asst scoutmaster troop 201; Bapt Ch; Rep; hobby, genealogy; off Courthouse; res 312 Niobrara, Chadron.

   CAIN, MARCUS JAMES: Farmer; b Chadron, Neb Feb 28, 1896; s of John M Cain-Allie Bell; ed Chadron HS; CSTC 2 years; m Emma Regina Kriz Oct 21, 1918 Alliance; d Phyllis Marcine; 1914-29 rancher & farmer, Dawes Co; 1929- farmer & rancher, Dawes Co. owner ranch since 1929; 1933-39 owner & opr gasoline refinery on his ranch; owner half int in Heath & Cain Farm; Cath Ch; hobbies, refinery, travel; res RFD, Chadron.

   CARLEY, FURMAN B: Retired; b Delaware Co, N Y Mar 7, 1859; s of John A Carley-Jane Furman; ed Neb; m Catherine Hansell Sept 11, 1883 Nevada Ia; s Francis W, Arthur H, Clarence J; 1874-75 learned telegraphy, Silver Creek; 1875-76 on U P R R extra bd; 1877 agt, Granger Wyo; 1878-81 ranched, near Sidney; 1881-95 govt teleg opr Fort Robinson; 1885 elec first Dawes Co clk; 1886-93 cash Chadron Banking Co; 1893-95 in merx bus; 1895-1903 clk of dist court; 1904-1911 cash Citizens State Bank of Chadron; 1911- ret; past mbr village bd; BPOE; Chris Sci Ch; res Chadron.

   CARMEAN, HEMAN MELVIN: Mayor; b Douglas Co, Ore Sept 16, 1893; s of William Archer Carmean-Zua Whitford; ed Chadron HS; CSTC; life mbr Comml Club; mbr one of first football teams; m Marie Leed; s Hemen Leed; d Joan, Sandra; m Pauline Dowd Sept 18, 1937 Reno Nev; 1913-17 clk Wyo-Neb Tele Co, Chadron; 1917-18 & 1919-20 secy Wyo-Neb Tele Co, Chadron; 1920-27 secy Platte Valley Tele Co, Scottsbluff; 1927-33 ptr in firm of A C Smith Co, Scottsbluff; 1933-36 mgr P P Proudfit Lbr Co, Chadron; 1936- secy & treas P P Proudfit Lbr Co; Apr 1939 mayor; during World War enl Sept 1917, sgt QMC, 14 mos in France, disch July 15, 1919; Amer Leg, post 2; VFW; mbr Scottsbluff city coun 5 years; Rotary; BPOE; AF&AM, RAM, R&SM, KT, Shrine; Chadron Country Club; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; hobbies, golf, hunting; off 144 Xing; res 322 Shelton, Chadron.

   CARTWRIGHT, LEWIS NATHAN: Retired; b Plattsburg, N Y June 23, 1849; s of Abel Cartwright- Adaline Hilliard; ed Clinton Co N Y & LaSalle Co Ill; m Cora Hattie Cripps Dec 14, 1898 Whitney; s Percy John; d Vera Adaline (Mrs Tom Holding), Minerva Adell (Mrs William C Birmingham); 1884 came to Chadron; 1885-86 homesteaded in Dawes Co; 1886-87 in cattle bus, Whitney; 1887-93 with ptr H W Higby org White River Valley Bank, Whitney, pres, VP, treas of bank; 1893-1912 in cattle, grain, & coal bus; 1912-16 opr Nye Schneider Fowler Co elevator, Whitney; 1916-18 Dawes Co treas; 1918- ret; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Whitney.

