FACTORS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY HISTORY From Columbia County at the End of the Century Volume II Published and Edited Under the Auspices of the Hudson Gazette The Record Printing and Publishing Co. Hudson, New York M C M (1900)
"He - Hu" SURNAMES These biographies in Part III begin after page 132 of Volume II beginning with page 3. Abbreviations used: p. o. = post office
Page 114: HEARN, W. H., of Hudson, N. Y., was born in Stillwater, Saratoga county, N. Y., on September 6, 1856. His father was William Hearn, a native of Ireland, who came to the United States in 1845, and was well known as a contractor, etc. W. H. Hearn, after attending the public schools, came to Hudson in 1876, and was employed by the firm of Pierce, Kane & Co., manufacturers of knit goods. In 1879 he became a member of the firm of Hearn & McArthur, which existed but six months and was dissolved. Later in the same year he was one of the organizers of the Union Knitting Company; this corporation he has served as vice-president and superintendent ever since its organization; it employs 600 people and manufactures underwear. Mr. Hearn is an energetic, clear-headed business man, and is recognized as a prominent factor in the manufacturing interest of Hudson. In 1881 he was married to Miss Mary Connor. Pages 319 & 320: HEDGES, William, was born in the town of Milan, Dutchess county, N. Y., July 7, 1828, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Ray) Hedges, who had four children, as follows: William, Lucinda, Nathaniel, and John D. Daniel Hedges married, second Maria Miller, who bore him two children: Jerusha and Mary. When a boy of eight years Daniel Hedges came from Long Island and lived with his uncle, Josiah Hedges, who married Elizabeth Dibble, both of whom were descendants form Long Island stock and settled near Jackson Corners. William Hedges spent his early life with his parents and was educated in the common schools of the town of Milan. When twenty-two years of age he started in life for himself as a farmer, and when thirty married Phoebe, daughter of Daniel D. and Martha Gifford; their children are Daniel G., Elizabeth, John W., and Martha, all born on the farm where William now resides. Mr. Hedges was associated with his father-in-law until Mr. Gifford's death in 1870, when he purchased the farm from the heirs and has since carried on general farming; he owns about 260 acres. He is interested in town and county affairs, though he has never aspired to political honors in the way of holding office. He has been active in school and educational work, and when the schoolhouse was built at Mount Ross took an active part in its location. He is a member of the Pine Plains Methodist Episcopal church, to which he contributes liberally, and has been connected with it in an official way many years. Daniel G. Hedges was born on the farm where his father now resides, August 10, 1860, and was educated in the schools of Mount Ross and Pine Plains. When twenty-five years of age he married and settled on the farm where he now resides and three years later moved to Red Hook. Here he purchased a farm and lived here five years, then moved back to the farm where he now lives; he controls about 360 acres of land. On January 17, 1886, he married Luella, daughter of Ambrose N., and Hannah (Williams) Simpson, who bore him four children: Robert H., Mina S., Elva A., and Martha G. Mr. Hedges is interested in all public spirited enterprises and especially school, and has been trustee many years. He is a member of the Pine Plains Methodist Episcopal church of which he is a liberal supporter. Pages 114 & 115: HEMENWAY, Calvin T., p. o. Lebanon Springs, N. Y., was born in East Nassau, N. Y., September 18, 1854, son of Thomas and Phoebe A. (Hoag) Hemenway, whose children were Clavin T., Alice (died, 1871), Lucy M. and William. Thomas Hemenway was born in Bethlehem, N. Y., was a mason and contractor, and a member of New Lebanon Lodge No. 9, F. & A. M; he died June 3,1891. Clavin T. Hemenway was given a common school education, and for a time worked with his father. Later he was clerk in a store at Lebanon Springs, and in 1874 bought the store and stock, and is till continuing the business. He has been town clerk for fifteen yeas, and was appointed appointed postmaster in 1885. He was married to Eva, daughter of William Shumway. They have had two children: Clayton, who died September 30, 1887, and Earl S. Page 115: HERBS, Magnus D., of Hudson, N. Y., was born at Helmsdorf in Holstein, Germany, on November 10, 1842, the son of Frederick Herbs. In May, 1863, he came to the United States, his brother, Frederick C., having arrived here the year before, and in 1867 they formed the firm of F. C. & M. D. Herbs, for the manufacture and sale of cigars; in 1872 they erected their factory and added to their business the manufacture of different brands of tobacco. Their venture proved highly successful, their goods being favorably known throughout eastern New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut. They also do an extensive jobbing trade in the goods of other manufacturers. Magnus D. Herbs is an excellent example of the self-made successful man. He has won the confidence and esteem of the citizens of his adopted city, who have not been backward in recognizing his worth in various ways. He has served as supervisor of his ward for seven years, is an ex-member and commissioner of the board of public works, and a director in the Farmers' National Bank, and vice-president of the C. D. & R. Insurance Company of this city. In 1873 he was married to Emma E., daughter of Henry and Louisa Kay, who is one of the lady managers of the City Hospital. The have one son M. William Herbs. Page 115: HERRICK, Nathan, p. o. Muitzeskill, N. Y., was born in the town of Kinderhook, N. Y., July 22, 1870, the son of John and Sarah M. (Fisher) Herrick. They were farmers, and the parents of Clarence A., Martha E., (Lantz), Chester and Nathan. Nathan Herrick was educated in the public schools and has followed the vocation of farming, and also runs a steam-threshing machine. He has been collector of his school district. January 4, 1898, he married Hattie, daughter of Conrad Klinehans. He has always been a Republican. Pages 115 & 116: HESS, Myron, p. o. Claverack, N. Y., is a native of the town of Claverack born April 9, 1838, one