NEGenWeb Project - Gramt County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


in Nebraska



Mrs. Willard Hayward

Letterrant County, which was named for Ulysses S. Grant, Civil War general and eighteenth president of the United States, was created in March 1887 by an act of the Nebraska legislature. Located in the heart of the sandhill area of the state, it has become known as one of the best cattle countries in the world.
   Prior to 1877 Grant County was an unsettled section. For generations it was the home of Indians and the feeding ground of the native buffalo. Buffalo Bill Cody and Scout Lute North are credited for successfully clearing the sandhills of hostile savages.
   The summer of 1877 found the first herds of Texas longhorns moving slowly into the north over the old Abilene and Chisholm Trails. Numerous cowboys, who trailed herds for the big cattle companies, saw for the first time the sandhills and recognized their perfection as a cattle range. This fame spread and the sandhills became known as "God's Own Cow Country."
   A drawback to settlement of Grant County in the early days was the lack of local governmental authority. This region became a favorite hiding place for outlaws and fugitives from justice. Cattle rustlers were common and ranchers had no protection against them. In 1886 Governor Thayer took cognizance of the outlaw rule in the territory which comprised Hooker, Thomas, Arthur, and McPherson Counties. Advisers suggested that he get R. M. "Bud" Moran to clean up the territory. Mr. Moran accepted his appointment as sheriff and after posting a warning to cattle rustlers, succeeded in establishing law and order. He broke up outlaw gangs and captured such dangerous characters as the Cherokee Kid and others.
   The first term of court for this territory was held in 1887 at Hyannis and the first case tried was for cattle stealing. There was but one store in town and no courthouse, so Judge Abbott presided over the trial outdoors.
   After the creation of Grant County the local government was organized. Whitman was the first county seat but Hyannis residents felt they were more centrally located and petitioned that the site be changed. An election was held and Hyannis won. When a delegation went to Whitman for the county record books, the Whitman residents refused to yield them. However, two determined young men succeeded in getting the records, which were carefully guarded at Hyannis until the opposition had subsided. This fight over the location of the county seat caused bitter feelings which lasted many years between the rival towns.
   The first available records of an election of county officers are dated 1889. First officers chosen Nov. 5 of that year were Sidney C. Manning, clerk; James Forbes, treasurer; R. M. Moran, sheriff; Byron Crandall, judge; George Haney, Sr., commissioner; O'Cumpaugh, school superintendent; and John Westover, coroner.
   Grant County in prehistoric times was an inland sea. When it became dry the winds began their work of piling sand in ever-rolling hills and nature covered them with lush grass. With an average altitude of 3,750 feet, Grant County is one of the highest points of the sandhill area. The county embraces an area of about 511,000 acres. The secret of its great prosperity is to be found in the strong grasses, predominantly blue stem and buffalo, which thrive on the hills; the tons of wild hay which grow in the long valleys between the hills, and the many lakes which gleam like jewels and add to land values. Within a radius of thirty miles from Hyannis these native grasses are exceedingly nutritious for cattle.
   It is small wonder that many an early day cowboy looked on this cattleman's paradise with longing, then looked again with determination to homestead here. Early day cattlemen were impressed by the abundance of flesh their cattle gained in summer and were more surprised to see how well they came through the winter. The grass of Grant County developed not only bone and muscle but an extra feeding quality which yields prime beef.
   The mean annual rainfall for Grant County is approximately 20 inches. According to long time residents, wet seasons occur in ten year cycles, with the first of the abnormally high rainfalls coming in 1918. Ranchers are not as dependent on the amount and time of rainfall for the success of their industry as are the farmers who raise crops. However the veteran cattlemen realize that long continued drouth would injure the vegetative covering which holds the sand in place and prevents the county from becoming shifting desert. The most recent drouth which occurred between 1933 and 1936 caused many ranchers to take serious concern for the future, but it did not last sufficiently long to do permanent injury to the grass roots. Pastures have revived quickly since the normal rainfall of 1938. There is an amply supply of pure water available at all times of the year. In addition to numerous lakes and flowing wells there are in




