1855 New York State Census

Transcribed by Susan Stalker Mulvey

July 2005

Census of the Inhabitants in the Western Election District of the Town of Ancram in the County, of Columbia taken by me on the 4th day of July 1855.

Taken by: Elisha Moore

(Note:  I have left off the columns: "Color," "Dwellings numbered in the order of visitation," "Of what material built," and "Value," which are at the beginning of the form and "Aliens," Persons of color not taxed," "Persons over 21 years who cannot read and write," "Owners of land," and "Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Insane, or Idiotic" to save room.  If there is information in the end columns, I will add that to the name.  I have highlighted the head of household in bold.  I have transcribed the census to the best of my ability.  Some pages are totally unreadable. I will make a notation, where applicable, as to which pages that I cannot read.  Notations in [ ]  are mine.)

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NAME AGE SEX Relation to Head Where Born Married Widow



to this

city or town

Profession Voter


Native Alien
121 132cont'd William Ham 19 M Boarder Columbia 2 Paper Maker
Boarding House Dennis Lane 24 M Do Mass /   2 Do /  
    Mary Lane 22 F Do Conn /   2 Do    
    William Lane 26 M Do Do /   2 Do /  
    James P. Snyder 26 M Do Columbia     8 Do /  
    Lawrence Kary 50 M Do Ireland /   1 Do   /
Hannah Kary 24 F Do Do / 1 /
Edison Tinklepaugh 34 M Do Columbia 2 Laborer /
John McMullen 34 M Do Ireland / 1 Do /
Alice McMullen 28 F Do Do / 1 /
John McCormick 45 M Do Do / 2 Laborer /
    Betsy McCormick 24 F Do Do /   2      
    John Wheeler 30 M Do Do /   1 Laborer   /
    William Freeman 30 M Do Do     1 Paper Maker   /
Richard Devine 26 M Do Do 1 Do /
    Moses Creed 45 M Do Mass /   1 Do /  
Michael Bohen 36 M Do Ireland 1 Do /
    Raymond Devine 25 M Do Do /   1 Do   /
Margaret Devine 19 F Do Do / 1 Labor in Paper Mill /
    Catherine Smith 30 F Do Do     1 Do   /
    Mary Gorman 20 F Do Do     1 Do   /
    Theresa Rogers 21 F Do Do     7/12 Do   /
  Bridget Cooney [?] 21 F Do Do 7/12 Do /
  Mary Baldwin 26 F Do Do 7/12 Do /
  E----[?] Gavny 22 F Do Do 7/12 Do /
    Catherine Fagen 45 F Do Do     1-1/12 Do   /
    Bridget Clary or Casy 14 F Do Do 6/12 Do /
    Mary Collins [?] 24 F Do Do     6/12 Do   /
    Margaret Nally 28 F Do Do     6/12 Do   /
    Mary Tully 25 F Do Do     6/12 Do   /
    Joann [?] McCarty 21 F Do Do     6/12 Do   /
    Catherine C---[?] 27 F Do Do     6/12 Do   /
    Colleen Cotter 30 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
    Margaret Dugan 19 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
Eliza Barns 20 F Do Do 2/12 Do /
    Caroline Good 17 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
    Catherine Brennan 26 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
    Catherine Kastle 17 F Do Do     9/12 Do   /
    Rosanne Goff 17 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
    Mary Butler 40 F Do Do     1 Do   /
    Mary Walsh 20 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
    Bridget Raffrty 20 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
    Abby Sullivan 20 F Do Do     2/12 Do   /
Ann O'Hollan 20 F Do Do 2/12 Do /
    Jane Davis 16 F Do Do     1 Do   /

Dividers Supplied by: