NEGenWeb Project - Loup County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


in Nebraska



Thurman A. Smith

LetterOUP County is pre-eminently a Nebraska sandhill region. Trisected by two spring fed, constant flowing rivers, the North Loup and the Calamus, its settlement as an agricultural effort was inevitable. Unorganized territory as late as 1883, it has nevertheless, a traditional, lengendary (sic) and written history of Indians, border outlaws, trappers and cowboys, those colorful groups who first roamed its fertile valleys, its wooded canyons, and its shifting sand dunes.
   Jack Swearenger, "Happy Jack," who came up the North Loup Trail in 1868, was a trapper, an Indian fighter and government scout around Fort Hartsuff. It was during his trapping days that he spent one winter on the North Loup river in Loup County territory. His camp may have been on Spangler's Island a mile east of the Sawyer Ranch. The date is fixed as 1869.
   A maurading band of Sioux who feared and hated the "Pathfinder of the North Loup," captured him one day when his habitual vigilance relaxed. Securely binding him with rawhide thongs, his savage foes prepared to burn him at the stake. "Happy Jack's" stoical acceptance of the situation as the end of his trail awoke admiration in the heart of the chief. Bravery in the face of inevitable torture and death accomplished what pleading could not. Jack was given his freedom in characteristic spectacular manner by the chief. Leaping into the circle of firewood he kicked it aside, slashed the captive's bonds with his flashing hunting knife, and shouted:

    "Heap brave paleface! No fear death! Brave, no can kill!" he decreed. The warriors standing about echoed the chief's decree.
   A few years later "Happy Jack" led a volunteer company of settlers in pursuit of a band of Sioux who had stolen a bunch of horses from homesteaders in Valley County. The whites were attacked by the redskins, not far southeast of the present town of Taylor.
   A bloodless battle ensued. Bloodless because the settlers were poorly armed and the Indians did not shoot to kill. They were more eager to escape with the horses, valued at $1500, than with scalps. This encounter is known as the Battle of Sioux creek, since the settlers had camped on the canyon the night before the attack. The canyon which drains the south-lying clay bluffs has been known as Sioux creek since then. The late Peter Mortensen, who was a participant in the fray, fixed the site on a high bank of the river, eight miles northwest from the camping ground. The battle occurred in March, 1873.
   During the spring of 1876, the T. W. Williams and Benjamin J. Harvey settlements, then the outposts, became frightened by Indian uprisings and massacres further west. Acting upon the advice of Captain Samuel Munson of Fort Hartsuff, the settlers constructed a temporary fort on the Rodney P. Alger homestead. It was strategically located and was named "Fort Rodney." A dozen families formed the garrison and remained there several weeks.
   During the surveying of Loup County territory by the government in 1870-71, the surveying corps had perhaps three disastrous encounters with Indians, recounts tradition. Once near the Middle Loup river the Sioux pillaged the camp and burned all the supplies they could not carry away. Again in the vicinity of Madison Square they attacked the camp when the men were away. Helping themselves to the supplies they desired, they left the dead body of the cook as a gruesome reminder of their visit.
   Spring creek, as early as 1870, was the scene of an encounter on the William Stevens place between Indians and government surveyors, according to legend. The men with the chain and compass held their redskin attackers at bay until darkness covered their escape by way of the river.
   Among the border outlaws of the Sandhill region were Doc Middleton and his so called lieutenant "Kid Wade." In 1884 the "Kid" slipped down from the hideout in the Niobrara country and escaped with valuable horses from the 0. S. Pulliam and Jack Roath farmsteads.
   During the regime of ranch and cowboy, the Sawyer Ranch was the first established in Loup County territory. After sixty years have elapsed it is still known by the same name and is owned by a grandson of the founder. In 1879 Bethuel Switzer Sawyer from Maine and his three sons Frank, Fred and George, filed on government claims in the extreme west end of Loup County territory. From here they operated wide-spread ranching activities which extended as far as Enders Lake in Brown County. The lake was named for one of the Sawyer cowboys, Ed Enders. Fred and George were typical cowboys; Frank was the first Loup County clerk.