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the county wells to be had at a depth of 40 to 50 feet and plenty of wind for windmills.
   The raising of cattle for beef is practically the only industry in Grant County. Only 2.5 percent of this total area has been under cultivation with alfalfa as the principal crop. About 12 percent or 61,000 acres is devoted to the production of wild hay which yields approximately one ton to the acre.
   Hereford cattle which originated in Great Britain have come into their own in this county. Their white faces and white breasts have become the trade-mark of the prosperous ranchers today. The first herds of cattle were the longhorns driven from the panhandle of Texas because of drouth. In those days a longhorn weighed about 500 pounds at 4 years of age. Through evolution and Hereford breeding the modern white face will weigh 500 pounds when between 12 and 15 months old. Much of this improvement has been due to favorable climate and feed. Also of importance is the use of registered herd bulls. For practical feed lot purposes many of the range herds today are pure bred.
   Early day cattle were brought here from other regions to be grazed while practically all Grant County stock is now bred here. In feed lots they have for years commanded the highest prices paid both for grass-fat cattle and for feeder cattle. The latter are so called because they are adapted to further feeding and fattening on grain in the farming sections and are finally finished out as the choicest and highest priced meat to be obtained. Buyers of feeder cattle claim that Grant County stock gives better and quicker gains than that from other districts because of their fine condition when they leave the range here. Some have won state fair prizes for their owners. Fred Atterbery of Scottsbluff has received top prices on the Chicago market for years with his feeder cattle bought from Monahan Cattle Company of Grant County.
   The purchase of breeding stock at big cattle sales each fall in Nebraska and neighboring states is an important part of present ranching practice. Thousands of dollars are spent on registered bulls. The largest sum paid in 1939 was $2,400 for Advance Mixture, two-year-old bull purchased by Dr. W. E. Merrihew of South Ashby vicinity from the Mousel Brothers of Cambridge. The development from poor herds to the finest beef cattle with fine bones, pliable hides and deep, thick bodies has been made by the Grant County cattle industry over a period of fifty years.
   State statistics show a larger number of cattle per square mile in Grant than in any other county of the United States. This region has an area of 780 square miles and the county assessor's record for 1937 shows 44,343 cattle of one year olds or over, equivalent to 56 head per square mile. A. E. Anderson of Lincoln, state agriculture statistician, estimated cattle on hand in Grant County as follows: In 1931, 58,250; 1932, 63,040; 1933, 65,640; 1934, 70,910; 1935, 62,250; 1936, 60,630. Grant County has three shipping centers and Burlington railroad statistics show that either Hyannis or Whitman sends out more cattle than any other shipping point in the United States. In 1937 there were 57,925 head of cattle shipped from Grant County as follows: Ashby 345 carloads, Hyannis 697, and Whitman 614. Some of these were cattle from Cherry and Arthur Counties. Shipments from Grant County for 1939 as of Nov. 20 totalled 1043 carloads. Back into the pockets of those who own these cattle came a golden stream of dollars. There are in this county 80 resident owned ranches with an average annual income of $14,337.50 according to FICA figures for 1937.
   First homesteads of the county consisted of 160 acres. Additional timber claims of that amount were allowed for tree planting later. The first settlers came in covered wagons if they had families. Single cowboys on horseback came trailing along with some cattle outfit. Some pioneers had small cattle herds with which to start their ranches while others possessing nothing but their high courage, had to work in town for enough money to buy a start.
   Snug sodhouses were built by the settlers against the south base of a protective hill. Their thick walls made a comfortable home, warm in winter and cool in summer. The dirt floors were difficult to keep clean and brooms were commonly home-made of buck brush. Some of these homes are still to be seen in the hills but none in this county is inhabited at present. Hard work, Indian scares, blizzards and prairie fires were common experiences.
   In 1886 when the Burlington railroad extended from Broken Bow across the boundary of the land which later became Grant County, Whitman became a flourishing terminal town. More settlers arrived and many who had filed on claims sent east for their wives and families to follow them to this new land of promise.
   These people worked hard, but most of them were contented. Those who sold their holdings and moved on westward gave the ranchers of keen foresight a chance to buy the abandoned land and increase their spreads. These men became the wealthy cattle barons of today. These "old-timers" set a standard of living which has endured to the present--that of honest dealing in business, hospitality to the stranger, and of offering a helping hand to those in need. Many a prominent man today will tell how he was launched on the road to success by the interest and financial backing of one of these pioneer men.
   The railroad was extended to Hyannis in 1887 and the town began to grow. Settlers began taking claims, Both Whitman and Hyannis were rich in traditions of the old west. Gambling and the vices of the saloon were the amusements of the day. Dancing was the favorite social pastime of the


