Business Directory for the city of Hudson,

Columbia County, New York

from Boyd's Business Directory of 1869-70


Pages 345 & 349


[Transcribed by Susan Stalker Mulvey]




HUDSON, Columbia County.


     Columbia county formed April 4, 1786.  Hudson lies upon the east bank of the river by that name, 115 miles from New York and 29 from Albany.  The manufactures are extensive, consisting principally of iron.  Hudson was incorporated as a city in 1785.  Population about 10,000.  Upon the summit of a bluff overlooking the river, a public square and a broad street, or promenade, have been laid out and ornamented with trees and shrubbery.  Fine views are here afforded of the city, the river, and of the country on the opposite shore, with the Catskill Mountains in the background.  The Hudson and Boston railway extends from here to West Stockbridge in Mass., connecting at Chatham with the Western railway (Mass.), and at West Stockbridge with the Housatonic railway.  From Athens, on the opposite side of the river, a railway has recently been completed to Schenectady, connecting with the New York Central railway, principally for the conveyance of freight, in connection with river navigation to and from the West.  There are 4 academies and colleges, 2 libraries, 10 churches, 5 newspapers, 4 banks, a gas light company, &c., &c.

     CITY GOVERNMENT,--Jacob W. Hoysradt, Mayor.  Theodore Snyder, Recorder, Aldermen, 1st Ward--John T. Burdwin, William H. Perry.  2d Ward--John S. Ray, M. Hoffman, Philip.  3rd Ward--Charles A. Dingman, William H. Van Tasel.  4th Ward--Charles C. Malcher, Stephen W. Ham.  William Bryan, Clerk.   


