
History of the city of Hudson New York
Anna R. Bradbury
Record Print and Publishing Co.
Pages 90 to 92
The following list of such of the inhabitants as were
assessed one hundred pounds and upward, in the year 1797, is taken from the "tax
book" for that year, which was certified to as follows: "This Tax Book
contains the value of each man's estate, both real and personal, within the city
of Hudson, to the best of our knowledge according to the usual way of
Hudson, 27th May, 1797.
Jacob Davis
Jonathan Becraft
Isaac Northrup
McArthur, Arthur |
£140 |
Huyck, Casper Est. |
£300 |
Allen, Benjamin |
160 |
Irish, Jonathan |
100 |
Allen, Howard |
200 |
Jenkins, Thomas |
2660 |
Alsop, John |
400 |
Jenkins, T. & Sons |
1150 |
Ashley, William |
260 |
Jenkins, Seth Est. |
850 |
Barnard, Joseph
Est. |
210 |
Jenkins, Marshall |
750 |
Barnard, Abisha |
130 |
Jenkins, M. & Son |
310 |
Bunt, Jacob |
250 |
Jenkins, Charles |
270 |
Bunker, Solomon |
130 |
Jenkins, Lemuel
Est. |
200 |
Bunker, Silas |
150 |
Jenkins, Deborah |
195 |
Bunker, Barzilla |
120 |
Jenkins, Robert &
Co. |
200 |
Bunker, Elihu |
130 |
Johnston, Walter |
120 |
Becraft, Jonathan |
230 |
Kellogg, Russell |
270 |
Bolles, John R. |
120 |
Lawrence, David |
325 |
Bolles, Jeremiah |
160 |
L'Escure, Hyacinth |
115 |
Burk, James |
100 |
Mooklar, James &
M. |
230 |
Coffin, Alexander |
300 |
Morgan, James |
105 |
Coffin, Jared |
135 |
Morton, Reuben |
115 |
Coffin, David |
340 |
Macy, Capt. Reuben |
450 |
Coffin, Uriah |
120 |
Morrison, James |
170 |
Coventry, William |
300 |
Moores, Reuben |
130 |
Comstock, Thomas |
170 |
Nixon, James |
200 |
Clark, George |
105 |
Nichols, Samuel G. |
150 |
Clark, Daniel |
170 |
Northrop, Isaac |
125 |
Cheanee, Abiel |
190 |
Olcott, Josiah |
225 |
Delemater, Dirck |
550 |
Paddock, Stephen |
425 |
Claudius L. |
470 |
Paddock, Daniel
Est. |
130 |
Claudius |
150 |
Plass, John |
435 |
Dakin, Paul |
160 |
Power, Thomas |
233 |
Decker, George |
225 |
Parkman, Thomas |
100 |
Dayton, Hezekiah |
205 |
Reed, Ezra |
900 |
Dayton, Isaac |
100 |
Rand, Peter |
190 |
Elting, James |
300 |
Race, Jonathan |
135 |
Everts, J. & Sons
Est. |
180 |
Riley & Storrs |
100 |
Ernst, John L. |
120 |
Schermerhorn, John |
100 |
Edmonds, Samuel |
180 |
Spencer, Ambrose |
180 |
Folger, Reuben |
225 |
Sears, Nathan |
100 |
Thomas |
140 |
Slade, William |
100 |
Frary, Giles |
300 |
Thurston, John |
120 |
Greene, Nathaniel |
820 |
Ten Broeck, John
Est. |
600 |
Gelston, Cotton |
415 |
Ten Broeck,
Jeremiah |
550 |
Gilbert, Ezekiel |
160 |
Tobey, Seth |
325 |
Gardner, William |
120 |
Tallman, John |
120 |
Goldthwart, Thomas |
180 |
Van Hoesan, J. H.
Est. |
700 |
Greene, John |
140 |
Van Hoesan,
Abraham |
190 |
Hardick, John F. |
280 |
Van Hoesan, Peter |
290 |
Harder, Jacob, Jr. |
250 |
Van Hoesan, Jenny |
105 |
Harder, John M. |
120 |
Van Hoesan, Peter
Est. |
100 |
Heydorn, Adam |
225 |
Van Rensselaer, H.
I. |
600 |
Hosmer, Prosper |
135 |
Van Rensselaer,
Wm. |
430 |
Hyatt, James |
230 |
Van Deusen, Tobias |
300 |
Hubbell, Levi |
100 |
Van Allen, Adam |
265 |
Hammond, Abner |
110 |
Vander Bergh,
Peter |
165 |
Haxtum, Benjamin |
130 |
Vander Bergh,
James |
165 |
Hogeboom, Peter |
540 |
Whittaker, Ephraim |
210 |
William |
320 |
White, Mrs. |
140 |
Hallenbeck, Robert |
320 |
Whitlock, Thomas |
145 |
Mathias |
200 |
Worth, Shubael |
225 |
Hollenbeck, John
R. |
180 |
Worth, Thomas 2nd |
100 |
William G. |
180 |
Webb, Job |
140 |
Hathaway, John |
500 |
Ward, Samuel |
200 |
Hoxie, Christopher |
160 |