in Nebraska


entire countryside. Breakfast was served to departing guests before they started homeward. Later school socials, literaries and church programs, were added to the community life.
   The little cash needed by early settlers was available through the sale of abundant wild game here. Ducks, prairie chickens and grouse were hunted and sold in the towns for twenty-five cents each. E. E. Lowe bought them for the eastern market and had an underground cooler at Hyannis in which he could store 1,000 birds.
   Muskrats, teeming in the numerous lakes of the county, were trapped and sold for ten cents per fur, a price which pleased the amateur trapper. When rat skins jumped to $1.25 each during the World War, trapping and fur-buying became profitable. Then ranchers leased their lakes for a thousand dollars to trappers. Within the past five years the lakes have decreased in size because of lower rainfall and trapping has ceased.
   Lakes filled with black bass, perch and bullheads provided food as well as sport to residents and visitors. In the fall duck hunting provided much pleasure. These have declined in importance during the past few years and state game wardens have seined a great many fish from drying Grant County lakes. Residents are hopeful for sufficient rainfall to restore the lakes, but it will require several years for them to become restocked.
   Gray wolves also provided cash for the pioneers. More than one cowboy of the county has been credited with roping them while riding on a fast cow pony. Bounties were offered by the local government in an effort to rid the county of the beasts. The more common coyotes are still hunted in winter.
   Dried cow chips provided inexpensive fuel as they are free for the picking. These often are stacked in circular heaps ten feet high and are quick burning. They are used to a small extent today but not as a means of heating modern homes.
   A number of outstanding social events of the early days are still recounted by the native settlers. Theodore Roosevelt, who became president in 1901 following the assassination of President McKinley, came through Hyannis on a special train before the 1904 presidential election. People of the county collected in full force and many rode horseback for miles to see this famous American as he made an address from the local bandstand near the Burlington track.
   Capt. A. H. Hardy, an American champion of revolver, rifle, and shotgun trick shooting who now lives in Beverly Hills, Cal., came to Hyannis in 1896 and made a start in leather manufacturing and his showman's career in shooting. He often exhibited his skill with pistol and rifle on the streets of Hyannis; one night the town windmill in the center of main street was the target for pistol practice.
   Captain Hardy tells of the first fall rodeo held in Grant County. Assisted by Hyannis men he raised some $500 for the show. Each of the two saloons contributed $100 and Governor Savage with his staff came out from Lincoln to attend it. They were served cowboy fashion at a long table in the street with Floyd Moran as chief cook. Target shooting was one of the main events of the show, which proved such a great success they were asked to repeat it the following year.
   For many years the rodeo at Hyannis was called "Home Day" for Grant County. These annual shows have been replaced the past fourteen years by the Grant County fair and rodeo held three days in late August.
   Social life of the early day rural neighborhoods has been so extended by improved transportation that community activities have almost become extinct. Sandhill roads are still a hindrance to fast travel, but modern cars are capable of averaging twenty miles an hour over them.
   Many were the adventures of Sidney C. Manning, who bought the first "gasoline buggy" in Hyannis, and learned to drive it over the sandhills. At the outbreak of the World War cars were still an uncommon sight in Grant County. Today every rancher has his touring car and a truck for ranch hauling. Most of the large ranches are equipped with tractors for speeding hay stacking.
   Two Grant County ranches have recently used airplanes for faster transportation. J. H. Minor and Son's ranch used a cabin plane for a number of years to facilitate superintending their ranch in Cherry from the home ranch in Grant County. William Manning owns and pilots his own plane from his ranch south of Whitman. The cost of upkeep is the greatest drawback for common use of airplanes by ranchers.
   In spite of improved transportation no machine will replace the well trained cow ponies for the work with cattle at branding and shipping seasons. The Department of Interior listed 3,924 horses in this county in 1926.
   Roads have improved within the past decade in Grant County. Highway No. 2 from Lincoln was completed through Grant County to Lakeside ten years ago. At the western border of Grant County on this highway is to be seen a large sign, bearing a painted whiteface cow with the words printed above it, "Grant County, the Best Cow Country in the World" and beneath the picture is printed "This Is No Bull." Cattle guards have been built to cross fence lines so that gates will not have to be opened by the traveler. Hay is often used to cover the trails which pass over the steepest hills. This prevents sand from blowing out of the track and packs down into a smoother road. A shovel is still taken along by sandhill residents in case their car becomes stalled in deep sand or on a high center. When tracks of the trail become too deep another trail is started at the side of the



