FACTORS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY HISTORY From Columbia County at the End of the Century Volume II Published and Edited Under the Auspices of the Hudson Gazette The Record Printing and Publishing Co. Hudson, New York M C M (1900)
"Wi-Wr" SURNAMES These biographies in Part III begin after page 132 of Volume II beginning with page 3. Abbreviations used: p. o. = post office
Click on the Photo to see the person. Page 260:
Page 261: WILCOX, Edgar M., p. o. Chatham, N. Y., was born in Canaan, N. Y., October 17, 1850. His father was Valentine J. Wilcox, a native of Canaan, born in 1814; he was married to Susan, daughter of Martin and Mary Vanderburgh, who bore him three children: Martin V., born in 1842, died in 1863, while serving in the Union army; Emily A., and Edgar M. He was a farmer by vocation, and later a dealer in real estate, and for a time managed and owned half of the opera-house in Chatham village. He served as assessor of Chatham and town clerk in Canaan a number of years, and died in 1878. Edgar M. Wilcox was educated in the common schools and at Fort Edward Institute. He has always been notably prominent in public and business affairs; was part owner and manager of Cady's Opera House for several years in Chatham village; has served as deputy sheriff and sheriff's clerk of Columbia county; was appointed assessor in 1897 of the town of Chatham and elected to the same office in 1898; has been trustee of the village of Chatham and one of the directors of the Columbia County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and a member of its committee on risks and adjustment of losses, and a director of the Co-operative Building Bank of New York. He was married October 25, 1899, to Mary, daughter of Stephen Miller. Page 262: WILCOXSON, John, was born in Kinderhook in 1825, and engaged in the mercantile business for about eight years, then went to Stuyvesant and engaged in the freight business. In 1853 Mr. Wilcoxson married Anna Pruyn, and their children are Anna H. and Charles. Mr. Wilcoxson died in 1891 and his wife in 1887. He was director of the Union Bank and one of Kinderhook's representative business men. Page 262: WILD, Nathan P. was born in Valatie, N. Y., in 1860. His father, Charles Wild, is a native of Columbia county, and is the head of the Wild Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of print cloths; he married Mary Grant, who has borne him these children: Laura, William H., Nathan P., Mary, Charles, Jr., and Howard G. Nathan P. Wild is a Mason, holding membership in Lodge No. 362. His wife was Julia Seeny; they have four children: George W., Marion, Kathryn, and Julia. Page 262: WILDERMUTH, Peter, was born in Germany, October 8, 1847, and was educated in the schools of his native place. He learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed until 1865, when he came to America, coming direct to his brother's in Mellenville, for whom he worked two years. From there he went to Linlithgo, then to Glenco Mills, from there to West Taghkanic, and from there to Churchtown, where he stayed two years. Next he bought a place in Mellenville, which he kept for two years and then sold it to his brother, and in 1876 came to Hollowville, where he has since remained. October 22, 1868, Mr. Wildermuth married Catherine Plumb, a native of Germany, who came to this country at the age of ten and made her home with her aunt in Glencoe; they had a family of nine children, as follows: Frank, born June 27, 1870; Libbie, born April 28, 1872; Homer, born January 11, 1874; William, born October 18, 1876; Lottie, born October 25, 1878; John, born August 14, 1880, died June 23, 1894; Mary L., born July 6, 1882; George, born April 18, 1886, and Everett, born July 11, 1891. Pages 262 & 264: WILKINSON, Hiram F., ws born in Sand Lake, N. Y., February 28, 1831, a son of Benjamin and Mary (Miller) Wilkinson. He received his early education in the public schools and the academy. His first business career was in a hosiery mill in his native village, operated by James Aken, where he was employed until 1862, when he came to Philmont and was engaged by Nelson P. Aken as bookkeeper in the Aken Mills. After a time, by strict attention to business, he was made superintendent and still later general manger, which position he held until the organization of the Aken Knitting Company. On February 1, 1888, he was elected treasurer of the company, and held