of a family of six children, of whom two survive, born to Jacob and Christina M. (Teal) Hess. He attended the district schools when a boy, and after leaving school began working on a farm, and has been a farmer all his life. At present he conducts a farm of 275 acres and is notably successful. On February 11, 1862, he was married to Jane A. Shutts, a daughter of John and Eleanor (Van Deusen) Shutts. They have one son, Vernon J., born February 28, 1879. Page 116: HICKS, Philip R., of Hudson, N. Y., was born in the town of Livingston, Columbia county, N. Y., on January 2, 1849, son of Elias P. and Juliet (Sheldon) Hicks, and grandson of Elias Hicks, an early settler. The family trace their descent from Robert Hicks, who came from England about 1620. Elias P. Hicks was engaged in the stove business and was also a dealer in real estate. Philip R. Hicks was educated at the Hudson Academy, and after leaving school, in 1880, engaged in the bakery and confectionery business, in which he continued until 1885, when he entered the employ of Francis H. Leggett & Co., of New York city. In 1876 he was married to Matilda Malcher. They are the parents of one son, William E., and one daughter, Mabel L. Page 116: HINSDALE, Mrs. Amelia H.--Charles W. Hinsdale was born in the town of Claverack, N. Y., on May 21, 1832. He came to Hudson in 1862, where he engaged in the drug trade, for which he was particularly well adapted, having studied for the profession of medicine; in this vocation he was engaged for twenty years. But it was in public life that he was better known. For ten years he served Columbia county as its treasurer, sufficient evidence in itself of the confidence placed in him by the people. He was also sheriff at the time of his death, discharging the duties of that office with fidelity and with proper regard for the rights of all who had relations with his office. He was prominent in the Masonic fraternity. His death, which occurred on April 19, 1887, was a public loss, and was felt, not only by his family and immediate friends, but by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, that a worthy and valuable citizen had been taken away. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Amelia H. (Shepard) Hinsdale, and one daughter, Mrs. Augusta Speed. Page 320: HOAG, James (deceased), was born May 28, 1838, near the village of Ancram Lead Mines, N. Y., on the old Hoag homestead, the farm now occupied by William Hoag. He attended the district school and finished his studies at Fort Edward Institute. He remained with his father, as assisting with the farm work on the homestead, until the latter's death in 1866. On September 18, 1867, he was married to Annie, daughter of Duncan and Nancy (McArthur) Smith, and had two sons: Willis and Asa. He died November 22, 1874, at the age of thirty-six years. He was a useful and worthy citizen, represented his town on the board of supervisors, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of East Ancram. Willis Hoag was born October 28, 1868, and attended the common schools and the Seymour Smith Institute at Pine Plains, N. Y. He taught school in 1889-1890, and has since been engaged in farming. He served as town clerk in 1896-1897. Asa Hoag was born August 9, 1870; was educated in the district schools and at the Seymour Smith Institute, and is interested, with his mother and brother, in farming, making a specialty of dairying. September 9, 1896, he was married to Mattie A., daughter of John M. Williams; she is deceased. He is a Democrat, and served as town clerk in 1898. Pages 320 & 321: HOAG, William, of Ancram, was born in the town of Ancram, N. Y., on the farm where he now resides, which is a part of the Hoag homestead, on April 30, 1844, son of Willis (son of Samuel) and Rachel (Tanner) Hoag, who were the parents of six children, namely; Margaret, May, Laura, James, William, and Annie, all born on the homestead where William and Laura now reside. William was educated in the Ancram schools and at Fort Edward Institute. He remained at home associated with his father until the death of the latter in 1866, when he and his brother James assumed the care of the estate until the death of James. In 1893 the landed property was divided, William taking the eastern portion of 212 acres, about a mile east of Ancram Lead Mines, where he now carries on general farming. He is quite prominent in the public affairs of his town, having served as supervisor in 1887-1889, and is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he has been trustee, etc. Pages 116 & 117: HOBBIE, Charles Burdwin, was born in Hudson, N. Y., where he now resides, on May 10, 1852. His father, Walter Hobbie, son of Caleb Hobbie, was a native of Johnstown, Columbia county, and during his life was connected in various capacities with railroading. He was killed accidentally in 1864; his wife was Delia, daughter of Jesse Burdwin. Charles B. Hobbie received his education in the Hudson public schools and in 1876 started his present business of contracting painter and decorator, and later added a line of wall paper to his stock. Mr. Hobbie bears the reputation of being a careful and excellent workman, and by his industry, intelligent methods and honorable dealing has achieved the success that always rewards such attributes. In 1880 Mr. Hobbie was married to Mary, daughter of Clavin Weldon. They have one son, Robert C. Page 321: HOCTOR, Patrick, of Hudson, was born in Ireland, March 16, 1848, and came to the United States with his parents. His father, Timothy Hoctor, settled in East Dorset, Vt., where he was engaged in the marble trade. Patrick Hoctor was educated in private schools, and, after completing his studies, learned marble-cutting with his father. In 1869 he came to Hudson and entered the employ of James M. Townsend, with whom he remained until 1873, when he went to Glens Falls, N. Y., and established business on his own account. Here he remained only three years and returned to Hudson, where he has since carried on marble-cutting and cemetery work, devoting his attention to the production of high-grade designs. He is an ex-member of the cemetery commission, and at present a member of the board of public works, wherein his experience and good judgment make him a useful member. Mr. Hoctor is an industrious, conscientious man, and an example of good citizenship, respected and