Who's Who

   The Calamus river valley has been the range area of Loup County. Davie James is given credit for bringing to that region the first Hereford cattle. Here too that picturesque frontiersman "Nigger Amos" ranged vast herds collected each year from the farms of the North Loup valley. Others who ranged hundreds of cattle in the Calamus country forty years ago, are the Hesselgessers, A. B. Stark and sons, Strohl Brothers, Buels, Davis. Perhaps the earliest cowboy character in Loup County was the late Richard R. Greenland, a son-in-law of the earliest settler, Benjamin J. Harvey. He was said to have made drives from Texas over the famous Chisholm Trail and worked on ranches in the vicinity of Ogallala and Sidney.
   The entire North Loup valley was settled under the protecting influence of Fort Hartsuff. Tradition states the first white settler in Loup County territory came some time prior to 1874. Herman Bainfield was living a few miles southeast of the present town of Taylor when the first group of settlers arrived. They were Benjamin J. Harvey, Rodney P. Alger, John R. Goff, D. L. Bowen, A. M. Gurnsey, Richard R. Greenland and William Burns, all of whom filed entries upon government land in 1874.
   Kent postoffice was established in 1877 and A. M. Gurnsey was the postmaster. The office was named, some persons said, for Kent, England, the birthplace of one of the settlers. During the summer of 1876 and the spring of 1877, the Kent settlement was supplemented by David A. Gard and family; Sylvester A. Moon, with his wife and two sons Arthur E. and Alanson S.; Edward H. Taylor and family; Isaac Stover and Thomas W. Williams and family. Before the opening of 1880 many additions were made to the Kent settlement and west up the river. Among these were John G. Van Houten, Uriah Bromwich, Nathan E. Fay, Thomas Croughwell, Jacob and Wesley Strobl, Henry H. and Calvin L. Copp, Stephen and Jacob Roblyer, H. Raines, all with their families, and many others. In 1880, A. Kitzmiller established a trading post at Kent, the first in the Loup County territory.
   Early in 1883 county organization became the outstanding public question. The temporary seat of government was fixed at Kent. David A. Gard, on whose homestead Kent was located, was appointed special county clerk, and special county commissioners were A. M. Gurnsey and John G. Van Houten. The name "Loup" was given to the territory to be organized, honoring the principal river flowing through its largest valley. The area was 576 square miles and was 40 percent tillable land.
    An election of county officers was fixed for May 3, 1883, and resulted in the following settlers being chosen: Frank H. Sawyer, clerk; Benjamin J. Harvey, judge; Joseph Rusho, treasurer; Alanson S. Moon, superintendent; A. C. Alger, sheriff; A. J. Roblyer, surveyor; Jacob Scribner, coroner; George W. Strohl, Nathan G. Fay and H. L. Reniff, commissioners.
   An election to determine the permanent seat of government was fixed for July 23, 1883, and Aug. 4 of the same year the commissioners declared Taylor the permanent county seat.
   Taylor was the townsite sponsored by Joseph Rusho who had settled upon a homestead adjoining the site on the west early in 1878, after spending several months in the vicinity of Fort Hartsuff. Almeria, George Wesley Strohl's town, lay eleven miles up the river; Clark's Point was midway between Almeria and Taylor. Kent, too far east to be a logical site, gave her support to Almeria, and Taylor won by only two votes.
   On March 4, 1884, George W. Strohl filed a suit against the "Town of Taylor and Joseph Rusho managing proprietor of said Town," alleging in the petition six causes for action, "fraudulent, corrupt and illegal voting" and giving the names of those guilty as well as those responsible for the alleged illegal balloting. The action never came to trial and was dismissed one year later by the plaintiff.
   On Oct. 5, 1886, a petition signed by 90 electors of the newly organized Blaine County asking that it be annexed to Loup County, was filed with the Loup County board of commissioners. Another county seat fight was in prospect in both counties. The annexation petition seems to have been a scheme to move the center of population near Almeria, thus giving voting strength to make that village the county seat. Those signing the Blaine County petition are said to have been the sponsors of Ladora, who were in fear of losing the county seat to Brewster. The Loup County commissioners, however, refused to grant the petition and Taylor has been the seat of government since its establishment in 1883.
   In October of 1893 Robert Harvey of Grand Island, who had surveyed most of Loup and Garfield county territory, measured and platted Taylor townsite of thirty-two blocks. Joseph Rusho is remembered as the "Father of Taylor." He named the town in honor of his friend Edward H. Taylor. Rusho is credited with gifts of several lots and buildings to the county, town and individuals. The courthouse block and building were his gift to Loup County citizens. The public square or present city park he donated to his town, and to the Loup County Clarion, a newspaper, he gave a lot and an office. Taylor grew rapidly and prospered during those early years when nature was prodigal in gifts of grain.
   The Loup County Clarion, now the Taylor Clarion, was established in the fall of 1883 at Kent. Its founder and first editor was Charles L. Phillips. It was moved to Taylor in 1884 and has been published continuously in Loup County since its establishment. Missing files make it difficult to name all publishers, but among them are the names of William Croughwell, J. B. Lashbrook, W. J. Toste-