that position until his death. On September 5, 1866, Mr. Wilkinson married Fannie M., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Riphenburgh) Michael, who bore him three children: Carrie M., born June 15, 1867; Lizzie May, born January 5, 1874, who died January 21, 1874; and Mattie B., born July 20, 1875. Carrie M. married Charles L. Spoor, of Coxsackie, and has three children: John Franklin, born March 9, 1891; Ruth L., born December 19, 1894; and Marion R., born November 14, 1896. Pages 375 & 376: WILLIAMS, Edwin Mather, was born in Canaan, in 1889. His father was Edwin B. Williams, born in 1819, whose death occurred in 1890, and who married Carrie P. Blinn of Canaan, in 1883, daughter of Aaron Carter Blinn (whom see). The father of Edwin B. was Uri Williams, born in 1774 and died in 1865, who came to Canaan from Torrington, Conn., in 1783, with his father, Jacob Williams, who had been a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and his mother, Elizabeth Merrill. Uri married, in 1796, Naomi Mather, a direct descendant of Timothy Mather, a brother of Rev. Increase Mather, who has been aptly styled "the father of the New England clergy." It is from this Timothy that all who now bear the name of Mather trace their lineage through an unbroken line of male descent from Rev. Richard, the emigrant, who settled in Dorchester in 1635. Tradition states that the founder of this branch of the Williams family came originally from Rhode Island, where there was an entailed estate from eldest son to eldest son, all hope of which he, being the sixth son, relinquished and thus lost communication with his family. Edwin Mather Williams is now the only living representative of the line in Canaan, and is also the last of Uri's descendants who bears the family name. He, with his mother, occupies the old homestead there, which has been in the possession of the family for about one hundred years. Pages 264 & 266: WILLIAMS, M. Parker, of Hudson, N. Y., was born in Belfast, Maine, February 24, 1826, and came from sturdy Revolutionary stock on both the maternal and paternal side. His father, Captain John Williams, was a prominent ship owner and sea-captain of his time, largely engaged in the East India and Liverpool trade; he died in 1831, when the subject of this sketch was five years old. His mother, Sarah Parker, was the oldest daughter of Mighill Parker, Esquire, a magistrate who performed valuable service to his country during the War of 1812-14, and was prominent in negotiating the peace which followed in 1815, and granddaughter of Captain John Parker, commander of the "Minute Men" at the battle of Lexington. His father was a lineal descendant of William Williams, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Like most successful journalists in this country, Mr. Williams is a self-made man. He was thrown upon his own resources when quite young, but, aided by a strong will, indomitable perseverance, and industrious habits, he mastered the practical and many of the intricate branches of education. He early manifested a literary taste, and commenced writing for prominent periodicals before reaching his eighteenth year, and from this source received a considerable income, much of which came from "good old Father Norris" (as he was familiarly called), editor of the Boston Olive Branch, then one of the leading literary journals of the country, and who took special interest in encouraging and developing literary ambition in the young people of that period. In 1848, at the age of twenty-two, Mr. Williams became editor of The Gazette, at East Thomastown (now the city of Rockland), Maine; but, aiming for a larger field of labor, he removed to Boston in 1850 and was connected with The Daily Herald of that city until 1852, when he was called to Philadelphia on the staff of The Daily Register, and later to The Daily Times. On the 7th of September, 1857, he purchased the plant of the Hudson (N.Y.) Gazette, which was a old established paper (dating from 1785), in decaying condition. He built it up to a paying basis, and on the 26th of May, 1866, established the Hudson Daily Register. In this connection he purchased a franchise in the "Associated Press of the State of New York," which was a bold venture, but with his experience in journalism, and the facilities at his command, the success of the new journal was assured at the outset, and the result did not disappoint his sanguine