NEGenWeb Project - Stanton County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska
Meroe Outhouse
EMAINS of earlier Indian settlements in what is now Stanton County are still to be found. Between 1934 and 1938, the buried sites of Indian villages were uncovered by the University of Nebraska archeological expeditions. An iron kettle and weapons which were unearthed pointed to Indian trade with the Spanish. The county was a part of the hunting grounds of the Ponca and the Omaha, which accounts for the great number of arrowheads, stone weapons and buffalo bones found.
The Sioux contested the right of the Ponca and Omaha to these hunting grounds, where herds of buffalo, elk and deer were still numerous when the first settlers came. A severe encounter on the banks of the northern tributary of the Elkhorn gave it the name Indian creek.
According to Dr. W. L. Bowman, a pioneer physician and minister who talked with Chief Two Crow and other survivors of the battle, the Omahas and Poncas, led by Chief Logan were outnumbered two to one by the Sioux war party led by Chief White Wolf. The Omaha and Ponca were on a summer hunting trip, and were accompanied by the women and children who constituted two-thirds of the party of 6,000. They had camped on both sides of the Elkhorn, and along Butterfly and Indian creeks. Dr. Bowman placed the date of this battle as the summer of 1848.
Henry Blackbird, an old Indian who was living at Decatur in 1926, stated that a great Indian battle took place at this site in 1864. Doubtless more than one battle raged in the neighborhood of Indian creek.
On the hill above Indian creek, now the site of the I. O. O. F. cemetery, Indian dead were buried in great numbers. W. H. Oliver, the sexton for many years, often talked with the Indians who revisited the site, and carefully re-interred Indian bones which he disturbed.
The northern tier of townships of Stanton County was part of an Izard County whose boundaries were defined by an act of the General Assembly of March 6, 1855. This first Izard County included the present Cedar, Dixon and Wayne Counties, as well as parts of Cuming, Stanton, Pierce and Knox.
By an act of Jan. 26, 1856, most of the territory comprising Izard County was incorporated in Dixon and Pierce. The name Izard was transferred to territory including Cuming County's western tier of townships and a part of the western tier of Madison County. It was named in honor of Mark W. Izard of Arkansas the first marshal and second governor of Nebraska Territory, and afterwards a soldier in the Confederate army.
The eighth territorial assembly was the first to be controlled by the Republican party, and by an act of Jan. 10, 1862, that body changed the name of the county to Stanton, in honor of Lincoln's secretary of war. An act of the eleventh territorial assembly approved Feb. 12, 1886, transferred the western tier of townships to Cuming County. Madison County had been organized in 1856. The eastern boundary of Stanton was formally recognized by the general statutes of 1873. Stanton, with an area of 432 square miles, thus became one of the smaller counties of the state.
The first men who entered the county and located farms were Charles and Mitchell Sharp. They came in the summer of 1866, staked claims on Humbug creek (so called because early comers mistook it for the Elkhorn and called it a Humbug), and returned to Omaha for the winter. On their way they met Jacob Hoffman and Francis Scott, driving ox teams and bringing their goods and families with them.
During the winter of 1865-66 Scott and Hoffman worked on the Platte river, cutting ties for the Union Pacific railroad. The two women remained in the rude log-dirt cabins on the Humbug, to look after the property. Thus, two women may be called the first permanent settlers of Stanton County.
Early settlers came with military bounty scrip, purchased from speculators for as little as fifty cents an acre. Having acquired ownership of land by purchase, they then proceeded to homestead additional lands under the Pre-emption act of 1841, the Homestead act of 1862, or the Timber Culture act, which required the planting of ten acres of trees. In this way a number of energetic settlers by purchase and homestead acquired considerable holdings. In August of 1866 August Wagener* settled south of the river. At that time he was the only settler on that side. In the fall of 1866 a group of Germans settled on the Humbug five miles northeast of the present site of Stanton. Among them were August Draube, Frederick Koch, John Melcher, Adam Nye, Cornelius Nye and Carl Schwartz. In October of 1866 occurred the death of John Maskenthine, who was buried on his homestead on the banks of the
*Spelling varies in records and newspapers.1063
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creek west of Stanton which today bears his name. I. R. Layton, Andrew Schauble, John Rustemeyer, and Paul Heyse had settled near the present town of Pilger, also on the Humbug.
The first election of Stanton County was held Oct. 6, 1866, with the polling place Paul Heyse's 9x12 sod house. At that time there were fourteen families in the county and thirteen votes were cast. W. D. Whalen, I. R. Layton, and Francis Scott were elected commissioners, Jacob Hoffman treasurer, Paul Heyse county clerk, Joshua Maltbie probate judge, M. B. Sharp sheriff, August Wagener coroner, and I. R. Layton and M. B. Sharp justices of the peace. The whole county was organized in one precinct, Canton.
An early editor and historian of Stanton County, J. D. Slater, thus describes county procedure. "Notwithstanding the fact that the county seat had been fixed by law the county clerk did not deem it necessary for the board to meet there. His removal from one place to another took the office from place to place, always within the county. When he notified the county commissioners to meet at a given time and place, they met."
On Jan. 23, 1867 the first session of the commissioners of Stanton County was held. Francis Scott was elected chairman; the county clerk was authorized to purchase necessary books and journals; dogs were not to be taxed; each group of four townships running north and south formed one district; the territorial assembly was petitioned for the same herd law for Stanton as for Cuming County; and the "salery" of the county clerk was fixed at $25 per annum, expenditures to bear interest at 10 percent.
On July 8, 1867 Heyse resigned as county clerk, and Cornelius Nye was appointed in his place. At this time it was ordered that $10 be borrowed from the school fund to buy a county seal.
In 1867 two postoffices were established in the county, one known as Clinton, kept by Frederick W. Biehle, at his residence; and the other, west of Stanton, kept by Frederick Helmerick. Mail was carried from West Point by George Bailey, whose pockets served as mail sacks.
During the spring of 1867 E. W. Mosher, E. S. Butler and Thomas Stevens settled on the Humbug, Julius Poessnecker and Louis Belz came into the county, and the first schoolhouse in the county was erected at Clinton. Gustav Sonnenschein was the first teacher. On Feb. 20, 1868, Bortoff and wife donated one acre of land to the directors of school district No. 3 for school purposes. This site was later exchanged for the present site of the Stanton public schools.
A daughter, Ida, born to Jacob Hoffman and wife on Dec. 9, 1867, was the first birth in Stanton County.
Norwegians had taken claims on Union creek southeast of Stanton, in 1867. From 1868-69 settlement increased rapidly. Fred Schneider, John Wunner, Jack de Bord, A. N. Gill, J. G. Matheson and C. L. Lamb located on the Humbug. In 1869 a colony from Indiana settled on the westernmost tributary of the Elkhorn river on the north side. The settlement was called Pleasant Run, later Gassey Hollow, and today is referred to as Hoosier Hollow. These settlers from Indiana included Dr. W. L. and Eli Bowman, H. Kennedy, H. Rogers, N. C. and J. S. Lovett, W. T. Alexander, and S. R. McFarland.
Another settlement, northeast of Stanton, begun in 1870, was known as the Canadian settlement. Burtwistle, Barr, Spence, Kingsley, McKinsey, Milligan, Peters, Kinney and King were names prominent here. Robert Hume, a Scotchman and lover of the poet Bobbie Burns, was a colorful pioneer.
Also in 1870 R. Oberg, H. Scherer, Fred and Tobias Mack, Lewis Ley, John C. Esswein, John Everson and R. Lowery, located south of Stanton. G. Sonnenschein and J. D. Underburg took land on Union creek.
A colony of "Black Swedes", (they wore black beards and leather aprons), led by Andrew Johnson, settled in the northwest part of the county in 1870. A postoffice located at Johnson's residence was named Bega, purportedly after a river in Hungary. The first summer the men lived under wagon boxes, while the women procured work in Omaha to obtain cash for their homestead projects. Mrs. Andrew Johnson walked the distance to Omaha in the spring, and back in the fall.
Bohemians first appeared in the county in 1869, when Joseph Sirovy homesteaded. Later many members of this nationality settled in the southern part of the county, close to the Bohemian settlements of Colfax County.
In the 1880's Virginians came to the county in large numbers. In 1892 German settlers led in population, with Wisconsin second, Indiana third, Iowa fourth, and Ohio, Illinois and New York followed in order.
The German settlers' love of music found expression in the Germania Singing Societies (for men).
In 1869 a petition to change the location of the county seat resulted in a hotly contested election. The Humbuggers had the largest settlement and felt that the county seat, which had been located on an open space in the center of the county, should be moved farther east. They proposed a settlement to be known as Clinton, three miles east of the present town of Stanton. After the election, Clinton was declared to have won by eight votes.
