The First Presbyterian Church of Canaan Canaan, Columbia County, New York By Capt. Franklin Ellis355 1878 The First Presbyterian church of Canaan was formed in 1829, with fifty-seven members, and Ruling elders James Warner, Clinton Kellogg, John Lusk, Rodolphus Graves, John E. Warner, and W. W. Janes; Deacons, John E. Warner, and R. Graves. Fifty-five of the constituent membership had a connection previously with the old church, which was at this time divided into Congregational and Presbyterian branches. A comfortable house of worship was erected at Canaan Centre, which was dedicated, Dec. 31, 1829, the trustees elected were Jesse Bristol, George W. Brown, and Richard Graves. The present board is composed of Daniel W. Curtis, Samuel Brinton, and C. J. Parsons. The meeting-house has been thoroughly repaired, and, with the parsonage in this neighborhood, is worth $6000. The Rev. Caleb Tracy was installed as the first pastor, Sept. 8, 1830. He was succeeded, Jan. 1, 1837, b Rev. Solomon J. Tracy and two years later by Rev. Brainerd Kenly, who remained until 1850. The pulpit has since been occupied by the following pastors and supplies: Revs. T. S. Brown, W. J. Belain, J. Whiting, L. W. Curtis; and since 1868 by Rev. George W. Warner, who is also the pastor of the Congregational church at Canaan Four Corners. The church has at present sixty-five members, and Ruling Elders Dwight Carpenter, Le Roy L. Brown, M. L. Bates, Edward Kellogg, and Asa S. Bates; Deacons, George W. Brown, Samuel Brinton, and Asa S. Bates. A Sunday-school is maintained by the church, numbering fifty members, and is superintended by Le Roy L. Brown. The school has a good library.