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vin, Evans Brothers, William Evans, E. Andrews whose editorship extended over a period of many years, and Anson K. Holmes. The present owners and editors Thurman A. and Laura E. Smith, purchased the plant in 1920.
   The Loup County News was established in 1902 by R. S. Scofield who later sold it to John G. Wirsig. The Taylor Republican was established by E. Andrews who disposed of it when he purchased the Clarion. The Loup Valley Alliance was established in Taylor, but in a short time it was consolidated with the Republican and moved to Burwell in 1888. For many years the Taylor Clarion has been the only paper in Loup County.
   The Tucker Post G. A. R. was organized in Taylor June 18, 1887. The first officers were: George W. Merrill, A. C. Johnson, T. T. McCord and Caleb Jeffers. It had a large membership and was active until the death of its commander and last member, Lewis F. Ruppel, on Oct. 6, 1931.
   The Loup County Agricultural Society was incorporated in 1890 with George F. Scott as its first president and Heman E. Carter secretary.
   The Ladies Library Society was established in 1890. Those active in the organization and its further development were Mrs. George F. Scott, Mrs. H. E. Carter, Mrs. Joseph Rusho, Mrs. George P. Emig, Mrs. Marion M. Roblyer, Mrs. George W. Clay and others. The library is still active. The little building owned by the society is the same structure presented to the Taylor Clarion for office purposes in 1884 by Joseph Rusho; the lot on which it stands is the gift of Charles Emig, a son of one of the organizers.
   The Grange is the most active organization in the county at the present time, with a membership of nearly 200. The four subordinate groups are: Madison Square, organized in March 1933; Dry Valley, organized in October 1933; Kent, organized in February 1934; Almeria, organized in April 1934. Pomona Grange, the county organization, was formed in Taylor in May 1934. J. H. Roblyer is the present master.
   Benjamin J. Harvey was not only the first settler but undoubtedly was the first ordained minister in the county. He held religious services in the valley at least eight years before the first church was organized.
   The Catholics never erected a church in Loup County. In 1879 the Thomas Croughwell family and Mrs. Joseph Rusho were perhaps the only members of that religion in the territory embraced by Loup County. A priest from Broken Bow said Mass in the Croughwell log cabin home regularly. In later years a Croughwell daughter, Mrs. Catherine Largey, opened her Taylor home for Catholic services.
   The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Taylor was incorporated March 1, 1883. Rev. E. B. Crippen was the first pastor. Joseph Rusho sold the organization two lots at half price, on which a parsonage was erected and arrangement made for a church building. But the church was never constructed and the organization was discontinued after a few years.
   A Baptist Church was organized by Rev. W. T. Powers in 1897. Rev. S. D. Hulbert was a long-time minister of this organization and sponsored Sunday School work in the sandhill region.
   A Free Methodist class was established in Taylor and held services regularly for many years. Mrs. Eliza Raish was one of the most active ministers of this sect and often spoke to the Taylor class. The membership a few years ago transferred to the Sargent organization, although a few persons united with the Calvary Evangelical Church in Taylor.
   The First Congregational Church of Taylor was incorporated July 17, 1893. The organization has continued active through the years and now has a modern church building and parsonage. The present pastor is Shelby J. Light.
   A Methodist Episcopal Church was organized and incorporated at Long Valley in western Loup County Sept. 12, 1909. Rev. Mr. Brink of Burwell was the organizer and later Rev. Albert Elliott became regular pastor. The church building was a large sod structure, which was not uncommon in the early days in the sandhills.
   The Calvary Evangelical Church was incorporated in Taylor, July 18, 1925, with the Rev. F. M. Cook, pastor. This organization owns a modern church building and parsonage. The present pastor is Rev. Harold 0. Massie.
   A United Brethren Church was formed in Dry Valley in 1894. Rev. Simeon Austin organized the class and held services there over a long period. Mrs. Eliza Raish, a pioneer Free Methodist minister also held services from time to time. The church was of sod, and tradition relates the pews were of the same material.
   The Congregational Church has maintained a membership and preaching service in Dry Valley for the past thirty years or more as a part of the Blaine County Greater Parish.
   The Loup County Bank was established in Taylor, June 26, 1886. It was owned and operated by F. A. Dann and A. U. Dann, and was the first institution of its kind in Loup County. The Taylor State Bank was incorporated July 27, 1891. Officers and directors were George F. Scott, Joseph Rusho, William Belcher, William L. McMullen, John M. Conrad and John G. Sharp.
   The Bank of Taylor incorporated July 20, 1905. Officers were John M. Conrad, William L. McMuIlen and Cora M. McMullen. This bank has operated continuously since its organization and is the only banking institution in Loup County at present. The Old Gold Bank organized and was incorporated December 16, 1913. Officers and directors were