   CHICOINE, JOSEPH ANDREW: Auto Dealer; b Jefferson, S D Jan 30, 1888; s of Joe Andrew Chicoine-Octavia Avore; ed Heron Lake Minn; WSTC comml course 1906, BSc 1909; m Florence Marie Chicoine Aug 27, 1910 Jefferson S D; s Vernon P, Roy G, Martin A, Bernard C, Abel J, Edgar C; d Inez (Mrs Irvin Wauer). Marie F, Joan G; 1907-08 tchr, Thurston Co; 1909-10 supt of schs, Verdigre; 1910-12 supt of schs, Dakota City; 1912-13 farmed, Jefferson S D; 1913-14 farmed, Dallas S D; 1914-21 homesteaded & farmed near Valentine; 1921-29 supt of schs at Cody; 1929- rancher & farmer near Valentine; 1931-33 prin Cookston HS; 1933-34 math tchr, Valentine HS; 1934-35 sales mgr Northwestern Cattle Sales Co, Valentine & Merriman; 1936- owner & opr Northwestern Cattle Sales Co, Merriman; 1937- estab & opr Chicoine Motor Co, Chadron; 1939 sons Vernon & Roy & daughter Marie became ptrs; past mbr Kiwanis; past dir Cherry Co sch bd dist 172; past mbr Cherry Co Soil Conservation Com; KC; Cath Ch; hobbies, football, baseball, basketball, track;, off 312 W 2nd; res 347 Shelton, Chadron.

   CLARK, LUCY MARIE: English Instructor; b St Martin, O Dec 1, 1869; d of Adam D Clark-Mary A Derivan; ed Tecumseh; U of N, BA 1903, MA 1926; Phi Beta Kappa; 1901 tchr, Tecumseh HS; 1901-11 head of English dept, Lincoln HS; 1911- head of English dept CSTC; past mbr Womans Club; B&PW; past mbr of America Collegiate Assn; AAUW; Cath Ch; hobby, music; res 418 Main, Chadron.

   COFFEE, CHARLES FRANKLIN: Bank President; b Cheyenne, Wyo; s of Charles Franklin Coffee-Virginia Ashland Toney; Neb Wes; U of N; Quincy Ill Bus Coll; m Catherine Morgan Rightly Oct 9, 1912 Chadron; s Charles Franklin Ill; 1908- with First Natl Bank, Chadron, bkkpr, VP, pres since 1935; VP First Natl Bank, Hay Springs; dir First Natl Bank, Gordon; secy & treas Red Cloud Cattle Co; VP Chadron B & L Assn; pres CSTC dormitory corp; dir &treas Chadron Osage Oil Co; past pres C of C; mbr Kiwanis, past pres; AF&AM, KT; BPOE; SAR; Chadron Country Club; mbr Taylor Family



Who's Who

Assn, Louisville Ky; Dem;, hobbies, farming, cattle raising; off First Natl Bank Bldg; res 423 Chadron Ave, Chadron.

   COFFEE, HARRY B: Congressman; b Sioux Co, Neb Mar 16, 1890; s of Samuel Buffington Coffee-Elizabeth Tisdale; ed Chadron HS; U of N, BA 1913; Alpha Tau Omega; Innocents; m Katharine Newbranch Douglas Nov 30, 1936 Omaha; step d Dorothy Douglas; 1915- pres Coffee Cattle Co, Inc; has ext ranch holdings in NW Neb; owner & opr several farms; real est & ins agt, Chadron; elec to the 74th, 75th, & 76th congresses to represent 5th congressional dist of Neb; mbr of com on agr, House of Representatives; during World War served as 2nd lt in the A S; Amer Leg; AF&AM; BPOE; hobby, work; off 265 Main; res Coffee Apts., Chadron.

   CONN, FRANCIS MARION: Rancher; b Pulaski Co, Ind July 25, 1862; s of Andrew J Conn-Nancy Ann Blue; ed Pulaski Co Ind; m Minnie Maud Roby Apr 1, 1885 Keyapaha Co Neb; s Clem K; d Edna Blanche (Mrs A J Rock), Ila Florence (Mrs Guy Coffee), May Elizabeth (Mrs Robert Nefso), Irene Minnie (Mrs O R Robison); 1879 moved to S E Neb; 1884 farmed in Saunders Co; 1884-88 homesteaded in Keyapaha Co; 1888-93 opr of merc store in Sheridan Co; 1903-09 oprd hotel at Pine Ridge S D; 1912-16 P M & opr gen store at Pine Ridge S D; 1916-17 lived on ranch, Keyapaha Co; 1917- moved to Chadron; 1918-28 opr real est off; past secy C of C; mbr bd YMCA; past mbr town bd; AF&AM; OES; Congl Ch, SS tchr many years; res 665 Chadron Ave, Chadron.