esteemed throughout the city. In 1871 he was married to Jennie Barrett. They are the parents of two sons: Frank C. and Clarence E., and four daughters: Hattie J., Frances C., Gertrude and Isabelle H. Pages 117 & 118: HODGE, Edward J., one of the landmarks of Columbia county, and more especially of Hudson, was born in Hudson in 1833. While just in his teens, he entered the Gazette office and filled the position allotted to the youngest apprentice. For a period of fifty years he employed his time in various branches of the printing business in that establishment, and upon retirement in 1896, was one of he best newspaper men along the Hudson, and filled the city editor's chair of the Daily Register, as well as the Hudson Gazette. He was educated at the Hudson Academy, and was married June 24, 1854, to Miss Matilda S. Ostrander, of Kinderhook. He has ever been a Jeffersonian Democrat, and has held many official positions of trust and responsibility. He has been successively alderman, city clerk and assessor, and was one of the organizers of the local Civil Service Commission of Hudson, and its first clerk, and at the present time is president of the Columbia County Equalization Commission. He is a prominent fireman, Free Mason, an Odd Fellow and a Knight of Pythias. Among important enterprises which he pushed is the Hudson Street Electric Railway, organizing the company in 1890. He was its secretary for six years. For a long time he was local representative of the United and Associated Press, and corresponded with numerous metropolitan and capital city newspapers. He has filled a unique niche in the history of the city, and figured prominently in nearly every movement inaugurated for the city's prosperity and advancement during the last forty years. His advice in business matters was accepted as cheerfully as given. While seeking rest at present the daily papers and magazines show his journalistic pen has not been laid away entirely. His position as a printer and newspaper man covered a period of over fifty years. Page 118: HOES, William A., p. o. Columbiaville, N. Y., was born November 25, 1825, son of Albert and Peternelne (Winnie) Hoes, whose family of children were named Lawrence, John, Matthew, William A., Esther Ann, Maria, Elsie, Jane and Margaret. Mr. Hoes has always been a farmer. In 1866 he purchased his father's entire estate, both real and personal, and has since devoted his time and labor to its care and improvement. He was always shown an active interest in town affairs and has served sixteen years as justice of the peace of the town of Stuyvesant. In church affairs he has been deeply interested; he first joined the Reformed Church of Kinderhook, later transferred his membership to the church at Stuyvesant Falls, but is now a member of the Kinderhook church. A man of high moral character, alive to the welfare of his community, he exerts an influence for good in his town. Pages 118 & 119: HOGAN, James, p. o. Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., was born in the town of Stuyvesant, N. Y., November 11, 1856, a son of Patrick and Mary (Malane) Hogan. He was educated in the common schools, and his earlier years were spent with his parents. In 1885 he was appointed a member of the New York police force, in which capacity he served two years and resigned. He then engaged in paper manufacturing in Hoboken, as a member of the firm of Barnes & Hogan; at this business he continued three years until 1890, when he removed to the town of Stuyvesant, N. Y., where he has since resided and followed farming. He has taken the good citizen's interest in public affairs and has served two terms as highway commissioner. On October 6, 1897, he was married to Helen J., daughter of the late Capt. Michael and Mary Cosgrove; they have one child, Aloysius Joseph. He and his wife are communicants of the Roman Catholic church of Stuyvesant Falls. Mr. Hogan's brothers and sisters were as follows: Mary, wife of Jeremiah Scully; Helen, wife of the same; James, the subject of this notice; Michael, who was a member of Company C, One Hundred and fifty-ninth New York Volunteers, last heard from on board a ship at Hong Kong, China, and supposed to have died at sea; Patrick Henry, a member of Company E, Forty-seventh New York Volunteers, a resident of New York city, and a lawyer; Edward, died in New York; John, traveling salesman for a New York woolen house. PAGES 321 & 322: HOLLENBECK, Cornelius, is a native of the town of Greenport, where he was born April 12, 1832. His father, Matthias, was also a native of Greenport and was the son of Derrick Hollenbeck, the latter being born in the year 1760. His ancestor was named William. The first member of this branch of Hollenbecks to settle in these parts was William Janze, and was the father of William; he secured a lease of land in 1708 form Henry Van Rensselaer, a part of which is now Mr. John E. Gillette's farm, where all these named descendants were born. Matthias Hollenbeck was united in marriage with Sarah Plass, and died in 1874. Cornelius Hollenbek (sic) received his education in the common schools and has always followed farming for a livelihood, making a specialty of fruit and bee culture, at which he has been very successful. In 1867 he was married to Lydia H. Link, daughter of William H. and Martha M. (Jackson) Link. They are the parents of two daughters: Mrs. Ella B. Baker, who has one son, Gordon E. Baker; and Miss Martha C. Pages 119 & 120: HOLSAPPLE, W. Frank.