NEGenWeb Project - Sheridan County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Who's Who
B. J. Peterson
PRINCIPAL Indian tribes in this region before the advent of the white men were the Sioux, the Pawnee, and the Cheyenne. A band of the Sioux known as the Brule Indians lived for some time on Beaver creek, and here was established the Spotted Tail agency named for their chief. Legend has it that the tribe was named by French Canadian trappers who visited the Indian camp. During one night of the traders' visit one of the Indians rolled too close to the fire and burned his side. From this episode the French named the tribe Brule, or Broo-lay, meaning "burned side.
Spotted Tail agency disappeared after a few years, and in 1874 Fort Sheridan was established on Beaver creek not far from the agency's previous location. The latter post was discontinued in 1881.
The first white settlement in what is now Sheridan County was made on White Clay creek approximately twenty miles northwest of the present site of Rushville. Most of the first settlers took "squatter's right" upon the land, filing later at Valentine after the United States land office was established.
The first public school was built in the summer of 1883. The teacher was paid by subscription and approximately a dozen pupils attended.
In 1884 a group of settlers from Indiana, led by Rev. John A. Scamahorn, a Civil War veteran, founded the town of Gordon. The previous year Charles Bachelor had settled near the present site of Gordon and two other settlers, Shattuck and Holmes, had established the first store and postoffice in the vicinity. Rev. Mr. Scamahorn named the town after the adventurer, John Gordon, whose expedition to the Black Hills ended disastrously in 1875. According to county records, the village of Gordon was organized in the fall of 1885. The first schoolhouse in Gordon was built of native lumber. The first teacher was Miss Kitty Hyde, and the first class was graduated in 1893. A two story frame school structure was built in 1888, a little later a west ward school was established, and in 1922 the high school was built.
The first newspaper to be published in Gordon was the Gordon Press, in 1884, H. O. Hull editor.
Another village was established in 1885, for which Abel Love, the first postmaster, suggested the name Moulton, but as there was another town of that name in the state, the name Clinton was given to the colony. Clinton's first school was a sod-roofed log building, in which a three months term of school was held in the fall of 1885, teacher Miss Patience Tull. The first store in Clinton was established by William Wood. The first church services were held in the log schoolhouse, conducted by Rev. Mr. Howell of the M. E. Church.
The first jury trial in Sheridan County was held in Clinton in 1885.
With the coming of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad, which extended westward from Valentine in 1885, Rushville citizens held a meeting, named Sheridan County, and chose a county board comprised of County Clerk James Loofborough, County Treasurer Albert McKinney, Judge Cornelius Patterson, Sheriff John Riggs, County Superintendent S. S. Murphy and Commissioners T. B. Irwin, L. C. Post and J. D. Woods.
In the fall of 1885 Rushville village was organized and named after Rush creek. H. W. Crown had started a postoffice on his claim two miles northwest of Rushville, and this was moved to town with Frank Sprague as first postmaster.
Rushville's first school was established in 1885, in the M. E. Church structure. School was held during three months of the year. Miss Carrie Goodykoonts was the first teacher. In 1886 Miss Mamie Tuttle taught another three months term in a building south of the depot. In 1887 a two story brick structure was built and in 1926 the high school was built. The first class to graduate from Rushville consisted of one pupil, Miss Belle Blanchard, 1889.
In 1885 the village of Hay Springs was organized. A postoffice had been established with John Holden as postmaster. The station was called Moakler, after Mrs. Holden's parents. However, when the village was organized, it was renamed Hay Springs, because of the large amount of hay which grew in the vicinity, and because of the spring located nearby. On Aug. 13, 1885, Charles E. Verity issued the first copy of the Northwest News, and one week later J. E. Brown printed the first copy of the Alert.
The first school in Hay Springs was held in the fall of 1885 in the back of the Waterman merchandise store. Miss Kate Dulin was the teacher and approximately thirty-five pupils attended. In 1887 a brick schoolhouse was constructed, and in 1920 the high school was built. The first graduating class was in 1895 and included Rose Marcy, Elmer Sage, and Alice Rhodes.1040
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The first church to be organized was the Congregational in September 1885, Rev. Benjamin Diffenbacher pastor. The first services were held in a tent and in various other buildings, until in 1886 a church edifice was constructed. Catholic and Methodist churches were established within a short time.
The battle to establish the county seat began at a county election on Sept. 8, 1885. Contenders were Gordon, Clinton, Hay Springs and Rushville; Clinton was eliminated from the race at the first election. The second election, Sept. 27, eliminated Gordon. At the count after the third election on Nov. 3, Hay Springs was named the county seat by virtue of a majority of votes. However, fraud was apparent and the matter was taken into court and the votes recounted. The recount disclosed that Hunter precinct with only forty-two legal voters had brought in 226 votes for Rushville. Even Rushville's own vote exceeded the legal limit by 130. Hay Springs meanwhile had tallied 243 more votes than voters, and Gordon had cast sixty-five fraudulent votes. The matter was carried to the supreme court, but not until 1888 was the final decision made in favor of Rushville, the present county seat.
The Sheridan County Historical Society was organized in 1933.
Of the streams in Sheridan County, the Niobrara is the principal one. Niobrara is an Indian word meaning "swift running." Deer creek was so named because of the hundreds of deer that grazed there in the early days. The name of Beaver creek was derived from the beaver, which were once numerous in the vicinity. Lime Kiln creek was so named because the early settlers burned lime from the soil through which it flows. Craven creek was named for a pioneer settler, Gus Craven. White Clay creek runs through hills whose light-colored outcroppings give the stream its name. In the northeast comer of the county is historic Wounded Knee creek on whose banks was fought the famous "last fight" in the United States between the Indian and the white man. The creek was so named for an Indian chief of that name who was wounded there years before.
Sheridan County contains both farm and ranch land. The farm land area lies between Pine Ridge on the north and the sandhills north and south of the Niobrara River. This land was first filed on over half a century ago with the first influx of settlers. There are still remains of the first sod houses and dugouts.
The sandhill region is traversed by the Burlington railroad which was built through the county in 1887. Four small settlements sprang up in this region with the coming of the railroad. They are Ellsworth, Lakeside, Antioch, and Bingham. All four are typical ranch towns, which receive their support from the sandhill ranch country thereabouts. Herefords, Angus, Durhams, and several herds of dairy cattle are raised on Sheridan County ranch lands.
In 1895 on the Mirage Flats south of Hay Springs and north of the Niobrara was organized one of the first irrigation companies in northwest Nebraska, the Mirage Irrigation Company. This firm failed after a short time, and now the Mirage Flats irrigation project under the FSA is slowly getting under way.
On the northern extremity of these flats is Walgren Lake, which is fed underground by Hay Springs creek. This body of water which covers about 160 acres was first called Alkali Lake but was renamed for a Swedish pioneer, Walgren. For some time it was afflicted with a "Sea Monster Tale"; recently it was made into a pleasure resort called Walgren Lake recreation grounds.
The Mirage Catholic Church, Sacred Heart Parish, was organized and built in 1889, with Rev. Patrick Brophy as first pastor. In later years a Catholic Church was built in Beaver Valley.
Six miles south of Hay Springs is the New Hope Friends Church. Southwest of Rushville is Immanuel Lutheran Church, established in 1888 by Rev. Konrad Herbener. In about 1915 the Episcopalians built Holly Church on Jarco Creek, 10 miles northwest of Rushville.
The Sheridan County Fair, which is held at Gordon, was established in 1886. From a small beginning it has developed into a representative exposition with agricultural, culinary, needlework, and sports exhibits, all of which reflect the progressive development of this northwestern Nebraska county.
The foregoing information was obtained from national, state, and county records, from Old settlers, from old newspapers, and from the writer's own experience and observations.
ANDERSON, ANDRES THEODORE: Machinist; b Gelbale, Denmark July 19, 1885; s of Andres Anderson-Sunbury McGrada; ed Denmark; m Elsie Violet Zecherman Dec 25, 1911 Gordon; s Carl M; d Esther M (Mrs I V Packard), Ruth M (Mrs F Schwendenman); before starting bus for self was emp by brother in machine shop & on ranches, Sheridan Co; 1908- in machine bus, Gordon; mbr welfare bd, Gordon; Neb Blacksmiths Assn, past pres & VP; Meth Ch, bd mbr, past SS supt, now asst supt; Rep; hobby, stamp collecting; off 266 Main; res 506 Oak, Gordon.