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old, running parallel to it. Custom demands when two cars meet that each concede one track of the road. Collisions are frequent, but slow speed generally prevents serious mishap.
   Among early organizations of Grant County were the Bank of Hyannis which was established in 1893 with Bartlett Richards as president, the Catholic Church built in 1895, and the Congregational Church organized in 1889. The Congregationalists did not have a building constructed until 1897. The first newspaper was edited by Jerry Gerrard in the same building which served as a courthouse and which now is a cabin in Dr. C. W. Kreamer's tourist park. The first school in Hyannis was a one room frame building erected 1889 on the site of the present Garden Club park. Miss Genevieve Crandall, sister of the first county judge, was the teacher. A larger school was built later and in 1918 the present modern brick structure was built.
   C. K. Bassett who has the unusual record of owning and editing a newspaper for sixty years, bought the Grant County Tribune in 1905 and still owns the paper, although he has leased it the past three years. When he first bought the paper here the government was giving away forest reserve land around Hyannis. He said, "My wife and I ran the Tribune as a daily for three weeks then in order to have room to list the pieces of land chosen by the new migration of homesteaders in the land drawings."
   The Kinkaid law, passed in 1904, allowed persons to file on 640 acre claims instead of 160 and rapidly increased the number of settlers in Grant County. Many of these settlers were disappointed as they attempted to establish improved farms. Soil from plowed fields blew away and after several crop failures many sold their land to the big ranches and moved away. The so-called "Kinkaiders" ended the days of the free and open range for ranchers and since then each owner has fenced his holdings on the correct boundary lines.
   The last influx of settlers in Grant County arrived in 1913 when forest reserve land was opened for homesteading in western portions of the county. The town of Ashby became a business center for these new settlers at that time and has a population of 130. Grant County now has a population of 1,400. Population trends have been downward the past twenty years because the wealthy cattle barons have increased their holdings by buying up many of the smaller outfits. Hyannis has had a population of 384 for the past two census records. Whitman has a population of 180.
   The three towns of Grant County are on the Burlington railroad. They have modern schools and the social organizations found in the typical Nebraska small town. The Sand Hills chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution was organized in 1938 with headquarters at Hyannis. Grant County's Red Cross chapter has been on the national honor list of chapters enrolling 10 percent of its population for a number of years past. There is no invisible wall between the townspeople and those of the country. Most of the town residents own ranches and the ranchers have a financial interest in practically all the business enterprises.
   Strangers wearied by the monotony of the sandhills little realize that this land is as rich a resource to the state as the land which has been highly developed in the farms of the eastern part. Those who make Grant County their home find the hills have a strong and fascinating appeal.
   Hyannis, the county seat, long has had the reputation of being the wealthiest town in the world because of its per capita wealth. It also has a high cultural record. College graduates comprise 10 percent of its population, not counting the teaching faculty. Ten Hyannis women are eligible for membership in the American Association of University Women. In the past decade eighteen teachers who have come here have married and remained in the community and as many more rural teachers of the county have married and moved to Hyannis to live.