Who's Who

Frank Satterfield, Thomas F. Croughwell, Bernard F. Croughwell, James H. Harvey and William Cooney. This bank closed its doors in 1924.
   The seventies and early eighties were a period of prodigal yields. Corn was heaped in huge piles on government claims where sod house and barn, a "grasshopper breaking plow," and a yoke of oxen or cows were the farmer's equipment. A great variety of crops was raised but corn was king. Thousands of trees were planted, adding charm and utility to the bare sweep of the northwest valley. Many orchards appeared and some fine fruit was produced.
   In 1889 and 1890 there was a serious lack of rainfall in the sandhills, and some settlers deserted their claims. Others made final proof, negotiated loans of a few hundred dollars and departed for parts unknown. Those with backbone stayed on at the cost of privation and even suffering.
   The most devastating drouth came in 1894 when the Sandhill region became as arid as a desert, and was forced to accept relief. Loup County applied to the Nebraska State Relief Commission for aid and Luther P. Ludden of Lincoln was general manager of this emergency created commission.
   Eight irrigation projects were filed in Loup County during the years of 1894-1896. Half that number constructed canals and operated for a year or more but soon a cycle of heavier rainfall lessened irrigation needs. One of the eight is in operation today--the Newton Irrigation company.
   This company filed articles of incorporation Nov. 27, 1894. Signers of the articles-pioneers of irrigation in the valley were William Moninger, Calvin L. Copp, George W. Abbott, Allen C. Abbott and Luman Hopping. Their canal was reclaimed several years ago by State Senator A. C. Van Diest who has a large and well developed acreage under its flow. This project has nine miles of canal in Loup County and approximately 10,000 irrigable acres, though much less area is developed.
   During the recent drouth period two other irrigation projects have been constructed and are in operation. One is the North Loup River Public Power and Irrigation project, which has three canals and includes more than 38,000 irrigable acres in three counties--Loup, Garfield and Valley. The Taylor-Ord canal headgate and dam, five miles northwest of Taylor, is a huge cement-steel reinforced structure. Eighteen miles of this largest of the three canals are in Loup County.
   The Almeria Public Power and Irrigation project, with nineteen miles of canal, is entirely within Loup County. Its headgate and diversion dam is near Moulton postoffice.
   Irrigation projects which constructed canals and operated for a short period were: Burwell Irrigation Canal, incorporated 1894; Almeria Irrigation Canal, incorporated 1895; Tzchuck Canal Co., incorporated 1895. Wet seasons made these investments total losses.
   Today the North Loup river valley in Loup County has forty-six miles of irrigation canals in operation. The estimated irrigable area is 20,000 acres. This does not include the Calamus valley.
   Among the earliest mercantile establishments in Loup County are the names of Otto Witte, George Cleveland, George W. Drew, E. H. Snow, Wheeler & Scott, Joseph Kriegel and Joseph Rusho, in Taylor. In Almeria were G. W. Strobl, Fred Hoellworth, Jim Richey, and others.
   The first tavern or roadhouse in Loup County territory was the "Farmers' Hotel" at Sioux Creek. It was patronized by many who traveled up the North Loup valley during the early eighties, as was the Union Hotel at Kent. There was also a "Farmers' Hotel" at Taylor and the Snurr House at Almeria. Livery barn haymows were used by freighters as sleeping quarters, and no livery barn office was considered complete without its cook stove, skillet and coffee pot.
   The Pavilion Hotel at Taylor was erected in 1887 by attorney Heman E. Carter. It was a three story 40x4O structure with kitchen, storeroom and servants' bedroom addition. It was reputed to be the best hostelry west of Grand Island. The building, more than a half century after its construction, is now used for apartment and office purposes.
   Loup County has never had a railroad in operation. However, four companies indicated an interest in building lines through this region by filing articles of incorporation.
   The Lincoln Black Hills railroad filed articles on Aug. 23, 1887 and during that year constructed a grade across the southwest corner of the county. This was completed ready for track from Sargent to within five miles of Brewster in Blaine County. The company also constructed another grade up the Calamus river to the vicinity of Valleyview. Neither branch ever had one foot of track laid, but both right-of-ways have in recent years been utilized as highway grades.
   The Nebraska Western Railroad company filed articles of incorporation March 16, 1889. The devastating drouth in this part of the state at that time may have had much to do with curtailment of further activities. It did account for the C. B. & Q.'s dropping plans for a direct line through Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison, Boone, Wheeler, Garfield, Loup and Blaine Counties west across the state. About nine miles of grade were built.
   The first Loup County school district was organized in 1876, seven years before county organization. This district was under the jurisdiction of Valley County. The first term of school, three months in length, was held in a sod schoolhouse on Section 36-21-18, district No. 9 which contained more than thirty square miles of territory. Rose Harvey, daughter of Benjamin J. Harvey, was the first teacher in this district.
   Kent and Taylor school districts were organized in 1883, and the Almeria district in 1885. High