--Among the prominent families of Columbia county, who have been largely identified with business interests, agriculture, and public affairs, is the one bearing the name of Holsapple. The pioneer of the family in this county was John Holsapple, who was born in Germany in 1710, came to this country and settled in what is now the town of Ghent; he died in the very early years of the present century. He had a son, also named John, born in 1752, died in 1836, who passed his life in the town of Ghent, where he was a successful farmer. He married Hannah New, and among their children was William Holsapple, born in 1804, died in 1849, whose wife was Eva Christina Rossman, a member of another well-known and honored Columbia county family, and a daughter of John I. Rossman. Their son, John W. Holsapple, was born in the Ghent homestead in 1836, but in his early life served for a period as a clerk in Hudson. At the age of twenty-five years he enlisted in Company K, of the Fourteenth Regiment, New York Volunteers, and served in the Civil War with credit. Returning home he became connected with the railroad mail service. He married Alida Van Deusen, a native of Claverack and a member of the old and highly respected family of that name. Of the five children of John W. and Alida Holsapple, W. Frank Holsapple was the eldest. He was born on January 11, 1857. At the age of eighteen years he entered the law office of the late John B. Longley, of Hudson, N. Y., and after the usual period of study, was admitted to the bar in January, 1879. In 1879 he married Lottie T. Burdwin. Mr. Holsapple began practice in his profession in Hudson, and his native ability, persistent industry, and high ideals of what is demanded of the attorney who would not only succeed in business but obtain the confidence and esteem of his fellows, soon gave him a large practice. But his marked qualifications for the conduct of extensive business enterprises gradually led him away from the bar, and at the present time most of his energies are devoted to the varied interests with which he is connected. The Union Knitting Company, which was incorporated in 1881, and which is noticed in another place in this work, is one of the most noted industries of Hudson; of this organization Mr. Holsapple is president, and under his immediate direction it has been brought to the front rank of Columbia county manufactures. Mr. Holsapple is a public-spirited citizen, and no project is advanced that merits approbation, and is designed to promote the general welfare of Hudson city, that does not receive his cordial support. He is a Democrat and, had his business interest permitted, could have received distinguished honors from his party. At the age of twenty-one years he was elected a civil justice of Hudson, a position which he filled with credit eight years; later he received the nomination for county judge, but suffered defeat with the rest of his party ticket. The family home is the beautiful Rossman homestead, where hospitality is bestowed upon a large circle of friends of the family. Page 322: HOLSAPPLE, John, of Copake, was born in the town of Austerlitz, N. Y., July 25, 1833, son of Martin and Mary Ann (Lampman) Holsapple, who were the parents of nine children, as follows: John, Martin, Jr., Eliza Ann, Sylvester, Casper, Wesley, Hoffman, Catherine, and Peter all born in the town of Copake except John. Martin Holsapple, Sr., in early life was a carpenter and builder, but spent the latter part of his life at farming, with an interest in a mercantile business at Craryville. John Holsapple was educated in the schools of Copake, and at twenty-one years began his business life as a farm laborer, which he continued for seven years, when, with his grandfather, John Lampman, he operated the farm where he now lives for fifteen years, and then purchased it; it contains 200 acres, devoted to general farming. He has been assessor one term, and takes an interest in the public measures of his town and county. In 1863 he was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah and Charity (Williams) Lampman. His family attend the Reformed church at West Copake. Page 120: HOPKINS, Thomas, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., a son of Michael and Margaret (Kinney) Hopkins. His mother died when he was small and he came to Philmont to live with his uncle. He attended the public schools in this village and at the close of his school days was employed by George W. Phillips for a short time, then engaged with N. P. Aken in the mill. He was employed there for about ten years, when he came to Stottville and worked for C. H. & F. H. Stott for seven years. He returned to Philmont and engaged in business for himself; he bought the property he now owns eleven years ago and has conducted a hotel in the village since that time. On May 20, 1884, Mr. Hopkins married Maggie Canavan, daughter of Thomas and Mary Canavan; they have three children: Lauretta, Claude and Clara Margaret. Page 121: HORTON, Jacob, M. D., of Livingston, N. Y., was born in West Taghkanic, N. Y., December 25, 1820, son of Michael and Hannah (Best) Horton, who had five children: Jacob, Christina, John, Wilson, and Mary Jane. Michael was a native of Columbia county and a son of Jacob and Grisella (Shutts) Horton. The last-named Jacob was one of three brothers who came from New England and settled in Columbia county. Dr. Jacob Horton was educated at Elizaville, Columbia county, and in Wayne county, N. Y. He studied medicine with Dr. Robert Treat Paine, of Clyde, N. Y., and was graduated from Castleton (Vt.) Medical College, November 25, 1845, and soon after located in Livingston, where he has since resided and practiced his profession. September 15, 1846, he was married to Desiah, daughter of Henry and Christiana (Potts) Dunspaugh. They have had three children: Charles L., Fred B., and Harry D. (died October 25, 1875, at twenty years of age). Dr. Horton has always shown his interest by active participation in all public measures worthy of support, and is a member of the Dutch Reformed congregation of Livingston. Page 121: HORTON, William H., of Claverack, was born in Mellenville, April 2, 1846, son of Mandeville and Sarah (Miller) Horton. His early education was received in the district school, the Hudson River Institute and the Academy at Hudson. At the age of fifteen Mr. Horton was appointed station agent of the Hudson branch of the B. & A. R. R. at Mellenville, and held that position till 1900. Mr. Horton is a member of Hudson Lodge No. 7, F. & A. M., also Lafayette Commandery No. 7. He married Dora, daughter of Frederic and Margaret (Osterhout) Lampman, who bore him three children: Louise (deceased), Charles M., born June 1, 1875, married Kathryn Redmond, of Philmont, and John M., born December 13, 1887. Page 121 & 122: HOSIER, Isaac, of Claverack, a son of John and Charity (Parmenter) Hosier, was born in Pine Plains, Dutchess county, N. Y., December 30, 1850. He attended school when a boy and worked on a farm; he left home at the age of thirteen, and worked for Peter H. Fraley at Red Hook a year; worked for Joel S. Winness about a year and a half, and worked and superintended farm work for Harmon Pulver at Pulver's Corners six years, then opened business for himself in a market in Pine Plains and later in Copake; he sold that out and went to Curtisville, Mass., in a machine shop, where he became proficient in the use of machinery, and stayed there two years and a half, when he returned to Pine Plains for a visit at the old home, and while there he went to work for Horace S. Kelsey, remaining with him until his death in 1882; after that he worked for Miss Kelsey until 1886, as superintendent. He then hired a farm at Boston Corners, and for three years operated it, then returned to Mrs. Kelsey Lindsay and has been in her employ since. He has also operated a dry goods and grocery store for himself in Philmont, N. Y., for four years. He has traveled much in the Western and Southern States, having been to California eight times, and he has operated a large tourists' hotel there. On May 9, 1898, Mr. Hosier married Lucie Dumuth, of Paris, France. Page 122: HOUSMAN, Mrs. Anna, p. o. New Concord, N. Y.