expectations. For many years he was a member of the executive committee of the "Associated Press" and regarded as an authority on the news service in the State. Under his lead rural journalism in this section greatly improved in every department; and no small degree of the advanced enterprise and public spirit in the city of Hudson within thirty years may be attributed to the influence of The Daily Register under his exclusive management. An active and leading politician for more than forty years, Mr. Williams never sought or accepted public office, although often solicited to do so. In 1886 he was tendered the unanimous nomination for Congress by the Democratic convention of the Sixteenth district, comprising the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, and Putnam, which honor he respectfully declined, saying that his business interests would not permit him to accept the nomination, even if accompanied by a certificate of election. Under urgent pressure, as a local public duty, he served on the board of health of the city of Hudson for six years, 1890-1895, under the administration of four successive mayors. On the 16th of February, 1860, Mr. Williams married Mercy Ann Brigham, at Plymouth, Mass., a descendant of Pilgrim stock, who at this writing enjoys remarkable activity at the age of seventy-one. Her society is much sought by bright young ladies, who delight to call her "Aunty," and are anxious to learn how she preserves her age and vivacity. Her reply is, "Keep the heart young." On the 1st of February, 1896, having reached the age of seventy, and after fifty years of incessant journalistic labor, Mr. Williams concluded the period had arrived when he was entitled to recreation and rest, and sold his valuable newspaper properties to "The Record Printing and Publishing Company." He has since devoted his time to quiet and congenial literary pursuits. Page 376: WILLIAMS, Wesley S., of Copake, was born in the town of Copake, N. Y., on the farm where he now lives, August 18, 1845, son of Samuel and Louisa (Wolcott) Williams, who were the parents of four children, as follows: David S., Ward, Wesley S., and Orilla, wife of Langdon Curtis. Samuel Williams was a son of David and Sophia Williams; his grandfather settled on the homestead in the northeastern part of the town, and it has remained in possession of the family ever since, nearly two centuries, and is the birthplace of four generations. Wesley S. Williams lost his father by death when he was three years old; he attended the common schools, and remained with his mother until her death in 1888. In 1885 he became the owner of the homestead of 165 acres and follows general farming. In 1868 he was married to Emma E., daughter of William and Clara Curtis; they have four children, namely: Raymond J., S. Jordan, D. Edward, and Emil E. He is a member of the Episcopal church, and is active in school and church work. Page 267: WILLIAMSON, James, p. o. Stuyvesant, N. Y., was born in Scotland, October 17, 1835, son of James and Margaret (Burnet) Williamson, who arrived in this country on June 6, 1847, and settled on Staten Island, N. Y. They later removed to New York city, where they lived two years, and then removed to Rockland county, N. Y., where the father purchased land. James (the subject of this notice) received his education in Scotland before coming to the United States. He resided with his parents until he was about nineteen years of age, when his mother died, and he started out in life for himself. His first employment was as a laborer for the Ulster Ice Company. In 1850 he was in the employ of John Camp, and later was for a time engaged as a ship carpenter at Rockland. In 1857 he began the ice business on his own account, running two wagons in New York city, which he continued until 1900, when he sold his business and equipment to the American Ice Company, and now confines his attention solely to the wholesale trade. In 1857 he became a member of the New York volunteer fire department and served until 1865. In 1860 he was married to Bridget, daughter of Patrick and Mary O'Neil. In 1880 he removed his family to Stuyvesant, where he has since resided, a respected and trusted citizen, a thorough business man and a valuable addition to the town's population. Page 372: WILSEY, Zachariah, of Copake, was born in the town of Ancram, N. Y., September 9, 1822, son of George L. and Maria (Kisselbrack) Wilsey, who had eleven