On Oct. 30, 1869 Jonas Nye made complaint "That the election was illegal for the following reasons: First, that the ballot box was taken with the judges and clerks of said election when they went to dinner; Second, that there was whiskey or other intoxicating drinks; Third, that whereas at the first election held in Stanton County, the county seat was located on the northeast quarter of the south1064
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east quarter of Section 20, Township 32 North, Range 2 East, and no notice was given at the time required by law; and that on July 5, 1869, the citizens of Stanton County filed a petition asking for a relocation of the said county seat, and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter had a majority of eight votes. Ordered that the county clerk ask for information on the above points whether the said election was lawful or not."
The legality of the vote was passed upon by District Attorney Gray of Fremont who decided that on account of some technicality the election was illegal. The county seat remained the same, and the county authorized the building of a courthouse. In 1871 the first bridge across the Elkhorn was built at Stanton.
The first marriage in the county was that of Herman Mewis and Emma Hinkle, in the fall of 1869. One account says the couple obtained the license in Pierce County but were married by Judge Frederick Helmerick of Stanton County, so had to be remarried. Another story is that they obtained the license and thinking that nothing further was necessary, settled down to married life in Pierce County, but that the bride's mother heard of the omission and had it rectified.
The first religious services to be conducted by a resident of the county were held in 1870, when Dr. W. L. Bowman, a licensed minister of the United Brethren in Christ, who had come from Indiana in 1869, held services in the log schoolhouse on the W. D. Whalen farm. In the year 1873 Salem Evangelical Church was organized and the building which this congregation erected in Stanton in 1878 was the first church structure in the present town of Stanton.
The original plat of Stanton was surveyed in September of 1870 and recorded June 22, 1871. S. L. Holman is said to have named the town Stanton in honor of his wife, whose maiden name was Stanton. In 1879 the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad, later called the Chicago and Northwestern, located its depot a mile west of the original settlement. This necessitated further additions and the town moved westward.
Several railroad surveys were made in Stanton County. In 1869 a line from Yankton to Columbus was surveyed, but never built. A second proposed road was the Covington, Columbus and Black Hills line, for which an $85,000 bond issue was voted, but never used. In 1879, the Sioux City and Pacific, which had reached Wisner in 1871, asked for bonds to continue through Stanton County. The sum of $40,000 was voted after an anti-bond demonstration. By the spring of 1880, this road, now the Northwestern, was built through the county, twenty-two miles of track following the river. In the early nineties, the Chicago St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railroad completed a line from Norfolk to Sioux City.
The town of Pilger, platted in 1880, ten miles northeast of Stanton, and on the Northwestern railroad, is the only other town in the county. Pilger was named in honor of Peter Pilger, who was a prominent early settler.
Because of the right-of-way, grants to the two railroads, thousands of acres in Stanton County were withdrawn from settlers. Many preferred to buy railroad land, because title could be secured at once. In 1885 Burlington railroad land was selling in Stanton County for $5 per acre.
Much Stanton County land was withheld from early settlers by speculators who bought agricultural and mechanic arts scrip, -- land grants to eastern states for the establishment of colleges teaching agriculture and engineering. When the states failed to use the land, the speculator stepped in, bought the scrip for a low price per acre, located his land, and waited for a chance to sell. Yet speculators did not have all the profit. J. H. Slater, writing in the Stanton Register in 1888, remarks that settlers used the speculator's heavy timber-oak, hackberry, red and white elm, ash, box elder and cottonwoodfor fuel and buildings. Also the speculator regularly received a tax statement for his real estate holdings, so that it was his wealth that really carried on the expenses of county government.
Walter Craig and Ephraim Clark of Indiana, in 1868 obtained much land assigned to the states of Indiana and Massachusetts. Their grandiose scheme of township farm was interesting. Thirty-six miles of Osage hedge was set out to furnish fencing for the cattle ranch. The ranch was divided into four equal parts, two sections broken for cultivation, an orchard of fruit trees was planted, and cattle and swine herds were begun. John and William Trine were managers from 1868 to 1875. A mythical town, Craig, was laid out, and in 1875 consisted of a farmhouse, a little cabin, and a number of good buildings. In June of 1875 there was talk of dividing the ranch among the members of a Bohemian colony, who would profit by the improvements, buy the city "lots" at a small price, and with the proceeds build a brick schoolhouse.
Instead sixteen sections were acquired by Marshall Field and his wife by foreclosure. In 1882 Dwight James and Lawrence Brown, Marshall Field's nephews from Boston, were placed in charge. Fine horses were bred, more cattle barns and sheds were erected, and other improvements were made. The James and Brown Ranch consisted of two sections.
In 1885 William T. Blodgett, Fred L. Eldridge and Nathanial Howard Thorpe of New York City bought two sections of land from the Fields. On it they erected a house with a large basement, brick fireplace, white pine interior finish, and original cedar tree trunks for porch pillars. Their brand was the Circle X, and not only cattle, but also hogs were housed in sheds of good construction. The owners spent their winters in New York, returning to the Nebraska ranch in the summer.1065
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In locating a well on this ranch, an air pocket was struck, and the resultant noise was the inspiration for the name Blow Ridge Ranch. Geologists from Washington, D. C., made tests which led to the belief that there might be helium, or possibly oil, in the vicinity of this air pocket.
The ranch idea was strong at this time, and John Borland of New York City began another ranch experiment. The Borland Ranch maintained kennels of hounds as well as herds of blooded stock: the riding habits, dinner gowns, and eastern fashions of the lady of the ranch, as well as the white painted buildings attracted much attention. The Brooklyn Ranch, the Omaha Ranch, the Missouri Horse Ranch, the Wisherd (later the Bilby) Ranch, Maxwell and Andrews, and the Powder River Livestock Company were ventures which brought much pure-bred stock into the county. Texas Longhorns, the terror of the countryside because of their fierceness, Guernseys, Herefords, and Merino sheep were the beginning of the livestock industry.
Stanton County also became known for purebred hogs. By developing a new type of Duroc, high and long, Ed Kern in 1918 captured junior and grand national prizes with his Sensation Wonder and Great Orion strain. The money value of purebred hog and cattle shipments made the Stanton station a ranking one on the Northwestern railroad. In 1929 the First National Bank of Stanton ranked first in the state of Nebraska and twenty-ninth in the United States.
Hampshires of the herd of Ed S. Rennick attracted nationwide attention in 1932, when "Blue Boy," winning the midwest championship, was sold to Fox studios for the movie "State Fair ". "Blue Boy" starred with Will Rogers, who later presented him to the California Polytechnical School. In 1938 and again in 1939 Gilbert Bolz, a Stanton County 4-H member, won the grand championship at the Nebraska State Fair with his calves.
Perhaps because of the gold rush to the Black Hills, when Stanton County was one of the last outfitting points, the lure of mineral wealth has more than once aroused the citizens. As early as 1875 there was talk of coal mining four miles south of town. The Union Creek Mining Company was organized on Aug. 14, 1896, when local investors furnished $20,000 capital. The air-pocket well on Blow Ridge Farm, now owned by Frank Hunt, is capped, awaiting possible developments.
A brickyard was built in 1878 on the west side of Maskenthine Creek. It had a capacity of 110,000 bricks. It was succeeded by a still larger brickyard, which was abandoned when a siding from the Northwestern railroad could not be obtained. Since 1937 the county has acquired gravel pits which supply gravel for county roads.
Subscriptions were obtained for a flour mill in 1879, and the first mill was erected in 1880 on the Elkhorn river, south of Stanton. It was destroyed by fire in 1888. Subscriptions were also solicited for a steam roller mill which was built west of the railroad station, but was foreclosed in 1890. In 1901 Frank L. Sanders built a power dam west of the south river bridge. The dam failed to hold and he moved the mill to a site south of the depot in 1905. This mill burned in 1929 and has not been rebuilt.
When John S. Borland left Stanton in 1886 he donated his books for a public library. This was housed in a small frame building until 1914, when the present brick library building was erected with the aid of Carnegie funds. The city park, a block in west Stanton, was given to the city when the Holman addition was surveyed in 1890, on the condition that the town plant and care for trees.
Thirty-nine acres on the river southeast of town were purchased by the Stanton County Agricultural Society in 1887. The race track, the beautiful grassy golf links, and the many convenient buildings for assembly and exhibition purposes, plus the band shell and the American Legion swimming pool, represent at once the heart of Stanton County's interests -- agriculture, music, and most of all, that for which the pioneers worked and planned -- the oncoming generation.