   COOK, MRS ELEANOR BARBOUR: Geology Instructor; b New Haven, Conn Feb 22, 1888; d of Erwin H Barbour-Margaret R Lamson; ed Lincoln Acad HS; Hochschule Dresden, Germany; U of N, BA 1910; Delta Delta Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; d Eleanor (Mrs Perry Newell), Margaret (Mrs George Hoffman), Dorothy (Mrs Grayson Meade), Winifred (Mrs Paul McGrew); 1924- instr of geology CSTC; sponsor Eagle, coll paper, Chadron; sponsor & dir coll museum; chmn city lib bd; publicity dir CSTC; mbr CSTC orchestra; Congl Ch; Indep; hobby, reading; res 460 King, Chadron.

   CRANDALL, GEORGE VERNON: Dentist; b Plainview, Tex Apr 8, 1910; s of Irvin W Crandall-Della Church; ed Holdrege 1927; Neb Wes 1929-30, mbr Glee Club; U of N DDS 1936; Beta Kappa; m Myrtle Kragh May 31, 1937 Papillion; 1936- dentist, Crawford; pres C of C; treas Lions; chmn Crawford branch ARC; 1st lt DORC 1936-41; Comml Club; AF&AM 181; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off 232 1/2 2nd, Crawford.

   CRITES, FREDRICK AUGUSTUS: Attorney; b Plattsmouth, Neb July 1, 1885; s of Albert Wallace Crites-Minnie Hayt; ed Lincoln HS; U of N BA; m Marion Smith Hart 1914 Lincoln; s Albert Wallace, Sherman Edwin; d Marton Caroline; 1913 adm to bar; 1913- prac law as ptr of brother E D in law off opened by father in Chadron; co atty 8 years; pres bd of edn; Dawes Co Bar Assn; Uni Club, Lincoln; AF&AM; BPOE; Kiwanis; C of C; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting, chess; off Coffee-Pitman Bldg; res Chadron.

   DAVENPORT, GEORGE HENRY: Farmer & Rancher; b Santa Rosa, Mo Jan 6, 1881; s of John Rogers Davenport-Clarinda Goff; ed Chadron HS 1900; m Blanch L Lewis June 14, 1917 Chadron; s George Lewis, Edward Nathan; 1900-05 sch tchr; 1905-17 farmed & ranched home place for mother; 1917 indep farmer & rancher on home place; 1935-39 Dawes Co assessor; 1926- mfg violins by hand; 1905- mbr sch bd; secy & treas of the Little Bordeaux Tele Co; Grace Episc Ch; hobby, making violins; res Chadron.

   DEMPSTER, RICHARD RAY: Merchant; b Republican City, Neb Oct 4, 1884; s of Perry Jerome Dempster-Ellen Cavanaugh; ed Republican City HS 1901; U of N 1903-04; m Audrey Gresham Feb 20, 1926 Denver; s Richard Ray; d Elizabeth Ellen; 1915-26 salesman Lee Kountze Hdw Co, Omaha; 1921 opr Dempster O'Connell Hdw Co, Gordon; 1922- opr Midwest Hdw Co, Crawford; 1926- opr Midwest Hdw Co, Lusk Wyo; 1934- opr Midwest Furn Co, Chadron; 1938-39 pres C of C; Kiwanis; BPOE; UCT; Episc Ch; hobboy (sic), sports; off 114 W 2nd; re; 402 King, Chadron.

   DONAHUE, WILLIAM HENRY: Hotel Owner; b Flatbush, Long Island May 1, 1859; s of Thomas Donahue-Johanna Quirk; ed Osman Ill; m Margaret B Conavan Dec 27, 1881 Bloomington Ill; d Lillian E (Mrs L E Sprague), Pearl B (Mrs H E McCroskey); 1881-84 farmer, Lotus Ill; 1884-86 mcht Sibley Ill; 1886-89 mcht Long Pine; 1889-1904 conductor on C&NW RR; 1904- prop Blaine Hotel, Chadron; mayor of Chadron 1907-16; mbr bd of edn 1900; food administrator during World War; AF&AM, oldest mbr 158, holder of Jordan medal, RAM 48, R&SM 27; KT 22, Scot Rite Deadwood S D, Tangier Shrine; OES; Kiwanis; Comml Club; Country Club; mbr Veteran Freeman's Assn; hobby, fine horses; off Blaine Hotel; res corner 2nd & Bordeaux, Chadron.