   ABBOTT, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH: Rancher & Banker; b near Bird City, Kas Oct 11, 1889; s of Arthur James Abbott-Hannah E Minor; ed Hyannis; Neb Wes; U of Mich 1909-11; U of N 1912; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Helen Sears July 1914 Denver Colo (dec); s Arthur John; d Glaideth (Mrs J S Myers), Phyllis (Mrs Barney Drummond); m Ethel Shmitz Aug 24, 1933 Fremont; 1912 ptr of father on ranch NE of Hyannis; 1912-28 rancher, Grant Co; 1914- dir Grant Co State Bank at Ashby, 1928 pres; 1924-28 dir Guardian State Bank at Alliance, 1928- pres; 1927- org & pres Ashby Lbr Co; 1928- org & pres Abbott Co; 1930- pres Churn Ranch Co, org by himself & brother; 1932- dir Regional Agrl Credit Corp, Omaha; 1933- mbr legislative com of Amer Natl Livestock Assn, VP & past dir; 1933- asst to gen mgr CB&Q RR; 1934- mbr agrl com of US C of C, Washington D C; 1936 rancher, Garden Co; 1937- pres Bank of Mullen, org with aid of brother; 1938- pres Bank of Woodlake, org with aid of brother; 1938- pres Bank of Hyannis; 1939- chmn of bd Transportation Assn of Amer, Chicago; 1939- trustee of Tax Foundation, New York City; dir Neb Stockgrowers Assn; AF&AM 54, Scot Rite 32o, Sesostris Shrine; BPOE 961; Ak-Sar-Ben; Omaha Athletic Club; hobby, civic work; res Hyannis.

   BASSETT, CHARLES KELLY: Editor & Publisher; b Abingdon, Ill Feb 24, 1859; s of George Bassett-Nancy Wilson; ed Abingdon Ill; m Birdie White July 1, 1905 La Moure N D; 1871-74 lic to distribute bills & advertising in Abingdon Ill; 1874 with money earned by distributing bills, pur equipment & estab amateur sch paper, later worked in newspaper off until 1877; 1877-80 owner & publisher newspaper at Abingdon Ill, sold paper & moved to Plymouth Ill; 1880 estab Plymouth Phonograph, sold paper, moved to Valley City N D 1883, estab & opr Valley City Alliance until 1905; 1905-08 editor & mgr Broken Bow Republican; 1908-37 owner, editor & publisher Hyannis Tribune, leased paper in 1937 after 60 years service as editor & publisher; NPA; Natl Edit Assn; AF&AM 234, Scot Rite, Tangier Shrine; hobbies, travel, fishing, hunting; res Hyannis.

   ELLIS, LEONARD: Editor & Publisher; b Burt Co, Neb Aug 7, 1899; s of Frank Ellis-Sarah M Broadstone; ed Valley Falls Kas HS; Kans St College, Manhattan; 1922-23 ptr of brother-in-law George Holberg in publishing Brunswick Independent at Brunswick; 1923-24 oprd paper indep; 1924-29 editor & publisher Oakdale


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Sentinel, Oakdale; 1929-31 worked on various papers in Neb & Ia; 1931-37 news editor for Pioneer Review, Philip, S D; 1937- editor & publisher Grant Co Tribune, Hyannis; NPA; Chuck Wagon Club; Hyannis Golf Club; IOOF; hobbies, fishing & hunting; res Hyannis.

   GENTRY, JOHN MACK: Retired; b Monroe Co, Ind Mar 16, 1858; s of John Thornton Gentry-Harriet Shreve; ed Ill; m Francis Abbott Dec 1887 Valentine (dec); s Christopher Carver, John (dec), Raymond Richard; 1876-86 cowboy in western Kas; 1886- pur 15 section ranch in Cherry Co; has int in bank, telephone co, opera house, hotel, Masonic bldg; AF&AM 234, Scot Rite 32o; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Hyannis.