AHLMAN, ARTHUR HERMAN: Oil Distributor; b Pierce, Neb May 21, 1897; s of Herman Ahlman-Elizabeth Kolterman; ed Pierce HS; m Agnes E Krug June 18, 1923 Norfolk; s Arthur William; d Marylin Phyllis; 1922-25 owner Hoskins Oil Co, Hoskins; 1925-26 with Sinclair Oil Co, Norfolk; 1926- owner & opr Central Filling Station, Stanton; 1939- mbr bd of edn; during World War enl in tank corps of U S army, served 8 mos O/S; Amer Leg; Business Mens Club; Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, baseball; off Central Filling Station Bldg; res Stanton.
ALLEN, SILAS GILBERT: Physician & Surgeon; b Harlan, la Apr 6, 1875; s of Daniel W Allen-Mary Bothwell; ed Woodbine Ia. Normal; U of N, MD 1901; m Louise May Beran Oct 13, 1904 Ord; s Silas Gilbert Jr; d Daisy Viola (Mrs Lowell F Maxwell); 1894-96 tchr, Shelby Co, Ia; 1901-02 house phys, Meth Hosp, Omaha; 1902-18 prac med, Clarkson; 1918-23 prac med, Scottsbluff; 1923- prac med, Stanton; local surg C&NW RR; Elkhorn Valley & Madison Six-Co Med Socs; Neb St Med Assn; Business Mens Club; AF&AM; Shrine, MWA; Congl Ch; hobbies, gardening; res Stanton.
ARMBRUSTER, SIGMUND FRED: County Judge; b Stanton, Neb June 27, 1902; s of Louis Armbruster-Julia Schulte; ed Stanton HS 1921; m Ruth Megonigle Oct 10, 1927 Wisner; d Mardelle; 1927-37 bkkpr for Farmers Union Lbr Yard, Stanton; 1937 apptd Stanton Co judge; 1938- Stanton Co judge by election; pres vol fire dept; Neb Co Judges Assn; Business Mens Club; Sons of Hermann; KC; St Peters Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; father pres of Elkhorn Valley State Bank, also farmed in Stanton Co; off Courthouse; res Stanton.
BANGS, CLIFFORD ELVIN: Dentist; b Wright Co, Ia Nov 9, 1890; s of Alonzo A Bangs-Josephine Mabbott: ed Dawes Ia HS 1900; Creighton U, DDS 1908; m Bertha Grace Mayer Apr 19, 1911 Stanton; s Charles Alonzo; d Nan Josephine; 1908-21, 1930- prac in Stanton; 1921-30 prac in Crofton; AF&AM; MWA; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, camping; res Stanton.
BARE, LEIGH E: Banker; b Pilger, Neb Apr 13, 1899; s of Edward Bare-Minnie Milburn; ed Pilger HS 1916; U of N 1916-17; m Adela Chmeler May 31, 1923 Omaha; s Lyle Lee: 1919- asst cash & dir Farmers Natl1066
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Bank of Pilger; during World War enl Apr 1918, as radio opr in US Navy, transport service, disch Oct 1919; Amer Leg; pres Comml Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Pilger.
BENNE, VICTOR: County Treasurer; b Cuming Co, Neb Sept 8, 1891; s of John H Benne-Anna Dierker; ed Stanton HS; WSTC 1908-09; m Minnie Schultze Oct 12, 1915 Stanton; d Loretta; 1915-19 farmed in Stanton Co; 1920-23 oprd Benne's Impl Shop, Stanton; 1923-28 in auto repair bus; 1928-35 oprd Benne's Transfer; 1935- Stanton Co treas; Business Mens Club; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Stanton.
BORDNER, LELAND STANFORD: Oil Distributor & Farmer; b Pilger, Neb Apr 24, 1895; s of Samuel T Bordner-Emiline Haidle; ed Pilger HS; m Laura Woeddel Feb 28, 1916, Omaha; s Leland Samuel Jr; 1916- opr 240 A grain land near Pilger in Stanton Co; engaged in feeding cattle & raising hogs 20 years; 1936- owner & opr Bordner Service Station, Pilger; 1935- pres bd of edn; dir Stanton Co Agrl Soc; Farmers Union; Co-op Creamery; Comml Club; AF&AM; MWA; Meth Ch; Dem, chmn Pilger pct Central Com; hobbies, fishing, football, athletics; res Pilger.
BREMER, GUS: Farmer & Stockman: b Stanton Co, Neb Dec 27, 1888; s of Julius Bremer-Bertha Nickel; ed Stanton Co; m Ann Reiss Apr 6, 1925 Osceola Ia; s Gus Jr, Gene; d Florence, Pearl Mae; 1906- opr of farm in ptrship with father who settled on homestead in Elkhorn pct, Stanton Co in 1868; owner 336 A grain & stock farm; feeder of Aberdeen Angus cattle since 1921, buys direct from sandhills; cattle have topped the Omaha market 13 out of 16 times in 1938 prices; $17.75 per cwt 1927; $10.60 per cwt in 1934, $16.40 for 1937, $13.50 for 1938, records for these years unbroken; feeds approximately 300 cattle per year, estimated has topped market 100 times; 1938 Bremer's Aberdeen Angus beef on display in Omaha at Swift's Golden Jubilee; Bremer's beef featured by Metropolitan Hotel in N Y City as Bremer Steaks; Omaha World Herald Apr 8, 1937 "numbering 18 head the fancy showing of black bullocks averaged 1383 pounds & bore every evidence of a master job of finishing. Armour & Co pur the lot for their New York trade, where Mr Bremer's reputation as a producer of prime beef is almost as well known as it is here"; Omaha Journal Stockman Apr 8, 1937 "the Bremer cattle which are of outstanding quality have been fitted to a kings taste by well over a year in the feed lot.;" dir Stanton Co Agri Soc; dir Farmers Union; treas bd of edn dist 22; Evang Ch; Rep, pct chmn Central Com; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Stanton.
CARSON, LELAND S: County Clerk; b Stanton Co, Neb Jan 19, 1909; s of John C Carson-Grace Wilson; ed Pilger HS 1926; WSTC, tchrs 2nd grade certificate 1931; 1st grade tchrs cert 1934; m Norine Mitchell Nov 4, 1934 Winside; s James S; d Janete Rae; 1926-27, 1930-31 with Pilgers Store, Pilger; 1928-29, 1931-34 tchr, Stanton Co; 1929 with Norfolk State League Ball Club, Norfolk; 1934- Stanton Co elk; N E Neb Co Ofcrs Assn; Business Mens Club; Sons of Herman; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, outdoor sports; res Stanton.
CHACE, WALTER RAY: Agricultural Extension Agent, Farmer & Banker; b Stanton Co, Neb Apr 20, 1895; s of James Ray Chace-Minnie Keeley; ed Norfolk HS 1913; Ia St Coll, BSc 1917; Alpha Sigma Phi; m Iva G Baker Apr 1, 1923 Boone Ia; s Walter Ray, Jack, Robert; d Ada, Mary, Patricia Ann, Nancy Lou, Judith; 1918- owner & opr 480 A Stanton Co grain & livestock farm; feeds approximately 200 head of cattle & 200 head of hogs annually; 1935- Stanton Co agrl agt; 1934 chmn Corn-Hog Program Stanton Co AAA; 1927- pres Farmers Natl Bank of Pilger, founded in 1901 by James R Chace; mbr bd of mgrs Stanton Co Agri Soc; dir Farmers Union Co-op Assn, pres 1923-26; Pilger Business Mens Club; Stanton Business Mens Club: during World War enl in U S army Sept 1917, 2nd It 49th machine gun batt 17th div, disch Nov 1918; Amer Leg; AF&AM 32; Meth Ch, SS supt, trustee; Indep; wife recd LLB from Ia U, adm to Neb & Ia bars & prac law in Boone, Ia; off Courthouse; res Pilger.
COLBURN, MARK: Superintendent Rural Electrification Area; b Palmer, Neb Aug 13, 1889; s of John M Colburn-Belle Jolls; ed Merrick Co; St Paul Bus & Normal Coll 1909; m Clarice Bartholomew Mar 19, 1911 Palmer; s Robert, John, William; d Maebelle (Mrs J F Hoffman), Doris (Mrs Chris Dumas), Maxine (Mrs Edwin Weber), Rena (Mrs Floyd Smith), Jeanne; 1909-10 bkkpr & steno in H B Van Decar real est & law firm, St Paul; 1910-14 opr indep real est bus; 1914-17 owner & opr 2400 A ranch near Sargent; 1917-36 owner & opr 200 A farm near Palmer; 1927-28 mgr Palmer Shipping Assn; 1921- chmn & dir Farmers Grain & Coal Co, Palmer, asst mgr 1921-37; 1937- with rural electrification projects in Neb; 1939- project supt of rural electrification area in Stanton Co; Business Mens Club; Meth Ch; Dem; off Rural Electrification Office; res Stanton.