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school subjects were taught in Taylor as early as 1884 but the first accredited high school in Loup County, also in Taylor, was not formed until 1922. Taylor's first school was in a log cabin in 1881- 82. It was taught by Matt Chesebrough, it is believed. A two-room building was erected in 1884 which served with an addition until 1922 when a consolidated district was formed. Taylor has at this time a $45,000 plant, the only high school in the county. The faculty now numbers ten.
   Rural schools are fewer in number than forty years ago. Nine districts have closed because there are no children. The present valuation of rural school property is fixed at $40,000, a large increase over that of a half century back. In those days a sod house, home-made benches and nondescript text books were considered adequate equipment for the teacher who was paid $25 per month.
   During the Kinkaid period there were forty-two school districts, and the school census reached its highest mark. Almost without exception rural teachers during the past decade have been graduates of the Taylor high school professional training department. Marcia C. Smith, the present county superintendent of schools, has served in this position for twenty consecutive years.
   Five years of unprecedented drouth have had a devastating effect upon Loup County. Forests, natural in the canyons, groves and windbreaks set by pioneers fifty and sixty years ago, have been greatly damaged, but reforestation projects are replacing many. Farms reached the lowest point in production during the past half century. The cattle and hog industry was cut alarmingly. Land values were the lowest in years, and many farmers lost their farms to loan companies. However, irrigation is reclaiming the North Loup valley. Increased rainfall in 1939 restored the sandhill range areas to much of their former fertility. The picture is one of normalcy if not of greatly increased prosperity.
   Sixty-five years have brought many changes, some for the worse, many for the better. As the rocky, barren coasts of New England in the days of the Pilgrims produced a race of hardy, highminded folk, so have the shifting but unchanging sandhills bred a race of unconquerables -- sons and daughters of Loup County pioneers, to whose memory this historical sketch is dedicated.

   ABBOTT, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Farmer & Stockman; b Tama Co, Ia Dec 23, 1862; s of John Abbott-Jane Warner; ed Tama Co Ia; m Mary J McCurdy June 30, 1890 O'Neill, (dec); s Walter (dec); Earnest John; d Elsie (Mrs William Harden), Nellie (dec); 1884 filed on homestead in newly organized Loup Co, farmer since; 1886-93 Loup Co commr; mbr sch bd 25 years; 1894- pres Newton Irrigation Dist; supports irrigation projects for Loup Co; hobby, travel; res Almeria.

   ALDER, ALBERT FRANKLIN: Attorney; b Stockton, Mo Aug 8, 1896; s of Simon Alder-Nancy Leeper; ed Garfield Co; Burwell HS; Fremont Normal 1915-17; Neb Wes; U of N; m Roxie Campbell Feb 13, 1916 Taylor; d Truie Vee; 1916-17 rural sch tchr, Loup Co; 1921-22 P M, Taylor; 1918-19 farmed in Loup Co; 1919-20 opr produce bus, Taylor; 1922-26 sch tchr, Taylor; 1926-37 tchr HS Taylor; 1929-34 Loup Co judge; 1931- prac law, Taylor; 1934- Loup CO atty; Neb St Bar Assn; Loup Co Service Club; supt of SS, Evang Ch; Rep; res Taylor.

   AUSTIN, ELMER EUGENE: Farmer; b Whiteside Co, Ill Jan 23, 1861; s of Rev Simeon Austin-Betsy Maria Whitten; ed York Co; m Cora Ellis Oct 22, 1885 York Co; s Vilas Fern, Sterl, Evan Boyd; d Eitel (Mrs Fred Schipporeit), Ruie Inez (Mrs Stewart Griffith), Avis Jean (Mrs Curtis Copp); 1871 came to York Co with parents, who filed on homestead; 1890 homesteaded in Loup Co; 1890- owner & opr of farm including original homesite; 1914- P M, Moulton; 1892- correspondent for Taylor Clarion; co assessor, 4 years; mbr sch bd; Natl Grange; played baseball for North Loup League 25 years; U B Ch; Rep; hobby, music; res Moulton.