--James A. Housman was born in 1846, a son of William, a man of much prominence in New York city. James A. Housman was an active business man and one of the worthy citizens of Chatham. He was married to Anna C. Doty, daughter of John Doty. They had two sons: William H., born in 1879, and Walter P. born in 1882. Mr. Housman died in November, 1888. Page 122: HOVER, Erastus, of Germantown, was born on the farm where he now resides, September 8, 1845, a son of Peter and Mary (Kimball) Hover, one of three children, as follows: Erastus, Mary Elizabeth, wife of Erastus Coon, and John P. Mr. Hover was educated in the common schools of Germantown, and when about twenty-four years of age he purchased the homestead, where he has since lived and carried on general farming and fruit-growing. On October 14, 1869, he married Alice, daughter of John and Gertrude Patten; they have two children: Florence, wife of Melvin M. Rivenburgh, and Elizabeth, wife of Webster Smith. In 1881 and 1882 Mr. Hover served as town clerk and since 1896 has represented his town on the board of supervisors. He is a member of A. F. A. M. No. 7, of Hudson, N. Y. Pages 122 & 123: HOVER, James A., p. o. Columbiaville, N. Y., was born in the town of Ghent, N. Y., and removed thence with his parents to Columbiaville, where he attended the district school and at odd times worked in the cotton mills. Thence he went to Stuyvesant Falls, where he attended school and was occasionally employed in the Van Alen cotton mills. Later he removed with his parents to Kinderhook and was employed in Chrysler's cotton mill, of which he became superintendent. Returning to Stuyvesant Falls, he was made superintendent and became part owner of the Van Alen mills. While engaged at Stuyvesant Falls he purchased the cotton mills at Columbiaville and removed to that place in 1877. In 1886 the mill on the north side of Stockport creek was destroyed by fire and the mill on the south side was converted into a knitting mill, which has been enlarged and improved. His business has constantly increased and to that extent that the Empire Loom Works was purchased in 1900 for a yarn mill, wherein to manufacture the yarn necessary for his knitting mill. Mr. Hover has developed excellent business ability, and his noteworthy success is due to careful management, keen foresight and a judicious employment of the opportunities that come in his way. He was married to Rachel Hinman (deceased); they had two children: Mary (Mrs. Charles H. Hatheway), and Anna Laura. Pages 322 - 326 HOVER, Romanzo W.--The early history of the Hover family is the history of the early Palatinates or Palatines, the first settlers of Germantown, whose descendants are still found in most of the old families of that section. Christian Haber, the great-great-grandfather of Romanzo W. Hover, was among the first of the Palatines, who arrived in 1710, on this then uncultivated wild. Driven from their homes by religious persecutions, first from the banks of the Danube, then from the Rhine, they sought peace and safety in this new land. Rescued by the Duke of Marlborough from the ravages and persecutions of the French King, Louis XIV, who had laid waste their villages in the German Palatinate, forcing them to apply the torch to their own homes and fields, this remnant had left the Rhine, and under the patronage of Queen Anne, sought new homes in her American possessions. Here on the banks of the Hudson they found both that peace and security they sought, and in a section rich in fertility and in beauty of surroundings. Grants of land were made by the Queen to her new subjects, some of which are still retained by the descendants of those early settlers. Of the Haber grant, members of the Hover family have occupied much of it in unbroken succession and still hold it. While first engaged in manufacturing rosin for the British navy, the fertility of the soil attracted to agriculture, and from this to fruit culture (the present occupation) was a natural transition, both from the adaptation of the soil, and to a people who, on the Danube and Rhine, had engaged in these pursuits. While the land of this section is now held among the most valuable in the county, it will be interesting to note that over 100 years ago an old record shows the sale of some 150 acres between members of the Hover family, for $25,000 in gold. The change in name is shown in the early records from Haber to Haver, Hawver, Hoover, Hover. Romanzo W. Hover, the subject of this sketch, was born in the town of Germantown, on the 5th day of April, 1829, the home which he now occupies being the place of his birth. The son of Jeremiah and Amanda Hover, he is the last surviving member of a family of ten children, seven sons (Chauncey, Philip, Alexander, Andrew, Romanzo, Leonard and Eugene), and three daughters (Aveline, Catherine and Virginia). Remaining at home and taking charge of the homestead on his father's death, he continued to devote himself to agricultural pursuits. With others of the section, he devoted most of his life to fruit culture, having now one orchard of Newtown pippins which has been pronounced the finest in the State. In 1897, Christmas shipments of this choice, though rare variety, sold at over $9 per barrel, the highest sales of the English market for the season. While engaged in fruit cultivation, he ws one of the largest exporters of apples in the section. Being one of the first to engage in