COLLINS, LEONARD: Veterinarian & Farmer; b Seymour, Ia May 27, 1885; s of George W Collins-Sophia Eugene Kemp; ed Tekamah HS 1905: Kansas City Veterinary Coll, DVS 1908; m Georgia Fern Barnett June 28, 1911 Stanton; s Dr G L Collins; d Margaret Eugene, Marie Ann; 1908- prac veterinary med in Stanton, opr 480 A farm & 208 A farm in Stanton Co & owns half section in Cheyenne Co; NE Neb Veterinary Med Soc; past pres Neb St Veterinary Med Assn; Amer Veterinary Med Assn; dir Stanton Co Agri Soc; ambassador, Ak-Sar-Ben since 1920; Business Mens Club; past mayor; AF&AM; BPOE; MWA; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting, golf; res Stanton.
DEMAREE, HAROLD D: Auto Dealer; b Geneva, Neb Dec 30, 1888; s of Frank Demaree-Ella Yates; ed Ohiowa HS 1908; m Catherine Sharp Mar 21, 1912 Liberty; d Dorothy (Mrs Milo Adams); 1910-14 farmed in Fillmore Co; 1914-18 homesteaded 680 A of land, Arthur Co; 1918-22 owner & opr 1,600 A ranch near Brownlee; 1922-27 opr 3,000 A ranch near Brownlee; 1927- owner & opr Demaree Chevrolet Co, Stanton; mbr vol fire dept; Omaha Zone Chevrolet Dlrs Assn; Neb Auto DIrs Assn; past mbr Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Business Mena Club, pres 1939-40; AF&AM, worthy master 1936-37; Congl Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, golf, baseball; res Stanton.
DREWELOW, RICHARD J: Druggist; b Stanton, Neb June 8, 1884; s of John Drewelow-Hedwig Hamann; ed Stanton HS 1901; Creighton U 1906-07; m Bessie McKinsey Sept 4, 1907 Stanton; s Dr Kenneth R; d Ruth J (Mrs H E Luedke); 1902-14 with W H Person in firm of Person & DeWitt, Stanton; 1914- 23 ptr in DeWitt & Drewelow; 1923- owner Drewelow Pharm; 1921- secy sch bd; Business Mens Club; AF&AM; Congl Ch, clk since 1923; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Stanton.
ERTZNER, LEO HENRY: Farmer; b Norfolk, Neb June 15, 1891; s of Henry Ertzner-Louise Lehman; ed Stanton Co; m Martha Ohm May 4, 1916 Norfolk; s Edwin, Fred, Arthur, Duane; d Edna, Alice, Ada; opr 480 A grain & pasture land in Stanton Co in ptrship with Win Ertzner 1914-22; 1922- owner & opr 160 A grain & pasture land in Stanton Co; mbr bd of edn, dist 36; St Paul's Luth Ch, Norfolk; Rep; hobby, travel; mother came to Stanton in 1869, father in 1871; res Stanton.
FECHNER, WALTER JOHN: Hardware Dealer; b Stanton, Neb July 2, 1895; s of Gustav Fechner-Louise Neumann; ed Stanton HS 1914; m Floyce Barr June 9, 1920 Norfolk; s Warren, James; d Louise Ann; 1914-30 asst cash Elkhorn Valley State Bank, Stanton; 1930- owner & opr Fechner Hdw Store; 1938- secy bd of edn; Business Mens Club; during World War enl May 1918, hdqrs Co field arty 88th div, disch Jan 1919, 5 1/2 mos O/S; Amer Leg, finance ofcr; AF&AM; Congl Ch, secy bd of trustees; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; res Stanton.
FLAKE, WILLIAM EDWARD: Superintendent of Schools; b Iowa City, Ia Feb 24, 1884; s of Amos P Flake-Sarah Drawbaugh; ed Bellwood HS 1902; U of N, BSc 1909; Scabbard & Blade; Ofcrs Club; asst in science dep during grad work U of N 1913; grad work U of Ia summer sessions 1926-27; Pi Gamma Mu; m Sarah Cooper July 6, 1910 Bellwood; s Denton Deforest (dec); d Ethlyn, Wilma; 1909-12 supt of schs in Ainsworth; 1913-16 supt of schs in Pender; 1916- supt of schs, Stanton; past treas, secy & pres of NE Neb Tchrs Assn; Neb Schoolmasters Club; NSTA; NEA; VP Neb HS Activities Assn; AF&AM; Meth Ch, bd mbr; hobbies, photography, football; off Stanton HS Bldg; res Stanton.
FORBES, ARTHUR WILLIAM: Executive; b Center Lisle, N Y Nov 28, 1868; s of Robert Forbes-Permella Lusk; ed Broome Co N Y; m Laura E Hayes 1893 Madison; s Norman Arthur; d Dorritt (Mrs Irving Wolverton), Lucy A (Mrs Arthur Street); 1886 emp in wagon factory, Lisle N Y; 1887-93 with J B Birges in mdse bus, Salina Kas; 1893 ptr of B F Witte in New York Store, Newman Grove; 1894 owner & opr New York Store, St Edward; 1895 owner1067
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& opr New York Store, Dodge; 1896 owner & opr New York Store, Howells; 1896-1902 owner & opr Leader Store, Stanton; 1903-04 opr lbr tract at Randolph, N Y; 1904- pres Stanton Tele Co; 1925- owner & opr 7 A fruit farm at Avon Park Fla; org & dir Stanton Electric Light Co; Indep Pioneer Tele Assn, past pres; AF&AM; Shrine; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, repairing clocks; off Stanton Tele Co Bldg; summer res Stanton, winter res Avon Park Fla.
FOY, MRS CHARLOTTE RAE: Librarian; b Troy, Wis Aug 15, 1880; d of Donald Matheson-Anthelia Mitchell; ed Pilger HS; m William L Foy Dec 20, 1916 Pilger; 1935- librarian, Pilger; mbr lib bd; ch mbr Womans Club; matron OES, Wisner; RNA ch mbr; ch mbr Amer Leg aux; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, books, flowers; res Pilger.
FRAMPTON, CHARLES WILLIAM: Chiropractor; b Taylorville, Ill July 17, 1889; s of James H Frampton-Sophia Grimling; ed Taylorville Ill HS 1908; Palmer Sch of Chiropractic, Davenport Ia, DC 1923; m Marilee McCracken June 6, 1916 Jackson, Minn; d Faith Ann; 1913-22 with Gordon-Van Tine Lbr Co, Davenport Ia; 1922-24 prac, Valentine; 1924- chiropractor, Stanton; Neb Chiropractic Assn; Business Mens Club; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Stanton.
FRARY, REGINALD AMOS: Physician & Surgeon; b Omaha, Neb Feb 25, 1889; s of Harvey D Frary-Nora Groves; ed Brock HS 1917; U of N, MD, 1925; interne at Swedish Mission Hosp., Omaha 1925-26; Phi Chi; m Phoebe Spencer Oct 30, 1922 Omaha; s Robert; 1926- prac med, Stanton; during World War enl Feb 12, 1918 served at Fort Logan Colo & Camp Cody at Deming N M, June 1918-July 1919 O/S with 11th inf, 5th div of AEF; Amer Leg 88, comm 1934-35, co comm 1934-35, 1939-40; Elkhorn Valley Med Soc; Madison Six-Co Med Soc, past pres, VP, secy 1930-39; Neb St & AMA; Business Mens Club, past pres; Stanton Co Agri Soc; Amer Iris Soc; BSA troop 129 scoutmaster; MWA, past pres; Congl Ch, SS supt since 1929; hobbies, horticulture, raising unusual varieties of iris; res Stanton.
GRADY, THOMAS LAWRENCE: Attorney; b Omaha, Neb Apr 13, 1904; s of Joseph I Grady-Catherine Brady; ed Stanton HS 1923; Creighton U, LLB 1928; Gamma Eta Gamma; m Norine Mortimer Nov 29, 1930 Madison; s William; d Joan; adm to Neb & fed courts 1928; 1928-33 prac law as ptr of W P Cowan, Stanton; 1933- indep prac; 1934- city atty; 9th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Business Mens Club; KC; St Peters Cath Ch, past trustee; hobby, fishing; off P O Bldg; res Stanton.
GREENSLIT, RAY ARTHUR: Lumber, Grain & Coal Dealer; b Surprise, Neb Oct 3, 1891; s of Walter Henry Greenslit-Catherine Cecelia Ammerman; ed Neb Wes Acad, 1909, Neb Wes, BA 1913; mbr varsity baseball team; Wes Mens Quartet; Everett; m Beulah Wyant June 26, 1924 Newman Grove; d Kathryn, Vernadell, Alice Arleen; 1913-14 tchr, David City HS; 1914-16 supt of schs, Brady; 1916- 19 supt of schs, Baxter Ia; 1919-22 owner & opr electric shop, Gothenburg; 1923-25 traveling representative for Neb Sch Supply Co, Lincoln; 1925- mgr & controlling stockholder Greenslit Lbr Co, Stanton & int in Greenslit Lbr Yards in Ashland, Ravenna & Stapleton; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; pres bd of edn; Stanton Co Agri Soc; 1935-36 pres Business Mens Club; 1913 band leader at Stuart; Stanton municipal band; ARC committeeman; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Shrine; Meth Ch, SS supt, mbr ofcl bd, choir mbr; hobbies, music, raising bees; off Greenslit Lbr Co; res Stanton.
HECKENDORF, ADOLPH HENRY: Farmer & Stockman; b West Bend, Wis Oct 22, 1870; s of William Heckendorf-Louise Kurth; ed Washington Co; m Edna L Matheson Oct 11, 1899 Pilger; d Janice (Mrs R B Jones); 1886-96 teleg opr for C&NW RR, West Bend Wis; 1896-98 contracting freight agt Chicago & Eastern Ill RR; 1898-99 chief clk in gen off of CRI&P, Milwaukee; 1899 Comml agt Chicago, Cincinnatti & Louisville RR at Milwaukee; 1899-1900 Comml agt Cincinnatti, Hamilton, Dayton RR at Chicago; 1900-04 Comml agt for Chicago & Alton RR at Milwaukee; 1904-13 Comml agt for Chesapeake & Ohio RR at Milwaukee; 1913- owner & opr 790 A tract of farm land called Donnie Bray farm near Pilger in Stanton Co; raises & feeds Aberdeen Angus purebred cattle; Master Farmer, 1931; dir Farmers Co-op Co of Pilger; AF&AM, past master; past mbr KP; Rep; hobby, improvement of farm lands & grounds; res Pilger.
HEERMANN, W F: Farmer & Stockman; b Cuming Co, Neb Oct 30, 1889; s of Henry Heermann-Anna Broekemeier; ed Stanton Co; m Emma Koopmann Jan 28, 1912 Stanton Co; s Harvey, Delbert, Loren (dec 1933), Walene; d Mildred, Irene, Doris, Florence, Lorna, Fern, Lorraine (dec 1933); 1911- farmer In Stanton Co; Farmers Union; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, baseball; res RFD 1, Pilger.
HICKS, JAMES R: Grocer; b Beloit, Kas Sept 29, 1886; s of Andrew W Hicks-May Ridgly; ed Stanton HS 1905; U of N 1905-06; m Vee Gibson Oct 29, 1921 Oakdale; d Shirley Mae, Mary Luree, Barbara Ann; 1909- owner Hicks Groc, Stanton; during World War enl June 25, 1918 in 31st evacuation hosp, Fort Riley Kas, disch July 28, 1919; Amer Leg, adjt; Business Mens Club; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Stanton.
HOLLSTIEN, MRS JEAN D: Librarian; b Stanton, Neb Apr 9, 1887; d of James D Elmore-Clamantha McMahon; ed Stanton HS 1903; WSTC 1904-05; to John Hollstien Apr 8, 1907 Stanton; d Betty, Alberta, Ruth; 1903-07 tchr, Stanton Co; 1907- homemaker; 1938- librarian, Stanton pub lib; apptmt followed mothers' 19 years of service as librarian; gives book reviews on Cousin Jean's book review program over radio station WJAG at Norfolk; pub speaker; in book review work for civic orgns in N E Neb; Sorosis Club; PEO; 1926-35 joint guardian of Ayataia Campfire group of Stanton; Meth Ch; hobby, nature study; res Stanton.
HRABAK, HOWARD FRANK: Grocer; b Dodge, Neb Oct 4, 1896; s of Charles Hrabak-Josephine Mary Hrutka; ed Dodge HS 1914; U of Mich 1915-17; m Anna Minnie Wittgow Aug 11, 1920 Clarkson; s Gordon Howard; 1919-21 with Ryan Co; 1921-26 with father in Hrabaks Store, Dodge; 1927-33 owner Hrabaks Store, Wayne; 1933- owner Hrabaks Groc, Stanton; during World War enl May 1918 SATC Lincoln, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg; Business Mens Club; Sons, of Hermann; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Stanton.
JONES, RAY BOYD: Dentist; b Detroit Lakes, Minn Apr 5, 1900; s of George A Jones-Jennie Elizabeth Butler; ed Detroit Lakes, Minn HS 1919; N D St Coll 1919-20; Creighton U 1920-24; N Pacific Coll of Oregon, DDS 1926; Xi Psi Phi; m Janice Margaret Heckendorf Sept 16, 1925 Pilger; d Jane Elizabeth, Patricia L; 1926- prac, Stanton; 1935-37 in US army dental reserve corps, Fort Robinson & Fort Meade S D; Neb St Dental Assn; Business Mens Club; MWA; Meth Ch; Indep; hobby, outdoor sports; res Stanton.
KAREL, RICHARD: Merchant; b Sarpy Co, Neb June 19, 1895; s of A J Karel-Mary Svoboda; ed Clarkson; m Bessie Hajek June 17, 1920 Clarkson; s Marvin; d Joyce; 1919-23 ptr of A J Karel & Sons, Clarkson; 1923- ptr of A J Karel & Sons, Pilger; during World War enl May 3, 1917 stationed Hawaiian Islands in 9th coast arty, disch Dec 17, 1918; Amer Leg, past comm; ch mbr Comml Club; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Pilger.
KINGSLEY, PAUL: Farmer: b Norwood, Ontario Canada Aug 5, 1878; s of John Kingsley-Jane Barr; ed WSTC 1900; m Nina Mewiss May 1, 1912 Stanton; with parents came to Stanton 1881, settled on homestead in Canadian settlement; 1903- farmer, Stanton Co; sch tchr 1 term dist 13; Stanton Co commr 16 years: Dewey pct assessor 4 years; dir sch bd 20 years; MWA; Congl Ch; Dem, several years committeeman from Dewey pct; hobbies, raising hogs, history; res RFD 2, Stanton.
KREMER, CLARENCE JOSEPH: Theater Owner; b Lamar, Mo Oct 24, 1884; s of Albert Kremer-Louise I Palmer; ed Alexandria HS; Lincoln HS; U of N 1907-1911; cadet col 1911; m Mary Willard June 1, 1909 Alexandria; s Lewis Albert, Vincent Willard; 1907-11 emp summers by Ohiowa Tele Co; 1911- 13 mgr Ohiowa Tele Co; 6 mos with Lincoln Tele & Teleg Co, Hastings; 1914-18 asst supt of agts for Security Mutual Life Ins Co, Lincoln; 1918- owner & opr Rialto Theater, Stanton-, Business Mens Club, past pres; VP Stanton Co Agrl Soc; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; off Rialto Theater Bldg; res Stanton.
KUESTER, FRANK ALBERT: Loan & Insurance Agent & Abstractor; b Cuming Co, Neb Oct 4, 1881; s of Julius Kuester-Wilhelmina Heller; ed Cuming Co; Dixon Ill Bus Coll, Bachelor of Accountancy 1902; m Louise Feyerherm Oct 19, 1907 Cuming Co; s Harvey; 1902 with Continental Natl Bank, Chicago; 1903-08 mgr Nye-Schnieder-Fowler Lbr, Grain & Livestock Co at Crowell, 1908-15 mgr at Goehner, 1915-25 mgr at1068
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Stanton; 1926- owner & opr loan, ins & abstract bus; mbr city coun; Neb Title Assn; dir Stanton Co Agri Soc; Business Mens Club, ch mbr; St Johns Luth Ch, pres of bd; hobbies, managing & improving farm lands; res Stanton.
LARSON, MRS JEANNETTE: Homemaker; b Newman Grove, Neb Jan 27, 1893; d of Levi Gutru-Ingaborg Olson; ed Newman Grove; Fremont Normal; WSTC; Brownell Hall, Omaha; U of N Sch of Music; m Robert Larson July 23, 1913 Omaha; Woman's Club, Stanton Co music chmn; Amer Leg aux; hobby, music; res Pilger.