   GENTRY, RAYMOND RICHARD: Rancher; b Hyannis, Neb, Sept 18, 1898; s of John Mack Gentry-Fannie Abbott; ed Hyannis HS; m Marguerite Frances Dunkel Jan 2, 1932 Hot Springs, S D; s John Mack, Robert William; d Ardyss Ann; 1916-23 worked for father on ranch in Cherry Co; 1923- ptr of father on ranch; dir Bank of Hyannis; dir of exec coun of Neb Stockgrowers Assn; dir Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; AF&AM Blue Lodge; BPOE; hobbies, landscaping, ranching, railroading; res Hyannis.

   HANEY, RUFUS GROVER: Stockman & Rancher; b Wilber, Neb Nov 23, 1886; s of Benjamin Haney-Anna M Ryder; ed Hyannis; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Ophelio Brower Oct 30, 1912 Hyannis; d Ruth Venita (Mrs D A Nielson); 1908 homesteader in Arthur Co under Kinkaid Act; 1908- owner & opr 3800 A ranch including original homestead, runs approximately 300 head of cattle; mbr sch bd dist 43; 1930-34 Arthur Co commr; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Bapt Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Hyannis.

   HAYWARD, GENEVIEVE NICHOLAS: Homemaker; b St Louis, Mo Oct 12, 1905; d of E L Nicholas-Maude North; ed Mt Ayr Ia; Nebraska City HS 1923; PSTC, BA 1929; Kappa Delta Pi; Beta Mu; m Willard G Hayward May 29, 1930 Lincoln; d (dec in infancy); 1923-25 rural sch tchr, Otoe Co; 1927-33 HS tchr, Hyannis, home economics, English & Spanish, also sponsored dramatics & girls' athletics; local reporter on Grant Co Tribune, weekly newspaper & as Grant Co correspondent for Associated Press past 2 years; 1935-37 supt of culinary dept at Grant Co Fair, 1937-39 gen supt of exhibits, reapptd by fair bd as gen supt for 1940 fair; 1937-39 roll call chmn of Grant Co ch of ARC, now ch chmn & dir on Grant Co welfare bd; publicity chmn & reading leader of Extn Service Project Club; state chmn of edn in NFWC, apptd Jan 1940 for 2 year term; past pres Hyannis Woman's Club, now secy-treas; past pres Sandhill's Inter-County Fedn; past chmn of Amer Home Dept for 6th dist; Congl Ch, mbr ladies aid, past pres & secy, now publicity chmn; hobbies, scrapbooks, reading; res Hyannis.

   HAYWARD, ROBERT NELSON: Rancher & Operator of Coal, Flour & Feed Business; b Brownville, Neb Oct 10, 1865; s of Isaac R Hayward-Sara E Gilmore; ed Walkerville Ia; m Lottie A Dean Oct 1887 Clarinda Ia; s Albert N, William H, Clyde C, Orville; d Ada May (Mrs Chas Finegan); 1888-90 ranched in Arthur Co & hunted prairie chickens, ducks, grouse for market; 1900-1912 opr livery bus, Hyannis; 1912-17 Grant Co treas; 1900- rancher & opr coal, flour & feed bus, Hyannis; mbr village bd; AF&AM 234; IOOF 241; hobbies, reading, sports, hunting & fishing; res Hyannis.

   HOWELL, WILLIAM LLEWELLYN: Physician & Surgeon; b St Louis, Mo Jan 2, 1887; s of William Cary Howell-Katherine Egan; ed St Louis Mo HS; St Louis U; Marquette U, Milwaukee Wis, MD 1913; Alpha Kappa Kappa; m Thelma Margaret Farnsworth Jan 2, 1926 Scottsbluff; d Kathryn Rose; 1913 interne at Milwaukee Co Hosp; 1914-17 & 1919 prac med, Hyannis; during World War in med corps Lakehurst, N J first med ofcr in camp; Amer Leg 67; staff mbr of St Joseph Hosp, Alliance; Box Butte Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; chmn of town bd; chmn sch bd dist 1; Chuck Wagon Club; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, landscaping, reading; res Hyannis.