   BEALS, JOHN ALEXANDER: Retired; b Shelby Co, Ill Sept 23, 1864; s of Nathan Beals-Margaret Ramsey; ed Shelby Co Ill; m Ella Strohl Mar 1891 Taylor; s Jacob, James, Ross; d Nellie (Mrs C Hobler), Minnie (Mrs Charles Johnson), Bertha, Stella, Maggie (Mrs Andy Moley), Lola (Mrs Al Engler); 1885-89 moved to Sarpy CO, engaged in various enterprises; 1889-1904 farmed in Loup Co; 1904-17 opr gen mdse store, Almeria; 1917-19 farmer; sold land holdings in 1919; 1919- co tax assessor; 1919-38 leased town hall, opr of picture shows; has 1000 A of land under lease in Loup Co; hobby, working for community welfare; res Taylor.

   BROWN, HARVEY RAYMOND: Merchant; b Loup City, Neb Apr 25, 1877; s of Green P Brown-Alice Benschoter; ed Burwell; m Jennie E Smith Aug 10, 1901 Deadwood S D; s Stanley Keith; d Greeta Patience (Mrs Arthur Hauke), Alice Mims (Mrs Henry M Hyde), Grace Julia (Mrs J T Christian), Aural Harvetta (Mrs E C Rabyler); 1901 filed on homestead in Garfield Co, farmed & raised cattle; 1916 pur half int in Taylor hdw & lbr bus, prop since; has 3 farms & a ranch in Loup Co; stockholder & dir Bank of Burwell; mbr town coun 20 years; chmn & past mbr consolidated sch bd 14 years; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; AF&AM; OES; Rep; hobby, gardening; father homesteaded in Sherman Co 1873; res Taylor.

   EVANS, GEORGE ALEXANDER: Rancher & Stockman; b Winterset, Ia Nov 26, 1863; s of Hugh Evans-Susan K Davis; ed Madison Co Ia; m Nettie J Hooper June 30, 1890 Taylor; d Christena Ann (dec), Mahala Catherine (Mrs John Ward), Ina Esther (Mrs Joseph Kaspar), Blanche Martha (Mrs Dana Newbury), 1884-86 farmed in Adair Co Ia; 1886-87 worked at Taylor; 1887-90 took pre-emption claim in Blaine Co; 1890-99 homesteaded in Loup Co; 1899-1912 owner of ranch, stock raiser near Taylor; 1903-05 in impl bus, Taylor; 1912-13 traveled in Kas & Okla; 1913- rancher & stock raiser N of Taylor; 1901-35 Loup Co sheriff intermittently for 22 years; co road supvr, surveyor & assessor in early 1900's; 1915-21 asst P M, Taylor; pres Loup Co Farmers Union; pres Fed Land Bank Assn, Loup Co; pres Loup Valley Natl Farm Loan Assn; pres Evans Clan Assn; North Loup Valley Hist Soc; Dem; Congl Ch; hobbies, travel & collection of historic data; res Taylor.

   GOOS, FREDERICK AUGUST: Rancher & Stockman; b Schleswig Holstein, Germany Sept 2, 1874; s of Henry Goos-Catherine Schutt; ed Schleswig Holstein HS; m Maude Darling May 18, 1904 Loup Co; s Theodore Henry, Frederick Carl, Ralph Allen, Kenneth Stanley Bruce; d Anna Amelia Katharina (Mrs E E Campbell), Freda Violet, Etta Mabel (Mrs Blaine Harris), Rose Hope (Mrs (Fritz Brockman); 1886 came to US later homesteaded in Scotts Bluff Co; 1900-03 moved to ranch 12 miles N of Fort Laramie Wyo, raised cattle; 1903- came to Loup Co & settled on homestead, now owner & opr cattle ranch including original homesite consisting of 8,800 A running an average of 600 head of cattle under Dogshead brand; mbr sch bd; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Taylor.



Who's Who

   GOOS, THEODORE HENRY: County Treasurer; b Loup Co, Neb Aug 4, 1907; s of Frederick A Goos-Maude Darling; ed Loup Co; 1927 Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha; m Lila Patterson Feb 7, 1931 Greeley; s Richard Lincoln, Roger Gail; Larry David; d Betty Theodora; 1927-30 with father on ranch, Loup Co; 1931-32 in trucking bus; Jan 1, 1933- Loup Co treas; Neb Assn of Co Treas; Loup Co Service Club; Taylor vol fire dept; hobby, aviation; res Taylor.

   HOLMES, BYRON BERT: Merchant; b Hixton, Wis Nov 19, 1875; s of Ranclier M Holmes-Flavia Ann Fleming; ed Howard Co; m Anne, M Streicher June 14, 1900 Clinton Ia; s William Esburn; 1887 settled in Howard Co with parents; 1897-99 with M E Smith & Co whol dry goods Omaha; 1899-1901 emp in retail store, Rawlins Wyo; 1901-09 with M E Smith, Omaha; 1909- with brother Horace pur Cash Store Co, Taylor; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Loup Co Service Club; Evang Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing & hunting; res Taylor.