the exportation of apples from this country to the English market, he continued in the purchasing and shipping of this fruit for over thirty years. He still engages in the trade, shipping largely from his own orchards to the European markets, and continues active in the management of his farm at the age of seventy-two years. Mr. Hover was married to Albertine Miller, daughter of Jacob Miller, Valatie, Columbia county, N. Y., who still presides over her home. Four children were born from the union, but two of whom, a daughter and a son, survive. The daughter, Martha Virginia, was educated at the Misses Peaks' Seminary, Hudson, and the New Lebanon Seminary, and is now the wife of Charles H. Miller, of the firm of Miller & Barringer, leading merchants of the town. They have two children, a son, Leland S., of twelve years, and Tina, a daughter of nine. The son, Sanford W., graduated at the Seymour Smith Institute, Pine Plains, N. Y., and entered Rutgers College. Ill health, however, compelled discontinuance of college studies. After a year spent in Florida, he took up the study of law at the New York University Law School; continued ill health prevented active engagement in the work of his profession north, and necessitated residence south during the coldest season. He has, however, enjoyed the presence of his parents, and sister and family, with him at his Indian River Home, Florida (formerly the home of his uncle, Leonard R. Hover, who went to the Indian River section in 1880 from this county). For the past two years he has spent most of his time in the more bracing climate of North Carolina. That he still retains his devotion to his early home is evident, however, in his return summers, and in the following lines from his pen at his southern home: ODE TO THE HUDSON VALLEY. Sweet memories steal away the soul of him Who dreams. Oft thus in reverie they come To cheer, then, charming, bear our spirits back To native scenes and those we love. Afar We roam; o'er mountain, vale, or pathless sea We wend our way, to thus in fancy view Those cherished scenes. Brightly these Southern skies May glow with light; balmy the air may be, And fragrant with the ever-blooming flowers; Gently the palms may wave to ocean's breeze, And gently ripples roll upon the sands Beneath; but these are vain whene'er those scenes Arise; and from this tropic feast I turn Content. "Valley of the Hudson," it's thou That steals away the heart. Yours the scenes That rise in memory whene'er I dream; For friends dwell on thy banks, and those I love. Thou art a hallowed spot, a haven in Times past to those oppressed--my kin and friends. Long since the years when first they saw thy shores, But happy years they've been, amid thy soul- Inspiring scenes. A new found Rhine, indeed, In Freedom's land, where none have dared oppress. A land with peace and plenty tenting on Thy Fertile fields. I see those fields e'en now, Again; it seems upon they mountain's brow I stand, and look below. 'Tis Spring again, Swollen thy streamlets are from Winter's snow; Swiftly along they course with murmuring song, To mingle with thy noble river's tide. Busy, the laborers turn thy mellow sod For Summer's golden grain; thy trees are white With bloom; thy grass is green, and wild flowers fill Thy woods and fields. Ah, yes I see thee now, And seeing, love thee, as of yore. Long! long Would I delight to dwell within they vale, Spend Summer hours, as when a child, in field And glen, till Autumn time, and sadly then Bid thee farewell, my childhood's happy home.
Farewell, Valley of the Hudson, farewell! Fading from vision, though they radiant scenes, Deep in the heart thy charms will long abide. Far o'er the verdant landscape roams the eye For one last look. Cool are thy breezes now; No more is heard the songster's silvery notes; The busy reapers all are silent, too. The Summer's past! but yet thy joys remain, And in they presence beauty lingers still. Enraptured, long I view thy bounteous stores; See fruited hills arise, and lowlands spread With luscious viands extending far before; Yet sadly gave to know thy feasts are not For me. Sleep, peaceful valley, sweetly sleep Through pleasant Autumn hours. Sleep to the Gentle murmur of thy river's ceaseless Flow, as in thy sylvan robes of gorgeous Hues thou art enwrapped. Sleep! and sweetly sleep Secure. Strong rise the guardians of thy peace-- The sturdy Catskills -- and with watchful mien O'erlook thy treasured fields afar. Again One lingering view -- thy scenes to me no more Farewell! Thou beautiful valley, farewell! And friends, to you again, I bid, -- Adieu!
Pages 123 & 124: HOWE, Edwin Dewey, was born in Albany, N. Y., July 11, 1865, a son of John Alonzo Howe, a native of East Poultney, Vt., born October 1, 1834, and Delia Ann Rice, born at Cambridge, N. Y., January 12, 1834, and their children are John A., Jr., born in Albany, N. Y., November 8, 1859; Mary E., born September 7, 1861; Edwin D., as above; Daniel R, Born March 1, 1873, died November 23, 1881, and Lillian E., born October 28, 1874. John Alonzo Howe was a son of Alonzo Howe of Poultney, Vt., born July 11, 1797, died April 15, 1866. He married November 15, 1825, Elizabeth Horr, born September 2, 1799, died January 20, 1892, a descendant of Benjamin Warren, a near relative of Gen. Joseph Warren, who fell at Bunker Hill. Alonzo was a son of John Howe of Poultney, Vt., born May 2, 1763, died April 3, 1834, and Comance Parker; he married second, December 22, 1829, Anna Lusk. He was captain of a company of scouts doing service on the borders of Canada during the Revolution. He was a son of Nehemiah Howe, of Poultney, Vt., born in Marlboro, Mass., in 1723, and moved to Poultney, Vt., with Ethan Allen in 1771, and was present with him at the capture of Ticonderoga. He was a member of the committee of safety appointed March 11, 1777, for the town of Poultney, a delegate to the Dorset convention July 24, and September 15, 1776, and to the Westminster convention which adopted the Vermont Declaration of Independence (see History of Poultney). His widow, Beulah, with the other women and children of the town of Poultney, fled through the wilderness before the Indians of Burgoyne and were at Pownal, Vt., during the battle of Bennington and helped nurse the wounded after the battle. Nehemiah was a son of Peter Howe, born in Marlboro, Mass., in 1695; he married Grace --------, and died there in 1754. Peter was a son of John Howe, born in Marlboro, Mass., in 1671; married Rebecca ---------, and died in 1754. His father, John Howe, was born in Sudbury, Mass., August 24, 1640, and was killed by the Indians at Sudbury, April 20, 1676; he married Elizabeth ---------, January 22, 1662. His daughter Elizabeth was burned at the stake in Salem, Mass., with other maidens. He was a son of John Howe, of Hodenhull, Warwickshire, England, and a connection of the family of Lord Charles Howe, Earl of Lancaster, in reign of Charles I., who came to Watertown, Mass., in 1635; he married at Sudbury, Mass., in 1638, Mary ---------; took the freeman's oath in 1640; served as selectman in 1640 and as marshal in 1642. In 1657 he moved to Marlboro, Mass., being the first white settler in the place and was surnamed "The Just" by the Indians, and died there in 1687. He was the son of John Howe, of Warwickshire England. (See History of Framingham, Mass.) Edwin D. Howe was educated in the public schools of Albany, N. Y., and was graduated from Middlebury College (Vermont) in 1887 and from the Albany Law School of Union University in 1889. He studied law with the Hon. Alden Chester of Albany, N. Y., and came to Valatie, N. Y., in 1889, where he has since practiced law. In 1893 he purchased the coal and lumber business of Irving M. Miller. On June 4, 1894, he was married to Margaret Helen, daughter of Samuel Benson and Sarah J., his wife. They have one son, Joseph Warren, born July 9, 1896. Mr. Howe is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution; president of the board of education; village clerk and with Franks S. Beeker wrote Beeker & Howe's Justice Court Practice, Village Laws, Digest of Fees for county, town and village officers, Excise Laws and several other works. Page 328: HOWES, Ashley, B., p. o. East Chatham, N. Y., was born in the town of Canaan, N. Y., October 12, 1852, a son of Rev. Rufus D. and Mary (born in 1826) (Kellogg) Howes. Rev. Rufus D. Howes was born in the town of Austerlitz, N. Y., in 1820, and was a minister of the Christian denomination; he died in 1860. Ashley B. Howes was given a common school education, and engaged in carpentering and farming. He was town clerk fifteen years, was the founder of the Grange of Canaan, of which he was master three years, and is a member of Columbia Lodge, No. 98, F. & A. M. He is now (1900) picking and packing fruit for the Pan-American Exposition, and also form time to time is engaged at the Farmers' Institute under the direction of the Bureau of State Farmers' Institutes. He was married to Helen M., daughter of Joseph C. Ford, and their children are Elfreda, Ellen, and Burton Rufus. Page 326: HOYSRADT, Frank, of Ancram, was born on the Hoysradt homestead in Ancram, N. Y., April 15, 1838, son of Henry S. and Margaret (Feltz) Hoysradt, who had nine children, as follows: Albert William, Jacob W., Catherine Augusta, Malvina, Mindwell, Sabrina, George W., Frank H., and one who died in infancy. Frank H. Hoysradt was educated in the common schools and at Fort Edward, N. Y. He remained at home until he was sixteen years old, since which time he has had a varied experience in different parts of the United States. Starting as a farm laborer, at the end of three years he went to Fort Edward and was employed in a furnace, and was afterward employed in other furnaces. He became a proficient machinist and engineer, and has been a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of Rensselaer, No. 337, since 1868. He was employed on the New York Central from 1866 to 1871, and on the Chicago and Northwestern for five years. In 1893, tired of a wandering life, he settled down on his farm in Ancram, where he now lives and carries on general farming. The Hoysradt family may be numbered among the pioneers of this section. The first one of the name here settled on the farm now occupied by Perry Miller, in the town of Ancram. Adam Hoysradt was a captain in the Revolutionary army and was stationed at Stillwater at the time of Burgoyne's surrender. Henry A. Hoysradt was a son of Adam, and his father settled on the farm in Gallatin where Albert Rockefeller now resides. Pages 326 & 327: HOYSRADT, Jacob H., of Ancram, was born in Ancram, N. Y., on the farm where he now lives, November 10, 1858, son of Henry H. and Maria (Strever) Hoysradt, who had four children, as follows: George W., Jacob H., Martin J., and Perry, all born on the homestead where Jacob H. now lives. Henry H. Hoysradt was a son of Jacob and Betsey (Smith) Hoysradt, whose three children were Maria Roraback, Henry H., and Julia Hinsdale, who were also born on the homestead where Jacob settled when a young man. Jacob H. Hoysradt attended the schools of Ancram and Gallatin. His father died when he was twelve years of age, and his mother seven years later, when he came into possession of the homestead, containing 191 acres of land, where he has since resided, and follows dairying. He has been an active participant in the political affairs of his town and county, serving as town clerk, supervisor nine years, four of which he was chairman of the board, and in 1893 was elected to the Assembly. He is a member of the Presbyterian church at Ancram Lead Mines, of Hudson Lodge No. 7, F. & A. M., and of the Masonic Club of Hudson. On March 5, 1880, he was married to Carrie, daughter of Jacob and Elsie Miller; they have four children: Henry, Elsie, Mabel, and Grace. Pages 124 & 125: HOYSRADT, Jacob Warren, was born in the town of Ancram, N. Y., March 8, 1824. When a young man he came to Hudson, where through life he was an active business man. He was closely connected with the Hudson Iron Works during the existence of that industry. In public life he was a power and a worthy example. He served as mayor of the city of Hudson, was a member of Assembly and State Senator. In 1853 he was married to Caroline, daughter of Charles and Caroline McArthur, one of the old Hudson families. They were the parents of two sons, Albert and Warren J., and three daughters, Mrs. Grace Gleason, of Newburgh, and Miss Jessie Hoysradt and Mrs. Florence Rossman. Mr. Hoysradt died November 15, 1890, a public loss not to be estimated. Pages 327: HOYSRADT, Lewis M., of Ancram, was born in the town of Kinderhook, N. Y., December 6, 1849, son of Henry and Ann (McDowell) Hoysradt, whose children were Lewis