   JONES, CHARLES OWEN: County Treasurer; b Council Bluffs, Ia, May 28, 1878; s of John Owen Jones-Sarah Ann Royle; ed Buffalo Co; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Loella R Drake Sept 5, 1919 Omaha; 1895-1905 drilled wells in Grant Co, bringing in 1st flowing well in territory; 1905-07 ranched in Grant Co; 1907-15 bkkpr & cash, Bank of Hyannis; 1917-39 asst cash, Bank of Hyannis; 19390 Grant Co treas; mbr of village bd, treas 17 years; Hyannis Golf Club; hobby, golf; res Hyannis.

   KEYES, MARSHALL: Lumber Dealer; b Holbrook, Neb Sept 27, 1906; s of Albert M Keyes-E Wade Sipe; ed Holbrook HS; U of N, BSc 1929; Kappa Sigma; m Geraldine Fleming Sept 1935 Lincoln; s Charles Fenton; 1929-32 bond salesman for Omaha Natl Co, Lincoln; 1932-33 emp by Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, Mason City Ia, 1933-35 credit mgr in Chicago off; 1935- mgr Stock Growers Lbr & Supply Co; pres of Chuck Wagon Club; mbr town bd; mbr vol fire dept; Hyannis Golf Club; Westminster Presby Ch, Lincoln; hobbies, fishing, golf; res Hyannis.

   KING, OTIS JOHN: Banker; b Torrington, Wyo Nov 26, 1900; s of William D King-Laura Thompson; ed Wyo & Neb; m Berniece Elsie Eriksen June 28, 1923 Mullen; s Otis John Jr; d Barbara Kay; 1918-22 proved up on homestead, Converse Co Wyo; 1922-26 ptr in King & Eskew Merc Co, Whitman; 1927-30 asst cash First State Bank of Whitman; 1930- cash of bank; during World War enl in inf, tsfrd to inf sch of arms, Fort Sill Okla, disch from inf sch of arms at Camp Benning, Ga as 1st class priv Dec 26, 1918; Amer Leg, Hyannis; past mbr sch bd; dir of Grant Co Fair Assn; AF&AM; IOOF; hobby, fishing, hunting, making fishing tackle; res Whitman.

   KOMMERS, WILLIAM ARISTA: Druggist; b Firth, Neb June 24, 1891; s of John Kommers-Lillian May Phillips; ed Ansley HS; Fremont Coll of Pharm; registered pharm 1912; m Maybelle Mae Westover Aug 12, 1913 Lincoln; s William Westover, Howard J; 1910 emp by George Lydick, Clatonia; 1910 in chg of drug store, Julian several mos; 1912 sent by state bd of pharm to Hyannis to correct illegal practices; 1912-14 in chg of drug store, Hyannis; 1914-16 ptr of John McCawley in Model Pharm; 1916- owner & opr Model Pharm; 1925-26 mayor; NARD; Chuck Wagon Club; past pres, of sch bd 9 years; ch mbr vol fire dept; ARC; org & mbr Hyannis Golf Club; WOW; past master AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, landscaping, golf; grandfather, Hiram Phillips was one of Forty-niners; res Hyannis.

   KREAMER, CHARLES WILLARD: Rancher & Stockman; b Millhelm, Penn Nov 30, 1874; s of Elias Kreamer-Fanny Eyer; ed prep sch Bucknell U, Lewisburg, Penn; Northwestern U, DDS 1897; m Cecile E White 1905 Hot Springs, S D; 1898-1900 prac dentistry, Ansley; 1900-14 prac dentistry, Hyannis; 1903-08 maintained dental off in Alliance; 1908- owner Kinkaid homestead in Grant Co, ints now consist of 1640 A; 1918-20 prac dentistry, Hyannis; 1932-37 Grant Co judge; during World War engaged in dental preparedness league work, Hyannis; AF&AM 234; Rep, chmn Grant Co Central Com; hobbies, birds & trees; res Hyannis.