ANNETT, WILLIAM ROLAND SR: Rancher & Livestock Dealer; b Galena Ill Feb 5, 1885; s of Thomas Jefferson Annett-Martha Angwin; ed Galena Ill HS 1903; Highland Park Coll 1903-04; m Nelle Brewer Feb 19, 1911 Gordon; s Thomas G, William R Jr; 1904-08 clk & bkkpr in Z T Davis Store, Merriman; 1908-12 clk, Mills Merc Store, Gordon; 1904-09 cattle dealer, Merriman; 1909-11 with ptr, Fred Gardner pur & oprd Johnson Ranch near Merriman; 1911 sold ranch int to ptr; 1911-23 engaged in livestock bus; 1923- mgr ranch in S D, res Gordon: 1939 with ptr Herbert Patrick pur W H Berryman ranch near Irwin, dIr Hereford & Polled Angus cattle; AF&AM 159; past mbr sch bd 6 years; C of C; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, Hereford cattle; res 222 Pine, Gordon.1041
Who's Who
APLAN, FRANK F: Attorney; b Rushville, Neb May 21, 1900; s of Jens Ole Aplan-Marie Ledneagh; ed Rushville; Lincoln HS 1918; U of N; U of Colo LLB 1925; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Alpha Delta; 1921-22 govt work; 1025-33 prac law Pierre S D; 1933- prac law at Rushville; during World War in USN res, active 1918-19, inactive 1919-21; Amer Leg post 161, past co comm; 40 & 8; 1929-30 states atty Stanley Co S D; 1931-32 mbr house of representatives S D; 1935-38 Sheridan Co atty; 1935-39 city atty, Rushville; master AF&AM 169; BPOE 961, Alliance; Rep, chmn Co Central Com 1935-39; hobby, riding horses; res Rushville.
BAKER, RALPH BURDETTE: Mortician; b Swanton, Neb June 21, 1886; s of Clifford A Baker-Cora M Lupher; ed Swanton; LBC; m Jessie H Herrmann Aug 20, 1913 Lincoln; d Betty Claire; 1907-08 & 1911-20 with Castle Roper & Matthews, morticians Lincoln; 1908-11 with father in undertaking bus, Holdrege; 1920-24 with Barnum & Baker Furn Co, Neligh; 1925 undertaker, Rushville; mbr city coun of Rushville; mayor 8 years; mbr sch bd 10 years, pres 6 years; C of C past pres 3 years; Lions; AF&AM 169; OES, Garnet ch 125, patron 7 years; Meth Ch, bd mbr 14 years; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Rushville.
BARNES, O H: Publisher; b Table Rock, Neb Nov 1, 1891; s of John Barnes-Jane O'Donnal; ed Lincoln HS 1910; U of N 1910-12; m Ruth Micheal June 11, 1914 Kansas City Mo; d Mary Jane; 1914-17 editor Table Rock Argus; 1917-28 secy C of C, Belle Fourche S D; 1923-25 with father in ins bus, Chadron; 1925-33 owner & editor Hay Springs News; 1933- owner & editor of Sheridan Co Star; mbr C of C, Rushville; Lions; Rotary, Chadron; NPA; BPOE, Deadwood S D; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, yard, flowers; res Rushville.
BATES, WILBERT AROL: Dentist; b Sarpy Co, Neb Sept 11, 1879; s of William E Bates-Mary Behm; ed Springfield HS 1898; U of N DDS 1908; Xi Psi Phi; m Mertha M Milner June 30, 1915 Springfield; d Mary Belle; 1908-15 prac dentistry, Springfield; 1915- prac dentistry, Rushville; mbr town bd, Rushville 10 years; mbr sch bd of Rushville 4 years, also mbr bd of edn in Springfield short time, Neb St, & ADA; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, baseball, football, all sports; off Old Courthouse Bldg; res Rushville.
BEAN, JOSEPH W: Clergyman; b Central City, Ky Dec 2, 1900; s of Ernest L Bean-Mary Agnes Ryan; ed Paducah parochial sch; St Joseph Coll, Bardstown Ky 1918-19; Cath Uni, Washington D C 1919-20; St Thomas Seminary, Denver 1920-26; 1927-32 asst pastor Denver diocese, Grand Island; 1935-37 pastor Hay Springs; 1937- pastor, Rushville, also has mission in Gordon; BPOE; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; res St Marys Rectory, Rushville.
BENNETT, JENNIE MAY: County Superintendent of Schools; b Dawes City, Ia Mar 10, 1884; d of Stokes Bennett-Barbara Jane Bowring; ed Merriman HS 1902; U of Southern Cal, Los Angeles; CSTC; Fremont Normal; Midland Coll, Fremont BA 1934; 1904-10 rural sch tchr, Cherry Co; supt of schs Hay Springs 1910-16; 1916-21 supt of schs Shoshone Wyo; 1921-22 sch tchr Lander Wyo; 1922-39 sch tchr Rushville, prin HS & normal training supvr; 1939- Sheridan Co supt of schs; Sheridan Co dep clk 21/2 years; NSTA; NEA; past mbr B & P W, Rushville; RNA; Garden Club; Episc Ch; Non-partisan; hobbies, flowers, music, art; off Courthouse; res Rushville.
BENSCHOTER, CLARENCE E: County Judge; b Loup City, Neb Sept 22, 1888; s of George E Benschoter-Mary E Bailey; ed Loup City HS; Bus Coll, Falls City; m Agnes M Johnson Dec 24, 1910 Sheridan Co; d Idona E (Mrs Vernon Dinkel); 1904 came with parents to Sheridan Co; with father in newspaper work in Hay Springs; 1910 farmer & rancher, int in certified potato raising; 1937- Sheridan Co judge; during World War with American Potash Co; P M, Schill, Sheridan Co; past mbr sch bds, rural dist & Hay Springs; past mbr village bd, Hay Springs; AF&AM 169; Rep; hobbies, gardening, horticulture, reading; off Courthouse; res Rushville.
BERKHEIMER, BERNIE D: Banker; b. Ashland Neb Dec 23, 1895; s of Adam Berkheimer-Alice Donner; ed Ashland HS 1913; Bellevue Coll 1914-15; U of N 1916; m Grace Fritz June 17, 1919 Gordon; s Richard Lee; 1919- First Natl Bank of Gordon, VP & cash; during World War enl Dec 14, 1917 CAC, commd Fort Monroe Va July 26, 1918, disch Dec 14, 1918; mbr sch bd 9 years; AF&AM Arcana 195; OES, past patron; Comm Club; past mbr Kiwanis; Presby Ch, elder since 1920; Rep, hobbies, golf, gardening; res 217 Pine, Gordon.
BROWN, CHARLES WILSON: Rancher; b Hay Springs, Neb May 9, 1894; s of J E Brown-Jennie Stewart; ed Rushville HS; U of N 1914-16; Sigma Phi Epsilon; m Nettie Brehlar Oct 26, 1937 Alliance; s Charles W; d Nancy Charleen; 1912-14 & 1920 sch tchr; 1921- opr ranch, Sheridan Co; 1929-39 dir Union State Bank; during World War 1917-19 1st lt inf, intelligence service, Camp Upton New York; first comm, Davis post Amer Leg; past mbr bd Rushville Lbr Co; first pres Sheridan Co Sch Dist Ofcrs Assn; mbr co farm bd 1980-39; C of C; mbr sch bd dist 31; AF&AM Amity 169, past master; Izaak Walton; Comml Club; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Rushville.
BURROWS, JOHN W: Farmer & Rancher; b Burroak, Ia Apr 12 1857; s of Robert Burrows-Rebecca Smith; ed Winneshiek Co Ia; m Ida Elvina Sandoz Nov 14, 1890 Sheridan Co (dec Jan 24, 1939); s John R, Paul A, Talmage, Milton M; d Rebecca M, Lucy B; taught sch before coming to Neb from Ia; 1882-84 sch tchr in southern Neb; 1884- farmer & rancher, Sheridan Co; mbr sch bd dist 35, 20 years; mbr Farmers Union; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, farming, raising watermelons; res Hay Springs.
CHAMBERLAIN, CHARLES LAWRENCE: Dentist; b Rushville, Neb April 16, 1907; s of Charles Edward Chamberlain-Mary Ann Murray; ed St Marys HS, Rushville 1925; Creighton U 1932; Xi Psi Phi; m Kathryn Marie Ryan Feb 3, 1937, Chadron; s Lawrence Ryan: 1932- dentist, Gordon; Jr C of C Gordon, past pres; mbr of Neb St & ADA; 1st lt in reserve corps; KC; Cath Ch; Dem, state del to Neb St conv; hobbies, golf, horseback riding, hunting; off Gordon State Bank Bldg; res Gordon.
CHRISTIANS, WILLIAM ANTON: Farmer; b Hay Springs, Neb Nov 21, 1898; s of Christian Christians-Crescensia Rammer; ed Sheridan Co; 1916-20 worked with father; 1920- ptr in oprn home place; 1934 promoted & installed pump irrigation; Farmers Oil Co-op, past dir; Cath Ch; hobby, fishing; res Hay Springs.
CILEK, JOHN F: Rancher & Farmer; b Howard Co, Neb Nov 2, 1880: s of Frank Cilek-Mary Bartizel; ed Chadron; m Anna Schrldhauer April 12, 1907 Hay Springs; s Elder; d Eleanor; 1901-18 with U R Land & Cattle Co; 1918- rancher, Sheridan Co; mbr sch bd 20 years; dir Hay Springs Co-op Oil Co; 1934-39 chmn Beaver pct Soil Conservation Com; Master Farmer for 1938; MWA; Friends Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing, has pond stocked with trout & blue gills; res Hay Springs.
COFFEY, WILLIAM D: Hardware, Furniture & Implement Dealer; b Gordon Neb Nov 20, 1897; s of William Coffey-Susan Bayliff; ed Rushville HS 1917; U of N 1 year; Sigma Phi Epsilon; m Mary Johnson June 10, 1925 Lincoln; s William D Jr; Richard Lee; Marylin Joan; 1925-33 opr hdw, impl & furn store, Cody; 1933- owner & opr hdw, furn & impl bus, Rushville; during World War enl 1918 OTS, disch 1918; Amer Leg, ch mbr; past mbr sch bd, Cody; mbr Rushville sch bd; C of C, pres 1 year; named Master Mcht of Neb while in Cody; AF&AM 169, past master; Scot Rite; Tangier Shrine; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, moving pictures, fishing, hunting; res Rushville.
COOPER, GERALD MASSEY GILBERT: Retired Editor; b London, England Jan 19, 1863; s of George Armytage Cooper-Dinah Julia Jones; ed England; m Emma Lydia Hetzel June 4, 1897 Gordon; s Gerald Frederick; d Vera Grace (Mrs Ross D Rash); had 14 years experience as printer & reporter before coming to US in 1892; 1892-97 worked at printing trade in Gordon; 1897- 1933 owner & opr of the Rushville Recorder; mbr town bd 1 year, J P 5 years; mbr sch bd 5 years; during World War mbr of the co coun of defense; AF&AM 169; life mbr C of C; Meth Cath Ch; Dem; res St Marys Rectory, Rushville.
CURTISS, EDWARD LEROY: Merchant; b Bassett, Neb May 19, 1898; s of George E Curtiss-Ada Richards; ed Bassett HS 1916; U of N 1918-20; m Eda C Peterson Aug 31, 1925 Valentine; s Jack Emerson; 1916-18 worked for C&NW RR, Bassett; 1918-19 worked for C&NW RR, Winner S D; 1919-23 clk, George E Curtiss Mere Store, Bassett; 1923-25 worked for H W Galleher Lbr Co, Bassett; 1925-34 mgr Cornbelt Lbr Co, Rushville; 1934- org Rushville Lbr & Coal Co, mgr, secy & treas; 1939 org Gen Contracting Co of Rushville; during World War stationed at Lincoln OTS 4 mos; Amer Leg 161; C of C; AF&AM 169; Neb1042
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Lbr Mchts Assn, mbr exec bd; dir Walgren Lake Improvement Assn; Izaak Walton; Meth Ch; hobbies, conservation, fishing, game; res Rushville.
DALE, H ALBERT: Banker; b Rushville, Neb Oct 29, 1900; s of Horace Christian Dale-Lillian Satterfield; ed Rushville HS 1919; U of N; 1923; m Wilma Earth July, 1930 Denver Colo; 1923- with Stockmens Natl Bank, Rushville, exec VP; treas library bd; past pres C of C; city treas; treas of bd of edn; AF&AM Amity 169 treas, Chadron; OES Garnet ch; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Rushville.
DUERFELDT, FREDRICK CHARLES: Automobile Dealer; b Richardson Co, Neb June 30, 1867; s of Fredrick Charles Duerfeldt-Catherine Snapp; ed rural schs of Richardson Co; m Mary Elizabeth Margrave May 1, 1894 Gordon; s George II, Clifford, Leonard R; d Kathryn; 1887-91 riding in Wyo for Swan Len Cattle Co; 1891-1901 rancher, Sheridan Co; 1901-19 in lbr bus, Gordon; 1920- in auto bus, Gordon; past mbr sch bd 10 years; past mbr town bd 10 years, mayor 2 years; Sheridan Co commr 4 years; built Tele Co of Gordon; pres Gordon Fair & Rodeo Assn 4 years; MWA; Presby Ch; Rep, chmn Co Central Com 2 years; hobbies, billiards, hunting, fishing; res 121 Elm, Gordon.
ELLSWORTH, GUY EDWARD: Banker; b Doniphan, Neb May 10, 1892; s of Orville Ellsworth-Lottie Moore; ed Doniphan HS 1908; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Mollie Kisler June 22, 1915 Denver; d Maxine Glennette, Kathryn Jean; 1910-11 with Morgan Co Natl Bank, Fort Morgan Colo; 1911-17 with German Natl Bank, Hastings; 1917- with Union State Bank of Rushville; mbr bd of edn 6 years; mbr city coun 6 years; ch mbr & org of C of C; AF&AM Amity 169; OES, Garnet ch; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; res Rushville.
FAIRHEAD, ROLAND C: Merchant; b South Sioux City, Neb May 26, 1895; s of John Fairhead-Sarah Wickham; ed South Sioux City; M Vella May Iverson March 18, 1924 Hot Springs S D; 1909-12 worked in saw mill at Sioux City; 1912-15 with Armour Packing Plant, Sioux City Ia; 1915-17 & 1919- 20 boat carp for Benton Packet Co, Bismarck, N D; 1920-21 worked for uncle in Fairhead & Co groc & meat market, Gordon; 1921-23 emp in Clapham Market, Gordon; 1923 emp in Barney Baron Food Store, Sioux City Ia; 1923- owner & opr Fairhead Market, Rushville; during World War in USN stationed at Great Lakes Training Station, Chicago, boat carp; Amer Leg, past comm post 161, past treas; IOOF 369; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Natl Assn of Retail Grocers; past pres C of C; Rushville Golf Club; Meth Ch, past mbr of bldg bd; hobby, travel; res Ruhsville.
FOSTER, CHARLES WILBER: Lumber Dealer; b Rising City, Neb June 23, 1887; s of John H Foster-Alice E Madden; ed Wayne HS 1904; WSTC 1905; m Jennie Roberts June 26, 1919 Omaha; S Robert M; d Elinor Ann; 1910-18 in gen contracting bus; 1919-22 in lbr bus, Fairbury; 1922- in lbr bus, Gordon; 1926-32 & 1938- mbr bd of edn; during World War enl Mar 5, 1918, ambulance dept med corps, Fort Riley Kas, disch Dec 29, 1919; Amer Leg; OES, Royal ch 184; AF&AM 195; secy Masonic Bldg Assn, one of incorporators when temple was built; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; off 108 Main; res 118 W 6th, Gordon.
FRITZ, ADAM E LEE: Merchant; b Wayne Co, W Va Sept 26, 1864; s of George J Fritz-Catherine Altvater; ed Ia; m Guthie Ziegler June 18, 1891 Gordon; d Grace (Mrs B D Berkheimer), Anna, Ruth; 1885-1903 farmed in Sheridan Co; 1903-07 Sheridan Co treas; 1908- owner & opr gen merc store, Gordon; when first came to Gordon engaged in banking, pres of Gordon State Bank for several years; now is pres First Natl Bank of Gordon; during World War 1st lt of state militia; past mbr sch bd & town bd several years; past mbr Kiwanis; Comm Club; Luth Ch; Rep,- hobbies, yard, flowers; res Gordon.
FUCHSER, ULRICH: Retired Rancher; b Switzerland May 19, 1863; s of Christian Fuchser-Elizabeth Schoene; ed Linden, Berne Switzerland; m Anna Zahnd Sept 9, 1887 Rushville; s Ernest, William F, Emil I, Fred W; d Lena (Mrs Sam Hermansen, dec 1918), Ida; 1877-78 worked in clothing mill in Switzerland; 1878-80 learned baking trade in Switzerland; 1880-81 worked on farms, Switzerland, also in bakery; 1881-83 baker, Troyes France; 1883 came to Saunders Co, emp on farm & emp by FE&MV RR, now C&NW, Ainsworth; 1884-85 homesteaded near Gordon also worked for C & NW RR & dug wells with brother; 1885-1905 farmed on homestead; 1905- rancher & livestock raiser in Sheridan Co; 1919 moved into Gordon, built home, has 20,000 A cattle land Cherry Co, several farms in Sheridan Co, 2 farms in S D; last 30 years has been handling shares & investments; past mbr sch bd; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, Hereford cattle; res 702 Oak, Gordon.