M., Elizabeth, wife of Fred C. Barton; Cortland J., John K., and Addie, all born in the town of Ancram except Lewis M. Henry Hoysradt was a son of John, and he a son of Henry A. and Eva (Strever) Hoysradt; the latter Henry was the first to settle on the farm where Lewis now lives, and paid a yearly rental to the Livingstons. Lewis Hoysradt, when a few months old, was taken by his parents to Pine Plains, Dutchess county, and a year later they removed to the farm where he now lives. His father, Henry, died in 1875, aged fifty-eight yeas, and his mother in 1865, at forty-five years of age. Lewis attended the common schools and Hudson Academy. When about twenty-one years of age he began a mercantile business at Ancram Lead Mines, where he continued for two years. Disposing of this business, he returned to the homestead. In 1871 he formed a partnership with Fred C. Barton, buying farm produce for shipment to New York and other markets, which relation continues at present. They have expanded their business and now carry a general stock of merchandise, and handle coal, wood, agricultural implements, etc. He also is interested in farming the old homestead, situated about half-way between Ancram and Ancram Lead Mines. In October 1875, he was married to Sarah, daughter of John M. and Betsey (Tanner) Smith. Mr. Hoysradt has served three terms as supervisor. Page 125: HUDSON, Henry of Hudson, was born in the town of Stockport (now Stuyvesant), N. Y., on August 10, 1852. He is the son of William Hudson, who came to that town with his father, Richard, a discharged English soldier, who had settled in Valatie in 1825. William Hudson was connected with the textile trade; he was married to Julia Van Keuren of the town of Ghent, N. Y., and died in 1888. Henry Hudson obtained his education in the common schools and at the Stottville Academy. He began his business career in the employ of C. H. & F. H. Stott, of Stottville, and later was with Titus Sheard at Little Falls, N. Y., and S. K. Wilson, Trenton, N. J. In 1881 he engaged with the James Smith Woolen Machinery Company, of Philadelphia, as salesman and mill expert on machinery, and is one of the best known textile machinery men in this country, in which company he retains an interest. In 1893 he organized and established the Hudson Fibre Company, of which he is president and treasurer. Mr. Hudson bears the reputation of being a sagacious and enterprising business man, and has achieved success by close attention to his enterprises and deserves the returns his industry and foresight have brought him. In 1877 he was married to Annie, daughter of Simeon Atherton. They have one son, Charles H., now manger and secretary of the Hudson Fibre Company. Pages 125 & 126: HUGHES, Edward T. p. o. Chatham, N. Y., was born in Sandy Hill, Washington county, N. Y., April 7, 1846, s son of Charles Hughes, who was one of the leading lawyers of Northern New York, and who was a member of Congress and clerk of the Court of Appeals, provost marshal Fifteenth Congressional District, headquarters at Troy, N. Y., during Draft riots of 1861, State Senator, etc; his wife was Lucy A. Stone; he died in 1887 and his wife in 1852. Edward T. Hughes obtained his education in the district schools, a private school and the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. His first business enterprise was as a manufacturer of paper sacks, at Akron, Ohio, following which he went to Michigan and engaged in the lumber business, and at Flint, in that State, carried on a hardware trade. Returning east he was engaged on the Croton aqueduct for a time. In 1892 he came to Chatham, where he has since been engaged in the manufacture of paper. His wife was Frances L., daughter of Horace W. Peaslee, of Malden Bridge. They are the parents of Jessie, Grace L., Edward T., Jr., and Constance Hughes. Page 128: HUGHES, James R., p. o. Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., was born in Ireland and was brought to this country by his parents when he was a small boy. He attended school for a time in New York and began labor as a cash boy in the store of Jones Bros. in New York. After two years in that capacity, he removed with his parents to Columbia county, where he completed his schooling at Malden Bridge. After leaving school he was employed for eleven years as a clerk by Smith & Vedder, at the expiration of which service he engaged in business on his own account in company with his elder brother Patrick. They opened a general store in Brainard, Rensselaer county, under the firm name of Hughes Bros. This continued for two years, when Patrick sold his interest and the firm of Vedder & Hughes was organized. Five years later Mr. Hughes disposed of his interest in the firm and purchased the store of J. A. Dick at Stuyvesant Falls, where he has since conducted a thrifty, successful business. Mr. Hughes is an outspoken Democrat in politics, and has held several town offices. He is a pushing, progressive business man and sustains a reputation for thoroughness, honesty and good sense. In 1885 he was married to Alice a., daughter of Patrick and May Flynn of New York city. Pages 126: HUNT, Alfred, p. o. Chatham, N. Y., was born in the town of Chatham, in 1840, son of Ira and Elizabeth (Clark) Hunt. He is engaged as contracting carpenter and builder. He served as excise commissioner one year, and one year as trustee of the village of Chatham. He was united in marriage with Catherine D., daughter of Henry and Fanny Ashley, of Germantown, N. Y. Their children are Charles R. Elmer A., of Chatham; Alfred, Jr., of Albany, and Oris, of Chatham. Mr. Hunt's father was a farmer of Chatham; he died in 1895, and his wife in 1862. Page 328: HUNT, Gilbert Leroy, was born in the town of Guilford, Chenango county, N. Y., in 1844, a son of Rutsen Hunt (born in Hillsdale) and Maritta (Palmer) (also born in Hillsdale). Rutsen Hunt died in January, 1892. Gilbert Leroy Hunt was educated in the public schools of his town and at Claverack College. He began business life as a farmer, which occupation he still pursues. In 1891 Mr. Hunt was married to Mary E., only child of Lester and Lucy Bennett, of the town of Maryland, Otsego county. Three children have blessed this union: Violet E., Leslie R., and Lula M., who died of typhoid fever December 12, 1895, while attending the Albany Normal College. ::Home::Bios Index:: |