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Gebbard Charles W. feed, Columbia cor. Eighth Irving Albert, bootmaker, 62 Columbia
Geisler Bernard, butcher, 202 Warren Israel A. dry goods, 287 Warren
Gifford Alfred, crockery, Front corner Warren Jackson Anthony, confectioner; 125 Warren
Gifford, E. H. ice dealer, Diamond near Front James Henry & Co. wagon spokes, 32 Columbia
Gifford James (Gifford Bros.), 31 Columbia Jessup Frederick, grocer, 259 Warren
Gifford Bros. (William H. and James Gifford), machinists, 31 Columbia Johnson Wm H. hairdresser, 18 Front
Gifford Wm H. (Gifford Bros.), 31 Columbia Johnson, Wm. R. Rev. P. E. pastor, Christ church
Gray Rensselaer (Rogerson & Gray), 335 Water Jones, C. F. (Hannah & Jones), 293 Warren
Green W. H. hairdresser, 154 Warren Jordan P. M. lawyer, 304½ Warren
Greenthal Morris, clothier, 328 Warren Joslyn Chas. variety store, 340 Warren
Griswold A. B. & Co. iron founders, Water near Ferry Julian Gifford, agr'al implements, 22 Columbia
Groat R. F. (Groat & Allen), 332 Warren Keller Walter T. blacksmith, Green cor. State
Groat & Allen (R. F. Groat and G. B. Allen), grocers, 332 Warren Kenyon Nathan R. carpenter, 153 Union
Guernsey & Terry, dry grocers, 317 Warren Kile George, saloon 28 South Front
Hallenbeck Jacob, grocer, 40 Columbia Kimball & Rossman, stoves, 299 Warren
Ham Stephen W. (S. W. Ham & Bro.), grocers, 1 Green King R. J. boots, 3 Warren
Ham S. W. & Bro. grocers, 1 Green Knickerbocker, Hover & Co. stoneware manuf's., Cross n. Second
Ham Wilson, prop. Mansion House, 170 Warren Kritsman Samuel, clothing, 326½ Warren
Hamlin Horace, bootmaker, N. Fourth Lafayette Commandery No. 7 F. & A. M. meet first Friday of each month, St. John's Hall
Hamlin H. M. millinery, 63 Warren Landau, Julius, dry goods, 295 Warren
Hanford Geo. H. saloon and billiards, 179 Warren Lant J. H. directory publisher, 237 Warren
Hannah, W. W. (Hannah & Jones), 203 Warren Latham Thaddeus, variety store, 143 Warren
Hannah & Jones (W. W. Hannah and C. F. Jones), watchmakers and jewelers, 293 Warren Lawrence Stephen, manager, W. U. T. Co. 173 Warren
Hardick Mary, variety store 291 Warren Lay E. S. milliner, 200 Warren
Harris Abram, tailor, 77 Warren Leavy Patrick, merchant tailor, 147 Warren
Harrison J. S. carriage painter, Fifth e. Union Little George L. paints, 171 Warren
HART WM. H. dentist, 225 Warren LITTLEWOOD JOHN, piano fortes and musical merchandise, 313 Warren
Haviland J. T. flour and feed, Franklin square Loeffler Peter, butcher, 318½ Warren
Hedges E. W. stationery, 225 Warren Longley John B. lawyer, 329 Warren
Hedges Stephen, variety store, 234 Warren Lottridge C. H. (Miller & Lottridge), 130 Warren
Hedges & Heermans, looking glasses, 225 Warren Lown Chas H. lawyer, 173 Warren
Heermance Chas. W. flour, grain, &c., Franklin square Macey Hiram, insurance agent, 310 Union
Herbs M. (F. & M. Herbs), 302 Warren Macy Chas C. cashier, Farmers' Nat. Bank, 300 Warren
Herbs F. & M. (F. and M. Herbs), segars, 302 Warren Macy Cyrus, fancy goods, 133 Warren
HINSDALE C. W. & CO. (S. W. Tobey), druggists, 305 Warren MACY F. A . & G. H. tobacconists, 206 Warren
Hinks E. P. confectioner, 220 Warren Magoun Edward P. lawyer, 322 Warren
Hollenbeck & Sagendorf, merchant tailors, 183 Warren Magoun Stephen, lawyer, 322 Warren
Holley & Sheldon, confectionery, 106 Warren Mandeville A. W. furniture, 307 Warren
Holmes J. McClellan Rev. pastor Ref'd church Mansion House, Wilson Ham, prop. 170 Warren
Holsapple W. M. physician, State n. N. Seventh Mayher E. cigar manufacturer, 75½ Warren
Hotaling Julia (Blunt & Hotaling), 122 Warren McClellan J. Rev. Reformed, 255 Warren
Houghtaling C. J. sash and blind mfr. 287 Union Meikel Samuel D. saloon, 364 Warren
Houlihon Samuel, hairdresser, 278 Warren Menick John (Menick & Bro.), 319 Warren
House Henry (House & Wattles), 322 Warren Menick Sebastian (Menick & Bro.), 319 Warren
House & Wattles (H. House and A. Wattles), grocers, 322 Warren Menick & Bro. (J. and S. Menick), dry goods, 319 Warren
Hoysradt J. W. agt. Hudson Iron Co., South Bay Mesick, Wm. H. cigars, 355 Warren
Hubbard C. umbrellas manuf. 291½ Warren Millard, B. R. (Millard & Waterbury), Second corner Chapel
Hubbel Chas. C. (Hubbel & Chapel, Water corner Ferry Millard & Waterbury (B. R. Willard and E. Waterbury), brewers, Second cor. Chapel
Hubbel & Chapel (C. C. Hubbel and E. A. Chapel), wholesale grocers, Water c. Ferry Miller Christina A. tailoress, 44 Columbia
Hudson Academy; A. I. Kittel, Academy Hill Miller C. H. prop. Worth House, 81 Warren
Hudson Chapter, No. 6. R. A. M.; meet every 2d and 4th Tuesdays of each month; St. John's Hall Miller Henry, brickmaker, Mill
Hudson City Savings Institution; D. Peck, pres.; J. W. Fairfield, treas.; 98 Warren Miller Martin A. groceries, 44 Columbia
Hudson Division, No. 32, S. of T.; meet every Thursday evening; Odd Fellows Hall Miller P. A. (Miller & Lottridge), 130 Warren
Hudson Female Academy; Rev. E. Bradbury; Warren cor. S. First Miller, Robert, restaurant, 340½ Warren
Hudson Iron Co.; Geo. H. Power, pres.; J. W. Hoysradt, agent; South Bay Miller Stephen B. books, &c., 294 Warren
Hudson Lodge, No. 7, F. & A. M.; meet first and third Wednesdays of each month; St. John's Hall Miller Theodore, lawyer, 155 Allen
Hudson Tea Co.; Jordan Philip, prop.; 164 Warren Miller, W. J. (Hunt & Miller), Water
Hudson Young Ladies Seminary; Miss Elizabeth Peake; 84 Warren Miller & Lottridge (P. A. Miller and C. H. Lottridge), merchant tailors, 130 Warren
Hulme Job, confectioner, 277 Warren Miner Walter, livery stables, S. Fifth n. Union
Hunt W. H. butcher, Warren corner Fifth Mitchell Edwin (R. H. Mitchell & Co.), State near Green
Hunt Z. (Hunt & Miller), Water MITCHELL R. H. & CO. (R. H. and E. Mitchell), iron founders and machinists, State near Green
Hunt & Miller (Z. Hunt and W. J. Miller), stove manufacturers, Water Myers, Chas. scourer, N. Third cor. Diamond