GANT, LANDON G: Physician & Surgeon; b Thompson, Mo Mar 30, 1907; s of Henry T Gant-Minnie A Conklin; ed Creighton Prep 1925; Creighton U 2 years; U of N MD 1931; Nu Sigma Nu; m Virginia Elizabeth Hassler June 15, 1933 Omaha; d Shirley Virginia; 1931-32 interne in University Hosp, Omaha; 1932-35 prac med, Rushville; 1935- prac med, Gordon; mbr NW Neb Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Kiwanis; Jr C of C; Comm Club; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; off Main; res 334 Main, Gordon.
GREEN, FRANK LESLEY: Sheriff; b Dunlap, Ia Mar 18, 1887; s of William A Green-Ada Reynolds; ed Harrison Co Ia; m June Addie Jan 26, 1907 Rushville; s Lyle D; 1907-28 homesteader on ranch, Sheridan Co; 1924-28 chief of police of Gordon; 1930-31 dep sheriff of Sheridan Co; 1931-39 chief of police of Rushville; 1939- Sheridan Co sheriff; dep special ofcr US Indian service; mbr Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; mbr fire depts 9 years in Gordon & Rushville; IOOF 169, past grand; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; off Courthouse, res Rushville.
GRIMES, MABEL BARNES: Editor; b Table Rock, Neb; d of John A Barnes-Jane O'Donnell; ed Table Rock HS; CSTC 1 year; U of Chicago 3 years; Phi Beta; owner & publisher of Hemingford Ledger several years; 1937- owner & editor Midwest Ranch & Farm; 1938- ptr of brother in theater in Rushville; mbr Reading Club; OES, Sterling; Presby Ch; Rep; res Rushville.
GRISWOLD, MRS CLARISSA PALMER: Homemaker; b Patch Grove, Wis Jan 16, 1862; d of William Harrison Palmer-Julia Manchester; ed Nashua Ia; normal schs at Charles & Independence Ia; m Dwight Hubbard Griswold Dec 1, 1886 Rushville; s Dwight; d Vera Ellen, Florence (Mrs Wayne L Barker); sch tchr 2 years in Ia & 1 in Wis before coming to Neb 1885; first came to Ainsworth with friends, 1886 filed claim on homestead near Rushville; one of orgs & ch mbr Gordon Woman's Club, 1st pres; WCTU; Amer Leg aux; PEO; ch mbr OES, Royal ch 184; Presby Ch, active in womens Bible class & guild also SS work; Rep; hobbies, oil painting, crocheting, needlepoint; husband engaged in merc bus in Harrison, 1891-1900 banking bus, Harrison, 1900- pres First Natl Bank of Gordon; res 211 Maple, Gordon.
GRISWOLD, DWIGHT P: Publisher; b Harrison, Neb Nov 27, 1893; s of D H Griswold-Clarissa Palmer; ed Gordon pub schs; Kearney Mil Acad 1910; Neb Wes 2 years; U of N, BA, 1914; Alpha Tau Omega; m Erma Elliott Sept 25, 1919 Yorkville Ill; s Dwight Elliott; d Dorothy Helen; 1922- publisher Gordon Journal; in Mexican border service 1916, sgt Co I 4th Neb inf; during World War enl May 1917, 1st lt & capt 127th field arty, May 1917- Dec 1918; state comm Amer Leg 1929-30; 1921 mbr Neb house of representatives; mbr state sen 1925, 1927 & 1929; Rep nominee for gov 1932, 1934 & 1936; pres NPA 1930-31; AF&AM, Arcana lodge 195, past master; Tangier Shrine; OES 184, past patron; hobbies, golf, deer hunting, politics; off Gordon Journal; res 302 Maple, Gordon.
HAHN, LEVI A: Rancher; b Sheridan Co, Neb Sept 3, 1895; s of Carl Hahn-Elizabeth Blickenstaff; ed Sheridan Co; mgr ranch in Sheridan Co, raises purebred registered Herefords; active in AAA since orgn in county; NW Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; Amer Hereford Breeders Assn; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; during, World War enl June 1918, 16th hosp detachment, O/S 8 mos, disch July 1919; Amer Leg post 7, Alliance; Meth Ch; Rep, pct committeeman several years; hobbies, hunting, fishing, cattle; res Hay Springs.
HANKS, JAMES W: Merchant; b Titus Co, Tex Nov 11, 1882; s of Wyatt Hanks-Carolina Murphy; ed Clarksville, Tex; m Josephine Westemier Dec __, 1905 Little Rock Ark; spent some time in circus bus, finally bldg own show and 18 years in that bus; 1915- in gen mdse bus, White Clay; Sheridan Co commr 8 years; pres Union Bank of Rushville 10 years; OES 125, Rushville; AF&AM 169; Tangier Shrine; Rep; hobby, money making; res White Clay.
HARNAN, WILLIAM M: b Peoria Co Ill Oct 12, 1868; s of William Harnan- Mary Halligan; ed near Grand1043
Who's Who
Island; m Mary Russell Dec 26, 1900 Valentine (dec Jan 28, 1928); m Gertrude E Lee Oct 6, 1935 Rushville; 1889 came to Cherry Co, homesteaded, ranched; went to Rock Co, later came back to Cherry Co until 1923 when moved to Gordon; still mgr of ranches, Cherry Co; lived in sod house until 1910 when built house on ranch; MWA; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, yard, flowers; res 510 N Main, Gordon.
HARRIS, MYRTLE: County Clerk; b Holt Co, Neb Dec 28, 1887; d of James W Harris-Naoma Liptrap; ed Gordon HS 1905; CSTC; 1905-24 tchr Sheridan & Cherry Cos; 1926-35 emp in Sheridan Co treas off, serving last 4 years as dep co treas; 1935- Sheridan Co clk; past mbr of B&PW; Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, flowers; off Courthouse; res Rushville.
HEWETT, FRANK M: Retired; b Adon, Ill Nov 26, 1864; s of Leander H Hewett-Hannah W Morey; ed pub schs of Ill; 1885-1912 homesteader, cattle raiser & rancher, Sheridan Co; 1912-39 in coal bus, Gordon; mbr town bd & city treas several years; treas bd of edn, 1 term; mbr sch bd in rural dists; past pres Kiwanis Club; Comm Club; AF&AM, 195, past treas, Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; re; 114 Oak, Gordon.
HILL, MRS ALMIRA CONKLIN: Homemaker; b Lancaster, Penn June 3, 1886; d of E D Conklin-Hester Henrietta Baker; ed Iowa pub schs; m Daniel Edgar Hill Sept 3, 1884 Adel, Ia; s Pay C; d Helen Louise (Mrs Edward Shepard); came to Neb with husband 1888, locating on homestead in Sheridan Co, later moving to a ranch in same co; 1900 moved to Gordon where husband was in banking bus until his death; ch mbr OES, Royal ch 184; Presby Ch; Non-partisan; hobby, meeting people; res 132 Pine, Gordon.
HOBACK, HAROLD DOWE: Lumber & Building Dealer; b Avoca, Neb Jan 22, 1903; s of Robert Louis Hoback-Blanche Houts; ed Weeping Water HS 1921; m Opal Ervin June 3, 1925 York; s John Robert; 1922-24 in lbr bus, Callaway; 1925-35 in lbr bus, York; 1936- in lbr bus, Rushville; C of C; Lions; IOOF 369; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, hunting; res Rushville.
HOLLSTEIN, EDMUND W: Attorney, b Hay Springs, Neb Sept 28, 1912; s of William A Hollstein-Elsie Fisher; ed Hay Springs HS 1930; IT of N BA 1935, LLB 1938; George Washington U, Washington D C; U of Wash, Seattle; Delta Chi; Phi Alpha Delta; 1938- prac law, Rushville; 1939 elec Sheridan Co atty; Neb St Bar Assn; secy-treas C of C; Meth Ch; Dem, secy- treas Co Central Com; hobbies, golf, tennis, sports, hunting; res Rushville.