LARSON, ROBERT: Banker; b Newman Grove, Neb Feb 16, 1891; s of Andrew P Larson-Anna Olson; ed Newman Grove HS 1910; m Jeannette Gutru July 23, 1913 Omaha; 1911-16 asst cash Citizens State Bank, Albion; 1916-20 cash First Natl Bank, Stromsburg; 1920-36 cash Farmers Natl Bank at Pilger, 1936- VP, cash; during World War, enl June 1918, balloon section Fort Omaha, disch Feb 1919; Amer Leg; pres 3rd dist Neb Bankers Assn; Ak-Sar-Ben; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, outdoor recreation; res Pilger.
LEUCK, HUBERT F: Manufacturer & Inventor; b Keokuk, Ia, Feb 9, 1884; s of Nicholas Leuck-Anna Fues; ed Wayne Co; m Ruby Jeffries Sept 11, 1911 Omaha; 1898-1900 with Frank Leuck in blacksmith shop, Altona; 1900-10 with George Thiess in blacksmith shop, Pilger; 1911-12 with Sioux City Ia, Iron Co; 1912-14 owner & opr Hubert Leuck blacksmith shop, Wakefield; 1914- owner & opr Hubert Leuck Machine Shop, Pilger; ptr of nephew Irvin MacManigal since 1924; mfr Leucks Sure-Cut root cutter, wheel scrapers for tractors, sickles, drivers for mowers and plow hitches; shipping points include U S & S Amer; exhibited products at state fair, Lincoln; Meth Ch; hobby, travel; res Pilger.
LEWTON, ELLIS ELLERY: Druggist; b Paxton, Neb July 22, 1889; s of Austin B Lewton-Ella Mathews; ed Avoca HS 1907; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines Ia, 1911-12; m Bess Rodman Aug 29, 1919 Blair; s Austin; 1905-08 with Ora E Copec Drug Store, Avoca; 1908-11 asst P M, Avoca; 1912-13 with Meier Drug Store, Weeping Water; 1913-14 with DeHaven Drug Store, Council Bluffs Ia; 1914-15 with Frietag Drug Co, Omaha; 1915-16 with Corbin & Nylin Drug Co, Lander Wyo; 1916-17 with A J Lee Drug Co, Kearney; 1917-18 with Farrens & Niemeier Drug Co, Hastings; 1918-29 owner & opr Lewton Drug Store, Craig; 1929- owner & opr Lewton Drug Store, Stanton; secy, Craig Tele Co; mbr bd of edn, Craig, 2 terms; city elk, Craig, 2 terms; Business Mena Club; Indep; hobbies, gardening, golf; res Stanton.
MILLER, C L: Merchant; b Clayton Co, Ia, Nov 23, 1879; s of George Miller-Sophie Dickmann; ed Lincoln HS; Rohrbough Brothers Coll, Omaha, 1897-98; m Sadie Pilger Sept 29, 1916 Omaha; s Robert, Russell; 1907-15 farmed, Stanton Co; 1915-18 in hdw bus, Pilger; 1918-22 in construction of highline, Stanton Co; 1922- in garage bus, Pilger; 1915- intermittently mayor; Comml Club; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Shrine; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Pilger.
MILLER, HARRY DANIEL: Bank President; b Marengo, Ia Oct 9, 1869; s of Levi Miller-Lucretia Tutweiler; ed Stanton HS; Eastmans Coll, Poughkeepsie N Y; 1889- with father in First Natl Bank of Stanton, 1920- pres; helped org Stanton Tele Co, secy-treas since 1904; helped org Stanton Electric Light Co, past treas, dir; Neb Bankers Assn, past pres 3rd dist; treas & dir Stanton Co Agri Soc; secy, dir IOOF Cemetery Assn of Stanton; ARC; Business Mens Club; Uni Club Lincoln; Ak-Sar-Ben; BPOE; FOE; KP; Sons of Herman; Dem past mbr State Central Com, alternate del-at-large to natl conv in Chicago, 1932; during World War, chmn Stanton Co War Saving Stamps com; res Stanton.
OLK, OTTO THEODORE: Hardware Dealer; b Pilger, Neb May 1, 1895; s of Jacob Olk-Lydia Rustemeyer; ed Cornlea; m Cecile Breuning May 13, 1922 Council Bluffs Ia; s Calvin, Merlin; 1916-23 owner & opr Olk Motor Co, Cornlea; 1923- owner & opr Olk Hdw Store, Pilger; during World War, enl in AEF Apr 1918 Co H 355th inf, O/S 11 mos, disch May 1919; Amer Leg 69; Cath Ch, Wisner; Dem; res Pilger.
OTRADOVEC, FRANK J: Railway Agent; b Cuming Co, Neb Sept 28, 1891; s of Frank Otradovec-Barbara ___; ed Polk Co, Mo; Kansas City Teleg Sch 1912; m Ida Kavel Apr 23, 1925 Council Bluffs Ia; d Shirley, Alma; 1912-16 relief agt C&NW RR; 1916-17 agt C&NW, Cedar Bluffs; 1920- agt C&NW, Pilger; during World War, enl June 16, 1917, 11th tele batt, 408th tele batt, disch Apr 1, 1919; Amer Leg; Comml Club; hobbies, fishing, hunting, woodwork; res Pilger.
PALMER, CLAUDE DAVID: Dentist; b Cedar Rapids, Ia, Oct 29, 1884; s of Henry Palmer-Mary Palen; ed Central HS, Omaha; Creighton U, DDS 1908; m Bessie Myrtle Nutting, Jan 21, 1909 Papillion; d Dorothy Alice; 1900-05 with CB&Q & UP RRs; 1908-09 dentist, Omaha; 1909-17 dentist, Clay Center; 1919- dentist, Stanton; mbr city coun; past mayor; during World War, enl 1917 in dental corps, trained at Camp Greenleaf Ga, 1st lt 2nd inf 19th div Camp Dodge Ia, disch Jan 21, 1919; Amer Leg 88, mbr exec com; dir Stanton Co Agrl Soc; Business Mens Club; chmn disaster com Stanton ARC; AF&AM; KP, past chancellor, Clay Center; Episc Ch; Congl Ch at Stanton & Clay Center, choir mbr; Dem; hobbies, fishing, music; res Stanton.
PETERS, MRS MAUDE E: Retired; b Bedford, Ind Feb 22, 1880; d of Augustus F Tannehill-Amanda Virginia Potter; ed Norfolk HS 1900; Fremont Normal 1901-02, won Fritz medal in declamatory contest; 1903 special kindergarten work in Norfolk city schs; m Dr William Robert Peters June 5, 1907 Norfolk (dec Apr 16, 1926); s William Robert, also infant son (dec); d Virginia; 1901-02 tchr, Madison Co; 1902-04 prin at Warnerville1; 1904-06 tchr, Stanton schs; 1934-35 Stanton Co relief dir; 1924 helped org Stanton Amer Leg aux 88, state pres 1927-28, 1936-39 exec secy & treas, 1930-31 mbr state finance com, 1931-32 chmn, 1924-27 state rehabilitation chmn, del to Natl Amer Leg conv, Paris France 1927; 1939- ret; Axis Club, Lincoln; B&PW, Lincoln; OES 146, matron 1926-27; First Plymouth Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, collecting pitchers; res Stanton.
1Warnerville now has no postoffice.
PETERSEN, PETER: Retired; b Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Aug 9, 1878; s of Dye Petersen-Margaret Petersen; ed Germany; Washington Co; m Fannie Bowman Aug 19, 1908 Madison; s William, Arthur; d Margaret; 1899-1905 oprd 160 A farm owned by father; 1905-30 owner & opr 160 A farm, enlarged to 320 A in 1912; 1930- ret; mbr city coun; past mbr dist 52 bd of edn 25 years; Sons of Hermann; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, travel; res Stanton.
PILGER, ALBERT FREDERICK: Merchant; b Stanton, Neb Aug 31, 1876; s of Adam Pilger-Ernestina Buettow; ed Stanton; m Pauline Neuman June 2, 1903 Stanton; s Adam C, Oscar A; d Marie (Mrs Rex Spano); 1896-1902 with Adam Pilger Mere Co, Pilger; 1902-10 Stanton Co clk; 1910-12 with I N Bining Co, Stanton; 1912- owner Pilgers Store, Pilger: Comml Club; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Pilger.