   ELLIOTT, ROBERT I: President Teachers College; b Worth, Ill Apr 18, 1883; s of John Elliott-Marion Elizabeth Tobby; ed Wayne HS; U of N, BA; Columbia U, MA; WSTC; Phi Gamma Delta; Acacia; m Annie Louise Babcock Nov 27, 1913 Cambridge; s Robert I Jr; 1906-07 supt of schs, Chadron, also co supt Wayne Co; 1907-10 supt of schs, Broken Bow; 1910-14 dep state supt of pub instruction; 1914-16 instr KSTC; 1916- pres CSTC; Rotary; NSTA. past pres; past pres 6th dist NSTA; NEA; Amer Assn of Tchr Colleges; North Central Assn of Secondary Schs & Colleges; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, walking, travel, swimming, baseball, football; off Administration Bldg, Coll; res 511 Main, Chadron.

   ENGLEMAN, EDWIN EARL: City Superintendent of Schools; b near Grand Island, Neb April 9, 1892; s of Ephraim B Engleman-Sally T Stadden; ed Grand Island HS 1909; Grand Island Coll, BA 1914; U of N, BSc in agr 1915; Columbia U, MA 1931; Amer Extn U in law, Los Angeles; Phi Delta Kappa; m Hattie Grace Button Aug 24, 1918 Omaha; s Ivan Merle; d Hesper LaNette; 1915-16 HS tchr & coach, Gothenburg; 1917 supt of schs, Alda 4 mos; 1919-20 res Colo; 1920-21 prin Crawford HS; 1921 supt of city schs, including Fort Robinson; 1916-17 in Mexican border service with NG Co L 5th Neb, stationed at Llana Granda Tex; during World War in 1st OTC Co 8, Fort Snelling Minn commd 2nd lt, sent to Camp Dodge Ia, in training batt, 163rd depot brigade, promoted to 1st lt, regimental grenade instr 1 year, promoted to capt in command of co 8 mos, disch Mar 5, 1919; chaplain of Amer Leg, mbr state edn com; C of C; dir Rotary, chmn program com; VP Dawes Co ARC 2 years; jr warden, AF&AM; NSTA, state assembly del, state athletic assembly del, pres 6th dist 1 year; mbr managing com 1935-37, alternate mbr bd of control 1937-40; pres NW Neb Declamatory Union 1 year; pres NW Neb Conf 2 years; pres 6th dist of Neb Sch Bds & Execs Club, 2 years; 1935-38 mbr com of Neb St Reading Circles; NEA; Prot; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res 313 Paddock, Crawford.

   ERLEWINE, OLIVER CLEMENTS: Mortician; b Monroe Co, O Feb 5, 1871; s of ___ Erlewine-Margaret Maude ___; ed Virginia; m Margaret Bradbury Feb 21, 1894 Everette; s Raymond Oliver, Leonard Charles; d LaVirda, Margaret Ruby (dec); mortician at Charles Dingier Furn Co,, Fremont 8 years; owner & opr Erlewine Furn Store, Sidney 2 years; mortician for George Dowling, Alliance 3 years; 1912-14 Erlewine Furn Store, Chadron, 1914- estab & opr Erlewine Funeral Parlor, Chadron; 1936 son Raymond became ptr, Erlewine & Erlewine Mortuary; 1933- with son estab & opr Erlewine & Erlewine Furn Store, Chadron; past FOE & WOW; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; past mbr Natl Funeral Dirs Assn; Bapt Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off 347 E 2nd; res 347 E 2nd, Chadron.