   HUBBARD, FRANK BURNELL: Retired; b Weeping Water, Neb Apr 19, 1868; s of Henry Hubbard-Mary Jane Broadley; ed Weeping Water Acad; m Emma J Jameson Dec 24, 1896 Weeping Water; d Frances Meroe (dec); 1889-93 owner & opr confectionery store, Weeping Water; 1893-99 bought & sold livestock, Weeping Water; 1899 came to Sheridan Co & took homestead, raised cattle, opr confectionery store, Rushville; 1903 came to Loup Co, opr ranch consisting of 2,200 A running an average of 300 to 400 head of stock; 1924-34 chief state patrolman of state highways in Loup, Garfield & Wheeler Cos; past Loup Co highway commr; 1929-39 mbr town coun; IOOF; trustee Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, gardening; res Taylor.

   LEWIS, JOHN WILLIAM: Merchant; b Nodaway Co, Mo Oct 27, 1868; s of Jesse C Lewis-Delilah Riley; ed Loup Co; m Lucy Cooper July 30, 1890 Taylor; s Lloyd; d Florence (Mrs Everett Satterfield), Vera (Mrs H D Krouse); 1884 came to Neb with parents; 1889-1903 farmed & freighted, Loup Co; 1903-10 opr livery & feed barn, Taylor; 1913- opr of groc, Taylor; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Taylor.

   LYON, HILDRETH ALONZO: County Clerk; b Loup Co, Neb Jan 20, 1906; s of Arthur Glenni Lyon-Betsie Elonie Marsh; ed Excelsior Springs, Mo HS, lettered in track; William Jewell Coll, Liberty Mo, 1925- 27; m Deloris Irene Peters May 23, 1929 Taylor; s Stanley Alonzo; d Betty Orrissa; 1927-29 HS prin Kent; 1929 mgr shoe dept Montgomery Ward & Co, Concordia Kas; 1929-30 mgr shoe store, Sterling Colo; 1930-35 farmed in Loup Co; 1934-38 mail carrier Almeria to Brewster; 1936-37 dlr in automatic refrigerators, Almeria; Jan 11 1939- Loup Co clk; 1933-35 master local grange, Moulton; 1934-36 master Loup Co Grange; 1934-38 org for grange in Neb, mbr exec corn since 1935; 1939- trustee town bd, Taylor; secy Loup Co Service Club; Central Neb Co Ofcls Assn; Lions; AF&AM; Bapt Ch: Rep; hobbies, gardening & interior decorating; res Taylor.

   NEWBECKER, CHARLES RAYMOND: Farmer & Stockman; b Custer Co, Neb Dec 11, 1880; s of Franklin Pierce Newbecker-Florence Josephine Marlow; ed Ord HS; m Laura Carry Messersmith June 11, 1907 Loup Co; d Ava (Mrs Silas A Hanke), Ila B, Mona Marguerite, all taught in same school in which father was teacher; 1901-02 sch tchr in NE Custer Co; 1902-03 sch tchr, West Union; 1903-05 supt of schs, Taylor; 1905- farming on present location in North Loup Valley; int in irrigation, Loup Co; 1905-07 Loup Co supt of schs; 1922 helped org consolidated sch dist 1; 1907- pres of sch dist; brought about North Loup pub power & irrigation canal extn into Loup Co; VP North Loup Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; org first Farmers Union, Custer & Loup Cos; Loup Co Service Club: Loup Co 4-H leader; trustee Evang Ch; Dem; hobby, comm welfare; res Taylor.

   RUSHO, ROBERT PETER: Banker: b Fort Hartsuff, Neb Sept 1, 1876; s of Joseph Rusho1-Josephine Murry; ed elementary school in log house near Taylor; 1892-93 Western Normal Coll, Lincoln; m Elizabeth Vinnedge Oct 10, 1900 Taylor; s Robert Maxwell; d Aural Jacquetta (Mrs Archie McMaster); 1877 family came to Loup river first settlers in Taylor vicinity; 1883 townsite of Taylor estab on original homesites of father & aunt; 1898-1908 owner & prop merc bus, Taylor; 1908 merged with George F Scott Store & inc as Cash Store Co; 1905- took controlling int in Bank of Taylor & was cash; 1930- pres of bank; has ext land & cattle ints: during World War chmn Loup Co war loans promotion, was Loup Co food administrator; mbr consolidated sch bd, Loup Co; Neb Bankers Assn; AF&AM; MWA; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, study of nature; res Taylor.