PILLER, FRANK ERNEST ROBERT: Manager Co-operative Supply Co; b Madison, Neb June 6, 1878; s of Otto Piller-Augusta Klug; ed Norfolk; m Awina Belz Oct 2, 1929 Stanton; s Robert A; d Sophia (Mrs George Rassmussen), Margaret; 1908 emp in saw mills, Portland Ore; 1908-20 owner & opr 160 A farm, Stanton Co; 1920- mgr Farmers Union Co-op Supply Co, Stanton; 1934- opr farm lands, Stanton Co; org, ch mbr Farmers Union Store & Lbr Yard; mbr city coun; past mbr bd of edn dist 19; 1908-20 Elkhorn pct assessor; dir Stanton Co Agri Soc; Business Mens Club; Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, travel; res Stanton.
POLLACK, FAY HALL: Attorney; b Collison, Ill Nov 25, 1896; s of Henry W Pollack-Azubah Hall; ed Manning Ia HS 1914; U of N, LLB 1921; Sigma Nu; Phi Alpha Delta; m Gladys Sharrar Mar 18, 1927 Sioux City Ia; s James, Jack; d Judith; 1921 adm to Neb bar; 1921-25 prac law, Omaha; 1925- prac law, Stanton; 1927- Stanton Co atty; representative from Douglas Co in Neb legislature 1925; past pres Neb Assn of Co Attys; 9th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; mbr exec com Neb St Bar Assn; Business Mens Club, past pres; during World War, enl Dec 1917, lt in U S army air force, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg, past comm; Sons of Hermann; AF&AM; BPOE; Congl Ch, trustee; Rep, chmn Stanton Co Central Com, mbr State Central Com; res Stanton.
PONT, ERVINE EMERY: Editor Publisher; b Howells, Neb Jan 1, 1889; s of Benjamin Pont-Emma Bristol; ed Stanton HS 1908; U of N, BA 1913; m Bess Elmore June 12, 1925 Sioux City Ia; d Jean; 1904-09 appr printer on Stanton Register; 1913-14 bus mgr Valentine Democrat; 1914-15 advertising mgr, Manly Ia, also estab newspapers which he1069
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later sold at Robinson & Millerton Ia; 1915- ptr of N B Pont in publication of Stanton Register, ofcl co paper, consolidated with Stanton Picket 1923 & in oprn of Pont Printing Co; mbr city coun; past secy vol fire dept; NPA; Natl Edit Assn; Farmers Union; Stanton Co Agri Soc, secy; chmn Stanton Co 4-H Club award com; Neb St bd of agr; Stanton Co ARC, bd mbr; Business Mens Club; Sons of Hermann; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, beautifying home grounds, stamp collecting; off Pont Printing Co; res Stanton.
PONT, NATHAN BENJAMIN: Editor & Publisher; b Howells, Neb Dec 9, 1894; s of Benjamin Pont- Emma Bristol; ed Stanton HS 1913; m Eileen Brown June 10, 1926 Norfolk; d Patricia Jane, Mary Alice; 1913-14 with W H Highland Drug Store, Stanton; 1914-15 emp by Homer Pont, Albion; 1915- ptr of Ervine E Pont in Pont Printing Co & in publication of Stanton Register, ofcl co paper; 1939 Stanton Register was awarded 2nd place for best front page in towns over 1,000 population; NE Neb Press Assn, past dir, past VP, pres; secy-treas Midwest Rural Newspapers of Neb, Inc; past dir NPA; mbr bd of edn; Business Mens Club, secy-treas 1920-30, pres 1935-36; Sons of Hermann, trustee; during World War, enl Nov 1917 in U S army aviation corps stationed at Fort Logan Colo, Kelly Field Tex, Mitchell Field N Y, detached service in Washington D C, disch June 1919. Amer Leg 88, past comm, first adjt: St Peters Cath Ch, trustee 2 years: Dem, past pct committeeman; hobbies, fishing, hunting, tennis; off Pont Printing Co; res Stanton.
REID, JOHN D: Physician; b Cedar Rapids, Neb Sept 23, 1874; s of Hubert Reid-Jane West; ed Cedar Rapids HS 1894; U of N, BSc 1899, MD 1902; m Elizabeth Jeter Nov 21 1903 Omaha; s Horace J, Phillip S: Kenneth J, J Stuart; d Margaret (Mrs F L Winship), Marian; 1903- prac med, Pilger; Madison 6-Co & Elkhorn Valley Med Socs; Neb St & AMA; U of N Alumni Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Pilger.
RENNICK, EDWARD SAMUEL: Farmer & Stockman; b Stanton Co, Neb Feb 2, 1892; s of James Rennick-Rebecca Montgomery; ed Stanton Co; WSTC 1913-15; m Zora Patterson Sept 8, 1915 Wayne; s James, Meredith, Edward (dec 1924), Roland; d Marguerite; 1915- engaged in farming & raising purebred Hampshire hogs & Ayrshire cattle; raised Blue Boy Hampshire hog that appeared with Will Rogers in the movie State Fair; has shown hogs since 1925, won grand championship at Tri-State Fair in Sioux City Ia, with first hog ever shown; secy sch bd dist 25; dir Hampshire Swine Record Assn; dir Natl Assn of Swine Records; AF&AM; Bapt Ch; Rep; hobby, hogs; res RFD 1, Pilger.
ROKER, PAUL HERMAN: Farmer; b Stanton Co, Neb June 3, 1898; s of Herman Roker-Emma Freiberg; ed Stanton Co; m Amelia Koza June 20, 1923 West Point; d Shirley, Esther; 1920-21 owner & opr 280 A grain farm, Stanton Co; 1921-22 owner & opr Stanton Auto Supply; 1922-23 with Wagner Machine Shop; 1924-30 owner & opr 280 A grain farm, Stanton Co; 1930-39 owner & opr 116 grain farm, Stanton Co; 1939- owner & opr 160 A grain farm, Stanton Co; producer of Neb certified hybrid seed corn & sorgo since 1936, produced approximately 650 bushels hybrid seed corn in 1939; mbr bd of edn; Neb Crop Growers Assn; Evang Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, baseball; res Stanton.
SCHULTZ, HENRY JACOB: Mortician & Furniture Dealer; b Beemer, Neb Oct 14, 1890; s of Fredrick H Shultz-Emma Claussen; ed Stanton HS 1908; U of N 1909-12; Delta Tau Delta; m Lou Belle Chace Sept 4, 1915 Stanton; d Emma Lou, Winifred Jean; 1915-36 with father in F H Shultz & Son Furn Store; 1919- owner & opr funeral service, Stanton; 1936- owner & opr Schultz Furn Store; mbr bd of edn 9 years; past mbr vol fire dept; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn, mbr exec com; past pres Business Mens Club; chmn Stanton Co ARC" Stanton Co Agrl Soc; during World War, enl Aug 1918 in signal corps div, disch Dec 1918; vice-comm Amer Leg 88; Sons of Hermann; AF&AM; Meth Ch, bd mbr; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; res Stanton.
SPANGLER, DAVID CARSON: Merchant; b Hancock Co, O Feb 21, 1876; s of George Spangler-Nancy Nonnamaker; ed Hancock Co, O; Ohio Normal U, Ada O 1894; m Ora Dell Cornwell Mar 14, 1897 Hancock Co, O; s George, Don, Chester; d Ruby (Mrs Harry Carroll), Agnes, Bernice (Mrs Ed Chilcoat), Hazel (Mrs W J Price), Helen (Mrs Elton B Forbes), Esther, Ora Mae (dec); 1900-03 oprd 360 A grain & stock farm, Washington Co; 1903-09 oprd 320 A farm Stanton Co; 1909-19 ptr of George C Spangler in Spangler Brothers Groc, Stanton; 1919- indep owner & opr Spangler Groc; dir Stanton Co- op Creamery, mgr since 1925; past dir Neb Co-op Creameries Inc; mbr city coun 1 term; past pres bd of edn, 4 terms; Business Mens Club; AF&AM; WOW; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Stanton.
SPENCER, GUY ALWIN: Publisher & Editor; b Boone Co, Neb Nov 4, 1905; s of Asa L Spencer-Jennie Ballard; ed Wheeler Co HS 1923; Mergenthaler Linotype Sch, Chicago 1925; m Marie Rieber Sept 11, 1927 Hastings; 1921-22 part-time work with Wheeler Co Independent; 1922-24 Wheeler Co dep treas; 1925-26 with Democrat Printing Co, Hastings; 1926-28 with O E Serf Printing Co, Hastings; 1928-32 with Art Printery, Columbus; 1932- owner & opr Stanton Co News, ofcl co publication; mbr village bd; chief vol fire dept 1935-37; VP, past secy-treas NE Neb Press Assn; NPA; Comml Club, past secy, past pres; dir Stanton Co Agri Soc; AF&AM; IOOF, grand sr warden; Meth Ch, steward; Rep; hobby, travel; res Pilger.