HOOK, ROBERT LEE: Physician & Surgeon; b Creston, Neb Mar 2, 1905; s of George W Hook-Eva Biethower; ed Creston HS 1922; U of N, MD 1930; Phi Chi; m Gwendolyn Schaffer June 14, 1929 Omaha; s Robert Lee Jr; d Margaret Ann; 1930-31 interne Uni Hosp, Omaha; 1931-32 prac med Onawa Ia; 1932-36 prac med Lodgepole; 1936- prac med, Rushville; med dir Rushville Hosp; pres N W Neb Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; past pres C of C; AF&AM 169; Meth Ch; Non-partisan; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf, sports; off Shannon Bldg; res Rushville.
HORN, CARL S: Real Estate, Loan & Insurance Agent; b Cass Co, Neb Aug 23, 1883; s of John Phillip Horn-Anna Prudence Swift; ed Hay Springs HS 1901; Bellevue Coll 1902; Western Normal Coll, Shenandoah Ia, BSc 1905; m Minnie Sage Jan 11 1910 Omaha; s Max Bion, Thomas Carl, Dean Alden; d Jessie Anna; while at HS worked at odd jobs, aided father in livery, feed & sales stable, clk in gen & drug stores; after HS graduation was asst cash First Natl Bank, Hay Springs; 1903 teleg opr C&NW RR; 1906-12 prin of shorthand & comml depts & VP Globe Bus Coll, St Paul Minn; 1912 with Paul C Morgan org Hay Springs Comml Co Inc, 1930 renamed Horn & Morgan Inc; 1932-39 pres Neb Co-op Creameries Inc, Lincoln & Omaha; 1934- dir, mbr exec com, VP Dairy & Poultry Co-ops Inc, Chicago & N Y City; 1934 first pres Natl Assn of Local Creameries St Paul Minn; 1934- dir, VP, pres, Natl Dairy Union, Washington, D C; 1935- dir, mbr exec com & secy-treas Dairy Products Marketing Assn, Inc Chicago; 1935 apptd by US Secy of Agr as mbr of cattle com of 25, AAA; 1935-39 recd two apptmts as collaborator, AAA, dairy & agr; 1933- secy-treas Sheridan-Cherry, Rushville & Hay Springs Natl Farm Loan Assns; 1937 secy Mirage Flats Pub Power & Irrigation Dist, Hay Springs; 1939 apptd by Gov Cochran to 5 year term, Neb game, forestation & parks commission; AF&AM, IOOF, Hay Springs; BPOE, Chadron & Omaha; org & first pres Motorcycle Club, St Paul Minn 1910; 1935- dir Neb St Dairymen's Assn; dir Neb div Izaak Walton League of Amer; dir Neb Safety Coun, Lincoln; ch mbr, dir, pres Lions; mbr Neb St Hist Soc; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Hay Springs.
HULL, LYLE FRANK: Rancher; b Dunlap, Ia Oct 7, 1891; s of James S Hull-Eva B Green; ed Dunlap Ia; U of N Coll of Agr 1910-13; m Helen E Miller Jan 1, 1913 Clearwater; 1913-23 in cattle bus with father & brother Burt, Gordon; 1923- rancher & livestock dlr, The Moon Ranch, Gordon; 1933- estab & opr feed yard, Dunlap Ia; specializes in Hereford cattle & White Arabian horses; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32°; Tangier Shrine; BPOE, Chadron; OES; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; hobbies, Hereford cattle, horses; res 124 Pine, Gordon.
HUTT, EDGAR: Retired Rancher; b Indianola, Ia Apr 27, 1861; s of William Hutt-Marilda J Black; ed Warren Co, Ia; m Minnie Hughes Jan 31, 1891 Fremont; m Nellie Wood Brooks Jan 31, 1927 Chicago, Ill; step s Ethan Brooks, Ira Brooks; step d Mamie Brooks (Mrs Ezra Wenger); farmed in Ia before coming to Sheridan Co; 1884 homesteaded, still owns original homestead; later in lbr bus with brother as ptr, after selling out int in this bus became rancher; in gen mdse bus, Gordon 10 years; later going to Scottsbluff & engaging in same bus; later ranched in Gordon; mbr town bd, Gordon 1 year; IOOF; Dem; hobbies, purebred Herefords, cards; res 606 Main, Gordon.
JOHNSON, MARTIN BENJAMIN: Implement Dealer; b Sheridan Co Neb, Sept 27, 1890; s of Martin Peter Johnson-Bertha T Brown; ed Sheridan Co; m Myrtle Parker June 4, 1919 Lincoln; (dec Feb 4, 1921); step s John Dee Kirkman; step d Ardath Mary Kirkman; m Ruth L Thompson Kirkman Aug 3, 1926 Alliance; 1924- impl bus in Gordon, ptr of father until 1928, since owner & opr; formerly ranched, farmed & oprd threshing machine; mbr of city coun, 2nd term pres of bd; Comm Club; AF&AM 195; IOOF 169; Meth Ch; Non-partisan; hobbies, nature, travel; off 2nd St; res 810 N Main, Gordon.
JONES, JOHN HUGH: Retired Lumber Dealer; b Cardiff, Wales Dec 13, 1857; s of Hugh T Jones-Elizabeth Williams; m Lydia Benson (dec); d Jewel (Mrs W J Primrose), Lydia Mae (Mrs Frank Tipple); m Rickie Frahm Tully, Rushville; 1865 came to U S with parents, located at Audenried Penn, Abraham Lincoln assassinated day of their arrival in New York; 1869-78 worked on coal breaker at Audenried Penn; 1878-85 with uncle in lbr bus, Watson Mo; 1885 estab lbr yard for uncle, Llewellyn Williams, Rushville; 1885-90 mgr Finney & Williams Lbr Co Rushville; 1890-92 dep treas, later treas Sheridan Co; 1892-94 Sheridan Co treas; 1894-96 cash First Natl Bank Rushville; 1896 pur H O Morse Lbr Yard; 1996-1934 owner J H Jones Lbr Yard; 1934- ret from active bus; 1934-39 built & oprd small off bIdg; past mbr C of C; past mbr sch bd; past mbr first town bd; AF&AM 169; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res Rushville.
LEEDOM, JOE W: Associate Editor; b Bartlett, Neb July 19, 1889; s of Boyd S Leedom-Ella M Wigton; ed Osmond HS 1905; Morningside Coll, Sioux City 1 year; U of N 1 year; m Jessie Smith June 2, 1910 Osmond; s Joe W Jr; d Marion (Mrs Sherwood Gaylord), Elizabeth Ann, Ruth; 1909-13 ptr of father, publisher Osmond Republican; 1913- part owner & assoc editor Gordon Journal; with U S army in Mexican border uprising 1916; during World war enl in 4th Neb inf, tsfrd to 127th field arty, capt; detailed as instr of gunnery for sch of fire at Fort Sill Okla, later ofcr on staff, disch 1919; col in field arty res, US army; Amer Leg, past dist comm 4 years; NPA; mbr city coun 2 terms; mbr Sheridan Co Fair bd 20 years, pres 4 years; Sheridan Co commr 12 years; VP Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; AF&AM 195; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, aviation, fishing; res 204 E 6th, Gordon.
LEHMAN, NICHOLAS GODFRIE: Farmer & Rancher; b Sheridan Co, Neb April 30, 1897; s of Nicholas Godfrie Lehman-Elizabeth Zeiglar; ed Sheridan Co; m Lillian Nydahl April 24, 1920 Hot Springs S D; s Billy Nick, Dick Harold; d Eleanor Marie (Mrs Loran McCloud), Lucille Helen; 1915-20 worked on farms & ranches; 1920- farmer & rancher; 1924- dir of sch bd; Presby Ch; hobbies hunting, fishing, baseball; res Rushville.
LOHMEYER, LESTER GEORGE: Editor & Publisher; b Linn, Kas Sept 27, 1908; s of John Henry Lohmeyer-Lydia Kappleman; ed Clay Center,1044
in Nebraska
Kas HS 1927; U of N, BA 1931; Beta Theta Pi; m Helen Isobel Schwieger Aug 29, 1932 Chadron; d Linda Sue, Judith; 1931-33 in advertising dept Grand Island independent; 1933- editor & publisher Hay Springs News; 1934-40 treas Sheridan Co Hist Soc; active in promotion of the Mirage Flats Irrigation Dist; pres Lions; pres Hay Springs Golf Club; NPA; deputy gov dist 38B Lions; dir Walgren Lake Improvement Assn; Hay Springs Sportsmen's Club; Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; res Hay Springs.