   MANNING, GEORGE SAMUEL: Rancher & Stockman; b La Salle, Colo Apr 16, 1879; s of Sidney C Manning-Mollie Dodd; ed Whitman; Central Bus Coll, Denver, Colo; m Emily Carpenter Sept 17, 1900 Whitman; s Sidney Jr, William Hector; d Doris (Mrs George Wheelock), Evelyn (dec); 1887 with father came to Grant Co, assisted father on homestead, developing ranch int until 1903; 1891-1903 market hunter during winters; 1903-07 sold ranch but remained as foreman; 1907-09 oprd ranch in Grant Co; 1909- owner & opr 25,000 A ranch, running approximately 1100 head of stock; 1927 Grant Co commr; 1937- owner half int in 27,000 A ranch near Whitman; has int in Stockgrowers Lbr & Supply Co & Hyannis Hotel; bd mbr Bank of Hyannis; mbr town coun 12 years; 1927-28 toured Europe, Algiers, Egypt, Jerusalem & Hawaii; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; BPOE, Alliance; hobby, trading; res Hyannis.

   MARTZ, EDWARD GEORGE: Merchant; b Duncan, Neb Aug 8, 1869; s of Peter J Martz-Elizabeth Isenhourer; ed Duncan; m Emma N Meedle Feb 5, 1895 Hyannis; s George Andrew; 1890-93 worked in Hyannis; 1893-1908 owner & opr bar, Hyannis; 1896-1906 Cherry Co homesteader; 1906-12 homesteader, Grant Co; 1908-21 Grant Co assessor; 1908-17 owner & opr restaurant, Hyannis; 1917- owner & opr gen merc store, Hyannis; mbr dist sch bd 20 years; MWA; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, int in game & fish conservation; stocking Grant Co lakes with fish on own initiative; res Hyannis.

   MONAHAN, EARL HARRISON: Rancher; b Grant Co, Neb Dec 20, 1899; s of James Harrison Monahan-Cora McCawley; ed Hyannis; U of



Who's Who

N; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha; m Marie Coppersmith July 22, 1923 Hyannis; s James Arthur, Roy Robert; d Ann, Kay; 1918-26 with father on 25,000 A ranch, Grant Co; 1926- ptr of father, opr 100,000 A ranch & running approximately 6,000 Hereford cattle, Grant Co; 1935, awarded certificate of Master Rancher of Neb; 1936- Grant Co commr; 1936 visited Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia & New York as guest of Swift & Co; his cattle, Circle Dot brand, have topped fat cattle market in Chicago more frequently than any other brand; VP Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; VP Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Amer Natl Livestock Assn, dir; AF&AM; hobby motion picture photography; res Hyannis.

   MONAHAN, JAMES HARRISON: Rancher; b Fremont Co, Ia Aug 11, 1872; s of Thomas Monahan-Fannie Abbott; ed Fremont Co Ia; Hyannis; m Cora McCawley Nov 3, 1897 Hyannis; s Earl H; 1887 with mother came to Grant Co & homesteaded; 1888-95 worked for grandfather Christopher Abbott on cattle ranch in Cherry Co, started at $12 per mo; 1895-97 owner & mgr gen mdse store, Hyannis; 1897-99 Grant Co treas; 1897-1926 rancher in Grant, Cherry & Hooker Cos; 1900-09 Grant Co commr; 1926- ptr of son in oprn of Monahan Cattle Co; 1897 started with 320 A, now has approximately 100,000 A, running 5,000 Herefords, 1926-38 pres Bank of Hyannis; org & VP 12 years First State Bank, Whitman; ch mbr Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; AF&AM 234 past master, Scot Rite 32o, Tangier Shrine; OES 134, past patron; hobby, raising quality Herefords; res Hyannis.

   WRIGHT, SHERMAN GRANT: Retired; b Nevada, Mo Jan 1, 1872; s of George W Wright-Mary Charles; ed Rinehart Mo; m Lila Peacock May 4 1898 Broken Bow; s Claud W, Clarence F; d Grace Ann (Mrs J L Buchfinck); 1887 with parents came to Custer Co; 1889-93 market hunter; 1893-1909 ranched on father's Cherry Co homestead; 1909-36 oprd lbr, coal, hdw, impl store, Whitman; 1936- manages ranch & various ints; past mbr sch bd; IOOF 241, awarded 35-year medal; Rebekah 327; hobbies, reading & landscaping; res Whitman.




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