STUTHMAN, HENRY: Farmer; b Hanover, Germany Nov 15, 1877; s of Fredrick Stuthman-Louisa Bierman; ed Germany; Douglas & Stanton Cos; m Dora Koehlmoss Feb 14, 1902 Wayne Co; s Carl, Ernest, Albert, Arnold, Henry; d Elsie, Olga (Mrs Art Dryer), Clara (Mrs Clara Stunkel), Alma, Leona; 1892-96 emp on farms in Douglas Co; 1896-97 with Herman Mahler in bldg of irrigation ditches, Hot Springs S D; 1897-1902 emp on farms in Stanton Co; 1902-10 oprd 240 A grain & stock farm, Stanton Co; 1911- owner & opr 320 A grain & stock farm; has bred & fed approximately 250 purebred Duroc hogs per year since 1908; topped hog market in Omaha 4 times, 1937; 1915-16 ent stock in Natl Swine Show, Omaha & Neb St Fairs, hogs won 2nd & 3rd in classes; dir Farmers CO-OP Co, Pilger; dir Farmers Union Co-op 1 year; mbr bd of edn, dist 18; past mbr Natl Assn of Swine Records; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, gardening; res Pilger.
TENNANT, HARDIN SHERMAN: Physician & Surgeon; b Tuskeego, Ia Apr 23, 1895; s of Henry Stuart Tennant-Clara Naomi Cash; ed Pawnee City HS 1914; U of N, BSc 1924, MD 1926; Omega Beta Pi, pres 1921; Phi Rho Sigma, house manager & steward 1925; m Zira Van Pelt, Dec 1, 1926 Omaha; 1926- prac med with Dr S G Allen, Stanton; Five-Co Med Soc; mbr city coun; 1938- mayor; Business Mens Club, pres 1930-31; Nebraskana Soc; Sons of Hermann; AF&AM; MWA; during World War, radio opr in USN; Amer Leg 88, past comm; Congl Ch; hobbies, baseball, football, tennis; res Stanton.
TITUS, RALPH H: Merchant; b Wisner, Neb Apr 21, 1892; s of Pratt B Titus-Delia H Elliott; ed Stanton HS; KSTC 1911; m Elsie J Barr Nov 5, 1914 Fremont; d Delia Rose, Janelle Marion; 1912-20 with Stanton Natl Bank; 1920-24 in ins bus, Stanton; 1924-34 asst cash Pilger State Bank; 1937- owner Titus Groc, Pilger; Comml Club; past mbr AF&AM 41, Stanton; Chris Set Ch; Dem; res Pilger.
TOPP, PETER LOUIS: Farmer: b Flensberg, Germany Feb 15, 1888; s of Peter Louis Topp-Christina Peterson; ed Germany; m Meta Heinemann Feb 14, 1912 Wisner; s Herman, Albert; 1902 came to U S; 1902-12 emp on Washington & Stanton Co farms; 1912 oprd 160 A grain farm, Stanton Co; 1912-14 oprd farm & stock lands in ptrship with J H Heinemann, near Wisner; 1914-15 farmed, Cuming Co; 1915- owner & opr 160 A grain & stock farm, Wayne Co; enlarged farm to half section & named Hopefield Farm; feeds approximately 500 Hereford cattle & raises approximately 300 hogs each year; past mbr dist 38 bd of edn 7 years; Sons of Hermann; MWA; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel, has made 2 trips to Europe; res Pilger.
TOW, TED C: Attorney; b Benton Co, Ia Oct 23, 1908; s of Cyrus A Tow-Cora D Test; ed Ashland HS 1926; Ia St Coll 1926-27; U of N, LLB 1932; Phi Alpha Delta; m Clara Stapp, Oct 20, 1934 Omaha; s Ted C; d Tamara Lee; 1932 adm to Neb & Ia bars; 1932-33 prac law, Legrand Ia; 1933-38 in legal dept Fed Land Bank, Omaha; 1938- prac law, Stanton, succeeding A E Wenke; local atty for C&NW RR; counsel for Farmers Natl Bank of Pilger; representative for Fed Land Bank of Omaha; mbr exec com 9th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; secy Business Mens Club; Natl Geographic Soc; Congl Ch; hobby, hunting; off First Natl Bank Bldg; res Stanton.
WARING, MRS BESS: County Superintendent of Schools; b Stanton, Neb Sept 13, 1903; d of Andrew Johnson1070
in Nebraska
Jr-Anna Norling; ed Stanton HS 1921; U of N 1924-25; m Fred R Waring Oct 15, 1927 Yankton S D; s James Dale, Fred Thomas; step d Betty Lou; 1921-23 tchr, Stanton Co; 1925-27 tchr, Albion schs; 1932-38 tchr, Stanton schs; 1938- Stanton Co supt of schs; Neb St Assn of Co Supts; NSTA; Business Mens Club; RNA; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, flower gardening; res Stanton.
WENKE, ADOLPH EILERT: District Judge; b Pender, Neb Jan 22, 1898; s of Frederick Wenke-Henrietta Athen; ed Pender HS 1917; U of N, LLB 1923; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Sigma Delta Chi; Innocents; editor Neb Cornhusker 1923; letter in football 3 years, track 2 years; m Gertrude Bauer June 7, 1925 Sutton; s Robert, William; d Harriett; 1924-38 prac law, Stanton; 1938- dist judge, 9th judicial dist; past Stanton Co atty; past mbr bd of edn; 9th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb Dist Judges Assn; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; VP Covered Wagon area BSA; dir U of N Alumni Assn; AF&AM; during World War, enl 1918 in 312th motor div, stationed at Bordeaux France, disch July 1919; Amer Leg 88; Congl Ch; Dem, alternate del to natl conv, Philadelphia 1936; res Stanton.
WILLERS, HERMAN: Farmer & stockman; b Thurston Co, Neb Feb 21, 1904; s of William Willers-Anna Heinemann; ed Stanton Co; m Ella Eckert Mar 4, 1931 Stanton Co; s Roland Dean; d Norma Jean, Arleen; ptr of father in oprn of 640 A of Stanton Co land, & feeds about 1,000 head of stock annually; Luth Ch; hobby, fishing; res Pilger.
WILLERS, WILLIAM: Farmer & Stockman; b Oldenburg, Germany Apr 2, 1880; s of Herman Willers-Sophie Cordes; ed Germany; m Anna Heinemann Feb 10, 1903 Oakland; s Herman, Henry, Martin, Louis; d Freda (Mrs Herman Vogel), Louise (Mrs Ray Anderson); 1895 came to U S, emp on farms in Dodge, Burt & Cuming Cos until 1903; 1903-05 oprd 120 A grain farm in Thurston Co, 1905-07 owner & opr of farm; 1907- owner & opr 620 A grain & stock farm, Stanton Co; handles about 800 head of cattle per year; past mbr bd of edn, dist 33; Sons of Hermann; United Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel, has made three trips to Europe; res Pilger.
WINCH, RAY ARTHUR: Pharmacist; b Homer, Neb Aug 4, 1902; s of William Fredrick Winch-Bertha Brinkmeier; ed Homer HS 1919; U of N, PhG 1926; Phi Delta Chi; Delta Sigma Phi; m Alvina Matthes Oct 4, 1929 Wisner; d Donna Rae; 1921 with Brassfield & Jensen Drug Co, Homer; 1923-24 with Scheinost Drug Co & Kautz Drug Co, Homer; 1926-30 with Rodgers Drug Co, Osmond; 1930-36 owner & opr Merrick Drug Co, Osmond; 1937- owner & opr Winch Drug Co, Pilger; Neb Pharm Assn; Comml Club, secy; Sons of Hermann; MWA; St Peters Luth Ch: Rep; hobby, fishing; off Winch Drug Co Bldg; res Pilger.
ZOUBEK, JAMES: Financier & Banker; b Colfax Co, Neb Jan 25, 1897; s of John Zoubek-Frances Sinkula; ed Clarkson HS 1913; Clements Coll, Fremont 1913-15; m Christina Sindelar June 10, 1919 Howells; s James Jr; d Lorraine; 1915-16 acct, Farmers & Mchts Bank, Linwood; 1916-17 asst cash, Stanton Natl Bank; 1917-20 asst cash, Colfax Co Bank at Howells; 1920- with Stanton Natl Bank, cash 1920-29, pres since 1929; Neb Bankers Assn group 3; Business Mens Club, past pres; dir, past secy & treas Stanton Co-op Creamery; pres Raabe Dept Store; Sons of Hermann; during World War enl Aug 15, 1918, disch Dec 10, 1918 from Rahls Auto Training Sch, Kansas City Mo; Amer Leg; St Peters Cath Ch, past trustee; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Stanton National Bank Bldg; res Stanton.
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