MARCY, CLARENCE SIDNEY: Rancher & Farmer; b Buchanan, Ia Nov 18, 1872; s of Sidney Stephen Marcy-Harriet Jane Blood; ed Buchanan Co Ia; Anaconda Mont HS; Hay Springs HS; m Dora Jane Johansen Feb 14, 1897 Hay Springs; s Clarence Leslie, Dr Deane Sidney; d Dorothy Claire (Mrs Harold Wright), Opal Joyce (Mrs Thomas Peck), Eleanor Jane; 1888 came to Hay Springs with parents in covered wagon; 1891-93 clk in E R Spencer gen mdse store, Hay Springs; 1893 clk in Northwestern State Bank, Hay Springs; 1893-95 tchr, Sheridan Co; 1896-98 clk in C A Waterman & Co mere store, Hay Springs; 1898- farmer & rancher, Hay Springs; 1923-31 Sheridan Co treas; past VP Sheridan Co ACP, mbr 2 years; C of C, Rushville; AF&AM; RAM; R&SM & KT, Chadron; past mbr MWA; past mbr Royal Highlanders; past mbr Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; past mbr & 1st secy Hay Springs Farmers Union; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, white-faced cattle; res Hay Springs.
MAYES, CURTIS LOVING: Retired Publisher; b Pike Co, Mo Jan 8, 1861; s of Lewis Clabern Mayes-Katherine Jones; ed Bedford Co Penn & Dodge Co; m Sarah Olive Richards July 12, 1888 Schuyler; s Ralph Curtis, Halford Jennings, Harold Frank; d Mildred (Mrs Leonard Peterson), Helen (Mrs E L McEwing); 1893-1900 published paper at Petersburg; 1900-33 editor & publisher of Rushville Standard; 1933- ret; mayor 3 years; mbr sch bd 3 years; IOOF 161; MWA; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, reading; res Rushville.
METZGER, WILLIAM ANDREW: Rancher & Stockman; b Cass Co, Neb Nov 12, 1868; s of Christian Metzger-Mary Louise Wintz; ed Plattsmouth HS; Omaha Bus Coll 1888-89; m Pearl Grace Parker Jan 10, 1912 Valentine; s William Woodrow, Marvin Irving; d Mary Frances, Ruth Evelyn; 1889 worked for father on farm in Cass Co; 1889-1919 homesteader & rancher in Cherry Co; 1919- res Gordon, retains his ranch in Cherry Co, specializes in Hereford cattle & purebred horses; also has ranches in Brown Co and Crook Co Wyo; pres of The Anchor Bank at Merriman; AF&AM 195; Neb Stockgrowers Assn, past exec; past mbr sch bd Cherry Co dist 138; Dem; hobbies, handling race horses, livestock, Hereford cattle; res 216 Cornell, Gordon.
MILBURN, LEONARD D: Automobile Dealer; b Torrington, Wyo Jan 31, 1909; s of William H Milburn-Anna Roberts; ed Lusk Wyo HS 1927; 1927-34 emp in auto bus, Lusk Wyo; 1934-36 mgr auto bus in Hot Springs, S D; 1936- in auto bus, Rushville; C of C; AF&AM 169; BPOE, Chadron; Rep; hobby, aircraft; res Rushville.
MILLS, FREEMAN P: Rancher; b Springville, Penn Sept 26, 1865; s of Theodore P Mills-Catherine Newton; ed Penn; m Lillie R Andreas July 21, 1891 Watcome, Washington; s Milbourn W; d Joy G (Mrs John Hyer Miller); 1885 came to Neb from Penn, emp in gen store, Atkinson; 1888 came to Gordon with a stock of goods, in mdse bus since; 1893- in cattle bus, specializing in Herefords, also has ranch ints in Sheridan & Cherry Cos, runs about 1500 cattle each year; past mbr town bd; past mbr bd of edn; past mbr Sheridan Co Fair bd; past mbr Kiwanis; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; IOOF, sr past grand; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, cattle & hogs; res Pine St, Gordon.
MORGAN, ALFRED WILLIAM: Dentist; b Tabor, Ia Mar 4, 1914; s of Robert Marion Morgan-Olive Clay Harmer; ed Glenwood Ia HS 1930; U of N 1930-32; Creighton U DDS 1936; Delta Sigma Delta; 1936-37 interne Gen Hosp, Kansas City Mo; 1937- dentist Rushville; Neb St Dental Assn; past mbr C of C; hobby, travel; off Shannon Bldg; res Rushville.
MORGAN, PAUL CLELLAN: Real Estate, Loan & Insurance Agent; b Plattsmouth, Neb May 3, 1889; s of Frank J Morgan-Gertrude E Swift; ed Plattsmouth HS 1907; U of N 1907-09; U of Ill 1909-10; m Ethel F Ballance June 4, 1913 Plattsmouth; d Marion (Mrs Lyndell F Keene), Jean; 1912- with Carl Horn in real est, loan & ins bus, 1912 incorporated as Hay Springs Comml Co, 1929- opr as Horn & Morgan Inc; 1914-19 P M, Hay Springs; 1920- opr State Theater; 1920- Horn & Morgan, Inc with Ira B Richmond opr Hay Springs Tele Exchange; mbr bd of edn since 1936; ch mbr Lions, 1st secy, now mbr bd of dirs, past pres 1 term; local govt weather observer for Hay Springs 24 years; AF&AM 177, past master; RAM; OES 272, past patron; Meth Ch, mbr bd of trustees 25 years, treas; Dem; hobby, golf; res Hay Springs.
OTTEMAN, EDWIN B: Banker; b Dodge Co, Neb June 1, 1907; s of George F Otteman-Anna Muller; ed Hooper HS 1924; Grand Island Bus Coll 1926; m Vera Spann Sept 3,1932 Hot Springs S D; 1926- with Stockmen's Natl Bank of Rushville; pres C of C; AF&AM 169; Luth Ch; Dem, secy-treas Co Central Com; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Rushville.
PARKER, MICHAEL: Rancher; b Carrollton, Mo Jan 18, 1865; s of John D Parker-Margaret Dozier; ed Carroll Co Mo; m Elizabeth Perreton Nov 6, 1889 Carrollton Mo; s Clifford R; d Christie (Mrs Harold Scribner); 1889 farmed in Me; 1890-96 homesteaded in Sheridan Co, lived in a sod house; 1896-97 photographer, Crawford; 1897-1914 emp on Carson Ranch, Cherry Co, mgr; 1914-27 rancher in Sheridan Co; 1927- owner & mgr of ranch, res Rushville; mbr sch bd dist 53 15 years; mbr of city coun 6 years; AF&AM 169; past mbr of IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem, past mbr election bd Logan pct; hobbies; hunting, fishing, travel; res Rushville.
PECK, GEORGE D: Hardware, Furniture & Machinery Dealer; b Worthington, Minn Sept 4, 1880; s of F G Peck-Louisa Leslie; ed Rushville HS 1898; m Sally Gammon June 7, 1905 Rushville; s Thomas Gammon; d Madge Emily (Mrs Lew Evans); 1897 with father org F G Peck & Son, hdw store; 1898-1900 tchr, Sheridan Co; 1897-1911 with father in hdw bus, Rushville; 1911-34 opr hdw bus; 1934- with son opr bus under name G D Peck & Son; Master Mcht 1931; VP of Neb Retail Hdw Assn 1931, pres 1932; mbr bd of edn 3 years; pres Comml Club 1 year; AF&AM 169, past master; OES Garnet 125; Meth Ch; hobbies, machinery, hunting, fishing; res Rushville.
PECK, MRS SALLY GAMMON: Homemaker; b Hymira, Ind July 18, 1885; d of R H Gammon-Jennie Robinson; ed Neb; Jr Normal, Alliance; m George D Peck June 7, 1905 Rushville; s Thomas Gammon; d Madge Emily (Mrs Lew Evans); tchr Sheridan, Cherry & Box Butte Cos; 1910-20 music tchr, Rushville; 1925- writer historical & pioneer stories, also poetry & children's verses; received NS&D award in 1937 for story, The Prairie Fire; Memoirs of Pioneer Minister's Daughter, published in Pioneer Tales of Neb Panhandle 1938; OES, Garnet ch 125, past worthy matron; Meth Ch; hobbies, crossword puzzles, writing, cards, music; res Rushville.
PETERSEN, BERNARD J. Farmer; b Mirebull, Germany Dec 17, 1877; s of John F Petersen-Brigitta Nissen; ed Rushville HS; m Lydia J Jungck Dec 17, 1903 Rushville; s P Henry, Adolph C, Lawrence B; d Nannie M (Mrs Fritz Diers), Louisa W (Mrs. Ralph Strong), Christina M, Gertrude J; 1888 came to Sheridan Co & homesteaded with father; 1902-03 rode range & broke broncos in Black Hills S D; 1903- farmer on home place, Sheridan Co; 1933- pres of Sheridan Co Hist Soc; mbr Farmers Oil Co-op, Hay Springs; Luth Ch, elder 31 years; Rep; hobby, history; res RFD Hay Springs.