   ERLEWINE, RAYMOND OLIVER: Mortician; b Hooper, Neb Nov 8, 1898; s of Oliver C Erlewine-Margaret Bradbury; ed Fremont HS; Carpenter-Hohenschuh Embalming, School, Des Moines 1921-22; Cincinnati Ohio Embalming Coll 1922-23; Eccles Embalming Sch, Philadelphia, 1923; m Eva Grace Hendricks Dec 25, 1921 Chadron; d Shirley Lou; 1910-14 appr undertaker, undertaking parlor of father, Alliance; 1914-36 worked for father in Erlewine Funeral Parlor, Chadron; 1936- ptr of father in Erlewine & Erlewine Mortuary, Chadron; 1933- with father estab & opr Erlewine & Erlewine Furniture, Chadron; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; C of C; Kiwanis; Chadron Country Club; vol fireman; Trainman Lodge 190; AF&AM; BPOE; IOOF; Bapt Ch; hobby, plastic surgery of embalming; off 210 Main; res 347 East 2nd, Chadron.

   FISHER, CHARLES ANDREW: Attorney; b Chadron, Neb Mar 17, 1905; s of Allen G Fisher-Flora Regina Yanaway; ed Chadron HS 1922; CSTC, 1923-24; U of N, 1927 LLB; Delta Sigma Phi; Phi Alpha Delta; m Meredith Ammons Dec 9, 1933 Martin S D; s Charles Frederick; 1927 adm to bar; 1927- prac law, Chadron; 1927-37 U S commr; 1934-38 police magistrate; BPOE, past exalted ruler 1399; IOOF 150;


in Nebraska


Dawes Co & Neb Bar Assns; 16th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off 219 Main; res 261 Cedar, Chadron.

   FORBES, JAMES WILLIAM: Rancher & Farmer; b Crawford, Neb Oct 15, 1897; s of William Thomas Forbes-Ida B Drummond; ed Crawford HS 1916; Ia St Coll 1916-17; Phi Delta Theta; m Mary Pauline Dodd Aug 10, 1926 Chadron; s Gene Francis; 1918-38 with father ranched in Dawes & Sioux Cos; 1938-39 indep rancher in Dawes & Sioux Cos, specializes in Purebred Hereford cattle; during World War enl in U S army at Nevada Ia, 5th batt replacement troop at Camp Dodge, tsfrd to Camp Pike OTS, disch Dec 1, 1918; Amer Leg, co comm; sales mgr Crawford Hereford Breeders Asssn (sic); AF&AM, past comm; Meth Ch; hobby, purebred Hereford Cattle; res 5 1/2 mi NE Crawford.

   FORBES, WILLIAM McKINLEY: County Treasurer; b Crawford, Neb Aug 23, 1896; s of James Dawson Forbes-Jeannette Knox; ed Crawford HS 1917; Central Bus Coll Denver, 1918; m Marie L Blackmer Aug 10, 1922 Chadron (divorced); d Kelela Mae; 1919-30 teller, Crawford State Bank; 1930-39 recorder in the Dawes Co clks off, Chadron; 1938- Co treas; Neb Assn of Co Treas; C of C; Kiwanis, pianist, mbr program com; BPOE, organist; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, music; off Courthouse; res 627 Bordeaux, Chadron.

   FRAZIER, SUSAN REBECCA: Kindergarten Teacher; b Mercer Co, Ill; d of William R Frazier-Nancy Hays; ed Mercer Co Ill; Chicago U; 2 summers Columbia U; primary supvr life certificate; tchr in rural schs; past primary supvr & grade prin, Alliance; 1907-11 instr & dean of women, Alliance Jr Normal; 1912- instr in CSTC, org primary dept; lecturer at tchrs Insts of Neb, Wyo & S D, conducted study centers in Neb; mbr art dept Womans Club, Alliance & Chadron; contributor of monthly articles to The Nebraska Teacher, ednl sch magazine, for 9 consecutive years; PEO; mbr Chadron B&PW; life mbr NEA; mbr of Natl Kindergarten Primary Assn; DAR, Alliance ch; Yeomen; Meth Ch; hobbies, nature, Indian art, family heirlooms; off Training Sch Bldg; res Womans Hall, Chadron.

   FRITTS, EDGAR BROWN: Wholesale Grocer & Fruit Dealer; b Dunlap, Ill Nov 6, 1879; s of H O Fritts-Florence Ammela Brown; ed Sterling; m Lydia Beans June 14, 1906 Crawford; s Theron H; d Franell (Mrs George Porter); 1900-28 emp by CB&QRR at Alliance & Crawford; 1908- in whol groc bus, Crawford; secy fire dept 5 years; mbr C of C, pres 10 years; mbr Rotary, first pres; KP; AF&AM, 181; UCT; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, gathering, cutting & polishing semiprecious stones; off 134 Main; res 905 4th, Crawford.