children, as follows: George, Zachariah, Elsie, Maria, Lydia, Jacob, David, Eli, Levi, Peter and Catherine. George L. Wilsey was a son of Conrad, who was a native of Holland. When Zachariah was four years old his parents removed from Ancram to the town of Livingston, where he was educated in the district schools. He was associated with his father until he was twenty-four years of age, when he went to Rensselaer county and was engaged in farming for two years. He then returned to Ancram, where he lived three years, and then for eleven years was associated with his father-in-law in Taghkanic, at the end of which time he bought the farm of 182 acres he now owns and operates. He is a member of West Copake Reformed church. When about twenty-four he was married to Maria Wilkinson, who died in 1848, leaving on son, George. In 1852 he was married to Erviett Sheltus, and they have nine children: Frank, Ada, Henry, Arthur, Peter, Annie, Herbert, Sarah and Ward. Page 267: WILSON, Jesse, was born in Greenport, N. Y., November 1, 1847. He is the son of Henry Wilson, a native of Albany, who settled in Hudson in 1833, and was one of the early hotel-keepers in that city, conducting the famous old Wilson House. He afterward purchased 1,000 acres of land on Mount Merino and devoted his remaining days to agriculture. He was married to a daughter of Abram and Catherine Livingston Morse. His ancestor, John Morse, settled in Claverack in 1760, and was one of the founders of the Episcopal Church in Albany. Jesse Wilson was educated in Hudson and was graduated from St. Stephen's College in 1876. He was three years an attendant of St. Francis Capuchin Monastery School in Berlin, Germany, and, after spending five years in travel, returned home in 1884, and has since been engaged in farming. Pages 267 & 268: WILSON, John, p. o. Valatie, N. Y, was born in Ireland, December 11, 1848, son of John and Ann (Austin) Wilson. John Wilson, Sr., came to Valatie in 1861, where he and his wife both lived until their deaths. John Wilson, the son, after obtaining his education in the district schools entered the baking business, which he has since followed. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows orders, and has served three terms as village trustee. His wife was Isabella McDowell, who has borne him one son, Charles J., who is in business with his father. Pages 268 & 269: WILSON, Thomas, M. D., of Hudson, was born in Ireland, on the 22d of September, 1842. At the age of fourteen he came to the United States and continued the studies he had begun in Ireland in the schools of Dutchess county. In 1860 he went to Charlotte, N. C., where he was engaged in the drug business until 1864, when he was conscripted into the Confederate Army. Being utterly opposed to serving the Confederate government under these circumstances, he effected his escape by concealing himself in a box shipped on a blockade runner and landed at Nassau, N. P. Securing a passage he finally arrived in New York after undergoing the sufferings of shipwreck. In 1871 he matriculated at the Albany Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1874, and immediately began practice in Albany, where he remained two years, thence removing to Claverack. Here for twenty-four years he successfully pursued the practice of his profession, winning friends and the confidence of the people, not only as a physician, but as a citizen of true worth and usefulness. About December 1, 1899, he removed to Hudson, where he began as a specialist in the treatment of throat and lung diseases, in which branch of his profession he has achieved a more than local reputation. Apart from a busy life in his profession, Dr. Wilson has been a factor for good in various ways. For twelve years he was president of the board of trustees of Claverack College and Hudson River Institute at Claverack, founded and organized the Claverack Free Library and Reading-room with 2,000 volumes, and in every undertaking for the welfare of the village or improvement of its people he was an active participant. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Columbia County Medical Society, and the New York State Medical Association. He was appointed manager of the Hudson House of Refuge for Women in Hudson in June, 1899, and at present is also serving as treasurer of the institution. In 1876 Dr. Wilson was married to Laura E., daughter of Michael Cummings of Staatsburg, N. Y. The fruits of this union are son son, Edwin B., Wilson, a member of the class of 1901 at Yale, and one daughter Annah L. Wilson. The term "self-made-man" is used so indiscriminately, and more often than otherwise inappropriately, that to employ it in connection with the career of Dr. Wilson smacks a little of the common-place, but no other term can so comprehensively describe him. Coming to these shores when but a boy, he has made his way without unearned assistance to the high plane of social distinction and professional eminence he now occupies. Would that we had more men, whose record, like his, might offer to the young men of the day an inspiring example of what may be accomplished from modest beginnings and by sheer force of character. Page 269: WISE, Andrew, of Greenport, son of Joseph and Martha Wise, was born in Hudson, N. Y., June 8, 1857. Joseph Wise was a native of Alsace-Lorraine, and came to Hudson about 1835; he was the first manufacturer of baskets in Columbia county; he died in 1869. Andrew Wise was educated in the public schools, and, after his schooling, for ten years was employed by George H. Macy. In 1900 he erected the block that bears his name; he has served as assistant chief engineer of the fire department, and is a member of the A. O. U. W. In 1883 he was married to Emma Gross; they have one son, Frank W. Wise. Pages 269 & 270: WOLVEN, Joseph C., was born in Saugerties, Ulster county, N. Y., June 15, 1860, a son of Egbert A. and Elizabeth A. (Teetsel) Wolven. He received his early education in the district school and at the age of thirteen went to work in the store of J. K. Merritt, where he worked for about a year and a half, working for the small pittance of $1 a week and boarded himself out of that; he next was employed by C. P. Shults at a salary of $2. a week. After a little he returned home and attended school for a winter, then engaged with William R. Hill, traveling on the road with garden produce, and after that spent three years on a farm. In 1882 Mr. Wolven came to Mellenville and worked in the mills three years, then was employed in the Vanderbilt House as a clerk. On December 26, 1886, he engaged in business for himself in Mellenville, starting in in the building now occupied by the post-office. He remained in that location until 1892, when he bought the place he now occupies. Mr. Wolven devotes a great deal of his time to the raising of fancy fowls and has some of the best in the State, and at the county fairs has carried off many of the best prizes. He is a member of Cascade Lodge of Philmont, K. of. P. On March 6, 1894, Mr. Wolven married Della Hagadon, of Mellenville, daughter of Peter and Amelia (Poucher) Hagadon; they have one daughter, Lola E., born June 29, 1895. Page 270: WOOD, Cornelius J., p. o. Chatham, N. Y., was born in the town of Hyde Park, Dutchess county, September 21, 1850. Warren Wood, his father, was a native of Dutchess county, and a farmer; his wife was Joanna Jones, of Columbia county, and their children are William, Walter R., and Cornelius J. Mrs. Warren Wood died in 1895. Cornelius J. Wood, after his school days, worked on a farm. In 1874 he came to Chatham, where he was a salesman for a pork-dealing establishment. Later he sold tobacco for a New York house, and also traveled for an Albany firm. In 1881 he entered the employ of a New York wholesale grocery house, Lewis De Groff & Son, and has remained in their service since. He has been a trustee of Chatham village for two years. On March 1, 1886, he was married to Luella Dumond, daughter of John Dumond, of Germantown. Their children are Warren J., born February 5, 1888; Lewis D., born February 4, 1891, and Cornelius J., born September 12, 1895. Pages 270 & 271: WOODRUFF, Richard Allen, M. D., of Claverack, was born in Pine Brush, Orange county, N. Y., January 8, 1864, a son of William H. and Antoinette (Allen) Woodruff, one of a family of five children, four now living. Dr. Woodruff's early education was obtained in the public schools and the Brooklyn High School, from which he was graduated in 1883; at that date he entered the Albany Medical College, from which he was graduated March 3, 1886, and on March 15, 1886, he received a diploma from the Bellevue Hospital Medical College. After completing his studies he settled in Stottville, where he remained until April, 1889, when he sold his practice to Dr. J. W. King and traveled in the great Northwest for eight months, returning from his travels in December, 1889; at that date he came to Philmont and resumed his practice of medicine there, where he has since remained. He is medical examiner for the town of Claverack and received his first appointment in 1890. Dr. Woodruff is a Mason in high standing, is a member of Hudson Chapter No. 7 of Hudson, Lafayette Commandery No. 7, Hudson Chapter No. 6, and a life member of the Mystic Shrine, Cypress Temple, of Albany. He is also a member of Arcadia Lodge No. 777, of Philmont, I. O. O. F., and Cascade Lodge No. 197, K. P. September 1, 1897, Dr. Woodruff married Luella Smith Harder; they have one son, Richard S., born August 18, 1899. Pages 372 & 373: WOODWARD, Jay, of Ancram, was born on the farm where he now resides in the town of Ancram, N. Y., October 31, 1866, a son of James and Maryette (Griswold) Woodward, who were the parents of five children: Rosa, Jay, and three who died in infancy, and a grandson of of Alexander and Catherine (Yorker) Woodward. James Woodward was a man who was looked up to by his townsmen, and was interested in all public enterprise, especially school and church matters, to which he gave freely of his time and means, serving the schools officially and the church as trustee many years; he died January 11, 1893. Jay Woodward, after attending the district schools, was associated with his father in the conduct of the homestead until the death of the latter, when he took charge of its 390 acres. He has since purchased another farm, containing 170 acres, and makes a specialty of dairying. Like his father, he is a public spirited man, and a worthy citizen. Page 271: WOODWARD, William C., p. o. Chatham, N. Y, was born in Lee, Mass., November 9, 1855. His father was Curtis G. Woodward, a native of Stephentown, Rensselaer county, N. Y., where he was a mason, and for a time a hotel-keeper. His wife was Mary Holmes, and their children were Hattie (deceased), and Dora (deceased), Sophia, Agnes, and William C. Curtis G. Woodward died July 10, 1894, and his wife in December, 1892. William C. Woodward was educated in the common schools and at a business college in Troy. For a time he was engaged at farming, and later was employed as a clerk in a store. In 1880 he established himself in mercantile business in Stephentown, where he continued in trade sixteen years. In 1891-1892 he served as supervisor of Stephentown. Disposing of his mercantile interests, he came to Chatham, and, associated with M. C. Bailey, engaged in the manufacture of shirts, which enterprise they now are conducting. He is a member of Unity Lodge No.9, F. & A. M., of Lebanon Springs. Page 373: WOODWORTH, Rufus H., p. o. Flat Book, N. Y., was born in the town of Canaan, N. Y., September 18, 1863, son of Charles P. and Evelyn (Hewitt) Woodworth, whose other children were William S., George H., and Florence, deceased. Charles P. Woodworth was born at Flat Brook in 1835, and was engaged in mercantile trade there and in farming; he was assessor for several years, and has held the office of justice of the peace for the past seven years. His wife died December 9, 1898. Rufus H. Woodworth was educated in the public schools and at a private academy. He taught school for five years, and went to Chicago and engaged in railroading for two years. In 1892 he was appointed a mail agent on the Boston and Albany Railroad, and holds that position at the present time. He is a member of Wisdom Lodge, F. & A. M., of West Stockbridge, Mass. His wife was Anna L., daughter of William Warner, of Albany, N. Y. Pages 271 & 272: WOODWORTH, T. Floyd, M. D., was born in Napanoch, Ulster county, N. Y., October 20, 1832, son of Theodore and Sarah Woodworth. Dr. Woodworth was educated in the common schools and Shaw Academy at Euclid, O. His father, Theodore Woodworth, was born June 27, 1801, and died May 23, 1871; he was of English descent---of two brothers that landed at Plymouth Rock from the "Mayflower." Dr. Woodworth's mother was Sarah Wadsworth, a relative of Governor Wadsworth, who hid the charter of Connecticut in the old oak tree. She was married in 1828, and died December 17, 1837, survived by a husband, son, and daughter: Dr. Woodworth, and Mrs. Clarissa W. Ackley, of Manasquan, N. J. In May, 1839, Theodore Woodworth, with his two children, went aboard of a sloop at Rondout, sailing up the Hudson river to Troy, thence via canal to Buffalo, thence by steamer to Cleveland, O. (this was