   1Joseph Rusho was first treasurer of Loup Co after its organization in 1883. He plotted the Murry tract & Taylor became the county seat. He gave a block of ground for the court house site. also $1,000 toward a building. He also gave a town lot & building to the editor of the first newspaper, The Clarion.

   SAWYER, BETHUEL S: Rancher; b Brewster, Neb Apr 9, 1904; s of George Oscar Sawyer-Marie Gardner; ed Omaha, 1923; m Ethel Allula Sutherland Jan 6, 1930 Rapid City S D; s Jerry Lee; 1923-29 with S Huttons dance band, Omaha; 1929-32 with Fish & Hunter gen store, Deadwood S D; 1932-36 ranched with father near Hot Springs S D; 1936- farmer & rancher, Loup Co; 1938- mbr Sawyer sch dist; Farmers Union; hobbies, music & hunting; res RFD, Brewster.

   SMITH, THURMAN AMON: Publisher; b Lake George, N Y Jan 13, 1877; s of Edwin Bradley Smith-Anna Langworthy George; ed Blaine Co; Franklin Acad; m Laura Eleanor Hoyt Oct 26, 1902 Brewster; s Sidney Carlyle, Myrthe Carrol (dec), Ivan Leland, Theo Hoyt, Hazen Edwin; d Ava Laura (Mrs Arthur W Hamann); on sandhill ranch until 1894; taught rural and town schs 7 years; learned newspaper work in off of Brewster News, Blaine Co; publisher in Antioch during potash boom days; published Logan Co Pioneer 2 years; 1920- publisher & owner of Taylor Clarion; co judge 5 years; writes news stories for AP, magazine articles, stories & poems; won first in 1938 N S & D of Neb Literary contest, published in Neb History Magazine & Neb Farmer; Neb St Hist Soc, mbr archeological div; NPA; spent 5 years in temperance work for Meth Ch; hobbies, archeology, historical research, writing; res Taylor.

   STEVENS, WILLIAM: Retired; b Rockford, Ill July 20, 1849; s of William Stevens-Sarah Letts; ed Rockford Ill; m Mina Bright May 16, 1889 Tina Mo; s Riley, Raymond (dec), George; d Gladys (Mrs John McAndrews), Una, Aural (Mrs Dwight Greenstreet); 1878- resident of Loup Co; homesteaded & developed ranch in Loup River valley, 1,100 A; past co commr; helped estab co seat at Taylor; Rep; IOOF; Farmers Union; hobby, whittling; res Taylor.

   STRONG, WILLIAM MAXIN: Merchant; b Almeria Neb Dec 11, 1909; s of C E Strong-Daisy Hall; ed Taylor HS; U of N, 2 years; m Hilma Cole May 25, 1932 Almeria; s Howard Allen, Hugh Charles, Lynn Edwin; 1900 father estab gen mdse store, Almeria; 1928-31 dist sch tchr, Loup Co; 1931- in chg of father's store; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Grange; hobbies, hunting & fishing: res Almeria.

   VAN DIEST, ALBERT CORNELIUS: Rancher; b Lancaster Co, Neb Nov 20, 1892; s of Cornelius Van Diest-Katherine DeBoer: ed New Holland Colo HS; m Bertha Moats Dec 18, 1912 Lincoln; s William Albert; 1912-17 in auto sales agcy, Cortland; 1917-18 with Midwest Motor & Supply Co, Sioux City & Omaha; 1918-30 automotive supply jobber, Norfolk; 1930- owner of ranches in Loup & Blaine Cos consisting of 7,000 A running approximately 500 to 600 head of cattle; 1932-33 org & opr Rodeo Oil Co, Omaha; 1931- int in irrigation for Loup Co; reorg first successful diversion project on Loup River; 1938 sponsored Almeria project, now sponsoring Sargent irrigation project:; 1937 Loup Co commr; 1938-39 state sen from 35th dist, unicameral legislature; sponsor of highway system, Loup Co; hobby, irrigation; res Taylor.

   WARD, JOHN: School Superintendent: b Laurel, Neb Mar 11, 1906; s of Cecil Leroy Ward-Lulu Olive Riley; ed Jackson HS Lincoln, played 3 years basketball & football; Neb Wes, BA 1931, won letter 3 years in basketball & capt of team in senior year, also won 5 letters in tennis; 1927-29 & 1931 champion state conf singles & doubles; candidate for MA Colo St Tchrs Coll, Greeley; m Carrie Satterfield July 16, 1933 Taylor; d Doris Helen; 1931-34 science tchr & coach, Taylor; 1934- supt of HS, Taylor; NSTA; NEA; pres Loup Valley Sch Conf; Loup Co Service Club; hobby, tennis; res Taylor.


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