PLANTZ, ALDEN CHARLES: Attorney; b Dodge Co, Neb Feb 4, 1882; s of Franklin C Plantz-Harriett Pettigrew; ed Hay Springs HS 1897; m Helen Watt Jan 1, 1908 Rushville (dec 1936); 1900-03 asst cash Northwestern State Bank, Hay Springs; 1903-10 emp by Maverick Loan & Trust Co, Rushville, later owner of bus; 1910- prac law, Rushville; 1913-19 Sheridan Co atty; 1910-12 JP, Rushville; during World war 1st pres Co ARC, govt appeal agt, secy coun of defense, mbr legal advisory bd; mbr Sixteenth Judicial Dist, Sheridan Co & Amer Bar Assns; mbr civil rights com of Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; town bd mbr 4 years; mbr bd of edn 5 years; Sheridan Co Hist Soc; included in Who's Who in Law 1937; chmn lib bd; AF&AM 169; Scot Rite; OES 125, patron 19 consecutive years; Meth Ch; Rep, 1922-32 chmn Co Central Com; hobbies, golf, farm, bridge; res Rushville.
RICHMOND, IRA BELT: Bank President; b Newton, Ia Dec 11, 1878; s of Francis Marion Richmond-Anna Catherine Belt; ed Hay Springs HS; Carthage Mo Bus Coll 1897-98; m Ethel Luella Henry (dec); s Francis Henry, Rodney Ray; d Carol Ruth (Mrs Joseph Bell); m Vera May.1045
Who's Who
Acheson-Perry Sept 10, 1923 Mitchell, S D; 1887 came with parents in covered wagon to Dawes Co; 1888-96 worked on farms in Dawes Co; 1898-1900 worked on father's farm, Carthage Mo; 1900-18 ptr of Wilson Henry, in Henry & Richmond, dlrs in lbr, coal, pumps & windmills, Hay Springs; 1916-18 ptr of Ed H Magowan in Magowan & Richmond, elevator & livestock bus Hay Springs; 1918-35 VP First Natl Bank of Hay Springs, 1935- pres; 1920- ptr in firm of Horn & Morgan in Hay Springs Tele Exchange; dir Lions; past mbr Hay Springs Golf Club; Walgren Lake Improvement Assn; past mbr sch bd; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting & golf; res Hay Springs.
ROBINS, BENJAMIN: Retired; b Collingwood Harbor, Canada Aug 15, 1859; s of Henry Robins-Jane Gray; ed Colo; m Lila Abbott Sept 20, 1885 near Gordon; s Bennett A; d Elvira Fern (Mrs George Nyffler), Lura E (Mrs J H Smith), Lillian D (Mrs Elmer Amende); 1879 came to Camp Sheridan in Sioux Co, now Sheridan Co; 1880-82 worked on Newman ranch; 1882-86 worked on Blanchard ranch; 1886- rancher & cattle raiser, lived on ranch until 1920; son now opr 6500 A ranch, runs about 300 head of cattle; past mbr Neb Stockgrowers Assn, brand inspector since 1920; mbr sch bd dist 59 many years; candidate for state representative 1924; mbr cemetery bd; Rep; hobbies, cards, travel; had first marriage license issued in Sheridan Co; res Rushville.
ROTH, JOHN LEE: Vocational Agriculture Instructor; b Plymouth, Neb Feb 23, 1904; s of N G Roth-Anna Boeckner; ed De Witt HS; U of N, BSc in Agr 1928; grad work at Colo St Coll; Alpha Gamma Rho; m Alice Annabell Tulloss June 14, 1931 Hay Springs; 1928- instr in vocational agr, Hay Springs; 1928-32 athletic coach, Hay Springs; coached NW Neb champion football team & two state judging teams, winners 1931-34; chmn of agr & livestock com, Lions; AF&AM 177; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting, sports; res Hay Springs.
SANDOZ, FELIX PAUL: Rancher; b Neuchatel, Switzerland June 17, 1882; S of Paul Frederic Sandoz-Anna Schwaar; ed Sheridan Co; m Esther Sandoz April 10, 1907 Hay Springs; s Ali Felix; d Blanch Hilda (Mrs Harley De Haven), Evelyn Susane (Mrs C T Trenkle), Florence Aneta; 1885-1907 various jobs in western Neb; 1905 homesteaded in Sheridan Co; 1905-14 farmer Sheridan Co; 1914-rancher, Sheridan Co; mbr Optimist Club; Amer Luth Ch; hobbies, hunting, reading; res Hay Springs.
SAULTS, JAMES S: Pharmacist; b Oskaloosa, Ia June 8, 1876; s of Joseph A Saults-Margaret Mitchell; ed Gordon HS 1898; U of N 3 years; m Myrtle Hickerson June 7, 1904 Gordon; s Claude H, Joseph W; d Margaret (Mrs Albert Hill), Grace (Mrs Wayne Taylor); 1902-04 owner & opr drug store, Gordon; 1904-15 owner & opr drug store in Belle Fourche S D; 1915-25 rancher in Sheridan Co; 1925- owner & opr drug store, Gordon, also int in ranching; mayor Belle Fourche S D 5 years; dir Belle Fourche Comml Club; active in promotion of creamery in Gordon, treas 6 years; treas of Gordon Fair & Rodeo Assn several years; mbr sch bd 6 years; secy-treas Comm Club; AF&AM 195; OES, patron; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing, travel; res Gordon.
STIEHL, LOUIS JOHN: Banker & Merchant; b Nashua, Ia June 14, 1865; s of Charles Stiehl-Mary Schuldt; ed Nashua & Garner Ia; m Delphine Guthrie Dec 16, 1890 Chadron; s L Charles, Roy T, Clarence R; d Gladys (Mrs ___ Earley); 1880-87 emp on farms in Ia; 1887-97 indep rancher, Sheridan Co; 1897-1918 in gen mdse bus, Hay Springs; 1927-39 pres Northwest State Bank, Hay Springs, dir 30 years; mgr Hay Springs baseball club several years; mbr sch bd & town bd several years; AF&AM 177; Luth Ch; hobby, baseball; res Hay Springs.
STRONG, ALLEN A: Merchant; b Ontario Co, N Y May 9, 1884; s of William H Strong-Emma O McFarland; ed Gordon HS 1902; m Alyce Leverenz Sept 5, 1916 Grand Island; s Rex LeRoy, Leland Dean, Allen E; d Ardath Marie; sch tchr prior to 1910, Sheridan Co; 1910-22 in curio bus, Gordon; 1922-32 P M, Gordon; 1937- in groc bus, Gordon; mbr Neb legislature under 2 house system & 1 term in unicameral, author first bill passed by electric voting machine, 1935 chmn of Rep wing in legislature, mbr final conf com that drafted liquor law for state, also mbr final conf com that drafted 1st Social Security Act, 1937 author of drunken drivers law, mbr appropriations com during last session, coauthor of gasoline bill 1937; mbr city coun, Gordon 1 term; mbr bd of edn 2 terms, pres 1 term; Comm Club; AF&AM 195; IOOF, past noble grand, dist dep grand lodge; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res 124 S Elm, Gordon.
STROTHEIDE, RALPH WILLIAM: Hardware & Implement Dealer; b Seward Co, Neb Oct 2, 1883; s of William F Strotheide-Louise Abe; ed Sheridan Co; m Nan V Heaton Aug 27, 1927 Hay Springs; s Donald Gene, Ralph William Jr, Dean Herbert; d Shirley Frances; farmed with father until 1906; 1907-08 oprd grain elevator, Rushville; 1908-09 worked in Northwestern State Bank at Hay Springs; 1909-14 entered hdw & impl bus with ptr, Hay Springs; 1915- owner & opr hdw bus, Hay Springs; mbr village bd 15 years; mbr sch bd 1933-39; 1933-39 mbr bd of dirs Hay Springs Co-op Creamery; 1936-39 treas of Sheridan Co ARC; 1934-35 pres Lions, chmn good roads com; AF&AM 177, master; IOOF 150; Meth Ch, mbr bd of trustees; hobbies, music, mechanics; res Hay Springs.
SULLIVAN, PAUL J: Physician & Surgeon; b Omaha Neb July 3, 1905; s of Timothy D Sullivan-Della Mae Zuck; ed Omaha HS 1923; Creighton U 1929; m Mary Kane Sept 1, 1930 Omaha; s Lawrence Paul, John Timothy; d Clare P; 1929-30 interne St Josephs Hosp, Omaha; 1930-33 phys, Veterans Hosp, Hot Springs S D; 1933- prac med in Rushville; mbr Neb St & AMA; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, bowling, fishing, hunting; res Rushville.