   GIBSON, MRS ANN CECELLIA: Clubwoman; b Bloomfield, Neb May 18, 1899; d of Michael F Dolling-Mary Jane Ormsby; ed Chadron HS 1916; CSTC 1917-18; m Clarence L Gibson Jan 21, 1918 Chadron; d Mary Ann, Patty Lou; 1917-19 with C&NW RR in accounting dept; 1919- homemaker; 1920-21 homesteaded Douglas Wyo; 1921 active in child welfare & Amer Leg aux, twice pres local unit, 1931- 32 pres of dist 1 aux; one of sponsors of the girls camp at Chadron State Park 1936-39; bd mbr of Recreation Center; sister of Bill Dolling, for whom Chadron Amer Leg post was named; identified with local ARC roll call; RNA; Cath Ch, active in Sherman Soc & local coun of Cath women, pres 1938; hobbies, club work & working with young people; res 325 Spruce, Chadron.

   GILLAM, WILLIAM SHERMAN: Retired Merchant; b Blandinsville, Ill July 19, 1865; s of James Perry Gillam-Lorindia K York; ed Blandinsville Ill & Fairmont Neb; m Elanor Burkitt Aug 29, 1893 Whitney; s William Sherman; d Elanor (Mrs Keith Lenington), Kathrine (Mrs W E Wall); 1882-85 res Adams Co Ia; 1885-88 farmed, Fillmore Co; 1888-90 clk in gen store at Fairmont; 1890-97 clk in gen store Chadron; 1897-1916 opr of groc, Chadron; 1916-25 opr mgr hdw store; 1925- opr of store under new management; 1905-18 owned & oprd ranch, Dawes Co; mbr city coun 4 years; mbr co bd 3 years; mbr sch bd 3 years; Comml Club, pres; IOOF; BPOE; Meth Ch; hobby, reading; res 875 Mears, Chadron.

   GOLDEN, FRANK PATRICK: Physician & Surgeon; b in Ireland Aug 17, 1881; s of Hugh Golden-Mary E Sheridan; ed St PatrIcks Acad, North Platte 1897; Creighton U, MD 1914; grad work at Rush Med Coll, Chicago Post Grad Sch & Hosp; 1922 grad work Hosp of the Ruptured & Crippled, N Y; m Catherine Mary Quinn Aug 23, 1912 Council Bluffs Ia; s Charles T, James K; d Mary (dec), Catherine Mary Erma, Eileen Angela; in vacations while att sch was timekeeper for UP RR, Omaha, also worked 1 year for Carpenter Paper Co, Omaha; 1918- prac med, Chadron; has been attending Omaha Midwest Clinical Soc, Omaha, since orgn; co phys 2 years; past mbr C of C; BPOE, past mbr; Neb St Med Assn; Cath Ch; Rep; hobbies, diagnosis, internal med; off 237 Main; res 401 King, Chadron.

   GORTON, GEORGE EDWIN: President Creamery Co; b Ypsilanti, Mich Mar 3, 1864; s of Edwin Delos Gorton-Jane Elizabeth Kniseley; ed Arcadia Wis; Niobrara, U of Ill, PhC 1889; m Ora Pearl Cowhick July 15, 1899 Cheyenne; s Edwin; d Alice (Mrs Carl Peters), Frances Jane, Mildred L; came to Niobrara with parents 1878; 1879-85 worked in Kadish Brothers drug store; 1889-96 pur Milo Manning drug store & opr as Pioneer Drug Store, Crawford; 1896-1910 owner & opr Palace Pharm, Crawford; 1910 Thomas A Beans became ptr in drug store; 1919 sold int to A L Lindeman; 1911-12 owner Gorton Hdw & Undertaking; 1912-19 ptr of Herbert Broodhurst; 1924-26 mgr of Crawford Creamery; 1926- firm reorg as Crawford Creamery Inc & became owner of controlling int, pres; chmn bd of dirs Comml State Bank 25 years; past secy C of C; past chmn town bd; past mbr sch bd; past acting P M; Rep, several times del to co & state convs; res 419 Annin, Crawford.

