By Captain Franklin Ellis181



     The boundaries of the city, and of the four wards* into which it is divided, were established by the provisions of

     "AN ACT to revise, amend, and consolidate the several acts in relation to the charter of the City of Hudson," passed May 1, 1872, and amended May 21, 1873, as follows:

     "SECTION 1.  The district of country in the county of Columbia contained within the following limits, to wit:  Beginning at a point bearing north thirty-three degrees and twenty-five minutes west from a buoy bears south seventy-seven degrees and five minutes west, forty chains and eighty links from the southwesterly corner of Mr. Goodwin's dock, in the city of Hudson, and north twenty-eight degrees and ten minutes west, twenty-nine chains from Black Rock, on the most northerly point of Mt. Merino; thence from said buoy south thirty-three degrees and twenty-five minutes east, fifty-eight chains, to a willow-tree standing in the fence; thence south seventy degrees and ten minutes east, ninety-six chains, to the centre of the old road, passing through the farm formerly owned by Charles Evarts; thence along the centre of said old road north sixty-three degrees and twenty minutes east, six chains and sixty links; thence north forty-four degrees and twenty minutes east, ten chains and forty-five links; thence north fifty-five degrees and fifty minutes east, four chains and forty links; thence north twenty-two degrees and thirty-five minutes east, fifteen chains and seventy links, to the northerly side of the Union turnpike; thence north eleven degrees and fifty minutes east, eighty-six chains, to a white-oak tree standing one chain and fifty-five links from the northeasterly corner of the farm lately owned by Jonas White, and nine links westerly from the fence along the westerly side of the old road leading from Hudson to the print-works; thence from this white-oak tree north seventy-four degrees and twenty-five minutes west, to the channel of the river or to the Green county line; then southerly, following the Green county line, to the place of beginning, shall continue to be one of the cities of this State, by the name of 'the city of Hudson.'

  "SECT. 3.  The said city shall be divided into four wards, as follows:  the part lying southerly of the centre line of Warren street and westerly of the centre line of Third street shall be the first ward.  That part thereof lying northerly of the centre line of Warren street and westerly of the centre line of Third street, extended to the northerly  bounds of the city, shall be the second ward.  That part thereof lying southerly and easterly of a line running from a point in the centre of Third street, in the south bounds of the city, along the centre line of Third street to the centre line of Warren street, thence along the centre line of Warren street to the centre line of Seventh street, thence diagonally across the public square to the centre line of Columbia street, and thence along the centre line of Columbia street and Columbia turnpike-road to the line of Greenport, shall be the third ward.  And that part thereof lying northerly and easterly of a line running from a point in a line with the centre of Third street, in the north bounds of the city, southerly along the centre line of Third street to the centre line of Warren street, thence easterly along the northerly line of the third ward to the line of Greenport, shall be known as the fourth ward."

     The act above quoted from is the present charter of the city of Hudson.