the only mode of public traveling at that time), to the home of his father, Luther Woodworth, who, with his family, when the War of 1812 broke out, was living at Black Rock, N. Y., and were ordered to Cleveland, O. He was sent up the lake on the "Caledonia," a one-gun brig, on her way to Perry's victory, and was landed thirty miles below Cleveland, then a wilderness. After building a log house he traveled on foot to Cleveland, where he remained until the close of the war. He built the stone lighthouse, which was taken down a few years ago and a modern brick one built in its place. Theodore Woodworth remained at home until of age, when he came to Hudson, and served an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker. In January, 1860, T. Floyd Woodworth went to California via the Isthmus of Panama, returning home in September, 1863, and was graduated as an M. D., February, 1869, from the Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland, O. He was interne in the United States Marine Hospital for one year, and has been in active practice since. Dr. Woodworth married Delia J. Schermerhorn, daughter of Walter P. Schermerhorn, of Muitzeskill, and then moved to Oshkosh, Wis., where he practiced until the big fire of 1873, then moved to Findlay, O., leaving there in April, 1883, for Kinderhook, where he has since lived. Dr. Woodworth is an honorary member of Wisconsin State Medical Society; past secretary of Winnebago County Medical Society at Oshkosh; secretary and treasurer of Columbia County (N. Y.) Medical Society; member of New York State Medical Association; member of the American Medical Association; was confirmed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Bedell, of Ohio, in Grace Episcopal Church, Cleveland, O., in 1867; was active in forming the first Episcopal church in Findlay, O., in 1881, and was the first senior warden of the church there; is clerk of the vestry of St. Paul's church, Kinderhook; was made a master Mason in Kenosha Lodge No. 49, in 1854, and took the order of knighthood in Racine, Wis., in 1867, the degree of Scottish Rite in the valley of Cincinnati in 1882, and the order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine in Mecca Temple, New York, in 1889; is past master of Valatie Lodge No. 362, F. & A. M.; past high priest of Kinderhook Chapter No. 264, R. A. M.; member of Royal Arcanum and health officer of the town and village of Kinderhook. Pages 272 & 273: WRIGHT, Charles M., p. o. East Chatham, N. Y., was born in Chester, Mass., June 21, 1856, a son of Lewis Wright, who was born in the same town, January 3, 1808; he was a tanner and farmer, and was married to Hilpah H. Alderman, March 12, 1828, who was born July 19, 1806, and who bore him fourteen children: Charlotte P., born January 17, 1829; Almon L., born December 19,1830, died May 17, 1871; George D., born January 1, 1833, died February 15, 1891; Corinth E., born September 14, 1834, died February 18, 1842; Emma M., born March 18, 1836; Martha M., born March 29,1838, died February 3, 1890; Christopher C., born March 19, 1840, enlisted in United States Army, Company F., Twenty-eighth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, died in Brazelia, Miss., May 22, 1863; Eliza E., born March 10, 1842; Stanley A., born May 25, 1844, died September 6, 1845; a son born April 23, 1846, died April 25, 1846; Flora E., born August 6, 1849; Alfred D., born December 1, 1851, died March 2, 1852; Asher A., born April 14, 1853, died May 10, 1885, and Charles M., born June 21, 1856. Lewis Wright died February 28, 1897, and his wife died February 16, 1886. Charles M. Wright was educated in the public schools in Chester and Pittsfield, Mass., and entered the service of the Boston and Albany Railroad Company, August 17, 1871, as section man, at Chester, Mass. He removed to East Chatham, N. Y., in 1879, and was appointed telegraph operator and baggage master at East Chatham station, November 14, 1881; appointed station agent at Renfrew, Mass., and removed there September 20, 1882; transferred to East Chatham, N. Y., as station agent and express agent, October 26, 1888, which position he still fills. He was married to Caroline F. Wendell, of East Chatham, October 26, 1878. He was made a member of Berkshire Lodge, F. & A. M., at Adams, Mass., October 3, 1887. He is considered an excellent business man and an upright citizen.
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