   GRIOT, ARTHUR JACOB: Physician & Eye Specialist; b Waterloo, Ill Nov 5, 1886; s of George Griot-Margaret Diehl; ed Waterloo Ill HS 1904; St Louis U, MD 1912; grad work Polyclinic Chicago 1919; U of Vienna, Budapest 1923; Northern Ill Coll of Optometry, Chicago 1939; U of Southern Cal; Howard U, Boston; grad work George Washington U, Washington D C; m Florence Hanence Dec 22, 1919 Wood Lake; [d nah Dec 22, 1919 Wood Lake; d (sic)] 1916-17 prac med Long Pine; 1918 prac med in St Louis Mo; 1919- prac med, Chadron; 1937 did eye surgery, Bombay, India; during World War enl March 22, 1918, ARC div, O/S several mos, disch April 1919; Amer Leg; Neb St & AMA; Chadron Country Club; Kiwanis; C of C; ARF&AM, 158, KT Long Pine, Shrine Houston Tex; OES; hobbies, fishing, travel; off Coffee-Pitman Bldg; res 312 Chapin, Chadron.

   HALLSTED, ISAAC LEROY: Owner Elevator, Laundry & Cleaning Business; b Alliance, Neb Apr 14, 1896; s of Samuel Sylvester HaIlsted-Anna Belieu; Hay Springs HS; course in jewelry 1920-21; m Elba G Sheffner Apr 24, 1917 Hot Springs S D; d Doris Ellen, Peggy Lee; 1914-25 pur cream at Hay Springs for McGinnis Creamery Co of O'Neill; 1915-25 also opr of Lee HalIsted Groc, Hay Springs; 1925-28 in grain bus, Hay Springs; 1928- opr Hallsted Elevator, Crawford; 1935- estab & opr Hallsted elevator at Whitney; 1936- owner & opr Crawford Laundry & Dry Cleaners; 1920-36 also jeweler; recently completed Newtonian telescope 8 inches in diameter by 72 inches long; past mbr C of C; past mbr Lions; AF&AM; past mbr MWA; mbr city bd 6 years; chmn 2 years; hobbies, cutting & polishing rocks, making telescopes; off 129 Main; res 314 Paddock, Crawford.

   HAMPTON, WALTER JOHN: Postoffice Clerk; b Connellsville, Penn June 25, 1897; s of George W Hampton-Margaret Ella ___; ed Hay Springs HS 1914; CSTC; m Florence Mildred Naylor Sept 25, 1923 Cheyenne Wyo; s Robert Louis, James Franklin; d Hope Lorraine; 1910-14 section hand at Bordeaux while att sch; 1919-20 section foreman & locomotive fireman for C&NW RR, Bordeaux, also worked in the bridge & bldg dept; 1920 substitute at Chadron P O; 1920- clk Chadron P O; during World War drafted but unable to serve because of illness at time, NNG mess sgt of howitzer co 134 inf; dist dept of KC; vol fireman; C of C; BPOE, past exalted ruler, mbr state benevolence com & state crippled children com; VP of Natl Fedn of P O Clks; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, int in politics; res 910 King, Chadron.

   HARTWELL, JAMES ELBERT: Physician, b Franklin Co, Va July 22, 1851; s of Silas Elbert Garrett Hartwell-Mariah Jane Webb; ed Franklin Co; Richmond Virginia Med Coll; Baltimore U Med Coll; Johns Hopkins U; m Nancy Ella Wygall Nov 9, 1876 Lynchburg Va; d Ruby Ella (Mrs R B Beatty); m Nancy Ellen Stuart Feb 18, 1885 Floyd Co Va; s John Garrett (dec June 5, 1934), Norris Elbert; d Ethylyn, Neva Ellen (Mrs Albert P Barnes); 1884-92 prac med in Floyd Co Va; 1892- prac med in Crawford, said to be oldest practicing phys of Neb; examiner for pensions in Crawford; mbr bd of edn Crawford several years; city phys several years; mbr city coun; past mayor, Crawford; honorary


Part 2 (bios: Hawk-Wirth)

Who's Who in Nebraska (introduction & directory, list of abbreviations)

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