SWIGERT, JOSEPHINE SAGE: Homemaker; b Bonaparte, Ia Feb,, 10, 1880; d of Henry Franklin Sage-Margaret Sanders; ed Hay Springs HS; Lincoln Normal; m Elicha C Swigert Aug 13, 1904 St Louis Mo; sch tchr in Hay Springs & Gordon 5 years; spent all married life in Gordon; OES, Royal ch 184, 1916-17 grand matron of state lodge, past matron of local ch, gen grand ch of OES, Seattle Washington; PEO, sponsor & first pres; Presby Ch; Rep, co & dist committeewoman; husband engaged in ranching & ins bus; hobbies, reading, bridge; travel; res Gordon.
TAUSEN, GEORGE NICHOLI; Rancher; b Stavanger, Norway July 16, 1856; s of Nels S Tausen-Marta Hulga; ed Norway; m Ellen Michaelson Apr 2, 1880 Norway; s Nels (dec), Michael, Morton, Carl; seaman in Norway 10 years; came to U S 1882, settled in Ia, staying 5 years; 1887- rancher on original homestead, Sheridan Co, mgr of 2000 A; 1919- res in Gordon, still owns land; Luth Ch, deacon & trustee; Rep; hobbies, ranching & farming; res 217 Oak, Gordon.
TAYLOR, LEWIS E: Merchant; b Ewing, Neb Dec 29, 1885: s of Edwin Lewis Taylor-Nellie Antha Wanser; ed Plainview HS; Plainview Normal 1 year; m Margie Taylor Apr, 1916 Plainview; s Wayne L; O Doris, Jean; 1912-18 in gen mdse bus, Breslau; 1918-30 in gen mdse bus, Osmond; 1930- in groc bus, Gordon, also estab groc stores in Rushville & Valentine; owner & mgr farm, Sheridan Co; mbr city coun, Osmond several years; Jr C of C; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, flowers; res 709 Oak, Gordon.
TAYLOR, SUE E MRS: Rancher; b Beavertown Ohio Oct 15, 1871; d of Thomas H Nutt-Minerva F Dill; ed Hay Springs; m David T Taylor Nov 4, 1890 Hay Springs; s Walter, Everett, Ralph; d Opal F (Mrs F A Michels), Florence (Mrs F C Emmerich), Mildred W, Clara (Mrs R W Chamberlain), Helene (Mrs J W Patterson), Ruth (Mrs K R Bowie); lived in Hay Springs where Mr Taylor was in banking bus 21 years; later moved to Denver where family was educated; retd to ranch; since death of husband in 1925, has oprd cattle ranch and farmed; NW Stockgrowers Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, ranching, making money, travel; res Hay Springs.
TINNIN, BUFORD: Rancher; b Elgin, Tex July 9. 1877; s of John Tinnin-Elizabeth Herrow; ed Georgetown Tex; Notre Dame U; Bryan & Stratton Bus Coll, Chicago; m Bess Helen Antenen Jan 16, 1911 Gordon; 1897- rancher & cattle man, Sheridan Co; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; mbr Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; AF&AM 195; Scot Rite 32°; Tangier Shrine; BPOE, Alliance; Meth Ch: Dem; hobby, travel; res Rushville.
TULLOSS, FRED: Farmer & Rancher, b Iowa City Ia June 13, 1879; s of Frank Tulloss-Anna Cooper; ed Hay Springs HS; Western Normal 1894-95; U of N 1897-98; Beta Theta Pi; m Alfretta Doyle Sept 22, 1909, Omaha; s John William, Rex Cooper, Val Willoughby; d Alice (Mrs John Roth), Ellene (Mrs Robert Barnett);1046
in Nebraska
1903-05 clk in Neb legislature; 1905 worked for Nye-Schneider; 1905-07 worked for Cudahy Packing Co; 1907- opr farm & ranch, Sheridan Co; mbr & dir sch bd 16 years; 1929-40 chmn co bd; 1st pres of Hay Springs Co-op Creamery 1929-35; Lions; AF&AM 177; Scot Rite, Alliance; Meth Ch; res Hay Springs.
VAUGHN, FRANK WESLEY: Physician & Surgeon; b Coon Rapids, Ia Sept 22, 1887; s of Wesley Vaughn-Pauline Smith; ed Bloomfield HS 1908; U of Ia 1912; Phi Alpha Gamma: m Mabel C Johnson June 25, 1913 Bristow; d Violet Margaret (Mrs Lyle Fitch), Lois Mabel, Frances Joyce, Betty Jean; 1912-19 prac med, Lynch; 1919-27 prac med, Gregory S D; 1929- prac med in Sheridan Co & Gordon; owner & opr hospital; mgr of ranch & raises purebred Hereford cattle; Neb St & AMA; C of C; AF&AM 195; OES; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, ranching, Hereford cattle, hunting, fishing; off Saub Bldg; res 615 Main, Gordon.
VERSAW, CHARLES R: Pharmacist; b Cook, Neb Oct 4, 1883: s of Francis E Versaw-Sarah King; ed U of N; Creighton U Coll of Pharm; m Kate Cole Dec 20, 1910 Omaha; s Francis Raymond; d Doris E (Mrs Doyle Sorenson), Mary K (Mrs Howard Bottorff); 1910-15 emp in drug store, Gordon; 1915- owner & opr drug store, Gordon; mbr bd of edn 15 years; past mbr town bd; Kiwanis; AF&AM 195, past master; OES, Royal ch; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, agate cutting & polishing, flowers, hunting, fishing; res 514 N Main, Gordon.
WEFSO, ROBERTS: Pharmacist; b Good Hope, Ill Nov 20, 1894; s of Fredrick F Wefso-Alice M Clark; ed Fremont HS; Fremont Normal 1913-15; m May Conn June 12, 1922 Chadron; s Robert F, Fredrick C; d Bette Lou; 1920-26 in drug bus, Harrison; 1926-28 emp in drug store, Rushville; 1928-29 emp in drug store, Hot Springs S D; 1929- owner & opr drug bus, Rushville; during World War enl May 1917, 1st S D cavalry, O/S 4 mos, disch Jan 19, 1919; service ofcr Amer Leg, Rushville 10 years; C of C; 1932-34 mbr sch bd; AF&AM 169; IOOF 161, past noble grand; Lions; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbles, hunting dogs, hunting, fishing, saddle horses; res Rushville.
WILHITE, MRS OLGA M WADDILL: Clerk of District Court; b Fayette Co, Tex Oct 5, 1880; d of Elias M Waddill-Elizabeth M Irwin; ed Levita Tex HS 1898; North Tex Normal Coll, Denton; Normal Schs, Rushville & Alliance; m Roscoe L Wilhite Nov 6, 1904 Gordon (dec); s Donald M, Dean; 1901 came to Cherry Co; tchr rural sch in Tex prior to Neb residence; tchr Sheridan Co 1 year, Gordon 1 year; 1933- clk of dist court; 1904-05 res in Springview, husband prac law; 1906 res Harrison; 1907 res in Rushville; past mbr of B&PW; past mbr PTA; mbr Columbian Reading Club; PEO; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, travel, home, reading; off Courthouse; husband was atty in Sheridan Co nearly 25 years & co atty 2 terms; res, Rushville.
WOLVINGTON, WALTER H: Grain & Coal Dealer; b Cedar Rapids, Ia Dec 8, 1887; s of James W Wolvington-Mary Hamilton; ed Dawes Co; Chadron Acad 1905-06; m Pearl I Gilmore April 14, 1913 Rushville; s Earl A; d Zelma R; 1906-09 worked on various farms; 1909-11 farmed with father, Dawes Co; 1911-13 worked on farm of Charles Hawk, Dawes Co; 1913-20 farmer & rancher Dawes Co; 1920 came to Rushville: 1922 ent the coal & grain bus; 1922-25 ptr of Lester W Davis in Davis & Wolvington, dirs in livestock, grain & coal; 1925- owner & opr W H Wolvington Grain & Coal Co; past mbr town bd; C of C; AF&AM 169; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Rushville.
ZOLL, KATE M: Retired; b Mauch Chunk, Penn Oct 25, 1851;. d of Nathan Zoll-Christian Franzman; ed Orwigsburg Penn; 1882-84 in bus at Fremont; 1885 homesteaded in Sheridan Co; 1893-19 opr gen store, Rushville; 1919- ret; ch mbr First Presby Ch; hobby, reading; res Rushville.
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